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Author Topic: A plain old book  (Read 172 times)


A plain old book
« on: May 16, 2008, 11:48:44 pm »
When I arrived in Hempstead, I was treated pretty much the same as I have been treated elsewhere. Pretty much everyone seemed to be mad that I was alive. Well... not that I was alive, but that I was talking to them. I can't help the fact that in my blood lies the blood of an "evil race". All I can do, is prove myself through my words and my actions.

Just outside of Hempstead, in the fields, I ran into an odd couple. They were brother and sister I believe. Sara and Elgon In'Darsus... although Sara prefers to be called Huntemara. Huntemara was searching for a helm of some sort that she had lost. So they both wished me a safe journey, and were off. But when they left, the most amazing thing happened. Elgon transformed into a cheetah. I have never seen anything like this and Uncle, rest his spirit, never mentioned anyone doing something of the like. Before I could ask him how, he was gone. I hope to run into them again.

A knight in the service of Toran, Lance Stargazer, was exceptionally kind to me. He took me on a tour of Mistone, showed me several of the sights and the towns. One of the places we stopped was Silkwood Forest. I got the strange feeling like I have been there before. The people in town seemed happier to talk with me... us. I guess he is the kind of person I need to associate with in order to prove my intent. After giving me some advice, and our tour was complete, he was off and so I was alone again.

My mind kept falling back on Silkwood. So I ventured there on my own. I stopped by the Silkwood Witch's home. She was kind enough to allow me in her domicile. Yet, I spent most of my time in an area called Folian's Vale... or something of the like. There was a shrine to Aeridin there and several followers of Aeridin as expected. They seemed surprised to see me there, but once they learned I had no ill intent they settled back down. The forests are different. I can't help but feel at peace in the woods.

Lance also brought me to an area of forest that had been burnt down by some sort of magical mishap. He told me it happened long ago, and the forest has yet to recover. Maybe one day I will be able to help with that recovery.


Re: A plain old book
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2008, 01:42:16 am »
Today, Elgon showed me around. It was good that I got a chance to talk with him, because I am exceedingly interested in his abilities. He tells me of the ways of nature and druidism. How it all boils down to maintaining balance with nature. There is that word again. Balance. Perhaps this is what 'Uncle' was talking about.

I asked Elgon if he would teach me, but he said there was really no way to 'teach' his techniques. It was something he just felt he could do. And he could do it. He tells me if I really want to become a student of balance, I have to give myself to nature. He said that if I do that, perhaps nature would return the favor. It is something I need to think about.

Later we were joined by a girl named Ysaline. She and Elgon seem very close. Together we cleaned the crypts in Vehl. So many undead... everywhere. In the Gloom Forest, in the crypts... apparently there was even undead in Hallowlight Forest a long time ago. It is so unsettling and unnatural.

During a trip into the crypts of Krandor we were assaulted by some sort of demon. I paniced, but luckily we were with several members of the In'Darsus family. Apparently the demon was attracted to sound and movement. We all stood very still and eventually it left.

This is most disturbing. How can things so vile lurk so close to towns. I intend to find out more once I am capable of handling situations like these.


Re: A plain old book
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2008, 10:51:58 pm »
I am beginning to spend a good deal of my time meditating in Folian's Vale, a small safe haven in the midst of Silkwood. I have been trying to follow Elgon's instructions by giving myself to nature... but I just don't know where to start. I am hoping that by spending my time in a place of nature, I might gain enlightenment.

Recently the kobolds near Hempstead starting gathering more forces. A few friends and I just happened to be in the area, and we managed to thin out their numbers. We also decided that it would be wise to alert the town guard of the situation.

I find myself drifting back to the vale though. At first I thought it was out of habit... but maybe not. Only time can tell.


Re: A plain old book
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2008, 03:10:46 am »
An interesting development... I have discovered that I have developed a taste for raw meat. I do not know where this stems from. I just seem to prefer to eat my meals raw now. I can stand to have them cooked, but raw just seems to taste better to me. I wonder if this is caused by my consistent meditation in Silkwood.

Perhaps I should speak with Elgon again. He would know more about this... hopefully...


Re: A plain old book
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2008, 12:32:21 am »
Today I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. Lonely. Everywhere I went people practically shunned me. They would nod their head when I was near, to acknowledge my presence, but they would not stop and converse with me like the would others. Its this damned blood of mine. Curse my father for ever existing. *there are several scribbles that are indecipherable, as if the writer was agitated immensely*


Re: A plain old book
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2008, 12:35:49 am »
I have calmed myself down, using a mantra that 'Uncle' taught me long ago. I cannot blame my father for my troubles. I must surpass them and overcome my own self-loathing. It would really help if I had a 'friend'. Someone I could talk with and walk the path of my life with. But I digress...


Re: A plain old book
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2008, 12:15:50 pm »
I have spoken with Elgon. I relieved to find out the changes I have been experiencing, such as the taste for raw meat, are all normal. Not necessarily normal per say. What Elgon tells me, is that as each particular individual comes closer to fully giving of themselves to the way of nature, they sometimes develop quirks. Things about them that are slightly different, usually pertaining to an aspect about that individual that defines them.

I wonder exactly what his quirk is if he has one? Perhaps it has something to do with how he can smell scents like an animal does. It has given me much to think about. I continue to spend more and more of my time in the grove. Less time, it seems, meditating however. Usually I just sit and listen to the serenity of the forest.


Re: A plain old book
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2008, 12:26:12 pm »
Good news, and horrible news today.

I met Benjamin Poetr today... and his wife Natalie, who is pregnant with twins it seems. Also the priestess Hedessa was with them. They decided to venture deeper into Silkwood, and this was an opportunity I could not pass up. During our travels Ben and I spoke about my past, namely, my 'Uncle' and my bloodline. Surprisingly enough, he did not seem disturbed about my heritage.

I have not felt that at home with a group of people... ever. It was definitely a good feeling. Hedessa was... nice, we shall say. Rather flirtatious, but very nice.

In the heat of battle, I almost struck Hedessa... twice! I don't know how it could have happened. I have never been so careless with my blows. I was in shock, and apologized multiple times. She says she forgives me, that accidents can happen in the heat of battle, but they have never before happened to me. I was extremely flustered for the majority of the remainder of time we were together.

Afterwards I traveled with Ms. Poetr to Hlint where we parted ways. I went back home... to Haven. No one seems to remember me there... I guess that is good. The Warrant Officer had a job for me. Apparently Lt. Jurkins has been spreading my name around. I have almost completed the task for her, but I can't seem to find an Oak Shortbow. I wonder where I can obtain one.