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Author Topic: A Fellow's Journal  (Read 3102 times)

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #60 on: February 08, 2009, 10:18:52 pm »
*Tod walks in Stone when one of the moons is articulary bright enough for him to see. He suddenly stops and grins, turning to the canyon. He cups his hands around his mouth and yells as loud as he can, "She said YES!". He gives a satisfied nod when the echoes bounces back and sits to write.*
 Threas, Decilar 12, 1444
 I finally asked Keppli if she would marry me, out by the cliffs near Blackford Castle. She was nervous with how she kept trying to offer me pie and asking how Biscuit was doing... but she said YES! If she truely follows through, I'll be married, with a wife! *pauses and his hand starts to shake* Sort of scared now that I think about it... I don't own a house or anything! But spending the rest of my life with Keppli sort of makes all that seem like little inconvienences.
 If we are to make our lives... one, we'll need to communicate and get rid of this... awkwardness that's between us. First, when to marry, how does she want it? Does she want it casual or big and grand? Second, where do we buy a house? Does she want one in the woods or in a town, village, city? Third... well, haven't thought of three questions yet! But she said yes! I was so afraid she'd say no, I wouldn't hate her for it if she did, I'd still want to be one of her best friends. I want her to marry me because she wants to, because she wants to be with me as bad as I want to be with her.
 I think she'll make me the happiest man in the world.

 *He closes his book and rubs his eyes, thinking about the remainder of his life.*
 //A song that reflects Tod's mood and thoughts as he writes:
 Would You Go With Me

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #61 on: February 16, 2009, 09:17:10 pm »
*Tod walks in Stone when one of the moons is particulary bright enough for him to see. He suddenly stops and looks down at the path closing his eyes trying to keep tears from leaking and turns a wooden ring banded with leaves around his finger. He turns to the canyon and whispers quietly, "She said no...". He gives a dissapointed nod and sits to write.*
 Wedlar, Apreal 18,1445
 I saw Keppli yesterday and she had some... news. She said she doesn't want to get married, but just wants to be my best buddy. It stings, it hurts more than I ever thought it would, but I'm glad that she was confortable enough with me to tell me what she really wants and how she feels. I hope she knows I'm fine with her wish and that I am more than happy with being just best buddies. *sits quietly, unmoving except twisting her wooden ring agian* I do admit I still love her but I won't pester her about her decision, because after all, she's the most stubborn person I know. *forces a weak grin and lets it fall after a moment or two.*
 *He closes his book and rubs his eyes before standing to leave.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #62 on: February 23, 2009, 07:47:45 pm »
*Tod sits up in the Scamp's Mug, late at the night like he usually does when he can't sleep. He reads the last two entries several times with a sad expression, but turns the page to write another.*
 Tunar, Jular 24, 1445
 I went to that card tournament that Steel advertised for today, it was fun, I had a really good time and almost won! But Miss Jaelle is really good. She wasn't planning on playing but she joined anyway since there were only three contestants: Storold, a man named Travie and me. I played agianst Travie, winning best out of three but he had to leave after those. Then I watched Storold and Miss Jaelle play, Aerimor kept getting mad everytime they played skeleton cards *chuckles quietly*
 Off topic, I got to see little Miss Mera, Alatriel's new daughter. I didn't really get to see her face, she was wrapped in blankets, and I'm glad Alatriel didn't sweep her away from me since I'm stilled marked.
 But Storold and Miss Jaelle played three games and Storold lost twice, making Miss Jaelle my opponent. I didn't think Miss Jaelle would be the kind that would play cards since she's fancy and everything, but boy, did she woop my butt! I asked her how she got so good and that's when she told me that she taught some people the game... that would've helped I think, I wouldn't have been so cocky, but oh well. So Miss Jaelle got first, I got second and Storold third.
 Afterwards we just played some more, I beat Storold with my dragon and I think I beat Tim once... we have to play agian though, I want to play Steel too. I played Miss Jaelle agian since she could drink her wine she was drinking during the time... she beat me agian! So we have a date next week and she'll play me some more (she's bringing the pie, how can I say no?).

 *He gives off a big yawn, putting his arms behind his head to stretch. He picks his journal up and trudges back to his room to try to sleep.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #63 on: February 26, 2009, 09:58:26 pm »
*Tod sits outside Fehriel's log while Fehriel is off doing his round of patrolling. He yawns and hunches over his book*
 Mulnari, Oclar 2, 1445
 The Green Dragon Cult is suspected to land right around here on this coast, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to watch for except ships, but nothing yet. It's pretty boring work, nothing to do except sleep, eat and sleep some more on off time and hiding, watching and more hiding when scouting. It's sorta chilly sometimes and mostly wet but hey! maybe we'll be heroes for spotting something and giving a heads up for everyone else. I just wish these squitoes would stop biting me! *smacks himself on the cheek to kill a misquito.*
 Fehriel is here, I saw him when he was on his way in. He's a butt a lot of the time, but he makes good company. He knows his way around swamps and he's a good bird source for sending a message to Plen if we see anything. We take turns watching the coast so at least one of us is always out watching and the other is sleeping. Mine is in a couple hours, guess I'll rap this up and get forty winks!
*He puts his journal away and climbs into the log to sleep.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #64 on: March 08, 2009, 11:08:11 pm »
*Tod sits in the Scamp's Mug, chewing on the end of his pen thoughtfully. He sighs and just writes, hoping his thoughts would come onto paper.*
 Lance had a chat with me one day in the troll cave while we mined platinum for his armor making and everything. Before we went there, Lance was complimenting me on how I do real quality work and he said there's no doubt about my reputation as a gatherer... but then he said "at least as a gatherer" with a sad look. I didn't understand what he said and he said he'll explain to me later.
 Lance talked to me about how he was pained when I stood in front of Sion and that I thought he was going to kill Sion in cold blood. But I said I didn't mean for it to turn out like it did, that I know now that I had no right to be in his defence since I wasn't there when he killed the other elf and assaulted Miss Daniella and Miss Anne. He seemed lightened by it, he didn't seemed as hurt like before. He questioned me about why I liked to help people. I like to help people because it's what I do! It's something I enjoy doing. Making people happy, going out of my way to mine ore for someone or making bags or just giving directions, it's something I like to do! I like to see the smiles and the gratitude some people give. But he said he forgives me and thinks my regret is sincere.
 *Groans as it is late at night and moves down the page for more space.*
 Missus Gala asked me to accompany her to the Berylite temple for her summonings. So I came and the others were late, being Rocky, Keppli, Miss Essa, Ben, Missus Ferrit, and Missus Sil. Something was wrong with some gems in the Crest Hills, their "vibrating life" or something like that was being sucked out of them for bad reasons. We all went down and there were several dark elves and spiders. We jumped into this portal and we all sunk in to the other side. There, we found orbs with black empty gems all around. Missus Sil had to sing and Missus Gala had to chant while holding some gems. The first time she turned into a huge red golem (Ben didn't like it because it hid all Missus Gala's curves *chuckles*), but she went into the light... and she shattered into millions of pieces! We were all scared out of our wits for Missus Gala, I was thinking we'd have to put all of Missus Gala back together agian and raise her like that. But the light went away and she was laying on the ground unconcious. She finally woke up but was hurt. We had to do another orb but this time, Missus Gala turned into a diamond golem instead of ruby. She explained afterwards about being touched by Beryl when she shattered and was back to normal, I didn't understand it all. For the last orb, she used one of my diamonds and it was a pretty big explosion. But Missus Gala was tough and she broke them all with Missus Sil's help. So we all finally left the cave and at the temple, Missus Gala was raised to an Alexandrite... not sure what that is either but it must be good! It's all I have and it's getting really late.

 *He yawns and rubs an eye, slipping out of his chair with his journal under his arm to head to his room.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2009, 07:06:51 pm »
*Tod sits hunched over underneath his cloak in the middle of the swamps, trying to keep his book dry.*
 The invasion has started! I spotted some people out by that tower in the Battlehelm Moors and I tried to catch a bird as fast as I can... but they're so dang quick! I sent a message to Plen saying that I spotted some people, one was a dwarf, the other was covered in wards and the last was... well skinny and it had a horrible scream. *cringes at the memory of the scream* Lance met up with me near that cave in Silkwood to discuss that and something about a "pool" in Storan's with me, apparently something they're coming for. I'm going to try to help the best I can, that's all I can do. Maybe be a spy or a scout a little longer but I plan to be a part of the cult's downfall.
 *draws a line* Not about the invasion, I saw Keppli looking at the horses in Orc's Watch when I got done getting rocks and sage. She said she was just looking at them... We were bored and the topic got on Miss Fluer and Maran about how he's having a hard time getting some cherry pie, so we went and traveled all the way across Dregar past Highpass to get some. It took a long time, few days, but I enjoyed every moment of it. We got quite a bit even though we ate most of it as we picked them. We took Storold's house back since he wasn't home, we only looked at the temple and took the portal. Isher was right outside the portal and we talked with him. I arm wrestled him and won by a long shot! Keppli wanted to try too but Isher got a bit out of hand and beat her pretty badly, could have sworn I heard her wrist pop! But I knew she was okay when she blew into this magic horn that made me want to dance... Anyway, Miss Fluer ran by and Keppli told her we went and got cherries to make her a pie with. She started crying, didn't think it'd make her that happy! She squeezed us in a hug so that it made me squeak when I tried to talk! I still have to make the pie and give it to her since I haven't seen her in awhile.
 I have to go back to make sure nothing is sneaking out of the swamp.

 *Tucks his book away and climbs out of his tiny refuge to continue watching.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #66 on: March 24, 2009, 07:21:50 pm »
*Tod sits hunched over in Biscuit's saddle and tries to write as she takes her sweet time finding the greenest grass to eat.*
 I've been going around a lot with Missus Gala just messing with things, taking out some bandits (Who Steel said were probably bound!), trying to get this orcish helmet, flag and axe things. I've also done some trips with the Angels, it's pretty cool that they get together just to roam.
 One time after Missus Gala and Shamur had to leave, we took so long to get moving agian that Miss Drexia walked up (Or ran really, there's not much difference between her walking and my running) and she wanted to join. We took even longer and Sall and Missus Tegan came up. They joined us too just to have some fun. We had Sharawood planned agian (Missus Gala really wants to meet Miss Shara, I don't know why... she's a handful!) and Sall suggested fire giants. Not just normal, already dangerous giants, but fire giants! with big swords! and a lot of fire!
 After we finished the forest, we headed to the giants. Miss Drexia decided to leave because she knows her own limits unlike someone else I know (Miss Daniella). They weren't too bad, we (meaning Chakar, Sall, Missus Tegan and Aerimor really) took out all of them, some of the genasi (I think that's spelt right) and some monks with rapiers and staffs. The monk punched or stabbed Sall in the wrong spot... you know! that spot. So he was wobbling everywhere, *laughs* I'm sure Missus Tegan took care of him. We got back and everyone left, Sall took a book, Aerimor a Healer's hug, and I got some magic gloves.
 Another day, I was in Storan's getting into that locked room and Daniel and Samuel ran up and Miss Daniella in the back. It was good to see them, they seem to be getting alot better with their paladin stuff. But Miss Daniella has changed, I swear to whoever will listen. She doesn't take note of her bodily limits. She doesn't keep clean like she used to, she just rushes ahead to another place to fight (One was my fault where I lead her into the locked room and I died because of the bodak's stare... Not her fault!). She jumped from Storan's to Krandor without much sleep. She doesn't eat much and she wonders why her brothers are so concern and saying she should take breaks... I don't think it's really fair for her to make her brothers worry too much because she's too busy to take some time off. She's just doing her job... that's what she said. Well I don't like her job, it hurts me too because I've known her a long time and we're best friends and I don't like seeing her hurting. She doesn't even stand still enough for me to wrap a bandage on or even use those new magic gloves. She needs to be shown tough love! Except... I can't really say any of that to her face since I'm not used to showing tough love.
 *sighs and rubs his forehead* I hope she gets through whatever it is before she really hurts herself. She should talk to Lance, he usually has good advice.
 Oh! On the brighter side, congradulations to Storold and Miss Amanda! Missus Tegan said Sall sung at their wedding and he wouldn't any more after that! *chuckles*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #67 on: March 30, 2009, 09:58:43 pm »
Threas, Mar 5, 1447
 These last few days have been interesting... I got to see a bone dragon!! I was running past Krandor and a big thing of bones started to bash on Chakar, Storold and Miss Amanda. But then it dissapeared to Krandor's crypts near that portal that made me hurt Missus Gala and Missus Sala. There the lich started to mess with us. He made this man walk into a portal and it turned all red and then he rushed out of no where and started to attack us. We killed him, I hope his family forgives us. And then this big bony golem came out of the portal that was said to have a spirit that Storold knows. It killed Jacob and almost me! Then yesterday, I was talking with Missus Gala and Rocky, later Keppli, and this wierd man in a grey robe said go to the abandoned outpost because he said that he could help us against the lich. *Inserts a copy of letter in between these two pages*
 I saw Storold near Hilm's Castle and I gave him the letter, but he didn't seem as excited as I thought but I think he was at least a little bit! But then this really ugly man (I don't mean to be mean but it's the truth!) said he lost his wife and he wanted us to go find her. So we did and we all walked into this dust that was falling around us without thinking. And I don't know what but I laid eyes on Missus Tegan and she suddenly seemed... sexy. She's always been attractive but never like that! *Suddenly turns a bright bright red* I felt the urge to get her alone, I wasn't even thinking what Sall would say! I was saying all this cheesy stuff, the kind of things Raz would. Then Missus Tegan and Storold started talking about Keppli, well they don't know Keppli had changed her mind but there's always that little bit of hope... *sighs, saddened* But it helped snap me out of it and I realized my shoulder was touching Missus Tegan's thigh *reddens again* You know her skirt is at the perfect length?... It turned out that the man's crystal rose was making the woman fall in love with him and it was now broken (The stuff inside was what was affecting us), so he walked away crying, you can't help but to feel a little sorry for him with being rejected like he was...
*Closes his book and tucks it away still with a slightly red face*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #68 on: May 30, 2009, 11:24:52 am »
*Tod on his bed in his room in Wayfare with his white and pink suit laid over his wardrobe neatly.*

Sunra, Novlar 1, 1449

It was great! Missus Elly's and Miss Jaelle's Ball was a blast. I wore Miss Zari's suit that she sold me, it was white with pink poofy... I think lace, around the wrists. Everyone was there, Miss Tilli (Who's wings looked great), Lance (Who didn't look much different from normal *laughs* He was still handsome though.), Miss Ell (Who looked dashing in her silver dress, it complimented her red hair), Miss Jaelle (Who's skin sparkled like a bunch of diamonds, a real neat effect) with Aislin (her daughter), she had a dress on like Miss Jaelle's, she was completely adorable! Tralek and Vrebel (Both looked a little out of place all cleaned and straight with suits!), even Wren was in a suit, too! Ben was there too, he was in a black suit. I thought he would shave but he just had his mustache trimmed. *chuckles* Emwonk had a lizard helmet and tail, it was pretty funny when he starts his vocabulary in a costume like that.

Miss Tyra even came though she said she was bored, but I think she had fun. Idoran came in a suit too, been a while since I saw him. Castor, I think I met him a looong time ago but he used on of Fehriel's back up suit, he looked pretty good. Miss Darthirae came with her red dress she normally has on but she looked pretty like usual. Missus Ferrit came in a nice red dress with a tiger mask, she looked like a pretty rashaka (I'm positive that's spelt right!). Missus Elly was there too of course, she looked nice and elegant (even more than usual!) Missus Sala had a really pretty dress and cloak, it was blue at the bottom and white at the top, Lucinda's colors. Steel didn't have his mask on so his skin blended in with his suit, think it was blue... or black? He was often surrounded by a bunch of people. Later on, Fehriel showed up in gold pants and a white coat with white wings with something that goes green whenever he walks. Miss Azaionna came too in a pretty blue and gold dress that matched Fehriel. Miss Drexia came too! Even though she was covered unlike a nymph that came (I'll get to that in a moment) she still looked great, white top and a blue bottom with a tiger mask, think she was a rakasha too. Towards the end Miss Zari showed up in a very nice dress and Raz was in a suit too (I'm willing to bet it was all silk!). Triba came in a red dress with what looked like fire (real fire!), I was tempted to throw a bucket of water on her the first time (but I quickly changed my mind when I saw it was intentional and she wasn't getting hurt...). I was surprised I didn't see Miss Argali or Miss Jennara there, I was curious what they'd dress up as. Missus Amanda came and she was beautiful too, a white dress with white wings. Storold was along too with a blue suit, I think he should just shave the hair he has left, it'll make him look like his hair style is actually intentional. *grins* Hopefully I didn't miss anyone, there were just so many people!

Okay, the nymph. This part is great. A beautiful nymph came in with nothing but two shells? attached to her chest and a bit of a bottom. She had the most attention by far, every guy went to her at least one ( I think there was a couple that new the secret maybe like Steel that didn't drool over her.) I even asked how her top didn't pop off every couple of moment, Missus Sala said it was probably glue. Long story cut short, the nymph's voice deepened sometime and she ended up leaving. Later, I talked to Tralek and he said he heard Miss Jaelle say her named and it started with "M"... for Moraken! *bursts out laughing again* It was great, hands down the best joke for all the men who hit on the "nymph".

When we were on the top floor, I even asked Miss Drexia to dance with me! I knew it wasn't the best idea, she can get really fast without thinking. She said she couldn't dance... liar! She was a great dancer! I don't think she liked some of the contact we had when she stiffens when I pulled her in for a twirl or anything, but I think she had fun. Soon we got really fast and I couldn't keep up! So I backed off a little and she did some martial art dance by herself, I didn't come anywhere near, afraid I'll end up with a black eye or something. *grins* At the same time Miss Drexia was dancing, Triba and Steel were to gypsy music, they were really good, even when Steel was bent over to accommodate Triba's height. I accidentally disrupted Miss Drexia's dance with my cheer and said she was ready to head home.

Everyone started to leave, it was pretty late but I think everyone had a great time. Everyone looked great in their suits and costumes, there wasn't one I didn't like. I was dead beat tired afterward, couldn't even finish the pie I brought home.


*He hangs his suit in his wardrobe carefully and climbs into bed.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #69 on: June 10, 2009, 07:37:03 pm »
*Tod leans back in one of the Scamp's Mug chairs, popping some bright colored candies into his mouth*

The carnival was a blast, I hope there's another showing up somewhere, I'll go to that too. This one was in Lan's Port, there were tons of tents and food stalls but there wasn't even one pie stall! But there were so many animals and other attractions that I only bought some candy. There were some cages around a ring that held a lot of weird animals like a werepig, werecat, a black bear but Lue said it was different and the only way you can tell is if you look at its face, which had some yellow speckles. Anyway, next to that held a beautiful white tiger and then a ticked off hyena and that tried to swipe my head off when I cackled to it, it must have realized how annoying they must sound! then there was a owlbear that we puzzled over.

All of a sudden there was yelling around the game room so we all went there. Miss Abi played one where you throw balls at the target, she didn't miss one! Lue and I tried to make sure it wasn't rigged and it wasn't, Lue just said that's how they sort of rip people off, they make you pay more for the game than the prizes are worth. Then I played this ring game and I won on my first shot, they game lady gave me a drink (Dwarf Head Ale, what else?).

Then there was another game that had a very very tiny man who was a pansy and then a giant of a man as a partner. Miss Abi dunked the little guy in the water easily, but Miss Ami dunked the huge man, with ONE swing! We all got a little wet, which I had to go around in since I didn't have extra clothes like Lue had, she had a nice red blouse and skirt.

One of the best parts of all the games was the eating contest. This big orcish looking person had some table that we (Lance, Gunther, Miss Abi, Miss Ami, and myself) gathered around. The guy was a bit stupid but he put covered bowls in front of us. The first just held a stew which didn't taste bad, it had some different meats like mice, Miss Ami was the only one to puke that time. The second held cheese, mine was owlbear! from the cage outside! While Gunther and the rest sat and ate their's easily, I was over at the nearest can pukin'. Lance ended up winning the last round which had some time of gelly that moved, now he gets free food for a year.

After the game room, we went back outside to watch the animal show and some others got their fortune read. But Miss Argali, Lue and Lance didn't seem to like their's. But after that, we got to watch the dancers. I was wondering if Nighteyes would be there but she wasn't... but I did get Miss Sama's and Miss Sayuri's autographs and kisses (While Raz got kicked out! *laughs and inserts the kissed-autographed paper in between this page and the previous*). They danced really really well but sadly, their show was ruined due to the werecat that tried to steal from Miss Argali. It turned out that she wanted to escape, using the stolen good to buy the guards to let her out. Lance and Raz were all for killing it, I didn't voice my opinion because if I said I was for or against it, I would tick someone off and would get in trouble with one person or another. So, only I know my opinion. But I got to see some shadow dancers, pet a white tiger, and eat some owlbear cheese, it was a good day.


*Closes his book and sets it on the table to finish his left over rock candies.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #70 on: July 04, 2009, 06:34:08 pm »
*Tod sinks deep into his new chair that sits right in front of his middle floor's fire place, soaking n the heat that wards off the night's cold.*

Mulnari, Junar 16, 1451

I've been hearing a lot about giants and their horns, which I did manage to snag one but not sure if I'm allowed to keep it. There were tons of people in Hilm that wanted to help but all the mages and other powerful fighters ended up leaving, leaving Miss Drexia, Lue, Beli, Miss Mirren, Tralek, Vrebel, Miss Oma, Fehriel, Caerwyn, Marec and me to find what happened to the Foot's souldiers. I didn't feel very good about it since we didn't have many mages and not even one cleric... but we got through it! Lue and me did a lot of scouting which I think helped a little.

We found the Foot but it was barred up so we tried to get over the bars. I could've done it, but Miss Oma had to have Tricksy do it instead, *scowls* pixies take all the fun. But Lue found the entrance a little ways up and I think she was getting pretty frustrated because no one was listening to her. I sort of know how that feels sometimes, I don't blame her. But she did find the entrance and then we were attacked at the camp. So we went on the offensive and fought the giant's camp that was a little to the South east, it went well until Miss Drexia died... not sure if she was visited or not, but hopefully not! So we got back and Steve (The giant slaying master) was happy and bought us all food. That's pretty much it, I'm still a bit sore.

*Goes down into his kitchen to finish off Elly's pie and drink some milk*

I want to go to Steel's fancy Gala but 10,000 is a lot. And if I go, I'd want to get a raffle ticket but then 35,000 is a whole lot too. I'm not sure I should risk that coin even though I heard the prizes are supposed to be really good. I'll have to think about it.

*Switches topics adruptly*

I saw some scars on Lue's back when she showed me her formal dress and then agian when we got back to Wayfare, and she explained how Triba (Or "Tribbles" is what Lue calls her *grins*) suggesting getting another tattoo that uses the scars as part of the malar's stripes (That's what gave them to her, a malar got her). I think it's a good idea and would look really good... makes me want to get one, maybe a badarse looking tattoo... like a pie with a bunch of steam coming off to show how dangerous pies are when they come right out of the oven. Speaking of pies, I need to go look for fey berries. Lue said they make the best juice and if I'm going to make a bakery, I need to find the best berries and fruit!

*Tries to stiffle a yawn and finally dozes in his chair after the lack of sleep in the Great Forest*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2009, 05:52:51 pm »
*Before bed, Tod just feels like writing and scribbles*

Well, I got to go and help with those draconians or drachs or half dragon- half demon that's trying to take over Mistone. They're toughies. We went to Hurix? and Storold was so negative, he needs to relax some. Missus Angela's pretty good at cracking jokes, and I think that helped a little. But we found the fort and the drachs were picking off the men! They were dragging them off somewhere north or south... west? But anyway, the men's leader was also really worried, he pretty much lied to the soldier's just to boost their morale but he think they were doomed. The Toranites haven't gotten there yet and we were the only one's there to help.

After talking in the barracks, we were attacked! These guys were the real deal. No magic buffs or flying hellballs or anything, just brute strength, they were so tough, they got me three times! *sighs* It hurt... it felt wierd, I haven't ever experianced before and I don't want to agian. But we killed so many and Missus Gala even called on Beryl to turn some of their bodies into a wall of solid stone so they could help block the door. Even this one man, who says he's Shiff an' Miss Tyra's dad stabbed one. I don't think it's Shiff, he's supposed to be dead.

*fingers the Drach tooth that hangs around his neck*

I did manage to get a tooth loose, it's pretty neat, it's about the size of three of my hands! Maybe it'll help with the cure? So, now I have a giant giant's giant horn (still haven't blown it yet!) and a tooth, I'm such a pack rat. I even got this cool white belt that has a little ball on the leather, I think it's supposed to help me use a shield... but no idea how to get it to work yet!

But thanks to Missus Gala, and everyone else, I'm back here to write in this book.

*Shuts the book and pulls his covers over his head and falls asleep in seconds.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #72 on: July 18, 2009, 10:58:25 pm »
*Tod takes a moment to scribble some things in this journal and then a new, leather bound book.*

Wedlar, Febra 4, 1452

Well, we got a new base made in the Great Forest, it's call the "Hand". So we built it in one day! We killed a few giants on the way there and then we had to build and defend until the giant slayers get there. I couldn't scout much, everyone else seemed to have that done. Everyone was spread off doing there own thing until a lady dressed in green approached me, then people would gather around. But it turned out she was for the giants and kept warning us to leave. We didn't and kept on building until tons and tons of giants attacked. I was hit by some magic pillars of hot fire that pretty much burned me pretty badly, so I'm still healing really really quickly thanks to Missus Gala's magic, Missus Amanda's potions and Miss Angela's gloves... or whatever she used. But we defended and a dwarf named Kobal Bluntaxe (He said a blunt axe is good if you swing hard enough) and Dan continued building while the actual workers left!Dwarves are bunches of beasts, keep going while others can't.

But then Steve came and we were relieved. So it was good, sort of feel sorry for the giants but it was us or them.

*Goes down the page a little*

I finally got to have a lesson with Miss Jaelle, it was fun! I got to go to her house in Leringard and she showed me around her elegant home. Then we sat and chatted about what I wanted to learn. So by the end of trying out different types of magical clothing, gloves and cloak., we tried scrolls... I didn't fail on one! I tried a light, darkness, some type of thing that helps with fire and ice, becoming half ghost (not really, it's an illusion), stoneskin, summoning a shadow and getting the sight, but for some reason, I didn't mess one up. Why can I just do that when I really need them?

Miss Jaelle concluded it was a confidence thing and also I just need some practice. She said I could use some puzzles and tounge twisters to get used to pronunciating complicated words and runes so I don't stumble when reciting a scroll. She also said she'll help me learn the magical patterns and how to understand scrolls from different scribers (since different scribers scribe a little differently, like hand writing). So it was all good, I'm excited for the future lessons,  and I have this new book she gave me to write stuff in that I can give to her for her to write notes in for me. I'll go home and dig into my stash of scrolls to play around with... out side!


//Just a link to Tod's magic-item-usage-recording-book.

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #73 on: August 01, 2009, 12:21:35 pm »
*Tod munches on a left over snow petal cake at home one night and pulls out his book*

I like nomadic people, they bring along good stories. I went by Stormcrest and the shack, and there was a wagon I never saw before and people camping around a fire. I went over and, of course, looking for someone to chat with. Then, all of a sudden, tons of people I know started to gather around! We had a great time! Well most of us I think. Miss Zari didn't like Uncle Loren's love story about he met his wife, I think... I liked it, just because I have bad luck in that particular section of my life doesn't mean I should hate it because someone else did better than me. But anyway! Most of everybody had a story, Missus Ferrit had a story about how Wren was trained to be sneaky and went on a sneaky quest and wasn't sneaky! *laughs* One of the camp ladies told a tale of Braden Veld, someone sucked into his own desires that he turned himself invisible and is stuck in a different plane! Argos told one about a goblin and redemption, which I still don't completely get. Then Miss Jennara told a really good one I think, about a really smart child that could outsmart almost anyone... but really, who ever heard of a stallion having a foal?

Miss Argali told one too, it was about a gloopy-gloop and a rat, it was interesting. *grins* Then Tobas, another one of the campers, had a story about an elf and a demon coming close that went back to his pit world with a "looking glass" and can look anywhere on Layonara! That's a frightening thought. Then Lue said I should tell one, I couldn't think of any except that competition that Marcus, Lance, Van, Buddy and myself went into about... 17- 18 years ago. I think they liked it enough, I'm surprised I remember as much as I did. After mine, Lue told us her story about the giant crabs, about how her brother sold a potion to make crops big but the farmer overdosed which resulted in Lue's brother being wanted and then her saving him which resulted in her being wanted... she even had a wanted poster with her on it. It didn't get up to much, maybe 3,000 coins at most, which is sad considering it's Lue.

But it was getting late and most people had left or gone to bed and we decided to take off too. Sometimes, it's just nice to sit down and tell stories around a fire instead of running around bashing stuff or crafting.

*Sips the spirit water and his face scrunches up from the taste. He moves to the next page.*

I even went to the Cherry Blossom Festival! It was great, pretty too with all the cherry blossoms everywhere. But once everyone arrived, we were taken to this one lady's house who gave us all kimonos to wear, and even let us keep them! Mine was blue and white, which I was surprised they took so much time to make a size that would fit me. They even had a size that could fit Caighd! The locals had some interesting traditions, like guessing which trees would blossom first by placing their ribbons around the tree, I should've asked who won. Then they didn't sit in chair but on their knees and they ate with a couple of sticks!

The next part of the festival was okay I guess, poetry isn't my strong point. We had to write haiku's and I didn't even know what that was. But they were kind enough to remind me so I sat for a long time, wracking my brain for something about blossoms. By the time I finished writing it, everyone else went and told theirs, which Miss Jennara had three! Mine was a tad off topic but i think they liked it, at least from what I saw.

But when it was time for the festival, their mask (which the dancer wore) was stolen. Just to make it short, it turns out that Miss Anika's (the dancer) sister hid the mask in one of her cushions in her room. The elders told Miss Anika to determine her sister's punishment, and it sounded more like a punishment for her whole family, which was to volunteer for all the hardest tasks for next year's festival. Might have had to do with the family's honor, but I thought it was nice that she didn't really punish her sister. Once the whole mask ordeal was over, Miss Anika danced a really beautiful dance about the changes the cherry trees make during the winter and then to spring. The music they had was also strange, they had one instrument called a kudaragoto or something that was like a harp, and then some other things I can't remember... But once everyone was dispersing, I even asked to get Miss Anika's autograph! But it's in strange lettering but she said it's her name.

It was fun and glad I took a break to go to that, too.

*He shuts his journal and heads upstairs for bed.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #74 on: August 15, 2009, 06:44:09 pm »
*Tod stops suddenly and growls in frustration, kicking a rock in the stream next to him. He sighs weakly and plops on the ground, his hair in a messy mop on top of his head, his coat and tunic is wrinkled and unkept, and deep shadows under his eyes. Just through pure will power does he pull out his book to write in.*

I should've stayed, I should've continued along with them, I shouldn't've left. I would've stayed, but I thought she would be safe enough with them. But no! Now, I'm stuck here, looking for berries that may not even exist anymore, alone. I wish Lue was here, we were supposed to do this together. *Tod sits huddled next to that little creek, his shoulders slumping a little bit more.* How am I supposed to find them? What do they even look like? Even if I do find them, what's the point? I only wanted to find them since she wanted them.

*He hides his face in his hands and furiously runs his hands through his hair to get out of the gloomy mood*

At least she had a full life, not too many can say that they found the shadow blade that was used to kill Blood, not too many can say they slayed a dragon with a sling, or had their faces on wanted pictures, fought giant crabs, or saved the world from a skull in a box. She will definitely be missed. Bye Lue.

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #75 on: September 14, 2009, 12:29:20 am »
*Tod sits at a table in the Angel's Guild Hall and blows the dust off his journal. He rubs his eyes thoughtfully and starts to write.*

Freas, Augra 20, 1454

I've kind of lost interest in writing in here anymore, not much left to write about. But I did go to that thing Missus Amanda was holding a couple months ago, something about Wren being better than her summons. It turns out that he is and the poor angel lady never took him down. But this weird dwarf almost did! It was a long match, the dwarf just wouldn't drop! But after getting beaten on over and over, he finally passed out. I wanted to try but with the way Wren yells, it's kind of scary and intimidating when it's directed at you. Missus Amanda gave me a little help with that and gave me something to clear my mind so I wouldn't freeze. The fight wasn't hard, not really fair since he couldn't get a good swing on me during the whole time, but I think we both had fun!

Then the bar lady came up and offered us drinks, 50 for a bottle, 400 to drink it out of her belly button! The only one to take that offer up was Kurn. *laughs* It was a sight, a little embarrassing but I also think it sort of ruined the fun atmosphere. And you know who came up next after everyone left? Tugs! I haven't seen him in years and years. It was great to see an old pal. He's in a lock business of some sorts. What a scamp! We talked for hours, and hours and hours because we had to get caught up on so much.

*Tod draws a dotted line*

There's these demon things that have been showing up and leaving black scorched marks everywhere. One even picked me up and burnt my shirt! (Which he will have to buy me a new one!) But Connor and Miss Annalee called a meeting and we searched this cave near the Bydell Castle. It had a bunch of walking rocks and genasi looking things, even this pretty Angel Lady showed up and we helped her take down one of the eight demons! (I'm not sure how many there are, I think eight are left) But she was sort of snobby but was happy to help anyway. I got to watch for more marks and report anything to Connor since he specialises in portal-like things.

*Tod draws another dotted line*

I got called to Castlemask castle for something about the fight at Hurix. I didn't know if we were going to have to go back or what but I was excited! Commander Nilles was there and took us to his room where he gave us MEDALS! I never got a medal before, let alone of of honor! What's really neat is that it's magical and turns our skin into rock! (My abs don't need to be turned into rock since they already are!) So now I wear the badge on my coat or have it in a pocket since commander said if I ever show it to a soldier, that they would help me. *pats his coat pocket* But it's not over yet! There's a second surprise. I still have that drach tooth off of a drach at Hurix and thought to make it into a necklace since it's so big and jagged, but then Commander Nilles said he had weapons and others thing made out of the drach bones and hides! I opened the chest and there were some wicked looking things. A little ring, couple of belts and boots, a shiny scale shield and two cloaks. But what caught my eye was the dangerous looking bow. It caught Ben's eye too, but he let me have it since he's just that cool.

The bow is made out of drach bone and its handle is wrapped in a hide (I guess the drach's), but it's so hard to pull back that I need to get a little stronger. Lets see how other drachs react when they see me with a bow made out of one of their brothers! Even Missus Amanda said I looked dangerous, and Ben said I looked more dangerous than an empty larder (Ha-ha, he's soooo funny). It was pretty neat that Commander Nilles brought all this stuff, we were just doing our duty.

I need to go and write up this sale's ticket, guild life is nice, just it's a lot of writing those little slips that records sales and whatnot.

Also, I'm not sure how my lessons are going to continue with how Miss Jaelle got up and gone missing! I hope she's alright, but we need to watch that student of her's that put up the posters, sometimes, it's the one who you least expect it that does the crime.



Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #76 on: October 18, 2009, 12:40:07 am »
*Tod sits in front of his fireplace after Ben and Aylana had gone to bed upstairs and settles his book in his lap. He nibbles on the end of the pen and tries to scribble something down.*

Heard something interesting the other day, Missus Sil'via said Milara was back doing something or another. I forgot exactly what he did that was so bad from before, but I know that if he came back, it wouldn't be too good.

It's neat to have Ben and Miss Aylana sharing my house with me, it doesn't seem so lonely anymore. I like how they've decorated the second floor, it doesn't look as boring as before!

*He pulls at a loose thread on his chair's arm.*

I was sewing together some gloves and was about to finish up the pinky finger when I thought about everyone I've met. Where has Keppli gone? I'm worried about her, has she gotten into something over her head one too many times? I hope she's alright, just skipping around in the forest with Lythar maybe. *Sits, contemplating as he twists her wooden ring that he had protective magic cast on to help preserve the wood*

I did see Miss Daniella today! She was with a bunch of other Toranites and holy people, and we went and punched some deaders. We bopped 'em good! But we didn't see the woman that Missus Sil saw, so I'm not sure what else we accomplished other than killing stuff that's already dead. It was fun though, just really really cold.

I also saw Chaynce! But he had to go soon so maybe we can go do something later.

I don't know what happen to little Miss Brandy, Van, Miss Pristine, or Miss Mirren. What happened to Balazar? Or Bal? I'm curious on what type of weird stuff he has eaten. Everyone just seems to move on, it's sad sometimes, but maybe it's better for them that they leave for some time, maybe staying here just holds them back. Oh well, hopefully everyone's out doing what they've wanted to do and maybe they would drop by to say "Hi" sometime.


*He slips out of his chair and silently tip toes through the second floor, up to his room.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #77 on: November 06, 2009, 07:00:22 pm »
*Tod walks through the forest as the sun sets, weaving in and out of tree shadows, coming in and out of sight, humming cheerfully. He disappears for a time until ending up on a tree branch that sticks out of the ground from an old oak to write.*

It's been a while since I've wrote, not much is happening. Ben and Miss Aylana's wedding party was a blast and some people had some really nice costumes, even a couple were "hot" (double meaning). Miss Essa did a great job organizing it all.

I'm not around town a lot, but on my way just roaming. My bags are loaded with gems and whatnot. Gems reminds me of a trip with Miss Rissa when we went through the forest giants and then the desert. It was fun, I think she's getting close to where the AlNoth gives her more magic since she practiced so much magic during that time. I was afraid I wouldn't be good enough to where I could keep the giants off her but I think we made a really good team. She's an interesting woman, and her actions confuse me, I don't know what to make of them.

My aim is better than ever since I can use my new bow, it's super neat. Has a nice hiss and a little snap, crackle, pop. I'm learning a new technique with a shield, still a little awkward but I'm getting better. I'm at my peak in my shadow abilities, my learning and progression has slowed down to where there's almost none at all. I've always wanted to be able to do things like the Veil can but I doubt that will happen, just something I can maybe push for. I guess I will pick up my training again and try to improve, what's wrong with trying for second best?


*He stuffs his book back into his bag and jumps off the branch to continue on his way, weaving in and out of the shadows, obscuring his silhouette and then is gone.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #78 on: November 15, 2009, 02:28:47 pm »
*Tod sits in his house once again after a long day at the docks, he's tired and soaked through but he pushes himself to write in his book.*

Sunra, Junar 8, 1457

Wow! I went to go drop something off at the guild but everything was under water! I took me a moment to believe what I saw. It was horrible! The only place that wasn't under water was the Tower Academy, and all these people were piling inside. It makes me sad to see people like this, it isn't much fun.
It's a lot of work, I try to pitch in every now and then and make sure people eat and rest.

I wonder what made the big wave come. Now, all our guild stuff that we've worked so hard on is ruined, and so many people's homes and life savings that have gone into it is gone now. It's a sad time... but we'll push through! We have all the best helpers out there helping right and we should build this city back up in a matter of... I don't know, a few years? But that's okay!
*He pushes his book back into his bag and pulls out boot material to begin sewing a pair.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #79 on: November 22, 2009, 02:14:05 am »
*Tod sits in front of his fire place in his "thinking chair" with a little pile of leather on the table next to him. He pulls a sheet into his lap and cuts it to make into boots before he pauses and writes in his book.*

Satari, Seplar 21, 1457

I guess I am really an odd person, Miss Rissa's right on that. I do run around with wacky people. I mean, jeese, that Ben guy, who can be wackier than him?  I'm just kidding, he's a good friend.

And I hope I didn't upset Missus Elly or Amgine too much, I'm not very good at tough love... I do care about them and I felt that it just needed to be said.

That tsunami thing really hit us hard, so much work to be done, it's none stop! But we gotta push through, life is tough but we gotta be tougher!

*He yawns behind his fist and closes his book and sets it to the side. He goes upstairs to find a blanket and returns to his chair to slowly drift to sleep.*


