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Author Topic: journal of Thalyon Goodly Cleric of Aragen  (Read 127 times)


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    journal of Thalyon Goodly Cleric of Aragen
    « on: February 13, 2005, 07:03:00 pm »
    I recieved a most disturbing letter this day from the loremaster today.  It would seem that yet again the vast knowledge in the liberprimas was put to evil use.  Will the world never learn.  Due to these events the loremaster has decreed that all of the different temples are to send the thier liberprimas back to the main temple.  I do hope that they make it all there. I shudder to think what might happen if a book fell into the wrong hands.  This letter also serves as a strong reminder that I should be careful with whome I share information.  
         As for my studies in alchemy, I am learning rappidly.  I am still making mostly alchemical fire or acid flasks, but it is getting easier.  I have also decided that the only realistic way to fun further studies is to take up a little adventuring.  This has ment that I use a suit of armor.  I know it is a little unorthadox for a preist of Aragen to don armor.  However my brethren who are safly tucked away in their temples hunched over books never find them selves on the buisness end of a spear.  Besides we are taught to protect knowledge.  I have learned much and carry it with me at all times.  If I die, then I have not done well to protect it.


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      RE: journal of Thalyon Goodly Cleric of Aragen
      « Reply #1 on: February 17, 2005, 04:26:00 pm »
      Day 14   
         I GOT IT!  I think I have figured out how to capture a Willo-the-Wisp!  I shall need a scroll of hold monster, better make that two in fact.  I have learned through my experience with wisps that their electrical attacks can be nullified by spells that protect against elements.  If I can find a tinker to make me a Glass Jar, and some one then to enchant it with a spell of elemental protection, I think then we could use the hold monster to freeze it, then put it in the jar.  Hmm..I will need some kind of lid, wood most likely, also enchanted as the jar.  It is time to start collecting what I shall need!  

