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Author Topic: The Thorn in the Thistle  (Read 169 times)


The Thorn in the Thistle
« on: February 05, 2006, 02:41:26 pm »
If each is only a sum of its parts, then the story of Thorn Thistletoe the fifth is best started back aways. I was never one to rush a story, and so this one best begin with Thorn Thistletoe the first. Formerly of the Corntoes, he was renamed on account of his bad luck to live in the shaded side of the hill, just a little short of Highpass Fort. Well where his wealthier neighbours got corn he got thorns. Not one to roll over lightly he tried to shake the family out of the shade by trading in thorns, thus removing the threat to his families feet, and making a little wealth. Strong of determination, always a optimist he set to it. He got the first family luck when he discovered thorns made a sort of pipeweed, mostly unacceptable elsewhere but useable locally. His natural flair for business and luck came good after a while when a local wizard started taking his stock of thorns and in return enchanted his pipeweed, which soon sold well among the many scattered communities. Indeed it was no time at all, a mere 30 years before Thorn Thistletoe the first was moving into his house in the sunshine on top of the hill. Of course they suggested he change his name again, but Thorn would have none of it, he knew where the family was going, and it did not involve no Corntoes.

Well I guess thats enough of Old Thorn Thistletoe the first for now...


RE: The Thorn in the Thistle
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2006, 09:43:59 am »
If each is only a sum of its parts, then the story of Thorn Thistletoe the fifth is best started back aways...Now I had thought perhaps to miss out on the telling of Thorn Thistletoe the second, though perhaps that might have just made people more suspicious. So warts and all here is the story of the Thistletoes.

Thorn the second was born into a wealth that had not often been seen in the area around Highpass Fort. Not only did he enjoy an upbringing right at the top of the hill in one of the finest Halfling homes to be had, but his family had gained in reputation and community standing with every year. Now I am not making excuses but all this may well have led to his undoing. He was just not strong enough of character, learned through books, he lacked a certain wisdom, that sad to say has not diminished with the passage of Thorns.

He lacked the work ethos of his father and was more intrested in spending than earning, and was impatient to have his hands on the family fortune, all 2 acres of it. He spent most of his time spying on the neighbours, trying to learn how he could best use their secrets.

Unable to wait he stole the pipeweed formula of the sorceror and ran off. This ended the families history at Highpass Fort. As Thorn two spent most of his days on the move regretting his haste to be rich. Something the other Thorns learned from along with his knack of lurking in the shadows to best advantage. Thorn the second ended his days on the Fort Valensk waterfront almost as poor as the early days. Not for him old age and the fire side, no but enough of that tale he was what he was..I should get to the point sometime real soon.