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Author Topic: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood  (Read 102 times)


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    Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
    « on: June 17, 2005, 12:41:00 am »
    After nearly a moon and a half Aelayenn walked in to her tribes’ encampment. She had spent the last moon away meditating after her normal scouting and hunting routine leaving the meat and pelts where the tribe would stop for the night, never a word or note just the meat and pelts were found and nothing else. Few were surprised by this Aelayenn was becoming more and more withdrawn and more independent. She would fearlessly stalk a lion on the plains or a leopard in the forest be she alone or with a hunting party.  The tribe priest just said that Kithairien had marked her and she was to be his champion a solitary avenger. While many expected her to become a modern wild elf equivalent of their god Kithairien and lead them to a new independence, it was not to be. Aelayenn did become a embodiment of all Kithairien’s teaching and beliefs she was not to lead them anywhere rather she was a solitary individual destined for greatness out of the sight of others as she stalked those that opposed freedom and nature. After a month of meditation and prayer Aelayenn returned to the tribe and addressed the tribe elders. She informed them that she was leaving in the morning and would not be returning for many many moons. She spoke of the encounter with their god Kithairien and how it had transformed her life and that as she was now nearing adulthood she had grown as much as she could in the forest and on the plains. She spoke of the skills Kithairien had called to life with in her and how to become his champion she must travel to other lands and learn to master these skills. She must learn to tumble like an acrobat when in combat avoiding blows while moving among the many foes of the forest and her people. She must learn to find and disarm traps and set traps, to use the shadows for more then cover, to become a shadow and ware shadow as an extra skin. Because in shadow with stealth and surprise she was an army of one, able to strike and move a nearly invincible champion of the wild elf way. She was a shade among the shadows a phantom stalking her prey. She was only 90 barley old enough to be considered old enough but she had been hunting by herself for most of her life and had been a scout and hunter for the tribe for over 45 years and was as capable as any. The elders also knew it was not a request no mater how she followed the tribes laws they knew they had no hold over her any longer. So early the next morning Aelayenn went to the tattooist of the tribe and received her last of many tribal tattoos, the tattoos of the sojourner and the commissioned marking her as one who wanders with a commission and should she fail, forever be an outcast.

    As the sun raced toward the western horizon Aelayenn was dead to her tribe unless she can succeed and become a forest avenger. She struck out east for the plains and Darthorladin. A few hours after sunset she finally stopped, and settled down for a rest. When Aelayenn woke a few hours later she found herself in a very unfamiliar grove, which is nearly impossible as she knows all the land her tribe travels in the forest of Ulambree Forest and its surrounding plains.  She also quickly realized that she was not alone in where ever she was. A massive dragon sat behind her. She tentatively spoke with the dragon. The dragon explained that she was summoned to aid in the war against Sinthar Bloodstone, and his quest to control the world and reap revenge on all that banished him over 2,000 years ago.  After a brief talk with the dragon Aelayenn left and was sent to the frontier town of Hlint.


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      RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
      « Reply #1 on: June 17, 2005, 12:42:00 am »
      Upon entering Hlint I encountered more people then she had seen in her entire life and of all different races not only noble elves but the lesser races. Hurrying on from the gate trying to get away from the noise and smell of so many people packed so tightly into one area, I retreated to the relative calm of the graveyard. I their encountered the grave keeper who indicated that a new undead threat had arisen with in the crypts and at the lowest levels was a new fiend who essence he needed. I agreed to venture into the crypt and see if I could at least thin the number of undead present with in. Shortly after entering I was set upon by a skeleton and my arrows were less then deadly against it. I was able to dispatch it but realized that I was going to need either a great deal of assistance or a new weapon. As Kithairien teaches self sufficiency I decided I would try to find a new weapon. Back out among the people I checked many building and was unable to locate a new weapon so with bow in hand I again plunged into the darkness of the crypts.  This time I encountered a heavily armored person in the crypt fighting the undead.  He asked if I could help him hunt the undead as in his heavy armor it was very difficult to search the corpse and he needed the knuckles from the skeleton.  He explained that he was a priest or perhaps ex priest his speech was unfamiliar to me, I have a reasonable command of the common tongue but at times I wonder about the humans that invented it.  He spoke of how his perish was destroyed by undead and how he now hunted them and used what he could salvage from them into potions to help keep others alive.  We agreed on a mutual arrangement where I could use the bow to draw the undead in and assist with my bow as he engaged in priestly magic and melee against the undead.  They did not put up much of a fight against his priestly magic often being destroyed before they could get near him, and I would fire my bow at any that managed to survive or draw groups of undead to us. Then I would search the remains and carry the usable items until we could get back to the surface.  We killed many undead but it hardly seemed to matter the undead were as thick as ever but many were again sent to their final rest.  We also encountered the fiend the grave keeper mentioned and I had the essence he required.  After many hours in the crypts we finally managed to fight out way back to the surface and we split up the rewards of our effort.  The priest taking the knuckles, a helm, and some items used in casting magic offered to make me some potions for my help as well as the gold we found and a cloak. The priest was happy to show me where I might replenish my spent arrow as well as purchase replacement weapons for those left behind when the dragon summoned me from my slumber in Ulambree. With weapon and potions in hand I took my leave of the good father and departed for a secluded camping spot the good father mentioned not far out side of town, for I had enough of the crowds, noise, and underground fighting and I needed to get away from society and recover in the woods where I am at home. As well as meditate upon the growth of my skills while in the crypt I was more inspired in their, with only my bow and a borrowed knife from the priest then I had been in a great while. As I stalked the undead among the ever present shadows and shot my bow more times in that few hours then typical week hunting I felt my skills really grow.


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        RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
        « Reply #2 on: June 17, 2005, 12:45:00 am »
        After a few days in the woods I again emerged and approached the city of Hlint, and was beset again with the many sights and sounds of the city. I again made my way thru the throng of people and encountered a Lady in an out of the way building near a lake. She approached me seeing my garb was not that of the city folk, and asked if I was an adventurer. I explained that I’m not really an adventurer but that I was on a mission to learn new skills to better serve Kithairien. She then asked if I would be willing to help her recover a book that was stolen from her something about taxes or some such, pry a weird type of human poem. I asked if she knew who had stolen it as I’m sure not many people care of such things as taxes their were pry a limited number of people that would take it. She seemed amused and said that a ratman in the near by sewers had taken it. I agreed to search the sewers as they were surly better then the crowded streets.
        But first I had to find the grave keeper and give him the essence. I again located him near the graveyard, and I decided to pop into the crypt to test my new gear against the undead below before heading to the sewer. While in the crypt I was approached by a human in a long robe that seemed to be an arcane caster of magic and a goblin that I thought the oddest familiar for a wizard to have. He asked if I would assist him in hunting the undead.  Never turning down an opportunity to destroy the unnatural creatures I agreed while a bit apprehensive about a wizard that would chose a goblin as a familiar.  I learned that the goblin was a competent fighter and smarter then most of his kind. I also learned that he was not the wizard’s familiar but had left his tribe to try to better him self among the land of men.  I’m not sure how much better that is but I held my tongue. As I constantly watched him for he is still a goblin even if the humans do let him walk their streets, I noticed that he was nearly as stealthy as I was and that he preferred to attack from behind. I watched him even more closely and was later able to confirm my suspicion that he was a rogue. I also observed him casting spells from scrolls, picking locks, and disarming traps. I watched him closely trying to learn all that I could from him to increase my skills with stealth and ambush. I was able to memorize many of his techniques and think that with practice I can duplicate many of them with a moderate amount of success, especially his movements in combat. The way he moved among the foes with out being hit.  I traveled with the goblin for along while even after the wizard left to pursue other interests. We traveled from the crypts to the goblin caves west of town, and finally returned to town and searched the sewers for the tax book stolen by the ratman.  I think that there are many useful skills to be learnt from the shadowy rogues that would work in the forest as well for ambush and stalking. The way he avoided blows and struck at the most exposed vital areas when least expected. It reminded me slightly of part of how I was able to fight the goblins all those years ago.  Again I grow weary of the constant press of people and friendly as this goblin is and he has proven him self time and again in and out of combat to be a loyal and fairly trustworthy at least as far as trust can go with a non elf, I feel his constant presence is wearying to the soul. I must again retreat to the shelter of the forest for awhile and recuperate. I shall meditate on what I have observed and practice to see if I can master them.


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          RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
          « Reply #3 on: June 17, 2005, 02:22:00 am »
          After much practice in the forest I still have not mastered the skills I observed but I am starting to feel at least more competent at them. I’m no rogue but at least I am confident that with time and practice I can master these skills of stealth, acrobatics, and the workings of locks and traps. Though locks, traps, and the skill to use magic devices will require more hands on training I think I can find more assistance in town, and perhaps find the goblin again.

          Today instead of going to Hlint I feel as if I still need more time alone away from people so I have decided to explore the area farther west along the road and perhaps a bit of the woods north west of where I have been staying.  First off I followed the road west searching the woods to both sides of the road; it’s a rugged country but appears to be relatively safe I saw a camp of some hard looking individuals mostly Halflings and Dwarves the look of highway men, hired killers, or mercenaries about them. I snuck right up to their camp but did not disturb them. Following the road farther I came to Fort Llast or so I was told by the guards their. In no mood for the city I turned around and went back down the road and headed into the Grey Mountains. While in the mountains I found what appears to be a crypt of some sort that may warrant farther investigation latter but not to day I have had enough of cities and crypts so I continued on until I came to a great set of stairs carved into the side of a cliff. I climbed and it felt good to do so. At the top I was rewarded by a wonderful view of all the land around and I spent the rest of the day and night their.

          At dawn I headed back down and back east toward the crypt. Just outside the crypt I encountered an ogre and with just a few blows found myself in limbo until Kithairien returned me to Hlint and life. As I was preparing to return and, find the lost part of my soul. The part that wandered at the spot it was separated from me at death, contemplating its last moments until I can rejoin with it. I was stopped by an elfin maiden named Luna. Gladdened by the sight of another elf in the city I paused for a moment. Luna mentioned that I had the look of one who recently had suffered the pain of death. I relayed my tale to her of the ogre and we got to talking of where we are from and how we found ourselves here in Hlint. We talked of our pasts, present and gods. Time slipped by quickly and we passed a few hours their on benches outside the smithy. Luna has made many friends in her short time here, and I met a few of them but my spirit called so I soon took my leave so that I might feel complete again. After rejoining with my lost spirit shard, I returned to town stopping to thin the goblins out side their cave yet again. Having killed several scouts and all those outside the cave I could I return to town feeling that the road was a bit safer for the time being.  Upon returning to town I looked to see in Luna was still around but alas she was not. As I passed the dwarven wagon Wright he called out asking if I could do him a favor.  Intrigued I paused and heard his request; it seems that he has a grudge with the goblins west of town and was trying to find someone to extract revenge upon them by bringing him their leaders head.  With my natural hatred of goblins and already working toward their extermination I agreed to be the instrument of his revenge.  I also heard that the quartermaster near the other gate was offering a reward for goblin scout ears. Having some on me from my earlier incursions I set off to find him. He offered a small reward for 5 ears, I had 4 on me so I immediately set out to track down more goblins and thin their numbers even more. Soon goblins littered the ground and I had the scout ears for the quartermaster, so I headed back to Hlint. I turned the ears in and received some gold that I put toward potions. I noticed Luna down the street chatting with a half giant, I went over to see what was going on as the half giant was causing quite a scene. Turned out the half giant was starting a new enterprise as an ore miner or rock crusher as he called it. Not a very bright individual even for a half giant, but soon I found my self accompanying the half giant, Luna and another Elvin male to the goblin cave in search of copper ore.
          The male elf with Luna was Nith'wiel Fallingleaf a fellow wild elf from the Ulambree Forest of Voltrex. 30 years me elder he is still young. He came in answer to the dragons call much as many around here have done.  He passed his tribes test to become a Lillandielian warrior. A great honor among his tribe, but not overly impressive to me. His 6 month test is a normal way of life for me.  I have long survived with nothing but a bow and the clothing on my back in fact I prefer it that way not relying on others. He has named me sister in tribe and it is a welcome moment to find another wild elf follower of Kithairien here, another which understands me.

          I have asked around Hlint and Llast about a group or guild of shadow artists, to learn the more stealthy skills required to be a true forest avenger. I have met a few stealthy people and the roguish goblin that wants to be a wizard. The skills of the rogue are handy and can be of much use but I know there are those that call upon the shadows as allies to a much greater degree. People as at home in the shadows as I am among the trees of Ulambree. People that can vanish into the shadows no matter how small or how well observed. People that can call the shadows to aid them in their fight and wear shadow as armor.


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            RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
            « Reply #4 on: June 18, 2005, 08:00:00 am »
            I have been long in the forest this time for the noise and stench of the city still presses about me after days in the forest.  I think instead of returning to the city I will explore these woods more and see what is sharing my forest shelter.  Striking out north I soon found what was sharing my forest a group of gnolls.  A few arrows quickly takes one of the 3 down, but I am forced to melee with one that charged ahead with a pole arm while the other is still firing arrows at me.  Well the fight was over far to quickly as in the middle of the fight as I struggled to drink a potion I stumbled over a tree root dodging an attack from the gnoll and dropped the potion.  I tried to dive for the potion but the gnolls reach was too great and the Soul Mother welcomed me into her embrace for the second time.  Awaking back in town I quickly set off to regather what I could of my spiritual essence from the battle scene and move on in my exploring.  I was able to sneak past the gnoll who was still patrolling near where we fought, and gather my essence. I retreated back to my camp, and decided to go to town and resupply as well as visit the banker as my gold is running low and gets lower with each death or near death I experience in these human lands.  As I left m camp and entered town I heard a barking sound and the gnoll or at least a gnoll they all pretty much look the same charged the gate, luckily several seasoned adventures were near the gate and were able to save me from the soul mother and I was merely knocked unconscious before they were able to slay the beast.  Shamed by a public defeat by such a minor foe I thanked my rescuers and gathered my required supplies. I encountered my rescuers outside the gates of town making sure the area was clear of gnolls and engaged in conservation with that human friend of Cylil (Luna) they were interested in his rogue skills and were trying to determine if he would be able to assist them with someplace called Storan’s crypt. Their was much debate as to his level of skill and the over all ability of those gathered to dispatch the fiends within especially Storan himself.  I stopped to listen and was soon invited along as an extra archer never hurts, and soon we had a priest or perhaps he was a paladin but either way he cast the divine spells of his patron Lucinda, and we set off. I discovered the crypt in question was none other then the crypt I located in the mountains and had used as a refuge from the ogres. I was also soon glad I had not proceeded inside very deep and quickly understood why the ogre did not chase me inside. Inside we encountered some of the most deadly foes I have yet encountered in my 90 years all undead or worse.  We were able to work our way thru to Storan’s chamber and due battle with him, and over all the group was successful how ever the rogue fell in the final combat to a trap someone near him set off.

            After we left the crypt we returned to town and there I chatted about rogues, their skills, strengths and weaknesses with Cylil’s friend, until he had to take his leave and meditate and pray for his spirits return from the crypt. Feeling the need to validate my skills which while not totally wasted in the crypt were far from effective not to mention the death to a gnoll, I decided to do battle with the ever present undead in the graveyard. Their I met a odd human with eyes like a snake who requested assistance in fighting the fiend below as is seems the grave keeper is again sending people below for more essences. How does he know when the fiends are there do they return like the undead with out their essence or is he perhaps more connected to it all? He is a bit odd and attached to death, perhaps beyond what is normal for his job but who can really tell with humans they’re all a bit odd. I agreed and we proceeded into the crypt but ran into a bit of trouble as we were forced to retreat from the second level down nearing the third by a horde of ghouls we were greeted back on the first by a horde of skeletons, which quickly surrounded us. We fought a steady retreat but it was not looking promising when a cleric arrived hunting the undead as well and lent some welcome assistance. We discussed our options and thought it best to seek more assistance before proceeding, so I sent a sparrow I had befriended in the woods to look for my brother in tribe to see if he was close. I figured that if he was close he would aid us and it would be good to see another elf.  A short time later after I had given up on the bird my Brother in tribe wandered into our makeshift camp as we were breaking it up to return to the surface, and we joined forces. He never did see my avian friend who still has not returned I do hope he is well. Kithairien smiled on us and sent him to fight the undead for gold, which is always in short supply in these human, lands. With Nith’wiel we quickly fought thru the undead to the fiend and were rewarded with more essence for the grave keeper. On our way out Nith’wiel suggested we go fight the goblins and mine some salt that he requires for his crafting of materials. All agreed but the cleric was called away on priestly duties when we returned to the surface. Gladness filled my heart as we approached the gate leaving the city and only partly because I was leaving the city again. Cylil was coming thru the gate and we soon persuaded her to join us. Cylil invited a demented human with us, well more demented then most I think she is a bit touched by the gods and not in a good way. While in the cave the humans promptly set about killing the bats, why this happens every time I have yet to figure out it seems that humans despise all nature and strive to destroy it where ever they find it.  It occurred to me that perhaps its not that humans run around so much because their lives are so short, but that the gods shortened their lives so that in all their running around and fighting everything that moves they don’t destroy them selves and all of nature with them. After a while in the cave gathering minerals and killing the ever present goblins we were on our way out and I stopped to again inspect the alter they have set up.  I have tried unsuccessfully to destroy the evil thing in the past but this time I noticed not only is it evil but that the goblins seem to worship the red light coming off it and rising from behind it, I think this might bare more investigation especially into who or what exactly it represents. The demented human thought it was pretty and wanted to take it home until she remembered she doesn’t have a home anymore. After that I returned to the forest as I had again had more then my fill of the city, underground fighting, and short lives. If only there were less short lives in and around the city perhaps I could stand it longer, but we will never know and I still prefer the forest anyway.  I will search for my avian friend and rest for a while then seek more information on the shadow artists in town.


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              RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
              « Reply #5 on: June 19, 2005, 01:09:00 pm »
              Another day dawns with me still near Hlint, and another day I do not wish to enter the city unless I must. The Sielwoods have been beckoning me so I shall head there. I decided to avoid the gnolls area and instead set off to find this cave the bard spoke of, and find it I did. I also found a group of large beetles, spiders, and a spider herder I latter learned is called an ettercap.  I snuck past all this and entered the cave and was soon driven out by a great horde of kobolds that while weak individually are hard when in large groups.  So unable to dislodge the kobolds or clear the many other dangers of the forest or unwilling to needlessly engage the natural foes such as beetles that while aggressive are part of natures balance and do a service to the forest.  I headed back thru Hlint and out to the north and then wandered east and eventually south.

              In the east I met my brother in tribe while resting in the swamp watching the lizardmen. Nith’wiel was hunting deer and turned toward the swamp when he found the bodies of the thieves in the camp west of the swamp that I was forced to fight as the elves near the camp attacked. It pained me to strike down a fellow elf but they left me no choice.  Together we traveled south and thinned the number of kobolds along the lake that were polluting the water and over fishing the area.  After a rest on the shores of the lake we headed to the high forest where things seem to be out of balance for even the animals struck at us and attacked and we were forced to slay innocent animals such as deer in self defense with no need of their hide or meat.  We skinned them and took the meat but it is really more then we can use, but perhaps we can sell it in Hlint.  Nith’wiel and I parted ways in the high forest and I returned to Hlint after visiting Lion or something like that and skirting around Blackford castle again. I made a detour thru Sielwoods and thinned the number of kobolds with in the cave as well as the eyeball that was lurking outside the cave.  However the commotion drew the attention of the ettercap and his spiders, and I was forced to fight a retreating battle to the house of the witch I had discovered in a large tree earlier.  The witch lent me aid in defeating the arachnids, and I took up her offer of lodging and rested their the rest of that day, striking out thru the forest again at dawn still weak but not near death as I was when she found me.  

              Approaching Hlint I saw Cylil (Luna) with a small group of adventures out side the gate so I stopper to offer greeting. Soon we were joined by the sister of that cleric or paladin of Lucinda that had accompanied us to the crypt and we were off to the cave to see if we could find the necklace that the bard had lost and was asking everyone in the inn to try to find it.  We did manage to recover the necklace but it was lost before we managed to make it back out of the cave so we will need to make another trip.  Exiting the cave we encountered a human monk that asked us to journey with her to the mountains and assist her recover the lost oil from the Fort Llast horse trainer. After several close fights against the ogre of the area and a few deaths mine among them, The paladin managed to get word to her brother who came to lend us aid. His name was Sand something and with his aid we recovered the oil.  I also learned that there is many rogues in this area as I am routinely accompanying one or more on a mission, giving me allot of time to study them and ask them questions as well as mimic their techniques. I spent most of the journey sneaking around and striking from behind with my bow and gathering to money and items from the fallen. We did ok on money gathering nearly 500 gold each after I split it with everyone in Fort Llast. Sand declined his share adding a bit to the overall split for each of us.  Still I search for a shadow master and ask everyone I journey with but they must truly be an elusive group.  That only drives me on more to find them and learn their ways so that I can be a shadow among the trees as I was so long ago under the guidance of Kithairien’s spirit.  I have been practicing the ways of the rogue especially those useful in combat and ambush. I care little about learning to steal anything other then the forest foes life.

              The only other thing that occurred of note was the argument over Rayenoir especially and humans in general. Rayenoir is utterly evil I think beyond redemption attacking everything that moves and often not even taking the useful meat of other useful items unless it is money.  She seems a greedy vile rogue and perhaps a murderer. I feel she kills for pleasure and joy, as she kills for no reason and does not use the meat and tat from animals she kills, she however denies it. Cylil thinks she can be taught the ways of the elf and nature but I feel she is beyond redemption and should she ever visit my beloved Ulambree forest with her ways I have no doubt the wild elves their will end her vile ways.  Not that many short lived are much better and I say they should be driven from their cities and forced to live off the land to learn proper respect for nature. Cylil again thinks that a kinder gentler way will win them. I feel kindness is wasted on them and that they corrupt far more then they learn. They care nothing about others or the future focusing on their short-term goals and their consuming greed.  Not that I feel we have the right to drive the humans out but nature can only take so much imbalance before she must rise up and shake the short lived from her back as a dog does a flee. We settled to agree to disagree on the point, but her people have long lived close to and under the humans and have lost much of what make a true elf unlike us wild elves. We still hold to the teachings of Kithairien and have not lost what it is to be a true elf and no true elf would chose to live in a city as many elves in this land apparently do let alone chose a short lived mate and create the half breeds. Cylil preaches caution and cooperation but I feel distance and a completely separate way of life is best leave the humans to their own area and defend our area from them, and let nature shake them from her back when they have depleted their ability so sustain themselves in a few hundred years.


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                RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
                « Reply #6 on: June 20, 2005, 08:58:00 am »
                Maybe I should have stayed in the forest today. I met Cylil (Luna) early on today and we had soon attracted a large following of short lived and we eventually decided to go to broken woods and cleanse them of the foul undead that I have heard inhabit them.  Soon after setting out from Hlint I knew their were going to be problem as the large group started to splinter and much shouting for people began as some stood in the goblin wastelands, some turned and entered the Sielwoods and still others continued down the road toward Fort Llast.  The short lived all thought that a different short lived should lead and claimed they had more knowledge of the area then Cylil who has lived in or around these areas for longer then most of the short lived combined.  Eventually we were able to round everyone up and except a few short lived that seemed determined to go their own way and assume the rest would follow, and gathered at the witches home in the Sielwoods, from their we traveled to the rangers vale where we met the other short lived. Again fighting broke out among the members and I was very tempted to sneak off but I had agreed to lend aid against the undead so I stayed true to my word, and traveled farther with them.  Then the short-lived came across some boars and began to kill anything that moved again. At least this time they were gathering what they killed but they must have killed most of the boars in the area and it will take time for the population to recover if they don’t hunt them to extinction.  

                While hunting boars we found a dead body and bloody tracks leading away, and again the short lived fell in bickering about what should be done. The fighting drew the attention of some ogres that must have been near and with the ogre was an unknown abomination and a few short lived fell in combat mostly due to a total lack of organization, and discipline.  In total disgust of the wholesale slaughter of the boars, and the constant fighting Cylil and I called for order but were ignored so together with the few that would listen to reason we departed back toward Hlint. Ogres headed to the racket the short lived were making soon set upon our small group. The small group fought a retreating fight against the ogre but there were to many and eventually a all out retreat was called and I fired another volley of arrows trying to draw the ogre after me and I fled toward the witch who had lent aid before. I was able to lose the ogre in the forest and the witch welcomed me in and I gladly too refuge for the remainder of the day and rested from the constant battles.  I alerted the with to the corpse and presence of ogres and unknown abomination that was slain just beyond the rangers vale as it was within her forest and the ogres had followed during the retreating combat to nearly her home.  I then set out to Hlint unaware of what became of the others for they did not seek out the refuge of the witch. Upon arriving in Hlint I learned that Cylil and a few others of the smaller group had fallen before the ogres as they tried to flee to Hlint.  The half giant Klugger agreed to assist them in retrieving their spirits and I stayed behind to inform the town temple and guards of the corpse and the unknown abomination as the corpse appeared to have been murdered, though I felt it was pry not truly murder but the ogre or perhaps the abomination.  Maybe even the boars and the foot steps where the fallen mans.  I waited in Hlint for the groups return but as the day grew on I set off to see if I could locate them, but their tracks were strewn by many fights and I was forced to abandon the trail after many hours or searching the Sielwoods.  I returned to Hlint for word of them for perhaps they fell in combat again. In Hlint I met Klugger and he said they were fine they had recovered their spirits with his aid and had continued on. Feeling abandoned I joined with Klugger and a gnome named Willy and a short lived fighter that had fallen to the abomination earlier, and we set out to hunt lizardmen and the wisp in the swam that the wizard in Fort Llast requested. From there we continued on toward haven and encountered many lizards and goblins. While fighting the goblins we encountered that female short lived monk named Gre or some such she threw herself into the goblins with her bare hands thinking we needed aid as the gnome was retreating with a great number behind him leading them to our ambush. Gre agreed to join us and from Haven we traveled across the desert of blood, arriving in Port Hampshire or some such. In the port we again encountered Cylil and her group, which had again grown in size. We joined together and once again with an improbably large group set out to fight trolls in the battle fen. Many people fell in the fens to the trolls but many trolls fell as well. In the second series of deaths I fell to a troll while trying to save the human fighter that had fallen but the troll interrupted my spell of healing, and soon I was dead as well.  Apparently our cleric was not able to call us back to life and I soon felt the call of the ancient magic returning me to Hlint and slowly more and more of the group must have fallen as they to were returned to Hlint by the ancient magic of their bind stone their. Unable to search for my spirit and unsure of the way back least I be forced to brave the swamp and desert alone an almost certain death, I took out my deck of creature cards and headed to the inn to pass the time and wait for the groups return either on foot or by the ancient magic.  Oh and I finally managed to master some of the basics of the rogues skills and nave added them to my skills.


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                  RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
                  « Reply #7 on: June 21, 2005, 11:07:00 am »
                  Well today was another day I should have stayed in the forest and not wandered into Hlint or any other town.  But I did wander into Hlint and later Krandor. In Hlint there were a couple of the filthy dark elves I still can’t believe the short lived allow them inside their walls.  They were sitting in the inn with a halfling so I left the inn and Hlint, as it seemed I could feel their foul presence everywhere with in the walls. I decided to explore a bit so I headed thru Fort Llast and along the river Zhainge River eventually coming to Krandor. On the outskirts of town the toll the humans have on the land was obvious for as I neared the edge of the woods not far from a evil looking tower nature it self rose up against me and several vines attacked.  The vines were not natural wrapping vines of my homeland these moved thru the trees and along the ground whipping and wrapping to strangle a person and they contained a poison that would numb the mind stunning you as it worked thru your body.  I was forced to give ground before them and as I was close to the city walls I fell back within the walls.  There I ran into Rayenoir who was engaged with more vines with in the walls. With the help of a few locals the vines were defeated and I set out to explore a city that could be so corrupting on nature as to cause this.  Thought I found nothing special about this city and it may be the experiments of a local wizard gone awry. I shall have to ask Cylil about it, as she is more familiar with these woods than I am.  In one of the weapon shops I saw a copper dagger reminding me I had agreed to help fill the weapon locker in Fort Llast so the recruits can practice.  Why they practice with real weapons and why the military can not supply them I didn’t understand.  Now after helping acquire all the weapons it occurs to me the man running it is an idiot.  He has no concept of money paying 50 gold for every weapon regardless if it cost 6 gold from a merchant of 250. So as a result it cost me more money to assist him then he paid. And then he gave me a helm as if for all the money I spent on his weapons I couldn’t buy a helm if I wore the stupid things. And an ugly one it is on top of it. It is suppose to have the ability to put a short shield about me but I must wear it for the helm to function, and while the pawnbroker will take it off my hands he wont actually buy it let alone allow me to recover my loss in gold.  If all the officers are this daft it is no wonder Blood has conquered so much land. Really use practice weapons to start and then use weapons from the reserve not on patrol; it’s not a difficult concept.  After that I had had enough and retired back to the woods to wonder at the ways of the short lived.  I really don’t know what to do about the helm, it may be useful but they are restricting and cut down on your field of view and hearing.  Not to mention it’s like being underground constantly.  Perhaps I can find someone to reforge it with out losing its magical property and have a circlet or something but given the short lived limited skill its doubtful and there are not many dwarves around Hlint for if any could reforge it, it would be the dwarves and their love of metal and crafting it.  Until then I guess I shall carry it as a reminder that sometime being good and helpful doesn’t pay with short lived much as I keep telling Cylil.  I shall also look into finding someone that might be able to enchant my cloak and belt I have found and if not I shall shed their restricting confines that hinder my stealthy forest movements snagging on twigs and branches.


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                    RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
                    « Reply #8 on: June 23, 2005, 10:57:00 pm »
                    I have not left my forest camp for days now. The corruption of the land and the stench of the short lived packed in so close has been more then I could stand.  I have enjoyed my solitude in the forest and know that I must soon return to the human towns and seek more training. I have been reflecting on what the monk said while we were crossing the desert and something she said still gnaws at me. She spoke as if she knew more of the shadow artists, but she was very closed on much of it. But she did say that they are not shadow artist and made it sound like the distinction was important but did not say what they are called but they are not shadow masters or artists here.  It also stands to reason then that there are some around here someplace. I will have to try to find out more I recall someone calling them something else when I first met Cylil and Jeran. Neither knew any but I recall they called them something else. I hadn’t thought the title mattered much but the way the monk said it makes me think now that it does. Tomorrow I will try to make it to town and see what can be found out.  I know I still have much work to do in the art of stealth and rogue combat tactics before I can try to assimilate more knowledge and skills, but I feel the pressure of time as well as the call of Kithairien on me.  Not to mention should I fail I can never return to my beloved forest or my tribe, so failure while never an option is even less of one here.


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                      RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
                      « Reply #9 on: June 24, 2005, 09:09:00 pm »
                      Today I returned to Hlint and not much was happening and none of my friends were around so I headed to haven. Their was no one I knew well their either so I decided to head back to Hlint, and on the way I encountered the Kobolds near the lake so I decided to thin their numbers to keep their polluting of the lake and river down. During the fight I was aided by a drow. At the time I didn't know it was a under dark elf for he was covered completely in armor and together we easily defeated the kobolds. After the fight I thanks him for the aid and I could tell by his accent that he was a vile subsurface cousin. But he had just aided me so I held my blade, not to mention I am sure from his skill in battle that least Kithairien aid me mightily the battle would have been short and one sided. Since he did not seen to be in any hurry to slay me as his kind are known for I opted for a more civil approach and we talked about our pasts and how each came to be where we were. He claims to be a follower of Toran, he hinted that he is a paladin though he did not say it right out. I was curious how a drow could become a follower let alone a crusader of Toran, so I followed him around talking as he gathered clay. He told me an interesting story, I am compelled to believe him, but he is a drow and it maybe a vile trap to gain our trust and use us to betray others, so I must find out if he truly follows Toran. He seems to know his teachings, but I per fess that he could have lied as I do not know the teaching of Toran I only know the teachings of Kithairien my entire tribe follows him.
                      Other then meeting Synal`dur, I encountered an unknown race in the Sielwoods and left a note on the inn message board in Hlint, below is a copy of that note
                       To ranger and all others traveling thru the Sielwoods from Hlint past the ranger’s vale.
                      I recently made the trip due to the need for a boar hide. In the area of the boars I discovered a race of plant people and some evil looking dogs. The plant people are 3 to 3.5 ft tall and slender they are covered in leaves and roots, I’m not sure if they are actually plants to just covered in them, as of yet it is undetermined.  They plant people were uninjured by my bow or my short swords, how ever I did manage to slay on the their hounds the tracked me after I slipped away from combat after calling a near by boar to my aid. The boar did not appear able to hurt them either so while they were engaged with the boar I slipped away in the shadows. The hound tracked me all the way to the ranger’s vale where I slay it when it caught up with me. A ranger they’re said he believed it to be something he called a Thorny. It was covered in thorns as well. Parvil and I returned latter to investigate and from the first encounter on the far side of the lake to this time they had wandered down much closer to the ogres. It is unknown if they are spreading or meanly had wandered their. Parvil and I checked the surrounding area and did not find another groups of them. We did manage to slay 2 of them on foot and one ridding their thorny dog.  We did so with the aid of my summoned wolf and magic. I advise caution to any traveling this way without magic or stealth. And the dogs maybe able to smell you and track you thru stealth as they tracked me to the vale with stealth.
                      If you have any other information please contact me or leave it here, as we need to find out what they are and what they are up too. No one I have talked to knows anymore so far.

                      Thank you,
                      Forest Avenger of Kithairien


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                        RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
                        « Reply #10 on: July 11, 2005, 10:43:00 am »
                        After an extended retreat to meditate upon the lessons learned since my arrival in Hlint. I have continued my training as a tracker and forest avenger; I have also begun mastering the arts of stealthiest rogues.  I spent a great while in meditation and prayer to Kithairien. I emerged from the forest near the camp outside Hlint.

                        Upon entering the light of the fire I came face to face with a gathering of adventures including Jeran. This group had gathered around a lionoid being. After a bit of discussion I found that the creature is friendly and mostly blind. It is also called a wemic.

                        I was told that the wemic did not speak common, so I set about trying different ways to communicate with it. After unsuccessfully attempting elfish, the tongue of animals, I tried the hand gestures that the rogues use. I found that if I used the signs close to his face so that he can see the signs with his diminished vision.  The adventures around the camp decided to that we should do our duty to make Tai’Shar welcome. We took him to the goblins and used them to test his fighting ability. He is an excellent fighter and we quickly dispatched the goblins in the camp above the cave. After gathering the ears from the scouts we introduced Tai to Quartermaster Talon, and the undertaker.

                        We then proceeded into the crypt as the undertaker asked Tai to retrieve some of the essence from the crypt. After being driven from the crypt we recruited the assistance of a mighty dwarven warrior named Skullcracker or SC for short. With his aid we were able to push deep into the crypt with Tai able to follow either a torch or being led by the hand until we encountered a fight.  On the way down thru the tomb, we noticed many unusual enemies, including undead bats and intelligent undead including a mage and a dwarf seeking ingots. SC quickly dispatched them back to their rest. And after the shade deep within fell and we had the essence, we encountered even greater resistance on the trek back.  On the way out we spotted a specter and more talking skeletons. The specter called many undead forth and fled deeper into the crypt. After dispatching the undead we set out to deliver the essence with Tai, and inquire of the undertaker of the new unrest in the crypt. The undertaker was less then helpful so it was decided to brave the crypt again with the aid of a few paladins of Toran.

                        Tai needed rest and did not accompany us. SC, Ayla, Victor, Roland, Trenton, and I braved the crypt in search of the spirit. After much fruitless searching, we again encountered the darksoul near the bottom and dispatched him. At this point people started hearing strange noises, including a little girl. So we started searching for this little girl, later learning her name was Larien. We found the spirit of Jarvis Creed the girls uncle not knowing that at the time however, we tried to communicate until Once of the paladins attacked the spirit causing it to again flee. We decided to again talk to the undertaker and get some answers this time.

                        He told us a story of little Larien and how she disappeared 3 months ago and while many in town searched for her she was never recovered. After talking to nearly all the prominent people in town and a few less then prominent, and a few animals that were incredibly ignorant or unhelpful, we came to the conclusion that the little girl had left town to find a large frog in the swamp. Roland and Trenton had to depart so we recruited a half giant friend of Ayla named Daggs. He was a nice helpful sort especially considering he’s a half giant. He is also a mighty warrior with great skill and strength of arms.

                        After explaining to Daggs our mission he happily joined us filling the role of the fighter and four of us set out to the swamp. We were able to convince the bandits near the swamp to answer some questions and they verified that they had seen a little girl entering the swamp. They swore they tried to stop her.  So we let them live and headed into the swamp to see the swamp witch.

                        The witch with the aid of her scrying pool and for payment of skeleton knuckles told us the approximant location the girl lie dead. We managed to slay the lizardmen guarding her poor body and recovered her bones as well as her necklace. With this is hand we returned to town to break the news to poor Doria her sister. We then spoke to the undertaker and made arrangements for her burial.

                        After that sad ending I returned to the woods to meditate and rest.


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                          RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
                          « Reply #11 on: July 14, 2005, 02:36:00 am »
                          *Walks into a secluded spot in the Sielwoods along a deer run, near a stream, and crouches all muscles tense ready to fight or flee at a moments notice. With all senses at max Aelayenn prays*

                          Father Kithairien first of our people, mighty leader, guiding light of the wilds, your child calls to you. *angrily*Why did you send me to these short lived humans? They have nothing to teach me and refuse to learn event he simplest of lessons. They are liars, cheaters, swindlers, cowards, and everything I fight to protect the forests from. They rend the land, pollute the streams, and hunt for sport. I have met kinder more honest Halfling rogue assassins, then some of the short lived I traveled with this day. *Takes a few deep breaths, only slightly calmer and still angrily* Especially the mage who I will not give the honor of naming may goblins feat on his bones and grow fat on his wealth,  and his greedy companion.  

                          The rest I have nothing but thanks for, the half giant Daggs, and the Dwarf called Noss, nor with those that gathered under the herald of our group later. You know the misdeeds done to me, avenge the wrongs visited upon me when next he cross the land, take the strength from his legs when he flees like the coward he proved him self to be. Break the wealth of the greedy one, and pour it out upon the rive banks and make golden mail for the fish to show that even the lowest of animals is greater then the horded wealth of a short lived. Wealth does not save you from the maw of the bear not from the lightning of the sky, nor from the arrow of justice.

                          *calmer and less angry, still balanced on the balls of her feet all muscles tense and senses extended. Still fuming but not as angry*

                          I thank you for the reminder of the ways of the shot lived, the ways of treachery and the snare of greed. I may have lost far more money in procuring passage on the human ship and even greater if you count the potions, then I received.  But I never ran from my companions in need. I never flinched in the face of danger and certain death. I gave my life to buy them an opportunity to make an escape, though later they would cheat me of my fair share in the rewards. I was honorable and upright in the ways of the wild elves my tribe can stand tall in pride. Mark the golden ingots of Noss and Daggs and guide their hand in fashioning items worthy of freedom and battle. Curse the ingots of the others bringing failure to all they should try to forge. Sully their smelting and shatter their gems, break their tongs and tools. Let their hammer strike their own flesh and leave the ingot unmarked.

                          Thank you for Noss who guided my in the broken forest against the undead to help recoup some of my loss and affording me the potions and a new soul gem. And thank you for allowing the cleric to guide my spirit back to my corpse so that I could continue on against the bird men.

                          Father Kithairien first of our people, mighty leader, guiding light of the wilds, hear and answer this prayer. Guide me to the ones called shadow dancers that I might complete your will and gain mastery over the shadows and become a true forest avenger. Let it bee soon that I might return home to my beloved forest and instead of coddling the short lived hunt the trespassers on Voltrex as is right and just.

                          *Finishes praying and in one smooth motion snaps her bow from her back and flies down the dear path at her top speed dodging twigs and branches with astounding agility and reflexes. After a few hundred feet springing up and grabbing a branch a good eight feet above the forest floor and flipping up into the tree to land squatting on the next branch over, watching a pair of humans crash nosily down the deer run she just vacated.

                          Moving within the trees soundlessly stalking the pair she tracks them back to their camp. When she sees the vast number of hides and the rotting carcasses of many animals she knows what she must do. Pulling her hood up she breaths another much shorter prayer to Kithairien to give her speed, accuracy, and the strength needed to slay the foes of the forest. And moments later a blood splattered Aelayenn stalked away from the camp leaving it void of life. Whispering the dogma of Kithairien. Rely not on others for your survival. Live free. Embrace nature and its gifts, but do not take or keep anything you don't have to. Law and order other than those of nature restrict; thus, they are not to be followed in any way. Wait patiently for the opportunity, but when your chance comes, act swiftly, wasting no time or effort. Yes that is what I did. The law of nature is fulfilled in me its avenger.

                          //I am aware that this is outside the norms of her alignment of CG, but CG is not working against the short lived who defile nature. And she had a really bad day, and she recites the dogma to justify her actions. Also Kithairien is CN and she is suppose to be a forest avenger and I see this being with in her scope of viewing it as part of her duty in extreme cases. And she is becomming more militant in game and less tolorent of what she views as the defiler or those that hunt, gather, or kill for sport or money not need//


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                            RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
                            « Reply #12 on: July 16, 2005, 08:04:00 pm »
                            Was it worth getting up today? Well perhaps pry 30 more goblin corpse litter the red light cave floor, and I have a bag full of shiney gems. I am sure someone will pay for them, some were not worth shaping and were powdered for potions or scrolls, others were shaped into fine greestones, malachite, and flame agots. But over all I may have been better off staying in the forest today, the short lived were thick in town today and my tolerance was thin, I quickly fashioned my gems and deprated for the forest again.


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                              RE: Aelayenn Hathwaynn a life in tattoos and blood
                              « Reply #13 on: July 20, 2005, 05:05:00 pm »
                              Again I find my self approaching the short-lived city of Hlint. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever be free of these short lived and their civilized nature defiling ways. I see there are still some of our dark cousins wandering the streets despite the message from Garnet asking any that are hunted to stay out. They are all hunted its just a matter of who is hunting them and what lengths the hunter is willing to go.  Several adventures gathered around us as I spoke to the drow, they are convinced Garnet did not mean them and that drow are not banned from Hlint only the one named in the message.  It’s not my problem that the short-lived let come and go in their city if they want the drow out side let them enforce the law. The only law I follow is the law of nature; I care nothing for the laws of the short-lived or really any other civilization for that matter. I follow Kithairien and his teaching is clear “Embrace nature and its gifts, but do not take or keep anything you don't have to. Law and order other than those of nature restrict; thus, they are not to be followed in any way.”   Many of the short-lived present seemed to be slightly offended that I cared so little for their laws, but I visit their precious city are little as possible.

                              Many of us gathered around the drow decided to thin the number of undead in the broken woods, and the drow came along. I found this pair of dark cousins quite friendly and civil. They proved them selves most useful and capable. In fact one appeared to be a cleric of Az’atta. While I was collecting the rewards from the fallen enemies often everyone would run ahead but the two drow females always came back and stood guard.

                              We traveled extensively with this group ranging over the lands between the broken forest to the sword Rust Mountains even to a cave filled with spiders and earth elementals. Here I fell before the elementals onslaught when a tried to dodge back out of their reach and tripped over an uneven spot on the floor. After walking back from Hlint and going in invisible to retrieve my wandering spirit from its spot reflecting on the fight in the cave, we moved on to the areas around Fort V.

                              There we hunted the vile trolls, as well as some specters and, ogres guarding some topaz the casters all seemed to want. We had quite a loot of rewards that were handed out mostly gold coins and spell components, but there were gems and scrolls as well. After the topaz mine the two drow took their leave with their share of the rewards, and the rest of us decided to do one more quick search of the caves for any missed topaz before starting the slow trip back to Hlint where we split the rewards a final time and went our separate ways. And I was able to return to my quiet spot in the Sielwoods to rest and meditate. I fell I am getting closer to finding the elusive shadow dancers and my skill in stealth and guerilla warfare is defiantly improving but I grow weary of these human lands and long to return to Voltrex.  I must learn the ways of the shadow dancers soon.

