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Author Topic: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;  (Read 209 times)


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    Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
    « on: October 20, 2004, 10:50:00 am »
    Day 1 - In this strange land of Layonara ;

    This has been a horrible shock;

    After having found a willing Captain. I along with a strange old man (he never did
    give a name?) pooled our gold to charter his vessel. That night alone in a lifeboat
    the stranger and I put to land, the ship suddenly seeming to put out without us.

     We were set upon by a pack of Goblins. As I struggled, the old man screamed and
     fell. Distracted, I was clubbed from behind.

     (In hind sight the fact that once there neither the Captain, nor any of his crew would join with us should have served to warned me.)

    I later awoke in a hot cauldron! In a panic I blasted their Cook with a Fire spell.

    Finding a way out of their lair, I just ran for what seemed hours through the woods. Later taking shelter in a cave I came across a camp of dead barbarians. With mother's robes and my weapons now lost to me, I was forced to steal the cloths from off a corpse, I've washed them a dozen times now. (and they still stink)

    My head throbbing, I drifted to sleep having the strangest of dreams; a talking dragon who spoke of summoning me by use of a spell. It seems he wishes to defeat some 'Blood' character? When awoke, I soon noticed my magic was failing me, along with my memory?

    Next evening, my pounding head full of questions I felt myself ready and set out into a strange land with a green sky a fallen sign called 'Memory Lane'?

    A short time later I found my way to 'Hlint', were a kind Elven gent who gave his name as RaVen Astarius showed me around, and even gave me a bow and some arrows.

    (after I accidently burned him with a fire spell.)


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      RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
      « Reply #1 on: February 15, 2005, 11:41:00 am »
      :)  Decilar 19, 2520 5:20 pm

      Having ventured out to earn some funds, I have traveled with a few parties, performing some rather 'gross' hunting tasks. This seems to be restoring memory and magic slowly. I am now in 'Fort Llast' and need to find a boar to skin, and 'will o' wisp essence'? Like I said, strange. Oh, I also Met Ozymandias Llewellyn, a kindly Elven Bard, and Matilda a very strange lady of darkness, with a kindly soul.

       :)  Jular 19, 2476 10:30 am

      Encountered Master Oholibama in the 'Goblin Wasteland', as usual he seemed to busy to talk.

      I Joined with Matilda, Arestes, and Plenarius Ashaley for a job. Sir Justian it seems
      was really a Shifter whom had stolen the sacred sword from Toren's temple. The thief poisened himself, but later recovered and escaped. We tracked a Dwarven Fence who
      planed to sell it to the Drow. We soon located this Fence within the inn at Hlint, and had to give chase to Anon lake.

      After a tense situation she was captured and returned to the Temple with the sword.

      I later met Peter Cross, Veldar Valgorian, and a Paladen named Michaelis Draego and we helped Mich' get the essence from the Hlint crypts.

      Vel' then recrafted my rapier and helm for me.


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        RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
        « Reply #2 on: February 15, 2005, 11:45:00 am »
        :)  Ozy's Coup De Grace legend;

        The rapier to end all rapiers, the 'Blade of Blue'. A needle thin Ogre slayer who's Dwarven crafter may have put a bane geas on. There are other tales that says
        it was captured north of Zainge. There also exist two recorded instances that
        mention battles with Orcs, and a rumor that says the 'Coup De Grace' is but a
        simple rapier enchanted with a cold spell? Reports also mention repetitive Orc
        defeats by a diminutive Elven in a hooded cloak welding the weapon.

         :)  Decilar 26, 2520 6:30 pm

        Today I joined Cel' and Mr.Jinkle and a small party of beings to thwart a Gnome mushroom spell gone wrong. I then went with Cel' to battle a wide range of foes.

        Later we met up with Tomi, his friend Peragrin Masrengol and a lady named Marainna Verestiya Korsaeeruil and we journeyed to Krandor.

         :)  Junar 9, 3038 3:00 pm

        Was invited to a party at the Dwarf Gloin's home by Mirren Darksol. Almost went to
        the Krandor crypts with Xandor Loiland, but he decided to go it alone. Those 'Champions' are almost always in over thier fool heads. Met a nice young man named Ash who needed a staff, so I introduced him to Valdor. So I ended up in the Seilwood with Mich', Mirren, and JonZer for the boar pelt, hunted by big Ogres.

        Back in Hlint, while cooking dinner I met a Bard by the name of Galerovel Revin who gave me some wooden pipes, then Natha; a sassy woman, I would encounter her a lot this day?

        In the evening I was asked by Cole to join his party. Once there I was surprised to find Vol' and Celgar there as well. It was a good sized party that traveled through the 'Blood desert'. Near Mistone I saw giant scorpions, and a beast they called a Manticore. Just South of Haven we lost Natha, and Khrys the Blacksmith who fell to the Spider riders of the Steel Toe Goblin clan. Back home a horrid thing named Grimgore Ironhide tried to eat RoXi' alive!! Before retiring for the night Vol' had his friend Alex craft me a fine iron rapier.


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          RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
          « Reply #3 on: February 15, 2005, 11:47:00 am »
          :)  Jular 3, 3047 2:30 pm

          Today I went across the seas North to 'Port Harbor' in search of the Blood cult known as 'Red Lotus' on what soon had become a crew less ship!  

          While Mr.Jinkle struggled to clear our jammed rudder of seaweed, our new crew of the poor Dwarf Doogan McKreed (deathly affraid of drowning), Aeralvia, Valianne Haltersen, Rufus Coldfinger, Hrothgar Starbow, Stryker, Eloril Tie'end, Niadin Fianiara, Jasra Waquesse, Leakim Blackheart, and Iseut Drake engaged the waves of Hydras and Cryohydras as they boarded. Mr.Shade with his Elven sight kept watch for land, and Cel' manned the riggings. I was able to get us to our destination.

          (never knew I had it in me?)

          Once there though, the researchers could find us little news, they will gather news
           to form a plan to oppose the cult. All that way to learn nothing?!

          Novlar 24, 4003 10:30am

          Drow continue to invade Hlint each night in a search for the cleric of Illsare: Reventage.

          This is a strange event. The Drow now attack in the broad day light? While there
          I ran into Eloril Tir'end, and Rhizome who introduced me to Amelia Sunray and her strange clumsy giant friend Log. Captain Garent assigned Myself, Dragon Eye Stonesoul, Malakai LaSunya, and the Dark Lady Chanda to guard the Western gate.

          later all parties were moved to convene at the Eastern gate because Garent believed the sun at their backs would make this gate a more likely target. A large force with a Priestess did indeed attack and many were wounded.

          As they managed to get past Our scout EnZo Reynolt, he believes the Drow forces to hold a portal or gate spell of some design. Then a Drow speaker appeared to tell us all that 'In three days time many will die in Hlint.' Despite Rhiz's retort that 'Many Drow will die' It looks grim.

          Following the heated battle, I encountered a cleric of Aragen named Scherzo Prestissimo.

           :)  A Layonara Sea legend;

          The Beholder pirate Captain Bloodot Illithid once ravaged the seas near Rodlem. Near invincible he took as he wished from what and were he wished. It appeared as though he would control the seas eternally, however a powerful Mage, ship Captain aboard the flagship of Rodlem's navy flanked by 30 other vessels came against Bloodots single dread naught near the shoals of Greywatch tower.

          They converged upon the Beholder and his crew, Those aboard the land fended off the incursion for 3 long hours of death until the Illithid used their mental powers to control the enemies crew in a battle that raged until only the flagship remained. Ramming the dread naught, The Navy Captain cast a fireball into the eye of the Beholder in a move that sacrificed himself. It is said that the Coral reefs of Voltrex still hide an undead pirate base.


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            RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
            « Reply #4 on: February 15, 2005, 05:08:00 pm »
            :(  Decilar 26, 1379 7:30 PM;
             It was so strange, I awoke upon the docks of Port Hampshire;  the strange blue skinned Sidonia seated next to me watching the sun set over the water. She must have heard me stir, for she turned to look my way. She said that I had been a sleep for two days now and she had begun to grow concerned. Seems she had carried me for most of the journey from the Mesire ruins.

              She recounted to me how the  Head Mistress and  three other Elders had thrust the two of us clear of battle before they themselves fell to some dark power as it sought to possess my body before it's... MY spirit had returned.

             I didn't think it to serious, then she told me how she had watched as the three Elder's spirit markers had crumbled quickly into dust. As we wept there she asked if the ritual had been a success. I felt such a fool. I tried to touch her mind, but felt suddenly as if my head was full of clay - there was NOTHING?!  Sidonia and I sat until the dark  purple sunset.

            Though my favorite time of day, for the pains upon my body, and soul I wished to be dead.

            The sea elf embraced me, then told me a shocking thing; The Head Mistress: Majehka Thel'dinarae had been her Mother!! I said nothing, I was so stuned. As I stood there she asked if there were any of her Mother's personal effects she could have, I agreed to check and meet up with her on the following evening, then removing her tattered robe, she dove into the waves quickly disappearing from sight.

             Alone I made my way to Hlint my body a mess of throbbing cuts and bruises, thankfully my mind was so busy sorting through what I had been told the trip seemed short. I nearly missed Connor Garvill as he strode passed, I now almost wish that I had.

             He told me the date; it seems I had been gone a week! Recalling a job I had agreed
            to under take I asked that he walk with me to Lileon. On the way we stopped at Blackford Castle. When I laid eyes upon the cottage were the Head Mistress - Majehka had lived I has over come, it only grew worse. As I  bound and treated my wounds Mr.Garvill filled me in on the weeks events.

             The Lucindites though massing at the Spellgard temple had been over taken in a Drow attack, many were now crucified or impaled on it's grounds. I shuddered near to a break down he continued. Assasins breaking into the Crowmwell home had attacked Mirren, marking her as a Queen of The house is Ara Duis, a vision of Mirr' screaming flashed through my mind as each and every word rivaling my wounds in pain.

             At the end of our journey I was glad to say good night to Connor, though I do not fault him his lack for sensitivity.


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              RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
              « Reply #5 on: February 15, 2005, 09:15:00 pm »
              :o  Decilar 27, 1379 12:30am;

              I awoke early (the pain made sleep difficult) and following a warm soak redressed my wounds.  Leaving the inn I headed for the Leilon docks were the message had said to meet my employer.

               I was surprised to find Amelia seated on the ground watching the seagulls while
              taking in the morning sun. We were then joined by Kobal Bluntaxe, Derrick Loadson, Oholibama, Ender Sai, and to my fear and joy both Quin and Mirren. Our party continued to grow and I met a Mage by the name of Daron Night who seemed nice enough.

              We were approached by an Uthgardt who claimed that his tribe was in need of 'HEROES' to deal with a goblin and Giant raiding problem they had. When he finished we all boarded the ship he had chartered for the 'Barbarian Island'. It was FREEZING and I had lost my robes at 'the Mesire ruins. Many of us needed to warm ourselves by fires on the journey.

               We cleared up the ice gobbies with ease as we neared his small ravaged village. Taking in what facts there were we continued on to the ice caverns were we were attacked by large pale Giants (though these seemed strange in appearance?) who's Mages knew the very effective lightning spell. Quin and Mr. Night were badly injured yet we managed to seal the cave in the end.

               Returning to the village we were thanked by the Chieftain but sadly no gold came my way.  Upon our reaching Port Leilon I left Quin and Mirr' (they needed alone time) I headed to West Blackford and began the painful task of packing her possessions for my meeting with Sidonia later on. Once I had packed the chest and locked up the cottage I found Quin rounding the hill. He helped me carry the load to Port Hampshire and watched confused as I tossed it into the sea. I think he may have seen Sidonia?

               In need of a drink I asked him to buy me one at the tavern. We hadn't been there ten minutes when Katrien Hommel strode in.

              She gestured to Quin that they needed to talk. It soon became obvious that I was not welcome so I excused myself and headed to 'the Hall of the Weave'. Encountering one of the large scribing tomes I felt an ill sensation. A rage grew in me and I felt the need to confront Ms.Hommel and find out what the animosity between us was about. When I said that I considered her a friend she laughed in my face saying that we hardly even knew each other, still she had seemed much nicer back during those quests we had shared last year. I said a few nasty things barely able to control my feelings, not completely sure that other things were not in truth behind them. Eventually she and Quin returned to their meeting on the Chosen Queens of the Drow houses (of which it seems she numbers) though she seemed to be waiting for some thing to happen?

              We were joined by Mirren half way through the meeting and after Ms.Hommel's departure Quin repeated the favor I had asked as he and I left Blackford, having no place to stay and no money could I stay with them? It was a relief when she said yes. I was more happy then I should be when I saw the guest room Quin had later done up for me ... I do hope this is the right thing?


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                RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
                « Reply #6 on: February 16, 2005, 09:17:00 am »
                :o Decilar 28, 1379 7::30 PM;

                  First morning after moving in to 145 Krandor with Quin and Mirr'  I found a note on the desk from Quin asking that I check on Mirren before leaving the house. The bed being empty I set out for Hlint in search of work. Despite it being a period of war the town was peaceful and following some hunting at lake Alon I encountered an Elven woman in need of help dealing with the Gobbies in the 'Red Light' caves. In the end the job paid little so I stopped by the house.

                 I found another note; (how I miss my mind Sifft)  reading 'Mirren and I are joining Derrick Loadson to deal with Ogre trouble in Haven mines, join us if you can.

                 Ps. The gold is yours should you come - Q.  

                 Not needing any more urging I set out right away for Haven. As I started this entry Mirr' snuck up on me again. (why is it I can see her when I know she's there?)  Quin was late, and out of breath when he arrived. Then Mr.Loadson arrived.

                (everyone says he's nice enough, but he makes me nervous?)

                Before reaching the cave we were joined by Tharloss Rollerwood II, Dashiva Elendil, and that  funny Mr.Daron Night from the other day.

                 There were some tense moments but thankfully no one  fell. Although the gold was to be mine I shared it with the others as it seemed only fair to do so, though there was some confusion between Mr.Rollerwood and Mr.Night they later resolved. I left Haven having decided to repay Quin and Mirr' for their kindness by preparing a cake for dinner.

                I know that I followed the directions? Yet it burned BADLY, Filling the house with smoke just before they returned home.

                 Quin said a few things that once again strangely upset me more then they should. Sadly, our second evening together ended very badly, they say it's no bother...


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                  RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
                  « Reply #7 on: February 16, 2005, 10:25:00 pm »
                  :o Decilar 30, 1379 4:30 am

                  Early this morning I met up with Janu just outside the bank in Hlint.

                  She introduced me to Ellendil Ar-Calmacil and Yashilla Menneseph and the four of
                  us went bashing bugs in the 'High Forest'. Once having returned to Hlint, Tharloss Rollerwood II came out of the bank and while RoXi' checked his sadly empty pockets,
                  I introduced him to the others.

                  When they had gone, I took him to the Moors to recover his Spirit Marker.

                  We hit the Elven thieves, and Orcs on the return journey, for a work out.

                  Returning to Hlint we once again ran into Janu, and a friend of his one Brant Mori Asphyx.

                  As Tharlos needed brown bear pelts for Mr. Johan .Janu led the three of us to hunt them, we found three of the beasts soon enough and said our good byes.

                  Funny thing is,  I met up with them again not an hour later at Lake Peldon. It seemed Mr. Asphyx had taken the job of recovering the necklace lost in the caves of Seilwood forest.

                  We went on to fight our way through the Giant, Dire, and Phase Spiders towards
                  the Seilwood Cave, some Aranea even appeared, followed by a Beholder but proved
                  no match for us.

                  Once inside many Kobals, and the Bugbears they share the caverns with appeared. With them dispatched quickly, only the GROSS Gelatinous Cube stood in our way.
                  Janu delt a finishing blow and retrieved the Bard's necklace for Mr. Asphyx.

                  That done, I made for home in need of rest.

                  I had not been home for more then five minutes when Quin entered, covered with a Barkskin spell and seeming a bit worked up as he searched through the many chests
                  he and Mirr' share within the house. Now after a busy morning I say it's a good time
                  to get some needed rest.

                  A short while later, Quin asked if I'd join him on a mining run for Quartz, and Alexandrite in the Barbarian Island.

                   (YAY & yay ?)

                  Things as it  turned out, quicky grew NASTY, for during a heated encounter with a large party of Gnolls it was WE ourselves who were taken down. After having retrieved our Spirit Markers, we took on a few parties of Kobolds belonging to the 'Long Night' clan.

                  Making for the Ice Caverns below ground two things became most apparent.  One my new robe turned out to be next to useless in battle. Two being one quarter sea elf
                  has it's own brand of draw backs, I've  been home an hour now, and I still have chills.


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                    RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
                    « Reply #8 on: February 17, 2005, 03:49:00 pm »
                    ;)  Decilar 29, 1379 8:30 am

                    While on my daily job hunt in Hlint this morning, I Met Ranger EnZo Reynolt
                    who sold me a finely crafted, and enhanced Archer's belt.

                    I headed down into the town Crypts afterwards to bash in some Deadheads.

                    (been very frustrated of late?)

                     Upon emerging, a guy introduced himself as Linus Webber, then said he HAD to give
                    'such a PRETTY woman (meaning ME) a gift. I was weary,  but all he asked in return
                    was that I remember his name. Easy enough with this journel of mine.
                    As I turned to re enter the Crypts another guy called out to me, having seen me
                    casting a spell. He introduced himself as Leuse, and together we entered to find
                    him the Essence.

                    Afterwards we went to the Wild Surge inn for drinks.

                     (I bought)

                    As we talked he asked if I always helped strangers, or was there another reason?

                    (blonde Pretty boy)

                    He kept on smiling AT me as I told him, 'if we don't help a person in need, we can
                    not expect help in return.' I also warned him never to bank on friendships as I have
                    found it will often disappoint in Hlint.
                    While our talk continued, (RoXi' fusing with his hair.) he showed me a cow collar.
                    I told him of the Gryphons in Fort Himlad stealing cattle, and he asked that I help
                    him get there. I agreed.

                    While he was shopping for supplies Ellendil, Tera Patrick, and Varka Cleavson,
                    happened along saying that they to had work there, so all agreed on joining
                    Mr.Leuse and I.

                    We made or way to Port Hampshire, but I had bank trouble so, Ellendil in charge
                    the party shipped out to Point Harbor with out me. I rejoined them awhile later at Wolfwood Forest, and we went on to battle a few Giants before returning to Hampshire.

                    Leuse caught up with me at Ft. Hope, I asked as he had been appointed 'Looter'
                    if the gold had been separated with out problem. He turned pale saying he had forgotten.

                    He was set to return and find the others but when asked if he knew were they were,
                    he had no idea.

                    Laughing I asked if anyone had requested a cut, again he said 'No'.

                    So I told him since I had been hired to take HIM to Himlad, and the others had tagged
                    along, not seeming to care about the loot, that he and I should divide it between us.

                    Took some work, but I made 1000 for my troubles.

                    Sure it was wrong, but they didn't wait for me. Ignored instruction .....

                    so I do NOT regret it....  * added later *  much.


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                      RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
                      « Reply #9 on: February 19, 2005, 05:01:00 pm »
                      :o Decilar, 30 1379 4:30 am

                      Today, shortly after getting out of bed I found Quin and Mirren talking in their room.

                      After having grabed some food from the kitchen, I went back to see them.

                      Quin mentioned that they had a big meeting in Dregar this evening about the Drow

                      I told them that I would go with them, and for this reason thought it best they know why thus far, I have tried avoid being  involved with the conflict directly. I had begun to explain to them when Mirr's supposedly,  'assigned' Drow assassin appeared silently behind me.

                      He announced the arrival of some Drow of status would soon occur.

                      Then just as suddenly, a  pale colored Drow Master Rogue strode into the room and began to make insults and threats.

                      (throwing his half eaten dead skunk into the bath)
                      I pulled my blade going for a defensive stance. But my friends however, insisted
                      I put it away, as I would 'Be Gutted'.

                      It was good, and bad that they said such a thing, for unless attacked. I will not make the first move of attack.  I felt a bit ashamed, for if I waited, and acted to slowly a friend might die? After our two unwelcome visitors had left, Quin and I checked the house chambers to insure  our 'visitors' had in fact gone.

                      In the kitchen I went on to continue my  with my interrupted explanation;

                      "One day following a rapier dueling lesson, I had discovered a breech in the court yard
                      wall  hidden behind a bush. I crept  out into the village streets.  While looking around a
                      dark skinned boy fell from the shadows of an ally. He was battered, and half starved.

                      I had not known at the time that he had been a Dark Elf. For weeks I continued to sneak out, bringing him food and cloths, and reading tomes. Though I could understand none of  what the boy said to me he became more trusting each day."

                      Quin became enraged and I defensive before I could finish. I asked him how this war would later effect our Dark Elven friends such as Marianna, and Mr. Tathnolu? Had they not forsaken every thing? Had they not also through trials and pains earned the same rights to life as we?

                      Yet already the pressure was forcing them into hiding as fear turned to prejudice?

                      Quin in a aura of hate and rage kept shouting saying 'Maybe they should leave?!' I could  but weep as a knock sounded at the door.

                      Mirren returned softly to the kitchen, gently she encouraged me to finish my story, so I continued....

                      "Then one day as I was leaving the hovel were he lived, a pair of thugs seized me hoping to extort riches from my Father. My new friend hearing my cry had raced from the shadows and chased of the villains. The next week as I made to visit I came upon a gathered crowd.

                       I pushed my way through only to watch as my friend tied between two horses was torn screaming, violently murdered before my eyes by a hate filled mob. I had sworn then and there, I would never become as they had, and would always seek to understand both sides of conflict."

                      Mirr' tried to calm me, but casting an invisability spell I ran from the house.

                      I arrived at Port Hampshire a while later. Needing to think I went to the Weave hall  were I make this entry.  

                      I find it hard to believe a night as beautiful as this is so terrible for a great many of this realms peoples.

                      Later having left the Hall I came upon Quin seated on the docks. I tried asking what brought him to Port Hampshire. When he seemed curt with me, and not interested in apologizing I left him there. I found the house dark when I arrived home.

                      Gathering some fruit from the kitchen and a few scrolls I went to my bed chamber
                      and locked the door. I was too upset to study, RoXi' poor thing backed of into the
                      corner after trying to cheer me.

                      10:12 pm

                      I must have fallen asleep at my desk as a knock came on the door. Quin wished to talk, and would not take no for an answer. Hesitantly I let him in. We sat upon my bed, and he apologized, before going on about the out come of the meeting in Dregar.

                      I do not know how, but I must have blacked out and fallen. I lay upon the carpet
                      with a lump on my head? Quin, all red and flustered accused me of well... I don't
                      know really? He was up set further when I asked if he had pushed me from the bed?

                      Once our wits were about us, he continued to tell me about the results of the meeting
                      he had attended with Mirren. It would seem that Master Llewellyn, once again would be most likely to hold the keys in solving the Soul Venom crisis.

                      (big surprise there)

                      Quin decided on a night cap. (after accusing me of taking all the alcohol) I told him that I had not, he then considered that perhaps it had beed packed by Mirren for some trip they were to take. We moved into the study  were he recounted the night of the first attack upon them.

                       He described (in detail) how Mirren had been attacked, and how he had to remove the arrows and nurse her back from the brink of death. When he had finished, I told him the parts of my own story that he had not stayed for.

                       I told him that he was blinded by his rage, and that in rage avoidable mistakes are often made. He promised to try and be more careful in future. With that I said good night and after writing this entry will go to bed.


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                        RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
                        « Reply #10 on: February 23, 2005, 10:30:00 am »
                        :( Mar 28, 1380 7:30 am

                        Headed into Hlint, no work today it seemed.

                        Saved Mr. Leuse from some Orcs. While passing through the Goblin wastes I met Mr. Night who had been mining, and we chatted on the quiet state of Hlint since these cursed Drow attacks began. He said that it had been ages since the last attack?

                        When I reached the Toranite temple in Ft. Llast I was joined by  Mr. Tathnolu or Albert, then Valianne Haltersen, Amalric Gneiss, Kobal Bluntaxe, Synal'dur Hano'del, and Mr. Na~Hani.  

                        We were once again hired to seek out the 'Twin Swords'. As usual due to my personal feelings toward the harshness of the deity Toran; I awaited the others outside the temple while they entered to discus the cursed keys, locks and and their possible use. Mr.Ender Sai having arrived late, rushed past me to enter.

                        (it is only to honor the memory of my Toranite friends Matilda Landsend,
                        and Michaelis Draego that I continue to take work for the Ft.Llast temple)

                        We headed to Karthy to locate and study some tome on the history of the those blades? As we headed out toward Lielon, it became apparent that Ender did not like the idea of Syn' holding both the keys, and despite the curse took it upon himself to carry one.

                        Reaching the woods of Karthy, I was badly injured by a powerful fire based  attack by
                        a rival party of  Mercs.

                        (so powerful was it, that only my Sea Elf heritage prevented death)

                        Mr. Bluntaxe carried me to the nearby Xeenite temple, and even paid a hefty price to have me healed by it's less then compassionate resident Healer.

                        (a most un-Claric like behavior)

                        That unpleasant experience behind, we met with a Pawn broker who had  possession of the tome we sought.  A phony town guardsman and an assassin attempted to ambush Syn' and Kobal after they had gone to the bank to obtain needed funds.

                        Their moods soured, the woman soon surrendered the Corathian tome. It tells of two great Human champions locked in a days long battle near the village of Bloody Gate, using what we assumed to have been the 'Twin Swords'. The oddest thing to me was the mention of there having formed a partnership involving a follower of Corath.

                        We were lead by Kobal to Bloody Gate and he and our leader Syn' spoke with a pair of Ulgrid Dwarves in the hope of learnng more leads on this 'legendary' battle. It had been hoped that since Dwarves were long lived, (despite their often violent lifestyles) someone may know more accurate details. Seems we may have to convince a Coranite to aid during the next leg of our quest for answers. *sigh*

                        Seems that these eye shaped keys both Syn' and Ender hold were but small pieces
                        of a much larger puzzle?  I just now have realized, Valianna never DID buy me the promised TREAT at the inn?!

                        Having recalled advice given me by Lady Woodmaiden last year, I had started my plan to soften my image. For months I have been  secretly sewing a new dress gown for myself, and this evening I went to the craft house loom to finish working on it .

                        Once it was completed I put it on and made to leave, only I spotted Magnus and Ms.Hommel speaking with Conner Garvill behind the mill outside. Self conscious I ran quickly by them and made for the town center.  I caught sight of Mr. Night and decided on a test to discover he was talking to a blonde woman, before I could seek away dignity intact, Quin can up saying;

                        'Hey Naga, new dress?!' In shock with embarrassment, I ran all the way home. Now that this day is over I'm going to bed ... for a WEEK!


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                          RE: Musings of Saillune: Rogue;
                          « Reply #11 on: February 24, 2005, 03:30:00 pm »
                          :) Mar 30, 1380 3:30am

                          This morning while headed to Port Hampshire for a meeting with Quin in the tavern
                          there, I met a Halfling by the name of Bandikoot Baittoes after we had fought off
                          some Deadheads that had followed me into Ft. Hope.

                          We waited together sharing drinks and stories, Celgar Magnus even came in and challenged me to a 'warm gin' drinking contest some time. before leaving he gave
                          me some type of fancy smoke to try which he called a 'Rum Dipper'.

                          Though I found it a bit too harsh for my  tastes I decided to hang on to it.

                          Mighty never showed and since it was not like him to stand people up I grew in concern. We made our way to Ft.Velensk were I recalled he had mentioned having some bow sales today. We found him there, then his contact Mr. Cassius arrived.

                          While those two talked shop a Halfling woman named Shiani Maera walked up.

                          After I introduced her to 'Beeb' and the two of them seemed to click together nicely.

                          As the five of us made for the Berhagen Mountains we were joined by the Elf Gorfind Je'rein for some intense encounters with the local Giants there.

                          There were some CLOSE calls; an invisible Dire tiger injured poor Beeb pretty badly
                          and we had to help him to recover a Spirit Marker. Then I was nearly taken out in a mountain canyon ambush. In the end though, even after the Elf disappeared on us,
                          we all had a safe trip, and made two new friends and 850 gold for my pain.