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Author Topic: Ellym Morstar - A Jurnel  (Read 131 times)


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    Ellym Morstar - A Jurnel
    « on: September 07, 2006, 02:49:17 am »
    [SIZE=13]*Before you sits a tiny desk, much too small for a grown man. Upon the desk lay an array of uninteresting trinkets and knick-knacks, including a small quill and inkpot, some leaves of blank parchment, a lit candle and a few books piled in a corner.*[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=13]*In the centre of the desk lies a small, leather-bound book. It bears no markings or title, and almost all of it's pages are torn, folded or scrunched. On the inside cover is written 'Ellym Morstar - A Jurnel' in a small, messy scribble.*[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10][SIZE=13]*The first few entries are written on loose pieces of parchment that have been slipped into the front of the book. You move the candle closer and begin to read off the first page...*[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/FONT]
    I arived in Hlint only a few dais ago. A dworf hoos naim I did not catch wun a fite with me and took most of my gold. I am alone with no wai of geting out of heer...
    The I staid at the Wild Surge and then met sum advansh advenshurers hoo took me dow duwn into the cripts. I saw sum skelatuns and a drow elf. There was a stranj man hoo wuld wood not give his naim. This plais is confuseng... I wont to leev as soon as I can.
    I met a gurl naimd Teegan I think hoo gave me sum maj majiks poshuns. They wer verry good but I can not find any moor.
    I plaid sum cards in the Wild Surge, the in of this toun town. Then I met a gurl naimd Falin I think. She helpd me fite rats and kill the ratman for sumwun. I got a reword - Wun step to leeving.
    Ellym Morstar


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      Anuther entry
      « Reply #1 on: September 13, 2006, 04:24:56 am »
      I hav spent the last few dais reeding thru my unkls notes that he gave me. Thay ar verry helpfull espesha espeshilly sins it has been so long sins I traind with him. I hoep hope he is well... I mis him.
       I spent todai fiting sum rats in the suwers. Thay ar week but it is good training. Ther are so manny of them. I'm going to rid the suwers of all the rats. Then maibee the townfoke will reword me and I can get to Senter... Or maibe I mite start fiting sum skelatuns in the cripts that I sar sor befor.
      Ellym Morstar  


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        A grate dai
        « Reply #2 on: September 14, 2006, 11:57:46 pm »
        Todai wus a good dai. I met a gurl naimd Vershenon. She is a magiks coster carster. She helpd me fite rats in the sewers. Allso I met Nothy hoo is a nome WITH A BEERD! I thort he wus a dworf at ferst furst. ..
        Then I fownd Vershenon later by the bank. We met sum advenshurers naimd Sakura and Mithi (I think - he denide it) Thay took us to a caiv and we killd sum goblens. I nerly nerely dide! This plase is getting wurs...
         *Slipped into the small book is a tiny slip of torn parchment with the following scribbled on it quickly in blue ink...*  
            Majiks is verry good for heeling. If I can find a majiks carster then I can get out of heer sooner...  


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          Training neerly compleet
          « Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 07:29:06 pm »
          I have neerly finishd my training in the suwers. The rats ar stil just as plentyfull plentefull but I think I am maiking a diffrens. I dowt the townfoke will giv me a reword. There ar too manny rats for me too kill.
          I have maid sum munny and soon I think I will travil to the nekst town. Thair I wil find a wai too keep going gowing to Senter.
          I need too find a majiks carster hoo will cum with me to Senter... Thay ar verry good with heeling wich meens I dont hav too spend as much on poshuns and bandoges bandiges...
          Ellym Morstar


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            A noo frend
            « Reply #4 on: September 21, 2006, 03:46:15 pm »
            I hav fownd a majiks carster hoo can heel! His naim is Luk and he is an elf. He uses heeling majiks wich is wot I need to keep traviling!!
            I spent sum time with him in the suwers fiting rats. He is a good cumpanyen companyen. I think we wil travel wel togetha.
            Today I traveled into the Seelwood Forest.  A nise hin gurl naimed Lilli helped us get Ragriens neklase bak.
            Then Drogo hoo is an elf I hav seen around arownd Hlint helped me get sum goblen eyurs eers. I gaiv them to the cortermarster.
            I think I am finaly reddy to leev Hlint and keep traviling to Senter! Finaly I can get awai from this stoopid toun town!!
            Ellym Mortstar


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              Traviling plans
              « Reply #5 on: September 21, 2006, 04:13:12 pm »
              I have kwikly traviled along the rode... It is verry safe on the rode, and shud shood be fine if we stay away from the woods and laiks along the side of the rode.
              At larst I can get owt of this plase. .. I am tired of it and I deslike the country-life. I wil be happy wen I get bak to the sity. Wen I am there I wil try to find werk or join a gild... Hopefuly I can find an arina or juelist groop. I need to keep sharpaning sharpining my fiting skills to proov to my unkl that I can be a good sordsman.
              Ellym Morstar


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                « Reply #6 on: September 21, 2006, 08:51:41 pm »
                I hav done kwite a bit of eksploring todai. I traviled all the wai to Spelgor Spellgard! I also sor lots of wild animels and creeshures. This part of Mistone is verry beutefull!
                  I met up with Luk and we finished sum mor errinds. Toomoro we ar going to go to Spellgard for him and then we wil go to Senter! I hav sum traviling munny and enuff food and worter to last for a wile. Finaly I wil be on my wai agen!
                Ellym Morstar


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                  « Reply #7 on: September 25, 2006, 09:33:49 pm »
                  I have desided to taik up Tailorring. My muther wos a seemstres and she wood offen send me owt to collekt cotten cottin for her. I think it will cum in handy as it allows me to maik my own cloths and maik sum munny. I just need to find sumwun hoo can help me lern...  *Many small notes are scribbled under this paragraph, scattered about randomly...* Got sum cottin... still dont no wot to do with it tho...
                  I hav bort the ekwipment I need to start werking. I remember most of it from wen I wos littel. I still need to find sumwun to teach me how to yuse it tho..
                  Maibee I shood put up a sine asking for help?


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                    Riting good
                    « Reply #8 on: September 27, 2006, 08:09:50 am »
                    I spent sum time with Luk todai. We tride to fite the goblen leeder but we wer killd...
                    We torked after and Luk has sed he wil teech me to rite propa!! This wil maik my jurnel look alot better.. I mite even get a reel book for me too rite in!  
                    Ellym Morstar


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                      Dreems of tailorring...
                      « Reply #9 on: October 03, 2006, 05:08:40 am »
                      It has been a wile sins I rote anithing in heer...  
                      Aftar nobodi replide to my sine I desided to tri try tailorring on my own.
                        I am going to maik myself a cloke. It wil be my ferst good acommplishment! I hav maid sum cloth and a pattirn for it. I will soon maik sum thred too.  After that I will maik sum moor stuff for me. Then maibe I wil maik sum stuff for others and charj them munny for it... I can reely maik munny from this...
                      Ellym Morstar