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Author Topic: Yzar's Journal  (Read 534 times)


Yzar's Journal
« on: March 06, 2007, 09:37:19 am »
I have decided to become an adventurer.Toady I bought a New hand axe and a new shield in the city of Hempstead.
Outside a man approached me I thought he wanted to capture and sell me into slavery to fight again in the Arena.
WE talked a bit and I found out he wanted to help me not sell me.He introduced himself as Mandalorian Lionsmane.
He told me there was a Guard who had a job for an adventurer.I talked to the man and he told me to get a stick.In that time a man with spaeks shooting from his fingers introduced himself as Aeyrun after scaring me out of my wits.The job was to get a stick from the dog men called Kobolds.As we traveled out to the lands of the dog men we ran across a dwarf named bartholomew and Ami.They said they would help us ,but Manalorian had to attened to some buisness elsewhere.Almost instantly the Kobold guards out side the kobold village charged us while others were throwing darts at us.My trainingtook ove and I charged with my axe.It felt like old times as The axe felt like a part of my hand in the brief combat. It all wisked by so fast as I Parried and chopped at my enemies.Then we came to the large hut and outside was a Huge What I think was a Cat and a winged thing.WE charged them as they started coming at us.I remember daning the deadly dance with these creatures .I felt like I could almost become a whirlwind on the field as my arm and axe struck out.Then it was over and I was holding this stick in my hand.WE then all gathered and headed back to the city to turn in the stick.The man thanked me and gave me a bag for this as well as some coin.
Heh I think im going to like this adventurers life.Making gold for the use of my weapon skills.



Re: Yzar's Journal
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 11:51:19 pm »
I have traveled the lands of Mistone from coast to coast.I have seen many wonders of the lands.I saw the tower of Shifter,I traveled the forests and found Harmony grove,Wandered the mountains and found a fort Called Gnoll watch,I traveled a southren forest and Came across a tree that was the house of one of the 7 sisters. I have not ventured to the desert though.In my wandering I was hired to get some mummy crap from a crypt in Vhal.Going in I met this Huge fella who welded a 2 bladed axe.After that we went of to the Gloom woods and met a fella that was harassed by a creature and a bunch of deaders.
More combat ensued and more trues were earned.

In the combat I learned That undead have no weak spots and a good blow doesnt always kill them.My axe feels more like apart of me then ever before.
I must seek out someone who can show me how to become one with my Hand axe.
I will find a teacher.I must,I have many to pay a visit to when I am strong enough.Namely the Illithids and beholders who killed my father and enslaved me.
One day I will be able to shine My families Jade house again.Till then I must strive to become a weapon.


Re: Yzar's Journal
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2007, 01:05:49 am »
Im meeting so many people but yet none have heard of a hand axe master.I might have to check out the libraries and see if they have any books to help me train if I cant find one.I also have thought I could maybe approach a master of another weapon and learn some things from them .Went up into the mountains today with a group of people Mando,balazar and a few others were there.We stopped in the underground Stronghold of the dwarves where we payed our respects to the King and Queen.We wandered around there for quite awhile and came out into an underground dock across from it was a breathtaking sight.I stirred feeling in me I haven't felt in years after being in such a place.I was missing home and the coming of age ritual where Da let me Polish our House made from Jade.Found a companion to wander with too his name is Aeron.Pretty good with a bow..
I practice with the dummies in the city as well as on real living targets to hone my axe skill.I feel I am getting close to a time when a Master could show me some special ways to use the axe.
 Ill keep looking thats all I can do.


Re: Yzar's Journal
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2007, 10:58:38 am »
Today i went with my friend Krys and Steel as well as a few others on a trip to the Battle Helm fens.The Creatures that lived there didn't like us entering their lands.Steel had some moves I am trying to do with my axes that he did with his sword.We had a magicer with us name Zergon.I had to stop myself from hitting him in battle cause he magiced himself to appear as a Troll.The ring of fire around him was the only way I knew it was him.

I recently met a Sword master when my friend Zook took me along with him to Woods across the sea.There we had to battle our way past the giants just to mine some fire opals.I watched the sword master in the battle we had. Even though he was a sword master I think I could incorporate the moves I saw him use in the battle.

My search for a Hand axe master goes on.This week im going to travel to the Great Library to look for any manuals on Mastering the hand axe .


Re: Yzar's Journal
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2007, 04:31:05 pm »
Great news,I found some manuscripts written by a surface gnome named Grinrazzalinkle.He was a hand axe master.I have taken to practicing his style of axe fighting.His writings have taught me to become more focused in the axe.I have learned breathing exercises to use in combat.They calm me and let me think and perform some of the more complex moves.I will continue to study the manuscripts there is so much more to read and learn.

I have found that I like fighting Giants.They are so big and clumsy.I just dodge through their feet and slash at their lower areas.Though if they do hit it tends to hurt a lot.Went to some caves across the ocean and dug me up some chunks of fire opal.I admire them everyday.

I learned that my training and feeling have not changed that much since my days in the pit.I helped Millan on some job she had to rob some wizard of an elixir.One of his guards just happened to be in our way so we assassinated him.Aeron my Ranger friend didn't like it much,but it was necessaryso the alarm wasn't raised.
 My years with the old man were the most peaceful in my life,but I have found out that just wasn't me.I like the rush I get when i'm in combat and the feeling I get when I kill something.The blood it calls to me.I was born to be a warrior.Its hard controlling the feeling to kill in some situations.I just hope it doesn't consume me to where I kill for pleasure without a care to who it is.

I dream of the Jade House every night.In my dream I see a key.This key will lead me to the Jade house and a horde of Gems.It promises me that.It has also told me that Kali has the key,but she said she threw it in the lake.I was going to search every lake I come across but I'm not a really good swimmer.Ill just watch her and one day she will slip and let the key be seen.That day I will be able to go home .I hope I can shine the house as well as my Da.I will see,I have a feeling I wont disappoint him.


Re: Yzar's Journal
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2007, 10:43:15 am »
What is this key that keeps coming to me in my dreams?
Ny says its evil and so does Kali ,but my vision says it opens the door to treasure and a way back to my home.I just dont know but I feel compelled to find it.

Training is going well.I am reading the manuscripts on the axe everyday.I learned a new trick to use in combat and I am taking to using two axes without my shield ,but this I only do with the training dummies that are set up.Had some real life training a week or so ago first I went to bear Island with a group of people to depose of the Bugbear leader.Their archers are very accurate.A few days after that I was with a group that went to a bandit hideout to stop them from plaguing the forest with their roving bands.Their were many of them and they were some potent priests among them who like to make blades appear out of the ground.We put a dent in their number but not without some loss of life.Lucky for bind stones.


Re: Yzar's Journal
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2007, 10:05:44 am »
The key again,It seems to be everywhere this key.Kinai sees people die but yet they walk into the city and have no knowledge of Dying.We gathered again in a small town call Hlint.Many were there including the lots of powerful wizards.We see and fight many bandits and drow.Then there was this man cloaked in power who wanted the key.Lots of infighting and party split in 2 for some time.The man cloaked in power follow us to the Mountains on Dregar then we appeared in the mountains with lots of fire and lava.The strange man told Kinai to drop her key in a pool of lava but she was afraid and had to have Hawk assure her it was ok.The drow appeared and we fought.It seemed we killed him but I doubt it since we killed him days before.I am so confused the key comes to me and tells me it will unlock treasures beyond my belief.Then others say it is evil and yet others want it as well.I will find out.

My training progresses greatly I have finished the manuscripts and have applied everything I feel at one with my weapon and have to apply all I know into me and my axe.The last thing in the manuscripts was a deadly attack that lets me strike out at many opponents at once.I will continue to train daily and use all I know.This will be a life long process but its the road I walk.

