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Author Topic: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"  (Read 3805 times)


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #160 on: August 13, 2007, 12:23:15 pm »
So I just reread what I wrote.  I'm in front of my fire now and it's lulling me to sleep but I have to finish this while it's fresh in my mind.  Cricket is sleeping already because he ate an entire pecan pie that AnnaLee gave him and I really didn't know that such a small thing could hold so much food.

He snores too.

We did it. After months of spinning our wheels, trying to find a solution for a problem unique to Erilyn, we did it.  And I've learned to listen to people better than ever because it was AnnaLee that convinced me that we had to talk to the Baroness Imjam.  The answers were there, and boy is that lady sharp.  She built those mirror portals!

After some well-deserved scathing words from her regarding the large rip in the fabric of magic in the Kingdom, she softened; AnnaLee says I touched her by understanding the mind of a mother, and maybe she's right.  But the Baroness gave us one chance to help her, so that she would help us.

She asked us to find Challum, her son, captured and twisted by Milara.

Which meant going under the veil.

Yeah, I was nervous.

But with Jil and Ferrit, all of us in full sneak and with no magic, in we went.  The Baroness gave me her staff to help.  We encountered a few nasties but were mostly able to sneak by and made it into Viotrim Canyon, where we found a cave through the mountain to the ocean side.  The staff had given me a vision of cliffsides by the ocean so in we went.  It was strange, for every once and a while if I started into the ruby I could feel Challum's regret, loneliness, and anger.  

We found a temple, snuck past several undead guards (and killed one other) and found Challum.  He was dark as night, a shade, and he was half out of his mind and attacked us repeatedly in between talking and running away.  I finally killed him by striking him with the Baroness's scepter, it seemed like talking was not what he wanted.  And after that his spirit appeared, and thanked us, and disappeared.

Well, we were just about to look around when the Lady in Blue shows up.  After our last encounter, she was in much better spirits, saying that Challum was a favorite of hers and we could not stop doing her favors for some reason.  She told us of the chest that Challum had guarded (I hadn't noticed it before then) and told us she wanted three items from it, and we could choose.

We opened the chest the monk way.  I just walked through the traps, they were above Ferrit's ability which is really saying something because she's the best I know.  Inside were the gems of state; an ornate sword, a simple teardrop necklace, a finely worked black stone ring, a huge sapphire on a pearl necklace, a plain compact, and a simple small ruby on a mahagony scepter.

If only I knew then, or had remembered, the motto of Erilyn; I will never forget it now that's for sure.  Simplicity in Life.

As it was I chose the teardrop, the compact, and the sword.  Ferrit, to whom I owe a great, great deal, bargained away her Shindy hat for the scepter on a hunch that turned out dead on, but what a price...she seemed glad to pay it though.

The Lady in Blue destroyed the undead and left, and we exited only to see Milara's smiling face outside the cave.  We all ducked and hid, and we're still not sure if he saw us.  But we hurried to return to Kyle who had been waiting by Bloody Gate all that time in case we took too long and collected the others to go see the Baroness.

Jil had scooped up the ashes of Challum that were all that was left of him, which we returned to her.  She was pleased, and then shocked when we showed her the jewelry!  She immediately took us to a room off the library all the Lucindites were working in and showed us copies of all the jewelry in the poem, three to four of each.  She said that she could not tell the difference, and I think it was Kyle that suggested that was the spell affecting them.  Decoys were made and the family could not tell which was which...such a simple spell with such huge consequences.

We stared at them and they were all only slightly different; either Clarissa or Jil, I'm not sure which, said they got progressively nicer.  Maybe it was Jil.  But for some reason the crest of Erilyn that Ferrit found all those years ago and I copied would not leave my head and so I asked Jharl what it meant again.  

Simplicity in Life.  Right then I knew and Clarissa who makes jewelry helped pick out the very simplest of the gems.  The only one that didn't have a simple version was the ring...and I knew right where that was.  We gained permission to take the gems from the Baroness who grew faint in their presence and Storold did too, and Kyle said the gems themselves must have been filtering the curse.  So that's what all those mathematical calculations were about...elegant, and not magical so it slipped under Milara's nose.

We moved fast after that. Jharl and I got the ring from the crypt and we went right into the rift after getting keys and got inside the tower which was partially rubble.  The first level was a maze, we found some of the rift-affected nymphs and had to kill them.  I wish they could have been saved but they were mad from exposure by then.  Oh, and AnnaLee made fools of us all but it was pretty funny because we were attacked by a penguin, like the ones from the rift before, and we were fighting and fighting and it was ducking every attack and we kept having to pull blows to avoid hitting each other and she was yelling and finally got in between it and us and...picked it up.  It just flapped there, and she calmed it down and healed it and let it go.

Picked it up.  That, and her suggestion to see the Baroness and come clean, and also that we should just pick up the mirror and move it by hand out of the pool way back at the beginning...that woman is genius.  Simplicity in Life.

Whups Zup is here, I should let him know about Cricket.  More later.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #161 on: August 13, 2007, 06:19:11 pm »
*in blotchy print with scratch marks*

Green lady needs to put her book away when she is done!  Good reading!

Figures they'd get along.  And apparently Cricket can write.  Joy.  I see what the Baroness meant by busybody...somewhere in Erilyn Alathia Imjam is eating a slice of pecan pie unmolested and having a laugh at me.

Where was I.  

Oh, I forgot to mention the Baroness gave me her ring to find the portal.  That helped.  So we were in the tower, or the ruins of it, and walked through a gate that was holding back water...we were underwater, inside a rift and in a wild magic zone.  There were air bubbles so no one drowned although Jharl took in some sea water.

So with little fight we found the portal, on the bottom of the well that filled the tower.  When I concentrated on the ring it told me up...first we tried to swim up but the water was so heavy, then I thought I heard a voice.  You know, it kind of sounded like Aubret now that I think about it.

"undo what has been done"

So I did.  I grabbed that mirror portal and swam like crazy, I remember calling on my father, imagining him and how strong he must have been.  It helped, and everyone else helped and pushed and pulled and we got it out.  Heaved it right out of the pool, and I remember Storold standing there with a smile, so I knew we did alright.  Then the tower began to shake and I remembered what the Baroness had whispered to me, that we would only have once chance to find the I knelt and got everyone else to concentrate on him, to pull him out of the pool.

Well, Kyle walked in instead!  Storold told him not to but he did, and Ferrit followed, and I just had a feeling...he had the King's sword.  So I followed and we all joined hands and went where the sword lead.

We seemed to move through light and found ourselves in a room that looked just like the throne room of the palace in King's Landing.  There was a statue of Shindelaria, a statue of a dragon, and a man in stone on a stone throne.  There was a field of magic blocking our getting to him and he was inside the same protective bubble that surrounded the throne in the palace we were in.

We studied the orbs, and we found that they had lids and you could put stuff inside them.  We each had one piece of jewelry because Storold said since they had the curse in them (that was Kyle's idea, did I mention that?) that putting them all in one place would make the holder sick.

We were trying to figure out what order to put the jewelry in since that seemed reasonable, eight orbs, eight pieces, and we had eight people lucky enough.  That's when Kyle thought of the poem!  It had the order...Annalee suggested left to right, like reading, and we put the gems in as Clarissa read out the order in the poem.

Letters appeared.  Jharl, Ferrit, myself and Kyle all immediately yelled ESTIBANA because rearranged that's what they would spell.  We moved the jewelry, the word ESTIBANA showed up, and there was thundering and booming and the King disappeared and then the dragon statue poofed and there was a ghost of an ancient dragon...huge, a kind of ghosty aqua color like the coats Freldo used to wear, and with webbed skin between his claws.  Wildest thing I've ever seen.  A sea dragon!

It walked right to me and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.  It reached out, touched me, and nodded, and left.  That was it.  I still don't know why, but it seemed satisfied.  Narsa spirit...the spirit of Narsa...

Then in the empty bubble the Keeper appeared!  I was so happy, everything just felt right, and then Adwenth...somehow I knew it was her...came to talk to me.  I waved to the Keeper like an idiot but she waved back.  I've been praying to Shindy a lot lately, it's still strange but she seems to like me.

Adwenth did something that slipped right by me until I heard the others repeating it.  She called me a Daughter of Erilyn.  We talked, we asked some questions, and when the others asked if the King was safe I knew he was.  I knew he was back in his throne room right then, safe and sound.   She nodded and said I looked like "him"...."him" turned out to be Aleander Kartin, Councilor to King Briant and Knight of Erilyn.  I'm related to a knight!  I am truly a daughter of Erilyn...

Well, we talked a while longer then Adwenth's ghost and the Keeper left.  The Chalice is cleansed, the curse lifted (it was all part of what we did) and they went back to Zxar I assume.  I think...I think we were in Shindy's place though, because of...I don't know.  Just a was her realm, or close to it.  Adwenth told us before she left to stand in the portal and think of where we wanted to be, and we agreed to go to Baroness Imjams.  Well, guess what, she was gone to King's Landing right before we got there.  That woman knows EVERYTHING...but I know she wanted to see her brother safe and sound.  We left a message to leave word if they needed anything else with Annalee at the Freelancers in Mariner's Hold, and went home, tired and happy.  

We did it.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #162 on: August 30, 2007, 10:46:23 am »
We've been invited to a celebration to meet King Briant. I made a special dress, and the Baroness sent me a copy of hers, sized to me, in the Erilyn colors! It's fantastic, Katrien almost fell over when she saw me in it.

The Baroness said I could not wear it to the ceremony though since she's wearing hers. And I think Cricket got my measurements and I just don't want to know how. On top of that he wants a cummerbund! And a vest!

Oh, he's officially the "Court Liason" so he gets to spy on me for Erilyn basically.  He's right good at that.

Other than that, nothing much, the Freelancers is closed and I miss talking to Annalee.  Before the ceremony I am going to see the new temple to Toran - Aubrey says it's completed, her letter just glowed - and visit her and Huangjin for something different.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #163 on: September 03, 2007, 10:20:17 am »
Well, the King had a party for us and I wore my new dress and kind of forgot to read the letter that was sent - I meant to but I was busy! - and then got lost trying to find King's Landing until Cricket showed up to tell me that I was supposed to be at Mariner's Hold waiting for a carriage and then I got attacked by those nasty little acid beetles outside the city and had to resew my new dress AND this was all after realizing that Kat had accidentally locked me into her house after I stayed over!

But it got better.  Kyle, Ferrit, Jharl, Storold (who was a grumpy as I've ever seen him) and Clarissa all came and Jennara as well.  Jil had an emergency at the orphanage I found out later, and Annalee had to visit some distant relatives for an important matter.  I remembered to mention them and their contributions to the King and court.

The party was spectacular.  The Kingdom is doing well and the food was good and plenty, there was dancing and singing and so much joy.  

Oh, and I got knighted and made King's Councilor like my ancestor.  King Briant gave me Aleander's cape, thick and green with a modified crest of Erilyn on the back with a sea dragon!  It is the finest workmanship I think I've ever seen, better than I can do, and it smells a little like coffee and pipe tobacco even now.  It's like I can picture him sitting at a desk writing, thinking, with curls of smoke coming from his pipe and drifting out the window over King's Landing...

My liege.  My King.  My life for Erilyn.  It's strange, but it feels so good at the same time.

I noticed that the King said that Erilyn's current swordsmaster is aging, needing help, and I saw a little gleam in Kyle's eye when he heard that.  I hope, I hope he volunteers.  He is such a good man and warrior and would be perfect for that and they could use some fresh blood to fight Milara.

I've just written my first report regarding the pirate situation in Hurm from my experience.  Cricket's been around, he helps me write reports sometimes.  If I ask nicely.  If he's in the mood.  If I have pie on me.  But he's darned good at chess and seems remotely interested at least in me not making a fool of myself as a Knight.

Dame Honora Tannerson.  Well, next letter to Aubrey then!  I think my little Aubbie is going to be surprised to hear this!


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #164 on: September 19, 2007, 03:02:00 pm »
My Leige, Briant King of Erilyn.

   I am relaying events

*yes, thank you Cricket, I know how ta spell relay.  No, it ain't got an "i" 'ceptin' in tha "ing".  "Ing."  What? Course I kin say "ing"!  Countin, speakin, fightin...shut up Cricket.*

that have transpired near Port Hempstead.  A mage of power was kidnapping and torturing and possibly sacrificing farmers there and I came late to the investigation

*I was busy.  BUSY!  Ya know, like writin' these reports busy?  Like elsewhere?  I know she sent me a letter!  Iffn ya'd stop OPENIN' THEM an' leave 'em on tha table where Zup puts 'em mebbe I'D GIT TA READ ONE NOW AN' AGIN!*

and after finding another farmer in a state of near death, a decision was made to follow a lead given to his location.  Due to the traffic on the roads outside the city I decided to stay and keep the fields and roads clear of the mage's summoned minions to protect the populace.

*Yer a minion.  Of course not ta me, ta tha King.  Yeah, git used ta it.  Minion!  OW!*

I was told by those who went on that the mage and his demonic summons were dispatched, albeit with

*It's a word.  Ya sure ya speak Common?  Albeit, fancy word for "although this also happened an' it weren't too great but there ya go".   Look it up!*

some loss of life.  Given the nature of mages and what Cricket tells me (again and again and again) about them, we might not have seen the last of him.  His signature is flames and he usually pays others to do the dirty work - I am sending another missive

*Letter.  Look, the dictionary is right there.  An' no, I don't speak Abyssal, are you mad?*

with the details of the mage specific.  I hope all in Erilyn is well, I will come for a visit soon.

Your Knight Councilor,

Honora Tannerson

*in scratched, blotchy print*

and Cricket!


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #165 on: October 11, 2007, 11:29:33 am »
I haven't had this full a house since...ever.  I sent a letter to Annalee, wanting to see her since our adventure and my knighting.  She met me with four kids in tow - her son Lindel, and three toddlers.  The little ones are just past two years and so active, so wonderful to watch.  We sat for hours talking, and I taught Genna, that's the girl, how to float because she's so interested in water.  Jennara came by and sat with us and the little quiet one Jesse was interested in our eyes and why they glow.

Genna, Jesse, and the rowdy one, Geoffrey.  And I can hardly believe I'm writing this but they might be mine.  Annalee apparently delivered them on a battlefield as the mother died, with the father already dead, and no relatives to be found.  She took them and has been raising them but she's already got her boy, and she's raised so many children...all her orphans.  Gods, I think she said it was 200 now?

And I've been wanting to adopt again.  There are (miracle of miracles) no babies at Hope House.  Older kids, but no little ones.  Lord Rael seems to be allowing free trade and the people have enough to eat, and with the sun shining all the babies are being taken care of.  Even a few of the older kids have found relatives and I know this brings joy to Jil's heart, to see the kids in a home again.

So I'm thinking of adopting them.  They're all over and I had to put a chest in front of Zup's door so they wouldn't keep going into his room (they seem to find Lyon's room boring).   But Annalee has let me keep them for a bit to see if it's a good fit since I won't break up siblings and they mind pretty well.  I'm used to kids anyway, how long have I been helping Jil at the orphanage?

There is a forth sister, Adria, who Annalee adopted to a ranger named Arian? after the birth.  I will have to seek her out and get the children together.  They're family, however awful their beginnings.

Who am I kidding, I'm going to take them.  I have a home, money, time.  And Cricket has just about stopped pouting about them.  In fact, he was playing hide and seek with them the other day and letting them find him so that's a good sign.

Genna, Geoffrey, and Jesse Tannerson.  I'd better write Aubrey and tell her that her old room is about to be full.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #166 on: October 16, 2007, 12:39:00 pm »
Today was the funnest day we've had yet and that's saying a lot after Caighd's visit a few nights ago.  I am loving being a mother again.  Aubrey wrote back and could not believe it, she'll be home in a week to meet them.

Took the terrible trio out for a long walk in Haft, playing by the lake, teaching Genna more about swimming and Geoffrey too.  Jesse kept playing with the ox.  He is different from the other two.  Always looking for animals, always so excited when he sees a bird or a bug or a squirrel.  Always pushing plants back up if they're trampled.  I think I'm going to have to make sure Annalee stays in touch with him, he might find Katia's teachings good.  She sent me the information on the fourth child and I need to contact the mother soon.

Geoffrey, he's my fearless one.  He adjusted fastest to the new house, the new "mommy" - the other two still cry for Annalee.  He was the first born, the biggest, and he protects the other two already.  He was fascinated by Caighd and Caighd's shiny armor and shield.  He spent part of the evening in Caighd's lap, just staring at him, and part of his time getting little fingerprints all over his nice golden breastplate.

Genna is already showing herself to be physical and in love with water.  She jumps up and down every time she sees a fish, loves to swim, and never cries when you get water in her eyes while bathing.  I think I will share the teachings of Shindelaria with her, when she's older.  I think she'd like what Mother Ocean has to say.

I don't want to decide for them who they will be but even at two and a half, they're really showing their personalities.  When Caighd comes over for dinner, I think I'll ask him to tell Geoffrey about Rofirein.  Energy and charisma like that boy's needs to be directed right, even if he's young to understand it.

Caighd's coming for dinner!  I haven't felt this stupidly happy since...

Now I need Jennara to save my butt because I can't cook.  Please, Shindy, let the Captain of the Wyrm be willing...


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #167 on: November 09, 2007, 11:46:41 am »
*A letter, with a shaky but properly shaped script.*

My Liege

   I'm writing to tell you of rumors I've heard.  I know a number of people who travel the world, and they tell me that the dragons are returning.  Where before they'd be legend or myth, now even people I've met have seen them or spoken to them.  My friend Galen Tweed says his wife has met one now and he was rightly unhappy about that to be sure.

  I can't say what this means but I will keep my eyes and ears open.  In the meantime, I am helping a friend who is searching for information about her long-lost father.  I think you can understand.  I will be traveling to the library in Bydell soon and might have to use my title to gain respect.  I don't know how they'll take a half-orc walking around their books.  I am on the way to Baroness Imjam's now to beg for a few more lessons in properness as this courtly stuff is still pretty new.

  Oh, and I have adopted several young ones that I'll bring to meet you soon.  I think you'll adore them, their mother was killed in childbirth and no relatives could be found.  Four of them at once!  I have three, another woman adopted one of the girls early and my friend Miss Annalee who helped me find you was keeping the others until I offered.  They can already kind of sing Erilyn's anthem, it's so cute!

I will submit a full report of the rumors I've heard when I'm home after my trip to Bydell.  Wishing you health and strength.

My life for Erilyn,

Honora Tannerson.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #168 on: November 21, 2007, 08:53:44 am »
*splotched print, scratchy and uneven*

Green lady ask Cricket to check on things at home.  Cricket has some things to say about that!  First.  Cricket sees no pie.  Cricket not care if little humans would get into it!  Little humans need pie too.  But not as much as Cricket.

Second.  Cricket read all of Green lady's books and is bored.  Cricket knew all that stuff.  Cricket wants new books.  

Third.  Cricket overhear that neighbor is entertaining a person during the day that is not like the one that comes home after working in the fields.  Did Green lady know this?  Cricket find it most interesting.  Wonder if man who comes home late knows this?  

Forth.  Little people are fine.  Archer lady taking care of them but they happy to see Cricket.  Green lady should be happy to see Cricket!  They play, say that they miss Green lady.  Green lady should feel bad for being gone so long.

Fifth.  Note left on door.  Big black man was here looking for Green lady.  Something about a trial blah blah.  Note ON TABLE.

Cricket going to visit Baroness and King.  



Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #169 on: December 06, 2007, 09:06:26 am »
The children are fine but upset I've been gone so long.  And I have to go again.  Jil has been keeping them busy, and Caighd came by to play with them.

He left me another note, thank Shindy it was after Cricket left.  Ferrit is suspicious and of what?  I mean, we're just friends, me and Caidgh are....right?

I keep looking in the mirror.  I think I've finally grown into my face.  It doesn't look so long anymore, and my teeth are not so yellow, not so large.  Years of chewing can do that.  I wonder if pure-blood orcs lose their tusks as they age?

What is wierd is how much it's bothering me, how I look.  Because if I'm honest I know in my heart that it's more than friendship, at least for me, with Caighd.  And he's human, and he's not ugly.  With Mikey it was easy - I was clearly not too ugly for him and not too "orc".  We were the hands-down ugliest couple on the planet but that was okay.

But this is different.  He's human, even if he's taller than Mikey was.  And people have stared, when we've walked together.  Does he feel like I do, and if he did, would he even act on it?  Does my skin and my heritage bother him?

Still, not as ugly as I used to be.  I guess that's something.

Geoffrey is still imitating everything Caighd does, and I've even overheard him praying to Rofirein the way Caighd does.   Genna prays with me to Shindy every night at bedtime, she even has her own prayer now:

Mother Ocean lay me down to bed
Dolphins and coral dreams in my head
And when I wake, to Shindaleria I pray
To send me gentle currents and a peaceful day.

So cute!  She's a good swimmer now and I'm training her in the ways of unarmed fighting.  She says she wants to heal as well, so I might have to find her a tutor.

Jesse is still the animal lover.  His part of their bedroom now has three squirrels and a turtle and would have more if I let him.  Good thing Lyons and Zup are feeding the squirrels, they should be well enough to let go soon.  They are not nearly as docile for anyone else as they are for Jesse.  I will take him back to Annalee soon as Kat's done with me, see what she can teach him - I know she loved the children, but was overworked and needed a break.  Perhaps tutoring won't be as taxing?

I am going to finish this letter to Caighd, take the children back to Jil's tomorrow, then head to Port Hempstead to meet Kat and the others.  I'm really looking forward to my own bed.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #170 on: January 12, 2008, 04:32:12 pm »
Well, the M'asty name rears it's head again.  I have been relaxing since helping Kat a bit, although not as much as I'd hoped.  But she seems happy and that's all that matters.  I stayed home with the kids for a while, saw Caighd once...that might be a story for another day.  And I went to the Arms in Leringard to see some folks since I've been home a good bit lately.

Well, I learned something I've never heard of.  Plenarius was there and he told us the story of the Lumbral.  From what he said, when dragons still ruled Layonara, there was a Sundering in a battlefield and a bunch of Tol and others got sucked down.  When Blood destroyed the Council he cast them down there too.  Plen was there when some folks found out about Arindor's Winds, which lead them to the Lumbral in a resonance between Shadow and the mortal plane.  Apparently the Council was unwilling to go completely to shadow so they wouldn't go evil.  And later, they were going to die from no energy and so the Veil was created.

Interesting stuff.  Then, Jennara asked to speak with me and when I went to modify my top in Hempstead, she was there working on something.  So we talked, for a good while.  Basically, Alvin's nephew of the Painting of Erilyn fame asked her to help find hidden artifacts from the MAF museum.  The Lady was in on this and her captain I'm sure.  They went to Hapur, found a magically locked door, and there was one of the dragon statues there along with one with a Rofie feeling which she recognized.  She got a key from it and they found scrolls and papers.  She showed it all to me and was going to take it to Spellgard.  I suggested she take Galen, since he was born and raised there, but since he's home with his kid now she said she might ask his wife.  She knows the woman apparently.

This has me intrigued.  Cricket showed up for most of the conversation and I commissioned five pecan pies to bribe him into helping me work on the notes.  I think I want to know what this is all about...

I'll scribe the notes here later, Jesse just brought in a skunk!!


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #171 on: February 04, 2008, 09:35:50 am »
And here I thought it got easier.  Caighd came for dinner again and here I am babbling and nervous and wearing that outfit that I thought looked sultry when I sewed it...what was I thinking?  Still.  After all that, we finally got past the stupid fears and just said what was on our minds.  Although I thought he was going to say he wanted to be "just friends" for a minute there and that is the worst feeling in the world.   Shindy was watching me though and I was wrong.  He's as interested as I thought he'd be.

Better yet, he's moving into Lyon's old room!  The kids were so excited when I told them that they jumped around the house for an hour.  Geoffrey asked every ten minutes if Caighd was going to train him and could he be a squire and could he polish the armor and...on and on.  I'm so happy I could pop.

Drat those Rofirein oaths though.  DRAT THEM!  Why couldn't it be poverty or something?

Cricket dropped by to eat the pie Caighd brought for supper and make fun of us before heading off to...wherever he goes.  It's not like there are any wizards with familiars he can talk to hanging around Prantz these days.  And he's pretty snobby about that anyway, calls them Weavebound lackeys.

Well, I'm off to gather papers and try to make sense of the stuff Jennara gave me and clean my dress for my audience with King Briant.  

*in splotchy print*

Cricket protest!  Cricket left Green Lady two pieces of pie!  Cricket does not mind Big Black Man living here.  Black Man's shiney head makes good mirror!

Cricket will be at King's too.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #172 on: March 09, 2008, 10:04:47 am »
Between teaching three kids how to read and write, spending time with Caighd and helping Jennara and the others investigate...I'm tired.  So tired.  At least the kids are learning fast.

Genna and I are taking a trip to a temple of Shindelaria soon as I can find one and some water breathing stuff.  Annalee has taken Jesse under her wing - he's taking trips with her for up to weeks at a time to areas sacred to Katia and he's talking about taking vows as a healer of nature.  Until he changes his mind and wants to be a warrior of nature, unless it's a day he wants to be both.

It's no secret that Geoffrey wants to be just like Caighd.  He'll turn those little hazel eyes on my giant dark man and Caighd just melts.  He's so good with children...I asked Geoffrey if he'd asked to be Caighd's squire and he got all serious like kids do and said "that's church business Mother".  I had to fight not to laugh...but in my heart I'm happy.  My children have found callings so young, and all on their own.  I didn't cajole any of them.

The only thing I wish I could do for them is find them some blood family, but from all I can tell their mother and father were alone.  I'll keep looking.

Tomorrow I meet with the investigation and find out what I've missed.  Jil and Caighd have the kids until I come back.  Can't wait to show everyone how I've been working on my speech!


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #173 on: March 18, 2008, 12:25:11 pm »
What a wonderful day.  I took the kids to Port Hempstead early in the morning, so they could see a real city in action.  I won't take them to Prantz and they know why but Haft Lake was getting too small for them.

They all behaved pretty well.  We got funnel cakes and met quite a few folks.  Kyle and Ferrit stopped by and I swear if Jesse "moos" at Kyle again...

Cricket came by, we saw some old friends - Timulty who I have not seen since well before the kids, and Earl from....decades ago.  Storold was by the fountains but he didn't engage us much.  Then again, he was publicly nuzzling some lady named Clover who I think I might have met but I'm not sure.  Where's Mylindra?  And the boys?

Caighd came as soon as he could get away from the temple and we just enjoyed the day.  It didn't rain all morning, the kids got funnel cakes and talked to many people.  And Jesse got to meet a druid lady named Miss Katie and was just speechless about it.  All he can say is "I want to learn that.  I want to learn that."  Especially after Miss Katie took snake form to talk to Jesse's latest friend.

About the only thing that put a damper on things was right after Bumblebee introduced himself and the five of us were walking toward the fountains, a man in a hood basically said that if I didn't cough up 1000 gold he could not guarantee our safety.  Thugs!  I was so mad, my blood ran so hot right then that if they kids hadn't been there...I might have pulped him.

But they were, and they need to see better of me.  So I told him to get lost and continued.  Later, a young woman that I've seen before - one of Rain's many, many kids - noticed him sitting on a bench watching us and Caighd went over to speak with him.  Took him a good long while and I don't know what was said but the hooded man ended up walking past me with Caighd not far behind and then called me a beast and spit on me and left.

Caighd does have his ways...I felt much safer after that and the mood certainly lightened.  Actually I think Cricket was the maddest of all, he doesn't like it when others pick on me.  Kind of thinks that's his job.

Jennara, Acacea and I have been to visit the refugees of Phal, and I have some research to do.  But for now I think a swim in the lake would be nice and so does Genna!


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #174 on: April 08, 2008, 10:47:18 am »
Damned dust.  Stupid urn.

*page is wrinkled as if liquid had spilled on it*


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #175 on: May 05, 2008, 12:42:34 pm »
I went to Port Hempstead yesterday, just on a whim.

Quiet these days, or at least when I was there.

Felt good to get off of Dregar, out of the house.  Two years.  Two years of teaching three children to read, to write, to look up words they don't understand - Genna has my dictionary now, journal and all.  

Two years of teaching, praising, correcting.

Ferrit happened by and we sat for a few hours and talked. She didn't say anything but I've noticed something very different. Since Caighd came to stay, and since I've been working on "proper" Common with a bunch of little ones, my speech has changed.  It wasn't the time I spent in Erilyn's court trying to pronounce things right, it was trying to show a lisping little girl how to say "you" and "shoe" and "blue" and be understood.

I don't sound the same to myself. My Liege had a laugh at that - he's been very kind in letting me stay home and tutor them, my little excursions with Jennara and company excluded. But now I'm restless and the children are getting ready to move on.  Jesse, my skinny wild weed of a boy, is going to spend an extended period of time training at the temple to Katia on Dregar.  Geoffrey is planning on spending a month or two at the Citadel to see if he likes it (which he will) and assist Caighd as a squire when Caighd is there.  Genna's staying at home for now, near the shrine to Shindelaria she's built in the waters of Haft Lake.  She's gone far beyond my mumbled prayers - she's told me that she believes Shindy is answering her prayers, and wishes to explore spellpraying and monk-style fighting.  I can't teach her the spellpraying so a hunt is on for a tutor that will stay in the house or nearby.

I'm proud of them, of all of them, Aubrey included.  She's still in Huangjin, now a paladin in her own right although she's specialized in doing counseling and providing help to others in difficulty.  She tells me she's in love next trip will be to meet this man and decide if he's good enough!

*splotchy print* Cricket says he's good enough. Bakes pies and sings!

I need to close this when I've walked away apparently.

Speaking of love...Caighd.  What to do?  Ferrit told me she had some ideas on how to motivate him to propose.  We talked about that mostly.  About how it's not the sex or Rofirein-mandated lack thereof, but that we've existed as ALMOST a family for so long now.  The children think of him as their father...but they don't feel right calling him "Dad".  How I would love for them to be able to say "Mother and Father" instead of "Mother and Caighd"...should I rush him?  Should I ask?  I trust Ferrit and her idea was a wickedly simple one, so perhaps that first.  But is it that he does not want to?

Too much to think about right now.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #176 on: May 23, 2008, 08:14:46 pm »
Honora Tannerson Brendimeere?  Or Honora Brendimeere?  Or just Honora Tannerson?

I can't believe this ring.  So beautiful...the dragon and the dolphin...Genna loves it, Geoffrey loves it.  The children went crazy when we told them!  Nuts happy!  Even Cricket cracked a smile, and gave his blessing - with stipulations that pie be baked regularly.

I'll have to tell Ferrit soon how wonderful her idea was...she was pure gold, that woman.  Caighd dropped to his knee - and that's saying something considering how long it takes for him to get back up some days - and I remember laughing and crying a little and just telling him to stand up and kiss me darnit.

Who to invite?  Ferrit and Kyle, Treana and Daniel - oh, there's another story.  A'Tulsaiir Na'Biirisa, that's what I'm going to be.  Official.  I'm flattered and scared out of my mind I'll forget something.  And if Cricket shows up and starts flirting with Treana?  Daniel will...well, I don't know.

Actually, that would be pretty funny.

Ferrit, Kyle
Treana, Daniel
Annalee, date?  Her son probably
Katrien, date
Galen and his wife (if they're in town)
Storold, date - that woman I saw him with in Hempstead?  Got to get her name.
Plus whoever Caighd wants.

I have been agonizing over who to ask as maid of honor until I saw the kids jumping all over Caighd with pure joy, asking if they could call him Daddy now.  Who else?  Genna, with Geoffrey as Best Man and Jesse as ringbearer.

[FONT="][/FONT]Honora T. Brendimeere?  No, bad.  I think Honora Tannerson Brendimeere.  That looks good.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #177 on: June 06, 2008, 01:00:29 pm »
Welp, I married Treana and Daniel.  With only one major heart attack for Treana...poor Cole.  The kid was just kicking himself the rest of the ceremony.  It was hard, we ended up switching to Common for most of it but Treana and I kept up with the ancient language as well.  Her, for her history I'm sure, and me, cause I didn't memorize a whole bunch of crazy syllables for nothing.  All the time Cricket spent laughing at me had to count for something!

It warms my heart to see them, makes me think of Caighd and I.  Love is not just for the young.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #178 on: September 30, 2008, 12:43:33 pm »
A letter from Jennara, after all this time.  And Caighd playing keep-away!  If my back wasn't aching I'd have wrestled it from him but - age.
 I've written her back and started stretching, running again.  Aubrey drags me out with her, blast the girl.  I never thought I'd walk and now I get tired when I run.  Age.
 Am I scared?  Do I need to go out and prove myself again?
 No.  I need to help a friend.  The kids are grown and pursuing thier lives, Aubrey and her daughter here with me.  How I love being a grandmother!  I look at my girl, my Aubrey, and just wish I could love the pain away but I know, I know how hard it is to lose someone and never know why.  We both do, Caighd and I.
 We really ought to get married one of these days.  I've been saying that for fifteen years.
 Well, I'll write the Commander - Captain?  I can never remember.  Should be a General by now.  I'll write the Baroness of Biscuits back and let her know I'm coming.  Caighd can argue all he wants but I'm going to help.  She was there for me.  I will be there for her.
 But perhaps a nap first.


Re: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #179 on: October 01, 2008, 12:22:54 pm »
Packing for Creedo.  Cricket wants to come; he's always liked Jennara.  I'm sure it had something to do with the pie.
 I'll be glad of the company, though.
 Caighd argued and Merry cried and is clinging to me and Aubrey just gave me that look.  I've got a few tricks up my sleeve though; I haven't taught fighting for thirty-odd years for nothing.  Fight smarter, not harder.
 Shindy, my Lady, watch over me.  Don't let me do anything stupid.

