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Author Topic: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel  (Read 1476 times)


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #80 on: October 23, 2007, 02:06:00 pm »
Rain has been worried about me and the way I reacted lately. I have been bussy in my mind with our daughter and the path she has taken.

One day Rain send me a letter to me to meet him where one of our sons was shown to lady moon. As I got there I knew why he had send me there. I aske him to wait where he was a little longer. I went behind a rocks to put on my best dress and to suprise rain. I felt like he needed something pretty to look at. and wich my best dress I would have been that much better to look at for him.

We had a great talk that night and I tolled him everything that was on my mind. I thought it was about time for me to get it out of me. and he listend to me ever so kindly. at some point I even fel asleep and when i woke up I had rains cape over me and I was laying on his lap. Rain was gently carring my hair and humming songs for me. I liked it so much I even pretended to be asleep for some time. enjoying the way he showed his love for me.

Never ever can my love for him die out. no matter what happens it will alsways be there. and I know it is the same for him.

and besides we will need eachother in the next couple of month with both our little dragons having egs of there own. and there close to hatch. 200 eggs and probably more.
What a world we live in.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #81 on: November 14, 2007, 02:14:46 pm »
rain has gone and done something stupit.
He has gotten the idea in his head that it should be HE who has to hunt down the guy that sold our daughter.
When I heard it from sarah I got angry. I went straight after him. I found him along with others. Barion, tegan and some more. Rain and I talked a hard talk and he could tell I was angry.
The reason why he was going after the boy was to make sure he was braught to court. a good reason but the others where not. He said he wanted to make sure our daughter woudln't do anything she might regret. Thatwas like a knife trought my heart. he made it sound as if everything we taught her over the years was for nothing. that we didn't raise her good enought to have her make her own choices. as if she was still ababy that needs to hold the hands of her parent to cross the paths she walks on.

I got realy angry and I made him understand what he was doing. Rain kept on saying that he wasn;t going to let sarah make the same mistake as he did. and at some point I kept on saying to let sarah make her own choices. That we can only hope we have tought her enough.

in the end he gave me my way but it wasn't fun to see. at some point I could tell he was crying, sort of.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #82 on: November 26, 2007, 01:56:17 pm »
*sonya gets into the house and gets her dairy and starts to write in it.*

It's been an awfull day. Sarah tolled me about what she heared from my brother lex. when I heared what she had to say I could only think of one thing.

That rain was planing on leaving me. I ran as quickly as I could to hempstead and the guild to find him but he wasn't in the guild. I then looked all around hempstead but still no sign of him.
finaly I met some people who had seen him go to the guild hall. I went there but he was not there. By that time I was defistated and I thought I was to late. I thought that he had left me and would never return to me again. it broke my heart more then I could ever knew it would. I cried so much that I didn't even hear Rain come into the room I ended up in.

when i saw him I couldn't help it but run into him and hug him as tighly as I could I didn't let him go. I didn't want him to leave me again. to make a long story short he didn;t plan on leaving me he was just still fed up about not being able to get that boy before our daughter had a change to. We had a long hard talk and now I hope I gave him an other way of helping our daughter.

like I said to him we can not life the lifes of our children for them. we can only show them the doors of life. they are the ones that will have to go trought them. and how they choice to life there lifes is there choice. not ours, no matter how much we would want to prefent them from making the same mistake we did. We can not stop them if they choice to. I now it's hard for my love to accept. But i will be there to help him as much as I can.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #83 on: December 09, 2007, 08:05:23 am »
I have some great things to write down.

It's with great joy I write down that my brother has a relationship with a beautifully woman named Amilia. She is pretty as well as strong. strong both in body and mind. I say strong in mind because I heard she has been in love with him for a very long time. even before Lex went away for several years. and now her patients has payed of. I admire her for that. She is the woman I always hoped my brother would marry and spend the rest of his life with.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #84 on: December 24, 2007, 05:06:29 am »
*she takes out her dairy from the place it has been at for several months and takes of a bit of dust, She opens it and then starts to write*

I have made several trips in the past months. some more exciting then others.
ON one trip I found out that someone made a potion that can turn people into half dragons of the green kind. Verry exciting to me but other of the group thouhgt it was an abomination of nature.

I also had to find out about a problem one of my daughters had. Sarah said sil'via had a problem. it got worse first but now it seems to be a bit better.

A few days ago a rare event happend. The whole angels guild was together in the guild hall. It was such a great sight that it gave me tears of happiness.
We talked a bit and found time to do a trip for supplies as well. I will pray for more of these days. it was a great day to see everyone again.

*she puts her dairy back after the ink got to dry. then she walks out of the house to do stuff out side.*


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #85 on: December 28, 2007, 07:13:43 am »
*she takes out her her dairy and walks to the couch, there she starts to right in it*

I've made several more training trips on dregar.some better and more exciting then others. on one of them I went to firesteep io believe it's called. an exciting trip I must say.

I also found out taht Rain had a hart talk wiht our daughter sarah again. from what i heared from those too, sarah sems to become friends with someone that rain does not like. Rain is concered for sarah but to sarah it seems like he is forcin her to see things his way and do stuff the way he would like them to be done. I think she know's it's not true but it can get to her. I guess she realy has Rain's temper.

Anyway I'm going back too bed. Rain and i had a long night. I did my usual fun in bed again. but at some point I aperantly made rain a bit wild because he took over. the things he did then where awsome. I he made me feel so much younger again.

*she puts her dairy down and walks to the bed room. along the way she puts her youngest son in bed again who woke up hearing her. when she gets into bed she puts her head to rest on rains chest, falling into a deep sleep*


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #86 on: January 10, 2008, 04:49:16 pm »
Rain helped me make some rings of sorcery 2 for an order the guild had. he is so sweet.

Many things are hapepning to my daughters but I haven't talked to any of them about it. I wonder why sarah hasn't talked with me yet.  Normaly we talke at least once a week. but I haven't seen her in such a long time. I hope she is alright.


Re: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #87 on: January 28, 2008, 02:47:32 pm »
*she sits down and writes in her journal having nthing more but a candle to light her view on the pages*

I have some good news to write down. My borther Lex'or is actualy becomming a father. and if that wasnlt enought he also asked his girlfriend if she wanted to marry him. she said yes. It was an increadibly joyfull day.

a few days later how ever I saw the triplets again. but not in the way I would  have wanted to see thema again. Sil'via and elgon where fighthing with each other because of some event concerning sil'via's hard choice bewteen two men she seemed to love.

It brought back some memories wich I'm not sure are my own. But I am in them. it's from my dark years right after I left my home town. In the shifting desserts of Dregar. I don't knwo what to think of those memories. they seem so not me, yet I am in them.

Anyway I will go to bed now tomoroww I feel like waking up a bit more early to give rain some food on bed.
I think that will be the best time for me to warn him that my dark years might slowly be starting to reviel a secret that they kept from me all those years. I just don't know what.


Re: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #88 on: February 21, 2008, 05:03:17 pm »
*the pages has some tear stains on it.*

Poor Tariana, Poor Ben,  Rain will not like hearing about this. I will go on my first Horse "Wilmna" which is elven for "Darky". to find Rain and tell him about what happened to Tariana Poetr today. Rain might even want to talk to our daughter Sil'via who witnessed it all.


Re: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #89 on: October 06, 2009, 08:41:21 am »
Dear diary,

After so many years I open you again to write in you. And this might be my last time I write. I've become old and I know that one of these days will be my last.
However the Angels Guild members have been asking me if I will be returning to them. I've made up my mind about it and I will be talking to them as soon as they have there meeting I will be there too and talk to them.
I don't mind picking up my jewellery making again. But I wonder if it's a good idea to give me a lot of responsibilities. Also If I am to die. I will ask them to consider my daughter Sarah, as my replacement.

This writing is taking more time then it used too. I will write more tomorrow. then I will see what I will write about what I want in my Last Will.

Signed Sonya Darsus.


Re: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #90 on: October 09, 2009, 09:08:02 am »
My last will

Because I have become an old woman. I know death is closer then ever and that the soul mother will one day take me with her, forever. There for I will write my will and send it to some people I know I can trust. Hoping they will see to it that it will be done as much as possible.
Below I will write down what I'd like to see done surrounding my funeral an Dividing of my possessions.

My funeral

I have no idea what I'd want for the funeral it self. However I do prefer to be Burned to ashes. I hope it can be done by magical flames created by my friends and family using there own spells. My ashes can then be collected and hopefully used in the creation of a statue of myself for the guild hall of The Angels Guild. Since I'm a founder of the Angels Guild I'm sure they would want to have a statue of me there. If during the arrangement of the funeral things become unclear because some people want one thing and others something else. Then I give my best friend and adopted sister Elohanna Dawnstar the final word on it.

Dividing my possessions

During the dividing of my possessions I hope Elohanna Dawnstar will oversee everything to prevent any problems from happening. If problems do happen then she will have the last word. I trust her judgement.

- All of the stuff I have are in 3 chests in my house in Half Lake District 235.
The items can be divided among my family and friends so that they can have something to remember me by if they choice to. Everything that's left after this will be divided among my children. if there is anything that they don;t want The Angels Guild can use it in anyway they see fit.
- My house in Half Lake District 235 is in my name. If my husband Rain In'Darsus allows it, and the proper authorities allow it too. I want the House to become the property of my oldest daughter known as Huntemara In'darsus. But any of my children can have a room in there if they want to.
- As for the money in my bank account. I want it to be divided among my children Tristan, Sarah (also known as Huntemara), Sil'via, Ayana, Elgon and Elyam. if any of them don't want there share. the money can go to a good cause choicen by the members of The Angels Guild.


Re: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #91 on: February 09, 2010, 08:02:00 am »
Sonya Talks to Ferrit about what the guild might need next ans she finds out that the Angel's guild will need Spider silk and spotted mushrooms for something they are planning. With that information Sonya sets out to collect the silk and spotted mushrooms.

After having taken several trips to collect both spider silk and spotted mushroom she deposits what she has at the guild hall in Port Hempstead.
Then she decides to go after spotted mushroom one more time.

So she travels to Stort by boat. When she arrives she goes out of the town to collect the spotted mushrooms. She starts to Calles her familiar and friend Draco as well as summoning an Iron gollem which using the 7th circle spell Summon creature. she protects the 3 of them as best she can and she makes herself invisible to make sure she is not going to be spotted easily.

She sets out to collect the spotted mushrooms but at the first batch she finds out that not only her familiar and gollem are attacked but she is as well.
despite her being invisible. She doesn't think long and starts to cast her most powerfull magic spells to attack her attackers. Sonya casts several spells and when she starts casting a fireball she noticed some flashes of light and everything fading. Next thing she knows she is standing in front of what she believes to be the soul mother and she realises that she just died and lost the last piece of her soul. She realizes she can never return back again.

