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Author Topic: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervish"*  (Read 239 times)

Louis D'or

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*A young man is sitting in a room in the "wild surge inn",and writing in a book,its in the middle of the night and a single candlelight i lit*  Arrived in Hlint a couple of days ago,first thing that met me here was an angry guardsman patrolling,sent shivers down my back he did,but he let me pass with out anything,but an angry word word...not even sure he recognizes me on the street when i pass by him,which is only good! Next thing i asked around for anyone needing work done for a goldpiece,lo and behold i needed but turn a corner when the local tax collector asked me to fetch her tax records for her, which some rat fellow apparently lifted off her,and no sooner had i said yes before a strikingly beutyfull young lady asked me to join her for a trip down the sewers where the rat guy resided,a young mage of sorts she was.Didnt take us long to locate the fellow,but i had to slit his throat to get the book,it was well worth it...200 gp,could do it again without thinking,easyiest gold i ever made!  After a good nights sleep i decided to further inspect the town,and with the young mage "kila" as guide i quickly found the weapons shop and bought myself a new rapier,easy to use and with a short sword in the other hand,good for defence aswell.No sooner had i bought it and was back on the street, before the local quartermaster asked me to do a job for him,and when looking at his heavy pouch it was near on impossible to say no,and the job sounded simple as any,bring back the ears of a local goblin tribes' scouts and he would pay 25 goldpieces a ear.So off to the hills i rushed eager to get my hands on his gold,and hadnt even set up my first ambush when i run into the mage again,figuring i could use a hand and she could be of assistance we agreed to join forces in bringing the goblins down,and so said so we did,but not before persuading,for no fee,a local half-giant to aid us,he did short work of the goblins with myself and kali well protected behind his broad shoulders. Eventually,much to my personal dismay,the giant left our company after a slightly unfortunate experience with a goblin overlord,dont remember much from the encounter one minute im sneaking along a corridor ready to ambush the bugger,next i wake up in Hlint town square...apparently the stinker got the better of us,fortunately i dont remember that part!And now comes the best part  *The young man takes a break from the writing to snicker,covering his mouth with the palm of his hand* well this knight approaches myself and kali,claiming to be a servant of Toran,i was just about to jump into the nearest well i was,thinking those ever "justfull" knights had come for me,when he begins talking about "lending his sword to the good cause of ridding the hills of the evil goblins", had to control myself not bursting into laughter,well nonetheless i end up in the hills,and with the assistance of the good sir Marius,claiming the plentyfull bounties on the goblin ears,and of course nothing for the knight,didnt even ask for a donation for his deity...! in the end when the goblins screaming had died down,he even began talking about the benevolence of Toran,and about how one should seek redemption through kind acts and the likes.He had a good tongue on him,i'll give him that,if he was only not selling such a futile and abandoned cause to one not buying...but i indulged him,and gave him something to think about himself,of course disguising the words as my own,but they could just as well be spoken out of the mouth of one he should know as well as his own god...  Already i know that there is a fortune to be made in this city,and if HE is willing i will be a rich man soon enough!  *The young man puts down his quill,and blows air on the page before closing the book.When this is done he blows out the candle,opens the window and slips out into the night,for no one to see,but not before mumbling a silent prayer*

Louis D'or

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RE: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervis
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2006, 07:46:35 pm »
*Its dark night,a young man with a patch over his left eye,pacing back and forth on a ledge which is situated near the city of haven, having what seems to be debate with himself,and if anyone could hear what he was saying they would hear what follows...*

but they are both so different from anyone i ever met,they respect me and look at me with care in their eyes,not like those backstabbing rats back in Hurrin,Tolec is splitting the gold we find,when we have stretched the wretched lizardmen to the ground,helping me doing the odd job here and there,not even demanding part of the wage,we even talked about setting up a small legitimate buisness here at some time,and Kali...

*stops talking as if to taste the name that comes over his lips*

Kali is like no women i ever talked to,her hair dark and beutifull as the night sky,with eyes set as twinkling stars. She looks at ME when we talk,not at the size of my gold pouch or jewels on my fingers,not ignoring me for the next noble knight riding into town on his steed.When in her company ,I feel light as if stepping on leaves,and still clumsy as an ogre,i feel comfort simply by her soft spoken words,a comfort i thought not to exist...i have never felt like this towards any women before,nay not towards any person

*seems to disappear into thought,then suddenly begins talking again,with a tone of voice that seems not all convinced*

But i cannot let myself get distracted,who says they will not betray me as all has done before them,i vowed to myself and Branderback never to be the weak party,never to let anyone get the better of me again,i have learned plenty not to trust any,and i would be a fool to fall into that trap again.

*voices can now be heard from below on the path,and the young man quickly descends down the hillside and seems to disappear into the shadows towards Hlint,even before he hits the ground.But if ones eye was sharp enough and noticed him,one would alsonotice a single red rose in his hand,standing out from his otherwise all dark clothes*


Louis D'or

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RE: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervis
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2006, 01:46:32 am »
*A man,is sitting in the stern of a ship bound for leilon,and looks over the calm sea.Without taking notice of the busy sailors,and them not taking notice of him, he produces a small book from a his pack along with a travellers scribbling tools and begins to write*

These last couple of weeks i have been most succesfull,in most matters of my "new" life,my purse is full,and as an added bonus my skills have wastly improved,and i feel invigorated beyond anything i ever felt back in Hurrin,curse that place!.When i am writing this i am on my way back from a job on the continent of rilera,an old farmer needing help to rid his fields of some unexplainable possesed scarecrows,but not any more unexplainable then they could be felled and burned like the hay they consisted of, and a small delivery for a young women named freya.In my company was as nearly always these days,tolec along with a tracker named Talen and the knight Marius.Marius it seems is getting quite suspicious towards me.I did as i always do,"convinced" the others that the amount of gold i found on the enemys we slew,were smaller then it really was and he seemed to believe me as did the others,but then just when we were sitting by the campfire relaxing he asked me about what god i followed,and i felt i had little choice but to tell him a little lie,as i doubt he would help me with the job if i told the truth,so i blurted out the name of Dorand the master of crafts,the others but nodded,while Marius looked at me long with a strange look on his face,as if he was trying to look into my soul,fortunately tolec turned the discussion over on the matter that he is to be sold as a slave on an upcoming auction,and that fortunately got Marius going about seeking justice for all,and bringing Tolecs orc master before a judge,seemingly forgetting me for the time.

Besides that,like i say all is going well,i was part of a party to go gather topaz' for for some spell ingredient,me of course more interested in the gold the slewn enemys could provide,and in the party i came across a most strange fellow,well adversed in the tongue of the thieves it seemed,which Í learned being amongst them on the docks of Hurrin.His name was Rakish,i would like to know more of him,as i have heard rumors in the taverns on the long nights,of a secret society,shrouded in shade and working in secrecy,he most certainly must have come across some rumors of the same or better yet, maybe even have contacts which could provide some work for a person with the skills i have,to walk unseen,unheard and strike deadly blows with but one well aimed strike from behind.But unfortunately he took of before i got a chance to speak with him,alone and without the ears of our party members listening,hopefully i will get the chance again soon enough.

*puts down the quill and stops writing,then begins to play with a goldcoin,(book still open in his lap),making it dance across the knuckles of his left hand and when reaching his index finger,it seems to disappear into thin air.All the while with a distracted look in his one eye,as if his thoughts were somewhere else then on the boat,he sits like this for quite some time maybe even hours,until a sailor finds it quite odd enough and asks if something is the matter,the man snaps back to reality,pockets the goldpiece,smiles politely and reassures the sailor that all is fine,and picks up the quill once more,to begin writing again*

I have not seen the Kali around Hlint for some time now,i wonder what she is up to these days?I somehow...miss her company,her eyes,the faint smell she leaves when walking past,by Branderback i even miss the sparckle from the tips of her fingers,when she threatens to turn me into a frog,i do hope she is unharmed.Was walking through Hlint the other day when i heard her name mentioned,my heart began racing and a smile came to my lips,and i almost ran towards where i heard it called,and just as glad i became by the thought of her,equally disappointed i became when i turned the corner,and some red headed wench was standing and flirting with two men,them calling her by the name that have filled my head and heart plenty since i heard it first...
I felt like thrusting my katar inbetween the soft spot,between their shoulders right above the place where the neck begins,for giving me hope it was her,then taking it from me again!,But i came to my senses,fortunately...i doubt the real Kali would ever see me or hear my name again,if i did such a thing,and that i could not bear...

*Closes the book with a sigh then puts it away in his pack,in a most secretive pocket sewn into the lining for no one to find,if they didnt know it there.Then the writing tools goes into the pack aswell,and the man makes himself comfortable amongst the many ropes rolled up in the stern and soon nods off*

Louis D'or

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RE: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervis
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2006, 03:15:17 am »
*Dervish is sitting by a table in the corner writing in his journal,outside the dawn breaking.Every now and then he pauses to have a drink out of the bottle standing infront of him,every now and then stopping to ink his quill,in the golden ink flask besides him* These weeks i seem to prosper by the day,my pouch is heavy and my heart is light as i have finally found the one thing that arrouses my passion in a way i thought only gold could.And that one thing is my sweeter then honey and more deadly then the strongest poison,Kali. *Stops to taste the name in his mouth and with a smile on his face he continues to write* I have had many encounters with her since last i wrote in here,and everytime we meet,when i look into her eyes and talk with her it feels like we have an almost unearthly connection,it feels as if sparks fly between us,as they does from the tips of her fingers just before engulfing her enemys in flames,except there is no pain involved with these sparks,only a sweet feeling of belonging together...As to the unearthly connection i experienced this for the first time just a couple of days ago.I was sitting in the leilon arms and having a drink with Farros and the halfling Jay a few hours before its official opening hour,when all of the sudden i heard her calling for me,but not outloud!,with a voice coming from within my own head,still clear as a moonlit night though,i focused all of my thought on her,her voice,the image of her in my mind and was somehow able to transmit to her that i was at "The Arms",and lo and behold not many hours later she showed up as beutifull as ever,and greeted me with a kiss from her sweet lips. It was a good night that one,drinking and dancing untill the sun once again was high on the sky,and when we could not drink one drop more,or take one step further on the dance floor,we fell asleep on a couch,her resting her head on my shoulder and her arms around my waiste. When i woke,i found myself standing on my feet sword raised ready to strike a blow,once againĀ  my gruesome memories had awoken me,memories of red hot pokers to my eye...  *He puts down his quill,takes a big draw of the bottle infront of him and sits both motion and expressionless for a short while,then picks up the quill again and continues his writing*  After this all to well known nightmare had left my mind and i had regained my full senses, Kali and myself decided to "explore The Arms",it being newly renowated and me not having visited before,dont think Kali had either,and we soon found a room,where we began sharing our thoughts,we are so different but so alike in that matter,her seeking the power the weave can provide,me the power gold can...  These recent events i cannot help to think that they are not all random,the Weary Shadow lets those that take to him walk in his shadow,and it seems my time has come,to finally take the goods of the world that has for so long been held from me,things that all should have,but so few dare to take,will begin to search out texts how i can serve him better,so that i can benefit even further from stepping on his shadowy path. I am sure with Kali by my side and the Weary Shadow guiding my hand and step,nothing is impossible and all can be ours,if we just take it when opportunity comes,and do not hesitate. *corcks the ink flask and puts it in his bag along with with his journal,and heads for the door that leads to the street with a gleam of determination in his eye,but not before mumbling a small prayer to himself*

Louis D'or

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RE: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervis
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2006, 09:52:21 am »
*Two men is standing under the shadow of a big tree in Hlint,a fair distance away from the road that lead trough the town,under cover by the long shadow the tree casts,as it is near dusk.
Unnoticable by anyone if they did not know,they were standing there.
One man with long dark hair,and a patch covering his left eye,the other totally undercover,hidden away by his dark armor and a just as dark hood covering his head and face.
A raven sits in on a branch above the head of the two,and the conversation that follows is what the raven overheard*

"Dark stranger": I saw you persuading Granvil to sell you his oxen cheaper,good one,the old man dont know the true value of his beasts*grins*

"Patch man":You know what is said,take from the rich and careless what rightfully belongs to you,and the 20 goldpieces spared,will feel much more comfortable in my pockets then in Granvils*smile slyly*

"Dark stranger":Indeed,as spoken out of the mouth of the Weary shadow himself...There is quite a few of us,followers of his....teachings around these days.We will soon have a strong foothold both here in Hlint and in Leilon,the days to come are full of promise for those that walks in his shadow.

"Patch man":Hmm,i have yet to meet any,i was beginning to think that Hlint was my own for the taking,which i reckon wouldnt be all bad,seeing that this place has plenty to spare,and guards its wealth with little care.

"Dark Stranger":*Smiles mysterious smile*well the Weary Shadow,is taking care of its followers,letting his benevolent shade cover their actions,i might introduce you to some of them one day...

"Patch man":*one eye widens with interest*i would be most obliged,as i have failed to both find the Dark Hounds temple and would like to know more of the him,from men more learend in his ways then myself...

"Dark Stranger":*nods* i will look around for them,so that might happen,but if you should come across one and you might recognise them on their ways,refer to me....i am called Nightshade.

"Patch man":*nods*Nightshade,i will remember that...well i need be off for now,the night has fallen,and my coffers does not fill themselves,unfortunely...*mumbles a prayer in a low voice and strange tongue*

"Dark man":*smiles* yes you best then.... *puts out hand and with a demanding tone of voice states*seeing as you still owe me for that armor you are wearing!

"Patch man":*grumbles slightly then unties a small pouch by his waiste*this is all i have on me for now,there is 70 goldpieces in that,you cant count them if you do not trust me*smiles slyly*

"Dark man":*weighs the pouch in his hand and with a sudden anger to his voice says*You best do better then that,i saw your work with Granvil and the weight of this pouch only amounts it to 60 goldpieces,do not make me claim my gold from your pockets by myself!

"Patch man":*Hurridly finds 10 goldpieces in another pocket and with a timid voice says*ehh my mistake,it wont happen again...

*This is the conversation the raven overheard,before taking of towards the Grey Peak,having done what it in the first place came to do,rest its wings...*


Louis D'or

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RE: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervis
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2006, 06:10:58 pm »
*Dervish enters the Wild surge at the coming dawn,first light is already seen over the roof tops in Hlint.He gets the key to a room gets in and locks the door behind him,then sits in a corner,pulls out his journal and writing utensils and begin scribing* These days has brought both anger and promise my way.Promise as i have finally located the temple of the Black Hound in Pranzis,ahh it was a moment of greatness and endless promise i will savor for the rest of my days,i felt the greed whirling up from the dust every step i took,and his eyes on me from every shadowy corner,i felt urged to satiate his greed and donated some items to do so,it must have been his omnipotence filling the building that promted me to do so.HE is the master of greed and lies and it radiates out of every vapor in every building block.If i can ever get but 1/100 of the power he holds in doing so,i will soon be richer and more powerfull then any nobelman,even king. *Takes a small pause,as if pondering and retracing events,then puts quill to parchment once more and continues writing* The anger,the anger that was brought down on my head was not done so,by anything walking the surface of layonara...It was done so by something inside of Kali.Myself her and that ever usefull half-giant Zug was out to raid and loot the mercenarie camp near Haven when we stumbled upon a staircase leading down into a dark cave,and we went down and in.We hadnt taken but one or two step,when all hell broke loose,an abomination of which the likes i have never seen before,cast a spell of sorts and before i knew it Kali was struck down,dead on the stones...we fled myself and Zug,but he too,stretched to the ground by the monster,i managed to escape it... When Kali came back from the death void and returned to our designated position of which to gather if something went amiss,she was changed,i could see it in her eyes,they where black as the night...and the only words out of her mouth spoke of death,she had a determined stride when heading back to the lair of the beast,and neither i or Zug could do anything to stop her.When she came back she was no longer dim and soul less,but it was not for the better,she spoke with a different voice,i felt all rage,rushing to my head,something had taken Kali from me,nearly laughing in my face as it seemed to consider her its property... I have vowed never to let anyone take what is rightfully mine,and in my anger i drew my blades and was about to put them to the shell that was once Kali's,when the "thing" inside her began reasoning,asking if i was going to make my sweet princess into a pincussion,my rage veined...the creature talked about Kali's body not having served its purpose,then it took to the woods and soon after my Kali returned asking what was wrong,she had no recollection.We agreed not to speak of this "incident" publically but there is no doubt we will have to seek a solution to this,and if i have to,i will travel to whatever plane this "thing" possesing her came from,and take back what is rightfully mine...
  *Dervish blows some air over the page newly written in the book,and when dry he closes it,puts it away with his writing utensils,and quickly falls asleep,obviously exhausted from the eventfull days*

Louis D'or

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RE: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervis
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2006, 04:14:29 pm »
*It is near dawn young man is sitting underneath the shade of a great tree in the outskirts of Lorindar.He is looking scruffy and is writing in a journal in his lap* I should never have tried such a foolhearthy attempt at revenge upon that fat stinking guard captain of Hurrin,curse both their names.I had taken naught but 10 steps inside the gates,when i felt the pointed end of a sword against the lower part of my back. I knew i should have taken to the shadows,i knew i should have dealt swift vengeance on those that took what was mine,but instead feeling comfort in my new found strenght,i thought i would check the place out first,opposing openly anyone that dared question my presence back there...Unfortunately he was amongst the first to notice me,and even more unfortunate wise enough to draw his blade,before i could mine. *The man leans his head against the tree,and takes a deep breath,then cringes as if in pain by the breathing* I dont know for how long i was in shackles in the deep dungeon,there was no windows and no light,not that it bothered me,it seems the Weary Shadow reaches me easier when no light and only shadows are present.HIS promises of vengeance kept my mind strong,and made my will to live even stronger. Even trough the worst beatings and under threats of death,i looked them in their eyes,and they feared me.Feared me enough to make them eliminate the threat of me upon their heads,i heard them,heard them plotting my death. This time i made the wise decision,i prayed, i prayed and kept to the shadows and what i found there was a small elongated piece of metal,and from there it didnt take me long to get the chains that bound my feet off,but they must have heard me becuse not long after 3 of the guards stormed into the cell,but with one quick evasion of a blow,and parry of another with the chain stretched between my hands,i got past them and ran...ran for my life as i have done so many times before with equal succes,it seemed forever i was running up up up,following the draft of fresh air,and soon found myself on the street where i managed to elude the stinkers.I could snap the chain between my hands becuse of the blow dealt to it,and i will wear the "bracelets" given to me as a gift of imprisonment until,either vengeance is dealt from my hands or the maggots eats the flesh surrounding them. I doubt that i will be granted the pleasure of a good beating next time,as i was not put before a judge nor was there served a warrant for my arrest,so my guess is that the good guard captain,is simply spreading terror,amongst those he feels beneath him,for his own amusement. I quickly made my way towards Lorindar. I was halfway there when i heard a shriek from high above my head,and no sooner had i blincked once before a bird of prey was sitting on the ground before me,with a parchment tied to its one leg...i untied and read it.  It was from Kali,my heart felt like it was to burst from the sensation of thinking about her all of the sudden,my mind had been so full of thoughts of vengeance and dealing death,that i had given her little thought,i had her image and sweet voice in my mind the short second before opening my eyes when waking up,but that was quickly whisked away by the familiar thought of hatred and vengeance.Now more then ever i long back for the place i now call home,Hlint and the only one that really matters to me now more then ever,MY sweet Kali...
  Luckyly most of my gear and goldwas stashed in the Lorindar bank,so i will have no loss on that account,so for now the only way that isnt leading to Hurrin is towards then Hlint and Kali
  *The one eyed man closes the small book with a sudden movement,and in the next he is walking in a quick pace, groaning with pain,but with a determined look in his eye*

Louis D'or

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RE: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervis
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2006, 11:11:27 am »
*A young fellow,hard to tell his age but not above 30,is strolling down the mainstreet in Hlint.It is broad daylight,and he is obviously not in a hurry,becuse he soon turns and walks to the edge of the small pond,sits down and soothes his feet in the cold water,and with a satisfied smile on his lips he pulls out a small book from his pack along with some writing utensils,and starts scribbling in the some* These days are good,almost to a degree that im beginning to think the Dark Hound has put a tag on me,to allow his shadow to cover even the least of my actions and steps. I made quite the profit of the little job i helped Renji with,obtaining some necklace from a pirate captain,he did most the work along with some others,all i did was what i am beginning to master,the art of deception,dont know who the necklace was for or why it needed to be obtained outside the regular channels,but little do i care,like i said....i made quite the profit.Along on this little job was a peculiar halfling,all dressed in black,im beginning to wonder if he is not the one mentioned to me by Nightshade...Got to get a hold of the fellow,he might have some means or ways that could bring me even more into favor with the Hound. Here in Hlint events are unfolding that preoccupies alot of people,something about some horses and riders spiced up with a curse of sorts,saw some of these events unfold with my own eye,saw Rhynn getting...attacked by someone or something,i of course quickly hid in the mercifull shadow as i had no doubt that if spotted,this...thing would have the life of me aswell.All this is way beyond me,i am not wise in lore,magic and the planes these event apparently are unfolding from,but one thing i do know is,that if focus is on others and other events it isnt on me... *The young man puts the quill down,and sits to watch the shadows grow longer for a couple of hours,all the while with a somewhat pondering look on his face* Other events are unfolding that holds great promise for my future,a few people with largely the same goals in their lives as myself,we are making preperations to start a little "society" to rival these Shadow Thieves or atleast divert the stream of money running from Mistone into their pockets,to make it run into ours.Not a thing one could do on their own,and the promise of even greater rewards then i can imagine(and my imagination is not to be underestimated),have made me come to the conclusion that this is something i need get my hands into.But as it is now we have to stay low and hidden,if those blasted package handlers gets wind of it,im sure we will all soon be floating face down in Lake Alon.  And speaking of promise and gold,i saw the other day a notice in the "Wild Surge" about some squidmen,apparently their race is called "Mindflayers",but i find the name Squidmen more appropriate,been seen in the Haven mines,and if a head of one of the "squids" was brought before warrant officer Kit,there would be a reward,i didnt think twice and quickly gathered a small party to claim this reward,some other people joined us and we did find these "Squids" and managed to kill a few,none of their heads in any shape to be of use unfortunately,and then the fools i was with decided to turn back,perilous they said,hah,only thing perilous is not grabbing what you can when you can,and this reward should have been ours.Well i heard that the Lord of Haven have send out for adventurers to go rid the mines of this menace,so i will claim my reward there...  All this while Kali,her giggle,her sweet scent is in the back of my mind.When i am not with her i long for her,and when i am,i feel like the whole world is ours for the taking.We had quite the little trek the other day along with a half orc named Elessar and the good Father Logan,which i by the way convinced that i really am fighting evil and plan to spend all my gold to rebuilt the slums in Point Harbor,to make it proper free housing for the poor.He is good as the day is long,but not the brightest goldpiece in the fountain,im sure he will come to good use sometime. We started off,with helping Elessar obtain a boar pelt,me figuring i could pick a good loot on the way,then when resting in the Sielwoods Kali gave me a lesson in the use of magic scrolls,with little luck,but i did manage to decipher a few and use them.Could come in handy one day to be able to read magic scrolls... Then we made our way towards Fort Hope and ended up spending nigh on two days at the inn,talking,drinking and being,merry exchanging stories from our lives. My only slight concern these days,is that i want Kali to take part in this new venture i am becoming part of,with the gold it could provide for her she would truely be able to gain power without wasting thought on how to obtain the means to her end,and besides that,her magic could prove most usefull,never hurt anyone to have a magic user behind,well not unless you get in the way of a fireball or something but...i think she would might have some morale issues with what we have set out to do,or maybe eventually will have,and that is one thing that we have no place for,morales and eticks,if that was to happen and she would become a liability to our little society...i would not even dare think,what the next step would have to be...  *He stops writing,closes the book,puts it away and gets to his feet.Before taking of towards the gates,he looks up at the sky,now tainted by the beginning dusk and mumbles an inaudioble prayer*

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RE: *A simple book with a front cover stating:"Journal of Dervis
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2006, 08:34:45 am »
*A one-eyed man is sitting by a campfire,the lifeless corpses of the 5 ogres that originally built it is scattered around the area,most of them with their throats cut.Having all the time on the world now,free of any interruptions,the man produces a book and writing utensils from the depths of his pack along with a canteen,takes a sip of the contens,opens the book and begins writing* Things are not entirely going the way i had planned them too these days,i hoped that the visit with Kali to the temple,and my generous donation would have changed that,but it looks as if the Hound demands more...The last month started of good and it seemed that all was as it should be.Did a small job for the Lord of Haven,the one i mentioned with the squidmen,along with a great deal of other people cant remember them all as i took quite a few blows to the head,on our way down to the bottom of the mines,but Dulan was there,Key,Freldo,Karana,Jin....15 in all anyways,if went quite well and we ended up succeding in what we set out to do,(by the way i really got to get some pointers on interrogation from Key,she has got it down to an art almost)although it was quite unnerving when we confronted the leader of these squids,suddenly images of burning cities flashed through my mind as it did the others aswell,my theory is that they were there as a part of some war production on bloods behalf,alot of money to be made on the weapon and construct trade these days,well if thats the case then there should be more work at hand soon enough,not bad at all,as we were rewarded handsomely in gold by the good Lord. *the quill is inked,and he looks around at the ogres corpses,with a somewhat absent minded look on his face,as if not so much making sure he got them all,more likely he is recalling events passed*  We have also initiated a new member in the small society i have become a part of,Alythrundar.He proved that he could keep his mouth shut when needed to,through a little scam i setup.I asked him to provide me any information he might come across regarding anything on our venture without him knowing that i was part of it,and there after send him an anonymous letter,he didnt sell the information to me and therefore,like i said proved he could keep his mouth shut,when needed too.Things are abrewing and we a growing in numbers,im still sure i made the right decision...  Besides that i had a most profitable trip to Dregar with Kali,the Loom brothers,Al,Rhynn,a ranger called Glenn and that wench Vellucia,she has a biggger mouth then healhty for her.We ended up discovering a rich vein of gold,and like i said i think i was still in favor at that time,becuse Glenn gave most of it to me,the fool,i didnt even have to open my mouth,before i was hauling a big sack of gold after me,and it was on the way back from this trip things began to go wrong,i was hauling the sack after me,trying to sneak past an elven mercenarie when he spotted me and Kali and sent a fiery ball of fire after us,that sent me to the death void,even before i had blinked once,i think that the sack was whirling up dust,dust that if i had been in favor with the Hound would have settled unnoticed...but alas it didnt. And from there everything has gone against me,i contemplated my death by my headstone under guise of spells provided by Voon and Kali,not sure that Voon's Beryl would take to to kindly to him providing a follower of Branderback with aid,but what he doesnt know...well he doesnt know.Then we headed back for Hlint and here i i meet up with Willy,he having a nice blade i was looking to buy of him,he also mentioned a potential employer,apparently a guy that was the head of a small group Willy was involved in,a crafter,follower of Dorand,should have no trouble with convinsing the guy im all good,i have impersonated being a follower of the Master Crafter more then once with succes.Then i saw Ireth(Curse her name) regarding another blade i was looking to buy of her,i tried everything to convince her to let me have the blade cheaper,but again i was not in favor,she actually ended up raising the price,to 8000 goldpieces and then i would still "owe" her two favors at her whim,but that blade...i will not sleep easy before it rests in my hand.I want it so bad i can feel it in every fibre of my body.Even thought about taking it for free,with my blade to her throat or better yet in her deep sleep,but she would know it was me,i couldnt hide my desire,and she has powerfull friends and no doubt more skilled in using her weapons then me.Actually too bad i have come to loathe her,she is more cunning in the ways of a rogue then any i have met here. And things kept getting worse,now i had to raise the 8000 goldpieces of which i only had 1/4,so i took to the Anauroch dessert,where the giants are known to hoard wast amounts of gold,met up with Jareg there,as the dangers affiliated with their gold is equal in proportion to the amounts that can be gained,and the gold wouldnt be much good with me not alive to spend it,so we joined arms.All went well and we had just split the gold as it became a heavy burden(i was looting of course,good at that and even better at setting aside some of it,without anyone noticing),when i all of the sudden out of the corner of my eye,saw a huge giants,with his fists raised above his head,and then my world exploded in pain,only briefly,even though i would have wished it to just stay at the pain....the next sensation was indescribeable....  *Takes a pause from his writing to gather himself,obviously reminded of something very grim*  I heard the wail of the Soul mother as i have heard so many times before,but this kept coming closer and i had no escape,i ran in the endless pitchblack void of death...but there was no escape.i felt her icy cool as she came to me....and i felt her icy hands on my very soul...i was not myself for days after,and when i think of if,i shudder as if im standing naked in a cool breeze,i doubt i will ever recover from this,maybe physically but  On top of all this Kali has had a relapse,or i dont think actually it was a relapse, i think this thing has been within her the whole time,only convincing her surroundings that she was fine.We were on our way to the temple of Branderback i needed pay tribute to procure my good luck,when a big fat griffon dived on us,it got her but i managed to slay it.Then i waited,waited for Kali to backtrack to her place of demise and contemplate her death,but what showed up when it should be her,was something out of a nightmare,a grotesque head with fiery eyes atop Kali's fragile body,mocking me again to the point were i was about to put my blades to her,but i calmed,if i was to do that and succed it would surely only be to find Kali dead afterwards.It rambled about its power growing and soon enough being strong enough to take her over completely and for eternity.We MUST find someway to rid her of this thing...and i fear that time is running out,as it seems to become stronger and more fierce with every time she...passes.I will not let it have her,she is mine and will stay mine.It left her eventually, leaving her body limb,but alive on the ground,after some recovery,we finally made our way to our destination,where i donated and prayed for the Hounds favor all night long.Feeling it more needed then ever,due to all these recent events.
  *Branches is heard breaking nearby and the gutteral voices of many ogres is suddenly filling the air,the man looks up quickly,slips the book back in his pack and pulls his hood down over his head and face,then slips into the shadows of the trees and away from the camp fire*