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Author Topic: The Journal of Mai'yri  (Read 95 times)


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    The Journal of Mai'yri
    « on: March 21, 2007, 10:15:44 pm »
    My parents are Amasel and Toman Hommel.  My mother is an elf and my father a human.  That makes me a half-elf.  My name is both elvish and human.  Mai'yri was given to me more by my grandfather, my mother's father.  He said that he saw potential in me and that I could be very powerfull.  My grandfather, Karia Teasenathem, disapeared shortly after my birth.

    While growing up in my little home in the Silkwood Forest my parents taught me much.  My mother taught me the ways of the elves and of my heritage.  She told me of my ancestors that fought alongside the hero Bloodstone, and she told me of how they called themselves dragon hunters.  My father on the other hand, taught me to live off of the land and to befriend the animals.  He also told me of the giants that murdered his family and destroyed his home.  Needless to say all of this had taught me a lot and also to provide the soul mother with plenty of giant's souls.  One day I would very much like to bring down a dragon........maybe more.

    Some time ago on my 26th birthday I left my home.  I set out to become a great hunter and see much of the world.  I have seen more than I ever imagined so far and have been working very hard on making my own armor and bows.  I will buy my swords for now.  I have wondered many of towns and have met a number of people.  I have killed many of large ogres, bringing them down with my well placed arrows and the help of others who might come along for a good hunt.

    So far the hunting, be it deer or ogre, has been good.  I have plenty of food stocked and my dear pet Granzil at my side.

    signed- Mai'yri


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      Re: The Journal of Mai'yri
      « Reply #1 on: March 24, 2007, 09:27:48 am »
      There was this bard in the Wild Surge Inn.  She had seemed to lost her necklace sometime ago.  She asked me to find it for her and told me she would reward me.  A couple lasses and Benjamin and I went deep into a cave in the Silkwood Forest to find it.  The cave was filled with many of kobolds and some goblins.  Let's not forget about the blobs of goo either.  Our tactics were sound and skill proficient.  We brought down kobold after kobold, searching for the necklace.  I ripped through one of the groups of them with swords in hand, lopping off heads and limbs.  It was a messy battle and the need to clean off was more than anytime I can remember in recent history.  Finally the necklace was found in the remains of some of the goo.  Soon after fighting our way out of the cave and a few spiders outside of the cave,  I returned to Hlint and the Wild Surge Inn to speak with that bard again.   I gave her lost necklace back to her, only to receive 200 true, or jink as Benjamin would say.  For that kind of reward I should have kept the necklace that was found.   Oh well,  it was good practice.

      signed - Mai'yri

