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Author Topic: A soldier's book - Xandrian Mor  (Read 277 times)

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Xandrian Mor
« on: March 12, 2006, 07:25:51 am »
Now that I have a bit of time on my hand I'll begin to jot down the events of earlier days.

After being thrown out of Port Hampshire Guards, I travelled sometimes in south mistone helping here and there, landing my sword to help those in need.
Had a dream - well more than a dream - one night. I "met" a dragon who told me about Blood and his evil, so I agreed to lend my sword to fight him. When I woke up in the morning I found myself near a small town called Hlint. I spend several days there doing chores for people around town.

Help the tax lady recover a book she lost somehow in the sewer - she must be more careful with those official documents.
Help the local guard and killed a bunch of goblins - this plague seems to have no end.
Done some runs for package master Freya in Krandor - she might have more
Also done some runs for the local postman - though on the last one I met some rogues too strong for me.

I met several people who helped me, a half-giant (I think he was one) called Zug, he smashed joyfully all the rats in the sewer. I met also a paladin of Toran who helped me in the Crypts.

Now I must meditate and reflect on my recent death, not a pleasant thing though. I gave me time to write and think a bit on my future. I miss my comrades of the Guard. but I must repent for the deed I comitted. Well I hope it will not make it impossible for me to join a military unit. I heard there is an academy somewhere, but I'm not yet prepared to join I think. I must train more and regain confidence in my abilities.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Monday, 13th of March 2006
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2006, 08:56:20 am »
I had a job to be done today - bring back the head of the goblin's chief to Ronus. The goblins have been attacking the caravans between Hlint and Fort Llast and I must put an end to that
I went into the cave with two others, an odd girl named Serahin and an elf? named Barnaby, together we successfully killed the chief and brought back its head - though at the rate at which those goblins breeds, it won't be long before another one takes its place. Me and Barnaby almost died on our way back, but Sera healed us just in time, I'm thankfull for that, didn't want to experience death again. I need to practice on my defensive skills, and tries not to rush into battle - lack of discipline is no trait of a soldier and it won't help my comrades if I get killed.

I learn some new fighting skill - If my foe is stricked down, I can used the strength of the blow to continue the attack on another one, great to get rid of swarming weak foes, like goblins or skeleton.

I also began to learn how to make armor and weapon, but it is a lengthy process. But it might be useful in the future.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Evening, Monday, 13th of March 2006
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2006, 02:11:22 pm »
Well, a lot happen since I last wrote in this book.

I met quite a few people. First two dwarf, Alymli and Ragdar a cleric and a man? called Ashand. I went with them in a cave to mine some ore. We battle some kobolds and bugbears? and fought killed some green blobby things and retrieved a necklace - a bard in the Surge happened to have been looking for it, very fortunate.
Next we planned a much more daring expedition into Haven Mine's to get some iron. We went cautiously, luring Ogres to narrow spaces and killed them one or two at a time - very good strategy, and applied with rigor and discipline.
As we entered the last room, a group of Ogres ambushed us from beyond and cut our retreat. We stood our ground for as long as possible, but we had to fight to the last as there was no way out. All four of us died, though no shame should be had since we fought bravely until the end. On our return to our bind stone, we met a cloaked figure who gathered a rescue party - whose members shall have all my gratitude and thanks, they shall be remembered and when the time comes I'll repay them in full:

Stump the Half-Giant
A tiefling - with a strange helm and strange weapons
Farros, apparently the mayor of Krandor
The cloaked man
And my three unfortunate companions

Praise to them as we all made it to our grave and back to the surface.

Now a good rest is needed as I can barely keep my eyes open, much less....

*Xandrian falls asleep on his book, his quill in the hand*

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Tuesday 14th of March 2006
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2006, 03:09:02 pm »
Well I've got time on my hand again - I died and was recalled to my bindstones.

Today began quietly with some crafting training - I learned a few tricks on how to make molds from clay. Went down the crypt to clean it of its undead inhabitants - a chore that must be done and redone as they seem to raise faster than we put them to rest. Nothing very exciting or worthy of note really.

Went hunting too, killed a boar and a deer for Johan the fur trader. Then he asked me for a cougar pelt - which I found north of Fort Velensk. And then for a brown bear. That is where the day really began, those animals are strong and proud and I'm not ashamed to say that he had the best of me at first, but I came back and manage to kill him. Johan asked me for another pelt, which I obtained too and he made me a cloak from the first one which will offers me a bit of protection.

Then, I met Tatchien The Righteous or Tai and an elf called Lessia. We want into the sewers and then to the swamp to get some Wisp essence for a mage in Fort Llast. It went well and Tai presented us with a strange "Lady" who needs Skeleton Knuckles. But we went a bit too deep into the swamp and met increasing resistance from the Lizardmen inhabitants.

Deep into the swamp, near the opening of a cave, we spotted what was apparently a lone shaman and two warriors. Well, they were far more than that. I rushed in - when will I learn - to get the shaman before it can cast his spells, but three or more Lizardmen warrior fell on me. Tai or Lessia, I don't really know called some night on the swamp to allow us escape but it was too late. They got me and Lessia too I think, I don't know about Tai, hope he could escape.

Tatchien seems to have some connection with the army (don't know which part of it though). When I first met him, he was talking to a sergeant. He asked me if I had an interest in the army and I told him I was part of the guard in Port Hamp (did not tell him more, not yet) and that I wanted to join the army. Maybe he can put a word in for me someday, though I should only count on my own abilities.

My training is going well, I seem to control my blade more efficiently now and I learned how to defend myself better against my direct opponent.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Wednesday 15th of March 2006
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2006, 01:36:46 pm »
Nothing much to say today. Hmm, yes, while doing some courrier job for Postmaster Vale, I went to Fort Himlad and a farmer by the name of Borden asked me to look for his cow. Hmm, not sure if it's still alive. To the west of the fort, where Borden says his cow went dwell a huge Griffon and I didn't see any signs of the cow - The Griffon got me before I could look better, but my guess is that the cow is inside that beast. I'll have to gather a strong hunting party and make sure of that.

Got myself to mining, went down to the cave outside Hlint and got some copper. The goblins in there aren't much of a threat, just a bit annoying - and they seemed to breed quite fast, but they make for good fighting drill - I don't know if they deserved that though.

On my last courrier job for the Postmaster, I met another farmer with a problem - his field are overrun by living scarecrow - perhaps I should take that hunting party there too.

I didn't see Tai again, so I was not able to ask him about the military, need to look elsewhere for information. I heard that the famous Pranzis Academy might recruit new cadet soon, might be worth checking, though I don't know how to get to Pranzis - have to ask around, I'm sure someone knows.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Thursday 16th of March 2006
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2006, 02:16:09 pm »
Today started with more mining and smelting. I went to the cave in Sielwood again, alone this time, and it went well, very well. My craft learning on the other is slow but I shall persevere.

Then I received a message that the new sword  that I ordered to a Trading Guild called The Freelancers was ready. The man who sold it to me, called Seteece, met me near Haven and led me through The Blood Desert to Port Hamp and then Point Harbor where there shop is located. I met a dwarf by the name of Garnet there, another customer I think.

On my return in Hlint, I met a hafling going by the name of Tanner, he led me on an expedition to kill some undeads near Fort Velensk. But we fought some undead near Fort Hope first - assessing our forces and weaknesses. On our way to the haunted forest north of Fort Velensk we met some friend? of Tanner -Jareg, and Garnet the dwarf I met in The Freelancer shop. Together we went Giant hunting and then into a cave full of nasty Ogres. We had the best of them though and emerged battle worn but victorious from that cave. There was some mercenary and rogues near that cave that we made short work of - as Jareg said, crime don't pay mate.

I asked Jareg and Garnet if they would be willing to help dealing with Part's scarecrow problem. Only Jareg was availble so we went and he - I'm ashamed to admit that - killed most of the scarecrow. Some magic just scared me and I was unabled to fight them correctly, though I did help a bit. Need to control my fears, but it is something hard to  do sometimes - strange that I don't fear battling giant and be afraid of some scarecrow.

Jareg then led me far to the north to the Barbarians Island. We battled kobolds - though more tough than those in Sielwood - and even went into their cave - it was full of precious stones, but neither I nor Jareg got the right tool to get at them.

On our way back, a big Ice Giant began to chase us and we had to flee to Raven Watch. That beast really was too though for us to fight. Unfortunatly the monster chased us all the way and into the town. We were lucky some Guards took charge of the situation and killed the Giant. They scowlded us for luring that monster into town, but we had no choice really - we were lucky this time, I don't know if next time we'll be as lucky.

Did not see nor hear of Tai again. I hope I'll see him soon cause I need to ask him questions about the military.

Well I'm off for a good sound sleep, I'll need it, I think I caught a cold in those icy island, despite the woollen coat under my armor.

Black Cat

RE: A soldier's book - Saturday 18th of March 2006
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2006, 04:34:40 pm »
Mostly mining and smelting and hammering in the forge today.

After a while, being bored and tired of the forge, I went on exploring Mistone and Rilara.

Fought some trolls in a swamp near Fort Velensk, and cleanse a bit of the Broken Forest - though the undead there will likely come back.

On Rilara, I helped a hafling to get rid of the Huge Griffon who's been eating Borden's cow, then, as I said I was exploring, he asked if I've been to Dregar (he has been to Pranzis he said) - I asked him to show me the way and he led me to Karthy where I took a boat to Lorindar on Dregar. From there, I was able to reach Pranzis - from now on, I'll stick to sailing no more experiment with portals. On my way, I met a man? called Samir who was hunting some walking mushrooms - I helped him out, though those things got some magic that makes my head dizzy and was unable to fight correctly. After that, Samir took me around a bit, show me a bit of Pranzis Northern outskirt and then accompanied me back to Lorindar.

I went to the announced Grand Opening of the Freelancer's Tavern, but I was a bit early and there wasn't much happening so I went to their shop and bought myself a nice enchanted ring set with alexandrite - it makes me a bit stronger.

And the day finished like it begans, with mining and smithing. While mining, I met a girl called Tyrian, I helped her fight the blobs and she told me that she would buy copper ingot at 50 coins one - not very interesting as I'm using all the copper for training or for making bronze.

Black Cat

RE: A soldier's book - Sunday 19th of March 2006
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2006, 02:15:40 pm »
Well I'm glad I can rest a bit to write down the events of today. It has been an eventfull day, most of it involved fighting Ogres.

I was doing some mining and crafting in Hlint when I met Tegan again, she was starting on an expedition with a cleric named Jin, hafling called Berilu and a mage called Eric in order to acquire some topaz from a cave near Fort Velensk. I joined them along with Jareg. The trip began smoothly. We reached Fort Velensk and the cave where Topaz can be found without any problem. We went in and had to fight our way to the stones. It went well,... until we went deeper into the cave. Suddenly a whole horde of Ogres some of them carrying double-axes and some mages rushed us from seemingly every direction. We had to flee out of the cave. I was tripped down just outside the cave by them Ogres and hacked to pieces while lying on the ground - I died for the first time today.

I rejoined my companion and went back to my grave. A bunch of Ogres were waiting for us but we managed to best them and someone cast invisibilty on me so that I could go and pray at my grave.

Then we decided to go and check the cave. Well it didn't went well at all, those Ogres where far more smarter than your usual bunch, and they were waiting for us just inside the entrance, with magic that enabled them to see those who tried to go invisible and with traps laid right after the entrance - Tegan, me, and another one died there.

Then several other people joined us in a effort to fight back, Balthazar, Kloss, and another Eric. We managed to repell to Ogres from the entrance and we could go back to our grave again. But the Ogres soon regain the upper hand and we were forced to back out of the cave again. Some new people were called in, Barrion, Renji and Matilda. Well, it was no use, Matilda, Kloss and Barion died inside the cave - I just went to the entrance, but soon backed out as it seems the place was crowed with Ogres of a kind I've never seen, far more stronger and smarter.

Then our only choice left was to parley with them, as it seems they could understand us. One of their mage came out and we made a truce, he allowed us to retrieve the body of our fallen comrades and we shall leave them alone in the cave. After that we walked back to Fort Velensk and rested there for a while.

After parting ways with my companions, I walked back to Hlint, and did some more work on my metalsmithing.

Later, I met with Samir again. He wanted to go and check Bear Island - a Bugbear tribe live there and are assailing Point Harbor. He has a new kind of golem to help him. We went in unseen thanks to Samir's magic, but his golem didn't last long against the bugbears, so we just backed out before being spotted. He then show me a Hill Hound, south of Fort Himlad and then we went to the Grey Peaks to recover Juanita's oil.

In the lowest part of the peaks, we fought some ogres - the normal kind - and went up into the moutains. We fought some more ogres, but after that we went on unseen, till we reached a place high into the mountain. Well we had a bad surprise, Samir got a whole bunch of protection and rushed the Ogres, only to find that the mages uses some kind of necromantic power that he wasn't prepared to deal with - we both didn't make it out alive, third death of the day for me. It was a real bad day. Somehow the bindstone didn't worked correctly and I was recalled in the middle of the Ogres, next to my grave. Didn't have the time to pray though, and I flee, barely escaping with my "life", some of the ogres, including their chief ran after me, but I managed to lost them.

We didn't capitulate though, Samir's magic is quite useful - invisibility is splendid. After recovering from our death, we spotted the Ogre's chief all alone in a lower reach of the Peaks - he must have followed me and just stayed behind while its followers went back. We didn't asked for more and just put the chief down - he was carrying Juanita's oil. After some skirmishes on our way back, we parted ways. Samir needed a long rest to recover from all the fighting as did I. I gave the oil back and went back to Hlint to have a good long rest at The Wild Surge.

That is where I am writing this and now I'm off to sleep, tomorrow is another day, but I hope it won't be as stressfull and deadly as today.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Friday 24th of March 2006
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2006, 01:14:02 pm »
For some time, nothing worth remembering. Just practicing my adopted craft.

Yesterday, something did happen - at last I should say since I as begining to feel bore. It all begins with some people needing delivering some letters. So a party of adventurer formed and we started on our journey towards Fort Himlad - it happens that the recipient of all those letters was Farmer Borden.

It went well. After the delivery, Faros who was taking us on a tour, led us to Thalos river and we cleared Farmer Part fields again, seems he didn't learn from last time. Then we went back to Mistone and went to clear Ajari's swamp. A lot of trolls fell to our blades and spells on that glorious day and none of us paid a visit to the Soul Mother - though it was close at times.

Later on, we went to Berhagen moutains where we met some Gem golems and Giants. Faros led us to Ulgrid Fortress, where, as it happens I had some business with a dwarf named Garg.

On our way back, Giants tried to ambushed us, but with managed to fight back, and more golems fell too. I also learned how to be more effective with my sword.

It was quite the adventure, with colourful people to cheer us up. Faros who plays mad music, Rak the orc would be king, Dervish and Kali. And I also met with Tatchien again, he joined us for our Berhagen trip.

Today, I brought back the blueprint Garg gave me, and one of the Dwarf made me some Iron chair reinforcement that I gave to Dawson. He gave me a strange book as a reward, reading it as some strange effect on me though, I enters some kind of frenzy, and I feel the need to rush into battle. Might be useful, but I must also be careful when to use it.

I met a strange creature today, don't know what it was, but I don't want to meet it again - it almost got me, I had to flee but fortunately it was quite slow. This creature looks like some carnivorous plant with a mouth (facing skywards) on top of its body, two legs and two arms. It was really strong, I managed to land a few blows - doing little damage, while it landed a few and I did feel them hard. I barely managed to rally Hlint, where I received healings from some good people - thank you all thoug I don't know their name.

Now it is time for me to have a rest and tomorrow I'll try to get a party to come with me into Haven Mines. And I must not forget to go to Pranzis, I heard there would be some opening with The Pranzis Officer corp there.

*closes his book, and blows out the candle*

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Saturday/Sunday 25th/26th of March 2006
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2006, 03:27:09 am »
First I had a very profitable trip down Haven Mines with three others, Riley - who was leading the party, Rodlin and Star. Now the mines should be a little safer - though I doubt it will stay that way for long, I even manage to mine some Iron.

Then I travelled to Pranzis to attend the Pranzis Officers Corp sign up day, only three others showed up, Jin, Ael, and another man, an ex-paladin? of Toran. I'm now a part of that Corp, though I have yet to prove my worth and commitment. I could receive a message anytime with my assignement. Nothing shall prevent me to obey. I have pledge to protect the Land and its People from evil and injustice - well only to myself for now, I haven't taken any oath yet, but it is all the same to me

Jin and Ael and I banded together so that Ael, who knows Dregar quite well, could show me and Jin the country. We met Ael's wife Sahala and went out into the wilderness of Dregar, meeting its inhabitants - mostly hostile giants. We fought our way through The Anuroch Desert to Saudiria and then to some caves where Jin could get precious gems. Our travels led us to North Fort where we met another band of adventurers, namely Perago, Beasty, Amaduena, Asher, Jennara - later rejoined by Klaug. We went together to the Iron Hills, fighting on our ways Ogres and other monsters.

Then we decided to have a go in Roldem, where Ael and Sahala got a contract to kill the leading member of an evil monastic order - wich we did, though with soe difficulties. Then Ael led us to the swamps, where we met pygmies - unfortunately, Jin fell to these despite some invisibility spell. And later Kuo Ta, strange fish like creature. We killed a lot of those, as some man nearby needed their heads - don't ask me why except that those seemed evil creatures that should be stopped. Today I saw many wonders and a large expanse of land. I manage to get some notes for further travels too.

Some of those who joined us have been part of a force who assaulted Stone, they had some success, but had to withdraw from the reinforcement - don't know much more than that, though it is good to know that people are able to strike back at Blood forces.

After our trip to Roldem, Ael show us a portal that Jin and I used to get back very quickly to Hlint - saved us the long travel back through Rilara. I stayed a bit with Jin and we discussed a project he and some others have to buy a house. I show my interest in joining them and maybe I'll be accepted in their group - called the Farstriders. Of them I know little, but I know two other members - Tegan and Renji. Tegan is a tailor and Renji a gemsmith. Another member, Berilu is a woodcrafter. I offer to help them pay for their house - go quite a sum in my bank account, a sum I was saving just for that purpose.

After gettin some rest - I, Jin and a lady called Ash went into the goblins cave to get copper - no need to say it was an easy trip. Jin used the copper ingots I made to craft rings. I asked him for a ring to help me control my mind against magical attacks and other feats. So we went down Haven mine to get the components. Along came Tegan, a lady of great prowess called Angela Swann and a tiefling? call Dur. It was a very well organized expedition and we managed our own very well. We got to the bottom and cleaned the place, while getting as much ore and gems as we could. The way back was like the way down, without too much problem - Angela is really a fighter of great skill. Well now I'm a bit richer, was able to smelt some more Iron and got some platinum - very valuable though I cannot yet smelt it, perhaps I should sell it.

Now I shall stop writing, my hands hurt and my head spin, I must go to sleep....

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Saturday 1st of April 2006
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2006, 04:28:36 am »
Well, not much happen since last iI wrote in this book.

But today I joined a rescue mission - someone apprently died in some cave in the Swordrust mountains. I help them with a lot of others and we ventured further into that cave which was but the entrance to a lair of Beholders. We had to fight huge earth elementals and and some kind of huge insectoid beast, as well as some Squid-headed monsters. But our trip was unsuccessful - apparently someone in the party needed a stalk from a beholder mother, but none was found. We managed to get out, but not without loosing two of our comrades.

After that adventure, I was invited by Jin to a meeting of the Farstrider Pack an organization that strive to further the cause of good. He nomitated me as a new member and I was accepted. Other members are Tegan, Renji, and Berilu (probably the same that fought with me in the Topaz Cave). Jin is a jeweler and alchemist, Tegan's a tanner and Berilu is a bow maker. Renji's in charge of gathering I think.

The pack have a house in Leilon now and soon I'll be able to have a place to call home. I help their members - I should say my comrades - to acquire crafting materials, especially sand, clay and fire agate. I will also provide copper or bronze when needed.

On a side note - I didn't hear anything from the Pranzis officer corps yet, but I'm sure I will soon.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Sunday 2nd till Wednesday 5th of April 2006
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2006, 09:54:15 am »
A quiet day that became a hell.

It all began with me helping Jin out to gather ingredients and Renji cleansing Broken Forest.

The I met some who were willing to go with me down into Haven mines. It went well till we tried to go out. I fell there again, but the others managed to get out. They all helped me back to my grave. I also got several nuggets of Iron

The Renji mounted an expedition to the Dire Woods. He managed to gather round an army. The Dire Woods should be a bit safer for a while now. After that, we all went to the Dragon Isles. We met Treants, small Drakes and Minotaurs. We went further into the Isles and down a cave full of Were-creatures.

I gained a lot during this time, I even managed to harden my will a bit. I also learned a few tricks in my craft. I managed to make several bronze armor, mostly light ones, but I managed one fullplate. And later I began working seriously with Iron and got myself an Iron Kite shield - again a lot of luck crafting it.

Jin also wrote some runes on my blade and now it crackles with electricity - very nice.

Not much else happen since, a few expedition with other adventurers, but not much of note.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Monday 10th of April 2006
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2006, 01:03:06 pm »
Nothing worthy of note for some time - I continue to work into my craft and I took up a fancy in foodcrafting too, might be useful for a soldier knowing how to make ones own food.

I can now go mine iron in Haven without too much trouble from the Ogres down there, it is a good think because I was a bit bored working with bronze.

Today I acted as a guide and guard to a small party of young adventurers. One I travelled with before - a shifter named Etriel, a good lad, though sometime a bit distracted. There was also a fighter, a mage and a cleric -though I'm ashamed to say I cannot recall their names. They needed a boar pelt and several cougars'. So I took them to Sielwood to hunt for boars - we met also some ogres and some strange thorny creatures. And then we travelled all the way to Fort Velensk to hunt cougars. I then bought them a boat ticket and we came back through Port Hampshire and Leilon. I show them a bit around and tried to teach them how to avoid unnecessary and deadly fights.

I hope I'll meet them again - and I'll try to remember their names this time.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Saturday 15th of April 2006
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2006, 02:32:00 pm »
Yesterday I went with Tegan, Glenn, Berri and some others to Dregar to a cave in the Forest of Mist. We fought a lot of Giants and even killed their chieftain. But we were ambushed as we exited and were all killed. Me, Berriford, Etriel and Han decided not to go back to our graves so I took them on the long walk back to Mistone. The treck took a long time, but was uneventful. Jin will be happy because I manage to mine several lumps of coal from the Giant's cave.

Today we welcomed a new member into the Pack, Armolas a woodcrafter and fletcher. We decided to help Garent, the guard captain of Hlint. So we started on an expedition into the High Moors to look for and kill the Lizardmen's chieftain. Jin developed a new fighting tactic that involved using magical darkness and a way for us to see through it. Enemies are less successfull to hit us with magic and/or arrows, but we can deal them a lot of damage, almost undetected. Using this tactic, we made our way into the Lizardmen's lair, killing most of them. We reached their warlord without too much trouble and Jin took its head as proof for Garent. But then we made a terrible mistake - overconfidence led us to rest in a seemingly safe room. It gave time to the lizard to discover our attack and to plan their revenge. First they locked us in - we should have known something was wrong the moment we saw the door was locked. Then they attacked us in force, with a full array of magic and archers. Armolas, Tegan and Berilu died and me and Jin tried a last stand, fighting over the bodies of our comrades. While fighting back one of their mages, we pursued him into the corridor and walked on a trap set there. We all died from its effect, me, Jin and the Lizard's mage too.

After being sent back to our bindstones, we discussed what to do when Jin noticed that the chief's head was looted from him. And all of a sudden havoc broke in Hlint. Lizardmen attacked the town seeking revenge for the death of their leader. The Guard walked up to the gates, trying to fend them off and we helped as best as we could. The Quartermast and the Captain commanded us to finish what we had begun - we made the mistake to have left some of the lizard alive, eck we died before we could have make sure of that.

Of course we could do nothing but accept, so we recruited what help was available and went back to the Moors, driving back the lizards as we go. We met Yardislan on the way and he was a great help. I died again in the swamp but was raised and then after fighting our way into their lair, I died again trying to help Yardislan. I came back after a while and managed to get to my grave and recover - so that I could help the others much better. We went down again to where the warlord was and met its son who babbled about taking revenge on us for killing its father - all the while forgetting they did attack Hlint first. We tried to reason him, asking him not to attack Hlint again so that we shall leave its people in peace, but he refused, blinded by his anger and pain at the lost of its father. He attacked us and we had no choice but to defend ourselves and killed him.

Garent was finally pleased with that victory so were we, but it has left me a bitter taste. I'm sure we could have settled that matter in another way.

Well we shall not make the mistake of leaving any enemies behind us again nor shall we sleep  overconditently while still in the realm of our enemies.

Later today, I went with Berri, Honora and Etriel into Haven. I just wanted some Iron - which I got - but then we decided to go explore a bit the lower level, seeing as we were doing alright. We cleared the first room alright, though something very strange happened - while I tried to lure the ogre berseker towards us, they, instead of rushing to battle, tried to lure ME towards them. I didn't pay attention to that fact on the moment and it almost cost us our lives. We went in the room and Honora began mining some minerals when the Ogres attacked us in force. Never saw such a wave of enemies coming at me. We fought in a large corridor a seemingly endless horde. We fight for some time, the bodies of Ogres piling beneath us, but still more were coming. So I ordered the other to retreat, we couldn't hold them much longer. While I kept fighting the ogres the others began to retreat, but Etriel went the wrong way into the other room, while the others went back towards the exit, as did I. We ran as fast as we could, avoiding the blows of more ogres and barely manage to escape with our lives. After taking a good dose of healing, we noticed the absence of Etriel and were about to go back and get him when he appears by our side, shifted in the form of a leopard. We wondered how he manage to pull that trick, avoiding the ogres on the lower level but he wouldn't tell us - magician and prestidigator have the rights to hold their secrets, though I suspect he somehow shifted into a form suitable for stealth.

After all those excitments I finally rested a bit in Hlint and went back to my mining and crafting - I decided to try and better myself in the weaponsmithing.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Friday 21th of April 2006
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2006, 11:21:00 am »
Yesterday, I went with Geddrin, one of the Loom, Ash and another into Haven after we heard about rumors of Squidmen taking residence down there. We only went two level down and didn't see any. On my way back to Hlint, I met another big party who was going to investigate too. So I joined them and we went deeper down the mines. And yes we met those squidmen. We had a hard time getting rid of them so we decided to go back. It was a hard battle, fighting through a lot of Ogres, who apparently were driven from their dwelling deeper in the mines (or maybe controlled by the squids).

Today, a call was given for 'heroes' to investigate the happenings in the mine. I joined the 15 adventurers who answered the call. More came, but it was decided only 15 could come. We talked with Lord Lodor about the situation in the mine and then went down. Only to be attacked by small creatures, much like dogs but with overwhelming power. I couldn't even score a hit on them -and when I did, it didn't even made a scratch on their tough hide. We went deep into the mines, battling along the way with ogres and other of those creatures and some large beetle things - Humberhulks.

When we reached the bottom of the mine, the Ogre chief, who is usually very aggressive came towards us, some in our party wanted to kill him outright, but I shouted not to attack. One in particular didn't listen - Key - and tried to trip him, which she did and others maintened the leader down. Then Key menaced the ogre of torture. And beat the leader. We tried to ask questions about the Squids. He said they came to mine Iron, Coal and gems to make the dogs we met on our way. He didn't know where they came from or what they wanted the dogs for.

So we let him go -Key tried to hit him several time, so did others- but we healed him and let him go. Further we met a bunch of those doggies and a few Squids. One our two in our group died and several were so badly hurt they couldn't fight for sometime. I was knocked down, badly hurt for a bit, until I was healed by Dulan - one of the first to report the strange happenings. Then one of the squids, a scientist it seemed took control of our mind and projected strange images - a town in flame crowned with a sword - then didn't know how, Key snaped out of the spell and kill the squids outright.

I believe she should have waited a bit, perhaps we could have learned much more. She has no control of herself, she let a rage and hatred fly uncontrolled. I don't think I will like to travelled with her again.

As every thing seemed back to normal in the mines. We look around for clues and headed for the surface, one of us, Cole, carrying a machine along to show to Lord Lodor. The Lord was pleased that we managed to clear the mine, but wasn't of the news we brought. He talked about a Guild, the seven swords - lead by a Lord Morgensten? - controlling Hrum who might be related to that affair (because of the sword over the town). Or maybe that this affair concerned the towns of Port Hampshire or Lorindar. Both towns having a sword in their armory or on a statue in the town. I don't think it has something to do with anything so obvious.

Tomorrow I'll need to go back to Pranzis. The Pranzis Army Officer Corps has called for me to joined the cadet academy for my first test. I bet I'll met the others who joined along myself.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - Saturday 22th of April 2006
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2006, 01:21:58 pm »
I'm now a proud member of the Pranzis Army Officer Corps, with the rank of Cadet.

Me, Kurgaz Ulfson and Kharl Drake were the only prospective cadets to show up at the meeting. After a few military drills with the sergeant, we travelled near the Serpents Mountains where we met the Lieutnant in charge of training. He sent us on a mission to reckon and possibly eliminate a new group of Bugbears trying to settle in the mountains. So we sent forth, killing a few scout and a guarding post. After a few more climbs into the mountain, we reached a pass where we spotted a few Bugbears. But they weren't of the same tribe we were looking for so we just left them. We finally found the camp and carefully scouted it and assaulted it. Taking the sentries first and then we charge into the main camp. We killed their shamans and the few soldiers that were in the camp. Mission accomplished we quickly made our way back to report. The Lieutnant was pleased and although he knew about the other group, we still reported it.

We are now officialy part of the Pranzis Army Officer Corps.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - from 23th to 30th of April 2006
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2006, 03:17:05 pm »
Sunday 23th of April

This day I helped a party discover what happen to two mage cooks who should have delivered a load of pies to banquet in Port Hampshire. It appears they were attacked by a small demon, who had transformed their helpful golem into a frenzied Pie-Golem. After meeting with the furniture and the books of the library, we found the master of the house, badly hurt and covered in mashed apple-pie. After a though fight and a lot of water, we managed to get rid of the golem and save the house and the two cook. But the supply of pie wasn't there anymore, so we had to go to Hampshire by about 50 pies from the baker - offering free pies at the scamp to get rid of the queue of hungry Halfling, t'was Geddrin Idea. After being assaulted by the angry Halfling - of course there wasn't any free pie at the Scamp - we gave the pie to the relieved master of ceremony *grins* and went back to the cooks to see if they needed our help. They didn't, but instead offered us a wonderful meal.

Wednesday 26th of April

Mission: discover the fate of a shipment of adamantium from Redstones in the Serpent mountains.
We travelled there, only to find everyone turned to stone. After much delibarating and testing of the water, we went into the mine after a thing called stonecrawler, someone had read about in a book we found.
After several hours/days of wandering, we met the thing. Turned into some kind of golem by a Gargoyle priest. We managed to killed both the Priest and the golem, and the stonecrawler who was bound unwillingly to it escape into the depth of the mountain - it wasn't basically hostile. We couldn't do anything for the pour inhabitants of the town, but people began to return to the place.

Thursday 27th of April

I attended a meeting in the courthouse which led to the strangest adventure I had sofar.
After travelling to Leilon, our group embarked on a ship to discover the fate of a merchant ship lost into The Great Northern Wash, the only thing found was a dead sailor, bundled into a barrel. Our ship, upon reaching the place where the merchant was supposed to have disappeared, began to rock and sunk. We woke in the midst of other shipwreck and began exploring our surroundings - a cave situated under the sea. Though creature met us - golems and living statue and some undeads. We reached a cave furnished with bed, chairs and alchemical apparatus. It was also filled with crates, barrels and the remains of our crew and some other bodies. There was also an evil altar and a book. Some of us took the book and began to try to read it. It seems it hold some kind of power, because those who read it began to feel restless and almost possessed by the book. We proposed to burn it, but some follower of Lucinda said he wanted to take it back for further study. A hot debate began, but finally the book was burnt, which led to the destruction of the altar too - a good thing if you ask me. All the while, we discover a chest full of strange potion. One of us, a dwarf tested them and it appears they allowed us to breath underwater - the only way of escaping the place it seemed.
So we walked back to the shipwrecks, began making a raft and filled it with stones and other stuff. We drank our potions and jumped into the water - only after the courageous dwarf did so and came back hurriedly with a snake attached to his behind. We had to fight our way to the surface - against the snakes, crabs and sharks that dwell in the sunken cave. I took a few bits of crabs and some shark's fin - it made a very delicious meal. Well the potions allowed us to breath and walk on the seabed, all the while fighting and tugging our raft. Once we reached the opensea, we unloaded it and began to raise to the surface, where after several days we where picked up by a passing ship and brought back to Mistone.


Black Cat

A soldier's book - 7th of May 2006
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2006, 01:07:18 pm »
A rather quiet week.

Much crafting, and some fight in Haven to get the ore I needed.
The Farstriders also ventured into the Barbarians Island to find some gems.

Nothing worth of note happened really.

Except maybe our little trip on Saturday the 6th of May.

Me, Jin, Tegan, Berilu and Remiel went on Dregar to get some Silver. We fought a lot of Giants and reached a cave where we found some silver. After that, Remiel lead us to a place - The River of shadows - where I thought there might be more Silver and also a few Malar Panther. We did found the Malar, as well as the Silver. But it was guarded be a horde of very strong and sneaky trolls. Remiel told us to let him fight and he did very well. He's a mighty warrior or paladin, I'm not sure.

So we did acquire silver and malar hide. I didn't manage well the smelting though and got only enough silver to make one minor enchantment. Jin made it and put it on my sword.

Today we went back to the cave in the desert with the Farstriders, Ash, Glenn and Jareg. We managed to acquire much more silver this time.

I also began gathering fruits to make juice and food, and also began making bronze weapon to answer a call for help from a group of people. They are trying to build an orphanage and help the population of Roldem. A noble deed I can only help.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - 13th of May 2006
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2006, 04:29:18 pm »
Again a quiet - if battling along Ketil can be said to be quiet - week. Went several times to Dregar with Ketil and the Farstriders to fight Giants, Ogres, and such. Nothing really worthy of note though. We did kill some Minotaur chief near North Point though.

But today was hell.

Let me see.

First we went onto a rescue mission to help Ketil's friends who met some trouble near Hurm - that went well.
But then we followed him and Remiel to the Storm Mountains and well, that didn't go well at all. Dark Druids and Rangers, along some giants took most of our party. Remiel and Ketil cleared the area and Jin raised me - yes I died. The others got to their grave.
Then we all got back - safely - to Hlint.

Did some crafting and such, have some rest and then....

I met a big group in Hlint and I followe them. I offer passage through our portal in the Den and we went to Pranzis and then north to the Desert and into the 'silver' cave there. Going in was more or less easy, until we reached the silver veins. Two Giant's mages began throwing fireballs and took several. Including Zug who rushed the mages to make them stop, and S'akura.
On our way out we met some resistance but we managed - not well, but we managed.

Then ...

We get back to Saudiria where we met Zug's ghost and we decided to go and meet S'akura on here way back. We reached her near the Black Hills along with Jade. So we turned and head back towards Saudiria with the intent to help S'akura to her grave. We never reached it. Beli, got it by fireballs and died almost at the entrance of that Oasis, and then our party was decimated just before reaching Saudiria. Again, back to Black Hills and again, more death - Kesa. Then we tried one more time to reach Saudiria and ... the whole party died I think. I did and so did, Jade, Sallaron, Zan and most others. Don't know if any made it out, don't think so.

And the worst is that the Soulmother got a piece of my soul. It is really not a nice feeling, not at all.

And now, I'm stuck in Saudiria for a while. I'll wait there till I can recover from the shock of my passing and that blow to my soul. I rent a room in the Inn there and will try to sleep and meditate a bit on what happened. Sallaron is here too and I think we shall go back together. I'll show him through Deadman's Pass, the Rolling Hills and towards Hurm. We shall have to be most careful though. Especially when reaching Hurm. Pirates roam the area and they could be deadly too.

//just noticed the date, must have been that, bad day and date. Though it was not a Friday. From now on, on Saturday the 13th, I will stay in bed the whole day - or stay snuggly at the Wild Surge Inn.

Black Cat

A soldier's book - 28th of May 2006
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2006, 11:35:26 am »
Hmm, what to write.

Not much has happen since I last wrote in this journal but the usual - fightings against ogres and their like, mining and crafting.
I made a few progress in that area.

The farstriders are going along well. We had many tavels and adventures together. And a new member was approved - Karana of the Elksoul tribe. A worthy companion. She lives in Pranzis and can provide us with easy transportation means.

We haven't received any news from Renji - I still hope he's alive and well but I begin to believe he's no more.

For some time now, I'm working with a group to create a sword that is believed to be able to kill Blood. Though I haven't help that much so far. A lot of talking is taking place. Lots of riddles to solve. But I believe we are reaching the final steps now. I hope I'll be able to protect our mages and druids while they'll be doing what they must. Last time we faced many demons and such and I was unable to do much. My weapon just didn't seem to be sharp enough. But I bought a new sword made of Adamantium and a shield of the same metal from a Dwarf called Kobal. A worthy smith.

Comes what may come. I hope to be able to write in this book again soon.

PS: Jin ordered a diamond ring for me at the Raven's company some time ago. But I'm still waiting for it. Not the best of service if you ask me. I'll try to make without them in the future, even if it means paying a little more, like with Kobal. But at least it was done quick and good.

PPS: No news from the Pranzis Army Officers Corps. No news, good news. But I hope will soon see the academy finished. Almost a month has pass since we were officially inducted as Cadet.