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Author Topic: A mad dwarf thoughts  (Read 139 times)


A mad dwarf thoughts
« on: January 25, 2006, 10:33:06 am »
"Bloody hell..."
*Varka sits by the ox barn in Hlint and looks at the empty streets. Even the cats and rats are gone*

"Demons... Dont ye just love 'em... Aye Karra?"
*Karra says nothing. Only paying attention to Varka wihle he cleans the blade from the last demon he killed*

"Well...Oi have been thinking Lass. We moight try to keep some thoughts together here. Everyone does it - heck why nay us?"
*Varka gets no answer. He knows her well enough though. An answer it not needed*  

" For 20-25 years we been here. And all thoughts we kept insoide. Bloody hell hard to keep a track on em, so Oi say lets do this..."
*They both agree....*


Re: A mad dwarf thoughts
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2006, 01:49:07 pm »
“Well Karra. Ye know. There were someone before ye came to me…Emma was her name. She had been travelling by me side all me life as far as oi remember…Even when oi came to Hlint for the first time and when Vorax blessed me she was there…Yes lass Vorax saw her as well oi believe bu’ tha be another story to tell..
But how did that go again in Hlint?”...

Finally. The caravan that Varka had followed came to Hlint.
From what he had been told by the council most of it seemed to be true. Hlint didn’t look impressive by the first glances. After passing through the gates this changed.
Everywhere there were small tents and groups of people, little ones and half-breeds selling their things. From necklaces and perfumes to full plates and foul creatures called ox.
After moving carefully through the crowd, looking at the exotic things and watching out for thieves Varka suddenly stopped and gasped.
Not more than 200 feet away a small giant was moving with haste through the crowd. “How could a giant enter Hlint?” Varka thought. It seemed that the giant was in a hurry getting away from the guards. This was also the last thought he had before reaching for Emma on his bag. Helping the townsfolk’s of Hlint by killing a giant and maybe establish some connections before the first day was over. “This task was going to be easy”.
Varka just managed to get the Maul of his bag pack as he heard a few words being whispered behind him in a foreign language.  
A wave of warmth flushed over Varka and from being filled with adrenalin and anger, Varka suddenly felt relaxed and comfortable.    
The giant came running at high speed towards Varka but instead of attacking him the giant just passed him by a few inches, telling him “Good morning master dwarf”. Varka nodded to the giant but didn’t really care. He just wanted to relax and maybe sit. Sit on the grass.
“Yes, lets sit down” a voice said from behind him. Varka turned around and saw a female elf. Never had Varka seen an elf before but from the descriptions he had heard. This must be one he thought but didn’t really care. It was just an elf.
“That was close my friend” the elf said and introduced herself as Annaya. The rest of the day Annaya told Varka a bit about herself, Hlint and of what could happen in Hlint. She had also been new once and therefore knew exactly how Varka must have felt.
A few hours after talking to the elf the warm feeling disappeared and Varka realised he was sitting on a grass field not far away from where he had seen the giant. Furthermore he was talking to an elf which felt odd but at the same time understandable.
Never had he seen an elf before and here he was talking to one. Varka was confused and couldn’t find the reason why he had begun the conversation but he must have had a good reason. It seemed they were getting along. So he let it go…  


Re: A mad dwarf thoughts
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2006, 07:23:32 am »
*For a short moment varka stops the story* "what is it Lass?" *both looks around and keeps an eye open*.."better head for the inn then. Good oidea..It be warm there an plenty of ale"...*They both stands up and moves down the road - heading for the inn as varka continues the story*...

The next weeks I kept the contact to Annaya. She introduced me to a lot of folks – most of them are dead now though. Some went back to where they came from and some just vanished which includes her…now.
I moved also around Hlint by meself and found out that was one of a kind. Half of in inhabitants were seekers like me. Every one of them had the same main goal but with different path. So the mood was high among the seekers. All had something to tell, sell or exchange. Just to get a small step closer to the goal they were seeking.
I didn’t really know where to start as everything was so different from what oim was used to. So oi sat down and thought. Sitting and thinking didn’t really help though as my stomachs complain just became harder to ignore. I had almost used all his gold on food. A solution was needed.
While sitting by the gate and hoping an idea would pop up 3 hunters passed me, moving out of the city. Didn’t really think about it before 2 minutes had pasted. Then I jumped up and followed the 3 hunters. For five days I followed them around Mistone. Spotting their hunting grounds, where to camp safely and where water could be found. Strangely enough they did not spot me. Either they didn’t see any tread in me or maybe I had just been lucky.    
From that day there was always possibilities for food and water…if I dared to move out in the wilderness. Starving to death would never become a possibility but gathering it did"....


Re: A mad dwarf thoughts
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2006, 12:41:35 am »
*As they reaches the inn and enters - Varka finishes the story*
“Next?. Wha’ next Lass…Bloody hell. Oi be runnin’ around Mistone, Rilara, Dregar and the far East to look for a solution.
*Varka buys four bottles of ale by the bartender - which looks worried at Varka*
“Are you okay dwarf?”, the bartender asks Varka.
“We have never been better laddie”, Varka says, pays and moves down to a table.
“We?....” *, the bartender stops his sentence as another customer arrives..

*Varka opens two bottles at once and empties one in 2 seconds*..Ahhh..Better…
*For a while nothing is said but Karra breaks the silence*
So..Ye wanna hear about the blessin’..Aye? Bu’ don’t get jealous on Emma then or oi will just stop the story. Just loike tha’.

*A few customers eyes the dwarf. They seem to be uncomfortable by his present. Nobody dares to interrupt him though. Could it be because of all the scars?*



Re: A mad dwarf thoughts
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2006, 02:02:47 pm »
**After haven drinking and eaten bit Karra stares at him for a while*

 “Aye aye lass. The blessing. Io didn’t forget about tha’. And oi never will. In fact that’s why oim still ‘ere”*shrugs*
“Had it not been for tha’, oi probably be sitting in the ‘alls now, by a big oak table hearing and telling stories. For some reason though he keeps sending me back. If he only told me why?”
“Well Lass. Oi guess it is one of these questions you will never get an answer fer. Only tha’ feeling in ye guts - which is as good as it gets”…

**Varka clears his throat and begins*

After Oi had travelled around Mistone for a year or so, Oi began to see more and more of wha’ oi could allow me to do and nay. Annaya had seen some potential in me and therefore she asked me now and then if Oi wanna to follow her and her gang around Mistone. My answer as always a nod. She knew - even though Oi was non of “them” I could be trusted.
As for me, travelling alone was nay the best way. Without a guard at night it could become dangerous. This was one of the reasons why Oi joined them.  

Oi believe it was in the early summer when she came to me. Compared to her normal silly elven ways of behaving she was more serious this toime. Her face showed it miles away.
She did not begin any small talks with me, not this toime, but got straight to the point. This seemed to be of serious matters.
Anaya asked me if I wanted to travel to a forest with great danger. According to the rumours she had picked up, the inhabitants there were nay normal birds or deer’s but werewolves and things which was far worse.
I did not see why not and nodded, but as curious as Oi were, Oi asked her for the purpose. For a while she thought about it, made up her mind and then told me.
“There is a rumour that deep in the forest a magical bird can be found. A small bird with magic feathers and I want these feathers. The only thing is, if you approach the bird imperfectly and it attacks you, it may turn you into stone. Forever!.”.

I wanted to ask her wh’t those feathers could be good for, as I clearly was interested in it as well, bu’ by her expression I knew she would never tell me. The only thing she said afterwards was. “ Do not tell the others about this. Or this will be our last journey”. I nodded to her.

Next morning the group, which Anaya had gathered, should meet outside the gates of Hlint. As I went out of the gates oi saw a campfire, few 100 meters away. Already a few folks were gathered there.
As oi approached the place a slim and elegant silhouette moved towards and welcomed me. It was her. I nodded shortly to her and the others – among them a kinsman, Dragoth. This was not the normal group she journeyed with. Probably hired mercs but why?
In less than one finger from my arrival, all had arrived for the trip and Annaya began to give sharply commands clearly to get the respect of the group. The mode of the group was tense. By the gaze of the others it seemed none knew the other one. Only Annaya was what we had in common.
Finally we moved the earlier the better. The group was nay by me taste.  
A few miles outside Hlint we turned south and headed for the forest. Oi knew the place as Oi used to ‘unt deers there, but she wanted to move further and so we did.
The more we moved south the darker the forest got the more Oi didn’t loike it. Soon there were nay birds singing anymore. Deers, badgers and other animals were nay to be seen as well.

We proceeded with caution and our scout came back as usual to report wha’ he had seen.
Close to afternoon the message were nay good. He had seen something which we had to avoid and move around. First he did not to tell us but the whole group insisted and pushed him except Annaya.
After a few threats from me he told us it be werewolves – half human and half wolf. The things were walking as a human but looked loike a wolf. 7-8 feet tall, every muscular and with long sharp teeth lioke daggers.
Immediately the mercs were talking about wha’ to do bu’ Annaya was shaking her head.
Half of us wanted to move around and the other half wanted to slay the beast and skin ‘em and take their teeth if possible.
Loike a cold wind from peaks of Krashin Annaya cut through the conversation and told us, th’t she be paying us for finding that bird and nay for getting us killed by werewolves. Soon all agreed and we moved on bu’ only to find more concerning situation - ogres.

We had neared us the place where it should be possible to find that bird, bu’ to our bad luck the place also was inhabited by ogres. To get the bird we had to fight the ogres and therefore we planned carefully how and when to strike the creatures. To regain the upper hand of the battle we would strike ‘em quickly as possible.
We all moved into position and were ready to attack then something odd happened. An ogre had spotted our left flank and mumbled a few words. Sparks were flying from one hand to another and soon he disappeared into the thing air.  It surprised us all and we did not know what to do. The hesitation became our biggest mistake. PANG!!! *Varka slams his jug of Ale in the table*

Out of nowhere a cone of ice and frost was sprayed on the left flank. A Scream of pain and death filled the air and our mage and scout fell by the attack right away. Only a smooth looking elf in leather armour managed to avoid being hit and attacked the ogre right way.
Without considering too much Annaya, me kinsman and Oi jumped from our hiding place and ran across the ogre camp to aid the elf, fighting for his life.
I will never forget the look on the other ogres when the three of us came running through the camp **Varka grins a bit*
We just managed to get there in toime and killed the ogres magimaker, before it tried to spray another cone of ice. Only thing was now that we had a whole camp full of ogres to deal with. Annaya called therefore for a retreat which only led us to move further into the woods.
We ran as if demons were chasing us and after a while we managed to get ‘em of our tail. It seemed they didn’t loike to follow us deeper into the forest, but why? Was there something tha’ would even scare a bunch of ogres in there?
Without giving tha’ too much thoughts we journeyed deeper into the forest, trying to find another way out. Shelter was also needed fer some toime. The fight had marked the group. We have wounded among us and moral was low.
After a few hours Annaya found a place to rest, which was Bloody ‘ell needed. Toime to rest, eat and most of all tread our wounds. The elf Annaya had brought with us was pretty messed up after our escape. Well, nothing tha’ surprised me. **Varka frowons*
In the beginning nay one was speaking. Only the moaning from the wounded elf was heard. Everyone alive in the group probably blamed each other for our breathtaking trip, thinking of the fallen and all. I could read it in their eyes.
I focused more on how the ‘ell we could get out of this mess again. Clearly it was not going to be easy. As nightfall came the moods lighten a bit bu’ would the elf survive this night?  
Amazingly our elf-companion did live through the night. I thought the feller would die during the night but my treatment of his wounds seemed to have worked. Did not think Oi could do more than mining and fighting…hhhmm
Once more we got up to move our rears. Apparently our choice of directions was west as we began to hear birds singing. The mood of the group rose. Not only had the elf-feller survived the night bu’ it seemed loike we were heading the right way.  

We began to move quicker because none of us thought this to be a bad sign. Careless would be a good word for it. The signs which the ogres had giving us were forgotten and tha’ was the cause of our defeat.
From out of nowhere it came. As tall as other trees and with same colours it blended perfectly in with its surroundings. The beast did not move at all before we were in range. Had it moved before we would have seen it and could have escaped, bu’ no.
First thing Oi remembered was the roar from the beats surprise attack. With one major blow the creature send me kinsman and Oi flying a few feet through the air. Both Annaya and the elf had enough time to get out of its range and a quickly counter attack it. ... ‘em. I don’t know for how long I was eating dirt, but Oi got up as quickly as possible and rushed to aid ‘em. Me kinsman, Dragoth and Oi re-entered the battle almost at the same toime and with all our might the four of us began to fight the beast.

Blades were singing in the air and buried deep into the beast body. Green thick blood was pouring out of the gaping wounds from the beast. Still it stood as nothing happened.
With its big claws the thing ripped pieces our armours off and soon flesh as well. The cost we have to pay to make a fatal blow. Being four against one gave us the advantages. The dwarves were in the front working on the legs and looking out fer the claws once in a while. Annaya was shooting at the thing and the elf leaped around and stabbed it when an opening was given. The battle was long but it was certain that we could survive it if the elf have had a bit more patient.
At one point the beast made a right claw attack at me which oi barely blocked with Emma. It tore of a big piece of flesh of me left thigh. Tha’ gave the elf an opening to attack it again bu’ this toime the feller risked more.
In a spilt second the elf took two steps, and set off from the back of Dragoth. The elf shot up in the air loike an eagle and swirled around, avoiding a snapping mouth full of theeth from the beast, landed behind the beat and planted two short swords in the neck of the creatures. **Varka roars*
The beast was angered and with a furious blow it send me kinsman flying the air. Only thing was tha’ Dragoth hit a tree and a loud crack was heard. He didn’t move.

For a moment I could not move, could not do nothing. I was standing there loike a statue watching Dragoth lying lifeless by the tree. My heart began to pump faster and cold sweat began to run down me face. I heard Annaya yelling to me from far away even though my eyes told me she was standing a few meters away – throwing her bow and running pass me into the battle.
Me hands began to tremble followed by me whole body. It felt loike my legs were turned into stone and Oi could not move them. Oi tried to scream but my voice was gone. This is the end…

What as that? Did my eyes deceive me or was it true. Was Oi already dead or did Dragoth just move? His hand…his hand it bloody ‘ell move! Oi had to help him me oi told me self..

Oi began to struggle against the paralysis and tried to rage bu’ could nay do any more. Me body felt warn out and done.  I didn’t want to give up so I began trying scream more and more. And suddenly a feeling came over me. It felt as if something was ignitde insoide of me an exploded - loike an overheated ingot which you seconds later sink it into a block of ice and it explodes into 1000 shards.
For a spilt second oi saw something..something that filled with me with anger and hate. I just wanted to slay tha’ creature no matter wha’ be the cost.
Me blood started to pump faster and faster. The grip around the axe was getting so strong I could swear I broke some fingers. Foam appeared around me mouth and almost from choking on it oi roared so everything within miles could hear me.
Without thinking Oi charged the beast with all might. My blows struck the thing so hard that you could hear the bones crack. In fury and pain the beat turned towards me, to finish me off bu’ Oi didn’t care. Oi didn’t care if hit me, ripped me arm off or even kill me. Oi just wanted it dead.
Blood was spraying every where from the beast and Oi. Only toime would tell who would be standing last.
At last the beast made an attempt to bite me into two. Laying in its mouth hearing you own bones slowly crack would shake most people, bu’ I only saw me opportunity to strike the beast with a mighty blow on the skull. PANG it said ..The skull of the beast cracked.
All stopped suddenly and seconds later the beast fell to the ground lifeless. The two others Annaya and the elf were starring at me as oi crawl out of the mouth. I tried to stand up bu’ the bite on the torso made it impossible. Slowly the adrenalin tha’ I was given slipped away.
Annaya ran to me crying and tried to close the wound s the beast had made bu’ with no luck. Oi moved her hand away from me torso and told her with a little smile on me face. “Everything is going to be alright”.
As the adrenalin slipped away darkness came and I died….



Re: A mad dwarf thoughts
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2006, 10:30:57 am »
Slowly the darkness faded away and blurry images appeared for my eyes again. Little by little the images took forms of dwarves but I kept still and did not move. Through the visor I only watched them doing their job.
With the vision the rest of the senses came as well. ... that smells of dead bodies.
Only by moving my eyes I saw the great city walls from outside. Smoke rose from inside of the city which simply meant one thing.
The day was hot even though the sky was dark. Is it daytime? It must be otherwise the dwarves would not be work here outside the walls. Million of flies were buzzing around and I could hear the crows were already here. Ready for a big feast.
I closed my eyes and kept still hoping not to be spotted before the works left. That would be my chance as always. I laid there for hours only to regain enough strength to move away. Lying there and heard the dwarves talk. Talk bout the take over of The great city Pranzis.
Rumours must have spread quickly was the dwarves knew of Sinister Blood fall in the East and why the sky was dark.
The Ulgrids, adventures and Kobal must have succeeded then. We won the war but here – here we lost the battle. Why?... Keep the temper down old feller or they will spot you.

The price of the battle was high. The price was my clan. What will I tell the younglings, elders and women that stayed in Lar? I have to go back as soon as possible.

For 30 years this has been going on. Battle after Battle and I am still brought back, but why?
This time it is nothing like before because I am buried with face I know the name of. My family is dead. Vorax do not leave me like the Cleric in South Fort. I saw what happened to the follower when he lost his family and faith. I promised myself not to go that way. Keep your head up Varka this was part of the plan. The Crushers and Cleavers knew it. For years we planned this and now it has been done. The Crushers and Cleavers will never be forgotten.

Night came and the dwarves which were filling up the mass-grave where Varka laid in moved inside the walls of Pranzis. They had spoken of burning the dead but an officer told them not to. “Let what ever crawls forth at night have a feast. They are free guards for our new city. Remember it could be that there are still scouts around”
As the dwarves moved inside and the sky became darker Varka got up and moved quickly away towards Loriander and final destination – Lar. The trip was long and thoughts crossed his mind.

You have come to another path me old friend as you have done it before. What now?
Long time ago you hooked up with Annaya and her gang.
Then you found Brant and Ellendil, gathered them in The Tavern of Hlint. A fine group it was until they moved back to their families. I still remember the boat that came and picked up Ellendil at Port Hamspire – that foggy dawn.
Lastly you manage to found the group “Bloody Hands”. I still recall Geir’s excitement of me idea and plan especially when it came to the name of the group. Geir old friend, bloody hell ye had many ideas but the real meaning and understanding for the name “The Bloody Hands”. This is only known by few. *Looks at the burn mark on his chest* . This seems again to be fading and families have been prioritised again.
What path shall I take now? (Closes on the Grey peaks) Will this be the end station for me? Will I go home to the ones left of the Crushers and Cleavers for good? Or do I gather another pack under me and move out again? *looks over his shoulder before entering the Grey Peaks* Vorax will tell me…


Re: A mad dwarf thoughts
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2006, 05:49:44 am »
*After a half day of walking in the Grey Peaks Varka stumbles upon an old corpse in full armour. Not much is left of the fallen travellers. Varka picks up a war hammer though which lay besides it. He exams it carefully and places it back to its rightful owner. After staring at it for a few seconds he moves further - thinking as it suddenly strikes him*

Wealth dies,
Family and friends dies.
One day I too will die.
But the thing that never dies
is the judgement on how
I spent my life

*Pauses for a while but continues again*

What will I have to do?...


