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Author Topic: A brownies adventures  (Read 80 times)


A brownies adventures
« on: June 26, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
*found written in karyths journal*
Day 1
"Lots of tall folk! It looked like the tall folk were shorter when i was watching from a tree but now that i actually talk to one they are so BIG!
I met a group of 3 tall folk. In that group i met a human named jacchari. He showed me around hlint and protected me, he is the first human ive begun to trust. There are taller nasty people that i never saw before. They are disgusting, daft, and ugly. I have alot to learn of this land"


RE: A brownies advenutes
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2005, 11:40:00 am »
*Found Written in karyths journal*
Day 2
"Jac as i have begun to call him took me down to the sewers to find the ratman. Ive begun to learn to use the shadows outside of the forest which ive relied on for so long. Real daggers arent the same as my old wooden one. My hands are sore from the constant thrust and slashing. After helping out the tall lady named florah i took up yet another task. I sharpened my wit while fighting the undead for they have no vital areas which i like to take to gain the upperhand. I seem to be gaining a natural bond with the shadows for most of the foul undead cannot see me or the goblins."


RE: A brownies advenutes
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2005, 11:47:00 am »
*found written in karyths journal*
Day 3
"Atlast i have stumbled upon the 2 brownies i saw while i was peering into hlint from a tree. Their names are amra and talisen. Together Jacchari, Amra, Talisen, and I went to the grand continent of Rilara. On the way i had a close brush with death thanks to a giant birds claws. Amra was their to rescue me as jacchri battled the other 3 giant birds. How vast this land is! We went through 2 new locations Port Hampshire and point harbor. So many folk to see and so many things to do! Alas, i found my first death at the claws of yet another bird. i seem to be a very appetizing snack for these birds, I will have to be more careful."


RE: A brownies adventures
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2005, 09:38:00 pm »
*found written in karyths journal*
Day 4
"I made many friends and most are tall folk. Ive begun to trust the humans now. My second favorite friend is the dark elf girl with white hair , kayla. Ive begun to understand the shadows more than i did  since the last time ive written about them. I can remain unseen by most things i come across. I tripped once though and a big bag tall daft and disgusting tall thing spotted me and threatened me. Ive come to know these as  half giants. I met 3 people with dark skin, i do not know why they have such odd looks. I will investigate one day. Ive finally got iron daggers but they are too heavy for me to use right now. I will have to practice in order to use these new blades. I am tired of these daggers i got from the smelly man."


RE: A brownies adventures
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2005, 01:59:00 pm »
*found written in karyths notebook*
Day 5
"It is nighttime. The time for my practice. I have studied the shadows and learned to strike with a devastating blow from them unseen till i make my move. I can fell a kobold in 1 poke in the right place with my dagger now. Oh how well these iron daggers serve me! I enjoy the clumsiness of certain humans. I was able to hide from his eyes and ears with no problem. I feel like my body is becoming more flexible and i often surprise myself with some of my acrobatics. Today i rode a bird *giggles* it was unexpectedly easy. I feel like im growing in prowess but i am not yet sure. I cannot effectively study the shadows without guidance. I must find someone willing to share their knowledge."


RE: A brownies adventures
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2005, 03:20:00 pm »
*found written in Karyths journal*
Day 6
"Hlint is a very scary place sometimes for me. I only walk out in the open when im with other brownies. I often hide under the robes or capes of my friends. I stumbled upon a winged man, ive come to learn his name as plen or bird-man *giggle*. I think he spotted me twice as i was trying to protect him from mean goblins. I wish i wouldnt have to run away to hide in the shadows. As i was observing plen i saw a woman talking to a tall hairy man and as he left she just dissapeared right before my eyes. I wish i could learn to do this. My legs are too short to run away fast enough to not be seen if i am found in the shadows."


RE: A brownies adventures
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2005, 11:27:00 am »
*found written in Karyths journal*
Day 7
"I came across a halfling quite similiar to me. His name was Tomi Shadowfoot,my new master in the ways of the shadows. I met him near the well at hlint and I impressed him with my natural ability to use the shadows to my advantage. After a brief discussion he gave me new clothing to look somewhat similiar to his. Some of the things did not fit on me so i had to replace it with something else. After becoming a apprentice even though he didnt actually show me how i felt like im becoming one with the shadows. I decided to test my skills on 3 humans after i took out the goblin camp near hlint. It was so funny seeing them face backwards after tellnig them ot face backwards when i was 3 feet infront of them *giggle*. After getting to know the humans and helping them through the cave we decided to have a drink at the inn. There we discussed how and why we came to hlint. *a tear dots the beginning of this sentence* My story is still hard for me to tell even after 3 years."