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Author Topic: One Drop of Water . . .  (Read 140 times)

Rollie the gnome

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    One Drop of Water . . .
    « on: March 07, 2006, 08:10:05 pm »
    [SIZE=16]Heiren lies the letters home from a follower of the Water of Life: Rollie[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
      [SIZE=16] [/SIZE]
      [SIZE=16]Thank you and may the river guide you[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=13]For more information on the Path of Elemental Balance please go here [/SIZE]

    Rollie the gnome

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      RE: One Drop of Water . . .
      « Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 09:13:32 pm »
      Hello Master:
        After a long journey I have finally arrived at one of my many destinations. It is a town called Hlint, in the middle of Mistone. The journey was quite peaceful I must admit, all things considered. The last letter I sent was from the port of Leilon, North and West from where I am now. I found passage on a caravan headed to the South, a nice man with a few wagons accepted my company, and coins, readily enough. The caravan was like many others; loud, boisterous, and full of drink. Nice enough people but I was not too sad to see them off on their journey.
        The town is nice, a single road traveling down its center. The people tend to gather close to an Inn next to a small pool of water. The pool is splendid master, a lovely fellow who is patient and forgiving. He has many tales to tell, and I cannot wait to hear them. There is a shrine here and the usual militia and soldiers, all patrolling and keeping the peace. A comforting thought as I stroll the paths at dusk.
        I have met quite a few people so far, there are many here who revel in the thrill of danger and exploration. A man named Mason and a lady Tyrian accompanied me on my first try at helping those in need. A rat-man had stolen some documents and was hiding in the sewers. We were tasked with finding him and returning the papers. We delved deep into the aromatic underworld and found him after a few close calls with vermin and pests. Alas, he refused to listen to reason and we were forced to kill him while defending ourselves. We took the papers back and were rewarded well, a fine start to my quest, save for the demise of the rat-man.
        I should mention Master that this man, Mason, is quite interesting. He is brave and trustworthy but he speaks with a stutter, which leads me to believe something may have happened to him in his youth. Remember that fellow from the caves who was perpetually nervous and talked the same? His trials and tribulatins spoke volumes as to why he was the way he was. This will bear much more thought and contemplation.
        My training and studies progress well. I have found lots of ways to hone my physical skills and the dangerous beings force me to keep my wits about me as well. One thing I must mentions is that while on the journey to this town I made a discovery. I was meditating at a local stream for hours and was rewarded with a few interesting ideas. The way the rocks sat in the stream seemed to almost speed the water up in spots. A certain current would combine with another, which in turn helped another, and so on. We are taught our muscles are but currents in our bodies, which are like rivers themselves, carrying our thoughts and lives downstream. Maybe I can use this to help me attain a faster current whithin my own body like you have done. You told me I might make a discovery such as this someday and I believe I am on the right path. I shall meditate and study this a lot more and let you know what I discover.
        I should stop writing now master, the hour grows late and I must get some rest. I have had a good start on my journey and I hope it continues. There seems to be lots to do around here and I will continue to write. Please greet all the brothers and sisters for me while I am gone. I miss them a lot and will be glad when I return to tell them of my travels.
        I bid you peace master and may the River guide you well.
        'To those in need, a single drop of water seems much much more when a single drop is all that is needed'
        Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

      Rollie the gnome

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        RE: One Drop of Water . . .
        « Reply #2 on: March 15, 2006, 04:24:48 pm »
        Hello Master:
           I am sorry for not writing sooner, I have been quite busy as of late. I have managed to help many people here, a bard lost her necklace, an undertaker needed some essence, plus many others. I am now helping some kind folks in Fort Llast, an outpost West of Hlint. The exercise is quite nice and the woods are enjoyable, if but a bit dark and foreboding. I must mention that I have recieved a lot of help with these tasks, very surprising considering the people I have met up until I arrived in this town. A lady named Tyrian has been most helpful, as well as a stout warrior halfling whose name is Berrie. I have fought alongside a dwarven warrior, Exodus, a Ranger called Talen, and many others.
           I remember when you told me that people, like rivers, usually find their own way in the world. I see evidence of this every day out here and Berrie is a good example. He is constantly trying to prove that he is brave, all the while admitting he is scared. I have tried to teach him that fearing nothing is not bravery, it is a lack of common sense. I have told him that bravery is being afraid, knowing it, and yet persevering anyway. He acknowledged my words but I am unsure as to whether he believes me or not. He is most brave, charging forth and protecting others with twin Kukri's, which I must admit is a good choice. Maybe in time he will come to understand and accept this, maybe not. I will have to be patient, like you said, and wait for the knowledge to flow over him.
           Another person I have met is Prothro, who is a goblin who has eschewed his peoples chaotic ways. I applaud him constantly for this feat, for I see so many others rushing to and fro heedless of the path they are trsodding. I am trying to enlighten Prothro as to the power of knowledge. He sees himself as less than worthy, although he has set himself on a rightous path. He wishes to find a and unite a goblin clan, a very daunting path. I do believe that he can achieve it if he gains some inner confidence adn accepts what I can teach him. We shall see, over time.
           One person I absolutely must mention is an Orcish lady called Honora. She studies and practices the art of the fist, just as we. She has mentioned that she would like to know more about our ways. She is quick and agile, a most suitable candidate for the Way of the Wind. If she asks I will teach her some of our shared disciplines. But for her to gain accetptance into the Way of the Wind she might have to travel to the Temple itself and study there for a time.
           I have kept learning about myself and my limitations as well Master. I study raging rivers and streams, learning how they move and how they can attain such speeds and flow around so many obstacles in their path. I can run faster now than before, and I just begun to learn. I have been studying the way the tide can channel and ease a harmful object onto the shore, away from the paths of boats. The currents at work are quite complex and powerful, but I think I may be understanding them more. I was beset one evening by some ghould under the city and after being scratched I felt their taintedness in my body. I meditated and after reaching my inner pool I was able to manipulate my blood to a fashion. I used my insights on currents and tides to force the disease to somewhere in my body where it could be disposed of safely. Even though I was quite weary afterwards it was quite a thrilling discovery. I shall continue to study this and maybe someday I can use this method to treat more ailments, such as poison and other insidious liquids.
           I almost forgot something. I have seen many beautiful brothers and sisters out here. You would love them as much as I Master. A sister close to a fort was very talkative and kept me enthralled for hours with her stories. A brother lake was quite somber, but had tales of his own I found fascinating. I have told them that someday you may travel this way and they were very excited at the prospect.
           I shall go now Master and I am looking forward to speaking to you again. Again say hello to our brothers and sisters for me.  
           I bid you peace master and may the River guide you well.
           'To curse the rain is to curse life; and since we are all made of life it is as if cursing yourself.'
           Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

        Rollie the gnome

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          RE: One Drop of Water . . .
          « Reply #3 on: March 30, 2006, 05:26:09 am »
          Hello Master:
               Things continue here at a frenzied pace. I am meditating still and helping all of those that I can. I have completed many tasks and I always find more, my work here is proceeding nicely. Honora is trying to embrace the wind, a task that is surely difficult but she is making good progress. I am looking forward to our future lessons. It is nice to see someone start down a balanced path, there may be hope for the outside world after all. I try to talk to our brothers and sisters as often as I can. They seem to be content, but at times a little lonely. I guess there are not so many here such as we that can speak to them. They have such marvelous tales I always enjoy our conversations.
             I think I have found another soul who may accept some of our teachings. It is Berrie the Brave, that stalwart warrior I told you about. We were sitting on a bench when the topic of strength came up. One thing led to another and I taught him his first lesson. The most important one of walking the paths. He seemed to catch on readily and looked quite interested in learning more. I certainly hope he does, he can gain much from our ways.
             I also met a very large fellow named Stump. He is a half-giant and quite imposing, a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. He is also a mute. Quite the contrast I must say. I think I will approach him and ask if he wishes to learn some of our ways. He is very friendly and affable and he could learn much. I am learning as well. My control over my form is progressing rapidly it seems. I have learnt what the rivers and streams are teaching and I can now impress that upon my form. If I am wounded I can achieve my inner self and direct healing energies to those wounds. Much like a river washing away impurities, I can wash away maladies and infections. It is good to be in more control than ever before. But I still have so much to learn.  
             I shall go now Master and I am looking forward to speaking to you again. Say hello to our brothers and sisters for me.  
               I bid you peace master and may the River guide you well.
               'If all you need is a single drop of water and you find a great lake; the most inportant thing is that you still need a single drop of water'
               Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

          Rollie the gnome

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            RE: One Drop of Water . . .
            « Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 05:28:46 pm »
            Hello Master:
               I am sorry I have not written in a while. Some momentous things have happened and I must tell you about them.
               I have met another half giant fellow named Han Woad. he is a follower of the fist, like us. He was very interested in our ways and is very interested in the Elements. I taught him the first lesson, and he was very receptive. I think he might be grounded enough for earth, but one never knows. I have not seen him in quite some time, I do hope he is well. I look forward to our next conversation.
               I helped some very powerful people on an errand of great importance recently. It was led by Ozymandias, a man of great power, but a path shrouded in such great shadows that I fear for his very soul. A group of us went off in search of Drezneb, Blood's general. It was a very harrowing journey, we fought many ill tempered creatures and escaped certain doom many times, before succumbing to some Vampires. Creatures with a shadowed path indeed. I heard later that the search continues, and I shall lend my aid again.
                 I had a few more lessons with Honora, and she seems to be embracing wind rather nicely. I think I am almost done what I can teach her master. The wind walkers at the Temple will have to see her and decide whether or not she can be accepted. I certainly hope she will be, she shows great promise and embraces the wind with passion. I have not talked to Berrie for some time, I do hope he is still interested in some of our teachings.
                 I shall go now Master and I am looking forward to speaking to you again. Say hello to our brothers and sisters for me.  
                   I bid you peace master and may the River guide you well.
                   'Those that do not think of water until they need it are those that miss it most when it is needed'
                   Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

            Rollie the gnome

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              RE: One Drop of Water . . .
              « Reply #5 on: April 23, 2006, 08:09:42 am »
              Hello Master:
                 The water is not still anymore, not still at all. I write with a frown now. Times are troubled and the inner peace I once found so easily slips away a little more each day. Why must people act the way they do? Why must there be so much violence and bloodshed? Everywhere I go mad creatures and men battle constantly. Everywhere I step is a shadow, a black stain upon the path. I help when I can, and to them is seems to be ancillary. I could help for all hours of the day and it still never seems to make a difference. I have not talked a single opponent to lay down their arms and seek a quieter path.
                Why am I here? I ask myself this question each day. I have reached a few, like Honora, Berrie, and even Fad and Stump. But has it made a difference? I travelled again to help with Drezneb, yet I fell so quickly I wondered if it was a dream. We are taught that we are very small and but one of many, but this was something else entirely. It was as if the gods themselves look at us with scorn and distaste. They themselves seek to prove their worth against us. They regard this as a contest of wills in which we must be beaten, not guided. The path is indeed dark and when I look down it's shrouded length, I see no light.
                I may come home master. This outside world is so disconcerting, so bent upon destruction that it may not be able to be saved. The peaceful waterfalls and pools of home call to me more than ever. Even our brothers and sisters I see every day yearn for something better. They feel they will be used to haul offal and refuse until the end of their days. How can I comfort and console them when I feel the same way sometimes?
                I shall wait until Honora is called by the wind to our temple. When I reach home I will make my decision on whether to stay or return here. May the path lighten for me enough to provide guidance.
                Until next time I write, take care master.
                       'To seek peaceful guidance from a raging river is difficult, but not impossible'
                       Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

              Rollie the gnome

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                RE: One Drop of Water . . .
                « Reply #6 on: July 06, 2006, 08:55:25 pm »
                Hello Master:
                   The time I spent at the temple was wonderful. I was quickly losing my way out in the world. All of the destruction, chaos and mayhem was unlike anything I had expected to see. The way so many eschew peace and flow with the violence like a river swelled with spring rain. It was disturbing and caused me much confusion. I really needed to see the calm peaceful waters and listen to the waves tell tales and stories again. In the outside world I barely have time to utter proper greetings to our Brothers and Sisters, haste is in the front of everyone's minds.
                  I know my sudden leaving was unlike me, but since the recent upheaval in the world I have sensed that something will happen. I know not what and when, but something. It is unclear, like a stream that is muddied after a great bear wades through it. It might be a false danger but it is clouded and indistinct. I know not whether it will affect me or not, but I must not sit idely by and wait for it's passing. I must head out once again and wait to see what the tide brings.  
                   Until next time I write, take care master.
                           'To seek knowledge from a raging river one cannot do so from the shore. You must wade into it's depths and wait to see what the currents reveal'
                           Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

                Rollie the gnome

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                  RE: One Drop of Water . . .
                  « Reply #7 on: July 22, 2006, 08:22:22 am »
                  Hello Master:
                      I hope the time since last I wrote has seen you well. My travels have slowed somewhat, I can sense a change approaching but I have yet to feel it. My time in town has proven quite relaxing. I have met many new people and some old friends. A young man called Darren has taken a great interest in my tea. As always, you were right master, patience and attention to any skill is important, for a skill is simply itself. I have seen Honora a few times, but not recently. She seems to favor distant and dangerous lands, letting the sisters of the wind guide her throughout the lands. She surely fits into her new home well, i am glad I was able to help her find her path.
                     I still see much chaos and bloodshed, but I am learning to tolerate it more. The calm ways of our temple are not the same as the ways out here. It seems chaos is still the paramount mood out here. I will always strive to bring peace and calm to this chaotic world, but I am starting to fear that I will never make a difference, no matter how hard I try. But try I must. I shall keep writing and will let you know when the change happens.  
                       Until next time I write, take care master.
                               'Guidance is simply not a one-sided endeavor. Yes, it takes one to guide, but it also takes one to learn from the guidance.'
                               Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

                  Rollie the gnome

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                    RE: One Drop of Water . . .
                    « Reply #8 on: July 23, 2006, 07:52:37 am »
                    The letter is written in a different hand, the letters losing their flowing style. While legible, the writing looks unrefined and unsure, as if someone was writing what was being told to them.  
                       Hello Master:
                       Well, it has happened. The change I have felt coming for so long has arrived, and it is unlike anything I had imagined. Again I accompanied a group of people wishing to solve a mystery. We were, and still are, seeking clues to some powerful artifacts. The latest journey took us to the ransacked city of Pranzis and an old museum there. As you can well imagine chaos was on hand. There was much fighting and bloodshed, as always. We saw many strange objects and relics in the museum, including some interesting fountains where our brothers kept watch over the others.
                     We were trying to find certain artifacts pertaining to the mystery, as well as finding a way out. The guards that are now in Pranzis are brutish and quick to anger. Sadly I admit we did not get their permission to enter the museum and they were intent on finding us. I do hate breaking laws, even the ones that are unwise and foolish, but I tolerated such as I have learned that I must out here. While searching for a way out I stumbled upon a most fiendish trap. I stpped towards a door and then saw a large ball of flame hurtling towards my face. ALl went black and I fell.
                     I was at The River again. So peaceful and tranquil there, so many brothers and sister to talk to. I felt something else as well, a tugging at my soul, a very sharp tugging. I had just sat down by the river when I felt myself being drawn back into the world again. I was sad to see the world again, but I was interested in helping bcak in the world again. When I awaoke I felt the heat from the blast still. I stood up and heard the others around me. There was much confusion and arguing. When I looked around, I then understood what the change was. What I had felt coming for so long.
                     I cannot see. I am now blind.
                     The ball of flame must have affected my eyes. I was shocked at first, having something taken from me so abruptly, so chaotically. I tried to calm myself, but I was quite alarmed. I tried to understand how it happened but I no healer nor mage. Thankfully my other senses were not affected, so I could still hear, smell and feel. I quickly stood next to a wall and steadied myself. I freely admit I was considering staying behind so that the others could escape, but as well as being unwise, it would also accomplish nothing. Darren, that young man who loves my tea, offered to help and I accepted. He led me around while the others searched for a way out. He is very nice and seems to wish to help, a very good trait.
                     I will not say too much on what happened after, but we encountered another trap of flame and I fell again. After being roused again my sight was still gone, but we quickly found a way out. I am unsure as to what to do now. While I can survive and live comfortably with this loss of sight it does unnerve me somewhat. How shall I function? Will travelling alone be possible? If I accompany others to dangerous places, would I become a hinderance? Will my other senses provide me with enough information to keep my safe? So many questions. So many different paths.  
                     I could return to the temple and stay there for the rest of my days. I could stay here and do nothing, become a member of a town and give up my travelling. I could also stay on my present path and continue to give aid as I travel. The most relevant decision I must make is about my sight. Should I accept this path and stay on it's trails, or should I seek a cure to this blindness?  
                     I shall have to meditate on this. This is a most unusual situation, something that I was totally unprepared for. Once I find my new path I will write again and let you know what is happening. Do not worry for me. I will find a new path, as I have been taught, and walk upon it's length.
                     Until I see yo we next meet, take care master.
                               'When faced with a fork in the path one must choose. Whether a quick or slow decision is not important, only that a choice is made and that you move onwards upon a path.'
                               Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

                    Rollie the gnome

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                      RE: One Drop of Water . . .
                      « Reply #9 on: September 02, 2006, 04:49:36 pm »
                      The letter is written in a different hand, the letters losing their flowing style. While legible, the writing looks unrefined and unsure, as if someone was writing what was being told to them.  
                           Hello Master:
                         It has been a while since I wrote last. I have been busy, exploring my environments with my new way of 'looking' at things. I can now understand that things in life are quite different than they actually are. Since I cannot see people I have to find other ways in which to recognize them. I am finding my sense of smell is much more acute than it used to be. I notice small things that I never noticed before, such as our dwarven brothers often smell like the armour and weapons they often craft and use. Halflings smell of meals, pipeweed, and the aromas are reminiscent of their love of life and good humour. The elves remind me of the great forests and rivers of which they are known.
                         Humans are surrounded by the smells of many different things. They are still quite a mystery to me, unsure as to their direct intentions and mannerisms. I am also using my hearing a lot more. It is amazing that so many armours that are quite similar can sound so different on different people. Leather sound quite different than steel, but leather armours often sound much different. Honora, for example, sounds quick and restless, like the wind she is trying to master. Many dwarven folk reverberate with the solid sounds of earth, stone and steel. Elves rustle most often like leaves and tall grass from meadows. Halflings remind me of quick yet bubbly conversations spoke round a fire with a cold ale.
                         As you can see, I am now finding my way in this wonderful world. Battle is coming more and more familiar with time. I use the same sounds and smells to guide my hands in each skirmish. I am becoming more attuned to the way a weapon sounds when it is racing towards me as opposed to someone else. Each grunt of effort is usally followed by these sounds. An enemy stepping back is much different than an enemy moving forwards. The sound of a heel hitting the ground is much different than the sole of the foot. All of these clues, and more, are helping me in my daily trials and tribulations. Each step I take is new, and exciting, as I learn to appreciate the world in so many different ways.
                         I am having Honora help me write these journals master, she is quite interested in seeing you because she has heard so much about you from me. I must leave now, for I must help recover the artifacts that I spoke of earlier. I shall take care and write down every thing I 'see' for future reference. I shall be safe as always and will continue to learn and appreciate the world from my new point of view.  
                         Until we next meet, take care master.  
                                    'To limit one's view of the world to one path is folly, for there are so many paths on which to see. Care must be taken, however, to not let your view be distracted too much from your present path, lest you fall into it's shadows'
                                    Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance

                      Rollie the gnome

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                        RE: One Drop of Water . . .
                        « Reply #10 on: September 16, 2006, 09:00:11 pm »
                        [TABLE=head;sort=1a,2,3]   Hello Master:
                          Time has passed and I continue to learn many new things. As I tread the roads and paths of these lands I am becoming much more sure of their twists and turns. More and more I can walk them with confidence, my steps falling in line with the roads edge and not faltering as they once did. I can now recognize many people from the sound of their voices and the smells from their person. I now see many things in a much different light. I can tell a sickly tree from a healthy one by many different signs. The smell of the leaves, the floor of the forest near the tree. It is amazing that so many consider my situation as a negative. I even had a very friendly druid, named Drogo, try to cure my blindness. It did not work but he is the first to try. If I ever seek a cure I wil be sure to ask him to accompany me, he is a kind soul.
                          Most others seem to ignore my plight, yet I am hesitant to see that as a blessing or not. It may be that they accept my decision to remain blind and seek no cure, or it may be apathy of all those that they deem unworthy. I have also noticed that many seem to consider me as an invalid. Their hearts are full of kindness and most often I let them make noise for me to follow. I can follow just fine as they run, their movements being so much more acute now that I see the world differently.
                          I must admit I am becoming more and more vexed at the actions that people take on my behalf. While trying to solve a mystery, we were making haste through a swamp many of us have travelled before. It is home to some chaotic lizardfolk, and when we moved through a few of them took sport at shooting some arrows at me. I was nicked but no great harm done, I have hurt myself worse on some thorn bushes in the deep woods. I heard some of the others run to the lizardmen and I called out that I was fine and no aid was needed. They have done it before and would not have given chase, in their minds it is only right that the strong prey upon the weak. My allies ignored my pleas and slaughtered them.
                          I was on the verge of becoming angry. That scared me more than I thought it would.
                          If others want to spread the seeds of chaos and tread closer to the final path that is their decision. If they do so in my name they cause unwanted, and dangerous, shadows on my path. I almost walked away at that point, but I remembered all that I have learnt and found my center. I shall have to be careful not to let anger intrude upon my inner peace. The demons and shadows that accompany anger are more insidious than any of the chaotic can see. Even writing about it now I can sense the shadows gathering and I must be ever vigilant.
                          I have also been having some vivid dreams, they are unclear and hazy, as if looking at a scene with clouds obscuring one's vision. When they become more acute, more clear, I shall try to gather meaning from them.
                          Until we next meet, take care master.  
                                      'Shadows are indeed dangerous upon a path. However, others with good intentions also affect your path. The may not cast shadows but when their actions are chaotic they leave a mist in their wake. The mist can shroud the path and that is almost as dangerous as shadows'
                                      Quote from a Water of Life scroll from the Path of Elemental Balance
                           |[TABLE=head;sort=1a,2,3] |