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Author Topic: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*  (Read 584 times)


*Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« on: May 22, 2006, 09:06:37 am »
* Sallaron sits on the benches in Hlint, the setting sun still warming his back, listening to the sound of children play and the whispering of the water. He pulls out some notes from his pocket, and begins flipping through them, notes of things to find and places to be. Suddenly, with a thought, he stops, and takes out a pencil and writes*


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2006, 12:47:47 pm »
To those who read this, I am Sallaron Tempest. I shall withhold nothing in these notes, as I expect they will only be read upon my death.

Many months have passed now since the dream brought me here, and everything previous to that seems a with my father, the farm, his funeral, and the nightmare I fell into shortly after. It still sickens me now the deeds I performed back then, being lost and alone, sleeping on the streets, thieving and stealing and.....I will never return to that way again.
I still miss roaming from town to town though on my little cart with Thark, delivering those packages of his, but I certainly would not trade what I have now. Strangely, some times, I even miss Gillen, the nasty Gnomish gnome who took me down that dark road. Despite his innate selfishness, he made both Thark and me a lot of gold, and we had some wild adventures, if only he wasnt so despicable.

But now my life is different, more peaceful. I am a man of the woods now, simply wandering the woods and plains of these lands gives me a peace I would almost call spiritual....despite me having no faith in anything spiritual. Even the animals warm to me, and assist me as they can, although i have not the skill to speak to them, I feel they would understand my needs anyway.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2006, 12:53:51 pm »
I must admit, my first few days in Hlint, I must have seemed like a naive fool, unsure of my steps. But many aided my first roamings, and before long, I was accompanying bands of adventurers, aiding in pushing back the blight of Blood wherever they could. Most notably, the Cleric Dulan, and a vicious fighter by the name of Boon. I see them very less now, but their aid was invaluable.
I have travelled far now, and seen many wonders, both here and in Dregar and Rilara, but I have seen much death and evil too....which I feel powerless to prevent.

I keep my mind from these dark thoughts though, as my times is consumed with my crafting of fine arrows, and keeping Hlints surroundings free from roaming enemies and trouble. I also keep an eye out for those who were like me, unsure of their way in Hlint, and recently called by the Dragon. I do what I can for them , to help them get their bearings and defend themselves.
I journey with many now, but most specifically my good dwarven friend Beli, who is vicious in unarmed combat, and can run like the wind. His thoughts and morales are akin to my own.....although I have no desire to reveal to him or anyone else the dark things I did in my past. But should I fall in battle, I am sure he would be there to take these notes, to read, and to understand.....


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 08:10:52 am »
Of Goblins and Golems

There was trouble in Fort Hope last night. A group of us had gathered by the fire, and were exchanging tales, when a lady ran in screaming of Goblins and fell half dead at out feet. We healed her in time, but she raved of a caravan of goblins. Before we knew it, goblins burst through the gates at Fort Hope, intending to slay the poor woman. We quickly dispatched them, and headed off to investiage. I cannot recall everyones name, but I recall meeting Geldar and Bumblebee again, and Rakan and a drow with a name like Zanuribi.
Outside we found a wagon containing several tubes, which we lifted from the wagon. Rakan and Zanuribi opened one of the tubes, and to our horror, they began to change right before our eyes. Their bodies rotted and decomposed before us, making them seem more like undead zombies, but their mind remained intact.
Suddenly, a Wizards eye came floating past, and we assumed it was checking on the progress of the Wagon. Seeing we had stopped the delivery, it flew off, but we cave chase and followed it into some dark caves. Below was terrible, Golems of all kinds beared down on us at every corner, and many fell before the onslaught. However, the eye returned, and we were able to persuade it to restore our fallen.
The brownie, Bumblebee, almost succedded in bagging the creature for interogation, but slipped on a book before she could catch it, and we watched it fly deeper into the caves.
We followed, and found a room with many tubes in, each with their own symbol on the door. I managed to decypher the symbols, and both Rak and Zar were restored to their normals selves. However, the Wizardess fled before we could determine her aims.
We reached the surface safely, but did not answer the puzzle. Who was this Wizardess? What was the purpose of the tubes? To turn people into Undead? IF so, for what purpose.
Although I am sure we have halted her plans, I cannot but think that we may face peril from her again in the future.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2006, 12:46:39 pm »
*Sallaron tossed and turned in his sleep,muttering incoherently. In his dream he saw, in blurred image, memories of long ago*

He saw the withered and frail forms of men, women and children, trapped in wooden cages like animals, starving and afraid.
He heard the terrifying crack of the whip, and the agonised cry of pain after, begging to be spared.
He smelt the sweat and stench around him, contained within the small cave where the slaves were kept.
He could feel their despair and fear, their wish to lie down and die and let sweet death take them.
He saw Gillen, grinning like some twisted Gnomish demon, raise the whip high for another lash.
And behind Gillen, sat at a table, drinking wine and counting gold........
.....he saw himself.

*With a start Sallaron awoke, hand immediately to his sword, looking back and forth. Seeing no one around, he slumps to the ground with a sigh and wept bitterly*


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2006, 04:15:53 am »
I signed up, rather foolishly, for a raid on Bear Island recently. Ashley from Point Harbour bugs me everytime I pass now.
" Do something about those Bugbears will you" she screams as I attempt to slip past.
So, seeing the request on the Inn walls, I joined with Beli and many others and headed for Point. Thorn and Cym joined us, as well as Caighd and several others.
We prepared ourselves on the shore, selected our formation, and moved off.
Treachery met us! The beasts were waiting and prepared for us. They must have pre-scouted the area, as as soon as we were in range, a lethal volley of arrows felled us. We hardly had a chance to draw our sword.
With heavy hearts, we abandoned the attempt, and I swore never to return again.

Instead, we ventured into Haven mines and slew the leader with ease. Much preferable.

My crafting skills are becoming quite good. I have made many varieties of arrows now, some of which I am not even experienced enough to use. I think I shall try my hand at something else too, like weapon crafting.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2006, 05:49:20 am »
The Mystery of the BlackPearl

For many years now, I have followed the whispers of hearsay and rumours, and often enough fine myself a few gold in pocket for my troubles. But the rumours which led me to Point Harbour and the Freelances, seems to have brought me much more than this.
I cannot and willnot disclose in the notes everything, as I was sworn to secrecy, and that is not something which i take lightly.
Needless to say, I write this on the deck of a boat out at sea, our destination unknown. Around me are my fellow comrades, all doing their best to blend in and play the role we must. Infiltration is the key, and secrecy is a must.
I know not what transpires back on shore, whether the Protectors have met with our enemies and kept our ward safe, or whether she may have fallen already. We cannot know, and I will not linger on it.
My sight turns to the horizon, and the vast expanse of sea before us. Who knows where this voyage will take us, but my one fear is of discovery, for there is nowhere to hide on this boat.

The journey is over.
Both Honora and Starr and myself kept ourselves hidden from the crew during the long voyage, though we were able to pick up snippets of Information along the way. These smugglers were recruited, but by who, and why?
Trouble rose when we pushed for information too far, but a small skirmish amidst the crew pushed the subject away. I was able to get in with several of the crew, who I understood were the sponsors of this venture.
They bade me to meet someone once we were ashore, and, once they sent me, Honora and Starr to remove some Manticores, they called for me.
They took me into a tower where I met some people, leaders of this new smuggling group. However, before I could ask anything, the crackle of fire emerged from the corridor I had just left. They glared at me, reaching for their swords, accusing me of bringing others.
I drew my sword and looked back. It was Honora, she must have sneaked after me and triggered a trap they left. Thanks be she did. For I fell before their blows before I could escape, and had it not been for Honoras quick thinking, that tower would have been my grave.
We fled back to the ship empty handed, and sailed back to Karthy.
Thankfully, Honora managed to obtain the information we needed from the crew, but my days of infiltrating are over.
Back in Karthy, an assassination attempt was made on Starr. I was there in a flash to chase them off, but fear for our lives now. Our faces are known to the enemy.

I remained in Point for a while, a grin on my face watching AnnaLee dote over her angels like a loving mother. It seemed it would be a fine day until one of the children revealed a plot. Enemies planning to kill the next group of Orphans AnnaLee was smuggling out of Karthy.
In an instant, we headed for Karthy to protect them. Seemed however they were waiting for us, and a battle ensued claiming several of us and some of the children. Thanks to a passing Cleric, our fallen and the children were saved, but a furthur plot was revealed.
A meeting between Pirates and Bloods own forces. A secret meeting to form an alliance in the coming war. The though chilled my blood.
We located the port and prepared, and launched an attack on the ship the moment it docked, watching as vicious pirates leapt over board, brandishing scimitars and rapiers. We held them back and slew the leader, and should have retreated then, as no meeting can take place when only one attends.
But Bloods forces were seen nearby, and we charged the field, vengance for the children in mind.
Several fell, including myself, but the day was won, and the alliance which would have spelled doom for Layonara was halted. I only hope it was enough.

There was a time I would have cared little for the safety of children, or the protection of these lands. Now however, it disturbs me more and more the thought of these people I have befriended suffering. I will not allow that to happen.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2006, 08:08:27 am »
Will this cursed dream not leave me be?! Or not until I have rectified my mistake.

It shames me to think, that I worked with those who kept slaves, who beat and brutalised them, forced them to work in appaling and dangerous conditions.
My heart offers little comfort when I say I did not know they were keeping slaves, all I did was balance the books. But the day I realised, I should have done more.
I recall it well, taking me down into the caves, where the slaves were kept, having me fill in their accounts books whilst Gillen whipped at the slaves.
I believe it was the woman Gillen whipped, the look of defiance she gave the Gnome as he whipped turned me forever.
I pushed away their accounts, grabbed my sword, and demanded their release.....
....the next thing I recall was a pounding head, and the warmth of blood across my face, and a whisper from Gillen before unconsciousness took me.

" You didnt really think that through did ya Sall, huh? Gonna take us all on were ya? Your lucky I convinced them to leave you here, rather than take off yer head."

And when I awoke, the slaves and slavers were gone.
But I swore, I will never leave another slave in capture again.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2006, 08:11:26 am »
A Bolt from the Blue

A dark and terrible thing has plagued the area recently.
I was with a group investigating in Greypeaks. The ground itself seemed to free a chilling fog, and from within the Fog came the thing, dark and sleek as night, but deadly, casting dark magics at us as it passed.
We traced its Origins back to Hlint, an old Grave in the yard, and a connection between the Melars and the Tilsons.
Many have fallen, and the town crier speaks of new victims daily....but I will not rest till this thing is dead again....or restful.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2006, 04:12:43 am »
The War with Blood is over!

His armies marched, but many rose to repel him. Myself, I accompanied a large group to the defence of Pranzis, where great battles ensured. Alas, the city fell, though not to the Tyranny of blood as expected. One of his generals siezed Pranzis, and then denounced Blood, and allowed those who wished to leave in peace. Not the ending we were expecting.

Throughout the battles, I felt something within me. It was strange, and took me a moment to realise what it was. I looked to the trees, to the sky and to the ground, and felt a connection to it all, binding us all together. I had never felt such a thing before, and was puzzled to its meaning.
I have discovered this is the "connection" that followers of Folian feel to the land and the earth. Iam uncertain how I have come to experience such a thing, I have never considered myself a true Ranger. I have a love for the land and its animals, and prefer dwelling therein, but have never had much faith in the gods.
But then....Blood was defeated, and many lives which may have been took that day, were spared instead.

I will examine this "connection" I seem to be feeling, and perhaps learn more of Folian, since it seems the land he represents has taken the time to learn more of me.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2006, 12:10:38 am »
As of late, I have discarded my heavy Chainmail armour in favour of the lighter leather, and am surprised by the results. I am much more agile, and able to dodge attacks more easily and slip in and out of the shadows with skill I scarce knew I had. I followed this Atuan man around the Goblin Wastelands some, totally unseen by him, slipping in and out of the shadows, firing sneaky arrows at the goblins attacking him. I could see the puzzlement on his face, as he knew someone was following, but could not trace who.
I am quite fond of this new skill, and believe it is a result of my connection to the land.

I have recently re-explored High Forest via a new path, and found Druids deep within. They have bade me find Rhizome the Wanderer, and learn of the Great Oak. I am preparing for the journey, as it seems the man never stay in one place for two long. I pray I find him, and learn of this connection to the land, and learn of Folian and the Great Oak.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2006, 03:33:38 pm »
A Letter from Rhizome. Finnaly, an audience with the wanderer. I look forward to it, for I have many questions.

I recently returned from the Explorers of Mistone expedition. I must admit, I was taken back by how many had turned up.
We cleared the paths through the High forest first, getting the feel for each others tactics, then descended upon the Trolls and Giants like a thing of wrath from the heavens.
We lost Agron to an ambush by Ogres however, and Larissa and Demetri to a hidden trap in the Underdark. I said not to descend to those foul depths, but did they listen. No.
However, the rest made it back safely, tired, but wiser.



Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2006, 05:05:12 am »
It seems work has possessed me too much of late. I have spent most my time harvesting corn and Aloe, and selling them in the market. Was worth it of course, as I have purchased several magic trinkets to help me along the dark roads.

The Explorers of Mistone went a wandering again....there seems to be more and more people joining every time...though I am always relieved to see the famiiliar faces.....Godim, Thorn Thistletoe and Daniel Poetr...amongst others.
The Underdark proved little....the door was easily unlocked, but we found an Elder Brain, which Godim explained helped keep control of the MindFlayers. Well, with that mentioned, we crept out quietly and quickly.
Our small army turned its way the the Sword Rust mountains, where battles were fought, and Beholders slain, the eye of which we presented to the Sielwood witch.

I have heard nor saw nothing more of Rhizome, the man is true to his title. But I have created a few more bows for presentation to the Temple of Folian....should I ever reach there.
And Beli has left....for some time I hear....for training within the battle of Brothers. I miss him gathering troops for his wanderings in Dregar.

Explorers Album



Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2006, 02:53:59 am »
*Sallaron settles himself upon the bench in Hlint, pulls some notes from his pocket and begins scribbling on them*

Seems to have been a while since I had time to write in these....well, whats happened lately.

I have visited the Temple of Folian on Dregar with the assistance of Jacchri Abianca, who showed me much safer paths than I had known existed, including a wonderful, secluded forest wherein it seems the touch of man has yet to reach. I pray it never does. I prayed for some time there, and can now make donations of my bows and rings to Kalia at Weeping Willow. I hope to hear of authorisation for a new Temple to be built to Folian somewhere....less dangerous.

Again, the Explorers headed out.....this time to Dregar...a large group arrived, many familiar faces.....although I strayed a little and fell foul of some enemies before I knew what was happening.

Iam catching a boat soon, Ive heard of a "Quiet Little Town" called New Haven, and am heading there to investigate rumours from a little girl of "children not being children"....not sure what she meant by this, but worth investigating.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2006, 06:44:45 am »
The Explorers headed out once more, but of this, I must make some mention.
We bumped into Boon and Voon Loom several times, and they assisted us with the Giants of Broken Glade. Their skill in fighting back these things was incredible, I have never seen such skill before. With veretable ease it seemed, we descended to the bottom of the caves and slew the leader, presenting the head to the chief in Vale. Was a great battle!
And earlier than that, I accompanied a sucessfull attempt to Bugbear my surprise, I was of more use than I could have believed. It seems I have some skill now in making rather sneaky, but lethal attacks on my enemieis, be it with sword or bow. I pray I grow more skilled in this still.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2006, 05:42:31 am »
A Quiet Little Town

" New Haven" the clerk said it was called, a veritable paradise. We signed our names and boarded the ship, heading off across the waves to investigate, filled with doubt.
We found a small child named Karma on the shore, who had apparently stowed away on board to escape New Haven. When asked why, she replied "so as not to grow up".
At first glance of New Haven, it was a paradise. We were greeted with open arms, given a room, food and drink, all for free....and shortly after had dinner and a dance outside the Mayors estate.
It seemed Roy had the most fun, a Council woman by the name Rana seemed taken by him and danced the night away. All seemed well, but I share AnnaLees concerns over the age at which children are given this "Gift". The Gift is a form of blessing for all those who remain on the island, which removes pain, loss and suffering which hides in all of us. I care not who chooses to receive such a gift, I care only that children, unable to make such a choice for themselves, and being pressured into it by their parents. Something about this upset me more than I thought it would, and I intend to plead my case to the Council, should they hear.

The meeting did not go sooner had AnnaLee finished her request, than the council revealed their intentions of 'removing' the age limit and giving all New born the gift, effectively turning them into emotionally stunted slaves to this new Community. I voiced my concerns, and tried my best to persuade the council from this course, to no avail.
We left, after angering the major at our outbursts, and I had decided to return back to Mistone, when the strangest thing happened. Lighting began pouring from the skies, dancing around the Mayors house. I ran up there, only to find the rest of the group, attempting to throw a rope up to the roof. They were having a hard time of it, and with a wry grin, I opened a side door with ease and suggested they try that instead. They looked rather chargrinned at this...which I found amusing.

We slipped inside, attempting to find the source of the lightning, and undercover of invisibility.....found the Mayor and others performing the gift on Rana. It seems Anna made herself known, and we carried an unconscious Rana to the docks, where we discovered she had tried several times to take the gift, each time failing due to her innate magics resisting it.
A plan it seems was made....although I seem to be out of the loop. We have smuggled Rana onto the boat hidden, and seem determined to take her with us and report these incidents to the mainland.

Anna caused quite the frustration. Just as we were about to sail away with Rana, Annalee revealed her intention to stay. I was furious at first.....this had been her idea, to smuggle Rana away and deliver her letters, only to have her turn around and remain on the ilsand. What the hell does she think we are? Her slaves? Personal Bodyguard?! I bit my tongue and sailed home....glad to be back.
But Ami was not happy with Anna too.....and a day or two later, the group returned to the docks, a worried look on their face.
"We should never have left her!" she said. WHAT! I thought, we didnt leave her. The bloody woman stayed!
I'd never seen Ami like that, and a little later we were back on the island. Ami became a wraith, a terrible thing. Leading the others, she charged up the hill and burst into the Mayors mansion......and it shames me to say we killed many making our way through. We found Annalee....different, turned by the gift, and Ami proceeded to batter the mayor, looking for information, make him see the error of his ways.
I wanted to laugh. We had stormed the building, killing many poor guards, only to try AGAIN to talk sense into the Mayor. What a waste.

During the talking is when the Long arm of the law arrived. Everyone seemed glad to hear they were coming into the mansion...but I felt troubled, and glanced about the room. Of course I should be troubled....we'd stormed the mansion, killed the guards, killed the MAYOR....brought him back to life and started questioning him.....probably inches from torturing the bugger.
I did manage to find Anna's Orb, which seems to contain the emotions the chair and Gift steals from them. I was in two minds about smashing the thing of the wall, regardless of the effects on the damn woman. But the others bade me not to....and besides, who knows what effect it could have.
So....after Ami explained what our intentions were.....we are being marched off to the Velensk Temple to stand trial. Stand Trial!!! By the gods...we were trying to save the village from this madmans dark dream....and WE get marched off accused of murder. And it's all that AnnaLee's fault....remaining behind like that....telling Nyanna we had to come back to save her. What did she think our options were? What her friends would do when they found her with half a soul?! Start talking all over again? The previous conversations with the mayor hadnt went so what could we do? Well....before I knew it....words were spoken, spells cast.....and the guards had almost killed me before I drew my sword. Thats what I'll tell them in court....and if that dont work, well.....I'll have an invisibility spell or something handy.

But before they marched us off, they had questions for the Mayor....and I prayed he would let slip some vital piece of information that would get us off the hook. But bloody Anna kept silencing him, holding his hand as though he were some great man. That bloody woman. I pretty much told her so....but shortly later, looking perplexed, she sat herself on the chair to our astonishment. As though she knew how to do it herself, she activated the chair, and her own Orb was placed on the pedestal. Lights flashed and screamed bright, the ground shook and lightning bounced around the room. Then suddenly, the Orb shattered, and Anna gave out a slight smile. She had reversed it! And not only that....all the other orbs in the room began shattering, as the remnants of peoples souls flittered back to their owners.
Outside chaos greeted us, as the people of the village began to "feel" again. Some were bitter and upset, but most seemed relieved to be able to feel full emotions again. I guess after seeing his people happier than they were before, the Mayor dropped the charges on us.....thank God.
The rest seemed quite happy to stand speaking to the Mayor after this as though he had become our best friend?! That infuriated me furthur.....and I stormed to the boat, longing to get off this bloody Island. AnnaLee seemed much more herself....but I'll never trust that bloody woman again.

The End


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2006, 03:04:10 pm »
Pirates and Slavers

I must have been out of my mind. Whenever I follow through on a rumour, it always seems to land me in trouble. This was in Hurm. Talk had swept south on Dregar of a war between pirate factions, and I ended up caught in the middle, signing on with the Red Bear faction. It was a Roldem officer Ke Kai or something like that, shipped us aboard his vessel and steered us to where....supposedly, the Black River pirates lair was.
First of course, we sailed through some Ungodly mist and had to keep undead pirates from clambering on board, before we finnaly reached the isle. It was a veritable pitched battle, fighting for every square inch, making our way into their lair deep below ground. That woman I sell Cornoil to, Linda Sudikino, who lead the fray. After a vicious battle and several close calls, we found their leader. The cursed witch had killed her slaves before we arrived....I almost killed her there and then for it. But she requested parley from the Pirates, and since it was niether my vessel nor my war....I foolishly let her live. I will know better next time. Those who keep slaves deserve swift justice and a cold cell.....those who kill their slaves to protect their own hides deserve death. There is no rule in all the world which suggests the value of ones life can be worth two of a slave....and I shall continue to see to it that is remember.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2006, 10:28:53 am »
Trouble seems to have been following me around as of late, but with it has come a valuable lesson.
On two occasions now, I have ventured with a large group, doing what we can in the land. And on both occassions I have been dubbed leader. Now normally, I would shy from such a thing, I despise being given orders myself, why should I give them to others. Put past ventures have made me realise ways in which 'I' would have done differently, and so, I accepted.
What a fool. I believed in safety in numbers, and quickly realised my folly. The group could not be controled, we were spread too thin....and several seemed determined to charge ahead with their summons or familiars. We met with near catastrophe from then on.
Any furthur expeditions I am on....should the numbers grow too large....I will bow out quietly. I recall Roy mentioning something along such lines, and acknowledge the wisdom.
On a furthur notes, *Sallaron chuckles to himself as he writes*, I also believe the only fault was the size of the group. I still believe my tactics were sound, although I will refrain from leadership and joining large groups ever on.


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2006, 03:44:01 pm »
*Sallaron grins to himself, settling himself on a stool in the Freelancers inn. The lovely AnnaLee brings him over an ale or two, and he sits for a moment, watching her work, before settling in and scribbling on his notes*

A lot can such a short while. Ive traveled far as of late, farther than I would have dared, and each time I have the Explorers to thank for my survival. The first I must mention, was the Dungeon of Thalos.
We stumbled upon it by accident, a rumour from a friend of a friend. Hidden in the back of the tower lay the hatch.....and we descened for a look. Scorpions, Bullettes as Godim calls them. We didnt venture far at first, but I organised a party to explore it later....and descened ... sure I had the right people.
Buppi lead as our scout and over-all trap remover....of which she surprised me with her talents, and Pyyrean joined her later. Then came Xandrian Moor, a great fighter, who probably kept us all alive. Then myself and Roy Aynsworthy, a capable ranger with wise words Ive accompanied before. Then came Godim....who Ive come to rely on with wisdom and magic on these venture, and Cymeran Vrinn.... a well capable drow Cleric with his own Enchanting trade going.
We ventured deep into that dungeon, unaware at every turn what awaited us. Giant Leechs burnt and drained us, Golems of the resistant type we battle with for what seemed like hours, and great Ground-shakers charged us....until we ventured so deep we felt we must surely fall out the bottom of Layonara.
But luck was not with us that day.....terrible, possessed swords, flying and fighting of their own will, felled the most of us. If it weren't for the skills of Cym....I may have truly fell that day. We considered it wiser to leave.....though I plan to return one day....and discover the secret of Thalos.

*grins as he scribbles on, taking a sip of ale*

And another curious happening. I had heard rumours of a bounty on the heads of desert giants which were plaguing an outpost on Dregar. The Explorers banded again, and totaly in the dark as to how to get there....we set off. Again Roy and Pyyran joined us.....with Shamur, Mercas, Maple ( she does make me laugh), Falon...and others we met on the way.
We found a cave....homing the foul beasts....and stormed the place with veritable ease....returning to the outpost for our bounty. A shame Godim missed it...I cannot recall a venture with the Explorers when he was not present.


All in all...some good adventures. Although I did have some elven woman scalding me for killing a Treant. I couldnt believe it....there I was.....fighting for my life against a Treant which had spotted me and charged, and she had the nerve to suggest I should seek a Druid and beg forgiveness! Although I understand these creatures should be protected, if Im attacked, Im going to defend myself. She caught up with me in Morakens tower, and said she would tell Drogo what I had done. Im familiar with the name....but if Im reproached by such for what I have done...I will be furious. These are not the ways of Druids as I believe....and although I respect the elf...I will not be judged in such a way...

*Sallaron takes another drink, realises the room is spinning slightly and sets the mug down. He glances at what he has wrote, wondering if he hasn't getting carried away with his words, and folds up the papers, stuffing them in his pocket. Casting a quick glance at Anna, he staggers to the gnomish machine, buys a key, and collapses into bed*



Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2006, 04:12:52 am »
*Sallaron lies back in his room, head on his pillow, scribbling away on his notes before him*

Well, a lot has happened again, and Ive not noted down much.....which leads my memory to forget whats happened recently.

The Explorers have ventured furthur and furthur....from the Darkest places of Dregar, to the mysteries of the Dragon Isles. We've begun mapping out places of Interest for geographical purposes, and have found many already. I'm always glad to see the usuals returning, these are the ones I can truly rely on. But troubles me. The last venture to the Dragon Isles, was totally unprepared, and a fairly large band was formed, more than I would have liked to be honest. I didn't have the stomach to send some of them home.....and decided to just follow, allowing someone else to lead the group. Seems they kept turning to me though, no matter how I lurked in the back or what I said. The problem is, if I decide to lead them, I feel responsible for every move, every decision, and if something were to turn would plague me for days.

I've been saddened to hear of the death of Mercas.....taken in Broken Glade by giants. Seems many now venture there and kill any they find in honour of his name, of which I joined twice. Is a shame, I seem to remember Mercas more from when I first met him, covered in those dirty robes, hurrying back and forth with his Ox, transporting copper and Bronze. He will be remembered.

Business goes well still. The market for CornOil and flour is wide open....and Ive hardly noticed any competition. As of late, Ive been asked to make a fair few bows and such too. I've decided to concentrate a little more on my Tinkering skills for now, before I move my skills to aquiring and working with mahoganny.

