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Author Topic: A Collection of Tattered Scrolls and Bound Parchment (Lancur's writings)  (Read 125 times)


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*Sitting slumped in a chair, Lancur pulls a small piece of parchment from his robes along with a rather tiny bottle of ink and a quill.  Lancur's face is filthy, his robes are slightly torn, bruises and cuts cover the parts of flesh exposed.* Inexplainable Events  
  Not too long ago, i found myself in a strange place, completely disorientated and alone.  Before me sat a dragon, i do not remember much of what was said, for the confusion clouded my thoughts.  Something about a man called blood, and the calling of heros.  Such talk has been common recently, but I understand now.  Blood is trying to rid the world of the dragons, and those who protect them.  Why I was chosen is a mystery to myself, but dragons deserve my support.
  The last few weeks have been testing.  Long, hard battles with the undead, and strugles with ogres, goblins, and orcs all weaken the body.  I have just returned from the crypts and the dark, damp, foul place is never safe.
  *Lancur seems to be falling asleep as he writes.  He puts the final word of the page, and places it in within his robes, before standing to retire for the night.*


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RE: A Collection of Tattered Scrolls and Bound Parchment (Lancur
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2006, 09:57:19 am »
*Lancur places a small pot of red ink beside him on the stone steps of the Temple in Velensk.  He searches for a quill and finds one which has seen better days. "must of been all of them ogres" he says.  He has no choice but to use the ruined quill and dips it into the ink.  He finds a piece of lightly crumpled parchment and begins to write*    Times Of Prayer and Times of Adventure
  I have taken to making healing potions, for Gaibun and Dulan have been hard to find, although Gaibun has been busy as of late with cooking.  However we have seen each other a fair bit over the past week.  We were discussing Dulan and the relations of the Gods, when we saw a young woman run into Port Hampshire, Gaib ran down to attack the persuing Griffon before it could enter the town, and I ran through the gates to see that the woman was alright.  I found her laying face down on the cold stone floor, after praying and some divine magic, she was soon on her feet again.  Although slightly dazed and confused she soon regained the memory of what happened.  She was heading for Fort Himlad, and being the righteous people that we are, myself and Gaib decided to help her.  It was a short journey for we already knew the way.
  I believe that Dulan has been in Hlint a lot of late,  I believe he is working on a business idea, but I know nothing more.  It is a shame, for I would like to examine that ankh of his, seems to be a fascinating artifact.  However myself and Gaib seem to be developing a friendship, and I hope it lasts, for i believe there are more enemies to my faith than allies.
  More recently I have proclaimed my faith, not with words, but by holding the banner of Rofirein high above my head as a travel the lands.  No-one has uttered anything against me, but it will show my allies from my enemies.  
  *He folds the parchement and places it with the others within a small folder (A white piece of parchement folded into a large envelope, with a intricate gold symbol of Rofirein drawn on the front).*


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RE: A Collection of Tattered Scrolls and Bound Parchment (Lancur
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 09:53:21 am »
*Lancur is hurrying about the temple in Velensk, trying to make some healing potions.  He pauses, and decides he should rest and he pulls out a piece of parchement.  It is already crumpled and slightly stained, but he scribes upon it regardless*
  Some Odd Happenings
  Where do I start?
  I have done much since my last writing, far to much to recall. Just only a few days ago I was passing through Fort Hope where a small band of adventurers were waiting.  They looked tired and were obviously resting from a long journey.  I sat with them, discussing some rather odd topics.  Then something strange occured.  A woman ran into Hope, came towards us and collapsed.  She kept going on about Goblins and a caravan.  No sooner had she fallen unconsious, a group of goblins came into view, through the gates and towards the lady.  We stood there, defiant, determined not to let any harm come to her.  Soon enough the goblins had been slain, and we decided to investigate this "caravan" outside of the Fort.  We stepped out of the safety of the Fort, and it wasn't long before we spotted the caravan, surrounded by goblins.  A battle ensued, our attempts to clear the goblins and to investigate the strange looking caravan.  Upon closer inspection the caravan appeared to be transporting some sort of tube-like containers.  We decided to open one of the tubes to take a closer look.  Raken and Zarquil opened the tube and were consumed within a cloud of smoke.  Thick, grey smoke, which seemed to change them.  When the smoke dispersed enough to see them, they had withered, and become completely different.  Still in the same mind, but physically deformed.  Suddenly we were approached and encircled by an eye, slightly magical creature, and one which seemed to have a mistress.  The eye proceeded to examine each of us, before hurrying off.  We gave chase in the hope of finding out more.  The persuit involved more battles, as goblins guarded our path.  Many of our group fell, including myself.  It was a short while before i came to.  Those who had survived the battle had a lengthy talk with the eye, who decided that it's mistress wanted us alive.  We were brought back from our fallen states and resumed our chase of the eye as he headed into a cave.  The cave was tretcherous, long, and confusing.  Faced with golems and Possesed books we fought on, when two of our members were slain.  The eyeball returned, only this time an attempt was made by Bee, a small Brownie who i have seen before.  The attempt failed and our hopes for helping our friends lost.  The eye seemed upset that we should want to harm it, and wanted a gift to show that we were appologetic.  We gave it some food and some gold, and in return the eye brought back our fallen comrades.  We proceeded to head deeper, into a rather dark, and mysterious place.  We searched around before coming before the eye's mistress.  She did not help Raken or Zarquil return to their orignal selves and we spent hours trying to find another way.  I noticed some symbols infront of each of the tubes.  There were 8 tubes, 8 symbols and after further investigation, the symbols related to the Initials of the members of our group.  It wasn't long before Sallaron found a translation in a pile of papers left on the floor.  With one tube being for each of us, Sallaron found the tubes intended for Raken and Zarquil.  They entered the tubes, and whatever had befallen them, it was removed and they were returned to how they were.  We made our way to the surface and we still had many questions that needed answering.
   *He looks around and sighs.  He adds the parchment with the others he has written on and continues his potion making*

