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Author Topic: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty  (Read 161 times)


T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« on: August 08, 2006, 01:45:44 pm »
So much has happened! When I first arrived in hlint, Im ashamed to say I was such a brat! Luckily Tegan and Muire took me in. Tegan has taught me so much, so I adopted her as my sister. She is powerful, yet very kind. She took the time to take me around everywhere, help me accomplish alot of the work around town. And she accepted me despite my red eyes, fangs and the goddess I follow! No wonder I lvoe her so much! Muire is a battle priestess of Mist! She is kinda serious, but she is kind to me.

Also, Mr J and kiva are fun! Mr J is a tiefling like me and he is so funny! Kiva is grumpy, but him and tegan seem to get along and he is alot more mellower, and is started to make jokes and act silly! I think kiva and tegan are perfect for each other! They seem happier since I first met them.

Oh, can't forget Ozzies! I think I scared him when I first arrived, he kept shivering and muttering "Elly" alot, than runs off. But we came to an understanding, Uhm, I cant pat his rear and stuff. But the odd nibble is Ok!

Uhmm, what else? I can't really think of much, thoughts are all over the place!

Oh! Jaleel! He's so rude and mean! I think even other rofies cringe at his behaver! He's always calling me names, like "evil demoness" and "a bug that should be squashed" Muire told me to ignore him, as he's just a bitter feeble close minded man. I'd still like to set him on fire. Can't beleive all the berks his ticked off! I think some want to scribe him in the dead book!

I love it when Mr J, kiva and sis let me come with them when they go to dregar or xantril! I get to set things on fire, and Mr J and kiva are pretty good at dodging my fireballs, so I don't have to worry about setting them on fire. Oh speaking of that, one trip I was with sis and jaleel was there, I uhm, "accidently" launched fireballs at him. Unfortunatly someone kept healing him. *she actually writes giggles here* I think it was sis healing him. She did tell me to be more carefull, as these people can't withstand my fire. *giggles*

Im so sick and tired of not understanding Elven! Everyone speaks it! I want to know what they are saying! All I know is Irrace, which means hello. I think I spelled it right? Maybe sis or someone can help me learn it.

Soooo much more to write, but, uhm, I cant remember alot of it.

*waves* Till next time book! *hugs the book and slips it into her pocket*

//OOC EDIT: This is her personal diary, no one sees the content of it, so it cant be used in game, so no metagaming ;)


Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2006, 12:53:27 am »
Well! Some more thingies to write down! Had a fun trip with sis on dregar killing some giants and helping  her get some malar pelts. Malar catch fire pretty good! So do the vampires!

When I got back to mistone, kiva was by his tree, we were bored and helped some young poeple in haven. -THAT- was reaal fun! some little guy named Reggeb, I think is a powerfull sorcerer. lots of missles big fire and he summoned a RED DRAGON WITH A WHITE MOWHAWK! Wow! I so want one. Anyways everything died, lots of chaos and fun.

learned anotehr word in elfie! Anmaa. means tree *giggles* maybe I can ask kiva to teach me some more

Back to hlint with kiva, sat around tree. Rhynn came over. Shes nice, I like her, shes helped me alot.
I think he loves tree! Here is a little story I wrote about tree;

"Tree: Forbidden love"

"Tree is surrounded, tree is about to die." kiva screams "No tree! run tree! you are surrounded! Don't leave me tree" He caresses tree's bark gently, their love unspoken. Tears stream down kiva's face. "Tree, you can't die. What will I press my ripped and manly muscled back to?" Tree just puts a comforting branch on kiva's shoulder. "Don't cry for me kiva! Live! You will find another tree!" sobbing kiva says "No! You are my one true tree! You can't leave me alone!" Tree smiles down on him sadly "kiva, my time to root is done. Please for me, find another tree" With those last words tree's life sap left the world. Kiva let out a shattering scream "NOOOO! NOT TREEE!" With that scream, he flung himself on his sword, so he can wander the green meadow with tree forever.

The End

Thats my little story! *giggles*

Oh, bad thing. In battlefens looting, everyone left me, and I died. *sobs* Arrows! stupid lizards. Why didnt they stick around when i was taking the coins from the bodies? Well, I was all sulky, stayed invisible and mad at them. Then sis came by, she didnt seem too happy about it. Eventually I calmed down and was back to normal. Kiva said mistakes happen, and he's a pretty decent guy, for an elf. So Im happy again. Back to tree!!



Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2006, 11:13:11 pm »
Uhm..what to put down..Oh yeah! I went over to xantril with Mr J and sis! That was interesting! I just stayed invisible, and looted. COllected some owl feathers for army. My J is strong! He just goes through those giants and snakes like nothing! Sis is strong too! She can wield a sword now! It has lightning on it! Sooo pretty. Wish I could be like her and have a sword. She is my insperation in the sorcery arts. One day I will be like her! She even cut kiva alotta times in blade practice!

Unfortunatly sis had to go, so it was Mr J and me for awhile. We went to some new parts that we hadnt been in, Lake of Salt, Salt lake? They had even more mean giants in them, almost got Mr J! Luckily I invisi'd him, and he went back and killed the mean giant. We went back to Fort Mithrix or whatever that place is called, while resting, Ash showed up! Wow! her belly is big! she says shes haveing three babies! How do they fight in her? Shes tiny! Hope I hope it doesnt hurt her much when she gives birth. I think she might kill Mr nepp if that happens! *giggles* she might kill him anyways!

Well, we went off to some mountains with even more giants! I protected ash and invisi'd her so she wouldnt get hurt. Mr J was happy with that. He didn;t want to see her hurt or die. I think he would blame himself, when really it wouldnt of been anyones fault. We went around killing more giants, I got a few fireballs off and fried some! Well Mr J got tired, so we all headed back to mistone.

Met army in port hampshire! I gave him all the owl feathers I had, and he made me some mahogany crossbow bolts! He's such a sweety. Well, he did some more stuff, and I went into the craft hall and found sis there having a stare down with her ox! I dunno who won, but I did some spells while they were staring. Sis finally noticed me and said oi. She had alot to catch up while she did her staring contest with the ox. *giggles* I tried to sell army an invisible ox, but I guess he didnt see it!! *giggle fit*

yay! Mr J is back! We're going to Xantril again! Me, army, sis and Mr J! Wow! wooshie elementals. Kinda felt a bit bad for killing them, but they were hurting sis and Mr J! Oh, army too! Some wierd thing, you hit them, your health goes down and they heal themselves! Lucky with magic it doesnt happen! Fooooosh! Well, some destert thingy and back the way back home! Im getting sleepy!

Sis was also saying she'd help me with the elven alphabet. So with kiva (when I ask him! hee hee) and sis teaching me, it should be a breeze to learn! I figure with two helping me, it should be alot easier. I do get sick of not hearing elven. Seems everyone can speak it!



Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2006, 12:06:19 am »
Dear sis;

Uhm, why am I writing a letter to you in my book? I guess its cause I have nothing better to do. *sighs* I went to tag along with nepp, he was looking weary sis. He dropped me off in some place I never been to, and told me to make it back on my own. He told me, he had to find some answers, muttering something about, I think Ash and children. Dunno, I'm kinda scared, wasnt paying too much attention. But he did give me a small smile sis!! Told me I'm smarter than I give myself credit for!
He kinda reminded me of you sis!

He then said, be safe, make it back alive, didnt want Teg to fry him or something *giggles* Then he gave me wink, darkness decended and he vanished! He's funny. But sad too. I hope he finds what he's looking for. And, uhm, I hope Im not gunna die out here...Oh! that kinda looks familiar! I -think- I know where I am!

Oh! Almost forgot! Fireball! I know I should of let him go before I left, but, uhm, I didnt really think, just took off! He's pretting big now sis! I had to make a huuge pouch bag with strap thingy just to carry him around! Its not so scary anymore. Fireball is keeping me company. He knows where to find food and water, so we are never hungry, and I love watching him play! I will miss him when I let him go. *sighs* Bris gave me a good lesson there. Try to think before I act. Its pretty hard, but I'll try!

I really miss you! And kiva too! I miss Muire. I miss Rhynn. I miss Army. I even miss Panda! I sorta miss Ash. She is moody, and soemtime is mean. Wierd huh? Probably more people I miss, but, uhm, can't remember more names! *giggles*

Sis, uhm, I know I shouldnt feel this way, and you'd probably tsk or something at me. But, uhm, I hope Jaleel's head implodes and that dragon's turd dies horribly. Rhynn said he called her Ozzies pet, or, uhm, that word alotta people use to describe xeenies. And I keep hearing he's calling me names to everyone! I never went around doing that to him! Stupid Rofie. So, uhm, Sis, dunno if you heard what he said, h-he calls me an e-evil d-demoness of mist! A-and that I spread evil and curse stuff or soemthing! *wet droppletes mark the page here* Why sis? Why does he spread such vile lies? I act like it doesnt bother me, but its hard. And, uhm, thats why I want his head to implode. It was hard knowing to act around people! But you were there to help! And Muire too! Rofies...hate em..worse than toranites.

Hugs and kisses, T'ashr. See you soon sis!!


Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2006, 09:21:17 pm »
Hi sis! Wait! uhm, you aren't here, so you can't see my hi! I think I am closer now! I reconize stuff, I think im nearing hurm! So, sis I should be home soon! Just a boat ride after I invisi past all these nasty pirates and stuff. Fireball is still doing great! When I get back, Im going to uhm, that place with rangers and stuff near seilwood and let him go there. Seems like a safe place for him.

Its actually been a fun trip! I have really enjoyed it! But, I didnt get to blow anyone up. Dont wanna risk fireball, he might get hurt.

Oh! I was bored and wrote another story!!

"The beauty and the grandpa"

This is a sad tale. No, more like a scary tale. this is a story of a beautiful miaden, and her love for the grandpa
You see, grandpa is, uhm, a wizzy type thingie, he's all old, but fit and muscular and stuff. I think he wears a hood to hide his shiney head, but thats another story! He's pretty scary!

One day by a tree, the beauty and the grandpa displayed their love by kissing. The tree horrified by witnessing such an old guy kissing such a young lady, promptly had a sap attack and died.

Horrified, kiva lept out of the bushes (why he was hiding, no one knows) letting a heart wrenching scream out "TREE!! NOT AGAIN!!!" yelled out kiva. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE AGAIN TREE?!?!" he sobbed. Through his tears of sorrow, kiva looked up and saw the grandpa embracing the beauty. "I see" kiva said solemly. He took out his sword and promptly fell on it.

Just before kiva died (for tree again), through blooded lips. "I can't live after seeing that horror either, tree." Then he died.
Kiva and tree ran though the green meadows once again, branch to hand, skipping like giggling school girls


*giggles* kiva made it into the story!! I don't know how! Well, uhm, I guess I should stop writing in here, and concentrate on getting home! Miss you all and uhm, be back soon!!!


RE: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2006, 01:41:24 am »
Whew!! I -FINALLY- made it back to hlint! Never exciting happened on the trip back from my last entry! Uhm, no one around in hlint really, so I went to kill some goblins in the redlight caves! Sis and kiva were there collecting salt! So happy! after weeks of not seeing sis! I was still in umber hulk form and hugged them! I forgot to change back! *giggles* Well, they were fine, I didnt hurt them!
   They asked about my trip, and seemed a bit mad when I told them nepp just left. But it was a good experience for me! I saw more of the world, and had time just to think and enjoy everything! Oh, when we got back to hlint, kiva helped me more with elfy! I learned a whole bunch more! Uhm, not very organize, but here is what i know so far! oh! we spent like hours, maybe most of a day! I really had to think hard and write fast to get it all!
  T'ashr's known elfy words;
  E - I Aey - You Sa - me Le - no Aala - yes Tycailla - thank iracce - hello oilmannac - farewell silara - maybe welan - dont nleam - know ena - is ilma are illw - and aeym - your em - or el - in vean - got can - it Anirein - Think eyan - out Laela - Sis Laelaanam - Sister wilmn - dark nyirecw - child nyyana - cute ceviran - light amirl - what anaelam - ever amillan - want ires - him laira - she ane - to fa - be eo - of anirilan - that tymaanana - pretty nyilan - cat elama - very ceelaca - lovely acelal - elven vmysty - grump anmaa - tree An'illairm - T'ashr (thats me!! *giggles*) vewwalala - goddess neelil - kiva anavil - tegan layl - sun ceela - love irilana - hate irallw - head estyeewala - implodes amelair - wish Quel -Jin
  *whew* thats alotta words to remember!! Oh! looking at them, I think I get some of the individual letters!
  il - a la - s an - t m - r a - y
  Like Don't is Wel'an. See? the 'an, is the t in common! and you're would be aey'ma. I think thats right, it just makes sense to me.
  Uhm, he are some phrases I put to gether from my list so far.
  "Anirilan'la il tymaanana nyilan aey vean laela" which is, "That's a pretty cat you got sis" and another one is "Anirilsn ena Neelil'la Anmaa!" that one is "That is Kiva's tree!" This is pretty fun! "ean ena wilmn eyan. Quel ena tymaanana nyyana!" *giggles* I said "it is dark out. Jin is pretty cute!" aannd "An'illairm ceela'la ane estyeewa irallwla!" *giggles( "T'ashr love's to implode heads!" Thats funny
  Well, uhm, maybe later I'll study some more and have kiva and sis teach me more words. I might be able to understand the elven alphabet! I dunno! Oh! Fireball is pretty big now! Im going to release him tomorrow or the next day, he certainly had fun on the trip! He's good at finding food, and loved to play around. uhm.thats pretty much it, im going to bed, bye!


Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2006, 11:41:22 pm »
Uhm. not too much to write about. Oh! I got an iron morningstar with a red glow that does electrical damage! The glow matches my eyes *giggles* Uhmm, went around with wrenny and larissa, got a lizard head for the captain in hlint, went alll the way to the bottom of haven mines and back. That was kinda hard, I saved Lar from almost dying! Poor thing. uhm..sat around.practice some elven with nyyana, not much, just a few phrases. oh! went with nyy and dor to haven to get nyy some iron, and she made me some bolts for my crossbow before all this other stuff! Almost forgot about it! It was a fun trip!

*she pours over her notes on elven, thinks, and tries to form some sentences*

"amiral ilma ama veelv eyan?" this one is when are we going out? "Iream ilma aey anewila?" are you today, yeah, I can do that one! "Ean ela wilmn eyan nyyana" It is dark out nyyana. *smiles* "Anirilan laamemw ela tymaanana!" *giggles* That sword is pretty! oh! some more words I learned

anewila - today
failyaneoyc - beautiful
amirama - where
amirc - who
amiral - whean
wailw - dead
laamemw - sword
iream - how
oela - fine
alasaa - enemey
ira - he
iram - her
ama - we
veelv - going
veewfaa - goodbye

Oh, I misspronounced one word. ela, not ena. means is. Ela is the correct pronounciation. Gotta be more careful!

Thats all I've picked up so far. Im starting to understand it a bit now. Think it may take awhile! I hope not, learn quicker!

*she studies her notes for hours before resting her head on her book and falling alseep*


Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2006, 11:09:08 pm »
Well. I released fireball. It was sad. But the little guy liked rangers vale in seilwood! He seemed happy to be there.I'll miss him! Good life fireball!

Anyways...elfy..pain in the part I sit on! thinking! thinking! learning! learning! *sighs* well, I learned some new words.
Heres the list to add. oh! also found out, sa is used for both me and my! confusing!

necc - kill
eweean - idiot
laanytyew - stupid
ilaa - aye
ilmlaa - arse
veew - good
irilem - hair.
failm - bear
ameanir - with
sema - more
nlaam - knew (just a letter change from know! I figured it out myself!)

"aey irilela tymaanana irilem rhynn" you have pretty hair rhynn! hee! uhm, what else. "E neccaw anirilan failm ameanir il laamemw" I killed that bear with a sword heh. I didnt! Just practising my elfy! "E amelair E nlaam sema acelal" *giggles* this one says I wish I knew more elven!" whew..

Well, enough writing, Im going to start practising more, and study harder. Surprise Laela and neelil with my progress!

*again she falls asleep after a few hours of studying, figuring out elven*


Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2006, 11:37:24 pm »
ugh! so much elven. I think Im dreaming studying elven! Well, I put together some more of the elven alphabet.Its getting easier! Just by studying all the words, I've managed to figure out alot of the letters! now it will be easier to put words together! been a long two years at this.Its making sense! I've never been serious about anything! This is the first, Im feeling proud, I think laela was right, I dont give myself enough credit!

f - b
w - d
ny - c (I figured it out by nyyana's name, which is elven cor cute! c is ny u is y t is an and e is a! nyyana!)
y - u
a - e (wow! e and y share the elven a!)
o - f
e - i
v - g (another! g and d share the elven v! neet)
ir - h
am - v
e - o (took me awhile! i and o use the same letter in elven! how odd, gotta remember that. ask kiva about it too)
c - l
ty - p
am - w
el - v
s - m

*slowly peices together letters into elven words* "iream ilma aey anewila?" how are you today? "Elams veev. Illv aey?" Very good. And you? *smiles* Its getting easier! "E ceela" I live. Its true! I do! "E ils nyilccav An'illairm" I am called T'ashr! Yep. Thats me! If I can figure out the rest of the alphabet, learning more elven will be alot easier!!

Oh, I really should put what letters I've learned in more of a proper order! Hard to consult my notes when they are everywhere!!

il - a
f - b
ny - c
v - d
a - e
o - f
v - g
ir - h
e - i
  - j
  - k
c - l
s - m
l - n
e - o
ty - p
  - q
m - r
la - s
an - t
y - u
el - v
am - w
  -  x
a - y
  - z

Thats enough studying for me tonight. Im so happy that I can understand this more, maybe in a few more months I can follow a conversation! Night blue book

Ameanir ceela, An'illairm!

*sets her quill down, and promptly collapses on her book and falls asleep*.

//OOC Note: I actually spent an hour or so going over the elven words she knew, and getting the letters from all her known words. Man this is tough. after this I think I might be able to translate elven :D. Oh, all the elven she wrote in the post, I used her known elven letters.//


Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2006, 10:27:23 pm »
*whew* Spent alot of time collecting stuff for laela. Wheat, oats and feeding corn to chickens for eggs. Filled up a box and gave it to laela. Nice when she smiles. Oh, also got storan's ring for morkain. I was with goldy, rissa and elhara. loong tough trip! lucky rissa had a familiar to undo those traps and unlock doors. her pixie died, and then she did. sad. but she came back and got her grave, so yay! Got the ring, killed undead and that! *smacks head* FORGOT! Went and got a mother beholder eyestalk with laela and bally. Uhm. I think someone else was there too, can't remember...oh wait! How could I forget! Panda! Well, with laela, it was a peice of cake to get it, so me and bally gave it to the witch.

And today, spent like days on dregar with, dar, bakee, lilly, of course laela and short time with jareg and ketil. I was able to get lots of topaz to stock up on dusts for my stoneskin spell, so I spent alotta time grinding when I got back to mistone.

Practice, practice! More elven!

*she thinks very hard, go over conversations she's heard, slowly peicing some elven letters together*

"ve quysty el il cilna" go jump in a lake! dunno who said that, but i had to think and translate it."nenyn ires el anira mailm" kick him in the rear. *smiles* thought that one was funny! I still love this one. "Anmaa ela laymmeylwaw! Ocaa anmaa!" Tree is surrounded! Run tree! *giggles* "Aeym irilem ela el oema! Hyenyn, tyyan ean eyan!" Your hair is on fire! Quick, put it out! hee hee!! Oh, figured another couple of letters out! Shoulda known them, but sometimes I confuse things up

qu - j
n - k
h - q

whew! almost completed it! now I have to figured out the last ones. Gunna be hard, I'll ask kiva, he may know words that start with them or something.


Re: T'ashr's Little Blue Book: Thoughts from a barmy Misty
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2006, 09:46:49 am »
I have been bored! kiva is no where to be found! And I say laela for the first time in weeks! I really missed her! We had some fun killing ogres in haven with Star. Oh! Yeah, I made a new friend! His name is Talistar, uh, forgot his last name, he said to call him star. hes a cleric of kithy. I helped him out with some stuff, like scare crows and some griffons. He appreciated my magic too. He didnt care I was a tiefling either.Oh back to laela! I didn't ask if she has seen kiva,uhm, kinda afraid to for some reason. Maybe I will work up the nerve and ask her sometime. While no one was a round to do anything, I kept on practicing my elven. I am understanding it! When people speak, I can follow their conversations! All this studying is paying off! Anyways Im off! Stuff to do, more studying, more sleep! Bye!

*Pulls out her notes on the elven language and begins studying for a few hours, falling alseep yet again over her notes*

