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Author Topic: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"  (Read 3544 times)


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2006, 09:36:58 am »
*This is written in a smaller book called Collection of Mistone Dialects, in the back*

Just so I remember.  We were going to Haven to get iron to make him some new reinforced clothing.  He took me the place we went to before where you climb up the big rock and there is a pond up there with a bench and it's so pretty but last time Ireth was there with someone so we left.  This time we were alone.  He put his arm around me and we just sat for a while and didn't talk about much and then he told me he'd never met anyone like me before and then he said he loved me.  Real fast like Iloveyou.  I wanted to laugh and to cry with happy.  We kissed for a long time then we went and killed ogres.  A perfect day.

Other stuff.

I'm calmer now but I've been pretty giddy.  I sent a letter to Inirine telling her everything.  I hope Mikey will come visit her and her family with me.

The MAF.  We got together again and went back into the caves and took a closer look.  More snakes of all colors this time mostly black blue and green.  Lots more snakes.  Went back to the dragon room and looked all over.  Ashiel found a splinter of red crystal in the box that held the roses.  She also found a mural on the wall of an ocean scene.  There seems to be some connection between oceans and whatever temples these are.  There was discussion of Mist and Shinny.  Shinny is an old god pre-cataclisym.  The roses are still with a person called Key and she's gone missing.  Foul play?  Rawkwin tried scrying the dragon statue, and a paladin I think named Daniel prayed to Roferien after I asked him to just to try.  Nothing.  The others are planning a trip to the museum.  I won't be there because of the monk but let me put this down in order.

Next I visited the Freelancers tavern to talk to Quillwem about apprenticing.  There was a meeting going on.  AnnaLee was there and that Ireth lady and some dark elves and someone called the Black Pearl a little gnome in black.  Also someone called Dur'thak who had a tail, which is pretty neat when you think about it.  He looked demon-y but was nice enough.  Sallaron Tempest was there who is nice and some elf named Linda.  And Quillwem briefly.  They were talking about strange happenings in Karthy.  People were asked to come up and say what they knew and I said I didn't know anything but I'd like to help since it had to do with Milaria smuggling stuff through Karthy and some group called The Way.  Then I remembered something from a bar I stopped in for food after my last visit to the Temple of Elemental Balance.  There were people there recruiting for hired help to do stuff that sounded illegal.  I ignored it then but when I told the group at the Freelancers they were interested.  AnnaLee vouched for me and they took me along to help.  

We got hired onto a ship doing dirty work for a group, and there was almost a fight on the ship between the crew and the men who I think were the smugglers.  Sallaron got in with them but I had a bad feeling about it so then we went ashore and had to kill some manticores that were blocking the way to a tower the smuggling guys wanted to go to and Sallaron went with them.  I snuck behind and followed.  I think I really messed things up though because I can't see traps like a rogue and missed a few after they took him upstairs.  They knew someone was there then even if they could not see me.  An alarm was sounded and I pretty much made hash of Sallaron's attempt to get information.  I feel really bad about that and he almost died twice too getting out but I got him out alive thank Asher ten times over for those invisibility potions.  We got out and back on the ship and traveled back to Karthy.  It wasn't a long trip really.

I told Ireth what had happened and had to go because my identity was known.  The others stayed and talked and I got supplies and decided to head over to get cougar and lion skins.

Okay now the monk.  I was walking toward Lake Io except I always get lost in Karthy and ended up in some swamp instead.  I felt eyes again!  I went back to Karthy to go to Lake Io instead and again felt like I was watched.  I got pretty mad about it orc blood got hot so I snuck into the lake area and was going to just sneak like Wind to Point Harbor but I saw a man then and he was wearing grey and blue robes.  I got madder actually since he looked like he belonged to the Temple but he stopped me and started talking.  He said the Way of the Wind was out of balance.  He seemed to know all about it and finally I was so curious even though I was mad about being ignored by them for so long, I asked him about it.  He said he'd show me.  I was still mad, am still mad, but I really wanted to learn so I went with him.  Almost died to some trolls.  This guy is not what he seems he does not make footprints or ripples in water when he walks, it's as if his feet don't touch the ground.  

We went past the nasty trolls to some house and he asked me to get a coin.  I went in and there was a bad feeling but I got the coin okay and I don't understand why he could not get the coin himself.

Then we went to a cave in the Wolfswood forest and that's where I am now.  He's giving me time to rest before I go into the cave to get some bone for him.  Interesting things:  He mumbled once about Vengance is Mine after I gave him the coin which by the way is NOT Queen Allurial on the front.  Old, old, old that coin must be.  Feet don't touch the ground.  Kinda sarcastic and he calls me child which drives me nuts but oh well.  So here I am and not sure what is going to happen.  Ferrit told me the spiders here are very hard to hurt.  And I get the feeling more and more that he's not exactly a nice guy even though he hasn't hurt me yet.  Oh well I did send a bird to Mikey letting him know what was happening so he won't worry.  I hope I'm doing the right thing, I just want to know what the Way of Wind is about.  Maybe I should try to go to the temple.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #61 on: June 14, 2006, 05:30:24 am »
Stuff and more stuff.  I've been to the temple to check on Mr. Gr'aiath.  He let me go too.  Strange.  I talked to a snooty librarian who said that he was a man who killed an innocent.  I went to the inner sanctum of the Temple of the Winds next.  I felt sad there because when I asked the librarian what was the way to apply to the temple she said that those who are there belong there and those who apply probably don't or somesuch.  So now I know for sure, they don't want me, I'm not good enough.  So I felt very sad jumping up to the sanctum but I needed more answers.  There was a shaft of light like outside on the island and a woman or an image of one in the light with black hair and green eyes.  Pretty lady.  She radiated a feeling of love which was nice but wierd.  I asked her three questions, Who was Gr'aiath, what would she have me do, and how did he betray the temple.

Gr'aiath has a grave marker by the spot she was.  He's a ghost or some undead.  Great.  Not a popular guy either.

What she would have me do she didn't say, only that I had to choose and fast.  Choose WHAT?  The temple doesn't want me.  So I guess I choose to learn from him or not learn at all.

How he betrayed the temple was to make it so the path of the Wind was unreachable, which was almost a direct answer which surprised me no one in this place can just give a yes or no answer to anything.

The last thing she did was touch me and all I felt was love from her not like Mikey love but more like Mom love if I knew what that was.  Kind of like what I remember of Inirine when I was little.  She said it was "her gift to him" and then she was gone.

*The ink above is smeared as if the book were shut before it dried*

*The ink below is unsmeared*

Could not stand that librarian staring at me anymore.  Sitting outside by Lake Io now.  So now what.  Go back and complete whatever he's wanting me to do and possibly be part of something really bad or just go home.  Those are my choices.

Or find out what he's up to and stop it.  I can live with not being a monk of the Wind, officially.  I don't think I need the temple to hit me with an "approved monk" stamp after all.  I mean I've been training all this time, I can define my own path.  I can learn from Mikey that whirly attack.  I can teach myself to move faster.  And from what I see the path of Wind is out of balance.  No one seems to know what's going on and the actions feel chaotic to me.  I don't need chaos in my life.

But I don't want them to be destroyed by some crazy vengance ghost.  And I still have questions.  And to be fair, I should hear his side of the story.

So I go back.  But Rollie, you were so right.  I am armed with information I didn't have.  The path I'm walking is not as dark and I can move faster in the light.  I need to tell Rollie how much he really taught me.

More later.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #62 on: June 22, 2006, 05:27:32 am »
We've rested for a bit.  He's been watching me.  Haven't spoke since I came back from the temple.  I'm trying to decide how to handle this.  When I put this book down I'm going to have to say something about what I've learned.  I wonder if I could just walk up and wave my hand through him?

I miss Mikey.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #63 on: June 23, 2006, 05:46:05 am »
...and that was wierd.  He just upped and left.  Got a strange look and said he had business to attend to and he'd let me know when to come back to train.  And he was gone.  Practically vanished.


So I snuck past the snakes back to Karthy then back to Pranzis where I bumped into Jareg and Ketil who I made some armor for and he's still wearing it which makes me happy.  We went to the forest of Mists and to the opal caves so I could get some opals for Asher.  I thought about having to fight a powerful ghost and decided to practice channeling magical focus into my fists again.  I worked hard at it and I can't tell if I'm better but I think maybe I am.  It was fun watching Jareg and Ketil.  They fight very different but Ketil is amazing not like Mikey who basically threshes everything he hits in half but because Ketil hits so fast like a million hits a minute it seems.  And Jareg has spells to make him a fantastic fighter and he has the coolest hat.  I like them I hope we go out again soon.  Those two plus Mikey and Asher and we could take on demons!

Saw Mikey later he was on his way out but I gave him the boots of web resistance I made for him from those sticky glands he gave me and a bunch of heal kits I made.  Got a lot of kisses and he's taken to smacking me on the rump when he leaves.  Well, if it makes him happy.  He's off to watch the giants and I'm tired and confused and going to bed.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #64 on: June 24, 2006, 10:55:26 pm »
Went to Arabel on recommendations of several people who heard things.  Joined a group fighting to protect the Great Oak.  Died, died again.  Fought next to Michael.  Saw many other good people die.

We suceeded against stuff I've never seen before.  Demons of all types.  Monsters.  Giants.  Really nasty demons.

The dragon who called us fought with us.  We saved him once, twice, but when we fought the final battle, he fell.  There is only one thing sadder than that dead dragon and I heard it right after the final defeat of Blood's forces.

Pranzis is lost.  Surrounded and occupied.  I have been holding the tears back.  I love that town have never been happier but now it's full of demons raiding our things and burning our houses.  Our home.

I keep thinking of the lake.  And of Jersey, my ox who is waiting tied down by the side of the house for me to come unload all the skins off of him.  Who is probably demon food by now.

Blood was defeated.  The sun is blotted out by the explosion that killed him.  I should be happy.  But all I feel is the loss of the place I think of as home.  I'm writing this in my backup dictionary in the Hlint stables that I used to sleep in.  Hay just isn't as easy to sleep on anymore.  And I have come to hate Hlint, all the people running around.  All the noise.  The expensive materials.  No privacy.

I want our home back.  I will fight for it whenever and however I can.  I will force myself to go to the Wild Surge and read the posts.  Pranzis will be saved.

We won.  Why do I feel defeated?


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #65 on: June 25, 2006, 09:29:59 am »
I can still go home.  Apparently the general running Pranzis is letting people in he's more interested in keeping the city alive then burning it.  Jersey was even alive but upset and kept trying to follow us into the house.  


We know each other now.  In every way I think possible.  I was scared and told him and he held me and all of a sudden I just wanted to know and to be with him.  It's all so much how we almost lost the world and the death that it took to keep a larger death from happening and Pranzis overrun and all the pain.  I needed something to hold onto and so we did.  

I don't even know how to write about stuff like that but all I can say is wow.  Now I know what all the fuss is about.

And I don't think my hips will ever go in the same direction again.

Sent a letter to Inirine to make sure she's safe with some money in case.  Gave her a quick view of what happened.  I showed Mikey the Temple of Elemental Balance too and he's a darn good jumper he got all the way to the very top of the Temple of the Wind not falling once.  We're taking a break and he's dozing by Lake Io and I love to watch him sleep.  Guess I'll have more chances to do that now.

The sky is getting darker and it's colder than it was.  The sun is barely visible and sometimes not at all.  I wonder what's going to happen?

More later.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #66 on: June 26, 2006, 06:00:01 am »
Gr'aiath send word for me to come to the cave.

I left Mikey at Velensk after we went into the Berhagens looking for a temple to the giant god. Grannock? I think that's it. Got to make note that since we were together in the house he's gotten really frisky. We were in Shofall? I think that's the name up in the mountains really pretty town and we climbed up a hill and could see the whole town and he got all playful and snuggly and wanted me again. And again. Afterwards Mikey was so happy and I think he'd climb into the sky and get the moon and stars for me if I asked. Men are funny.

So we parted in Velensk and I headed to Wolfswood to the cave. Gr'aiath was there all ghosty and I just started asking him questions. We moved into the cave to avoid the snakes and talked. He kept calling me "child" which drives me nuts I'm not his kid or even a kid. His story was that he loved a woman that another man loved and that he was responsible for the other man's death somehow and he was cursed. I told him about the black haired green eyed lady who spoke to me in the temple and he was shaken and told me that was her. He tried to scare me but after fighting Blood's forces one ghost is not going to give me the shivers so I just tried to get to the truth and he finally said that all he really wanted was to be with her in the afterlife. Okay so I decided to help him. We fought a lot of spiders heading back into the caves and I found silks yay! I had to squeeze through a tiny space and fight more spiders and finally we were back in a room with a pool in the northwest corner and when I got near that pool the coin I found got hot. I found bones in the pool and they were really old and that was what he wanted so we left. While we were there Gr'aiath kept being angry at the other man and I had to get all Toranite on him and tell him about forgiveness (I need to thank Mave sometime) and also channel some Rollie about how holding onto anger upsets balance and makes the path harder to see. I think he listened but he still kept calling me "child" which I'm not. I got stuck in the tiny tunnel once but got through. So then I was leaving and could not see Gr'aiath and there was a spirit there not man-looking but more spirit-y. He said he was Morach whose bones I found. He seemed all soft voiced and nice but when I started to ask hard questions about who killed who he got a wierd grin and I got a bad feeling. Then Gr'aiath appeared and they started yelling at each other and I had the bones in one hand and the coin in another and I put them together and that summoned the lady spirit and shut the boy ghosts up good.

Her name was Sherissa. She waited for me to figure out what happened but I already knew I think that it was Gr'aiath she loved and Morach was the angry one even though he got killed. So I told Gr'aiath that she loved him and he was just stunned and then Gr'aiath forgave him for what he did and I told Morach to just get on since he was forgiven and dead and all so he faded away and so did Sherissa. Gr'aiath asked me to walk with him.

It goes like this. Gr'aiath was an elven Grandmaster of the Wind order who loved the elf lady but he was kind of easygoing and just not as serious or so I gathered when we talked by the lake later. Morach was his student and all studious and focused and stuff. Sherissa loved Gr'aiath and it made Morach mad since he wanted Sherissa for himself. Morach made up a bunch of lies to make Gr'aiath look bad and was hurting the relationship and the Order by forcing people apart and making them take sides. Then one day Gr'aiath took Morach to the spider cave and Morach made a mistake and died there and Gr'aiath left him dying and then felt bad and left the temple and since he'd been the Grandmaster for so long and helped shape the Path the Path got hard to follow. I think. And Sherissa died of a broken heart. Gr'aiath told me before he faded away that I helped set the Path straight and he also said that "those who belong here are here" and why was I down by the lake when I belonged in the temple? He told me that the Path found me. He finally called me by my name before he left for the netherworld too. I hope he and Sherissa are happy. I went up to the temple and one of the head monks of the Wind knew me and welcomed me and we talked about what it meant to be a monk of the Wind. So after all this I'm accepted.

One more thing. I took another walk around and thought pretty hard about how badly this thing was handled. There could be some changes around here...too much connundrum not enough plain spokenness. I thought about myself and what I can do and I think I may be reaching too low. I think there is no limit to what I can try for. Maybe what I need to do is learn from all the orders not just Wind. I'm going to think on this and talk to the other orders a bit. I'm getting an idea.

Can't wait to tell Mikey and Asher and Mave and everyone what happened!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #67 on: June 27, 2006, 05:32:26 am »
We went to Pranzis through Hurm over the last few days.  Looks like that will be the way we have to go for a while now.  Through the Dark Forest and the desert which have not changed much.  We marched along at a steady pace stopping only to                

I can't wipe this stupid grin off my face gods I love that man.


We have been focusing on the Dark Forest trying to wipe out the spiders and nasty evil tree ants so that others can use the path.  The spiders breed like kobolds though.  Mikey and I talked about it and we are not abandoning our home yet as long as we can get to it so we decided to try to get there through Dalos Lake and see what happened.  We had to kill some of the ogres and madmen on the way they seem to take the fall of Pranzis as a reason to harass travelers even more.  Mistake on thier part this time.

Saudiria is mostly intact and I am wondering about putting a home there until Pranzis is retaken.  It's not a bad little town but dusty.

We met Mave and Mercas on the road outside Saudiria.  Mercas seemed to be okay but Mave.  I did not understand until I stood inside Pranzis again and actually looked around more but Mave had a look in her eyes.  She told me what the army did to the Temple of Toran and when she did her voice was as cold as the Barbarian Isles and the look in her eyes made mithril look soft.  I pity Blood's army that they got her riled up because they are going to find out what true paladin of Toran can do when she lets it all go.  

We went though the forest of Mists toward Pranzis and a lot of the giants were missing either part of the army or slaughtered in the march.  Corax lake looked okay just torn up a bit and so did Dalos lake.  Many footprints so many that the earth was sunk in and a few guards.  That was interesting Mercas just disappeared when we got to Dalos lake and Mave marched off to the side of us.  She got a lot of looks but none of the demon-y types did anything since we pretty much headed straight for Haft lake.

I did not look when I ran home the first time.  I just ran hoping it was still there.  I saw things but I did not see them I was not paying attention to anything else.  This time I looked and the gate that I am so used to pushing open is gone.  The walls are gone.  The's bad.  I did not look in the other districts but I saw very little smoke except for the walls and certain areas so again I see that whoever is running the city is trying to occupy not destroy at least for now.

No one bothered me.  I look more orc than human I think so I guess they thought I was okay.  Mikey got a few glances and one guard looked hard at him but he's hard to miss and he was in the front lines defending the Great Oak so maybe word got around.  They thought twice about messing with him though and we all went straight to the house over the rubble that used to be the gates to Haft Lake.

The lake area is mostly intact.  Seems the army kept out.  I saw a few people moving possessions into carts and boxes but they are going to need a spy here and since I look orc I'm staying.  I'll keep my eyes and ears open and see what I can learn about what's happening here.  Just need to find out who to report it to.

Mikey got another futon and put it next to his.  I won't be sleeping in my big bed anymore and I won't miss it either.  But I have to decorate Mikeys room it's too plain...time to shop if the furniture guy is still there and see if I can hear anything while I'm out.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #68 on: June 28, 2006, 10:06:09 am »
I've been thinking about balance.  The first time I stepped into the temple and knew I belonged there all I could think about were all the changes I would make.  I started going over all the things I would do and how I could go about doing them.  Now I've had a chance to sit and watch the training.  Watch the monks how they move how they learn how they are taught.  I have been sitting in training for all the elements since I was thinking of learning everything but my eyes are bigger than my brain it seems.  It would take four lifetimes to learn that much.  And I know I can't lead a place like this I just don't have that something that people like Freldo do.  But back to balance I was wanting to learn all the elements to create the balance in myself and I thought on this and let my mind wander while I listened to Wind play on Io lake and that's when it hit me.  I'm already balanced, and I balance others.  It's not just me, it's all the people I know.  Let me put this down quick before I forget.

Water.  Rollie is my water, my wisdom the place where I can sit and talk and learn and be at peace.  Asher is too but a different kind.  Rollie is a stream always moving always trying to change a little part of where he flows.  He's peace and defense.  Asher is an ocean.  Asher knows about fighting and places and crafting.  He's a ocean of knowledge, always helping others navigate the way.  I wonder what he'd say if I told him that.

Mikey is my Earth.  He is strong, grounded, the place where I grow.  With him I grow love, a home, a future.  He is Katia's child and Grannock's child (he calls them his "ladies" that makes me giggle) and he is my balance and my rock.

And increasingly, Mave is my fire.  She can be cold when you meet her.  She holds herself in check all the time resisting every temptation.  But under that layer that people are allowed to see is a passion like a volcano.  She tries with all her heart to follow what her god lays out for her, she fights like Toran was right beside her.  She is light and heat and burns with her desire to do good.

And I am their Wind.  I sneak ahead, I run from place to place.  I look for the new and pull them around when one place gets too familiar.  And I embrace all of them.  My balance are my friends and it all keeps coming back to that doesn't it?


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #69 on: June 30, 2006, 09:21:12 am »
Mikey and I have spent time together in the Iron Hills and Dark Forest.  We're going to look for Grannock's temple in the Berhagen mountains again soon.  He seems to think that I'd like Grannock.  I don't know I have never felt a god touch me before so I'm skeptical.-

Spent some time watching the monks again.  I need to learn a lot about the history of the order and the Path but I see something that is strange.  

Not many have found the Path that have already been out in the world.  

I am one of the very few that have come to the Path of Wind after travelling so much and learning so much already.  Most of the folks here started here.  I find I spend more time watching and listening than moving because so much of what they teach are things I've already done.  I spar to practice and even teach a thing or two myself but mostly I try to figure out how the Paths were discovered and what being of the Wind means.  Lots of meditation.  Mostly I see it means what you make of it.  Lots of room for self and there are clerics here and some others that did not always use inner focus to create the outer.  So it's flexible.  I still listen to Wind and hear what it brings and smell what it carries.  Wind still sings to me.  

Was in Hlint yesterday saw Mr. Darsus and Mercas.  Listened a bit and heard this and that about this person and that person.  Lot of unhappy people running around.  Glad I still have a home in Pranzis even if it's run by some evil dwarf.

Very bad news.  Alvin Masty is dead.  Murdered.  The paper said it was bandits but I don't think so.  I'm poking around Pranzis to find out what I can.  This changes things and the MAF has to be helped.  Kaya has to be found and questioned.  And her little imp-thing too.  And Jack.  Lots to do.

Been looking for someone to teach me orcish.  Mikey has inspired me to learn my other language.  He works so hard at it and tries to greet any giants he sees.  Mostly they attack him.  Maybe it's his dialect?


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #70 on: July 01, 2006, 06:12:03 am »
We finally went out on a date.  Been trying to do this for weeks and weeks and finally I got to the Lelion Arms and talked to Annalee who let me feel her belly but the babies were asleep.  Talked to Kyle and Rhynn about Alvin we're going to get together soon and then Mikey showed up all dressed nice in the outfit I made him and smelling like Kat's soap and hair all brushed and face shaved and he just looked so handsome.  I was in my new dress and I put on that ring that sparkles that he gave me and with my new sandles that show off my feet which are actually quite nice and my nails trimmed and everything darn it we looked good together.  

Freldo was running the Inn tonight and he made the most tasty supper I've had in a long time.  It was

Smoked salmon with rice
Apple and grapes

And some really good wine that I drank too much of.  Zeenite wine?  Sweet and good.  Pretty Boy can sing and cook.  He'll make a good wife someday.  I hope he finds someone stable soon he's really a nice guy.

Ozymandeas was there and he told the story of the fall of Blood and since he was there he knew what he was talking about.  He's quite good he had us really into the story.  Funny that someone so grumpy all the time can be so interesting when he wants to be.

Rollie showed up later and we saw Mave and Asher on the docks so Mikey and I changed and we went to Hurm to go clear a path through the Dark Forest again.  Mikey was really tired though and we ended up back on Ozy's land and I fell asleep near the cow pens.  Just got up but it's still night.  I think I'll go back to sleep.  Need to get home soon check on things and look into MAF stuff more.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #71 on: July 03, 2006, 08:11:07 am »
Yesterday was wonderful.  I met Asher and Mave on the docks at Lelion after getting comfrey, and we went to Hurm.  We chatted for a bit while Asher described the platinum armor he's giving me to sell so I can put it up on my notice properly.  Then Mikey showed up and he had Ferritt and Kyle and Berri in tow!  Wow it was so nice to see them and we went through the Iron Hills cutting back the ogre population and mined topaz and alexandrite and then through the Dark Forest taking out the evil spiders and trees and back through the desert to get more topaz and silver and on the way we met up with Ash and Tyrian and it was just the best time.

I missed all of them I hope to see more of them here.  Ash promised to come around more often and then after I mentioned that we had a room available since I've moved into Mikey's room Berri said he wanted it.  So later after we got into the city I showed Berri my old room.  Mave wondered if I should bring people into Pranzis after all that's happened but I look at it this way.  Pranzis won't heal until we heal it.  Deserting it won't heal it.  Shunning it won't heal it.  A city needs to live and breathe and you need people to make that happen.  I have seen many patrols in the streets and they frown on open weapons and hassle the occasional person but mostly they keep order.  It's not  I was going to say it's not that bad.  Wow.  I guess it's not.  At least I don't get picked on much just comments mostly on how ugly I am.  Which I already knew so I shrug that off.  So people need to come back and start living again.  That's what I think.

Anyway.  So Berri is taking my room.  He got all sniffly about it said he'd never had a place to put his stuff before so I wondered about his family but I didn't ask.  He seemed so happy and I had just brought the sheets in from outside and put them on the bed so I told him he could keep my old bed since Mikey and I are on futons.  He said he could fit 10 of him on the bed but as I left I saw him lying on it and he had a blissful look on his face.

I moved all my stuff this morning.  Redid the office and dressed up our room some it was too plain and added rugs and some light to the area in front of the room.

Then I went out to use the craft hall and snuck around a bit listening.  Just because the dwarf is not destroying everything doesn't mean that I don't still want Pranzis to be a free city.  I didn't hear anything good enough to report to anyone.  I feel so sorry for the fortune teller lady and the gnome who sold his inventions and the dwarf who sold ale.  They lost everything.  I also gave some money to a family in the streets, told them to find shelter or I could port them out if they wanted.  They said they were waiting for some family to take them in but they took the money to get food.  Cute kids, reminded me my brothers and sister.

Sometimes I wish I had a god, just so I could pray for Pranzis to be freed and to come back to full life.

Well Jilseponie gave me a bunch of pelts I'm going to work on now.  She is just the best person always helpful.  Her and Daren (who added special damage to my gloves electric and undead killing) are such good friends.  I know it's all of my friends that keep me from being depressed every time I go into the city.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #72 on: July 04, 2006, 01:07:16 pm »
Tailoring getting good.  Made four lion bags only messed one up.  Very happy!

Berri moved in now, has a key.  Paid for four months.  He's a fighter I hope he gets along with Mikey maybe Mikey can teach him some.

Found an orc speaker!  His name is Kor he's a blue skinned orc which are the shamans he says.  He speaks common like I used to but he's already taught me a bunch of words in orc.

Rrhan means WHAT like hello said loud
Pukog means bones
Kng means guts
Aho means fire
Gbatohg (?) means spiders

I can't wait until our next lesson and he says he'll teach me orc traditions and history.  I will learn about my other half.  Speaking orc is easier than common the words use the fangs instead of work around them.  

More later naptime.



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #73 on: July 05, 2006, 08:31:17 am »
Saw Annalee in Hlint yesterday and she's not pregnant anymore.  That Arcane Alliance lady that Laldiien knew whispered for me to not say anything so I just said Hi and asked how she was doing.  I asked if she needed any help and she said maybe later so I told her there was a half-orc and a half-giant who were ready to help her whenever.  Her stutter just keeps getting worse and I'm worried about her.  Where did those babies go?  Are they early?  Are they safe?  So help me all the gods in the skys if anyone hurt those kids I'll fight until Soul Ma has every last bit of me to get them safe.

No one should hurt kids.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2006, 04:50:12 am »
Nothing yet from Annalee.

Spent time playing merchant and also at the temple.  I seem to need the meditation more than the fighting training.  To sit and let Wind ramble on and just listen to everything it touches, bounces off of, runs through.  After everything that's happened I need that peace.  

It's much colder now.  I might have to change my outfit it gets chilly with just the top on.  Going to be a long winter until the ash finally clears from the sky and the sun can come through.

Heard rumors that we're going to meet soon to do something about Alvin and the MAF.  Freldo got a bird to me with some information he found out.  We need to check Alvin's old office and try to find his house if we can for more clues.  I am going to go to the temple of Roferien in Pranzis and just ask questions about the pre-cataclysm dragons and other gods.

Also found a group of people in North Point trying to decide what to do about some lich.  I heard something about an Orb so I hung around and got interested despite myself.  I remember going into the Underdark briefly to help rescue Daren rom this lich but I was sort of in the way and it was only going to get worse so I left so I would not slow them up with my dying and all.  They did rescue Daren which is good because then he was able to make my glove enchantments and I just like the guy.  But now they found out the lich might be two people, was a follower of Roferien, was married, and might still have a lost love.  Well, all kinds of stuff I'll make note of it all later.  So we're planning a trip to some small mountain town where the lich killed a bunch of people to see if there are any clues about who he was and stuff.

Saw Mikey last night, he's been gone a few days.  Half-giant hugs very good.  Needed those.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #75 on: July 09, 2006, 04:37:04 am »
Went to the temple of Roferien in Pranzis.  Talked to the head priest there who told me a lot of the same stuff Alvin and Kaya did about how pre-cataclisym stuff was hard to find.  He mentioned that maybe Ozlo might have had something to do with convincing the dragons to let Katia acend.  I should tell Micheal that.  Also he showed me a picture that had cows and sheep in the front in pasture, warm sunny skies, a dragon statue with orbs of light around it, and a dragon which looked metal but I couldn't tell which in the sky over what I think was a beach.  He wouldn't let me borrow the picture it's from that time.

Gathered in Krandor to figure out what to do about the MAF.  Both old and new showed up.  Met a man and I heard his name but can't spell it Z-something.  Zow?  He was a bald monk human and very powerful.  I enjoyed watching him move he was so in control of himself.  Way better than me.  I wonder why I've never seen him before if he's that powerful but I guess if you have that much skill you don't have to be seen if you don't want to.

We went inside the MAF offices and found a piece of paper with a name Katlin on it which according to Kyle can be translated into Elven.  We also found a portal and a lot of people died in the room that was connected to it since it was trapped pretty heavy.  The room was full of crates and boxes and someone probably Kaya or Alvin was living there, maybe hiding out?

Daniel found a bag with a stick in it that was yew which I keep hearing about it's a rare wood.  The stick had runes on it and we also found a prophesy relating to a dragon Estibana who is balance which made us think of the pebble and petal from healer's heart and thorn.  There are three artifacts to bring back one or more than one dragon gods and maybe the metallic dragons.  This would be a septer or some kind of staff.  We were all dog tired though so we gathered up what we had and we'll keep at it.

A note.  Most everyone is the same but Rhynn is getting wierd and crazy.  I haven't seen much of her since that whole horse thing except for this work but compared to before she's off her rocker.  Laughs when stuff is destroyed does impulsive crazy stuff that gets her killed is bossy and tries to run EVERYTHING.  She wants to be in control of the party and hold all the stuff we find.  She's way out into chaos and I don't trust her anymore.  Something is either wrong with her or this is who she was all along, but either way she's not right.  I think Jharl feels the same way I do and we tried to get her to let Rawkwin hold the stick but she got really really upset and then Kyle jumped in.  I really don't like her there is no room for law in her heart it seems.  But as far as the MAF is concerned I'm stuck with her so I've got to keep an eye.

Mikey's off learning giant again I think which reminds me time for another lesson from Kor.   Tailoring is going well and Drawna got me another box of garlic.  Now I'm out of aloe she's gotten me so much!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #76 on: July 10, 2006, 05:19:58 am »
Wind brings changes coming to the city.  I feel both excitement and fear.  The chaos feeling is going away and things are settling down to a more lawful feeling but what kind of law?  Maybe I've grown to accustomed to the strangeness.  I hope I am not tainted with any of the crazyness I always have liked things orderly and accountable before.

Spent more time at the temple.  Mine is not a typical Path for Wind.  I spent too long outside the walls but I think that benefits me.  I don't see the world the same as the ones that stay inside and study all the time.

First things first.  Assess Pranzis and decide what to do there.  Find out if there is a movement to retake it in the name of the lawful heirs.

Second.  This has been growing in my mind.  Arabel.  I've visited there and it's totally out of balance, totally overrun with lawlessness.  I'd like to help change that.  So Pranzis first then look at Arabel.

Been listening to Mikey talk about his father and thinking about my mother.  I'm not pursuing that right now.  Inirine was a good person who raised me well now that I know lots of people to compare myself to.  I'm content with that.  I got a letter from her after I told her about what is happening in the world lately and she's proud of me for helping to defeat Blood.  That made me feel good.

Still need to find Aubret's old order and also his family.  Inirine told me she found something in his house when she was cleaning it after a storm, something I've never seen before.  A couple of letters from a woman to him talking about thier child!  Aubret had a child!  Well really if what he hinted at was true he might have had more than one.  Inirine is holding the letters for me.  Will have to visit very soon and introduce her to Michael.

Lots to do.  Best get started.  I miss Mikey.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #77 on: July 12, 2006, 05:13:44 am »
Met Mikey in Lelion last night.  He's even better at giantish, he's really getting it I think.  Well I think anyway, no way to know.  We went to cull the evil trees and spiders in the Dark Forest again they just keep popping up.  I wonder how trees grow that fast?  Must be because they are evil.  Met up with Ash and some guy named Nepp who's pretty nice.  Was a fun time except for when I got too close to that big queen spider and then got stuck in a web and Ash died because of it.  She managed to get back though and Soul Ma missed her so good.  I felt really bad though.

I learned something at the temple that I didn't know you could do.  You can focus your inner energy to deliver a fatal blow in one hit.  Sounds scary but it could be useful.  I'll be coming to those lessons regularly since I never even thought to try something like that.  Not everyone here can do it but the ones following the most inner path can so I'm going to work on it.  It's a lot of focus and concentration and meditation before hand and you have to store the energy up to be used all at once.

More later, sleeping in the inn at Hurm tonight.  We didn't feel like going all the way back to Pranzis.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #78 on: July 14, 2006, 05:05:08 am »
Wanted to record my thoughts on the arena event about a week ago.  

Rocky (halfling)
Lusius (hitting me with my old gloves ha!)
Drogo (cat boy)

I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.  I fought Lin'da twice man those spells are nasty.  I can't resist the really strong ones as well and she got me in some kind of hand-force thing and her armor summon just smacked me to death.  Did better the second time kept her running but still died in the end.  She's good.  Funniest thing was watching Linda and Dayron fighting...with weapons!  That was a really long fight.  Grokk beat me like I was a little girl darn that big axe.

Getting very good at dire bear skins I have a lot of leathers now.  Will try those strength gloves soon.

Saw Ash Nepp and met someone named Wren last night with Mikey.

Practicing what I learned last time at the temple.  Hard to practice the death fist though I'll have to go to the Dark Forest again soon.  Maybe it would work on the spiders.

Mikey is preparing to look for his father soon.  He's been doing some research.  I'll see if I can help him with that.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #79 on: July 16, 2006, 03:28:12 pm »
MAF.  Rawkwin has the stuff finally, ugly scene getting that to happen.  Had to say things I don't like to say so much.  Hopefully won't have to be that hard again.  

Rhynn and Linda got some more information about the runes and staff.  Making progress.  Also got a name from a Vine guy we interrogated.  Aleus.  Ale-e-oos.  Alias.  So did we really get any information at all?  I hope Linda's charmy spell was as tough as her hand spell is.  I think so, I hope so.  

Need other two parts to staff.  Got pebble, need to go to Shinny temple to get purple rose petal.  Remember not to call her Shinny in the temple.  Rhynn says Estibana may be a city not a dragon name.  Freldo and Jharl played and sang part of the magic of the runes, beautiful.  I hid it but I almost cried.  Freldo can really play that violin if Mikey and I get married I will ask him to play for us.  He flirted with Ashiel too that boy never stops.

When they played Ferrit and Glok saw images of ships, Ferrit saw a sea elf with something in her hands (Shinny?) and Glok saw a man trying to turn a ship that was headed for rocks.  The runes have all magic tied up in them.  

Another word, Okoth.  No clue what that means by the time the two spellslingers came back from talking to Peter Simms or whatever his name was I was asleep on my feet.  I'll ask someone to fill me in.

Arabel.  Been to Xantril now to fight the giants that hold the city from recovering.  We did well it was Mikey, Nob, me and the halfling from the arena, Rocky.  I think we will be spending a lot of time there I need to help those people.  Nothing going on with Pranzis all's pretty quiet there.

Still love Mikey, more than ever.  He and Asher got me so many dire bear skins I'm making Gloves of Fury now.  Wow I never thought I'd be such a good tailor.  I owe them both.  Asher already told me I'm paying him back in craftable stuff.  Like Mikey said, we all end up working for Asher.  Which is okay by me!