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Author Topic: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"  (Read 3839 times)


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #100 on: September 06, 2006, 07:31:19 am »
Well I tried to go to Barion's wedding.  But things took so long and I fell asleep waiting and...I missed it.  I feel bad.

Still waiting on Jharl to let me know more about a resistance.  

Still looking for someone who speaks orc.  I have looked through two of the books I got and it's sort of helpful but I don't know enough words yet to really use them.  Interesting that the books are written in common though but with orc spellings.  I was right Orcish does not have a written language.  I wonder who wrote the books there is no name on them.

Maev getting close to vows so I really have to start planning the wedding and Heinrich Jr.'s wedding is soon so I have to tell Mikey.

Meeting soon to either try for purple rose or go to Sandstone since it's rainy season (we hope).  Been thinking about colors and roses and magic, I'll put more down on that later.

Wedding invite:

Maev (Cleric) and guest
Kyle and Ferrit (Matron thingie)
Ash and Nepp and Babies if she wants to bring them
Treanna and guest and her boy (name?)
Asher and guest
Rawkwin and Emerald
Jharl and Sophia
Katrien and Lisse and guest
Rollie and guest
Berri (where has he been?  He paid rent and I haven't seen him since) and guest

I'll think of more I'm sure.

*scribbled underneath*

Ahh!  Almost forgot Daren and Jilsephonie!  And Sharen!  
Freldo and guest
And Mikey's Dad! and guest

Remember to ask Rhizome if we can use his island for the wedding.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #101 on: September 08, 2006, 06:06:14 am »
Words I recognize and know.

rrhan - hello, what

pukog - bones, skeleton, soup (?)

kng - guts, stew (?)

aho - fire, burn

gbatohg - spider

That's all I can recognize from the books.  Must find Bucko again or Kor.

I'll post for help again.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #102 on: September 09, 2006, 10:58:45 pm »
Well, stuff got done but with cost.  Mikey and I went to Port Hampshire to work with the MAF group.  We found Silas, we went to the votex of water, I spent a few days there and back in the aft rigging working for a half-orc named Fingers because he's missing some.  I would almost call myself a sailor now.

We used the magic necklaces and went underwater through the vortex and it was like a slide we went all the way to the bottom of the ocean and the stuff down there hurts.  Ugly frog and lizard like men and huge snakes and huger crabs and sharks which I am really starting to hate.  One almost killed me but Rawkwin was able to fix me up.  Rollie got bitten to bits and Kyle had to tow his torso and legs and I had the rest in a bag.  Sharks are just off my list of happy things.

We found a temple and a room with air and some of the necklaces crumbled.  Then some of us found a room with guardians and orbs and stuff and Lucius remembered the color lineup from the dragon room at Hapur and that solved the puzzle which is good because otherwise Rhynn was going to start punching buttons.  But end is we got a purple crystal rose petal.

Going back was not so good though.  We were short two amulets and after Rhynn found out she could not teleport from that far underwater we had to have Rollie and Jin go into a trance and put them in a cauldron we found that we turned upside down for air and Rawkwin conjured a water creature thingie and she took us to the surface really fast but we all died.  Still not sure seemed like a good idea but only Lily Rhynn Jin and Rollie lived and Silas had some magic rod and he raised us all but we sure did look stupid.  That and a bunch of us met the Soul Ma again...she took a bite outta me, Mikey, Lucius an' some little elf lady I've never met before for sure, I don't know about the others.  Ferrit almost lost her baby she's carrying too and that was the worst but Rawkwin saved it and now she has to rest until it's born and Kyle's staying with her so they might not be back soon and I know Mikey was just fed up with being wet and sharks and the bickering and some other stuff so he might not keep working with us either.

We got stuff done, but we might be fewer for it.  When does the cost justify the end?


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #103 on: September 13, 2006, 11:34:17 am »
I can barely write. They are going to hang Jharl and Katrien. And Freldo, who is still my friend even if he's nutty at times. And Kobal! The nicest dwarf you ever did meet! And some others I don't know...for breaking and entering and murder and being traitors! And the dead king's daughter too...  Someone set Jharl up. I remember when he came to Mikey and I and told us about the underground, that there might be a way. Mikey had a bad feeling then, he was right they somehow set them up and now they're going to die. It's not right that evil dwarf hides behind this mask he made of civility and the people have such short memories. This town was the gem of Dregar before he took it by force and now that he's thrown some food at the people he destroyed he's a hero? He STOLE this place!   Violence is the problem and Rollie's never been so right we keep fighting and fighting because we fought Blood for so long we forgot how to do anything else but the world is sick of violence so we look like the enemy and maybe we are? If we can't learn to do things a different way to follow laws that are just instead of taking what we think we need even for a "greater good" then we're just little Bloodstones forgetting why we started doing what we did and drunk with our power.  I will go. I can't say what will happen if I see Jharl die. I asked him to sing at the wedding and he *water stains* and Mikey will just die inside if his little kitten is hung who will care for Lisse? Why? I'll go I have to but I can't go unarmed and they won't allow weapons so that means words.  Michael, beloved  I will be in the libraries and guard houses and temple looking up the new Pranzis laws. I won't be home much so send a bird for me if you need me. We have to be smart about this they will smash anyone who tries to fight. Come help me if you can and PLEASE talk to your dad maybe he can give us some ideas. If you can't I'll go find him I can at least pretend to be giving him a wedding invitation.  I am leaving this open so you'll read it. Be safe love.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #104 on: September 15, 2006, 07:29:58 pm »
Shame.  It's not something I think on much.  But I feel it now.

I didn't go.  At the last minute all I could see was Jharl and Kat hanging even though I knew it was just reflections of branches through the windows.  All I could hear was the popping of their necks even though I knew it was green wood on the fire.  All I could smell was the emptying of bowels in death even though I knew it was just a smell from Jersey coming through the open glass.

I chickened out.  I stayed home.  I heard speeches even here in Haft Lake, heard roars of a crowd.  I cried and hid and could not watch.

I found out he let them go.  Broegar let them go except for the King's daughter which he killed.  Now the people love him even more and his rules are on signs all over the city and he's doubled the guard they are everywhere.  And I could not go and chance seeing what I could not see.  

I hope Jharl forgives me.

I'm still searching for everything I can on Broegar.  I was looking at the lawbooks but he's got them so full of garbage you can't understand a word so I decided to focus on learning about him.  Know your enemy.  He must have a weakness and I'm going to find it.

Other stuff.  MAF met in Port Hampshire and for once, with just a few of us we made a lot of progress.  We combined and made a crystalline coral staff from the yew thorns and petal.  This Tide guy came by with the blue crystal rose and we ended up with it thanks to Drogo.  We used the pebble and water on the rose and got the circlet with an illusion of a vortex.

And I spent some time reading what Rawkwin gave me.  Gave to me because he won't be back for a while maybe ever the church called him to duty.  He was a good man and will be missed sorely.

I think the great coral beast that rose from the waters when that elf woman died in the stories told was Estibana.

More later knocking on the door and since the giants incident I'm alway scared of that.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #105 on: September 18, 2006, 08:26:59 am »
Busy and feeling purpose.  I was in Hlint to give a robe to some young monk in exchange for cotton and I saw Jharl.  He looked...defeated.  And I knew then that what I wanted to do might help him and I wanted to talk to him so we went to a very nice house in East Hlint that I'd never been to and it was Katrien's house and she was home.

We talked for a long while.  I found out what she wanted to do, what happened and why.  I told them that I wanted to find out who Broegar was and we talked about that and Kat told me some things about Broegar that made my arm hairs stand up all prickly.  They told me what they were doing and suggested that I get a job with the Pranzis government so I can be thier ears.  And I'm going to try.

I'm pretty scared not so much because I have to follow Broegar's rules as because I have to make sure others do.  And the penalty for everything is death.  I'm going to try for demi-human affairs and I have to go talk to Derrick.

I haven't told Mikey yet.  I don't think he's going to like this.  But I have to do something I can't keep writing about how much I want things to change and not making it happen.

I'm also going to start hiding this journal.  

Oh!  Went to Junior's wedding it was fantastic the bride was so lovely she's a really nice girl but I helped her lace up her gown and saw something that told me why the wedding rush.  Been round enough of them lately...I hope Inirine doesn't start counting months when it's born!  But I'm happy for them Richy seemed really happy and proud and he looked so handsome I can't believe he's all grown up.  I cried the whole wedding.  Wish Mikey could have come.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #106 on: September 21, 2006, 05:40:36 am »
I've started. Dummy journal is on the desk and I got cramps rewriting all that stuff. This journal has a good hiding place and the house is nearly clear of anything that could link us to a resistance. One more trip to get rid of adventuring loot and I'm done.  I'm nervous. Been practicing the new me, Honora the tailor. Got to make sure Mikey plays Mikey the smith and tinkerer. Been walking around town a bunch talking to folks buying goods and getting friendly with the merchants so they can say yes we see her all the time. Especially the dwarf who sells tailoring goods. Spending a lot of time in the crafting halls.  I am taking a vacation though for a few days heading to the temple to study combat invisibility and visit the grandmaster. I'm hoping he'll let me guest teach another class. The mountaintop calls me and I miss the Wind.  Ferrit had her baby, named it Cole I think after that big jolly fellow with the huge sword that I saw about before Soul Ma took him. I need to visit soon I used some of my esp expi espionage time to make baby clothes! Warm dire bear baby cute!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #107 on: September 22, 2006, 09:54:19 am »
Which journal to put this, I think, since it's Maev.

Went to her ordination yesterday, it was lovely!  She was in a simple blue robe, and the mysterious Q that we've heard about was there to officiate and was a tall blonde human.  Nice guy.  Mikey was there and Balazar, and some others I don't know.  Some of us said some nice things, then she took her vows all lying down in front of the alter.  I didn't know you had to do that I bet the floor was cold.

So she's a cleric now, which means we can plan our wedding and we gave her some nice gifts and I asked about a party but they said Toranites just pray.  I can't decide if they were kidding or not.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #108 on: September 23, 2006, 09:44:07 pm »
Success!  What kind we don't know but Jin says we did something good restored a balance.  I'm thrilled we all worked hard some had more to do than others and I don't think Jharl will be singing much for a while his throat has to hurt but Lin'da did great figuring out the schools of magic in the music and Jharl played and some folks found the guardians and Kyle found the place to begin with and everyone yelled up when oh geez I'd better start from the beginning.

Knocking again who could that be?


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #109 on: September 24, 2006, 07:28:39 am »
Okay, phew, just a neighborhood kid wanting to pull our weeds for money.  I paid him 20 gold.  Clean the place up a little.

So we met in Hurm and traveled to the Bay of Carosca where I thought we'd need to go and we fought sharks and found an old Shindy temple but no mountains.  We figured I was wrong so Lin'da thought it was the Rift and she was pretty convincing and then Jharl had an idea that it was the Serpant Mountains since he thought they used to be called the Fangs or something.  Brilliant so we took off but we lost Rhynn along the way.  Well I should say she finally quit partly because she got tired of being ignored (although after the first pouty fit we tried to listen then she clammed up and said nevermind) and partly because the entire team...and it did feel like a team, last just royal sick of her fits and demands and poor behavior.  I mean you can whine all you want and pout and run off by yourself waiting for someone to follow so you can complain and be difficult and try to run things unilaterally but eventually people are going to get sick of it and we did.  Not even Kyle waited this time; when she threw herself down in front of Ozy's and said "go on without me" we did.  No regrets I'm actually kind of glad she's gone.  Lin'da can be difficult enough is that a thing with spellcasters?  But Lin'da doesn't pout or whine or throw fits.  And Lin'da is a darn good wizard, no doubts there.  To be fair Rhynn did some good work with Rawkwin and had some good ideas but what a pain in the posterior personality.  

Well enough about that.  So we continued to the Serpant Mountains and Kyle Eagle-Eyes saw a little niche through the trees from the top of a mountain near the bugbears and Jin found it on the ground and we followed it though.  Found some beautiful land on the other side through the range with these big deer-like things I've never seen before big old antlers but not like deer, bigger.  Stripes too and some of them were black.  I need to ask Drogo well I need to ask Kyle to ask Drogo what they were.

We climbed the mountain and found of all things a big statue of a cat!  More like a lion sitting with a sort of human face but feline colors...six orbs around it.  We were all pretty pleased and then someone else I forgot who found some instruments and the symbols that we found near the other guardians on the ground and someone else saw some guardians across a divide that were guarding a dam.  

Okay so I tried the staff on the statue and Lin'da tried the staff on the statue then her Lucius Jin and Jharl went up to the instuments and some of us roamed and some of us hung out by the statue and Lin'da Jin and Jharl figured out how to activate the orbs.  It was excitings stuff we felt good but we missed out window after all the orbs were activated by singing or playing songs about the different schools of magic because the sun came up.  So we waited another day and I have to say that it was kind of nice it was beautiful and we had fresh water from the waterfall and everyone seemed really relaxed.  

So at sunset me and Jin figured out Jharl should sing from inside the circle of symbols and wow did he sing.  A bunch of us cried it was so beautiful and the song made magic that caused some big booms.  Near as we can tell when we did that the dam started to drain and then someone said maybe the dam was the chalice...who knows but we all got the feeling we did something good.  We left relaxed and happy and feeling...proud.  Yeah it was good.

Well I'm going to suggest they all go to Sandstone next but I can't go and I'm sad I'm going to miss it.  But I've got my undercover work and Jharl has the staff and stuff now.  As much as I want to what I'm doing for Pranzis is more important right now.

Time to hide the book....


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #110 on: September 24, 2006, 03:16:53 pm »
Done.  Prettied up the house and bought some new furniture but that wasn't spy stuff that was me I love what Katrien did with those little round tables and a nice purple cloth.  Hope Mikey doesn't mind some more furniture to move around.

House is clear of adventuring stuff.  All clear.  Notebook hid well except for now but..ow my head.

Been tailoring more, been friendly to the guards, even got the name of the one by the entrance to Haft.  He's not so bad.  He lets me run anyway.



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #111 on: September 25, 2006, 05:24:15 am »
Before I forget.

Hunting malars.  Two vampires down and why do they always dress like they should be hanging around the docks in Karthy?  Just because they can't feel the cold?

Anyway the malar had me.  I knew I was going to die and was prepared for it hoping Soul Ma wouldn't notice me and I ran so I could have a moment to focus my healing and WHAM I was healed, all the way, and could move as fast as if some spellslinger had cast that hastey spell on me.  Wow.  I beat the malar but still just barely and then I looked all over for the person who did it but there was no one around and I never heard any chanting.

Could a god?, why would they.  I don't know what happened because I didn't get the tingly that you get when someone casts a spell on you it was like someone touched me.

I'm confused.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #112 on: September 27, 2006, 06:12:20 am »
A sickness has popped up in some village.  I was told it's like the effect of the Orb...even with the Lich gone that Orb still causes trouble.  I'm traveling to Hurm to help and postponing my application a bit.  The Voices are moving slowly and carefully so it should be okay.

FA told me about problems with the homeless in Pranzis.  We agreed to exchange information...I need to get her and the Voices together to talk.

Maev said she was looking for a home.  I wonder if she'd like to move in with us?  Or would that be a good idea with me about to go undercover.  Have to think on that.

Tyrian has lion skins for me, I have to find her soon so I can get rid of these cougar bags and courior boxes and replace with lion bags.

I'll send her a notice.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #113 on: October 01, 2006, 09:19:15 am »
Been busy.  First went to investigate a plague in a town near Hurm and found the orb of Light and Dark right there in the floorboards of a broken-down house.  Seems the orb was making everyone sick with negative energy sickness or so Ozy said but when we found the orb this huge demon showed up named Plo'Taug and just took it.  Not like we were going to argue with him.  Apparently he's an enemy of someone that some other folks are fighting so this could get complicated, the other is some Marilith named Galderemess.  Must ask someone about the story behind this and I think I know who.  Was sitting by a campfire waiting for a few of the group to finish talking to some people and was practicing Orc and Daeron corrected me...he knows how to speak it!  I'll find him and see if he can fill me in and maybe teach me some.  He seems like nice folk, focused but not unapproachable.

Voice one made me a wedding dress.  It's frilly and lacy but it's pretty but oh gods the hat is ugly Tyrian even said so.  Got to lose the hat.

So ready to do this still nervous and I put it off so I can run with the MAF group tonight but soon.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #114 on: October 07, 2006, 04:02:59 am »
I'm undercover.  Got to be careful.  Went to courthouse to apply for a job and now I'm working as a clerk.  One of the jobs they have open is someone who can use living or recently dead bodies to call forth demons and devils and bind them to their will...that one I sent to Voice and FA.  I didn't lie I thought about it but used my real name and address because I think lying would not be the best way and besides they have our records.

Now I'm in the dark and musty bottom floor of the courthouse with some guy I didn't even get the name of, no other help, transferring information about Pranzis citizens from one file to another and marking all the files that are infants, orphans, homeless, or just moved to the city.  I think I know where those homeless are going to.

Bunch of names marked PKIR too.  More later on that.

First day heard some people talking when I left to have the old records destroyed.  Someone who I later found out was the Voice of Broegar, some guy named Wyleth, and some woman whose voice triggers a memory I can't grasp.  They were talking about "what HE wants HE gets" and Wyleth's "place in all of this".  Then they talked about "her naked in the city center" and how she was a "thorn in their side" and Wyleth said if the opportunity presented itself he could "take care of her".  

I sent message to Voice to meet me someplace cold but not right away so it wouldn't look suspicious I think they can track magic in the city.  We met and I told Voice one and Voice two everything I knew.  I don't think I was followed and they seemed satisfied that we were safe.  They listened and took notes.

I'll continue this.  Need to find out what PKIR means I think the PK means Princess Kayana but IR?  Much to do.

Oh, got rid of the hat on the dress.  Much better!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #115 on: October 08, 2006, 07:00:17 am »
IR. Immediate relative? Check on this.  The MAF. Two years worth and last night we did something amazing better than when we released the dam. First I'm going to copy down all the stuff we had written.   The Prophecy:  A petal from the healer's heart.  A thorn from fire's within.  These we need to mend the wood,  To make it begin again.   Azure is the ocean's tide,  A pebble black as night.  For these require a gentle touch,  To infuse the wood with might.   Sunsets low on mountain tops,  Their feline color comforts still,  Beware the golden orb of stone.  A prophecy to fulfill.   For if you gather all that may.  Occur in nature's glow.  The last light bright as day.  Is hidden down below.   Beware the guardians, crystal made,  They stand through all the ages,  Reflections of the weave they hold,  Leave trails for those in pages.   From the parchment inside the staff:  A season of dark,  A season of hope,  A season of fear,  A season of reason.   A time will come for past renewals,  A time will come when wings rush past,  The wards will fall,  The orbs will glow.  Out of the cold the past will rise,  Out of the dark glory will shine,   The scepter points the way,  The chalice holds the promise,  The circlet binds to two,  Only with three can one rise again, Estibana rise.   The Colors Of Magic:  Purple = Conjuration  Red = Evocation  Orange = Transmutation  Yellow = Abjuration  Green = Enchantment  Black = Necromancy  Blue = Illusion
  Symbols and colors:
  Purple/amythest = Conjuration = Heart  Red/crimson = Evocation = Flame  Orange = Transmutation = Statue  Yellow = Abjuration = Sphere  Green = Enchantment = Waves  Black = Necromancy = Fish  Blue/Azure = Illusion = Eye  White = Divination = Serpent  A poem found in an old lighthouse about Estibana:  Silan anira nyemilchla eo anira ry'anan lair'lra  Oemaelam 'lr ir'la s'viran  Anira tyailmch eo nlreamchawva von'chwla anira laty'mala  Oemaelam 'lr ir'la la'viran  Vmilnya illrw nyirlms  An'wa illrw An'sa  Pochalala onla Iream  Pochalala onla ilchamilanla  Amilm ilma anira nyonmmalranla anirlan anillair eonm poilanla  Laontytycha anira anmaala anira lairachanam anira nyeelala  Silan anira enyaillrla tymeel'wa ilchch anirilan ma lraaw  Silan anira poa am'ananir onla onlr'ch ama vmeam echw  Ama tychawva ane poa laanaamilmwla  Ama tychawva ane anilna nyilma  Estibana 'la anira tymes'laa  Ama am'chch ilchamilanla poa anirama   May the corals of the city shine  Forever(?) in his might  The pearl of knowledge guilds the spires  Forever(?) in his sight  Grace and Charm  Tide and Time  Bless us now  Bless us always  War are the currents that (??) our bays(?)  Supple the trees(?) the shelter the (??)  May the oceans provide all that we need  May the (??) be with until(?) we grow old  We pledge to be stewards  We pledge to take care  Estibana the promise  We will always be there  The Parable of Estibana:  There was a time when all elves call one another brother, there were were division between wood, grey, dark or any other kind of elf, they were all kin.   If you believe the legends, there was an Island in the Glittering sea, a paradise on Layonara it was.   Warm breezes caressed white sands, birds of all colors and types filled the forests with music. Indeed the wind itself created music as it blew past the spires of elven architecture. Legend has the spires of mother-of-pearl, so they glistened in the daylight and glowed under the light of Ausir and Orn. Fountains of rose marble and exquisitely carved statues, the very best of elven grace.   But... with time those of the Island thought themselves better than their peers, their achievements and refinements somehow made them a step above all others.   The story goes that the people of the Island sought to have one of their kind acend to the heavens, to ursurp the dragon gods that ruled gor they had become better than their creators. Indeed they were a cuture of powerful mages and skiiled warriors, it is said thier skill with the bow would make Voltrex archers look like recruits.   Like today, the heavens wasn't all tea and crumpets, the dragons gods weren't all friendly with one another and seeing the discord the islanders were trying to bring, there were some that tried to use it too their advantage.   This was about the time of the prelude to the dragon wars.   The heavens and the earth became involves as each took sides, the Island in the middle, and as the war began it was a target. It is said that in a mighty battle between oposing forces the Island was sent to bottom of the ocean, it's art, culture, and architecture... lost for all the ages - the cost of it's pride, It's ego, it's downfall.   Saquan’s Story: Saquan Silversides was the beautiful daughter of a powerful ocean cleric who ministered to the waters East and South of Alindor shortly before the time of the Great Dragon Wars and the rise of Bloodstone.   A bleak time, Black Dragons had all but decimated the elven cities long established in the wake of Harj's Breath - a warm and rich undersea current in which most undersea civilizations grow off of, it extends from the Sea of Furys to the polar regions.   While the Ocean Mother's clerics could see Sinthar for the his evilness they did concede that the Dragon purge did serve to save the coastal waters from destruction. There was a cost involved as well. Human sailors at about this time discovered that many of Mother Ocean's charges used the great current as breeding grounds, large gatherings of whales, white and blue kratkins, and even the gigantic but peaceful stonefish would congregate in the current. This knowledge lead to the development of huge fishing fleets that would assemble to hunt each spring and fall.   Saquan was a bit of a loner among her own peoples. She was born with the gift of the weave as well as with a voice that could be as soft as newborn porpoise skin or command the attention of bugler seals - she was, as all legends are, beautiful - a bard of sorts but more in touch with the weave.   She was more at home in the colonies of Merpeople that called the shores of Alindor home than she was in her home city of Arcicaia. She would spend many a day frolicking with the mermaids on the rocks of Corals of Erion. She'd help with her gift of healing any animal or humanoid that happened to come to peril along the rocky shore. Any of the human or elven sailors that she saved must have thought her one of the mermaids of the area as sea elves even in those times were quite scarce.   As time passed she became bolder and would slip along into the bays and inlets of civilization and watch her elven kin and the other races. It is said that is how she learned to channel her natural energies for the weave. With that, she befriended an elderly elven sage one who could remember the days when all elves called one another brother and sister, and he helped her to develop her talents.   More time passed and when this woman was in her mid years, tragedy struck her life.   The fleets of fishers had become more and more numerous with passing time. The numbers of sea creatures began to dwindle. The calves of the whales were not being allowed to mature and have calves of their own. The slow to reproduce Stonefish numbers were rapidly falling and the clumsy clowns of the seas, the Kratkins were becoming rare.   All of this troubled Saquan, the merfolks and her sea elven peoples. Even with the numbers falling, the men came year after year to violate Mother Ocean. The clerics tried channeling Shindaleria's powers into choppy seas and dangerous vortexes, but still they came. The merfolks had co-existed with the fishermen for centuries aiding injured seamen and guiding lost ships but still they punished the Mother's gifts.   They confronted the spring fleet and the result was what is known in local legend as the Battle of Bloody Waves.   Saquan was away when this happened but quickly swam to her friends' aid as soon as she received word of the battle occurrence. She arrived in time to see her friends decimated by spears, harpoons and nets. Sailors they had once called friends attacked with a viciousness and cruelty that was then unfathomable to Saquan.   In reaction the sorceress sea elf rose out of the water and positioned herself on the breakwater of the Corals of Erion. She called the weave forth onto the unsuspecting ships. Lightening, fire, and explosions of magic rocked the vessels and along with those merfolk who managed to escape the nets and the sea elves that came to aid, the spring fleet was sent to the bottom of the ocean.   No mercy was shown to the sailors and all were slain.   Mother Ocean had moved in one gigantic wave to erase them the seas.   The battle was over and the seas placid once again, Saquan is said to have sat on the corals and cried. In her grief rose a song that touched the very heart of Shindaleria.   Saquan clutched at a piece of driftwood near by and raised it high into the heavens as her song of grief and anger rose. The emotion of her body and soul freed the constraints on the weave as it crackled around her. Wind whipped as the moons rose high in the skies. What happened after that is only for legends to know.   It is told by some sea elven bards and the merpeoples that a great ball of light enveloped Saquan. That Shindaleria's avatar joined the sea elf in the lament.   That song, divine and arcane intertwined as lights of colors circled around the pair as they stood on that rocky face. As their grief and anger reached it's zenith it is said the unbelievable occurred.   In a blinding crash of white light both were gone.   The seas in front of the corals boiled and churned.   In a thunderous crash a great crystalline coral beast rose from the waves and took to the sky for a moment before crashing back down into the ocean. From that time forth the waters of the Corals of Erion have become treacherous for seamen.   The currents can turn unpredictably and storms can rage in moments. Some say it is the folly of Mist but other sages say it is the ire of Mother Ocean that marks that area.   The Corals of Erion are known now as the Corals of Faces, the mist and fog that hangs over them is perpetual. Stories tell that the wind that blows through the region are a woman's song... Saquan's song.
  Drayton's Tale:  The Witch, Saquan, held aloft a scepter that drained Mist of her powers.  - The light that enveloped Saquan was that of Mist's vengence, not of Shindaleria's lament.  - A great beast rose from the waters and took to the air momentarily before crashing back into the waves as she vanished.
  Lucius, Jin and Rhynn came up with the correct sequence for the final room where a lady important to Estibana and Shindelaria was in a box (Lucius thought the colors were in the prophecy and they were and Jin thought that the sequence was and he was right too).
  EAST, Purple, + Crimson = Heart and Flame  NORTH, Azure, + Black = Eye and Fish  WEST, Orange, + Yellow = Statue and Sphere  SOUTH, Green, + White = Waves and Serpent  I'll transcribe the book we found later lots of writing there.
  Okay. So we figured out the puzzle and Jade and Lucius did the orb turning and button pushing with Rhynn directing. We only got one wrong and everyone agreed on it; we thought necromancy was serpent it was fish. Nasty electrical trap on the puzzle. But we got the rest right and got to the book. I read it while Lin'da carefully turned the pages she's better with books anyway being a mage and all. Pendar and Rhynn and I think Malor transcribed while I read. Treana kept guard and I'm glad someone did I wasn't thinking of that. Wow it was hard to read I had to be extra careful to speak clearly and my fangs make that difficult.But I got through it and the group said it looked like a figure inside the box well more like a crypt thing sarcophagus?
  Basically the book was the last days of the city we were in and the account of an attack by enemies who used a wedding to destroy them all. The book spoke of a healing magic to fix the princess that was getting married and said the staff had something to do with it. We figured the princess was in the box. Said she was pregnant too guess that's why she had to get married.
  When I finished reading the only door in the room opened and there was a portal. Lin'da said it was a two way portal and Ferrit scouted and said there were trapped doors and a golum thing. We went through and Ferrit was able to disarm the traps on the doors but there were false walls and the golums attacked. We ended up having to kill them they were different colors like the colors of magic but we didn't find a way to disarm them before they attacked. Then we found a tunnel that lead up to the desert and the ghosts of merfolk attacked us and I almost died. Jin fixed me up though. The staff started leading at this point it was tugging at my brain and almost pulling my arm and we fought our way to a door in a wall and Daniel died and Maev asked Toran to raise him and I think Toran was a little tired of being a cosmic bandaid at that point and she told me her holy symbol was throbbing mad. But no one died after that so we didn't have to test it.
  We went inside and there were two portals that we didn't figure out someone said they didn't work. Oh and a huge honking orb that was trapped with more electrical traps and the staff actually did turn my arm that way I swear it wanted to go to the orb. There was a throne there too and little orbs but the big orb was what the staff wanted and I just started walking and walked right up onto the traps without getting hurt I felt like the staff was directing me not the other way around. Someone saw a keyhole and Jin threw me the key and Maev pointed out the keyhole and I opened it up and there was a place for the staff. I put the staff in and the whole building felt like healing magic and I thought of the box upstairs so Treana and Daniel and Pendar stayed below to guard and the rest of us ran up to see what had happened and there was a woman kind of ghosty standing there and she said she'd been watching us. Wow. Rhynn remembered the guards and she summoned them up just like that poor Treana was pretty confused. Then the lady said we'd done good and handed out little gifts but she kept fading in and out so I guess we freed her soul but did not save her life. Everyone got a nice necklace that heals and that was super nice but some of us who have been working on this for a long time got some really nice stuff and I got some ocean-blue slippers that look a lot like my old sandels. They are amazing they make me wiser a better leader and more nimble to boot and have renewable spells on them to help protect me and even make me harder to hit. Wow. Then we asked if there was something more we could do and she said to remember Estibana. I'm going to do more. I'm going to bring Estibana back. I've been part of this for years and I want to see that city live again. I talked to Jharl and he said he'd help. I'll ask Daniel too, and probably Kyle and Ferrit, maybe a few others. This is going to be a while but I'm going to work on it. My goal.
  Welp almost time for work. Need more papercuts. Going to take a pie for my coworker he's much happier when he's got some food in him.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #116 on: October 09, 2006, 02:44:15 pm »
Okay.  The box the lady was in was constructed of an entire chunk of white crystal coral.  It was see-through on the sides but not so much on the top. The book was on the top, old and bound in wierd leather. This is what it said:

“All thoughts of the city were focused on the upcoming festival and the wedding. The appearance of strange vessels in the harbor was not noticed as many foreign dignitaries had been invited to attend the nuptials of the King and his beloved.  We should have been more diligent. For when would be the more perfect time to effect change in a large area but when leaders, princes and Kings were gathered all in one spot like fish in a net.  The thought that one could be so despicable was not imagined and thus our defenses were not what they should have been.

The raids began at dawn, shortly after the relics were taken by the Keeper of the temple from the undersea vaults and brought to the surface for the wedding.  It was well planned.”

*the tome goes on to describe a bloody battle between sea raiders and the city and temple. The men at arms of the various dignitaries were called upon to help defend the city and did so with much valor, those representing a fledgling Rofireite line in central Dregar with exceptional valor.  It was not enough.  The raiders choked the river and sea exits and had inside information on the bus port city’s defenses. Their aim it seemed was not conquest but destruction.  The temple was breached late in the fighting.*

“We cannot let the relics of the holy city fall to such despots.  Adwenth and Rithen have been chosen to take the chalice and the crown to a secure location, at least until the chances that they fall into unsavory hands has passed. May the Mother bless them and keep them safe on their journey. May the spirit of Narasa watch over them as well if the great one still keeps us in his eye.”

*What then follows are more accounts of the battle and the siege of the city.  The writer describes in much sadness the reports of the monarch of the city being slain and his bride to be taking refuge within the temple, badly injured*

“The Keeper has tried to stem the lady’s injuries but we fear they are even too grievous for her to heal.  It would seem some evil has been done to her, some taint that even the rosary cannot remove.  There has been talk of retrieving the Holy Scepter from the vaults to see it if may heal the lady and the child within her that is the future of this great city.   The risk is great though should the brigands breach the temple with the vaults open.  The guardians are strong but the unnatural powers of these raiders may prove stronger.  I trust in the Keeper and her wisdom to see us through this”

*the pages are bloody and torn after this, eligible except for the final entry*

“The unthinkable has happened.  The Keeper has been stuck down. The scepter lies in pieces, and the temple in ruins. It must be protected.  In her last breaths she told me what has to be done.  I will see that the sister temples comply. The song will not be lost.  We will persevere.  Someday the scepter will return to its place.  I pray I am right.”


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #117 on: October 11, 2006, 06:21:28 am »
A few days off from working to think on things.  Working has kept my mind off the fact that I have not seen Michael in months.  Months.

I'm worried.  He's never been gone this long.  What if?  Soul Ma has munched on him so many times.  What if?

Found Kyle and Ferrit fishing in Corax and I think they sensed I was worried because they suggested some adventuring.  We found Maev near the giant camps and she came along, and we ended up chatting and traveling across Dregar.  Was a good time, nice to be around friends.  My heart hurts and for a little while I forgot.

Going to hang up that wedding dress for now, keep it safe.  I hope...


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #118 on: October 12, 2006, 05:51:08 am »
Got a note from Mikey, just to let me know he's alive and sorry about how long.  He didn't say where he was.  I about cried though at least he's not dead.

Was in Delanthar for cotton and found a group investigating some item causing deaths in town that sounded familiar so I joined to see.  Wasn't an orb, was a ring and every time you scry it or use magic on it undead appear and not nice ones very hard to kill.  Anyway Rhynn was there and running things and I gotta say we spent a lot of time running around and watching her talk.  Some big giant lady (bigger than Mikey by a lot she was HUGE) got mad at Rhynn for just doing everything and pretty much ignoring everyone except Malor who she's dating now what happened to Celgar? and Storold.  Kinda the spellchucker buddy system I guess.  Malor isn't too bad and I like Storold so it was tolerable guess I should be glad we won't be seeing Celgar hanging on her very short skirts.

Okay got to write about the best part.  I should not feel this way but hellballs I'm no paladin.  Anyway this drow Daralith was there and he kept on Rhynn all night and he was FUNNY.  He was so pompous and overbearing and rude and at the same time witty and sharp.  It was all I could do not to bust out laughing when he got a good zinger in on Rhynn and I kept telling her to just let it go he's only trying to needle her but he worships Ca'Duz or something and she didn't trust him and she kept getting madder and madder.  Well, I don't trust him either but he didn't do anything overly evil just kept picking on her (and me and I found it funny too gave him back as good as he gave and I think I saw him smile once but with the big spikey helmet hard to tell).  He wouldn't let up and eventually she blew and tried to make us choose him or her and well we just didn't.  So she came back and rejoined without a word about it and that's when it became clear; she needs us way more than we need her.  She can't stand to not be a part, not have attention paid.  She can bluster all she wants but she HAS to be there.  I wonder if she's sick in the head maybe?  Someone told me you can't cure that with cleric spells.

So we ended up in Highpass and found an inn with some instruments I didn't pay attention Rhynn was doing all the talking there.  We found out that the ring was a reward for bard stuff and it had music notes in it and Delanthar might have more information on that and there were two fiddles left behind that had magic on them and we took them.  Daralith said one of the fiddles had a soul in it and got all heavy-breathing about seeing the ring and didn't want to give up the fiddle but he did.  Oh I forgot to mention the half-giant lady was with him.  I kept imagining things based on how they acted that I shouldn't and giggled all night.  Malor and Jade (so nice to run next to someone who doesn't fall behind!) and this paladin type Klaug? went to Delanthar and we stayed behind by Ozy's.  They found out lots about the ring and apparently some mage type used spells to pretend to be a bard to get the ring for whatever reason and cheated and was run out of town.  I asked Storold to check the fiddle and he said it only had part of a soul in it.  Oh and Daralith took me aside and told me that we could free the soul and just ask it who bound it but I think all he really wanted was the fiddle.  He's not into nice things someone said he was a necromancer.  Ugh how can you do that?  The smell!

So it was an interesting evening.  More on that later I think.  

Oh Gunthar was there too and who else it was Storold Malor Me Rhynn Gunthar Jade Giant Lady Daralith Klaug? Klaus? something and Lucius.  That was it.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #119 on: October 16, 2006, 05:22:26 am »
I hate ogres.  Was on my days off from work and was near the Iron Hills becaues I hoped to find Mikey there and a bunch of them saw me when I was just standing there, not attacking.  Wasn't close either.  They charged me and I ran and tried to defend myself and they just kept coming and finally they wore me down and I died.

Feeling sick after my death experience I went home and portalled to Hlint.  Luck was with me and I found Jharl and he was willing to help so we went to Hurm where some preacher boy wanted to join he was so cute.  Just a pup he was but all brash his name was Galen.  We sent him back to Mistone but with that much starch in his shorts he'll be back soon enough I think.  Anyway Katrien showed up and we went to get my grave and it was GONE.  We looked everywhere and could not find it!  Some dwarf named Harg came by and he and Jharl had some fun with the ogres and I was just walking to Delanthar to sleep off my death when Harg came running out saying he found it.  They MOVED IT.  They moved my grave!  Into the stupid caves they hide in!  Okay that was it.  We went in fully armed and kicked ogre tail all the way down.  I felt better after recovering my grave, much; they chipped it though clumsy oafs.  

Then we moved to the Dark Forest and worked on those treeants.  Kat told me that Eon had created them and Harg has been away a long time because he didn't know that Eon and Drezneb and Blood himself were dead.  

We ended up in some dungeon Mikey warned me not to enter, the Moss Crypts.  Supposed to be a black dragon in there somewhere but we didn't look for him.  Lots of acidy skeletons though and it was nasty work and mummies and all kinds of weird creatures I've never seen.  I started practicing my concealment like I learned at the temple last year and I've worked on it on and off, and suddenly I got it right!  Just came to me what I had been doing wrong!  I am happy about this.

Also it was like my birthday or something Jharl gave me those robes we got off the evil monk grandmaster and wow are they nice.  Messes with anyone trying to hit me for sure.  They are black and have lace at the top which is wierd I didn't see that when Jharl was wearing them but maybe he didn't want it to be seen.  But the sleeves have to go.  And he gave me some roast and whiskey which was just really strong and I could only sip a little at a time.

All in all a good night.  Good to be with friends.