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Author Topic: Richard's Forest  (Read 232 times)

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Richard's Forest
« on: October 12, 2005, 06:20:00 pm »
Day 1 - 3
The first days of Hlint were pleasant enough. Most of the people enjoy the environment and the beauty it presents. I liked walking in the forest. Its good to be back in the green. All these towns were making my head dizzy. I have no idea why anyone would want to live in such a place. I would be horrified. Always activity around me. No, no. I like the forest more. A powerful wizard assisted me in retrieving some items for Erag. I cant seem to remember that mans name. He was nice enough though. Well im going to give Vomous somem food now. He seems a little upset. He almost died a couple of times today.

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RE: Richard's Forest
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 06:22:00 pm »
Day - 4
     I met a nice wood elf named Alnusa. He is very nice. We went to the High Forest together. I saw a huge bear there. It was enourmous. All the power it had coiled up amazed me. It inspired me. I want to connect in a new way with animals. I want to know what it feels like to BE and animal. I know the concept sounds strange but i thijnk i can do it.

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RE: Richard's Forest
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2005, 06:26:00 pm »
Day - 5
I have done it. I left my normal appearnace behind into a bear. It was rapture. Amazing. Its difficult to describe. I am very tired right now because I just came out of the transformation. I think that tranforming more than once per day could be very unhealthy.  I am not sure what i am going to do now. Perhaps that cleric Vynal i met at the cave woould like to help me in purging some of the undead. I hate those creatures. Vile in every way they are.

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RE: Richard's Forest
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2005, 07:38:00 pm »
Day - 6

I attempted to help Ronus today with the help of Vynal and Alnusa. It was an excellent chance to try out my new abilities. It worked out well until we started going deep. I was overwhelmed and Vynals healing touch was a second too late. I passed into a very dark area and then i was back in Hlint. It was the oddest experience. It is one i do not hope to relive.
I journeyed deeper into the Sielwood Forest to find out what lurks back there. The area was crowded with ogres. I tried my best to slay these vile creatures but they overpowered me and butchered me. I went to the strange place again. But this time when i was back in Hlint i was weak. A man in town told me that my soul was still recovering from the stress of dying and that praying at my grave would help make it better. I went and prayed at my grave. I felt my strength returning as i prayed.
After visiting my grave i returned to Hlint where i talked with some people who's names i dont recall. They were nice enough and liked talking alot. I mainly listened and nodded my head or gave my opinion when it was asked. I am still getting used to being around so many people. I sat in the middle of Ranger's Vale in an attempt to change into some new creature but i couldnt do it. For some reason changing into a wyrmling was extremely difficult. I couldnt even exactly recall its form much less it abilities or properties. I will keep my eyes open for my next sighting of one.

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RE: Richard's Forest
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2005, 10:16:00 pm »
Day - 7
Alnusa, Vynal and i joined a party to planned on going to the Haven mines. It seemed an interesting place so i was looking forward to it. Before we left i believe Ranewin told us that we shuld all et soulstones. They werent too expensive so i decided to buy one. Though its abilities are ambigous to me, she said that it is very valuable if a cleric is nearby. I will just wait it out and see what happens. We didnt go very deep into the mines until we noticed that those large ogres would defiantely mob and overpower us. We all made it out alive luckily. I jounreyed deep into the High Forest to find some kind of trees that were alive and moving. They moved slow but they hit hard. And although it was hard for me to destroy something so tree-like, i had to do it or die. I noticed some Aloe leaves growing behind them so i picked a few and decided to perhaps learn a bit of alchemy until i see another wyrling. I really enjoy healing others. After all the excitment of the day i went into the Sielwood Forest to realx a little.

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RE: Richard's Forest
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2005, 10:25:00 pm »
Day - 8
Today was rather eventful. I met some new people. I believe their names were Shrubbery and Endular. They are brothers. Both are very nice. Shrubbery seemed to more of a meelee type and Endular was more of a ranged man. They seemed a perfect match. I showed them around town and helped them get a few jobs with the local people. They greatly appreciated my help. Shrubbery even asked me about how he should train. I told him that i didnt know much about fighting except kill those who would kill you. I guess he thought it funny because he laughed for quite a while. Endular and I went to the Sielwood cave to do some mining. Well he mined, i watched his back. It all went well until we were ambushed. They came from all sides. I fought hard and tried to get to Endular before he lost too much blood but i was too late. If i had been smaller and able to fly i would have reached him sooner... I returned to Hlint where i found him. He was weak. He followed me back to his grave where he prayed and was once again whole. After a bit i decided that i should put my other hand to use. I bought a shield for an outrageous price. It works well enough for now. I collected some comfrey root from Lake Palden. Im sure i will have use for it soon enough in alchemy. My alchemy advancement is slow. I like doing it but i am jsut not very good at it. Vomous now cast webs at the enemy which is very helpful when we are retreating. He is developing rather quickly.