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Author Topic: A Tale of a Bandit- The Life of Ne'er Greyen  (Read 83 times)


A Tale of a Bandit- The Life of Ne'er Greyen
« on: October 02, 2005, 03:15:00 pm »
A leather bound book with silver lining sits before. On the Cover reads "A Tale of a Bandit" and inside is the accounts of one man, an elven man named Ne'er Greyen.


Chapter One- The Arrival
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2005, 03:27:00 pm »
Ne'er had finished his flight from Port Hampshire, hopefl that any bounty hunters would have been thrown off in the alleyways. He had decided on the road to Leilon that he may wish to avoid the city for awhile, so he chose a small out-of-the-way town named Hlint to lay low in for awhile. On the road he encountered travelers, whom he inquired about the area of Hlint. They told him of Moraken to the north, as well as the nearby forests and gem deposits. Ne'er was intriuged and developed a few identities to keep himself hidden from the people of Hlint. Each one had had his own story and personality, as well as an accent (Ne'er was ood at faking accents, after all) and outfit.

The first (as well as Ne'er's favorite) was Samuel Tryden. He is a jeweler from Pranzis and claims that his wife and unborn chid were killed as a result of the war. He then claims to have lost his business to the bank because he could no longer afford to pa for his shop or home.

The second was Balthazar. Balthazar would claim that he is a servant of the mighty Moraken. As a result, Ne'er hoped to be able to justify frequent visits to the tower to play with the things there (of course he would do his best not to be spotted by Moraken.) He also simply liked to pretend to be an important person. When people would ask for him to remove his helm, he would claim that he had suffered horrible scarring at the hands of demons.

The third disguise that Ne'er would use was that of Max Haldwell, a woodsman Rilara. He claims to have come to Mistone for the chance to work with some of the wood available there, as well as to get a fresh start. Ne'er pretty much made this idea up becasue he wanted three costumes, not just two.

On Ne'er's first day in town he met a few people. One calling him ugly, one that would not stop talking, and one that caught Ne'er's eye immediately. She was a beautiful elven woman. Ne'er had plans to learn more about this woman, although he did not know exactly where he would go with it. And if she was in a relationship? Bah, it would not be the first time he had interferred, and would certainly not be the last. As Ne'er saw it, things were looking good.


Chapter Two- Suspiscion, Love, and Jewelery
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2005, 05:14:00 pm »
So Ne'er began to settle into the quiet little town... well, the town was not as quiet as you'd think for such a small place, but it served Ne'er well. But Ne'er had drawn the suspiscion of one of the men in town, a man named Pyyran. He was the clever sort and seemed to be catching on to the fact that Ne'er was disguised, even if he did not realize the reason he was disguised. Of course, Ne'er tried to act as calm as possible. Although his confidence had faltered a few times, once with a dwarf outside of town, and the other with a group of adventurers in Sielwood. He managed to flee the encouters quickly, but he was worried that they would not something was up.

But for the most part, Samuel Tryden was accepted in town. In fact, he was in love. Well, the term 'love' is always used loosely with Ne'er, as he was in love with about six or seven women in the town. Ne'er was quite the charmer, and always did the best he could to make a lady feel as if there were none other like them... even though he used the same lines on all of them. A few sparked his interest more than others. Ranewin, a beautiful elvish woman, in particular. He noticed her traveling with a human man, one named Trysk. but, then again, when had a relationship stopped Ne'er in the past?

Since Ne'er was disguised as a jeweler, he found himself (much to his surprise) spending hours working with jewelery. He was amazed at how good he was at it, seeing as how he had never worked with a gem before. He actually enjoyed the work, as well as the thrill of sneaking down and stealing the gems right from under the noses of goblins and kobolds. He had tried conning some folks into buying a regular old gem for 20,000 gold pieces, but soon realized that he was not dealing with complete idiots... well, not all of them. One in particular Ne'er was not fond of. A fellow named Barion. Ne'er even made up a rather nasty nickname for the fellow, and seeing as how Barion was not smart enought to understand halfling, Ne'er gets away with it. Still, Ne'er wonders how a man like Barion could possibly have won the heart of such a baeuty as Shelu, but the fact that Shelu was barion's and not Ne'er's overlooked that.

So Ne'er had settled himself... made a few friends, as well as a few enemies. And of course, had plenty to drink at the inn, even if the ale was all watered down.