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Author Topic: Journal of a dwarven mage  (Read 485 times)


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2007, 04:09:03 am »
Well, I have recently begun travellingaround Karthy. Seems the trolls are quite stron there and causing a bit of trouble. Master Silver and I met up with master Omer who told us of the need to cull them abit. It was good training to be sure. A tough fight. We enterd a cavern in the swamps where the shaman werecasting lots and lots fo death magic. My hammer turned several of em to mush. Im glad I have been practicing my fighting techniques of late. Still havent gotten that shield to sit right on my arm. Though Im getting better at it. Getting a bit more nimble on me feet too.
  On a more amusing and also more grim note. While travelling near Velensk, I happened upon an elf i met before who was getting beat up by the dwarven mercs near the topaz cave. Go figure that. Still...i felt bad for the bloke, nad had to intervene once those bloody halflings got into the fight. Afterwards we returned to the town to bandage him up a bit. Met a Mistite adn the two (her nad my companion) got into a spat about hte corn. Well...we spotted a drow sneaking around town. As soon as he realized we made him, he madea beeline for the berhagen mountains. To the entrance to the underdark. We gave chase and entered therin. Knowing how drow like to ambush, and being on their home turf..I called my summons. Drow are not to be trifled with, and my 2 companions would not have survived long. Myself also, if we met any strong contingent of em. My summons sensed him immediately and slew him where he stood, in the shadows. After inspecting the body I found some dust of deliar, what he could want with that is beyond me. It was then the ground started to shake, we tried t omake our way to the entrance in case there was a cavein. I did not wish to be caught trapped in that place! Well....we met some more of the blighters. My elven companion must truly hate the buggers...the blood rage clouded his eyes and he immediately set upon them. We fought them to a stalemate, and the mistite ended up healing one of em. We were told to leave and we did. We reported the incident to the local guard. He said the drow had stolen something and asked if we had found anything of interest.
  The humorous part was the human and the elf, I swear she got to him good. Though the arguing got tedious after abit. She was truly living up to her goddess (thats why I call her Misty, that adn i never caught her name). She was trying ot get the lad arrested for shooting a drow in the city limits, and me for my summons slaying the bugger in the entrance to the underdark. Well, Ive never seen a misty arguing law before, but it was a sight! Needless to say..i Got a right good laugh out of it. Poor kid got all flustered, and the misty got all riled up. I tell wonder master Ozy thinks most of us are loons!


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2007, 06:13:11 pm »
Today was almost a perfect day. Me and my dwarven kin gathered for a trip to dregar to fight against the giants. The group left from Hlint adn travelled thru the forest leaving the giants in fear of our dwarven wrath. Any hope Boerghar may have ever had in allying himself with the giants has been diminished considerably. We cut them down as wheat tothe scythe.
  We met miss Rhynn along the way and she slaked our thirst with a hearty beer. She tehn joined our contingent adn weilded an extra axe with great fervor. She even mined as we went along thru the tunnels. Such a sight. Me and my kin were impressed by her I think.
   In the desert we came across a very large contingent of desert nomads. These giants sent fire our way and were met with shining steel and mighty war cries. Their bodies dotted the landscape. The dwarves when banded together are nigh unstoppable.
  We destroyed many of the guardians that lived in the caves near Near Fort. The dragon I think we awoke with the cries of its guardians in their fall. We quickly made our way to the surface. Breathing deep the open air once more we made our way back to Saudria. It was tehn that our party disbanded and began to go our separate ways for atime. The group I travelled with headed to Pranzt and thus back to Mistone. The only time I fell in the entire trip...and the soul mother visited me once more. For the 8th time.
  It seems my recent fervor to train with my hammer has had its price. Though my skill has increased, I must acknowledge the fact that I seem to have found some of my kins lust for battle rage. I never knew I had it in me. Being raised in such quiet instruction as my former mentor had. I had little time in my duties to him and my learning to associate with any outside of our small farm and community. Now that I am travelling and associating more with my fellow dwarves, the more dangers we face. The more and more I find myself longing for what I had lost all those many years ago. Perhaps I will be able to begin searching for my family history soon. When my other duties and responsibilities permit.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2007, 01:43:03 pm »
I have seen much and had to think on much of late.
  I met with my friend Grohin and I spoke with him at length on my recent discovery that I may be a Voraxite. I am still unsure of this, but I do know that when i am in a fight i feel my arm is made stronger during a righteous battle. I know Vorax is the father of battle. I also realize that Vorax doesnt trust magic. This has what has given me pause. I suppose if i was a fighter or defender, the faith of Vorax might be easier for me to understand within myself. Grohin eased my mind a bit when he said that though Vorax may not trust the magic, he does not despise it nor its practictioners, so long as tehy are not evil and the magiuc used for evil. This sets my heart at ease. It also gives me some insight into my recent actions of late. I know I will never be so pious not as devout as my friend Grohin, but I dont think that matters so much to Vorax. So long as the good fight is fought and fought for the right reasons.
  I have continued with my enchanting skill, and also my alchemical compositions. I have been rewarded with my diligence and my skills are getting better.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2007, 12:40:53 am »
9 times now. 9 times my soul has been ripped apart. I am unsure how much longer i can go. I must be more vigilant. I shall no longer use my hammer unless i must, or i know that i can be of use with it.
  My magic must now be my weapon of choice when it is needed. I am no warrior, and though i still feel the battle lust and the fervor of a god fight, my magic will be my hammer.
  SHould the worst happen, I must make notes for young Durgen. Though he is young, he is the only other dwarven mage i know of. Should i fall forever, he must continue what i have begun. Our kins fate at the bloody gate and elsewhere may depend upon it. I will seek him out when i have the chance.
  I suppose i should leave a will of some sort. I should leave it where it may be found when i go out. In case i never return.
  All of my furniture and chests should be given over ot master quantum. AS this is his house nad he could use them I am certain.
  All gold and valuables within said chests, bookshelves, desk and wherever. THose belong to my kin for the cause.
  I ask only that my friend Grohin Silveraxe say some appropriate words when the time is right and that i be buried with my hammer adn staff. He being the stout battle priest of Vorax, and who gave me much to consider.
  I just hope that in my life I have earned the right sup at the table of Vorax, mage though i be. I have learned the value of my kin, and call them family, especially the one named Dalan Stoneaxe. As they are the only family I have left.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2007, 05:09:42 pm »
My kith and kin have worked hard now for several months. At last we all journeyed to the Bloody Gate. We all had our parts to play and the gate has been fortified and is stronger than ever. Rory Rockfist himself called us before him and thanked us personally. It was truly an honor.
  For my part, I negotiated the opening of trade between the House Vulvitore and the Gate. IN exchange for some ore as a precursor for wider trade, I was able to procure provisions for the gate. These should get them thru the hard times still to come. Master Varka warned me to keep an eye on Larn, the trader who has been at the gate for many years. He does not trust him, nad so I will be mindful of his acivities.
  The entire venture went very well. A few unexpected things happened. THe giants attacked us, but led by Mi'lord Varka, they were driven back. The demons that they brought with them were sent back into the abyss from whence they sprang. A hard fight, but Vorax was with us tht day and we took the field.
  A large cyclops by name of Hundir also came to see the gate. Apparently he is the last of his clan, nad befriended Varka in the past. Those two being friends was quite the sight. THough I am always surprised by some of the things I see in this world. TO keep the traders from seeing Hundir as he was given a tour of the gate, I had to think quickly and read 'mistakenly' from a scroll of Darkness instead of a ledger.
  One other side note. When the trader first appeaerd to us, she was apparently followed by a winged eye. A spy of sorts. Though I have been unale to discern its origin, It was an interesting specimen. After doing what I could to ascertain it smaster, I disposed of it by fire.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2007, 02:16:52 pm »
The lands have grown wilder of late. AS the great cloud blots out hte sun, so it seems to have blotted out the hope of the masses.
  The roads are more dangerous, and the wild creatures more perilous. It seems that he craft house in Hlint has closed. Johan probably finally died, or the druids got to him...who knows. Garent has retired and the place seems much colder now. The goblins that once were a mere annoyance are now a force to be reckoned with. Haven has a become a stronghold for gnolls and bandits are everywhere. It is a dark time indeed.
  I recently travelled with the Farstriders thru the lands of Dregar. Upon our return to Prantz we met up with a Vaarsh creature. It had been sent ot retrieve some sort of key from one of my companions (Coyote). His master was an angry mage named Dalohar or some such. After dispatching the beast after it accosted miss Karana, we decided to take the boat from Lor to Hurm nad go from there to Leringard on our way to Hlint to try and find the keeper of the key the creature sought. During our boat trip I happened to catch a giant sea monster of a fish. I offered Karana some but she refused, though I must say it tasted quite delicious. We were caught in a storm and the boat foundered upon a desert isle. The 5 of us along with 5 of the crew made it to shore and promptly met up with local. She offered to aid us in getting back to civilizized lands. After guiding us north for abit said she had to prepare her village for our coming, as they were distrustful of strangers.
  Upon reaching the town, we found it strangely quiet. No one was to be seen or heard. Shortly after arriving the ground began to shake and fire fell from the sky. It was then that we noticed a lone man standing amidst the several dead bodies. Coyote promptly recognized the man as the mad mage. He promptly engaged us and tehn fled...we gave chase nad next thing we knew we were in some sort of conjured plane. We were trapped, and there was no sign of a way out. As we travelled we came upon several adversaries. They were not very difficult to dispatch. As we sought a way out we came upon a strange dome. As soon as we approached it we were accosted by a Balor. After a pitched battle we returned to examine the dome, and we were immediately set upon by another Balor, even more vicous than the next!
  I immediately realized that they appeared as we approached the dome, trying to prevent us from getting near it. As the others fought valiantly against the balor that appeared, I managed to open the dome. There was nothing in it, and we quickly realized that we could use it as a trap for the demon. One of us would have to sacrifice ourselves to lure the demon in. Two of my companions were laid low at that instant and only master Jin and I were left, and he was sorely wounded. I immediately realized it woudl have to be me, and I charged the mighty demon while calling upon Vorax to lend strength to my hammer. We fought ferociously and I was able to get him intothe trap. As soon as it enterd the dome closed about us. The demon then laid me low as we fought inside the dome for a moment. Then the beast died with an agonizing cry. We had triumphed. It was a hard fought victory against evil that Vorax wuold have been proud of. After Jin raised our companions and we bound their wounds, I examined the body of the demon. There was a gem embedded in its chest, enchanted with some sort of binding spell. Upon examination, we realized it may be our way out. The gem that bound the demon also was the key to the conjured plane we were trapped in.
  After instructing everyone to step back, I raised my hammer high and smashed the gem to dust. I bright flash and a violent release of magical energies that knocked me flat, we found ourselves back in Lor. The dock shop owner and ahte local pawnshop owner inquired if there was anything they could do for us. They had no memory of us until that moment, even though we had spoken with them at length a few days ago. When we inquired as to the date, we realized we had not gone anywhere. Apparently we had fallen into a trap as soon as we entered the Lor docks. It was all an illusion, an elaborate hoax. the bruises seemed real enough to be sure.


RE: Tales from the Dwarven Side
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2007, 03:38:57 am »
The last Will and Testament of Erk.
  If you are reading this...then my time has come and I have embracedthe Soulmother one last time. May Vorax welcome me to his table, though I come late to his cause.
  If perchance my body is recoverd, I should ask that I be laid to rest with others of my kin. Though I never did discover teh name of my family, I have come to call those few dwarves taht I had travelled with my kin. Especially one Dalan Stoneaxe. He has ever been one dwarf whose heart is as stout as the strongest rock. May his hammer never cease to fall.
  I must remember one also one Grohin Silveraxe who helped me to understand that though I may have been a wizard, so long as I used my abilities for the good and just fight, Vorax would allow me to sit at his table.
  I name Dalan Stoneaxe as the executor of my last testament. As he will know where things need to be taken and dispersed as regards to the needs of the dwarves. In my last act, I should wish to continue my quest to aid the dwarves and to continue the good fight and hope that my researches and journeys help them in all they can do in the future.
  Items of Import:
  My Journal and all books of knowledge I leave to the young Durgin Stormbrow. May my journal and notes aid him in the researches needed to complete the job to unite the dwarves. He will understand what this means. Relay this message: Moraken is the master of them. If he chooses to continue this road of will be the most important message he will receive. I have spoken to hium a few times abouthte nature of what I have found. I pray my researches will aid him.
  I have gathered many materials that were to be used for the rebuilding of the Bloody Gate. Be sure that these sent were they are needed. (Mostly ore & oak)
  My alchemical potions should be given to the dwarves who will be able to make use of the for the cause. Dwarven axes should fall with the speed of lightning to destrpy the evil that plagues this land.
   All chests and furniture shall be given over to Master Quantum Windward, as this is his home, and he will see to the their proper use.
  Any and all coin I have left should be given to the cause.
  Dalan my friend. I have nothing to leave you save my thanks for all you have done to aid this poor dwarf. Take what you will, and be sure the rest go to where it is needed most. You will understand what that means.
  Farewell my friends. I look forward to the time when we will meet each other again in the halls of Vorax. I oinly hope I have earned the right to sit at his table.
  //OOC: the cause refers to the arming of the Bloody Gate and the subsequent secret gathering of weapons and arms forthe coming war against Milara and the preparations being made.


Re: Journal of a dwarven mage
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2007, 12:42:20 pm »
I have been gone a long, long time... Where it has gone I know not. I have spent my days in meditation and study adn prison.

The great library that was restored on Voltrex has been a store of information. Though not as much as I had hoped. I feel I must search elsewhere.

Of my time as a prisoner...I have spoken my story to my kin and I am content to leave it at that for now. THough I will say the elves are not the kindest of hosts and some of my  wounds may take a awhile to heal.

It seems in my absence many thought I had fallen. Poor Dalan was in a state over it. Especially since it is him whom I have wanted to take care of my will and my possessions. I will have to make amends to him. I must also find out why my will was sent to him without any proof of my death.

Apparently my apprent loss has caused much discomfiture to many. It warms my heart on one hand to know this old dwarf has so many friends. Yet at the same time I must admit I am ashamed I was not able to keep in touch to prevent this bizarre happening. I will have to talk to Dalan more on this nad find out what happened to cause the stir.

I have much to catch up on.

