Character Development > Development Journals and Discussion

A Family Legacy ; Katrien

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Poppa, dear Poppa, what am I to do?  Today in town a Drow appeared from nowhere. He called me his Queen, his Mistress.  What is the meaning of this?  First the poison, and now this? Poppa I am so confused.  He wants me to go to the dark. I can only assume he means the under dark, the realm of the Drow and other vile creatures. Do I contain evil in my soul Poppa?  Why would he say I was the path for the return of the dark queen?

It appears my Drow courts more than one Mistress.  Lalaith also has had him whisper in her ear.  What are the Drow up to?  What do they seek to do?  More are being poisoned by these assassins daily. Connor has been struck.   Poppa I am so frightened.  Celgar ignores them and leaves me seemingly alone to face this.  I try to seek aid where I can, I try to understand, but it is so frustrating.  I feel so helpless.  My patron is too powerful for me to take on alone.  I have stepped up my training with the sword.  While this is a journey of discovery for me, it is a poor match for my patron who can turn Ender to stone

Confusion and Fire

I wish I had you here to talk to Poppa; you and mother.  I am so confused.  The pages of the journal fell open farther today.  They reveal a strange language, and your hand translating the words.  Drow.  How did you come to know this and why did you write it down?  If only you were here to explain it to me.  My patron confuses me.  He protects me and has saved me several times. He seems to care but how can that be.? Drow are not supposed to care.  They are supposed to be filled with hate.  Even if you explain it as duty, it does not explain the care in which he touches me and the fire that I feel.  I wish mother were here.  How can I be betrothed to Celgar and feel the warm loving glow I feel for him and yet feel a fire in my soul when my Patron is around?  He won’t even give me his name. Lairilweki is what he calls himself.  I call him Lar.

  He has told me of the Diadem, a crown of sorts.  He says I carry something within me, something the Drow want, something special.  I search the pages of the journal, but nothing is revealed except a few more drawing of our home and some songs I can only believe were mothers’.  He told me a council and a Voice.  It is the council that set this in motion.  Who they are I don’t know, and what their goals are he cannot or will not say. I still do not trust him; not entirely.

How dare him Poppa!  He accuses me of playing with him. Can you imagine?  I try to understand and this is the reaction I get.  I try to act like I think he wants … You have written the old archaic Drow of the temples and scrolls, which again leaves me to ponder why.  The passage that appeared today, so confusing.  In archaic Drow it speaks of magic and love.          L’alurl faerbol zhan mrann d’ssinss

Is this the magic you wish me to seek?  If so, with whom do you mean; surely not the assassin in my shadow? I feel fire yes, but fire burns and I do not want to be burnt, which is what I fear this Drow means to do to me.  Consume me, use me.  Use all that is me and toss the empty shell away.

Fire.  He leaves my soul on fire.  There is no other way to say it.  One kiss, one passionate embrace and I am his.  What I feel, or thought I felt for Celgar is an illusion.  I can see that now.   He was going to leave me.  Lar has feelings for me I know he does; the passion in his kiss betrays them.   Can I trust this passion?  Is it a ruse to gain my confidence?  He watches from the shadow, he sees, but does he really see?  Can he see the rift between Cel and I?  Can he see my loneliness?  Does he know how much I ache? And most of all , does he care?

Ceela; Elven for love and Drow for love, it is supposedly pure and uncorrupt. But is it?  What is the price I must pay to find out?  The spider marks my neck.  My days may be numbered.  Do I want to live them in quiet comfort or do I want to seek the flame of my heart knowing it could possible burn me worse than any poison.  A choice must be made.  Once again Poppa I seek you guidance.  If there is a way, let me know.

How can it be?  Was it you ?  There on the page below your parting words, faded but still visible

Trust in your Heart, for it will show you the Path of your Love.

Trust in my heart.  Lar said the same thing.


*pressed into the page is a small flower and the sketch of a shoreline under moonlight is just beside the writing.*

Mother came to me as I dozed by the shore. She smiled and her words were an enigma.

The Time for Sound and Magic has come.

And with her words a song.  No notes written down, it would be useless as I cannot read music, but notes dancing in my head.  I found her flute tucked next to your journal when I awoke.  Funny, I didn’t remember putting it there.  The music Poppa, it was so beautiful.  It was perfect for the lake.  The notes mingling with the waves, blending with the birds and echoing of the hills were so unlike anything I have played before. Simple tavern songs that was all I knew.  I few compositions I had made, but nothing resembling what she whispered in my mind.

The beauty of the night did not end with the music of the flute.   He is my magic Poppa.   Was it like that for you and Mother?  How I wish you were here to talk to.  We could always talk.  Even as a child you would talk to me of the trees and the life contained in the forest around our home.  I miss our discussions on magic.  I wish …. *   Ink blots the page as if a long pause occurs in the script…*   We are one: one truth, one magic.   He is my fire and I willingly dance with his flame.  His eyes betray his love.  I know they do.   You and Mother would not lead me astray.  I will follow my heart and find my magic.

Freedom.   Freedom to choose.  Lar gave me my freedom.  At least from this cursed poison.  Such a small stone it is.  Black like the dark it comes from and so cold to the touch. Now the choices to make and there are many.

My friends afflicted will have stones too, deep in that underdark tower.  Do they not deserve to know?  Telling would bring my own life in jeopardy as they will surely seek to liberate their lives from the threat.  They are my friends, yet to preserve my own life, I must keep theirs from them.  For now I will hide this stone.  I hope that a cure can be found and this will be just another beach side pebble.

On Veldrin

Veldrin… Translated from archaic Drow it means shadow.  A shadow he is.  He is my Ceela’s brother, twin brother to be exact.  He is so different than Lar.  I find him disconcerting.  His command of the shadows scares me.  Shadows mean death.  Shadows strike in the haunted forests around Fort Hope.   I’ve never seen good come from shadow, yet Veldrin *large ink blot*

He scared me.  The shadows whipped around me furiously.  I had done nothing but whisper a word.  He tried to apologize by teaching me a song for my flute.   Amazingly simple, yet incredibly intricate, the effect was quite beautiful.  Where a Drow would learn celestial music I don’t know, but that is what he called it.  It seems to call a song to me.  The words are forming in my head, but hazy, as if through a cloud.   Veldrin’s charisma is almost infectious.  Most that meet him seem to like him.  He has manners more like an elf than a Drow, yet he was raised Drow.  Still for all Lar’s abruptness and hard edges, I trust him more.  Veldrin is the fox to Lar’s wolf.  Is the fox trustworthy, or just as deadly?  We are taught to be wary of the wolf, but who would think to be cautious of the fox when both were in sight?


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