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Author Topic: Duty and Law, a Protector's path  (Read 76 times)


Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« on: July 17, 2011, 12:49:25 am »
"High Protector, I was wondering if I could speak with you?" Samantha asked quietly.

The older woman looked at Samantha's expression for a moment.  "Of course, Protector, what is on your mind?"

Samantha placed her hands behind her back and looked at the floor.  "Some things have happened lately, and I'm finding myself confused... Not so much that I necessarily feel that I'm wrong, but more that there seems to be other alternate views that conflict with how I believe the laws should be applied, and how I was brought up and taught... among a great many other things and feelings that..." she trails off and blushes somewhat.  "I suppose I was just wondering if I could ask you for some advice if that is alright?"

The older woman nodded and offered Samantha a seat.  "Well, young Protector, what can I help you with?"

Samantha took a deep breath.  "Well, you see, ma'am, I've been here on Mistone as a Protector now for over a year now, and I've traveled to places I've never seen before.  I'm trying to learn the laws of the lands, but overall, I do see a commonality of the laws among civilized people.  I'm finding, though, that there are different ways of viewing the laws even among our own people, among the followers of the Lord Protector, and I've found myself a few times in a debate with people that I respect, but we've disagreed, sometimes most fervently on the application of laws towards the Common Man."  She pauses a moment and looks at the older woman.

"Go on, I'm listening."

"Well, I suppose I should go with the most recent example...  I happened to be travelling through the Crossroads at Stormcrest and met with Sir Therhcha of the Knights of the Wyrm, and Maxamillian De'Lourney, who is looking to join the Knights..." She blushes slightly and averts her gaze a moment while she continues. "There were a couple others there as well, and then we were joined by Protector Stargazer.  I hadn't expected to see such a force for the Gold there that day, but I do believe we were brought there for the very purpose that we ended up serving.

"You see, a man and his wife came upon us there and said they needed help.  They stated that they had signed a load contract, and that they had defaulted, and as collateral, the lender had seized their children.  They explained that the contract did not specify that it would be their children taken, only that it specified that should the man default on his loan, the lender could seize a security of their own choosing.  They chose to take the children.

Samantha takes a breath before continuing.  "I'll tell you that at present the children are safe, so that is not the issue currently... but the loan amount was for an exhorbitant sum of 20,000Tr.  This man was just a common carpenter he said, and he admitted that he lost the money in unwise expenditures.  Max said that he didn't believe the contract to be binding due to it not being signed by a reputable organization... but this is Co'rys.  Both signatures were there, willingly, by both parties.  The issue came from the unspecified collateral, which could not legally involve the man's children, I don't think or else it could be considered sale of slaves, perhaps... at least that was the argument.  But even if it was the sale of child slaves, the father would be equally as guilty for selling his own children as the other party for buying them or in this case, taking them as payment for a debt.  Without hearing the other side, and at least removing the children from the deal, it was impossible to come to a judgment."  

She sighs.  "The woman was crying and yelling at her husband for his actions that cost her her children, and some were drawn into her histrionics, but that sort of thing could be easily pulled off by a con artist as well as a legitimately distraught woman.

Samantha looks at the older Protector for a moment, who gestures for her to continue in her story.  The younger Protector takes a deep breath and continues.  "Well, we went on to the meeting place that was agreed upon in the terms of the contract so that we could negotiate for the return of the children.  We met with a man who insisted that the children were safe and had to convince him that his unlawful taking of children would have to be reported as kidnapping, but that they had the opportunity to return the children immediately.  He brought us to another location where there was a campsite that was positively filled with armed and vicious-looking men.  The children, we could see, were unharmed, but they were under guard.  

"After what seemed like a lifetime of debate and negotiations we managed to convince the lender to return the children, though the woman implied at one point that she knew that the contract was vague and that it was the children she wanted.  I explained that by her words she would be admitting to willful fraud with the intent to kidnap, and she then released the children back to the mother upon our assurance that should she take the debt to the courts, it can be settled appropriately as is defined by the law.

"We also informed the man who borrowed and then lost the money, and almost lost his children, that he was advised not to leave town until the matter was settled about the debt."

She takes a breath again.  "But through it all, ma'am, I felt like I was constantly arguing with Max on each point.  Every step of the way he advocated for the ignorance and innocence of this man who so unwisely wasted and frittered away a fortune.  I don't know that the man didn't simply gamble it away or spent it on spirits, and I don't think that being ignorant or lower class should excuse the fact that there were 20,000Tr of misappropriated funds and a default on a loan.  I'm not saying that the other party was innocent either, but I did not feel we had the necessary information or authority to make that decision in the field.  I wanted it to be handled by the courts... once the children were safe.  The children and the wife were not included in the contract and therefore to have them be so unjustly affected by the arrangement was unfair."

She frowns.  "Max asked me why I was so against the family, and I wasn't... but I simply didn't feel that I should... " she shrugs, "just wipe away all possibility in my mind of their own wrongdoing.  

"I've fought with Max, I've protected him, he's protected me... we've been through some very dangerous situations together in our travels.  I didn't like feeling like I was arguing with him more than just a legal debate, but... "  She lets out a frustrated sigh.  "I don't understand how I can feel my stomach flip flop when I see him one moment, and my cheeks flush, and... all sorts of other feelings... and then he can frustrate me to no end with his inability to see past the sob story of someone who would like to be seen as innocent.  I've seen him give money to a goblin in the soft-hearted and probably foolish wish that a goblin would have the conscience to start a better life for itself.  A goblin!"  

She pulls her hair over her shoulder and twists it in her hands, finally quiet, but obviously still seething.

Softly, the older Protector interjects into Samantha's frustrations.  "What part of it has you confused, Protector?"

"Well, I have Max acting like I'm against people or cruel because I believe that the system should be fair and that each side must be heard in order to find the full truth and come to a just decision, and then I have Protector Stargazer who has told me that each case is different and that while it is alright to go by the book sometimes, other times judgments must be more creative and on a case-by-case basis.  But... while I understand that each case is different, I believe the law has worked in a way to consider those things."

The older Protector nods.  "Protector, I understand that it can be confusing at times, but I will tell you something that I learned over the years.  There is a place for leniency in the courts.  It can be offered.  However, it is something that is best handled by a Judge who has the most experience and ability to judge a case by the full will of the law.  As for creativity in judgments...  There may be times when one judge or another will take into consideration something that may have them draw upon other cases and come up with something that is more suitable in that instance, but there is a reason we have the Divine Law, and if we stray away from that, we are not serving the Law, we would be acting as vigilantes and serving our own justice.  I urge you to go by the book as much as you can, because it will not lead you astray where the law is concerned."

The older Protector smiles at Samantha with an understanding and wiser look.  "We are only mortals, my dear.  It's quite normal to feel confused or frustrated, especially where personal feelings are concerned.  People are complex and therefore can be confusing, and this goes for people that we think we know and care for as well as people that we have only just met, or people that we are to protect by mediation, delegation, or negotiations in legal matters.  The important thing for you to remember is that the frustration, happiness, or any of the other emotions that we feel must be set aside when dealing with law as it relates to personal matters.  There is and will be plenty of time for those emotions in your own personal time.  In those times the law only matters in how you conduct yourself.

"If you need to ask for help or advice, the temple is here for you, as I'm sure that many of us if not all have been through it at one time or another."

Samantha lets out a breath of relief.  "So, I wasn't being unreasonable then, or cruel in my belief."

"Samantha," the older Protector said gently, "the Lord Protector has seen fit to trust you as a Protector of His Divine Law.  At some point, you'll have to trust yourself as well."  She winked at her and patted her on the head, then rested a hand on her cheek, giving her a knowing look while meeting Samantha's gaze for a moment before leaving the young priestess to think over their discussion.


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2011, 12:01:20 am »
Samantha sat with her mother in Western Gate after the Knighting ceremony absently picking up some needlepoint.  "You should have seen them, mother.  They were all so solemn and proud.  It was such a moving sight to see so many men and women dedicate their lives to duty."

Mrs. Merritt nodded quietly, rocking slowly in her wooden rocking chair working her own needlepoint in a delicate.  "I remember the day your father was inducted into the Knights of the Wyrm, my dear.  It's an amazing thing to watch, but it also changes the men involved.  It struck a chord with your father."  She paused a moment in her rocking as she remembered, tears coming to her eyes only briefly.  "He was so handsome and proud standing there in his armor all polished.  We'd been married the year before..." She trails off and wipes her eyes a moment and then returns her attention to her needlepoint.  "Well, I know I've told you the story."  She smiled knowingly without looking at her daughter.  "Besides, I'm sure you know what that feels like.  He's a fine young man, that Max.  Your dwarven friend, Naldin, also seems like a good companion.  I'm glad you've found such strong and stalwart companions, Samantha.  I've missed you the past couple years.  I suppose I'll miss you even more when you get married, but I hope you'll at least still let me make your wedding gown."

Samantha blushed a dark pink.  "Mother...

Her mother chuckled.  "Well, then, what do you plan on doing, my daughter.  Or should I simply call you Protector, now?"  She regarded her daughter with a twinkle in her eye and a proud smile.  "If you do not intend to marry this young man, what do you intend to do?"

Still blushing, Samantha tried to focus on her needlework.  "I've been thinking about delving in to a deeper understanding of the Law, mother.  I haven't ruled out marriage of course, and I know how important that is to you, but I have to go where Rofirein calls me.  There's been a few things that have happened recently that made me realize that people really simply don't understand the laws.  So many people seem to think they're a way to oppress and control rather than to protect and guide."  She sighed.  "Sir Max and Sir Naldin had asked if I wanted to apply to the Knights of the Wyrm with them, but I simply didn't feel that was my calling."  

Her mother nodded.  "Well... I liked him."

"Ow!"  Samantha protested as she accidentally pricked her finger with the sharp needle.  She looked at her finger as a small dot of blood began to well up before sucking on her finger and looking at her mother.  She sighed and put her hands back in her lap.  "Mother, I just don't know that he sees me that way.  Things were so much simpler when I knew that you and father would arrange things."

Her mother simply smiled knowingly, continuing to work.  "You go study the Gold's laws, Protector.  I have a feeling the Gold is taking good care of you."

Samantha nodded slowly, once again deciding to attack the needlework.  "He is, mother, but I'm worried about the city here.  It's so changed now since the war.  Should I not have gone away?  Is there anything I can do here?  What if I send you back some gold?"

"It's not just the war, Samantha, there are other things going on.  Attacks on livestock, the farmers outside of the city are worried and frightened.  Gold will only be a temporary fix.  I simply pray that Rofirein will aid us.  There's talk of dragons, and He's the most powerful dragon I know."

Samantha frowned.  "I'm so sorry, mother, I didn't realize that you were in such dire straights.  I'll do what I can.  My duty is still to this family, my duties to the Gold didn't take that away."

"Samantha, your duty to this family is your duty to the Gold.  I know that if you serve Him, you're also serving us.  We'll make it through this."  She grins to herself.  "I plan on seeing my grandchildren from you some day.  I wonder if they'll have your hair color or Max's."  She grins again, still not looking at her daughter.

Samantha's face turned red once again, but this time, she made no protest as she simply sought to finish the small sampler.  Her mother simply chuckled softly to herself again.

"It's good to have you home, Samantha."


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2011, 02:44:09 pm »
Dear Mother,

How are things?  I hope all is well.  Things are getting on fine here.  It's been busy, and I've traveled and learned a great deal, but have no fear, I am safe.

I was recently asked to escort a wanted man from Co'rys to Vandery.  Vandery is a town at the southern border of Brelin, near Co'rys.  This man had been wanted for the murder of several guards including the Guard Commander in Vandery, and alleged plot to assassinate the Lord of Vandery.  It was very interesting, Mother.  I was able to help in uncovering the truth of what happened in order for justice to be served, and it felt very good.  It felt right to me.  The man was wronged, which was what seemed to spur on the trouble in the first place, but it just goes to show that one should never try to take the law into their own hands.  Vigilantism does not pay.  I will spare your heart and stomach the vivid details of what happened.  To make a long story short, justice was served well, and those that were guilty got what they deserved.  The Lord of Vandery was pleased it seemed, as he sent a commendation to High Justicar Reus in Fort Vehl about my service to the Gold.  

I really do hope things are getting better there.  I've told Sir Maxamillian that I was planning a trip home soon, and he said he would make the arrangements and would like to go as well.  I believe he will be going to visit his own family in Tyr-Song.  I don't know if Sir Naldin will be joining us this time as he doesn't have family to visit there, but he may wish to visit the Cathedral.  I simply hope Sir Max isn't still inclined to go dragon hunting on his own.  He worries me sometimes when he gets an idea in his head.  He's at least as stubborn as Gaius and Alexander ever were, perhaps moreso.  Possibly stubborn enough to rival father, even.

I got your message about Chloe's marriage, and I'm happy for her.  Please give her my sincere apologies that I was not there for the ceremony, but I'll be sure to bring a gift when I return.  Is there a baby I should bring something for as well?  I suppose now with her married, you'll be busy arranging something for Julia as well.  I'll try to be present for that one if you are able to give me enough time to make arrangements for travel.

I'll send another notice as soon as all is prepared.  I'll bring food when I come.

Your loving daughter,


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 08:01:10 am »
Samantha fidgeted in her room, pacing nervously, fanning herself to keep her cheeks from coloring again.  She had laid out her other dress on her small bed to let some of the wrinkles out before it was time.  It wouldn't do to wear a wrinkly dress.  What sort of impression would that make?  She took a deep breath and moved over towards her small table near her bed where her hair brush and comb sat.  Her mother had sent them to her.  They had been her grandmother's.

There was a knock on the door.  "Samantha, it's Genevieve.  May I come in?"

Samantha crossed to the door and peeked out.

Protector Genevieve smiled.  "I heard about the conversation and dinner with Sir Maxamillian.  I thought maybe I could help you somewhat."

Samantha blushed.  "Oh.. well... It's nothing Protector.  Just... well, dinner in the common room.  Everyone will be there.  I'm sure it is nothing."

Genevieve gave her a knowing look.  "I know it's not nothing, Samantha.  Everyone in the temple knows it's not nothing.  Now, can I help you get ready or not?"

Samantha pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, defeated and sheepish.  She pushed the door open the rest of the way to allow Genevieve entrance.  "Thank you."


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2012, 06:54:57 am »
As the door shut behind her inside her small room in the temple, Samantha's hands went to her face, feeling the heat of flush still in her cheeks. Her heart was still pounding, butterflies still in her stomach.

Sir Max had met her at the door to the common room, opening the door for her and offering her an arm. She had nervously smoothed her dress before carefully taking his arm. He wasn't wearing armor, but a clean set of clothes that reminded her of home. She knew she was blushing as she felt his toned bicep beneath his shirt, warm, instead of the normal cold metal of armor. She'd seen it countless times before, and had even touched him before as she patched up his wounds on the battlefield, usually with him trying to continue before she was able to take care of his injuries. But this was different. It was good to see him off of the battlefield for a change. At least in the halls of Rofirein, she knew that they would not be fighting to stay alive, to keep each other alive. Here they were safe, and yet her heart raced all the same.

The room was crowded with others from the temple as they gathered for their evening meal. A chair was pulled out for her and she sat, with Sir Max taking a seat beside her and speaking to one or two of the other knights in a friendly manner. There was small talk between Samantha and some of the other Protectors and Knights as well, but she continued to turn her attentions back to Sir Max as she asked him about his recent travels and answered his own questions about her as well.

It was as if the rest of those in the Common Room simply faded away as the conversation went on. The only ones there were the two of them and the ever-present feeling of safety as if they were chaperoned by Rofirein Himself.

They talked until most of the others had finished their dinner and left for evening prayer. Sir Max had offered to walk her back to her room, and he stood to help her from her chair. She knew her cheeks had been burning all evening, and yet she simply didn't care anymore. Again, he offered his arm and escorted her slowly back to her room as they continued their conversation but they both knew that it would come to an end soon.

As they made their good-byes, Sir Max bowed and kissed her hand, observing the customs and propriety as any respectful son of Dragonsong would. She offered him a blessing of the Gold with a smile on her lips, and entered her room, closing the door behind her.

As she stood and remembered over the events of the evening, she offered up a soft prayer of thanks to the Lord Protector for letting her know such a wonderful man.


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2012, 12:59:41 am »
Dearest Mother,

I'm writing to let you know that I have been asked to travel to the Taur'en Kingdom to act as a missionary for the church.  From what I have been told their lands are on the whole uncivilized.  They do have a king, and they do have civilized cities.  In fact, they have a rather large library there housed within the walls of King Bydell's fortress.  It is a library dedicated to the god Aragen.  I am hoping that while I am there I am able to spend some time doing a bit of research.  I'm sure that the information they have there may prove useful to me some time in the future, but I may have to return once my mission is completed.

There is a war going on there, a border skirmish really I suppose, between Sagewald and Taur'en.  I've been assured that my mission there is not to get involved between the two kingdoms, so please do not worry.  My main purpose in going is that there is apparently no real presence of Rofirein's church in the kingdom at all.  I'm quite honored to have been chosen to go really, but I admit I'm feeling a distinct feeling of trepidation at the lack of civilized culture where I'm going.  I'm not exactly sure when I will be able to write you again, but I will do my best to send word once I arrive.  I have faith that the Lord Protector will lead me to the way in which I can help this kingdom.

In other news, because I'm certain that you would ask me, I am fine and well.  I've been busy with my duties.  Sir Maxamillian is quite well, because I know you would ask.  We have dined together a couple of times recently.  I'm not telling you this to get your hopes up, please do not read into it more than there is.  I admit I am trying not to get my own feelings in a tangle.  I have told him of my new assignment, and he has agreed to watch my cat.  Oh!  I don't think I mentioned, Mother, but I have a cat.  Her name is Josephine.  What fine creatures cats are.  She is a yellowish gold striped tabby and she is excellent at catching mice.  Do you know how to train a cat to not leave them on the doorstep, though?  That is something I would very much like to have her stop.  I think she thinks it's a gift of some sort.  I'm glad it's dead, but I would prefer to just never see them at all!

Sir Maxamillian has asked me to sup with him once more before I leave for Alindor.  I of course accepted.  I hope that I am not being improper with him.  We have always been in the company of others in these meetings, so our conduct should be irreproachable.  He has been acting strangely lately, so I hope that everything is alright with him.  Every time I tried to ask him, he has changed the subject or simply not answered.  I am trying to keep my nerves calm by focusing on my new assignment and making sure I have everything packed that I will need and yet not so much that I can't carry it.  Thankfully, I don't have much as it is.

I leave in a week, so I will be traveling for some time.  Please do not worry.  I promise to send word at the first moment I have the ability.

Your loving daughter,


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2012, 01:08:39 am »
Samantha sat at a small table that served as a desk and finished the letter to her mother.  She sealed it with wax and then set it aside, looking at another folded piece of parchment.  She opened the letter and read the contents once more, then, hands shaking, refolded the parchment and placed it off to the side in a small box.

That letter would stay here.  That was only in case something very bad happened.  

She stood and walked over to her bed, picking up her small ginger kitten on the way, curling up on the bed with her pet and scratching her chin to elicit a soft purr from the animal.  "You'll watch over him while I'm gone, won't you Josephine?  Good kitty."


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2012, 01:31:09 pm »
//The song that Samantha sang for Therhcha and Daniel
The lyrics are original, but to the tune of Yiruma - Moonlight - YouTube

As the shades of night begin to light
I can see the sun is dawning
And I know our time is almost done
I will have to face the morning

As I fight my tears and help you rise
And I help you with your armor
It may be years again before your eyes
Ever greet me with a smile once more.

Here is your sword, your shield, your cloak
To keep you safe and keep you guarded
I know the battle calls you forth to war.

I pray that you will hold me in your heart
And that it gives you strength to always keep on going.
And when you feel alone or feel afraid
Think of me and what our love is growing.

I'll tell our child of all your deeds
And see that he has all his needs
But his one need above all else is you
Is you.
I need you.

My love return to me when this is o'er
And let us start again our lives together
I hold your hand until it's time to part
But I would that I could hold forever

I watch alone as you ride from my sight
I wish that I could go and be beside you
But go you must and here I have to stay
Know that I will always be true

I'll pray for you and dream of you
And one day if my dreams come true
I'll hold you in my arms again someday
Someday... soon.


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2012, 11:47:47 pm »
//Power and Prestige, for time consistency


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2012, 04:25:18 pm »
Samantha sat down, exhausted, on the edge of the bed in the small, but lovely room in the De'Lourney family home.  It had been a long day but a good one.  Her nerves had been wound so tight, meeting Max's parents for the first time, her heart had beat so fast, she had clung to Max's arm for fear that it might cause her to faint.  But Max's mother Lady Anwelin had completely taken charge of everything from the moment they arrived, and nerves or not, Samantha had little choice but to simply go along.  She smiled, almost laughing to herself.  Sir Donescu De'Lourney, Max's father, may be the head of the household, but there was no question as to who was in charge.  Max was a lot like his father, though, and this house felt secure.  

She looked at the door and then walked over to her things and readied herself for bed.  It was comfortable here.  It felt like a home should feel, like her home had felt when she was younger.  It was the sort of home that she hoped that she and Max would build together some day.  

She drew back a curtain from the window and looked down on the garden below, catching a glimpse of Sir Donescu bringing in a few logs for the fire.  Lady Anwelin  walked out to meet him halfway, and she couldn't help but smile as she witnessed Sir Donescu bend, logs still in his arms to kiss his wife tenderly.  Earlier in the evening it had been Max who had kissed her in a very similar manner.

She knew that this was only a brief vacation from duties, and that soon both she and Max would have to return to their jobs both in Western Gate and abroad, but as she watched the older couple walk back to the house, Donescu having shifted the wood to one arm so that he could wrap the other around his wife, she couldn't help but hope that in the midst of duty and deity, she and Max could find a way to balance it all.


Re: Duty and Law, a Protector's path
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2012, 08:19:34 am »
Samantha stormed into the small cell where she lived in the temple of Rofirein and shut the door behind her with a bit more force than she intended.  She dropped a small sack of corn that was marred with dirt on one side onto the simple wooden chair and let out a sound of frustration.  She paced around the room muttering to herself for several minutes before finally stopping in her tracks.  She took a deep breath and held it for as long as she could and then forced the air from her lungs with an "aaaauuuuggggghhh!"

She looked at the tiny wooden desk and pulled open the drawer to take out her journal and began to write furiously.

Always he is telling me to be patient.  Patient!  Me!  I'm nothing BUT patient!  We have been courting for years now, and he still has to look around to make sure no one is watching before he says anything or approaches.  Everyone knows.  Nothing is a secret here.  Each time I receive a letter from my mother, she wants to know if he has proposed, and each time I have to return a response that says no.  I finally asked him if he'd changed his mind, and he says no, and yet he STILL has to look around to ensure that no one witnesses his affection.  I approve of propriety, but what is he waiting for?   Yes, perhaps I do need patience, but I have had an over abundance of patience thus far.

There seems to be no point in waiting on him, so I am going to request a new assignment for the church.  If my personal life is going to remain on a stand still forever, I might as well see about moving along my career and my duties for the Gold.  If I can seek an assignment closer to home, at least I will not have to worry quite so much about my mother.

Samantha sighs and looks around the room, not quite as frustrated as before, but instead, now, resigned.

I asked Max about the accusations against Protector Stargazer in his behavior on a recent venture in the Boyer Kingdom.  While Max stated that he could not confirm nor deny the propriety of Protector Stargazer's actions, I have no choice but to file the complaint and report.  I admit that at times Protector Stargazer has made me feel a little uncomfortable with his methods of manipulation, but at the same time I know that his methods also frequently bring results.  If the Principium wishes to pursue the matter, that is up to the Wardens.  In the meantime, I will have done my duty.  As for the accusations against Naldin, there is nothing that can be done about Sir Hector's "bad feeling" of him if no ill actions have come about to corroborate those uncertainties of his character.  I know that Naldin already has marks against him, but if he has not acted in any way against the law, there is nothing with which to convict or even charge him.

Someone cannot be locked away or trialed simply because of a hunch of a paladin of Toran.

She narrows her eyes at her journal again, her frustration evidently returning.

And why is it that a paladin of Toran can have insight into the character of the servants of Rofirein, but a paladin of Rofirein can be so completely oblivious to the frustration of his intended!?

She places down a blotting sheet to dry the ink, and slams the book closed on top of it, then marches out of her cell once more, seeking release in a walk.

