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Author Topic: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"  (Read 3550 times)


(On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« on: February 22, 2006, 09:41:09 am »
met a dragin todaye.  big, gold, tothie.  sayd i was to help with somting caled blod.  sent me to som town, was mornig.  qiet.  i mis aubret.  som fok here, non to talkie in mornig.  writig leter to inirine and her famly, ned to find post.  oh, and kild som rats in a sewr.  dats al todaye.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2006, 07:11:02 am »
met som nice pepl. one was Lingard. shold hav askd how to spel his nam. he helpd me get bat fur, in the gobbo cavs. he usd magik, ray of red lite that waz very efect effict effective. othr was Jonis? shold hav askd for his spel to. he heeld me otside bury patch criptz. he talkd to me for a whil, askd abot my scars.                                             spelling  lokig at my spelig spelling.  okae, god, thats in bok.
  ned to start loking up words mor oftin.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2006, 06:51:49 am »
met sum mor nise peep people last few days. Klos, helpd me get gobbo overlord hed head. Got a nice par of boots for that. Met Ferit and Kyel, tok me to rilerea to diliver a leter. that was advi adventure! they foght huge bird, a grifon. Grifon was big as a shed, had eten a whol cow. also got our tushs handed to us by som orc gold min leadr. wok up in Point Harbor, Ferit and Kyel musta draged me ther. bunch of my gold fel out of my poket in the fite fight to. i was feling crasy crazy so we went bak to try agan! wok up in Point Harbor agan, mor gold spiled out of my poket and i was prety beet up. that is wher i'm at now, on the doks.  othr than that, feling prety strong, ben lerning much. got that circl circle kick right finaly. Been cheking my spelling mor. been talking to people. got a leter to Inirine off in post. and, can talor cloks and robes now.  i'm starting to feel at hom here.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2006, 09:38:57 am »
(Written on parchment, in charcoal).  Well ben busy. To much tim time spent siting and medetating but its paying of. I went about with Ferit and Kile more. I forgot to menton that Ferit gave me some nise gloves. They keep my hands from hurting so much when I hit stuff so I hit beter. I have been tailoring a lot and I can sew a nise strait seam now. I can make cloaks and pouches and cloth is easy for me.   Found some lizard lade in a swamp. Was looking for wisps to help some lade in last but did not find any. But lizard lade gave me coin and advis for each skellie bone I had and I had lots. Also a necklase. Then I left her and got killed by bugs. I went back to pray and got killed by the same bugs. Litle bity bugs. Was unhappy and felt bad but met Alen and he took me back to pray and killed the bugs. Never saw anyone smak a sord around that fast befor.   Just read what I wrot. I asked Ferit to look at my spelling and she sed she wold would. In the mean time I read the boks on sewing and tanning and baking that I got from the craft man. Also the recipie cards. I have been cheking my spelling against them and I think its geting beter. Also need to make the first leter of a bunch of words big. That looks much beter.  Been fishing to. But all this time siting is to slow. I am half orc. I need to go test my fiting. I need to move. Bonies in the cripts are to easy. I can kill 3 or 4 somtimes at once. I can even kill the spiders in the seelwood. I need more I will see if Ferit and Kile or maybe Bigie want to go out and do some chop-chopin. Bigie is some half giant I met. He don't talk much. Pretty much dumb as a bug but very nise and BIG sord.  Inirine has not writen me back yet. Will send another leter soon.  Will put this in bok when Ferit is done.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2006, 07:13:34 am »
Went out with Ferit and Kile last night. Met a nome gnome named Rolie and a hafling named Beri. Rolie is a fist fighter like me, I need to talk to him more. All of us and Stump, thats Bigies name, went boar hunting. I need to ree recind what I wrote about Stump. Hes not dumb he just cant talk. Hes very sweet.  Been checking posts on ins and such and checking them against my dictionary and I am writing this to see how much Iv improved. Looking beter. Also talking beter, been talking to people a lot. Im happy with that.  Can almost hit twice fast. Need to work on it. More fighting! Less fishing!  ! means lots I think.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2006, 04:39:24 am »
Very hapy!  Met Stump and a elf with black skin and a skeliton face in the gobbo lands.  We went bear hunting together, and I have been working so much on kicking fast I finaly got it right.  I figured out the (letters smear here, as if page was flipped on fresh charcoal) pivot.  I can take more damage now and went to cripts to practice and if I kill something and it drops I can use the (more smearing) momentum to hit the next thing and just keep going.  Very hapy!

My skin feels tougher.  My spelling is beter.  I made a new friend the black elf.  He has white hair though.  Hes very nice but does not like humans much.  His name is Rakish and he does not like being caled Rak.  He has a skeliton mask that is very real.  We hunted orcs and bear and gobbos and a bunch of stuff.  I like Rak he does not mess around but gets right to it.

Killed tree ants.  Not what I thought not a litle ant but a big tree that moves.  Tough to, hits like a big tree one almost killed me.  But I got a nice new scar so thats good.

I like Stump hes a big sweetee.

Now I have 4 friends Kile, Ferit, Stump, and Rakish.  Very hapy!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2006, 05:21:31 am »
Bad day.  Its dark out and I just left talking to at Stump.  Hes a good lisiner.  Rolie Rollie and Beri and Stump and me and a music man named Freldo and a tree guy and I think more went to join with a bunch more folk like an elf named Ash and that monk I got the cugar skins from and kill saters.  Saters are small goat men but they hit like grifons.  They must have done something bad beside kiling a man named Renji because we was a large bunch then like an army and runing around and kiling them all.  I still dont know what they did.  I feel bad because they didnt have much of a chance against us and they didnt do anything to me.

Anyway.  Some fighter guy kept making coments.  Saying how there were to many and stuff.  I felt he didnt like me and I was part of the to many so I asked and he would not call me by my name even after I told him he could but called me orc.  Just orc.  Im only half an orc.  I dont know why he was so rude.  I never even met him until this night.  Then he prety much told me to leave.  I think thats what I heard anyway.  So I left.  I dont know why anyone would be this way since I cant help who my parents are and my parents cant help who they are.  This must be what Rakish was talking about.  I wonder if this hapens to him alot?

? mean a question.  Im reading all the notes on the inns that I see and its helping.

So I left and cryed on Stumps shold shoulder for a bit and went back to Hlint looked for Kile and Ferit but they were not there.  So Im going to think on this.  I will talk to Rakish next I see him.

What would make someone act like that?


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2006, 10:07:46 am »
I read again what I wrote.  I was wrong to go kiling those saters.  There was no reason.  Im thinking and thinking and what I think hapened was my orc blood got strong in the fight.  I remember being (charcoal smudged) almost hipnotised.  I was just kiling and moving and kiling and moving.  There was no reason.

I will not do that again unles I know why.

Spoke to Freldo earlier.  He told me about Blood and why we fight him and why Im here.  Hes very nise but easy to (smudge) distract.  Some dark elf lady was there and he kept talking to her and some other guy so I wasnt sure if what he was saying was for me or them.  The dark elf lady called herself a Drow.  I heard that before.  That must be what Rakish is.  Drow.  Anyway Blood was a general who killed most of the dragons that were at war and hurting everyone and he was banished for using bad ways to kill and he came back and wants to kill more.  Hes god powerful and evil now I guess.  So thats why Im here.

Spoke to Rolie about his monk order.  He told me they respect the elements water earth fire and air.  He is water.  That explains why he takes water into his hands so much and I guess why he cups them when he greets you.  He said I would be a good air.  I will train with him some to see if I like it.  Im hapy about this.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2006, 07:27:54 am »
Friend Ferrit has looked at my journal and helped me with spelling.  I will copy her corrections exactly so I can learn from them.  Thank you Ferrit!

I read again what I wrote. I was wrong to go killing those satyrs. There was no reason. I’m thinking and thinking, and what I think happened was my orc blood got strong in the fight. I remember being almost hypnotized. I was just killing and moving and killing and moving. There was no reason.

I will not do that again unless I know why.

Spoke to Freldo earlier. He told me about Blood, and why we fight him, and why I’m here. He’s very nice but easy to distract. Some dark elf lady was there, and he kept talking to her and some other guy, so I wasn’t sure if what he was saying was for them or me. The dark elf lady called herself a Drow. I heard that before. That must be what Rakish is – Drow, Anyway, Blood was a general who killed most of the dragons that were at war and hurting everyone, and he was banished for using bad ways to kill. Then he came back, and now he wants to kill more. He’s god-powerful and evil now, I guess. So, that’s why I’m here.

Spoke to Rolie about his monk order. He told me they respect the elements – water, earth, fire and air. He is water. That explains why he takes water into his hands so much, and I guess why he cups them when he greets you. He said I would be a good air. I will train with him some to see if I like it. I’m happy about this.

Sayter - with a y
I'm - with a mark
Happened - 2 ps
Killing - 2 ls
Hypnotized - with y and z
Unless - 2 s
Nice - with a c
Wasn't - with a mark
Happy - 2 ps

I need to check the merchants for a book on punktuation.  


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2006, 05:03:23 am »
Wow. Something big happened. I met a man, an elf really who knew Aubret! He came looking for me! His name is Laldeann (in a lovely flowing script) Laldiien, and hes tall for an elf. Almost as tall as me. He told me Aubrets last name and we talked for a long time while I draged him all over Hlint. He met Inirine while she was taking care of Aubrets grave so she got my letter. Good. She also told him my name was Puggy. I hope he forgets that. (in lovely flowing script) He will not.  Hes very old. I think I will be spending a lot of time with him, its like my past is touching me. I feel warm in my heart with memories of Aubret and our training. Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien is a bit tense around others and I dont know why but hes warmed up to me a little. I will take care of him as hes a spell slinger and still a bit weak. Hes catching up fast though and hes smarter than all heck.   lllll Henrich lll Jr ll Ninya ll Alfend l Aubret llll Dragon l. I guess Im 18 now. I must of had a birthday.   Also I got the last bear pelt for Johan and he gave me a super cloke that is so thick it absorbs damage. I tested it with the zombies that keep sneaking into the crypts and half thier blows didnt hurt at all. Good stuff!  I saw Ferrit for a moment yesterday but she and Kyle have been very busy. I hope they are not mad at me for something as I miss them. I would like them to meet Laldeann (in a lovely flowing script) Laldiien. I will have to introduce him to Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford and Stump and Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie and Rakish if I see him again and that nice cleric lady I met yesterday, Alleia? and Freldo. And anyone else I forgot.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2006, 07:33:47 am »
Met up with Kyle and Ferrit the other day, got to see thier apartment. It's very warm and nice. Beats sleeping in a barn. Was good to see them they seem happy.  I'm writing next to the post board in the Wild Surge Inn. I'm working hard on my punktuation. I read every post and bits of posts and I'm not to bad really my spelling is much better.  Been thinking about what I'm doing here. About what we all are doing here. Before the dragon called me I was lost, just tending to Aubrets grave and practicing my forms. Not talking to anyone and I didn't even know about Blood. But these people I meet that have been called to help are all working to something. Making themselves better. Better fighting and cooking and sewing and smithing. Better spellslinging. Better healing. And they are making changes in the world and leaving a mark of themselves. I need to do that. I am speaking to Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie about training and we are going to start soon. When he teachs me all he can then I will travel to the temple and see if I am worthy to join an order.  But that is not all I need to do. I am thinking of how people make changes. About how they get better. I think of Inirine, who danced. She danced good and could teach good. She taught me and Ninya and tried to teach Richie but he hated how girly it was. But I watched her teach classes latter and she never got better. She never learned more than she knew. She was happy where she was and I remember a student she had I can't remember the name but she was good, really good. And Inirine could not teach her any more and the girl was better than her in the end. Inirine didn't try to learn more. She didn't work hard at it.   I want to work hard and be better. I want to be more than what I am. I am thinking of ways to do this. I can't throw myself at Blood yet it would be sooicide. But I can find people who can help. Aubret never told me the name of his old order but Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien knows. Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien is the smartest person I have ever met. I think I am going to try to find if there are any more of Aubret's order in the world and learn from them if there are. I hope Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien will help me as he is good at hearing things I miss.   We have done a lot together in the last few days. I think he's lost like me and since we have a sort of friend together he's comforted like me. He is less tense around me now. He really is smart he's learned so fast its scary. I saw him practice a spell yesterday that was a ball of fire that exploded. Wow!  So I'm going to join the order of the elements if I can to learn more and be a better monk and I'm going to find any of Aubret's order that I can to help against Blood. I have a plan.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2006, 06:45:35 am »
First training with Rolie(in lovely flowing script) Rollie. We sat by the new fountain in Hlint, the one by Ilsares temple. Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien sat with us. We talked about the order and what some of the things they all share are. The first thing that he said was respect. Respect all things, even your enemies. He said that's why he bowed to everyone. I found this out when he bowed to and spoke to Elderil who is Laldeann's (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien's little dragon friend. Hes never spoken but he said hello! And thanked Rolie(in lovely flowing script) Rollie for speaking to him! So I said hello and we talked a bit. I did not know little dragons could talk. I will be more respecting from now on. So, I need to learn to respect all things.  Then we talked about me, my speed. Why I run everywhere. I told him about Aubret and how he told me that to run better you run. To kick better you kick. But Rolie(in lovely flowing script) Rollie said that I should try to slow down, so I can listen to the elements. We talked about that to. I should listen to all of them wind water fire earth and see which one speaks to me. But I already know that. I didnt want to interupt but I've listened to the wind since I was little. I always thought the wind can talk the way it talks to trees and streams and buildings. But I never tried to understand it. Now I will listen closer.  Then we talked about how the elements work together. I never thought about this. When I think of fire I think of fire, not how air feeds the fire or how earth supports it. He used the fountain as a an example.He said the water flowed and was risen as mist by the heat of the sunwhich is fire.The water is spread as mist by the wind. The earth is cool and pulls the water back downto flow again. The earthalso supports the water.
  I thought on this for a while. Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie is linked to waterbut sees how the elementsneed each other.I will look and listen athow they mix and depend on each other.
  Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien spoke of respectto, respect for the weave whatever that is. Has something to do with magik, I will ask him later. I think that if Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien is the smartest person Ive ever met then Rolie(in lovely flowing script) Rollie is the wisest. I have make good friends.
  SawStump and said hi, he'slooking rested. We got some batdoots for Laldeann(in lovely flowing script) Laldiien and went to bed. I satby the pond for a long time, listening to the wind and the water, before I went to sleep.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2006, 06:43:40 am »
Wow, been busy. Not much time for thinking. Been working hard on seeing the world.   Helped some farmer guy with a scarecrow problem, he was happy about that.  No letters to deliver.  Saw a lot of the world with Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien, Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford, Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie, Talen, a wizard named Samir, and was he powerful. Also another guy whos name I forgot, began with an i. We went all over, fought giants and ghosts and spiders and I got a lot of venom sacs for Ferrit. Was a great night. No one died.  I have been listening to the world. The wind says a lot, it's been calling me to go out which is why I'm traveling so much. I have found that if I focus more I can do some really neat things. I can heal myself now. Not much and not a lot but if I let the wind and sun and earth and air and water fill my head, and relax for even a moment I can make some wounds go away. The first time was so incredible I could not speak. I feel almost useful sometimes.  I have been tailoring a lot to. Getting better with leathers.  Talked with Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie again, he's checking on my progress and we discuss things. Next time maybe we'll work on some moves. Also we have traveledtogether so I'm watching what he does and learning from that.  More later. Must sew!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2006, 06:56:11 am »
Today was for thinking. I'm learning a lot of the world. The wind keeps pulling me to go here and there. Today I went to Rilaria though to get skins. Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien is always having problems carrying all the rocks he gets so I'm going to make him some cougar bags. I also helped Stump deliver a letter.  Even then I was pulled to look and see. I looked in the Wolfswood, past the ranger station. I looked in this cave and saw some REALLY BIG mounds of walking rock. I stayed away they didn't look friendly.  Tomorrow is for traveling I think. I will let the wind take me. I have started running again because that's what I feel like doing that's what the wind says. Run! I love the feel of the wind on me when I run and I love the feel of my legs streching and moving. Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie says that I will know when to walk but I never want to walk when there is so much to see.  Rolie(in lovely flowing script) Rollie says the wind is for quick and for flexable so I'm working less on my strength and more on my arms and legs moving around and fast. Aubret told me to touch everything or everyone in a fight and that feels right, I already know how to use my momentum to carry around if I drop an enemy.  Time for nap. More later.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2006, 07:18:50 am »
*charcoal smudged, writing slanted and barely legible as if written in great haste*  Renji scouting  Kade - huge boy dark lots of armor big hammer Goraz - half a giant boy fighter Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie Tegen (in lovely flowing script) Tegan - elf spellslinger girl short Korvlok - male spellslinger furs half an ogre Zandor - male dwarf spells and fights  *smudges*


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2006, 05:18:08 am »
Finally a chance to sit and catch up. Okay, last entry was my first time helping Mistones allience or ministry of justice or something. A murderer and thief had broke loose from jail and had to be recaptured. Well, not so much recaptured. More like made not a problem anymore. All those name above were there to help and there was a lot of discussion how to do it. Some wanted to kill the guy others to talk to him and bring him in alive. I wanted to give him a chance to speak at least but if he was really evil then if the ministry gives permission to remove the problem, well there you go. He left a false trail to some woods with spekters in them, I've been there before and between them and the spiders it's pretty scary. There was some shadow thing in the forest too (direwood?).  (means adding a thought. Or not sure)  We did not try to kill the shadow thing but a spek got me and that's a horible way to die. I just kept getting weaker and weaker until I could hardly punch it. It was like the worst dream ever but real, I couldn't even run away I was so drained. Ugh. We found the guy past the direwood and he was evil, he killed a man in front of the man's daughter and did not care. Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie tried talking to him to see if he had reasons or to make him give himself up but he was too evil. He attacked Renji and I was right behind him and I attacked then Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien threw a fire ball and that was that. I think we avoided the worst of the blast, because that evil guy was right in front of us. He made a good shield. The ministry guy was happy and gave us all a lot of gold. I felt useful and proud. First step in making a difference!  Oh and Zandor was so strong he could pick up a dead half giant. Wow.   Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie and I trained again, on the nature of water and air and what they have in common. You slap or hit water and it resists, you chop it and your hand goes in. He spoke on the nature of resistance and we talked to Brother Lake in Velensk. Then we went swimming because it was hot. Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie is a good swimmer but I guess you'd figure that.  Last night a bunch of us, Kloss Kyle Ferrit Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford and Tegen (in lovely flowing script) Tegan went into the ogre mines at Haven so that Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford and I could help Lord Rodan (Rodar? Roden?) who wants the ogres killed for attacking the town. We killed the ogres and thier chief and took the head back. I had to carry it by the way. YUCK. Lord Rod-something was pretty happy and gave us some good gold for that. Have to keep an eye there and make sure they don't sneak back in.  Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie has some more training for me soon. I'm going to suggest that we start planning for a journey to the temple he studied at so I can apply. He's got a good size brood going, me and Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford and Han too who is half a giant monk and one other but I can't remember the name.  I made wolf leather armor yesterday to. I have a lot of ready to use cougar skins and Ferrit helped me by cutting and sewing the lion leather wraps I wanted Rolie to have. I dyed them blue and white to match his clothes.  More later naptime.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2006, 05:19:41 am »
Today was a day for listening to the wind. And speaking with people. I found Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie speaking with a man I've heard of named Ozimandeas L-something. (in lovely flowing script) Ozymandeas. He seems very wise about stuff. He said there is a halfling demon prinse running around the world, who fights you by becoming your greatest fear. That got me wondering about my fears. I'm not much afraid of dying, got used to it by now. I'm not afraid of big monsters. I'm not afraid of hurting, I go around bleeding to much Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien says.   I'm afraid of losing my friends. Back home I had Inirine and her kids but here I have a bunch of people who like me just because I'm me. Kyle, Ferrit, Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien , Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford, Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie, Stump. More that I know and I'm friendly with. I didn't know what it was like to have friends and now I don't want to lose them. That's what I'm afraid of.  We almost went out to see the world some more and the wind tugged at me to move but it's late and my head is full of stuff to think on. I'm going to sit by the pond and talk to sister wind, see what she has to say. Maybe brother pond has something to say to. And brother earth. I'm listening.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2006, 07:49:27 am »
Third lesson with Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie today. By the stream east of Hlint. He talked of the path. When you see the path clearly, it's easy to make decisions. But when the path is dark, you need to learn as much as you can about it, and travel slowly to avoid pitfalls. He demonstrated by touching my cheek and head with my eyes open and closed.  We talked about battle. About why he looks for other options. This made a lot of sense to me. If you don't try to ask permission, to sneak by if needed, or use not violent ways, then you will wonder if that would have worked when you are killing and be distracted. If you have used all the other options and you must kill then you can focus on that and make it swift. He called this the final path. I agree with this.  And. Running. We talked about this again. I've been trying to not run, to walk. All I feel is tight and wound and angry when I walk. I think I've been using running as a way to balance my orc blood and human. Running keeps me balanced. Keeps my orc from breaking away. I don't want to walk, I don't like walking. I don't agree with him on this. I can run a little and wait. I have to walk really slow when I sneak anyway.  We tried to find the wisps in the swamp, Kade, Mave, Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien, Ash, Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie, me and another wizard Kal-something? Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie and I asked the lizardmen if we could pass. They attacked so we had to kill them. All I can say is fire balls are our friend. Two wizards and wow was that fast fighting. Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie died once. Didn't find the wisps, Kade thought there were closer to the shallow swamps near Hlint but Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien told me later that he thought they were in a cave farther back. Will investigate later.  Listened to the wind, what it has to say tonight after talking to Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie. Big things. Battles on the wind, the smell of blood, people gathering. Things I can't help with because I'd get really dead quick. I'll do my part by keeping the small things under control where I can so people like Ozie (in lovely flowing script) Ozymandeas and those guys we saw last night, Coner and Mist (in lovely flowing script) Myst and the big barbarian guy, can handle the big stuff.  Also I ran all through Hlint last night. Ran all over, right by Ronus (sleeping standing up, how wierd) and the captain and everyone. I LOVE TO RUN! Okay, that was not grown up of me. But everyone was asleep except for the captain guy so there.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2006, 07:19:42 am »
Went to Rilaria last night with a blue monk named Dom and his friend Shrubury (in lovely flowing script) Shrubbery. We went because Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien smelled Dom's tobakko (in lovely flowing script) tobacco and liked it and wanted some. On the way we had to fight ogres. Took the boat from Lelion to Hurm. There were pirates! We did not fight them we snuck past. There were too many and they didn't do anything to us but I understand they are nasty evil.   But anyway we snuck past and found the tobakko (in lovely flowing script) tobacco and Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien was happy. And Shrubury (in lovely flowing script) Shrubbery gave away a bunch of baking stuff and we saw Analee (in lovely flowing script) Annalee there and she bakes so I gave it to her. She was happy. Then we went toward Point Harbor and went to this underground place called the ruins of madness but there were no mad people, just big cow-men. With big axes. Really big axes. Dom was out of it and resting and Shrubury (in lovely flowing script) Shrubbery said we could go ahead and he ran into a room of them and so we followed and woke up in Hlint, all ghosty. Wonder what Dom thought when he finally woke up?  Oh I forgot to mention Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien tried to jump over a rip in the earth and he did this big WAHHHHH thing and fell over trying to land. He wasn't hurt and I tried not to laugh. (in lovely flowing script) It is good that you did not.  I noticed the wind talks more and more, brings me sounds and smells. The water still talks to me but quieter and not like for Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie. Fire talks so quiet now I have to really listen and earth I don't hear at all anymore. I'm sad about this, I liked talking to all of them. But the wind is so loud, I don't hear the others much.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2006, 06:52:12 am »
Where to start. Yesterday, today. Wow. So we're at Blackford castle, some nice stone castle west of Hlint. The wind told me people were gathering, so Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien, Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie and I went to check it out. Buncha big mucky mucks there, Ozy and Ayla (she helped me tailor my new clothes from that UGLY robe)...buncha people I don't know.   Brisbane elf girl tatoos was a bear a lot listened to the bird song  Karl boy fighter Little halfing girl with flag Gotak dwarf fighter nice big scar Daren human boy healer Ozy  Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien Ayla human girl healer singer Al sneaky feet boy didn't see face Vin boy gnome sneaky feet Kole big loud boy human Plen human? boy wings healer Sindolin spellslinger elf boy Iradel helped when we went out with Samir did not see face but elf or skinny human boy Jil-someting girl elf spells and bows  There might have been more these are the ones I remember. Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie, Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien and I stood back and listened to them plan to take down a lich general of Bloods, well to find him first. Something about a whipperwill song. I was full and dozed off a bit during this part. Then a demon appeared and I woke up quick. Don't know why the demon was there but they kept talking about Ozy's information network so maybe it was part of that. He didn't attack. Then they asked us why we were so quiet and we said well, because we're way to inexperienced to help you. And they talked about going into something called the rift and going to crypts and invited us along. We kind of joked that we'd be their squires and they let us come.   That was amazing. I saw so much of the world, places I've never seen, met so many nice new people and NO ONE had a problem with my half an orc. I tried to make a few suggestions but kept my trap shut mostly. So here's what happened, we went to crypt in Greypeaks, wrong crypt. Went to continent of Dregar and Brisbane kept turning into a bear and listening to a song I could not hear. She followed the song and we followed her to Ozy's house which I've been to before once. When we went to get that pipeweed for Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien. So we camped in Ozy's backyard, his place is great, pond and everything. Then we went to some mountains to follow the song and then turned back and went the wrong way and the group got split up. Then we all met up near the Thunder Peak mountains and they said there would be giants and there were. Lots and lots of them. I killed one but it was almost dead already. These were some evil giants, they didn't even listen as to why we were there just started throwing rocks. So we killed the giants who would not let anyone pass and moved on. You had to climb a rock to get into the rift and Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien had a lot of trouble so they threw a rope down. In the rift it was all undead and some spiders. I helped with fighting as much as I could.  We battled inside and just kept going, there were so many things. Skeletons and worse. Then I went into a hall and up and there were vampires. The vampires fought really really hard and then one of the fighters in our group must of got confused because he killed me and I woke up in Hlint.  What a night. I learned so much, saw so much. My head just went boom with all the stuff to see and practice. I learned so much I started practicing today earlier, and bam I can hit harder. And better. And I’m more limber. Wow.   I asked Ayla about it later and she said that not too many survived that battle. Vampires are not good.  Earlier when I was practicing all I’d learned from the hunt for the general was with Ash, Samir, some guy named Boon, fighter type, and Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien and Renji who was smooching on Tegen (in lovely flowing script) Tegan the whole time. They are together, they are so cute. Later some guy named Michael joined us, big half giant, I’ve seen him around. He flirted with me. We went to someplace called the barbearian isles where there are evil kobolds who attack the locals and we fought them back a bit. I died when we were ambushed by some big wolf-riding goblins. A paladin had joined us by then but I didn’t get his name.  The wind was pushing me to go places the last few days so that’s why all the adventure but today I am tired and I told the wind to give me rest. So all I’ve had is gentle breezes full of smells of friends and food and Hlint grass. Wind is my friend even if it’s pushy.