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Author Topic: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"  (Read 3544 times)


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2006, 09:50:31 am »
Well, much excitement again. I was trying to relax and have a slow day. Some sewing, some tanning, talking to folks. Was down by the bank after a nap and when I woke up I saw some weird looking lady yelling and she looked angry fighting mad. She was picking on some girl I’ve never seen before. Some lady in red was there yelling to leave to everyone and Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford was there so I walked up and asked him what was going on and he tried to tell me this was some demon then the crazy mad lady walked over to Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford that I was standing RIGHT BY and cut his throat. Just like that. I had his blood on my skirt.  I stepped back quick and ran into Kyle who was coming to see what the yelling was about. We looked at Beri’s (in lovely flowing script) Berriford body and this crazy lady was even madder. Dunno why she didn’t kill me. She looked mad powerful and must be stronger than a giant to just kill Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford like that. She was yelling to SHUT UP or maybe that was to Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford I don’t know but I was looking at his blood on my legs and just felt sick. Poor Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford. I wanted to help him but this lady would have smashed me. And there were these other people around yelling and some big mucky mucks were just standing there and someone said (the lady in red?) that the crazy mad demon lady was Ozymandeas’s feeansay. Weird. It was getting bad and I asked Kyle if he wanted to go to the craft hall and he said yes. It was just getting crazy and that demon lady (she didn’t really look like a demon though) was looking for an excuse to kill everyone. So we to the craft hall and Kyle was upset about the lady in red, Ireth. He said that if she was supporting demons then she was not his friend. I asked about her and the girl that was getting messed with and he said her name was Rinn. He said she was nice. I told him what I knew and we tried to figure out what was going on. I guessed that the girl was messing with Ozy maybe if the demon lady was supposed to marry him because jealousy makes people act crazy sometime. Then I kinda talked Kyle into going back down to take a look. He wanted to see what was going on with Ireth and I wanted to make sure Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford was okay.  When we got down there the crazy demon lady (her name was Kay I think, heard someone say that) was gone. Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford was okay and the red lady Ireth was standing next to the girl that the demon lady had been smacking on. Analee (in lovely flowing script) Annalee was there to arguing with this dwarf who was trying to get in her face (not really, since he came up to her chest). The girl Rinn was crying up a storm and went to the tower to explain. Make a long story short, I was right, she had a thing for Ozy and the demon lady was jealous. I don’t know if I want to be in love, it seems to make people nuts. Except Kyle and Ferrit, they love and don’t act nutty. I would have a love like theirs. I hope they have a baby someday maybe I can be Aunt Honora. Anyway Rinn said her old master had abused her by making her sleep with him and her parents had abandoned her. She was a mess, all wet like she had fallen into the pond. Shivering and crying and stuff. I didn’t have anything to offer but a tanned skin to cover her with so I did and someone else had a cloak so I stepped back and she got covered. Lots more crying and I said I’d sit with her. Later I told her to go to the inn when she was standing alone, it’s warm there and there are people.   I saw Brisbane and some of the others from the night we went hunting Drezneb. Another long story short we are going back to hunt with them again. She said something about how me Rolie and Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien (they were there by then we were standing together outside the bank) had fought harder than the heros of Mistone or something. It felt nice to hear her say that. Real nice. They want us to come back and continue the hunt so I asked Wind to help me and let me know when to meet them. Brisbane said she’d send a falcon to.  This is getting long. I’m going to have to get a new book soon.   After the bruhaha near the bank Kyle, Ferrit, Rolie, (in lovely flowing script) Rollie Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien and I went to Haven mines to clear out a bunch of ogres that had snuck in again and Kyle mined iron. I spoke to the wind there, it is an old wind and not happy. The ogres stink and the forges stink and the wind in the tunnels and caverns hates them so I made old wind happy by helping remove the ogres and I raked over the coals of the forge fire to make it go out. Old wind was happy about that. Kyle’s ox died. He’s having bad luck with oxen, he should buy a herd.  I need to go to the temple soon, I think Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie has taught me all he can. Water and Wind are different. We talked about this by the pond in Velensk. Water is slow, deliberate. Wind is swift, fast. He teaches me to be slow and careful but Wind does not always say that when we talk. I will start getting things together for a trip.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2006, 06:19:32 am »
Listened to Desert Wind today. Desert Wind is strong and happy. It was nice to listen to it howl with joy. Nothing much, a slow day. Prepared a bit to travel, gathering up hard foods and canteens to fill later.  Helped some lady Kit in Haven, she gave my old hat a new spell power. I can make my skin all barky now. Saw Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien, Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie, and Kade who helped us after a bunch of little skorpions stinged us to death in the desert. Made some bandages.  Going to try to sell the wolf and cougar leathers I made.  Thinking about Drezneb.  More later.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2006, 04:12:38 pm »
Much stuff. In order:  Week ago, met an elf monk lady named Jade Willow. Really nice, we went to Lelion to her place to get me a ring to make me more flexible and she asked about who I was. I told her my whole life I think it was more than she asked for. I started on my hunt for Aubret's order I asked her about it since she's a monk of an old elven order but she did not know the name. She said to talk to Ozy and she'd let me know if she found anything out about it. I'm going to ask Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien more to. She was nice to me and gave me a potion of cats when I left and let me use the portal to Hlint.  Then I tailored. A lot. Making bandages and kits. I'm a lot better. Now I can make lion gloves and a lot of armors. Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford was my first customer (more down).  Oh and I had to start with alchemy too. I'm making my own cure things for the bandage kits. Hot work. Not relaxing like tailoring.  Okay then I ran into Rinn from the todo the other day with the demon (?) lady. She was kind of unhappy so I took her to Rilaria to get skins and deliver a letter for that postman guy. She had a good time and we took down another of those cow-eating griffons and she delivered her letter. We talked a lot. She's angry a lot. I can understand that so we talked about Wind and how to be calm. I ought to know about anger being half an orc and all my blood gets hot. So I tried to help her on being calm. I told her to speak to Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie since he's the calmest person I know. Then we went back to Hlint and I mined greenstones.  Two days ago I was talking to Kyle and Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien and Ferrit and some other people and Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford came up and was ghosty. We told him we'd help but he died in the Greypeaks and that is not good. There were not enough of us to help him. Then this cute halfling girl came by talking about a party at Blackford castle and Beri's (in lovely flowing script) Berriford's eyes all popped out and he started talking about needing to get better clothes and wasn't she pretty? I had to stuff my hand in my mouth not to laugh because Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford is always pointing out who is sweet on who and he was almost jumping up and down about this cute halfling girl. So then we went back to Hlint and he was all fussy about his clothes which were a bit torn from dying so I pulled out some nice leathers I made and he tried them on and the cougar really looked good on him so he bought it from me! My first sale! I told him to dye it blue he looks good in blue.  I went and tailored and Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien got a new bow from Kyle and Kyle and Ferrit and I mined copper for Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien and I made my first lion skin gloves. I might give them to Han because Kyle and Ferrit gave me my first pair and it's a nice thing to do. Still trying to sell the wolf leather though.  So yesterday Kyle Ferrit Laldeann (in lovely flowing script) Laldiien and me were talking in craft hall. Rinn comes in upset and crying and runs to Kyle who calms her down and she's talking about that halfling that Ozy mentioned who is a demon or something. He is collecting riders because he likes horses? Its wierd when you think about it a demon halfling named Angzeyeity (check spelling) (in lovely flowing script) Anxiety who likes horses and scares people. Really strange. Anyway his riders are now Ireth who is fear and Rinn who is anger and I'm sorry for that because I was hoping she would find a way to calm herself. Rolie (in lovely flowing script) Rollie came in about then and she repeated the story and its this. A halfling who was a demon type who makes people see their worst fears was locked up in Pandemonium which is a place I think which is why I made the first letter big. The person guarding him let him go to get something for themselves which is WRONG and not the right thing to do. I hope they get better guards. Anyway he's loose and running around and I read that there is a meeting to decide what to do about him in a few weeks.  And Rinn is one of his riders. I don't know what this means but I'm going to find out. Kyle is going to talk to Jet who is Ireth's boyfriend to find out if she knows she's different. Rinn asked us not to tell Ozy for some reason but we said we would not. Now I have to keep my eyes open and see what else I can find out and I'm going to go to that meeting I think. There are supposed to be five riders and we talked about what the others might be like envy and paranoya (that might be Renji?) and doubt (that might be Beri (in lovely flowing script) Berriford?) and jealosy (that might be Kea Ozy's feeansay). Also she said one might be a unicorn, purity. People started talking about how it had to be a maiden and I'm a maiden if you mean not being with anyone and I asked if they had to be pretty because then it couldn't be me. But I'm not all that good I'm greedy sometimes and selfish sometimes so I'm not good enough or pure enough to be a rider so I should be safe.  Need to find out what being a rider means.  Okay more later.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2006, 09:33:10 am »
(This writing is in a lovely, flowing script, in ink).  Honora.  I have reviewed your journal at your request and made corrections to names thatI am familiar with. I have made several other corrections to your spelling as well; I would recommend getting a more sophisticated dictionary than the one you currently have. Your spelling and grammer are adequate for a basic level. Your punctuation needs assistance. Since you have professed some difficulty with the common language, I offer this help.  When punctuating a name, the apostrophe (the ' mark) comes before the s only if it indicates that the person possesses an object in the sentence. Example; Rollie's robe, Laldiien's spellbook. When using an apostrophe in a name that ends in an s, the apostrophe may go on the outside of the s. Example; Mathildis' shoes.  When punctuating a verb that is the action of a sentence, the apostrophe is only used as a contraction of " verb is, has, have, had". Example; What's a nice elf like me doing in a place like this? It's been raining since the morning. I could've slept all day.  The ? does indeed mean a question. It is called a question mark.  The ! is called an exclaimation mark, and indicates stronger feeling about the thought expressed.  The ( ) marks are called parentheses and are used to add a thought to the main body of a sentence without distracting from the topic of the sentence.
  The . is called a period. This you seem to have grasped.  Spellguard has several excellent libraries and many bibliotheques where you may borrow or purchase dictionaries or other instructional books. Please take advantage.  Laldiien Ter'Valien


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2006, 10:08:23 am »
Laldiien read my journal while we waited to pick some aloe for my healing kits.  He corrected a bunch of stuff.  Okay so Berriford...he never calls himself that, just Berri.  Two r's.  Two rs?  Rollie with two l's.  Laldiien with two i's.  The punctuation stuff he wrote will help.  I met some other elves now like him and I think he's not so much tense as stuckup.  He's better than others since he tries to get along and he even let a dwarf borrow his pipe yesterday (more later).  But he is stuckup, he thinks his kind of elf is better than others.  I see that now.  I wonder why he talks to me so much?

Anyway stuff.  Saw Annalee and Rinn and tried to talk to them but they the lady Ireth were all talking about horses and riders and the evil lady in Pandemonium who was trying to keep thier horses away from them.  Confusing and I wish I could talk to them but it's been weeks since they could talk about anything else.  So I just stay away now and hope that this thing that's making them all unhappy will go away.  It's either the lady who guarded Pandemonium or Anxiety.  Don't know which.  After I tried to talk to Rinn and Annalee some god-like lady Bao showed up and let Ireth have one question.  She asked about some lady A-something, I wasn't listening by then.  But dang the god-lady had shiney shiney armor.

Got me wondering about how all this started with a little crush that Rinn had on Ozy.  And all the hulabaloo after, like no one ever had a crush before.  Even I did, I kinda liked Stump but he's not been around lately.  Hope he's okay.  Guess those half-giant boys do it for me, they are unbreakable not like little skinny humans or elves.  That Michael the farmer guy is cute too, even if he does smell funny sometimes.  He's really nice.  He has an attack that is just something to see, he whirls all around and hits everything at once it seems.  I have got to learn that!  We talked the other day and he told me about his life, that his mother was a giantess and his father was a human.  Wow.  Love conquers all.  His mom died in childbirth and I wonder why since if she was a giantess wouldn't having a half-human baby be like birthing a little puppy?  I mean she had to be huge.  But I kept my mouth shut he's nice and I don't want to upset him.  He found out his dad is alive recently and I hope he finds him.

I left my ox pack off a couple days ago and some nice guy Voon found my stuff before it could be stolen.  I'm going to meet him tonight to get it.  I was really upset though since I was going to give one of my hides to Tegan and I lost a pair of lion skin gloves earlier on top of that when the world spun funny and everyone went to sleep.  Tegan was so sweet and she gave me some stuff to get me started again two panther skins and a cougar skin and some lion skin gloves!  All I have to do is make sure to help someone else in trouble or unhappy because they lost something later.  She's so nice I really owe her.  Panther is hard to work with.  It rips easy and I tanned one then tried to stretch it and it ripped in half.  I'm going to ask Ferrit where panthers are I bet I could make a nice cloak or boots out of panther skin.

Did some adventuring with some shiney armor lady and a bunch of others.  We went to Spellguard and I got a dictionary while I was there, it's got a lot of really big words in it but lots of blank space in the back for journal so I'll move my writing to that when this is full.  I'm going to use ink to charcoal smudges to much.  Anyway we went to the Blood Desert then around to Port Hampshire and back through the Broken Forest to Hlint again.  Was fun, met a nice dwarf named Dran I'll have to fight with him again.  He's the one Laldiien let use his pipe.  And another was this mage lady Kali, she was pretty and wierd with good spells.  She disappeared a lot.  Invisibility I guess.

Wind and I have talked a lot in the last few days.  Wind says big things are coming.  Bigger things than Blood.  If I hear and smell correctly defeating Blood with make us noticed by bigger stuff than him.  Exciting stuff!  Rollie is excited to, he's got something going on.  He won't tell me but he keeps putting me off when I ask about going to the temple and applying for the Way of the Wind.  I'm getting frustrated about that since I've been training for six months and I've learned everything Rollie can teach me and I want to learn more.  I might go try to find it myself.  Laldiien is working on being an archer of Aeridan to, he's excited about that.  I heard him telling Kyle that he felt Aeridan guiding his bow.

I should go find some maps and see where the temple to the Path is.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2006, 09:18:29 am »
Chaos.  Been thinking about that since I woke up today under the Hlint bindstone.  Was out yesterday with Tyrian who needed something from Storan's crypt.  Ash, Renji, Michael, Mr. Eye, Mave, Rhnn, Freldo, Laldiien, Voon who found my hides, some Drow and a weemik (lion-body man) named Anyx I think, all went.  No one was really running things, Tyrian was kinda leading then Freldo and the Drow kept saying stuff and Voon kept saying stuff and Michael should've lead and he was saying stuff and it was a big mess.  You need a leader, one person to call orders.  We got into the first room off the left of the crypt hall and there were these tall dark skinny undead with really big mouths and teeth (Bodaks?) and they made some kind of awful noise worse than me singing and Michael and Mave dropped dead.  One other died too.  Then Michael was mad at the cleric Voon and Renji just kinda disappeared and a few others left and Freldo wanted to go higher up the Greypeaks to hunt ogres.  I was looking for that oil that lady in Fort Llast needs but didn't see it.

We got into the higher mountains and it was not to bad until we got to the flat area with the rock you have to climb.  Aryx died then Freldo went down to help and then every time someone got in trouble someone else would go help until people started dying.  I swear there are hundreds or more ogres living in those mountains and they hear when stuff is happening outside and come out of caves to help their friends.  There were so many and they hit like griffons.  

So I died.  And that made me think of chaos.  Last night was chaos, we needed someone to say who was going where.  After Michael left Freldo was kind of calling out orders but not many listened and maybe they should have since he knows that area well.  Someone needs to be in charge, and have a plan.

I talked to Wind about chaos and law.  Wind is in balance with the other elements, so it's very predictable.  More than I thought.  Wind likes to talk about itself and what it does.  Then Wind sung me a whisper song with the trees and water to help me relax.

Learned some more grammer.  To is used in between words like normal but Too is used to mean more.  Like I was going to the merchants, and Laldiien was going too.  This looks better I'm starting to write more like books.  

Was just looking at my first entries.  I don't write like the same person anymore.  I've come a long way.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2006, 07:25:31 am »
Rollie just returned from a trip.  I have not seen him for a week, he just came back from the temple of the Path!  I wish he would have asked me to come with him but he said that the temple is having lots of repairs done.  So I have to wait longer to go.  He said that the Windwalkers are looking forward to meeting me and that made me feel good.  I talked to Wind about it and Wind will send my greetings to them.

Helped Laldiien mine mallakite and met Jilepsonie and Daren? and Tyrian in the kobold caves.  Helped a guy M'rin-something get that halfling's necklace.  Okay, she loses this all the time and Erag is always needing more essence and that tax lady is always losing those records and I think they are conspiring to send new people in Hlint to die.  That's got to be it.  They are doing this to cut the population down.  I need to check on this.

Other than that, slow day.  Made a wolf-hide armor.  Will make cougar bags tomorrow.  I'm going to nap and try singing to Wind for a change.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2006, 12:48:02 pm »
Me, Rollie and Berri went to arena in Velensk last night.  We met a nice lady along the was, A-something, she had red hair.  We dueled.  I beat the red-haired lady, but she was a really tough fight.  It's neat how the arena magic works because when you die you don't die or go to the Soul Ma but stay there and then you just get up!  

I dueled Berri.  He wiped the floor with me in under a minute.  It was embarassing but I learned something.  I'm not cut out to take on armored fighters as much.  He's little but he just kept swinging and carved me up bad and I could barely hit him.  He didn't even need to rest when we were done!

Then Rollie and I dueled.  That was really interesting.  First time we had all our clothes and magic stuff on but no spells (no hat skin or anything) and I won.  It was tough but I hit harder, gnomes just don't hit as hard as half orcs.  Then Rollie said a true test would be to fight without our magic on so we had to strip to our underthings and his tatoos move.  So we got down to almost skin and tried again and this time it was really really close but he beat me.  He stunned me twice and I could never seem to hit him he moved out of the way of my blows like   well like water.  Or air.  It was amazing I learned a lot and I'm going to ask him to teach me to move like that.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2006, 09:18:10 pm »
So I'm sitting behind the building by the bindstone in Hlint writing. I went to Hurm to help with Drezneb. There was lots of talk about who would go, lots of people showed up. I offered to leave so a more powerful person could fight but Brisbane said I could stay. Same for Rollie and Laldiien I think. So we went. I was excited and nervous and ready to do whatever I could to help. We got into the mountains like before and I waited until some of the better fighters got on this huge bone-thing and then I attacked, and I died. It let out this big yell that was pure pain and I went down and that was that. I'm crying as I write this because I wanted to help, I wanted to make a difference and all I did was die. Just boom and here I am and I don't know if Laldiien or Rollie is okay and   I won't be there. I'm no hero of Mistone and not powerful enough and I failed.  FAILURE  Hard to write (paper smeared).  I'd better go back to goblins and kobolds. I can do that. Aubret, I miss you. You would know what to say to snap me out of this. Laldiien would say something sarcastic and Rollie would say something cri cryptic and you would say something that makes sense and makes me feel better too. I hope you're happy wherever you are.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2006, 04:53:18 am »
Feeling a little better.  I heard they got the whipperwill in the birdcage and I'll try to die less next trip if I can come.  I will try.

I found Abigail and she asked me to call her Abi.  She showed me where dire boars and dire badgers are.  Dire badgers.  I still giggle when I think of that.  They waddle up to take a bite out of you!  Abi and I talked and I hope to see her again soon, she seemed to like me okay and I would really like to have a teacher and be part of a guild.

Writing this in Port Hampshire where I think I'm going to look for an apartment.  I like this place, Wind is very strong and brings word from other places over the ocean, and water dances in the fountains.  It's very pretty.

Waiting on something to happen, Wind said be here.  So I'm waiting.  

Have not heard from the Windwalkers yet.



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2006, 01:22:56 pm »
Helped a halfling and a couple of cooks today, big day.  Halfling (he never said his name) needed the cooks he hired to show up and they didn't and he was almost out of time for a banquet so we went to investigate.  

Sala and Jako
Lucius fistfighter lightning gloves

I think that was it.  We went to the cooks house in a town I've never heard of outside of Port Hampshire and the furniture attacked us!  That was the strangest thing I've ever seen, tables hitting with their legs and books flying and smacking.  The big books hurt I got killed by one but Vilanos I think saved me.  Knives and forks flew and it was just scary like the house was trying to kill us.  We found the cooks and they were being hurt by some imp that hated the wife cook but we scared him away.

I have to note that I am getting a lot better at not getting hit with big boom spells.  Been working on that and the imp threw several fire balls and I stood right there and didn't get hit!  

We rescued the cooks and destroyed the golum that was corrupted that made the furniture attack and that was tough.  It was also covered in pie mix which seemed to be magic and we had to wash it off to kill it so people were fighting and throwing buckets of water and it was messy.  Pie was good though.  Berri was in heaven.  The lady asked us to buy pies since hers were mostly ruined and we ran to Port Hampshire and bought pies with money she gave us and gave the pies to the halfling who was really happy and then we went back for the best meal!  Fish and shrimp and beef and little tiny lobsters and potatoes and plant stuff (ick) and more pie!  Berri was so happy he almost passed out due to pie eating.  Bet his armor doesn't fit tomorrow.

Baked apples were best.

I like Geddrin he's all no nonsense lets get moving type.  I like that.

Still nothing from the Windwalkers.   And there are no rooms in Port Hampshire to rent so I'll have to look at Krandor instead.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2006, 04:41:59 am »
Been a bit since I caught up.

Went to Dregar with Michael Mordecai and his friend Asher.  Giants, mighty good learning there.  Also they dropped good coin.  Micheal flirted with me again and I flirted back.  I don't know how to do this I'm going to ask Ferrit how to flirt.

Went to Haven mines with Ferrit, Kyle, Rollie and a bunch of newer people.  The squid-heads got cleared out, Freldo left his writing on that at the Wild Surge.  Was fun and the ox lived, Kyle was happy.

Sad news, Laldiien got called back to Voltrex for family stuff.  He may not come back.  He said he'd write.  I will miss him, he was a good person basically aside from being snobby at times.  And he was a good wizard.  He asked me to say goodbye to people for him.

Rollie told me he's thinking of going back to the temple of the Path for good.  He says he's not making a difference here that it's all chaos and no one stops to think before acting.  I hope he changes his mind because he's already made a difference to me, Berri, and Han.  But maybe he's really unhappy I don't know.  He said he'd wait until I went to apply to the Windwalkers but they have not contacted me and it's been a month now since he was there last.  I'm getting impatient.

Wind is talking to me about things coming.  Blood's end is in the air, Wind feels it.  I will join the hunt for Drezneb again in a week or so.  Even though I failed last time I will be more careful.  I will miss Laldiien at my side (or behind me throwing fireballs).   I will have to write him a letter to let him know what happened since he was with them on the last hunt when they found the bird.

I wonder if the bird is the filactory of Drezneb?  If he put his soul into an innocent animal that would be hard to kill and a good hiding place.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2006, 04:58:03 am »
Still missing Laldiien.

Rollie is not around either, maybe he went home already?  No, he would tell me if he did.

Went to Pranzis last night, Wind brought news of something to see there.  I found Jilsephonie, Jennara, and Kharl there investigating a murder that happened a while back.  I think Kyle told me something about that months ago.  I joined the investigation hoping to help and they let me come along.  We did well, found records pointing us to North Point and went there and found a house that had been created by a sorcerer who was pretty much crazy.  He was writing in a book that allowed him to create his reality.  Wierd stuff.  Jil grabbed his quill and we had to kill him.  Jennara tried not to she kept stunning him; is she a monk?  But Kharl hit him a couple of times and that was that.  We had a nice talk and chatted much except Kharl who does not talk.  I like Jil and Jennara, they are nice people.

Ended up back in Hlint.  I learned a lot from the investigation though, how to think about things and make sense of stuff.  This was the tail end of the investigation so I didn't know a lot of what had happened but I caught on quick.

Drezneb soon.

Still missing Laldiien.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2006, 05:29:55 am »
Been busy.  Taking a break today to speak to Wind about things.  I went on the hunt for Drezneb again.  Everyone was there and they had a whipperwill bird and a book from the last hunt.  The whipperwill was wierd, it looked dead but sang.  Mostly we sat around and talked about how to make the book work.  I suggested we put the bird on the book since it seemed to like it and then magic power built up but nothing happened.  There was a picture in the book of a place that looked like someplace called the Forbidden Isles and no one was happy about that since you turn into undead if you go there but we went there to see if it triggered the bird.  It didn't.  I rowed a rowboat almost to shore for that trip.  Then they decided to go back to the Rift to see if that made the bird and the book work and it didn't but then everyone was tired so we decided to sleep on it and have a go later.  Highlights;  Got to see the inside of Ozy's house, it's a mess.  He never puts books away.  Got into a rowing contest sort of with Gotak, who is good folk and I like him.  No-nonsense.  He beat me at rowing.  Helped Brisbane get over her drunk, which was wierd.  She's still nice though.-

I think there were too many people.  Some people didn't say anything at all or try to help, some people it seemed all they wanted to do was talk.  Maybe better if the group was broken into smaller bunches working on separate parts of the puzzle.

I will be on the next hunt though, I am still proud that I'm part of the battle against Blood.

Oh and I didn't die this time.

Went out fighting with Geddrin and a bunch of people in the Auroach desert, we fought snakes and the biggest scorpions I've ever seen bigger than houses, and giants.  Was really fun and I learned a lot.  Scorpions cast darkness so you have to stay alert and listen.  Giants use a lot of magic like fireball and ice rain, but I finally perfected my way of avoiding all that.  I dodge and twist like Wind and most of the time now I take no damage from those spells that cover large areas.  I also worked on the dodging and twisting to get into and out of battle without giving the enemy a way to hit me while I'm moving.  So that's good.

Went to mines near Port Hampshire last night with Daren and Jilseponie.  I've seen Daren and chatted with him briefly but now I found out it's Jil's husband!  He's very nice and a great cleric almost a fighter really.  We fought lizardmen and trolls.  He mined platinum.  We met a dwarf that I've seen before named Urrah I think.  She's....ugly.  Not ugly like me but ugly like you can't tell if she's a girl or not almost.  She flirted with Daren and Jil told me that Urrah kissed him before which made me laugh and then Jil went to the bank and left Daren to deal with her so I took a nap and was mean to do but so so funny.  Urrah's a good fighter though, has the same attack as Michael where you hit everything in one shot.  

Daren and Jil remind me of Kyle and Ferrit a lot, they seem to love each other in a way you can feel not just hear and see.  They have a little girl I hope to meet her someday I like kids.

Got to find Michael again.  Miss talking to him.

No letter from Laldiien yet.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2006, 08:33:32 am »
*The entries from this point forward are in the blank pages of a dictionary, "A Compedium of Common and Uncommon Words in Common", in the back.  Entries are in ink, penned by someone clearly not accustomed to cutting a nib or working with ink.*

Been thinking again.  Took some time to think this week.  No answer yet from the Windwalkers.  I am wondering if I'm supposed to *smudge, blot* go there?  I need to talk to Rollie again I'll look for him tonight.  Do they not want me?  Wind is not unhappy with me, we talk all the time.  Well mostly I listen.  I will ask *blot* *blot* darnit Wind to take my message to the temple of the Path.  

*tucked in the book is a letter on parchment, written again in badly blotted ink, and addressed to "Inirine Bethelman, white farmhouse with red shutters, Chickory Lane, Town of Center, Mistone"*


Thank you for sending Laldiien to me.  We got along pretty good until he had to go home for family stuff.  I hope you and Heinrich and Jr. and Ninya and Alfend are all doing well.  I am very good I have learned a lot and seen a lot.  I want to tell you I have been involved in the fight against Blood, I am traveling with a group of very powerful heros to fight his general Drezneb.  It is exciting and sometimes deadly.

I am also working to become part of a monk order called the Path of Elemental Balance.  I have learned to listen and hear what Wind has to say and I hope if they answer my call I will become a Windwalker.  I move very fast now and can fight well enough, and I can dodge magics and stuff.  I'm not the little girl you remember and I've learned to speak and write well.  I am writing this letter myself no one is helping me.  I need to work on ink more though these quills are hard.

I will try to return for a visit I can't say when, maybe in the next few months depending on what happens with Blood.  Give my love to your family and please continue to take care of Aubret's grave.  If you can I found out his last name and I'd like to have it added to the headstone it was Marenchette.  I am sending a bank note along to pay for this.  Also some extra to buy yourself something.

If you could also ask around about Aubret, I am trying to learn what his old order was and maybe if there is anyone left alive who was in it or practiced it.  I know this is a lot but I would like your help.  Just send a letter and let me know if you find anything out or not.

Love to you all



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2006, 05:33:18 am »
I have seen the temple.  

Rollie and I went wandering last night.  We tried to find Pranzis on Dregar.  We tried first from Hurm and wandered all over.  I am good at finding Delanthar now.  And Ozy's land which a good place to rest.  We ended up in a place called the Dark Forest and it was a bad bad feeling.  I felt really out of place in a living and breathing kind of way and the whole forest smelled funny and even Wind there sounded hollow and dead.  We left and went to Rilaria through Velensk.  Then we headed to Karthy and Rollie was leading and he took me to this lake and then went up a mountain and there it was!  The temple!

It was beautiful.  It was huge and has a big library and different areas dedicated to the elements.  Fire was too hot and there was no one there.  Earth was pretty, really nice stonework and had several monks and the grand master in attendance.  I said hi but didn't bother them.  

Water was educational.  I see why Rollie is so peaceful and hates all the bloodshed.  The water temple was the most pretty and relaxing place all terraces of streams and waterfalls with a lake at the bottom.  You could just lay down there and never move again and be happy.

And Wind.  I went to the temple of the Wind.  It was at the top of the mountain with all the peaks and chasms.  You have to jump from ledge to ledge and Wind howls and sings and whispers there.  Wind is not just happy Wind is master.  I spoke greetings to some of the Brothers of the Wind all boys no girls.  The grand master was away but I was happy to be there.  Not as pretty as Water's temple but much much more exciting and Wind had much to say.

Rollie was really happy to show me the temple he knows how much I want to join.  We left and went on to Karthy and sailed to Loriander and wandered a bit then went to sleep.  

It was a good night.  We talked much and it was nice to peacefully explore without killing.  I learned where places were and saw more of the world.  A good day and night.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2006, 05:12:25 am »
Another good day.  I found Michael and got some rods from him to make more damage on my gloves.  I'll have to find Ayla soon to have her finish them.  Then Michael gave me a really nice cloak, so nice I can't put it on right.  I'll work on it.  And he gave me a flower.  I felt all squishy inside and kept standing really close to him and that's not like me.

Well he bought a house and has a room for rent.  I took it.  It's in a really pretty location in Pranzis by the lake.  My room is small and expensive it will cost 1000 coin a month but I have a room!  Now I can built those chests that Laldiien gave me and keep stuff close.  I need to get Jersey over there, I hope Michael doesn't mind oxen.  Getting around might be a problem because he doesn't have a portal yet but I think Asher is going to get him one.

Met up with Asher and Kharl and Jharl and Sophia and we went to giant caves to get fire opals for Asher.  Was a good trip, learned a lot more than last time.  Made almost the first month's rent too.

Still waiting to hear from the Windwalkers.

No letter from Laldiien or Inirine yet.  I sent her another one.

Also saw a bunch of anger stuff going on with Ireth, Rhynn, and Ash of all people yesterday in Hlint.  Ash seems unhappy, not as talky as before.  She needs to get away from those other two, I think the whole Pandemonium thing warped them.  I miss old talky funny Ash.

I have a home.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #37 on: May 08, 2006, 06:20:50 am »
Drezneb.  We found the philactory we think.  In a crypt under part of the Forsaken Isles which is not a nice place.  The problem with the bird was fixed by using some kind of circle and placing the bird ten feet away and using some ruby staff that a demon was guarding.  Plenarius and his lady got that for us.  Brisbane got us rings with four rubies and when all the rubies fell out we would not be protected from turning into undead.  I kept mine as a reminder.  So we get to the isles and found a hole that lead the the crypt full of nasty undead and vampires, I hate vampires.  And we found statues with crowns that had souls in them and one was Drezneb.  Four crowns Brisbane took them I think to get them checked out.  I was killed by a demon when we left.  That was the worst I was really scared.  It was 12 feet tall and had long curved horns and looked kind of purple and just WHAM I was dead.  Daren raised me which was a wierder feeling but I can't thank him enough.  The worst worst thing worse than the demon was when I got up I felt sore inside like someone had sucked really hard at my soul.  I think Soul Ma got a piece of me.  But we got the philactory I think and I suggested we use it to bring Drezneb to us but they didn't think it was a good idea.  Then we got back to Delanthar by the portal again and I went right to sleep.

Paid my first month's rent and put chests in my room to hold tailoring stuff.  Got half the money for my advanced ceritificate.

No letter from Laldiien yet but I sent him one about Drezneb, he'll be happy to read that.

Nothing from Inirine yet but the messanger who delivered the letter says she got it and to tell me that everyone is fine so that's good.

Nothing from the Windwalkers yet.

Jil showed me how to get from Pranzis to Lorander yesterday so that's good now I know the way.  Jaguars too for skins, and she showed me where the wizard's tower is for alchemy and where the horses are.  She also told me where in Rilaria to get panther skins and I want to make one of those cloaks so I'm going to Rilaria soon.  She's good people.  I'm glad I met her and Daren.

Also saw Kyle and Ferrit and Ash! yesterday, Ash was seeming better more like her old self I hope.  I saw Rhynn too and she was dressed like Ozy all black with a big staff.  Kinda funny.  She doesn't talk to me anymore.  Said hi to Freldo though.

Okay more going on but I'll write later I'm learning so much so fast got to think it out.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #38 on: May 09, 2006, 09:34:52 am »
*the page is covered in drips of moisture*

Almost there.  Almost can focus.  Inner energy to my fists.  

Too many things that don't feel my fists when I fight.  Too many things that have magical skins or hides so thick my blows don't even dent them.  I will learn how to channel my energy the energy of Wind to strike and damage these things.  Demons and undead and twisted things.  I barely hit anything when we found Drezneb's philactory and it bothers me.

I am confused about my path.  No word still from the Path so I will go there alone.  I want to know why they have not spoken to me.  I will look for the panthers Jil told me about so I can make my cloak too.

Tired.  I will go back inside now.  I can practice my fighting outside the house near the lake now.  The lake makes me think of Rollie who I have not seen for days but it's hard to get to Pranzis.  I need to ask Michael to put in a bath.

Been mapping the city.  Pranzis is huge.

Still halfway to my advanced crafting certificate.  Have not seen Abi lately so I don't know how she feels about things but I'm guessing she's not interested in an apprentice.  Maybe Jil?  She's a really super good tailor.  I could learn a lot from her.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #39 on: May 11, 2006, 07:04:19 am »
I went to the temple again.  Alone this time.

I learned something important.  I've been listening to Wind and talking to Wind and I can still but that's not what the Windwalkers do.  They respect the power of the Wind and they emulate that.  They try to be LIKE Wind, not friends to Wind.  Move like Wind, sneak like Wind.  I watched them train on the mountaintop for hours and learned a lot.  The master wasn't there but watching the other monks move was like wow.  They sneak up on their sparring partners and appear from nowhere to attack.  They move like they are made of air here one minute gone the next.  I am not that good.  I have a long way to go.  Oh and they use that attack that Michael uses and Urrah where you hit everyone at once it seems.  I can learn that here!  I got the feeling from talking to a few of them that I'm expected soon.  It felt good to know that.

I'm going to keep working on my moves then trying to move like Wind and sneaking more.  I'm good at sneaking now I practice all the time and tumbling too.  

Tried flirting with Michael some.  I don't think he gets it.  Maybe I need to be more direct?

Oh got two panther skins to try!  Going to get more I want to make a really nice cloak.

