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Author Topic: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"  (Read 3826 times)


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #120 on: October 18, 2006, 10:35:24 am »
I'm moving away from the Wind.  So many things have needed attention lately, and with me working in the government and researching Estibana in my spare time and still trying to tailor I have not been by the temple in months.

I don't miss it.  

I still feel like an outsider there.  The students that live there stare at the strange half-orc woman and wonder what she's doing there when I visit.  And I did learn stuff but I'm content that I can learn on my own from now.  I just don't feel connected, not to the temple at least.  I still listen to Wind but I don't hear it as much with being so busy.

Be honest.  I still resent the temple for rejecting me for so long.  Such a chaotic way to do things "you'll know if you belong".  How much good talent are they missing out on with that attitude?  How many could benefit but can't because they don't know that they belong?

Making my head hurt.  Simple as this though, it was useful for a time but it's not my Path anymore.

The Voices are my Path for now more a side trail then my Path leads to Estibana.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #121 on: October 23, 2006, 06:15:13 am »
Shame again, and this time I got people killed.  Investigating a suicide cult in Arabel with Lily as our bait.  When she didn't come back we followed a trail she left and found a cave under a cliff that seemed to point to her.  Statues in the cave.  I was feeling sneaky and wanted to scout and when Lin'da told me to go I went, triggered a trap and sent the statues after us and they beat a bunch of us to a bloody pulp because Kobal was off scouting and Rhynn was deep in a book and the others were unprepared.

Way to go, me.  

Two things learned; check for myself if everyone is ready.  I usually do this so I guess what I'm really saying is make sure I'm not overeager to move.  And don't listen to the headstrong wizard who is known for rushing in if I have doubts.

I hope Lily is okay...I don't really know what happened except I woke up in Pranzis with a guard poking me and asking for identification.  Glad it turned out to be Haugrun, who works at the courthouse sometimes.

Met with the Voices last night, info passed.

Been helping some youngsters in Hlint when I'm there, building up favors.  One is a spellslinger/cleric I call Preacher Boy, seems to irritate him a little but it'll thicken his skin.  His fault for trying to preach Lucinda to me.  The other is a druidy type elf who calls himself Butterfly.  Not too flighty though they're good folk.  I should do this more often feels good to help out like I was helped.  Give something back.

I'm spending time in meditation now and tailoring in between to clear my head from my mistake.  Less rushing more careful.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #122 on: October 23, 2006, 07:45:25 am »
Almost forgot the biggest news.

I've been noticed.

For what?  I don't know yet.

By who?  I don't know yet.

But things are happening.

I hope this helps me help the Voices.

Oh and a gift a cloak of deep blue that makes my feet even more silent and me harder to see in shadows.

Thank you, lady in blue.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #123 on: October 26, 2006, 11:33:44 am »
Another investigation into the violins this time we found two more.  More undead.  More tantrums and stalking away and look-at-me-look-at-me behavior from her.  Got angry finally I've held my temper for way too long.  Someone needs to step on her and soon.  I have some ideas.

But moving from the negative to the positive I'm beginning my investigations into raising Estibana.  I'll start with location and history and I have some friends who can help me with that.  Going to try to contact Kaya too.  

Mikey is gone I have accepted this.  I have asked Maev if she'd like a place to live, and she accepted graciously so she'll be here soon.  

Still undercover but if I have nothing to hide then having a cleric of Toran live with me is nothing to be ashamed of.  Smiling as I write that.

The Wind is howling.  I'm going to howl with it for a while.



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #124 on: October 29, 2006, 07:16:50 am »
Deeper in.  A mission, of sorts.  A situation that was not what it seemed.  A difficult decision.  An answer, for now.

I'll write more later.  I'm still figuring this out.

I'm "on call".


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #125 on: October 31, 2006, 05:47:06 am »
So much to do.  A few days off and I need to check and see if my gift arrived to the Voices.

Names that I gave to the Voices:

Mary Johhanson
Alfred Friederman
Noma Fletcher
Geerlock Winktoddle
Stubby Pickmason
Analynn Fer'thaline
Omarith Nylantha

There needed to write those down.

In other news, went to hear a speaker in Hurm about some seeds, partially unintentional.  I was going to go to Dark Forest and work off some frustration on the trees and spiders there and there were a lot of folks gathered around the arena. I hung around to hear and it was something about seeds of change.  No one explained what they did just that there were four one for each season and the Church of Rofirein wants them and the druids want them to fix the Broken Forest which is more broken than before due to some witch sister of Alluriel's.  A powerful and evil witch sister apparently one of seven.  A trip was organizing to the Rift to fight Balors and try to find the bright seed which I guess is summer but they should just name it the Seed of Summer or something because winter can be bright too with all that snow.

Anyway there were a bunch of folks that talked and here's what I got:

Powell, Blackford Castle library said a brownie was chased near Hlint by a Balor.  The Balor wanted a seed.  Powell is offering 2500 gold to anyone who turns the seed in to him for whatever reason they want it but all he said was to keep it out of Balor hands.

Then a Guddwick Muggins stood up and told a long story about an adventure he had.  Wasn't clear on whether there was more in his group but I think he said "we" a few times.  They found a note in a druid camp in a bush in the High Forest that said if the Balor wants it, it needs to be under druid control and let them who opposed feel their ire or somesuch.  A seed was found with the note and I think he gave it to Brisbane.  So I'm calling the druids Player 1.

They went to a temple in Fort Velensk where they found another note in the temple there and it said if the seed the Balor was looking for is a force of law then they (the temple guys I'm guessing) need to know more and recruit and read and check bards and make laws to cover.  So that's the Rofirein angle and let's call them Player 2.

Then they ended up in Blackford Castle where they found out that the summer seed or bright seed's history was with the druids of the higher path.  Never heard of them.

Finally in Point Harbor Guddwick told of a painting woman who said imps chased a brownie in the Sielwoods and then the group had to battle a bunch of flying beasts and a nasty stone monster which they defeated and got a stone with writing on it.  The stone said to wait for the return of the Balors and if they had the seed to tell them where to go next.  This is from the witch sister (Selian, heard Brisbane say her name) and Selian is now Player 3.

Serissa stood up next to give her perspective on when the brownie was chased into Hlint.  Barion killed the Balor and imps that chased her and the brownie was healed and the brownie said she saw a wizard lady sending out bigger Balors to hunt for the seed on Fire Isle.  

Then Brisbane spoke and was going to tell us a poem about the seeds but didn’t end up doing it so a lot of folks were confused I think about why they’re important.  She did say they found autumn’s seed in a tree in Willow’s Weep and the seeds will not leave druid hands because they are to fix the Broken Forest and that got the Rofireins talking and someone mentioned Balors on Firesteep.  Drogo also said that Legodia (druid lady?  No clue) had said that the seeds stay in druid hands so then more mutterings and arguments about who should get them.  Powell tried to get Brisbane to give up the seed to him and that went over like a dire bear petting zoo.

Did get a little info on Selian who is most powerful and nasty temper and has one other of her sisters the
“Striker of Fear” (someday I want to meet a really evil person called the “Petter of Bunnies” or something, they always give themselves such corny names) as an ally.

So we split up into two parts Michaelis to lead the front group that cleared the way in Firesteep and Brisbane to lead the druid bunch to find the seed.  That worked for a little bit then because we were moving slow and sending out scouts (I went with the clearing group because Jennara was in it and I wanted to ask her questions but she turned out to be a scout so I couldn’t talk to her as much as I’d hoped) the second group caught up and ran ahead.  That got Michaelis mad as hellballs because Brisbane just pushed ahead and what did he expect he put Lin’da in that group too.  Those two women couldn’t slow down if you chopped their legs off.  So then there was much fighting and also the druids wanted Quill who is the only real powerful cleric we had and Michaelis was mad about that too since we were the ones supposed to do the fighting and things went rapidly worse from there.  People started running ahead and dying and there was a lot of anger and I just stayed out of it.  It would have been better to put Rhynn in the druid group though so Michaelis could keep a handle on Lin’da.  Then there was a really bad fight with some elemental types and I admit I saw fighting and joined in until someone yelled STOP but with all the confusion who knew?  But then they followed them down and someone found a chest on a beach with something in it and Ozy took and and went off happy (elf giggling. Weird.) and Brisbane disappeared and we kept going and found another chest that was empty and by then Brisbane had left and no one knew what was going on and Michaelis was hopping mad.  A bunch of us were.  Leaving us up in the mountains with no direction?  Not even a good-bye?  Not too happy about that yes it was disorganized but most of us were listening for directions.  Not everyone was behaving badly.

So we trekked down to some mines and by then the anger was all over and the trip was chaos.  We combined what was left of the two groups and Jennara was mighty angry and the Vin went into some mines on Ozy’s advice and found another bark chip.  Oh yeah, that’s what we found bark chips not the seed.  Then a Balor showed up and said he had the seed and we’d have to deal with him and left which makes most of what we did seem pointless.  I learned some things and watched Michaelis for clues on leadership but overall it wasn’t much fun except I got to see the Rift again and climb a lot and listen to Wind there.  Hot.

I’ll write more about my work with Prantz later my fingers are cramping.  Going to hunt down Freldo and go sailing if I can find him.  He promised!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #126 on: November 03, 2006, 05:39:27 am »
I took some time off after the dwarves.  They got to Hlint hope Kat wasn’t too surprised.  I have to sit down and tell her and Jharl what’s happened soon.  I guess Prantz is happy with me because they let me take a week off.  Bribe?  But anyway, I went home.  Stealthed all the way tree to tree just in case because now my family is in danger.  I didn’t tell them what good would it do?

Family.  It was so good to see them all, Inirine has been sick with a really bad cough and from what I heard it was something that’s passed around some other cities but she seems to be pulling out of it she’s teaching again.  She’s so much older than I remember though.  The woman who I hold in my head from my childhood is older.  Old, even.  Still beautiful though and graceful.  

I visited Richy and his wife Rosa and their new baby Lila.  Well she’s not so new she’s crawling now!  What a cutie pie she is she looks like her mother who was very nice and remembered me from the wedding and didn’t seem scared of my orc blood.  A very nice lady indeed.

Lila is such a wonder.  I held her and she looked up and touched my fangs and nose with her pudgy dimpled cute little hand and she was just interested.  Babies don’t judge and it’s so nice.  I sang for her and she didn’t cry although I though Richy might.  He finally begged me to stop he said I was making the baby Toran weep.

I saw Alfend and Nina too she’s got her first boyfriend and is all giggles about it.  I taught Alfend some simple katas and he seems interested in maybe learning some inner discipline.  He seemed amazed by what I could do and I’ll help him all he wants if he asks.  

It was wonderful to go home.  I stopped being Honora and was just Puggy for a week.  Also I finally got to admit to myself that I haven’t dealt with losing Mikey yet.  I need to.  He’s not coming back…I’m alone now.  I’ve looked for him in the Iron Hills, the Dark Forest, all over Dregar.  Anyplace we used to go.  Even in Arabel and I snuck around the giant territory there too.  Nothing.  He’s the strongest man I know if he can’t come back from something I won’t either.  I miss him so much if I think too hard it’s like an icicle in my heart.  So I stay busy and try to believe that he’ll return but he won’t.  I need to talk to Derrick about the house Mikey didn’t have a will and we didn’t actually get married and oh gods I’m crying now.

Need to talk to Derrick.  Find out how to keep the house.  Send bird to Freldo I must sail and soon.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #127 on: November 04, 2006, 01:19:53 pm »
What a night, what a day, what a night and day again.  So much to write.

Begin at the beginning I'm told so the beginning is me waking in the Wild Surge after business in Hlint.  It was late Freas and no one I knew was around.  I overheard someone talking about the Arms being open and I needed to talk to Kat and Jharl anyway so I ran there hoping to catch them.  I thought it would be quiet like it's been before.  I saw Tyrian on the way and we ended up there about the same time.  Inside was warm and smelled like Freldo's bread like I remember but quiet?  Not on my life.  There were at least twenty people there and more came after me.  Kat was there and Jharl and Freldo and some red-haired lady were there running around trying to fill orders and the music box was playing tune after tune and the whole atmosphere was cheer and friends and good food and wine.

I saw Jennara and we went to the fireplace to talk.  I asked her so many questions and got some answers that even the temple could not give me.  Was good to talk with her she's so calm and determined but her devotion to Rofirein might be part of that.  From her I learned:  I will only get faster.  My eyes might glow too and maybe even blue like hers.  My skin will get tougher like I feel it doing now hers is like iron already.

Then Kat sung the song of Kayana and everyone was in tears.  Jennara can play the fiddle!  And Freldo joined in and so did Jharl and let's see Ferrit, Kyle and Cole were there and that Mistie cleric from way back when we were investigating Estibana with her baby and some guy I did not know and AnnaLee came and Jennara I mentioned her and Galen was there and some dwarves and a lot more people I don't know and some heckler type in gaudy clothes that Freldo had to get rid of and Tyrian and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.  Oh that redheaded fighter that I helped in the Greypeaks too.

Kat had us all sing together and I sang I think Jennara could have lived without that since she was right next to me.  But then Kat came by and she sang with me and I kind of learned how to carry the tune so it wasn't so bad.  Galen can sing too.  And Kyle has a nice rough voice.

It was a great night.  I loaned Tyrian money to help her buy a house and she was so happy it made me glow.  The redheaded elf lady came out with wine and juice and gave some to everyone as a gift and it didn't affect me at all but was tasty.  Freldo said his whiskey would and I mentioned Jharl's and then got to try Freldo's and his wasn't as potent I'm sorry to tell him.  But Jharl's knocked me on my butt and Freldo's I could take a swig of.  It was smoother though and I told him that later on the ship.

The ship.  The ship is wonderful.  I was on the docks at sunrise the next morning and he showed up right when the sun pulled fully out of the water.  He was dressed less wild with dark green pants and a thick black jacket.  He showed me his ship and I could see how proud he is of her.  She is the Lusty Bard and a beauty.  A two-mast schooner with bright white mainsails and turquiose paint on the trim and everything looks new.  He just beamed over every detail and she's eighty-two feet long and pristine.  I wanted to see everything, and he wanted to show her off so it was a great tour before we set out.  She's gaff rigged and fast as the Wind, no resistance to a breeze there.

I met Sal, his friend from his beginning as a sailor and his newer crewmate Timael who is a dark-skinned Calishanite and they both worship Mist so I didn't talk about any more MAF stuff.  Such a small crew for such a large ship but it's been fitted to run on a small crew and to summarize we had a blast skimming around bird islands and just sailing into the wide open space.

So many thoughts.  I loved sailing again I was up in the sails most of the time.  When we threw anchor that night and sat on the deck with blankets against the cold Wind we talked about so many things and nothing important.  I watched Freldo and I can say that he's not quite the same.  I mean he's still Freldo and still the irrepressable bard but he's focused.  I used that word.  He's different he looks sometimes West sometime North and a bunch of times got out his compass and took bearings.  He seemed calm though which is not a word I would have used for him years ago.  Calm?  More like centered.  I asked him once about that about why he seemed less flippant and he made a joke right away so I don't think he wants to discuss it and I let it drop.  But he's different.  And at the same time, he's the same.  I saw something that I never noticed.  We were sitting watching gulls dip for thier supper and Wind was picking up, rocking the boat a lot.  And Sal and Timael were throwing some dice and trading bawdy limericks and Freldo was just sitting there listening to it all and suddenly I got it.  

I imitate the Wind.  I move quiet in and around striking fast and moving away.  I IMITATE the Wind which is chaos and moves wherever heedless of the why's that I live by.  Freldo understands the Wind.  Freldo has the Wind in his soul; he understands chaos moving from place to place going where you will and not worrying about it.

And just at that moment I understood a little of him and a lot more of the nature of that kind of person.  I'm not of chaos but I try to use a chaotic approach.  I try to understand what I am not and I see the value in it.  So I should not be so confused and angry at those who do not follow the ways of Law because they have something to offer too something that I need too.

It was a big thought for a little moment and I let it go until now because I know a sea ditty too from being on Silas's boat and I shared it.  I didn't even sing as badly as usual but I could see Freldo wincing so I have a long way to go.  I'll have to ask Kat to help dangit skirts and lace and now singing she's such a bad influence on me.  What's next?  Makeup?

The sea shanty I know:

O come list a while, and you shall hear,
By the rolling sea lived a maiden fair.
Her father had followed the smuggling trade,
Like a war-like hero.
Like a warlike hero that never was afraid.

Now, in sailor's clothing young Jane did go,
Dressed like a sailor from top to toe
Her aged father was the only care
O this female smuggler.
Of this female smuggler who never did despair.

With her pistols loaded she went aboard.
And by her side hung a glittering sword,
In her belt two daggers; well armed for war
Was this female smuggler,
Was this female smuggler, who never feared a scar.

Now they had not sail-ed far from the land,
When a strange sail brought them to a stand.
'These are sea robbers,' this maid did cry,
'But the female smuggler,
But the female smuggler will conquer or will die.

Alongside, then, this strange vessel came.
Cheer up,' cried Jane, 'we will board the same;
We'll run all chances to rise or fall,'
Cried this female smuggler,
Cried this female smuggler, who never feared a ball.

Now they killed those pirates and took their store,
And soon returned to old Eng-a-land's shore.
With a keg of brandy she walked along,
Did this female smuggler,
Did this female smuggler, and sweetly sang a song.

Now they were followed by the blockade,
Who in irons strong did put this fair maid.
But when they brought her for to be ter-ied,
This young female smuggler,
This young female smuggler stood dress-ed like a bride.

Their commodore against her appeared,
And for her life she did greatly fear.
When he did find to his great surprise
'Twas a female smuggler,
'Twas a female smuggler had fought him in disguise.

He to the judge and the jury said,
'I cannot prosecute this maid,
Pardon for her on my knees I crave,
For this female smuggler,
For this female smuggler so valiant and so brave.'

Then this commodore to her father went,
To gain her hand he asked his consent.
His consent he gained, so the commodore
And the female smuggler,
And the female smuggler are one for evermore.

We came back into port after a day and night and another day and I had to run to work but there are promises to do it again and I left feeling freer inside than I have in a long time.  Time to copy charts and listen and watch.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #128 on: November 12, 2006, 09:56:37 am »
I need to get a boat.  Saw Freldo yesterday and I was right away reminded of our sailing trip.  I think maybe I'll get a little sloop he said he could get me a good price on a slip in Lelion.  Maybe big enough to move some small stuff onto in case things go really wrong with Prantz.

Plague came through and Hurm is closed.  Bunch of folks went to Moss Crypts and "Black" as Harg called him apparently didn't like it and destroyed half of Hurm and set loose a sickness.  It got all the way here to Mistone but the Voices say it may not be dragon-made, at least not all of it.  I've heard different stories about why that is but I'll keep it to myself for now.  Lots of people are blaming the ones who went into the crypt but I've been there and I don't think it's their fault.  Could have happened anytime.  Dragon was just looking for an excuse.

Nothing so far in the government but charts.  No stray gossip.  I did find directly from a source that Rhynn might be trying to do what I've been doing, going undercover.

That ought to be interesting.  I'd best do some preparation.

Followed some folks who were following some voice (that I never heard) from outside the Hurm campfire last night.  All the way to the Sielwood, to the Ranger's Vale, then back to the Sielwood through a path to a cave, which were tombs that no one had found before.  I stayed hidden until just before they went into the Vale.  They didn't seem to mind me popping up.  Lots of undead, not too hard for me and the folks with me have not traveled as much so I stayed out of the way and healed instead of fighting.  Nice people so far as I could tell, dedicated and curious.  A good way to feed Soul Ma, and just like me so I liked them.  Kyoro, Tylean, and some fighter in red armor who I think was named Val?  Can't remember.  Anyway, we met a man who invited us to dinner but his relatives turned out to be boors and we uninvited ourselves.

I have a funny feeling we'll be seeing him again though.



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #129 on: November 18, 2006, 08:06:00 am »
Another night that reminds me why I do this.  Met up with J and K, and Jennara stopped by.  I brought pies to give.

K wanted to go investigate something new, a secret door in some tower.  And we went and it was great.  I mean there were layers and layers and it seemed to go on forever and there were some sticky parts toward the bottom but all in all it was so good to stretch my legs and be with friends.  Good people.

We found a stick.  K and J says it has magic but it looked more like a stick that had been wrapped like a torch.  Eon left it, and some other stuff.  We collected all the gold we found and gave it to K for the agency.

Was a good night and I slept well.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #130 on: November 21, 2006, 06:11:02 am »
Hardly been home to write but quite a few things to catch up on.  Okay first we regrouped to try again to rescue Lily, and this time we did well.  Everyone worked together, Harg came and the gnome in black from Drezneb (Kobal and Harg together double dose of dwarf!) and no one and I mean no one acted crazy and this time we got things done.  Was good.  Lily had us fooled but she was faking the cultists were just nuts all they wanted to do was die.  We found them in a large cave after using some amulets to get past the statues that made paste out of us last time.  The cave had big slabs that had apparently held bodies on top by a statue that didn't attack (don't think it was one of "those" statues).  There were four of these.  Then in a chamber to the right of the slabs were the cultists and they were hungry and cold.  We gave them food and I gave them everything I had not thinking how long we'd be down there.  To the bottom left of the slabs was a grotto with an alter and a knife.  I won't go into all the things the cultists did but suffice to say they are nuts.  

We got the prisoner I'd been guarding for days (spitboy) and brought him down and all he did was sit there with that same smug look and lob gobbits of saliva at us.  I swear I cut back on his water to keep him from spitting so much and it didn't stop him.  He must have a special organ just for spit.

Drogo saw something in the water and we got ready and it was some lady that Rhynn said looked like a drow with red eyes and hair but she looked kind of like a nymph to us.  She had sugary words and Kobal threatened to destroy the alter and that's when I passed out.  I forgot how much I have to eat (half-orc and all) and I just fell over even after I got some bread from Storold.  Embarassing.

When I came to I was topside and apparently the nymph-drow was a devil who was behind the cultists sacrificing themselves and was using their souls for something and she turned loose all kinds of evil on the group but since I was already lying flat they left me alone.  Double embarassing.

Note to self:  More pies.  Less sympathy for nutty cultists.

I'm sure we're going to be working on that issue.  Most of the cultists died.

In other news, the dwarves did NOT make it to Hlint as I thought and I'm dressing to go after them (after a nice bath, missed my bath).  Got to find them.  I have two days before I'm due back to Chart Hell.

Also I heard that the Explorers got back together and I'm going to have to find a way to get back into that.  I'll send a note to J, find out more.  

Estibana rise.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #131 on: November 24, 2006, 06:12:03 am »
A lesson in diplomacy.  We killed the Necromancer and no one is sure if we even had to.  He was evil and raised undead and so he had to die.  We think.

The story is this.  A spellslinger who thinks he is a bard uses magic to win a contest.  Well other bards use magic (Freldo does and so do Jharl and Kat) so is it that different?  But the other bards get mad and take his prize away.  Our bard is not right in the head and gets really mad and goes off to become a powerful necromancer to take revenge.  He attacks Delanthar with undead and we get tricked into taking care of the problem.

All he wanted was that stupid ring back.  His prize.  We think.  But we do so much and deal with so much and assume so much and the ring must have something powerful about it because the violins held his soul bits blah blah so we don't give it to him and he goes nuts and summons an army of nasty stinky dripping undead.  And it was just a stupid ring with some writing.  It was just a prize for a stupid local contest.

So now he's dead and the half-eared man who gave us the ring is babbling excuses and Daralith is making some actual good points about hypocrisy (but all he really wanted was the other guy's stuff) and Rhynn is crowing about how her magic saved us all (like Malor wasn't even there, or Storold or Godrim for that matter) and Maev is trying not to kill Bakee and gritting her teeth so hard I could hear them chipping and everyone is talking and it made my head hurt.

Still some undead running around.  I should get some help and do a clean-up.

Just took Galen through Haven mines for gems.  Good to be around someone who isn't full of his own agenda beyond enchanting.  He's still young and fresh and guileless.  I swear between some of the people I associate with and the government I work for, I feel like I need to bath six times a day and I still feel slimy.

Going back to investigate that devil woman from the cult thing soon.  Godrim gave me a roast so that should keep me fed.

Still nothing on Henry and company.

Missing Mikey.  Going to tailor.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #132 on: November 28, 2006, 09:33:13 am »
So much to write about.  I've only been sitting here for hours going over all of it in my head.  Paintings and sailing and death and decisions.

First things first.  I was in Lelion looking for passage to Hurm since I decided to make sure there were no undead left wandering from that Necromancer.  It was our mess and I wanted to make sure it was fully cleaned up.  I was about to haggle with some shifty-eyed captain when along came Freldo, loaded for bear with cargo and looking cheerful.  He was going to Hurm and asked if I wanted to sail with him.  I think I was up in the rigging before he finished his sentence!  Lots more crew on the Bard this time longer trip.  I picked up a few new tricks since the Bard has different sails than I’ve used before.  It was great.  I listened to the men (and the one other woman) and picked up a little about Mist but that’s for later.  There were storms, rain, even snow and Wind!  Lots and lots of Wind…I have some new respect for Mist, she makes my favorite element sing.

We got to Hurm in one piece and the crew started unloading and we talked.  Freldo is going to adopt!  Ireth is helping him take in some of the local children.  Must admit I’ve never seen Freldo as a daddy type before but if there is anything I’ve learned about him it’s that he cares.  A lot.  And with the Arms providing a home he loves I think he’ll do a great job and I told him as much.  Got me thinking of adopting.  I don’t count birthdays never saw a reason but I might be too old for kids now if I could even find a husband.

Well that will be for when I’m older.  Still undercover.  Still more to do before I’m ready for the rocking chair in front of the fire.

Anyway we trekked from Hurm to the Iron Hills, then all the way to the marsh and back.  No undead just the usual unfriendly locals.  We got a nice quantity of gold, and talked quite a bit.  He will be a good daddy.  I’ll have to offer to show his kids some ways to keep themselves safe when they don’t have a weapon.  Which means more time at the Arms which is never a bad thing.

After sailing back I had to run to work and didn’t get time to myself for a bit.  Then I overheard something about meeting in North Point, and I could swear I heard Alvin Masty’s name.  That got my attention.  So I checked out this meeting and there were a lot of folks gathered to investigate a painting.  I’ve got some notes on this so let me organize that.

Boy who is Alvin’s nephew looking for him.  Has picture that was stolen from Injam castle on Alindor of a noble leader type and a lady by his side standing, and three women sitting in front of the big chair, and two men to his right and one to his left on the other side of the standing lady.  They were wearing blue talberds with designs.  

Artist is Joseph Ventigo according to Freldo.

Also from Freldo; the folks are the Knights of Erylin.  Military group, probably leaders in the painting.  Guy on the big chair has a crown so he might be a king of Alindor from before Milaria, which would make the painting over 250 years old.  Might be the last king.  All the Barons and Baronesses would be relatives of the king.  Uniforms have nautical theme; seashells, half-dragon, half-fish things.  

Nautical theme.  Nautical.  Shindy.  Estibana…what if these people are related to the folks who fled the city?  Got to bring that up and do some checking!  Also lots of expensive jewelry.  The folks in the painting have coin to burn.  Some statues in the painting a woman and child and some elf with some decorations on it.

Okay so we head toward Injam to meet some Baroness named Althalia and Quantum and Jharl give the painting back to her in exchange for an audience.  Didn’t go to good.  Too many folks firing off questions and some of them not very polite.  But I suggested that they try to match the nobes to the painting and the lady was a dead ringer for the woman standing next to they guy in the big chair.  Maybe she’s a vampire but I saw her breathing I think so maybe not.

Anyway these guys sent out some servants to get every bit of the caravan with the picture that was attacked by giants including debris.  They worked at night so there’s another hint.  This barony is south of Fort Himland and close to King’s Landing.  The commoners look scared and Freldo talked to a couple and found out about a curse (from Milaria?) that keeps the nobles alive or something.  Oh the man noble was Beidel.  Didn’t see if he was one of the guys in the picture.  Freldo thinks we need to go investigate King’s Landing for more clues and since we don’t have the picture anymore we’re going to do that.  This group is new to each other lots of people with an interest to help but I don’t know except for Quantum Jharl Freldo and Jilsephonie (more on her later).  Also that Rain guy who kind of put his foot in it at the noble manor house and some Halflings and a young monk and a druid and I’m sure I’m missing someone.

One complaint; too much elven being spoken.  Rude to us folk that can’t understand it.  At least Drogo is trying to learn common.

Okay so decisions.  Basically Jilsephonie is trying to get a homeless shelter and orphanage for the folks in Pranzis.  And she told me some guy got into her house and told her to go watch some trials and he might be able to help.  She asked me to come so I waited and went to watch after work.  She had Daren with her, his hair is getting pretty with the deep blue and then all the silver.  I kind of think I shouldn’t tell him that though.  Anyway, it came down to this: a man, who kept the memory of the Queen alive, or a woman, who was going to be separated from her kids for 10 years if she even lived through the labor camps.

Aside.  Do not get arrested in Prantz.  You will be guilty, regardless.  The poor defense attorney seemed to be trying a little but from what I’ve seen before and that day there is no hope.  You will be found guilty and killed or sent to labor camps or worse.  Worse because I remember when I applied to work there they asked if I could summon creatures from dead bodies…

Then after we saw the corruption of the courts and I swear the judge and prosecutor have something going we went outside (I hid so I would not be seen with them) and the man she talked about came and asked her to make one choice.  She made her choice; not the choice I would have made but the choice I would have wanted to make.  So now she waits and I have learned more about these labor camps and about the government.  Perhaps I need to take a look at a few of those camps, get a feel for what we would be up against.   For how many people it would take to liberate one.  Perhaps if I could find a location and get the information to the right people.

One other thing is clear.  I’m far from the only person on the inside working against Broegar.  I need to look into that as well.

Finally…death.  Ash Willo is dead.  Soul Ma took her final taste and Nepp put up flyers everywhere.  I ran to find the kids and they were not with Exodus but I found out they are with Tyrian and safe.  I wonder who will tell them.  Ash could not stop wandering.  She was a good ma when she was with them but could not stay with them all the time.  I don’t worry that Freldo would go get himself killed and leave his adopteds alone, or Kyle and Ferrit going all reckless and dying on Cole.  I guess it’s the person.  Some folks should not have kids.  I feel so sorry for the little guys, and I need to talk to Ty anyway since she said she had money to pay me so I guess it’s time to pay a visit.  Maybe this big green lady can make them laugh for a little while.

Also still have to do something about this house.  Must speak to Derrick.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #133 on: December 04, 2006, 05:49:21 am »
Lots of stuff of no consequence.  I remember when I would have to look that word up.

Spent the last two days wandering Dregar with Freldo.  Dragged Preacher with us since I promised him I would after getting him killed and killed and killed again last month.  He's gotten better knows when to stand back and when to step up and his speed spell and heals and strength spell really made a difference.  Might have to start bringing him along more often I forgot how handy a caster can be.  And he's a twofer I get a mage and a cleric in one.  Handy.

Freldo and I have a comfortable hunting and fighting mesh now.  We compliment each other so well when we're in battle.  We didn't talk as much because we didn't need to this time; it was just a flow.

Also got Preacher to help me make some stuff, mostly gloves.  I tried to make a malar bag but could not get the seams right dang those hides.  Totally botched it.  Bought seven more hides off Hawklin though so one more and I try try again.

Also dug sand with Freldo and Galen and traded it to Daralith of the Big Hat for a nice cold resisty enchantment.  Now I've got cold, fire and lightning.  And robes of acid.  Set!

Turns out Preacher Galen is working for Kat now and she seems to trust him.  So I looked around my big empty house and decided it was time to share a little.  I gave him a key and two crates to use.  Set up some house rules though.

No parties.

No guests unless they just need to use the portal.

Front bedroom's mine back bedroom's Maev's so if you have to sleep here use the couch.

If you MUST use the bath no using my soaps and salts and no hair in the drain.

Hope he doesn't abuse my trust if this works out I might rent out some more crates.  Got a lot not using too many.

Still working still waiting.  Still saving.  Tyrian paid me back in full and partly with the most beautiful amulet of topaz in silver I've ever seen.  She does good work.

Oh forgot to mention got to actually sail the Bard when we first went to Hurm.  I got to captain!  A little.  Under Freldo's watching eye.  I think he wanted to fuss when I overcorrect courses and didn't steer well but he held himself back.  I'm going to learn this.  I love to sail.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #134 on: December 11, 2006, 12:44:09 pm »
We confronted the demon lady.  Nlla? Something like that sounded like a kitchen spice.

We got back together after recouperating from the disaster last time and got our game plan.  We went to the cave and sure enough there were demons or devils or whatever they were.  Someone said "abashi" so I have to look that up and I think someone said Azur or Lemur or I don't know there were a lot of them.

We battled them pretty much constantly and the big statue guardians too only this time we managed to take them out.  Kobal got a trap set on the alter and Nlla showed up and smacked us around then when she got a few nicks and cuts she teleported.  Chicken.

So we blew the alter and the entire cave I think.  I still wonder what those slabs were for but I'm happy that for now Nlla (sounds more like a cookie.  Yes.) can't use people's souls to make armor and weapons.  Ugly idea!  Vin almost ended up one I forgot to mention he died and she was going to sacrifice him.  He's not a very pretty damsel in distress though.  But I bet he'd have made a vicious blade.

Took Sallaron and Preacher with me and Freldo the other day.  Was fun.  Then last night Kat, Jharl, Jennara, Drogo (poor Drogo), Gunther for part, Samir, and some lady named Kayla (until she left; I guess she was bored) went to Roldem.  We poked our noses into that nasty evil monk cave and a few of us died for it but the Grandmaster was kind enough to donate his robe to Jennara.  Posthumously.  I can only assume if he wasn't so busy trying to pummel us that he'd have given them to her anyway.

Wandered a bit more, found some frog-men (wierd) and some little guys with blowguns that were just nasty, and came back.  Was interesting but we need to work on our battle tactics a bit.  Next time!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #135 on: December 18, 2006, 05:40:00 am »
So I met Milaria. Well I didn't meet him I watched that bird guy talk to him, Plenarius? About 30 of us made a deal. He wants to be left alone to do whatever and wants some space to do it in and I listened when we first met up and found out that the colorful dragons (not the shiney ones) have been stirring up trouble. So we would have to fight a war on two fronts and he offered to withdraw from Alindor. Long story short we talked all of us and it was decided to make a deal for seven years.   *inserted here is the official post from a tavern on Alindor*  This is a contract signed by Plenarius Ashaley and Milara. It was witnessed and agreed to by thirty Heroes with Plenarius Ashaley at the time.  The contract states that Milara has absolute control and rulership over the following lands and borders, regardless of what their names are now or later. The term of the contract is for seven years.   Milara controls all of the Iriand Mountains, to include the sky to the heavens, the land itself, and anything below the mountains—everything. The borders are Bone Hill, Viotrim Canyon, ten miles around Bloody Gate, Region Forest, and Storms End (Milara does not control Bloody Gate).  Bloody gate is not allowed to fortify or gather forces during the period of this contract. They may live freely, day to day, but with little to no buildup in troops or fortifications.   Nobody is to set foot in to the mountains without the approval of Milara during this time. That includes adventures and heroes, militia under the control of rulers or kingdoms or invading forces not under the control of Milara.  No military build may occur within 500 miles around the Iriand Mountains.   If dragons fly over Milara’s territory it is his concern, nobody else’s.  If anything is broken the contract and deal is off.   In return. Milara shall leave nature alone. Milara shall also remove all forces under his control from all locations. That includes cities and areas that he rules on Rilara. (as a note, this is going to put cities in to collapse as nations can no longer rule themselves). Milara will stay out of the activities of the world for the duration of this contract.
  So there it is. And we made the decision because we had to. The paper makes it sound like a bunch of adventurers just trotted over to his Courtyard of Really Huge Monsters and chatted up a deal on a whim but he had threatened us directly with the death of one creature for ever feather of every bird on the continent. So it wasn't like we had a choice. Deal or kill him. And already Alindor is falling apart because he's taking his troops out of cities and bandits are roaming now and terriorial wars are brewing and it's getting ugly. It seems everything we do makes things worse. We killed blood (we the heros not me-we) and the world gets colder and people starve. We make a deal with a tyrant and a continent starts to fall apart. Is this what being a "hero" is about?
  Watching Alindor makes me more cautious. I'm working to bring down Broegar. But he has brought stability. If I suceed it must be with Kat's help and Jil's and anyone else and there must be a strong government ready to step in. I'm learning.
  Speaking of which Rhynn posted her notices on Dregar even before Milaria did and guess what? Now all of a sudden there's a beehive of activity around Broegar's barracks and whispers in the halls. Alindor is wide open. I'm keeping my ears to the walls this could be bad. Haven't heard anything specific but I'm listening.
  And I saw Asher again. Was good, if he's going to be around I'm comforted. A little bit of those happier times with Mikey to hold to.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #136 on: December 27, 2006, 04:10:28 am »
Time with family.  Big dinner at Jr.'s house and Lilah was all over like a hasted baby panther.  She's walking and talking and so funny!  I laughed to hear her imitate people and she does this tickle thing.  Richy and Racheal are doing great they're supervisors now in the cow farm and Inirine has finally retired from teaching dance and she's painting of all things and she's pretty good.  I never knew she could do that.  She's a lot more bent over than I remember and her hair is silvery.  Heinrich Sr. is doing numbers now for a newer farmer who's growing these mushrooms but the new guy can't read or write.  But we had some of the mushrooms for dinner and they were great!  A clever crop when there is no sun and the caves he's using to grow them stay warmer.  

Watching life made me think.  I ran across Dregar a couple months ago and it winded me.  I lifted some of the chests around the house and almost couldn't.  And my back hurts sometimes.

Am I getting old?  When I look in the mirror by the tub my hair is still dark brown.  My face is what it is but no wrinkles really.  I'm not starting to bend like an old woman does.  But things aren't as easy as before.  Soul Ma does wierd things with your body.  I look like I haven't aged but I'm sure I have.

I'm saving to buy the house.  Got plans to remodel.  Can't think about what might be happening got to press ahead.  Nothing new with work but I'm not there every day since the charts have thinned out.  We got a lot done.  Still working on the King's Landing puzzle but the Milaria thing has it on hold till things settle out.  

And Maev.  Rhynn sent Jharl a message asking for 20,000 True to give to the Vine to ransom Maev since she attacked them and got caught.  This was months ago.  I said no I don't trust her as far as I can throw her and we planned to rescue Maev ourselves but so many things stopped us.  I saw a notice calling all Toranites to help and I plan to go with them when it's announced.  I don't pray but I've been praying to Grannoch one of Mikey's Ladies that she's alright.  

Okay enough.  I'm starting to sound depressed when I write.  I'll hang on to the memory of little Lilah and go hunt some skins.  Need to feel thread in my fingers again.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #137 on: January 02, 2007, 06:13:47 am »
More time at King's Landing, and we got to smash some Vine punks.  That was way more satisfying that I should admit to.

So we get there and the town guard are trying to take down a thug who was giving them a run for their True and finally they subdue him.  Turns out there's a lot of thieves and thugs now since Milaria has withdrawn and the guard is stretched too thin to protect everyone so we offered to help and it's a sign of how desperate they are that they just said okay and gave us permission to break into the old courthouse without asking anything about us.

We found a bunch of spiders and an old body in there, and a sort of map of the sewers where the thugs are based.  We cleared out the spiders and went into the sewers and dang were those guys tough.  Vine fighters and hit like a draft horse and could take some damage.  But since their code is never surrender we had to take them down.  Lost Preacher and one other and ended up inside the castle; there's a secret entrance!  

Castle was full and I mean full of undead.  That gives me a hint as to what might have happened to the king.  Most interesting thing was finding eight orbs like the ones we've seen before but not active.  And a coral throne that is the same coral as the staff in a protective bubble and there was probably more but the spellslingers got crazy with the lightning and so there wasn't much else to find.  Acacea found a secret door (I think it was Acacea) and while everyone was looking around I sketched everything and took notes.  Behind the door was a small library and we found a few things of great interest.  I got a big old book that had an old story in it which I will summarize soon as I finish reading it.  It is a really big book, like 2 inches thick.  Jil found a map, and someone else found some other stuff that we're going to look at.

All in all a very exciting trip with lots of new info.  We're making progress!

Oh, and I made a malar bag!!  Jharl asked for it so now I've made up some  money to buy the house!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #138 on: January 05, 2007, 06:17:15 am »
The rains of the wet season swell the river like the belly of a beautiful wife. It is the rains and the river that sustain us, yet all things return from the river to the oceans. It is the return to the ocean, the right of passage that marks the switch from Jasid to Jarhrid for the rulers of the mighty city. It was just such an expedition that Jasid Hasanji set forth upon before claiming his seat at the foot of the River Goddess. In the past the Jasidi of Xar had generally sailed to the islands outlying the coast of the continent, spending a few months in diplomatic negotiations and trading to then return and claim the bejeweled cup, crown and scepter of state. Hasanji’s voyage was to be different. He had a yearning to sail farther, to explore more of the ocean’s mysteries. He had heard tales of water solid enough to walk upon at the tail of Harj’s Breath. Fishes that were the size of boats, rising out of the waves to crash into the waters again were also popular sailor’s stories. As a young Jasid at the feet of his father and siblings, he reveled in suHasanji’s voyage was to be different. He had a yearning to sail farther, to explore more of the ocean’s mysteries. He had heard tales of water solid enough to walk upon at the tail of Harj’s Breath. Fishes that were the size of boats, rising out of the waves to crash into the waters again were also popular sailor’s stories. As a young Jasid at the feet of his father and siblings, he reveled in su (unreadable).
He meant to set off to discover the truth and should such things exist, establish trade for the city.
The fleet of ships assembled in the mouth of the Rexari River as it opened in to the Great Sedarian gulf was impressive indeed. In truth it was a send off for the Jasid. He has chosen to captain only the Adeela on his voyage to discovery. So as it was, at the end of the water festival, the prince set sail to find his destiny and destiny of the entire city of Xar.

Didn't mean to copy that much but it's the beginning of the book.  Names and such.  I'll add more later.

Finally got over to Jil's Hope House, to see her kids.  Was an eye-opener.  I almost cried when I saw the baby room.  All those little tiny babies without mothers it's lucky Jil was able to find wet nurses for them.  She's put so much of her soul into this the kids love her like she was all their mothers.  I went after work and stayed to help bathe them and feed them and put them all to bed.  I read stories to a group and I tried funny voices and the kids laughed.  Kids are so different so untouched.  They asked me about my green skin and my fangs and my nose and asked what being an orc is like but without hate, just curiosity.  I had to tell them that I don't know since the lady that raised me is human.  I went back again to teach some self-defense and the kids loved that, it was a sunny day and we went outside with the ones coordinated enough to stand on one foot and I showed them how to take a big man down quick if they had to and some exercises.  Jil tells me some of them are doing the moves every day.  I'm going back again I lost my heart there.

Funny to think if Mikey were still around I'd adopt a few, might still.  But at least I have some time to give to them.  Noticed one in particular, she's eleven and her parents disappered last year.  She's sad a lot but she took to my teaching and is fast as a little freckled snake.  Her name is Aubrey and I think I'll teach her some more she's got good balance and a good head on her shoulders.  Also the little elf boy, he's only five but he's got better balance than most adults.

Perhaps I should think about trying to meet someone.  If I pretty up I can be almost average except for my nose.  And teeth.

Maybe not.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #139 on: January 12, 2007, 06:29:55 am »
Called a meeting of the other group and ours to get information around.  This pretty-boy elf Karn (Carn?) showed up and Daniel was there and Drogo showed up later.  Let's see Gilli was there (or was it Tilli I can never remember) and Freldo and Galen and I think that's it.  And me.

So basically we found out this:  the Knights of Erylin were part of House Drayton who had seven sisters that were all Baronesses (nice work if you can be born into it) and I guess one brother but I need to check on that.  200 years ago they fought Milaria on the Plains of Caitlin near Bone Hill.  

Elraith Dranna (not sure of spelling was having a bad handwriting day) was the first King of Erylin.  Some name Elrathidana  is in my notes too I'd really better write more.  Need to check on that since they are almost the same name.  Two other things I noted Region's Forest and Storm's End.  Rats I REALLY need to take better notes.

Meant to write down about the chess pieces in the Castle in King's Landing.  Left group was four pawns surrounding a black King.  Middle group was a black Bishop holding a white King in check and the King had three pawns behind him.  The right group (as you face the throne room with the preserved coral throne forgot to mention that) is a Queen surrounded by four pawns.  Need to check whether Queen was white or black.

Malor found something too, records and such.  What got my attention was this:

* Milara shall have absolute sway over the Iriand Mountains, from the upward heavens down to the deepest crevice of the earth and all that exists below.
* None shall enter the mountains of Iriand without leave of Milara
* None who would oppose Milara shall mobilize or marshal any forces against him, or any whom he would hold as an ally. Milara shall not mobilize or marshal any forces against those people of Alindor who choose not to willingly subject themselves to his rule.
* No military of any sort is to be mustered within a distance of less then five hundred miles around the entirety of the Iriand Mountains
* These accords shall be in effect for a period of seven years, no more, no less.
* Any violation of the above accords by either Milara or the people of Alindor shall result in their immediate nullification of all.

I was shocked stupid when he read that.  THE SAME DANG THING.  What is that bugger up to?  We got seven years to find out.  But this gives a clue:

To those faithful to the future peace and prosperity of Erilyn:

It is not as your king, but as one forced to taste the bitter bile that pride has led us to drink, that I ask for your help and council, and of any whom you deem worthy and able in perhaps ridding us of this...of this which we have been afflicted.

King Briant

So they got cursed, and trues to pastries it's Milaria's fault.  And even better if I was a betting half-orc I'd say he's trying it again since it worked so well the first time.

This has to get to Plenarius and those other mucky-mucks and soon.