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Author Topic: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"  (Read 3560 times)


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #40 on: May 12, 2006, 05:10:47 am »
Getting digusted with the whole thing.  I was called by the dragon and I've done a part but this Path won't let me test and I feel like I'm standing still.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do.  I'm angry.  I can't find my balance.  My orc want to kill and kill and I'm not holding it back.

Got two more panther skins they are almost wiped out took a long time to find them hiding.  I'm not helping and I don't care.  Made a panther cloak for myself finally.

Drezneb is destroyed but I can't find out how.  I was not a part of that and I guess I feel left out a bit.  But I would have died anyway I guess.

Maybe I should just go home.  *ink spattered on both sides of page as if the book were slammed shut at this point*


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2006, 04:54:34 am »
Not so bad lately.  Micheal got me some room dividers and some flowers to decorate my space and give me more privacy.  I'm still flirting with him and he's doesn't get it.  Definately going to have to be more direct.  He told me to use part of my rent to buy a bed.  A bed!  A bed!  A real bed not a straw mat!  I went to the furniture dealer and got a bed.  A big one with a green cover over the top and stuff carved pretty in the wood.  Took a while to arrange my room.

Been moving more like Wind lately.  One thing I miss is listening to Wind move and sing while I'm inside the house.  I have no windows in my room.  But I can always go outside.  But I'm working hard on shaping my body to move swift silent around over under.  And sneaking more.  With my cloak now I can almost be invisible if I want.  To most things those tree ants still see me.

Micheal is going away for a couple weeks.  He told me to use my rent to decorate the house.  I guess this is what heaven feels like.  I saw stuff at the furniture dealers that I wanted I even bought another book to help me with my grammer more.  They have books at the dealers!  I'm going to buy a bookshelf and fill it up.



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2006, 04:58:39 am »
Okay got to write this down right.  First just to remember went to see Nus the bard tell stories in Fort Hope since I never seem to get out much for that.  He talked about some flawless diamond and some gnome gathering and since Starr Sapphire showed up he got all excited something about Beryl.  So a bunch of us that showed up to hear the bard went to where this was supposed to happen in Stone, had to sneak a lot and got attacked by purple worms the size of houses in the forest on the way.  Saw the gathering, heard there a story about some mad halfling who knows about the diamond so we went to find the halfling and we did and he was really nuts.  Water elementals and tiger men and a demon on the way.  Went deeper into the cave below where the halfling was, found the diamond, it was glass.  We gave it back to him.  He seemed happy.  A buncha people were really disappointed but it was like they wanted to sell it...I kinda thought if it was real that the Beryl followers would take it back for the church.  

Okay now the important stuff.  Yesterday was out hunting with Michael and I finally got up the guts and told him I liked him.  He didn't get it at first and when he did he couldn't speak.  He seemed so amazed that a girl would like him which confused me because he's cute but whatever.  We went back to the house and sat and talked for a bit and he said there was a reason that I was asked to go with him and Asher more than anyone else so I guess that means he likes me too.   We were really tired though after all the fighting and I just said let's sleep on it and went to my bed.

I think he might like me back.  I'm all tingly.  YAY!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2006, 05:25:55 am »
I feel good.  I found my way to focus.  My way to make those things that would hurt me feel my fists even if they have magical protection.  Last night out with Michael Jharl Asher Samir Sophia.  We were getting silver and opals for Jharl and no matter how many times you ask nice those giants just don't even want you to move through their land and so we fought and with Michael and Asher and Jharl they died.  Samir had to leave while we were in the silver mines.  

It was leaving the mines, that I felt it.  The rush of power to my fists and it was when I was not trying so hard.  I was focusing on moving like wind sneaking in and out of battle.  I felt it and I know how to do it again.  

I've given up on the Windwalkers they don't want me.  So I'll just learn on my own Michael and Asher can teach me how to do that everything attack.

I decorated the house yesterday too.  We have a couch, a rug, a bath, a table with chairs now.  Plus some plants.  We sat on the couch and it didn't break so good.  But he was not in his armor.  Have to remind him to keep it off the couch it might not handle the weight.  He fits in the bath mostly so that's good too.  We showed Jharl and Sophia around and then the best thing Michael traded for Jharl and Sophia for one of their house keys for me!  They live in Haven so close to Hlint and now I have a way back and forth!  I'm so happy.  Also sold a whip and I'm closer to buying my advanced certificate.  I have 17000 gold plus some.  Oh and got a shield necklace from Jharl too good price so now I have the protection bubble too.

I guess the only thing that would be better is if the Windwalkers had wanted me.  

Going to have to bring Rollie over to show him around and hunt giants.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2006, 04:36:22 am »
Tailoring sewing and decorating.  Need to go out and fight, practice.  The house looks really good but I have not seen Micheal lately.  I added a fireplace and a really big strong wood chair for him.  And sconces lots of sconces the light is relaxing.  

I keep getting better at healing kits but I still can't afford my advanced cert not now especially.  Bought malar gloves from Jilseponie and boy are they nice.  She said she'd help me with my tailoring.  With that and the decorating though I have no money to get my certificate now.  Back to saving.

Going to rest tonight though and learn to cook something in the big fireplace I had put in in the kitchen.

And take a bath.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2006, 07:54:29 am »
He kissed me


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2006, 05:19:08 am »
I love being on Dregar.  It's so peaceful even with giants everywhere.  Michael is still proving his strength to them and they don't seem to get it that he might be smaller but he's a lot tougher.  I think they will though they are not as stupid as people seem to think.  Being with him is nice uncomplicated we fight together and talk and he's not like tongue twisty Ozy or flattering Freldo, he's just Mikey.  Sweet, strong, smart, focused but not all full of mystery that turns out to be a headache.

I am the same I think.  I'm just me.  I wish I knew who I was though sometimes I spent so long wanting to learn about the Windwalkers and now I'm just wandering.  I learn from Mikey but I can never be as strong as he is so what he does won't work as well for me.  I will keep learning how to move like Wind.  It's what I do.

Been sewing again getting good and almost ready to get my advanced certificate.  Just a little more gold then I can try to make my own monk robes and Mikey gave me some malar hides so I'm ready to try.  Jilseponie's malar gloves with the enchantment Daren gave me are wonderful and strong no rips in the leather they still look new.  She's such a good tailor!


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #47 on: May 24, 2006, 09:07:01 am »
Okay, little by little.  I noticed a long time ago that all the time I spent fighting in the Hlint crypts made me immune to the ghoul disease and most others it seems.  So poison.  I'm tired of the Sielwood spiders making me weak.  I have a little sac of spider poison from the weak spiders.  I'm going to jab myself with it just a bit at first until I can become immune like with the ghouls.  Then those spiders will be sorry they keep hitting me when all I want is a little bit of silk!

Made 28 healing kits last night.  My fingers are so full of needle marks I look like I've been petting a porcupine.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #48 on: May 25, 2006, 04:50:25 am »
Met Soul Ma again last night.  Second time I've felt the icy cold fingers around me.  Wanted to get a hug from Michael but could not find him he's probably out with Asher somewhere.

No energy to go looking.  Too tired to sew.  Poison experiment working I think slowly but I feel weak.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2006, 02:31:40 pm »
I got my advanced crafting certificate today.  I keep looking at it.  I need to thank Mr. Asher a lot more, he let me keep all his shares of the coin from hunting from the other day so I could get it.  My poison experiment is going well went to Sielwood and took some poison from a really big spider there and it only slowed me down a little.  Got lots of silks.

Hope Mikey comes home soon.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2006, 05:55:49 am »
Immune.  I am immune.  It works.  I was on an extended trip to an island to get an artifact for some halfling representing some archeological group and we found it in a sunken ship and a big crystal golum too and took it back to them and after all that and the dosing of the poisons I went to the Sielwood to challenge the spiders and took a hit and nothing.  NOTHING!  I am immune to poison.  Well spider poison anyway.

So been thinking.  Worked for disease.  Worked for poison.  What about spells?  Going to be interesting to find a way to practice that.

New outfit to celebrate my poison experiment.  I had everything for my new monk robes but the skill.  Ferrit offered to try for me and tanned the malar hides perfectly and made my new monk robes with help from Marcus and Rhynn.  Wow.  I am trying a new look I asked her to make me fitted pants and a small halter top so I can move better.  She must have been inspired because she did a fantastic job but it's a lot less that I'm used to wearing and I got stared at a lot.  Freldo went off his head and could not decide which body part to look at first and I think it's irritating Rhynn.  But I look good I think.  Be interesting to see what Michael thinks.  Kyle says he'll like it I hope so.

Still holding my advanced crafting certificate.  New clothes poison immunity certificate life can't get much better.

Oh and selling stuff Mikey and I found.  Got one thing sold already and a bunch more that people have said they want so I'll have enough to get my Bulls amulet made.  I think I will go practice my wind katas in my new outfit.  It's so much easier to move!  I should burn those old skirts.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #51 on: May 29, 2006, 04:24:24 am »
It can get better.  I was in Saudiria last night with Ash Asher Samir Tyrian Rhynn Freldo this was after Asher died in the opal caves while we were fighting to help Ash perfect a fighting technique so when we got to Saudiria I was just dog tired.  So I woke up there a little bit ago and Asher had tucked an invisibility potion in my pack so I could get home.  So I ran past the giants on the hill and past the giants by the tents and all the way to the that area right outside Pranzis big gates where they patrol, Dalos lake I think it is.  And then my invisibility dropped and I didn't know it until a giant ran up behind me and chopped me almost in two I was almost dead.  I ran around the lake trying to get some distance and used my magic hood and one of Jharl's shield necklaces and healed myself up and was mad.  I've always felt weak around the giants like I could not hurt them and it started to make me mad and when the giant came around to smack me I started to fight back so what if I died.  And I hurt him a lot then he got a good blow in and I saw that I didn't need much more to finish him and I had heal potions and he did not.  He couldn't have anyway he wasn't wearing anything but a loincloth.  So I ran and healed again and waited for him to catch me and when he caught up I smacked him good!  Two shots to the gut and I felt him retch and then a shot to the unprotected nethers with the heel of my boot and down he went and I WON.  I BEAT A GIANT all by myself, no Asher, no Mikey, no help.

Some days it's good to be me.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2006, 04:47:28 am »
Michael is back. He was off talking to his giant friend who is teaching him the language and who told Mikey his father is alive.  We sat and talked for a long bit yesterday. He filled in his life story and asked about mine. He relaxed in the quiet of the house and got playful that was good to see he's tense a lot. It was a good talk and I keep feeling an undercurrent of something that could be more. I'm not even going to write the word yet. Too soon but this is a good man and I believe he can do what he says he wants to. He needs help though the giants are just not trusting. Maybe I can offer myself as recon reconnis reconis a scout.   Went out with Asher and Mikey and we met with Jade Willow who made my cat ring and went out beyond the giants to the scorpions (wow are they big) and ogres and up to the north as far as the dark druids which Asher said would eat our lunch so we avoided them. I got some topaz for Ferrit and Tyrian and some polar bear skins! Jade got some dire bear skins she was happy. We fought days into night just wandering and enjoying the company it was a very good trip. I collected coin again and again Asher gave me his share. He is the most generous man. I wish there was something I could do to thank him but he's got tons of money and can make anything he wants so I guess I'll just have to be his friend.
  Laldiien sent me a letter. I will put it in my book later. He's not coming back. He has duties in his city and with his family. He did send a letter giving me permission to use the contents of his bank and so I went and got his stuff the banker was not happy to be woken up that late but Laldiien asked me to not let it go to waste. There was mostly his crafting stuff and some money. I will write him and tell him I got it and hope he does well. He did his part for the dragon he helped with Drezneb and he was a good person to know. I will miss him. He did ask me to make sure Tyrian got his spell ring which I will give to her as soon as I see her. I gave all the oak to Ferrit to give to Kyle and she brought me some garlic for healing kits.
  Tired now but a good couple days. The only thing I still wish is that I had a direction. Still feel like I'm just drifting on the wind like dandelion fluff. Maybe helping Michael will fill the gap. But I really want to figure out what I want to do.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2006, 08:31:31 am »
*Tucked into the book is a letter, on thick creamy parchment in a lovely flowing elven script. It is sealed with a button of wax bearing the seal of Voltrex*  Honora.  I have received your letter and regret to inform you that I will not be returning to Mistone anytime soon. I will explain.  Some time before leaving Voltrex to explore, I had submitted an application to study with the Battle Wizards. I was denied. Right before I left Mistone, I had received word that my application had been re-reviewed and accepted due to openings for apprentices and mid-level students. I suppose I can thank Blood for that.  I have not spoken to you of my history but watching the Battle Wizards practice and defend the Island is what inspired me to become a spellcaster. It means a great deal to me, and I am pleased to say my studies have come along quickly. I will be staying to complete my training and join the ranks of the Defenders of Voltrex.  I have also not told you of how much I enjoyed knowing you. You are a remarkable woman with a tremendous future and I wish you well, with your Windwalkers studies and with this half-giant fellow you seem to fancy. May you find love with him and have many large, happy children.  Three things I ask of you specifically:  1. Before I left I transferred my things from the Arcane Alliance to my bank chest. I am including a letter of permission to access my chest and make use of what you will. 2. I left in my possessions a ring of Wizardry. I cannot take the time to come get it so please give it to Tyrian Baldu'muur, a young woman who I think highly of. She helped me when I first arrived, and I enjoy the symmetry of helping her when I leave. If she has no use for the ring, I am certain she knows of someone who will use it. Also there is a quantity of oak, please see to it that Kyle Pandorn gets this with my thanks for his help and friendship. 3. Finally, a thought. You spoke once of your biological mother whom you said abandoned you to be found by another. I would suggest you look closer to your home for clues to her identity.   Be safe,  Laldiien Ter’Valien


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #54 on: June 02, 2006, 09:42:38 am »
Tried to make a new outfit for Micheal.  I used Jharl as a model but I just did not do the sizing up right, it didn't fit Mikey.  I'm dissapointed black and red would look so good on him.  I'll have to try again with a half-giant to help or maybe just drag him in and sew it right on him.  My outfit turned out good I hope people are surprised.  I even made a skirt since I won't be fighting.  Not so bad if you don't have to move much.

I'm getting more involved in this orb thing with the MAF.  More later on that I'm still organizing my thoughts.

I need to get to Hlint and make some heal kits, sweetie Mikey has me in so much aloe all my bags are full!

I'm still sad about Laldiien but happy he's doing what he wanted to do.  Still need to find Tyrian.  Maybe she will be at the Arms tonight.  

He bought a piano for the house.  A piano!  I keep wondering why because I know I can't play and I don't think he can but maybe he does and didn't tell me.  He also got a telescope which I will use.  I saw an old globe at the furniture dealers last time I was there maybe I'll go get it and put it next to the telescope.

I have enough gold to buy all the nice jewelry I wanted.  Going to have to find Reventage soon.  Another reason to go to Hlint looking.

Been thinking about what I should do with myself aside from making clothes and buying jewelry.  That's funny, I'm as much a girl as Inirine or little Ninya now.  Never used to think about that stuff.  Guess...liking...can do that to you.  I put away trying to find Aubret's old order or his family if he had one.  I think I'll dust that off.  Got to visit some libraries, I know Michael goes there sometimes researching his family so I'll go with and start looking.  I need to go back home also and ask Inirine about that and my mother.  Closer to my home Laldiien said and he does not know about 227 Haft Lake so he must mean Inirine's house since I slept in the ox barn in Hlint mostly.  

I wonder if I could find my mother.  I wonder if I want to.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2006, 05:57:33 pm »
*The penmanship of this entry is noticably better, the ink not as blobby and the lines straighter*

I'm writing this at my new desk in the hall that I converted to an office for us.  A globe and desk and big bookshelf and two nice big desks and a big wood chair for him and a littler one for me.

Someone is watching me.  I felt it when we raided the bugbears to help the lady in Point Harbor, and I felt it tonight when Mikey Asher and I were killing giants.  Eyes on me shadows whispers.

I'm scared.

I should tell Mikey but what can he do, sneaking is not his thing.  It would worry him and I don't want to do that.  He's got enough to do.  I need to be extra careful.

Been spending a lot of time with Mikey.  I would say I really really really like him but it's more than that now.  But I still can't say it.  I don't know if it's because I'm not sure or if I'm scared or if I want him to say it first so I won't look pushy.  But I feel out of breath with him and tingly and he's wonderful and I think I am.  Falling.

Still working with the Mistone Archalogical folks.  We visited the cave where Jharl and his team went in and there were snakes and globes and stuff and a big black dragon statue thing.  Rawkwin did some magic scry thing on one of the globes and we met Kaya or whatever her name was and talked a lot.  More to do.  I tried to blend in, check tattoos, that didn't go over well.  I thought I could get their trust but I put my foot in it and ended up having to skulk away.  Phooey.

Today was a big big day for me.  I asked Mikey to show me his defensive posture and for some reason it was really easy to learn I figured it out right away.  And I think my spell experiment is working I can feel the flow and I think I'm protected a little now.  I have been doing a lot of reading and helping folks with thinking and stuff and I'm feeling a lot smarter these days too.

I said before I wanted to be more.  I'm more than I thought I could ever be.  And I can be more still only things lacking are my imagination.  But I'm still scared of what might be watching me and of this Mikey thing it's too much to process sometimes.  I think I'm all grown up and all I really wish right now was that Inirine was here to give me a hug.



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #56 on: June 07, 2006, 08:11:03 am »
Spending a few days relaxing and sewing so better update.

I started to practice the moves Michael uses when he fights, the spinning attack that hits everything.  He demonstrated it for me and he's so graceful at it but I can't do what he does.  I tried and fell flat on my face.  He showed me why he uses his scythe as a counterpoint and I don't use a weapon.  So I'm going to practice some different ways to balance the leap.  It's a full circle jump and very difficult to hit targets without some way to anchor the pivot.  I'll keep working on it.  Then I showed him my knockdown technique and knocked him over.  I think that surprised him a little.

Went to kobolds in between working on healing kits and let them hit me with spells.  Little yappy things get fussy and attack when all I want is for them to cast on me so I can work on my spell resistance.  Sorry to smack them around but they keep asking for it.

Made a lot of healing kits.  A lot.  Gave Mikey half, kept half.  Had a nice chat with Mr. Stormbrow and traded silks for aloe and cures, he's good folk.  Told him to come around Pranzis more.

No eyes on me lately but I'm still keeping watch.  Still nervous.

Sold a bunch of stuff for Asher.  Now I'm going to have to ask to borrow money from him, something I have not done yet.  But there is a ring for auction that I want.  A monk ring, very expensive and very powerful.  I hope I can make a good case for borrowing the money.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #57 on: June 09, 2006, 05:03:55 am »
Started showing Mikey how to dance. He thinks he's all left feet but if he can spinning attack he can dance. Just have to show him how.  Been reading a lot lately. Books that we find when we travel and things I pick up at market. I'm trying to learn how to communicate better now that I can look up spelling and grammer stuff. I should have someone check these last few entries to see how I'm doing.  Still chickening out on telling Michael how I feel. Maybe tonight. Probably not. I'm such a scaredy cat.  Went to Hlint yesterday and saw Kyle and Berri! I have not seen Berri in ages I was happy to see him and we invited them to come topaz gathering in Dregar with us but Berri never showed up in Pranzis we waited. Kyle did though so we took off hunting and he had a good time. I told him he needed to get Ferrit over when she's back from whatever she's doing and come with us adventuring. He liked the house.  Okay with the MAF. We are on break right now so I'll put some of what I know down. I got involved with the group when Jack asked for help finding the source of an orb that was pre-cataclism. Cataclisym.  That was when we went to the island on Silias's boat and found the sunken ship with the golum and orb.  Then we went to check on the dig site to make sure the stuff got there and went into the dig to see what it was about and it might be a really ancient site where the old dragon gods were worshipped.  There is a spy in the camp I'm sure of that.  Alvin is the head person and they have a spellslinger lady Kaya who's involved as well.  Guards are high-class no lowlifes so maybe not one of them.  The problem is spy for who?  It looks like the Vine which is a very nasty assassin group is involved but probably only to run the harrassment.  From the last set of conversations before we left it looks like we are going into the dig again and taking another look and to the museum where they keep the artifacts found.  I suggested going to Roferien's main library to see if there was anything there or maybe we should ask a high priest of Roferien to just ask the big gold guy himself.  Yeah I like that idea I'll suggest it next time.  Anyway there is an ancient city to Roferien on Dregar and I suggested we visit that too but all the artifacts are in the museum so that's why the group wants to go there first.  Whatever this site is about it was once around an ocean and all the orbs have traces of different schools of magic on them so perhaps to a dragon god of magic, Lucinda's counterpart from ages ago. 
  It's getting really interesting and Mikey is working with them too so that's nice.  And let's see there is Kyle and Ferrit and some cleric I think Rawkwin and Rhynn and Freldo and Jharl who I'm starting to be friends with which is nice and Asea the elf who does not speak common but he's nice and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.  I'm going to keep helping them this is important and engaging work.  We were all dragon called and now we are working sort of for the dragon god it seems appropriate.
  Going to the Lelion tonight to meet Katrien, Mikey's best friend.  It was closed last week.  Need to air out my new dress.  Maybe make something new for Mikey with him as the model this time.  Clean my nails.  Okay I'm nervous I hope she likes me she means so much to him.


RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #58 on: June 10, 2006, 06:12:41 am »
Chickened out.  Again.

Lelion Arms closed.  Again.

Ended up going for topaz and I forgot to give them to Micheal darn.  Maev came with and I met Snippi who is Mikey's friend.  He's a halfling who's good with a bow.  Nice fellow.  Met Rugo too a halfling monk which I've never seen before.  Didn't have time to talk to him but I will next time I see him.



RE: (On inside cover, in charcoal) "puggys bok"
« Reply #59 on: June 11, 2006, 06:48:03 pm »
He loves me.
  He loves me he said he loves me he loves me I'm so happy. Now I will write it. I love him. I love him he loves me.
  Other stuff later he LOVES ME.