The World of Layonara

Character Development => Development Journals and Discussion => Topic started by: Joel77 on November 25, 2006, 07:49:51 am

Title: A long couple of days
Post by: Joel77 on November 25, 2006, 07:49:51 am
Kelion felt that he had come to know and trust the town of Hlint and many of it's permanent and temporary residents. It was a place he had come to call home (even if that meant a well priced room at the Wild Surge).

His mother was the only strong memory now of his past life and her words of encouragement to discover the world and himself still fueled his actions on random days.

As he grew in confidence and skill he had started to see more of Mistone and even a little of other lands but he had managed to keep out of the affairs of heroes and world-shapers (with a mix of regret, jealousy and relief).

Today though had been an unusually long and disturbing day where he had met many new and experienced individuals and had been forced to see many of the difficulties affecting the world in which he lived. The troubles plaguing Dregar and the Balance coupled with a very high likelihood of impending pain and suffering became the theme for discussions over a few days.

This was brought home ever more sharply when he was out with Gudd, Kyoro, Thorgist and Vhal. Very soon it was obvious that tension was high in the group and careless remarks were taken as painful and hurtful comments. These flared into arguments and soon led Kelion and Gudd to a frank talk with Vhalkyn about possible events to come.

It would be fair to say that Kel would have preferred to continue to believe that the world would take care of itself or even that "Great Individuals" would make the hard and fast decisions through this troubling time. Unfortunately this facade over reality can only hold for so long before the brick of truth shatters the glass forever.

The importance of current events seemed to break through in a series of events calculated to make the simple journeyman crafter remember that even he would have choices in the upcoming events. And that he would have some role to play, even if that role were to aid someone greater than himself, or to die trying to protect the values in which he believed.

It seemed an Event was coming and he was now confident he at least knew where he would Stand, if not whether he would stand or fall.

*Evil reigns while good folk stand idly by*

// thanks Kyo, Vhal and Gudd for a great night