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Author Topic: A Fellow's Journal  (Read 3119 times)

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #80 on: November 28, 2009, 03:16:07 pm »
*Tod sits outside his cave/house's entry way and across the street against the tavern's wall. He wipes his eyes and pulls his journal out to write in a shaky hand.*

Poor Miss Essa! I've never seen her in so much pain... her screams are terrible, I wish I could take some of the pain to where it's just that much more bearable. I think she's getting better, but something still wracks at her body or mind. I left early because I couldn't handle it, I am ashamed to say that I couldn't deal with the sounds of agony to stay beside her side but Ben (He was having it just as rough...), Kyle, Miss Zira, Caerwyn and Miss Jaelle was with her, I would probably make a flower vase fall on her arm or something. I still feel strongly about her well being, we are guild brother and sister after all. Besides that, I'm not sure how really close we are, but I hope we're like this: *crosses his fingers to show closeness.*

But I think we saved Hempstead a little more than it would've had to endure without us. I didn't do a whole lot since I couldn't cast magic, just held hands with mages to make a circle or something. Only time I've ever really felt useless. Like I said before, there needs to be a nonmagical bad guy who uses traps and conventional means to commit a crime. But I'm not sure a tsunami counts as a bad guy, but whatever it was, it was dangerous. But we beat it! For now at least. Everyone did a great job, even the strange tattooed-head-Dwarven-speaking man who prayed, to Miss Acacea singing and dancing the whole time, to Miss Jaelle and Miss Essa and Miss Zira who was doing gods knows what, and Missus Amanda's pause in time!

I'm not ready to go back inside, I need to go find some junk food...

*He closes his book and goes to find a bakery that's open in the middle of the night.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #81 on: December 06, 2009, 02:01:52 am »
*Tod sinks low in his chair and spreads his legs over the footstool that's placed in front of the fireplace. He heaves a sigh and rubs his eyes*

Freas, April 27, 1458

I just had the worst sugar crash in my life... I was bouncing off the walls when I walked out of the Twin Dragons, Biscuit nearly tossed me off because I was standing up in the saddle!

But it was so much fun! Miss Zira did a good job organizing it all. It was great being a judge. So many pies! Miss Zira entered a beautifully decorated one with layers and layers of apples. Ben brought in a very humble pie, but sometimes, no sense in gilding the lily, the best type of pies are the simple, homemade ones. Then Miss Jaelle brought in three but I didn't understand what was being said about her not being fair except entering three pies. So Cricket (Miss Honora's little devil-imp thing), was the second judge, and myself tried all three and picked the best one in our opinion, which was a meat pie! Had venison and mushrooms, how weird! but it was pretty darn tasty. Then the winner was Miss Jennara's Peach Pie. I never thought of using peaches as the filling. They were all delicious, but Miss Jennara's was just that little bit better. I'm surprised Miss Rissa didn't put one in, she was there but I guess she ate the one she was meaning to enter in before she left the kitchen. *laughs*

Then I guess Miss Jennara won the poetry contest too! I wasn't pay a lot of attention to the poems since I was concentrating on judging the pies, but her's was short and straight to the point. Maybe I'll enter one next time.

I was hoping Keppli was one of the judges but she wasn't around at all. Which I'm surprised, this was one of the biggest pie events that's happened in a while. And I didn't save her any of the pie! *slaps his forehead* She would've like the peach one, the raspberry-blueberry... the Humble Pie... all of them come to think of it! But maybe next time, I guess imps can be good judges too. And where was Rocky? He should've been in the poetry contest.

So all that was donated was about 33,000 coins and tons of pies, which is great. Ben was talking about kids and the orphanage too. I guess they was looking at children to take home. I'm so excited! I get to be an unofficial uncle. I hope they get three, four, five kids. I hope Ben and Missus Lana are willing to share, considering my lack of kids. Maybe I can babysit when they're not home.

I'm off to hibernate for the remainder of the year.
*He shuts his book and puts it on the couch that's next to him. He heads upstairs to find a blanket and returns to his chair so he can sleep in front of the fire.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2009, 12:33:03 am »
*Tod taps his fingers on the inn's counter top in the middle of the night while the bartender polishes the same dirty mug with the same dirty rag to pass the time. Tod pulls his thickening book out and scribbles a little on a new page.*

Jenra of 1459

I went to the Leringard Inn's celebration thing, but a celebration for what? It was still burnt to the ground... but it was fun none the less. Tons of stories and songs, some of them deep and some of the playful and humorous. Miss Acacea's stories were amazing! They were so funny, my favorite has to be the Knight with Damsels Too Many! *laughs* That was definitely a funny one.

Almost a "bar fight" or two, a cute fiery red Halfling lady came in asking for Fisty donations from Argali, that's just asking for a punch in the face right there! *chuckles quietly*

But several other people were there, not sure of who some of them were though, someone named Derrick and Quin... Plen came too but he didn't tell any stories this time... Miss Zari told a pretty good one and Andrew told a really really deep one that sort of killed the mood... but then it picked back up! A lot of conversing, it's nice to kick back with some good company to just chat.

*He finishes of his drink and flips through his older pages with a saddened expression but shuts the book with a snap, determined to enjoy the rest of his evening before going to the guild to work on some diamonds.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #83 on: January 24, 2010, 09:22:12 pm »
*Tod lays sprawled across the floor in front of his first-floor fireplace with a circle marked by string with marbles laying inside. Across from him are sitting two little human girls with their own leather pouches of marbles with "Bria" and "Katelyn" sewn across the fronts.

"Okay, Bria! You gotta start tonight, we did the last couple of games. No, you go right ahead! That's what that fat one is for, so it's easier to hit! Here, use this one, it's pretty."

He gently tosses a diamond that was artfully carved into a small ball about the size a normal shooter marble would be to Bria, and then hands Katelyn one.

"Yep, someone told me I was jaded before, so I'm making you all jaded too! You better hide that one though, no tellin' what your old man would make out of those things. Who wants a ring with a rock that big anyway? It's better to hit other rocks with it!"

The three play marbles for a little while until Tod finally chases them up to their room. He kisses their forehead and tucks their blankets in around them before heading back down stairs to wait for Ben and Lana to come back home. He picks up the girls' marbles and places them into the correct pouches and sets those on the mantel. Tod climbs into his thinking chair and pulls his journal into his lap.*

Satari, Apreal 14, 1460

Bria and Katelyn are pure sugar, true blessings to have around! Helps fill in the hole. Not quite as lonely as before. Hope Ben and Lana don't find out, but when women ask if there's a Missus, I say “Nope! but I do have two sweet little girls.”
We have a lot of fun! Though they're still a little bit shy, Bria has it a little rough but she'll still grow up to be a beautiful young lady, even without the one arm. Katelyn... she's a little whirlwind. She does enough talking for both of them! But we have so much fun. I like to take them shopping in the market or taking them out to ride Biscuit out to town. I'm thinking they'll both need their own pony for their next birthdays. I'll make the saddles, horse blankets and teach them how to brush horses and how to cut up the apple instead of just a whole one, and how to feed them sugar cubes by putting the sugar into your palm so they don't end up biting your fingers!
*His back arches a little as he stretches and shivers, rubbing an eye tiredly*
They're what's been taking up most of my life right now, haven't done much with the guild, or went on any huge adventures... maybe it's time to just settle down? Everything's not as excited as it once was. I haven't gained any recognizable titles or anything, but I don't really mind any more. It's just fun to spend a morning out fishing with the girls while their parents aren't home. We don't get into much trouble at all, they're good girls! Okay, we get into a little bit of trouble but it wasn't our fault, those pieces of candy happened to appear in our pockets at the wrong time! I can't really go around teaching those innocent gals things like that, it won't do them any good.

I guess tomorrow we'll play tea party for the eighth time, tag or some hide and seek. Maybe pick out some gifts for Missus Lana or take them to a kitchen to show them how to make a pie! I won't even get mad if they throw flour everywhere, because that's a good part. But I'll have to watch when they break the eggs, I don't want bits of shell in our pie.
I think that's Ben and Missus Lana now, I'll just wait and see what's in store for us tomorrow!

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #84 on: February 04, 2010, 05:10:54 pm »
*Tod sits on one of the high bar stools with big clay mug in front of him late at night after nightly patrons have left. He sits silently swinging his legs over the stool while the bar keeper is off to the side wiping down the counter. Tod looks down at his hands that are wrapped around the mug and he twists a wooden ring a couple of times and then presses it to his lips for a brief second before putting them back down around his cup and mutters, "My zned uw U'l viecyom."

"Hm? What's that m'boy?"

Tod looks to the barkeeper apologetically and slaps a gold coin onto the counter, "Nothin'! Was sayin' good night!" He smiles and turns to slip off the stool to shrug back into his coat and head out the door.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #85 on: February 12, 2010, 12:30:57 pm »
*Tod scribbles in his book.*

Wolfswood Ranger Corps? Good luck with that Keppli, you'll do great!

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #86 on: February 20, 2010, 07:56:31 pm »
*Tod returns back to where Sonya's pyre was located during a rainy day and he sighs, standing in front of the burnt flowers and other tokens. He sticks his hands into his coat pocket and lets his head fall so his face is hidden by his hood. His shoulders shake for a couple moments as he cries before using the back of his hand to wipe his nose. He sets his jaw and sighs, looking at the rock*

Why did ya have to go, Ben? We're supposed to look after each other... I'll miss ya a tons, Ben. Y'too Missus Sonya, I didn't know ya well, but you were still a good friend.

*Tod nods once to the rock like a final farewell and turns and finally disappears in the rain*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #87 on: April 01, 2010, 10:52:46 pm »
*Tod's head whips to the right as he comes down the stairs from his room, to look down the hall that Lana had rearranged, wondering why the furniture has suddenly changed. He narrows his eyes and slips silently along the wall to check out the room at the end of the hall. He cracks the door and frowns, puzzled, at the breathing of a sleeping boy. Tod shuts the door and snaps gently for Lady to follow him outside for her early morning walk. The little terrier wags her tail happily and bounds after him as he heads down the stairs to the bottom floor. Tod furrows his brow in confusion and looks up at the ceiling in the direction of the room with a boy before shaking his head and exiting his house with Lady.*

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #88 on: April 20, 2010, 01:11:06 am »
*Tod sits in his bed with his knees pulled to his chest with his arms out, holding a mirror to look at his eyes. He moves his head side to side to look at the fading colors and sighs sadly.*

Well, I had the pleasure of catching glances today! Elly was cool enough to play with my eye color and change them so one eye was a different color than the other, it was fun. Now they're just black... but she did say they were deep and attractive that way, so that's a plus!

Bella had her baby, she the sweetest thing. Now there's four kids running around the house, there's always something to do! Charlie likes to go fishing and Bria and Katelyn tag along, maybe sometime I'll get to take care of the little one, I don't know. Who needs their own kids? I'm lucky to have so many. I think I'm going to have to clean out a room or split mine into two so there's enough room for all the people here! *grins, satisfied*

It's really busy though, Rachel cries a lot, which I've grown used too. Katelyn and Bria are really independent, Lana is doing a good job raising them, Ben would be proud. I like to watch Charlie train with Daniel and Bella sometimes, they never know I'm there, but I am! I think Bria and Katelyn should be taught to fight with something, it's a cruel world and there's creepy men out there... I can name a few, but I won't say!

*Looks into the mirror one more time and sighs again.*

Well, the color's gone, it was fun while it lasted.

*Tod looks to the door that leads from his room to the second floor to the crying and soft murmurs. He climbs down from his bed and goes to see if he can help.*  

Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #89 on: May 16, 2010, 12:49:26 am »
*Tod digs under his mattress for his journal late one evening*

I saw Fehriel and Missus Talia today. Missus Talia has gumption! but she was snappy. It wasn't my fault that I was standing there and her horse backed into me, yet I was blamed? All I can say is get your facts straight, woman, and I really didn't appreciate it, even if I was a butt to you a couple years ago, I wasn't holding a grudge. But I did deserve it I guess... reluctantly, I'm happy for them and their fortune, I'm wrong to talk to anyone like that, even Fehriel. They seem happy, ert U el viecyom. I can admit that and it helps me push through. I'm not desiring a woman as much anymore, I haven't had a taste of being taken, so that helps me. But it's refreshing to see a happy couple, even if we're at odds with one another.

It's time for bed. But whoever you are that's supposed to steal my heart, I'm waiting! I  haven't met you yet.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 03:38:42 am by Lord Dark »

Lord Dark

A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #90 on: September 14, 2010, 05:31:17 pm »
*Tod sits on his bed with his book in his lap, reciting his Elven sentences that Jil has given him. He is a little more comfortable and a little bit smoother since he's been at it ever since their first lesson. His frustration is obvious since empty pie tins litter his bed and his Elven book pages are smudge with pie filling.*

I'm struggling Miss Jil! It's really difficult, but I'm getting better! It's a really nice language, but it's kicking my butt. So many tongue twisters, even saying the simple words, I have to turn my tongue at least five times!

*He goes down the page and sighs, furrowing his brows and hanging his head*

My temper is becoming so short after the years. I used to be able to shrug most stuff off but now even the little-est thing sets me off, the shadowdancing gets to my head. I'm even to the point to where I even yell at my oldest, dearest friends! I don't know what's going on. *rubs at his eyes* I just need to calm down a little bit, that's all. You don't have to been known all the time! You don't have to let everyone know that you do some things better than others, Tod! Because those people can do things better than you can, too. It's time mellow out old buddy! Life was happiest when everyone are friends.


*He shuts his book and picks up the book with the notes he received from Jil to continue his recitation and practice.*


Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #91 on: September 25, 2010, 09:11:32 pm »
Originally posted before 9-14-10 post on 9-08-10.

*Tod sits in his arm chair that is placed in front of the fireplace with  Lady, his little terrier, that is laying in front of of his feet. He  has paper all over his lap as he rereads, rewrites and recites sentences  that are written in Elven. He scowls at the difficulty of having no one  there with him to help, but his stubborn personality helps keep him  going. He pulls his journal out for a quick break.*
I'm teaching Missus Jil Halfling! It's exciting to teach her, it's a lot  of fun and it's easy for me since she knows how to go about learning. I  hope she doesn't do what other people do and speak it in front of those  who don't know it! So in return, she's teaching me Elven! So people  can't talk their elven in front of me and think they have all the  privacy! I'll understand and I can come up with the proper retort. That  really gets under my skin, not only is it disrespectful, it's dumb  because those people aren't big enough to insult a little Halfling  face-to-face. But I am determined not to act like those non-Elven people  who talk Elven like it's their native language.
It's fun learning from her, it's pretty to listen to her talk and I'm  probably butchering it in every syllable I speak, but Missus Jil is  really patient, we sat forever swapping sentences that use different  sounds so we get comfortable putting them together to produce a  sentence. I can't wait for our next lesson!


Lord Dark

Re: A Fellow's Journal
« Reply #92 on: May 31, 2012, 05:28:24 am »
*Tod walks by his wash basin's mirror but suddenly stops. He back pedals and places his hands on either side of the sink and puts his face in close to the mirror. His black eyes scan over his face, taking in the crow's feet, the laugh lines around his mouth, and the thick head of black hair that is becoming heavily speckled with graying strands. Tod frowns a little, one corner of his mouth pulling back in a skeptical manner. He looks down at his right hand to a ring carved of wood and etched with leaves and figures of the forest, then back up to the mirror, thinking. He smiles a bit at a distant memory and shakes his head, using his fingers to pull the skin around his eyes taunt to see how wrinkles are developing.*

Gettin' bags old man.

*Tod mutters and pushes away from the basin, looking around his room that is furnished with wooden furniture scaled to fit him and his taller friends. His floors are laden with various furs and a fire is built in the fireplace. His walls have several shelves lined with numerous trinkets. Some of his favorites being his Hurix medal, a flower that had been encased in a protective spell, dragon scales, his drach fang, and his bag of marbles. He reaches up to another shelf to find the stick he had been whittling and climbs into his favorite cushioned chair. He pulls a knife from his sleeve to work on what seems to be a bow in hands of a petite Halfling woman. He finishes the details in little over an hour and he places the figure onto his side table that already has figures standing next to the candle. One appears to be a short and rather round dwarf carrying a fiddle, another is a large dire wolf, two look like knights with one having a feminine stature. Both are holding shields with the Anhk of Toran. Another figure has a big bushy mustache and wielding two shortswords and a mischievous smirk. Among the rest of his whittlings and upon closer examination, the other figurines look like several members of a group locally known at the Angels. He looks fondly over his work but picks the Halfling woman up again to finish with details, including the wolf emblem of Folian, and sets her beside the wolf and dwarf. He slides out of his chair and digs into a chest, pulling a thick, old journal from the depths. Its leather bindings refinished numerous times with some of the finest hides Tod could find. Tod climbs back into his seat and fondly flips through the pages, a slight look of depression settles on his battle and weather worn face. With a small half-hearted sigh, he reads his memories through the night until he eventually slumps low in the high backed chair and drifts to sleep to the sounds of the fire crackling in the fireplace.*

