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Author Topic: A Family Legacy ; Katrien  (Read 4581 times)


A Family Legacy ; Katrien
« on: May 30, 2005, 05:50:00 am »
[SIZE=16]* a worn brown journal sits open on the desk. The first half of the book is filled with various styles of handwriting. Many charcoal drawings illustrate the pages. It is the second half of the book that is of interest. The writing has changed to a flowing script as a new hand records the Hommel legacy*[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16] [/SIZE] [SIZE=16]Poppa I do not know why now, of all times, the family journal opens for me. Uncle Spence was so angry that the clasp would not yield to him. I could not make him understand it would* scratched out and replaced with* did not open for me either. [/SIZE]  [SIZE=16]Until now.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]A Dragon; a large golden Dragon…I dreamt of it. It called to me; said I could help save this land. It was a most confusing dream. When I awoke I was in a new land. Your books and mother’s flute were also with me, but little else. I clutched the family journal, for support more than anything. You held it so dear and said was the only legacy you could leave me. For the first time in my life it opened for me. The page it turned to had but one line on it. The words you said before you left me Poppa. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16][SIZE=16]Seek the magic [/SIZE][SIZE=16][SIZE=16][SIZE=16]What does that mean? As I wander around this place called Hlint I see may strange and wondrous things. I also see many dangers. To this land the Lady of Magic is known as Lucinda. I will pray to her that she give me guidance. Perhaps it was her magic that you wished for me to seek. [/SIZE]  


New Friends
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2005, 05:52:00 am »
New Friends  
Poppa life is hard here. I try to find some way to keep busy, some way to fit in. I have met a most extraordinary man. He is built like an oak tree and almost as tall. It’s too bad he doesn’t have the sweet smell of the forest. He reeks in a most particular way. I try to ignore it, not only to be polite, but also because his sweet disposition more than makes up for a bad smell. He has been such a help to me. I imagine him as a brother of sorts. He has shown me the land, and helped me perform a few tasks for the local people. *added a bit later* Mikey, oh dear, Poppa is more than he seems. I stranger appeared in town today, he knew him from his youth. It seems that my rather large friend is a giant, or rather a half giant. It has greatly distressed him finding this out. It does nothing to change my opinion of him, but others in town are not so open minded. He is harassed by the dwarves, although I don’t know why? He has never been anything but a model citizen since I have known him. I fear the taunting will cause him to go. To go and seek the heritage that was so long hidden from him  
Poppa I wish you were here. I miss your guidance so much. Aunt Aida and Uncle Spence were a poor substitution for you. Why did you have to leave? Why do those I love leave me? Mikey left today for a place called Dregar. He said he had to find his mother’s people. He said he had to know. I can respect that but I will sorely miss him


Acceptance and Romance
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2005, 05:53:00 am »
Acceptance and Romance

Life has begun to settle down into a rhythm. I have found my niche as a traveling companion.  I am not nearly strong enough or skilled enough with a blade to adventure on my own.  People do however like me to accompany them. My voice seems to help and the healing skills Lucinda has granted me seems to be in need by companions.
I have also discovered that Aunt Aida did me a favor in teaching me the ways of the kitchens.  The local innkeepers are quite generous with their kitchens.  This has allowed me to become a very good cook. I have also improved in my skills with a needle.  The sewing I would do for the villagers has blossomed into a trade as a tailor. Many of the hunters are kind and bring me pelts.  They know I cannot hunt well myself.  I have made lots of leather garments and have become rather good.

Seek the magic. That is what you said Poppa.  But what magic.  I pray to the Lady and she has allowed me to learn many things to keep myself and others safe.  I have learned to heal to honor her.   I met a handsome young cleric in my first days here.  He was a chosen of Lucinda.  We met again a few days ago.  He tried to warn me from doing an unwise thing.  He seems very kind and attentive Poppa.  He makes me laugh.  Is there not magic in laughter?  Is this the magic you would have me find?

Celgar, my handsome cleric has become very attentive. He courts me now.  His friend the bard Ozy spouts poetry in his name and presents me with flowers. We watch the clouds together, talk, and dream of a future.  His touch warms my heart and I miss him so when he is not here. Cel talks of love and marriage.  Perhaps this is the magic; the magic of home and hearth.  Celgar has asked me to marry him when he can find a ring.  Perhaps I will say yes. A ring matters little to me. It is but a piece of metal. Perhaps I will say yes.



« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 05:54:00 am »

Poppa, things are good.  I am fitting in to life here. I have made many new friends.
Connor, an alchemist I met by chance while exploring the tower north of Hlint has become like an older brother.  He is easy to talk with and fun to be around.  Poppa I wish I had a brother or sister to share my life with.  Connor uses Lucinda’s gifts as I do.  He does not study, but pulls them naturally from the weave.  Brisbane has also become a fast friend.  Her young adopted son Tom is so cute, yet vulnerable.  He reminds me of what my life might have been like if I had not had Uncle Spence to take me in, and was left to the mercy of the streets.  I have used my building skills with the needle to sew him a bear toy of his own.  I was so touched that he loves it.  Imagine Poppa it was the first toy he had ever had.  It made me think of Mother.  For a fleeting second I could see her smile, hear her laugh.  Poppa is this the magic …the magic of friends?

Poppa, Celgar has asked me to marry him. I said yes.  I am so happy.  We have a home together in Krandor.  Perhaps soon we will fill it with the laughter of children.   Connor continues to be a valued friend, trading pelts with me for the juices I extract from various berries.  The skills Aunt Aida taught me in the kitchen have not been amiss.  My skills are actually sought out now.  My skills as a seamstress have also caught the attention of a master tailor.  He considers me for an apprentice.



The Dark Comes
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2005, 05:56:00 am »
The Dark Comes

* The page is stained with tears and the occasional drop of blood*

The Dark Comes….Poppa those are the words carved in my flesh, into my back.  Hlint was attacked last night by Drow.  I was first hit as I traded pelts with Connor outside the inn.  An arrow came out of nowhere and struck my shoulder.  I ran.  I hid.  The safest place I knew was the safety of the kitchens; a place of good memories.  Not any more, it is now a place of nightmares.  As the poison coursed through my veins an assassin appeared.  The vermin was cold and heartless as one expects of Drow.  He said I was to me made an example of, to carry a message.  
Dear Lucinda Poppa.  He forced me to the ground and tore the dress from my back.  His knife carved those words in my back as he held my head by the hair.  Blood was everywhere. Poppa I tried not to scream, I tried to be brave, to not give him the satisfaction of knowing how terrified I was.  Poppa it hurt so badly. That knife not only cut my flesh, it cut my very soul.  I had thought I was growing stronger, more able to protect myself and others. It only served to prove how weak I was.  I don’t remember how help came.  I remember a healer and sounds of battle.  I was so frightened.  I hid in the corner shivering, staring at the pool of blood that must have been mine.  After some time I made my way outside, to the gathering there in the inn.  So many people hurt.  A figure appeared. He said is name was Navarre.  He was an agent for the Drow.  He said they were united.  The poison that was delivered to me was also delivered to Bris and others.  He said the poison would remain inactive in my body as long as Celgar remains out of the battle yet to come.  If Cel moves to fight the Drow invasion, I die. I die completely.  Lucinda will not be able to send me back.  My soul will be lost forever.  Why now Poppa? Why?

*more tear stains *

The gashes on my back have begun to heal, but the pink scars still bear the message of the Drow. It is not this that makes my heart ache.  The poison that takes hold of my very essence, it seems to have no cure.  A gift to the Drow from Baeron Ca’duz, more and more have been stricken.  I was there when Port Hampshire was besieged by spiders.  Strangely enough the spiders did not seem interested in attacking a few of us; me, Lalaith, Yashilla.  We seemed to be spared.  It was odd.  It did not; however keep me from dispatching as many as I could back to Ca’duz and his followers, whom I suspect sent them in the first place. Many innocents in the city lost their lives that night.  It is not this that makes my heart ache.   Celgar has become distant and detached from me.  At first he wanted to seek a cure, but now he acts as though the events of that night in Hlint did not happen.  He continues as if life were normal in every respect.  This makes my heart ache. I try to keep a brave face, but the scars I see each morning remind me...The Dark Comes.



« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2005, 05:57:00 am »

Poppa, dear Poppa, what am I to do?  Today in town a Drow appeared from nowhere. He called me his Queen, his Mistress.  What is the meaning of this?  First the poison, and now this? Poppa I am so confused.  He wants me to go to the dark. I can only assume he means the under dark, the realm of the Drow and other vile creatures. Do I contain evil in my soul Poppa?  Why would he say I was the path for the return of the dark queen?

It appears my Drow courts more than one Mistress.  Lalaith also has had him whisper in her ear.  What are the Drow up to?  What do they seek to do?  More are being poisoned by these assassins daily. Connor has been struck.   Poppa I am so frightened.  Celgar ignores them and leaves me seemingly alone to face this.  I try to seek aid where I can, I try to understand, but it is so frustrating.  I feel so helpless.  My patron is too powerful for me to take on alone.  I have stepped up my training with the sword.  While this is a journey of discovery for me, it is a poor match for my patron who can turn Ender to stone



Confusion and Fire
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2005, 05:59:00 am »
Confusion and Fire

I wish I had you here to talk to Poppa; you and mother.  I am so confused.  The pages of the journal fell open farther today.  They reveal a strange language, and your hand translating the words.  Drow.  How did you come to know this and why did you write it down?  If only you were here to explain it to me.  My patron confuses me.  He protects me and has saved me several times. He seems to care but how can that be.? Drow are not supposed to care.  They are supposed to be filled with hate.  Even if you explain it as duty, it does not explain the care in which he touches me and the fire that I feel.  I wish mother were here.  How can I be betrothed to Celgar and feel the warm loving glow I feel for him and yet feel a fire in my soul when my Patron is around?  He won’t even give me his name. Lairilweki is what he calls himself.  I call him Lar.

  He has told me of the Diadem, a crown of sorts.  He says I carry something within me, something the Drow want, something special.  I search the pages of the journal, but nothing is revealed except a few more drawing of our home and some songs I can only believe were mothers’.  He told me a council and a Voice.  It is the council that set this in motion.  Who they are I don’t know, and what their goals are he cannot or will not say. I still do not trust him; not entirely.

How dare him Poppa!  He accuses me of playing with him. Can you imagine?  I try to understand and this is the reaction I get.  I try to act like I think he wants … You have written the old archaic Drow of the temples and scrolls, which again leaves me to ponder why.  The passage that appeared today, so confusing.  In archaic Drow it speaks of magic and love.          L’alurl faerbol zhan mrann d’ssinss

Is this the magic you wish me to seek?  If so, with whom do you mean; surely not the assassin in my shadow? I feel fire yes, but fire burns and I do not want to be burnt, which is what I fear this Drow means to do to me.  Consume me, use me.  Use all that is me and toss the empty shell away.

Fire.  He leaves my soul on fire.  There is no other way to say it.  One kiss, one passionate embrace and I am his.  What I feel, or thought I felt for Celgar is an illusion.  I can see that now.   He was going to leave me.  Lar has feelings for me I know he does; the passion in his kiss betrays them.   Can I trust this passion?  Is it a ruse to gain my confidence?  He watches from the shadow, he sees, but does he really see?  Can he see the rift between Cel and I?  Can he see my loneliness?  Does he know how much I ache? And most of all , does he care?

Ceela; Elven for love and Drow for love, it is supposedly pure and uncorrupt. But is it?  What is the price I must pay to find out?  The spider marks my neck.  My days may be numbered.  Do I want to live them in quiet comfort or do I want to seek the flame of my heart knowing it could possible burn me worse than any poison.  A choice must be made.  Once again Poppa I seek you guidance.  If there is a way, let me know.



Another Message
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2005, 06:00:00 am »
How can it be?  Was it you ?  There on the page below your parting words, faded but still visible

Trust in your Heart, for it will show you the Path of your Love.

Trust in my heart.  Lar said the same thing.


A Union of Magic
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2005, 06:02:00 am »

*pressed into the page is a small flower and the sketch of a shoreline under moonlight is just beside the writing.*

Mother came to me as I dozed by the shore. She smiled and her words were an enigma.

The Time for Sound and Magic has come.

And with her words a song.  No notes written down, it would be useless as I cannot read music, but notes dancing in my head.  I found her flute tucked next to your journal when I awoke.  Funny, I didn’t remember putting it there.  The music Poppa, it was so beautiful.  It was perfect for the lake.  The notes mingling with the waves, blending with the birds and echoing of the hills were so unlike anything I have played before. Simple tavern songs that was all I knew.  I few compositions I had made, but nothing resembling what she whispered in my mind.

The beauty of the night did not end with the music of the flute.   He is my magic Poppa.   Was it like that for you and Mother?  How I wish you were here to talk to.  We could always talk.  Even as a child you would talk to me of the trees and the life contained in the forest around our home.  I miss our discussions on magic.  I wish …. *   Ink blots the page as if a long pause occurs in the script…*   We are one: one truth, one magic.   He is my fire and I willingly dance with his flame.  His eyes betray his love.  I know they do.   You and Mother would not lead me astray.  I will follow my heart and find my magic.

Freedom.   Freedom to choose.  Lar gave me my freedom.  At least from this cursed poison.  Such a small stone it is.  Black like the dark it comes from and so cold to the touch. Now the choices to make and there are many.

My friends afflicted will have stones too, deep in that underdark tower.  Do they not deserve to know?  Telling would bring my own life in jeopardy as they will surely seek to liberate their lives from the threat.  They are my friends, yet to preserve my own life, I must keep theirs from them.  For now I will hide this stone.  I hope that a cure can be found and this will be just another beach side pebble.



On Veldrin
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2005, 06:03:00 am »
On Veldrin

Veldrin… Translated from archaic Drow it means shadow.  A shadow he is.  He is my Ceela’s brother, twin brother to be exact.  He is so different than Lar.  I find him disconcerting.  His command of the shadows scares me.  Shadows mean death.  Shadows strike in the haunted forests around Fort Hope.   I’ve never seen good come from shadow, yet Veldrin *large ink blot*

He scared me.  The shadows whipped around me furiously.  I had done nothing but whisper a word.  He tried to apologize by teaching me a song for my flute.   Amazingly simple, yet incredibly intricate, the effect was quite beautiful.  Where a Drow would learn celestial music I don’t know, but that is what he called it.  It seems to call a song to me.  The words are forming in my head, but hazy, as if through a cloud.   Veldrin’s charisma is almost infectious.  Most that meet him seem to like him.  He has manners more like an elf than a Drow, yet he was raised Drow.  Still for all Lar’s abruptness and hard edges, I trust him more.  Veldrin is the fox to Lar’s wolf.  Is the fox trustworthy, or just as deadly?  We are taught to be wary of the wolf, but who would think to be cautious of the fox when both were in sight?


Answers and Questions
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2005, 06:04:00 am »
Answers and Questions

I have always loved books. Poppa you know that.  I used to sit for hours by the fire and read.  I think that is one of the greatest gifts you gave me; your love for knowledge and the ability to read. You always said knowledge was power.  I know you had wanted me to study magic but ….
We went to a library today.  So many beautiful books, it seemed a shame that Lalaith felt the need to steal them. We went seeking knowledge, knowledge about the poison, knowledge about the diadem and knowledge about why this was happening to us.

The gifts of the Tol’Eflor: As fanciful as it sounds, this seems to be the reason.  The reason Lalaith and I are chosen.  It seems we bear ancient blood of the creator race.  A gift from them to elves countless centuries ago; gifts meant to control the powers of life and death and the balance in between. Imagine Poppa, me with elf blood.   Did you know?  Did mother know?  Which of you did I inherit it from?  Or perhaps I got it from you both? Light, Sound and Shadow; which of these is me?  Which grace do I have?

Searching the shelves for information on the poison yielded far more than expected.  I found an ugly book with an even uglier letter.

Lar and Veldrin are gifted such as I.  I would seem they too have a part to play.   The Drow’s plans are sinister.  They wish to corrupt the cradle with their malice.  How they plan to do this is unclear to me, but I trust Connor will solve the enigma of the letter.   What troubles me more is what was not said.  Lalaith read the letter aloud to us, but I know she did not do it truthfully.   What was she hiding?  Why does she do this?  Trust is earned not given.  How can I trust in her if she will not trust in me?   First stealing the books, then this.  Poppa I fear she is not as she seems.



« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2005, 06:05:00 am »

Secrets.  When are secrets really lies?  How can secrets build trust?  I keep the secret of my stone from Connor, but am I lying to him?  I met with Lalaith earlier.  She knew of the stones, but would not say if she possessed her own.  I did not press her on it, not wanting to reveal my own little confidence.

So many secrets, so much I do not know, but Poppa really, do I want to know?  I guess time will tell.   I will have to trust my heart on this as well.


« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2005, 06:06:00 am »

Remember the pond by the house Poppa, the one where Mother taught me to swim.  The one were we used to sit and talk after Mother left us.   While out walking today with Lar, we found our own pond.  We spent the day, just the two of use, relaxing, swimming, and talking. Daily my love for him grows, and daily I see him change.  The coldness of the dark is fading, at least around me.  Replaced is warmth that I think surprises even him.  He will always be what he is. His training in the dark had made him an assassin;  calculating, thinking, and when doing his trade cold.  I cannot deny him, he is what he is.  With me he is warm, and loving.  With me he cares.  Perhaps if I can be patient, if I can show him the value of love, he will also change with others.   It burns me that the fox is beloved by many, but he strength of the wolf may save us all.



A Journey into The Dark
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2005, 06:07:00 am »
A Journey into the Dark

* Various sketches of under dark creatures cover the next few pages and margins.  Included also are some landscapes of caverns and depictions of ore veins and waterfalls*

The under dark is a place to fear but a place of beauty as well.  Lar took me to see his former home.  The treck was long and arduous as we snaked our way thru tunnels.  Gems pocked  the walls of some of these tunnels while in others I could see veins of ore crisscrossing the walls.  I learned quickly to stay close to Lar for my own protection.  The Drow we met seemed to respect him and showed no notice, let alone surprise at my presence.
        Eventually we came to the outskirts of Olist Orbinn.  Lar showed me the city from across the lake.  It was a safe distance; still it was only his arms around me that kept me from fleeing in terror.  He pointed out the tower.  The tower of the Voice, where the ritual would be performed.  We talked of many things while I stared across the lake.  Lar assured me he could protect me.  He also called me the Mistress of Sound.   He and Veldrin feel that it is the Tol’s gift of Sound I carry within me.  They of course carry Shadow.  I wonder who is graced with Light.



Lost Memory
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2005, 06:08:00 am »
Lost Memory

A family; is that what we are?  Veldrin called me his sister.  I guess he is right.  We are family.  I’m not sure if that is entirely a good thing as I have seen some families that would be much better off disbanded.
We talked of the shadows and I confided my fear of them to him.  *teardrops mar the ink*  I believe his intent was good, but what he did, it frightened me even more.

It started innocently enough.  He used the shadows to recreate an image of our old home; the house, the forest, the pond and mother’s flowers.  Then she came.  She was just an image at first. Along with an image of my childhood, he created an image of her and we played.  I felt my heart ache watching, but Poppa, when he created you I thought my heart would burst in pain.
I don’t know if this was his intent, but Poppa it hurt so much to visit the past.  Happy memories that I long since buried.  I buried them for a reason.  That happiness had been lost to me.  Uncle Spence and Aunt Ida took me in, but they never loved me.
Poppa he called Mother out of the shadows.    She was real and solid. She stood beside me and she spoke. She said she loved me *large ink blot*



« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2005, 06:09:00 am »

The fox showed his colors.  The Drow in him lurks just below the surface.  I saw it.  Veldrin may have renounced his heritage to some, but it was well apparent as he raged against Lar.  He wanted me to come with him. He said he had more music to teach me.  Of course Poppa I did not go.  My place is by Lar’s side, not his.  His stability as well as Lalaith’s worries me.  


A Special Union
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2005, 06:11:00 am »
A Special Union

Lar and I returned to the under dark.  The trip was just as long and just as hard.  The beauty of the dark still amazes me.  It is cold, yet within the coldness there is warmth.  He said he had a surprise for me.  Poppa he is so wonderful.  He took me to a large cavern with a lake and a beautiful waterfall.  As I stared in to the beautiful falls he stood behind me and whispered of a more beautiful lake behind the falls; a secret lake that few knew of or visited.  Then he rowed me over and we found the entrance hidden at the base of the falls.  Inside was amazing.   An ebony lake shimmered in the darkness.  It wasn’t true darkness as the water seemed to glow.  Lar called it the Cavern of Endless Sound.   We sat by the water’s edge as he told me of the legend of the place.  Apparently he had timed our visit to coincide with the anniversary of the union of the Drow maiden and the sea creature. As we talked the glow in the water became more intense and it burst into light.   The urge to play was so intense that I had to take my flute and accompany his tale with the music of the cavern.  Poppa it was as if the notes came alive around us. The acoustics of the cavern were perfection.  *again the ink blots as the writer pauses in thought*   The notes bathed us in sound. They swirled in the air and when I stopped playing… they lingered.   The love of the pair that created the magic of this place was strong.   Lar and I added magic of our own, as the sound, light and shadows mingled around us.

The song I heard in my heart, the song that was hazy and unclear, suggested by the celestial tones, yet conceived by the lake, the one Mother tried to give suddenly became clear as I lay in his arms.  

“Love is like magic, and it always will be,
For love still remains life's sweet mystery.
Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
And there's nothing in life that love cannot change!
Love can transform the most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor and sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish, understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart, and not with its mind.
 Love is the answer that everyone seeks;
Love is the language that every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought, it is priceless and free.  
Love, like pure magic, is life's sweet mystery!!”
Helen Steiner Rice


Legend of the Cavern
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2005, 06:13:00 am »
* in a slightly different script the following passage has been added*

Legend say that a long time ago, when the dark races were young, a species lived in the underground lakes This species had adapted to the darkness of course, and all the differences in climate in the dark. Back then, chaos reigned even more than now. The caves were changing daily, never the same stream ending on the same lake, nor was there a city that remained for any longer than was needed. The creatures within the dark were equally chaotic; Nomads all, and adaptive. Knowing that survival usually meant more to not rely in comfort than to defend themselves against any predators. This species I speak of, was a strange mix between elves and sea creatures, yet adapted to the perils of the never ending night. This adaptation meant that they were way of those around him for wary is and was always the way of the dark. This flock of graceful creatures was known to settle in deep caverns like this to meet their kind and exchange their passions of the waters. As I said, back then the dark races were still young. And with youth comes curiosity. A young female Drow, who enjoyed chaos of these currents frequented these caves to seek peace an isolation.

This was her safety place and she enjoyed it. As the story goes, one day she entered these caves for her routine bath. This time however she was not to be alone, for a small tribe of these lake farers had just pass by this lake. As the young Drow lost her clothing, right were we stand, her beautiful body was seen by a wondering sea creature. As the sea creature dark eyes gazed on this beautiful woman, curiously he removed himself from his tribe and swam close to her hiding under the dark waters. The young Drow dived gracefully in the waters and just below it, our friend waited. The surprise of the encounter was startling. At first seemingly terrifying, but soon enough turned to curiosity.  Our two creatures, both beautiful and graceful began examining each other. And much like a flame to a coal they were both attracted to each other instantaneously. Passion reigning freely within the dark halls at the time, such encounter had only one possible end, as they both united in a strange love. As they united, he provided the nourishment of breath to her, and she provided love unbound. Their union only matched by the beauty of their surroundings. They united, the waters became enchanted with a peculiar magic, the sounds of their love deep within the waters, could not be contained, and their love was embraced by their surroundings. So strong was this encounter that the melody they created was accepted by water, rock and air. Forever trapped in the shining hall.

Legend has it that this love consumed them, and they never escaped it; both of them dying at the culmination of their love. The two lovers, embraced in an eternal hug, singing to each other of the passion in their union, feeding the eternal song in the cave. Yet the love eternal of their embrace carries to this day, for the music of their love enchanted these halls. It is said that on the day of their anniversary, a strange shining glimmer of sound and light can be seen at the bottom of this lake.



Spiders and Questions
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2005, 06:14:00 am »
Spiders and Questions

 We went again to another library with books that contained more questions than they answered.  The first was a chaotic jumble of pages that I wondered how anyone could use.  True to her form, Lalaith stowed it in her pack without leave from the caretakers.  I’m not sure which was worse, Lalaith’s light fingers or Veldrin’s encouragement of her theft.
   The second book was far more *blot* interesting Poppa.  It was a magical book.  I found it by my usual method of   feeling for  the unusual in the patterns on the shelves, looking for discord amongst the tomes.  It was a small book with a spider embossed on the front.  The spider looked so real I was compelled to touch it.  Doing so brought the book to life.  A large spider appeared before us.   Poppa it was quite startling, but fascinating as well.  Lalaith was able to form a link with it.  It called itself   Sathamayta    It seems it was a carrier of sorts of the scriptures of none other than Baraeon Ca’duz.   We questioned it on the Diadem, and the ritual.  Its link was with Lalaith. She has been known to withhold information in the past.  I’m not sure Poppa is she was telling all she saw, or as she saw.  How can one trust someone who is openly a thief and has lied before?  As she maintained this link with the beast, she began to change, as if becoming Drow *blot*.  My hunger for more knowledge and my concern for her safety were at odds.  Poppa I’m ashamed to say that for a moment I was about to push her further without regard to her wellbeing.  True to form, once Connor and I pulled her from the link, she went straight to Veldrin.  Poppa it was probably foolish, but I had to see for myself… I had to know if she was lying, since the images she saw were… *blot* disturbing.  I tried to make contact with it, and briefly I did, but Connor pulled me away.   This book was too important to put in Lalaith’s hands.  I grabbed it as the spider returned to book form.
The discussion that followed was heated.  Veldrin was unsure what the images meant.  Lar was unnaturally quiet.  It does not bode well.  It seems the diadem collects the gifts.  It pulls them from the gifted.  If they survive is still unclear. In the spider vision they do not.  I clearly remember Lar telling me the recipients would live with the gift gone.   As I said Poppa we were left with far more questions than answers.



« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2005, 06:15:00 am »

*pressed into this page is a simple mountain flower*  A sketch of Lar sleeping  is to one side of the page, while a vista of the Dragon Isles is on the other.

He said this to me.  “Katrien, you have changed me beyond what the gods have been able to do in ages.  The instilled hate of two gods; gone from me. You defy gods.”

“I need no temple or vows or ring.  I am yours for as long as you will have me.”

*A sketch of a fair feminine and a dark masculine hand entwined*

