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Author Topic: Aiden Baelhar's journal  (Read 131 times)


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Aiden Baelhar's journal
« on: January 20, 2007, 07:53:13 pm »
Tis been many months that Aiden have been traveling and exploring different areas with various heroes. In faith, tis been hardship and many near death experiences. However, as a Her Perfection priest, Aiden acquired numerous healing familiarities as Aiden continues to explore caves in Saudiria and Iron Hills. Betimes and e’em, Aiden persist to unknown areas with Thrain, fighter dwarfs, Rugo, a halfling monk, Wren, also another fighter, and another beautiful maiden that specialized in bastard swords. Aiden has taken a liking on her. Tho she is big and sculpted with muscle on every angel of her body, Aiden sees her as a nonpareil, unspeakable beauty. Aiden shall continue to travel far and beyond to find Beryl the perfect gem. Unfortunately, Aiden cannot differentiate the difference between a rock and an oyster…. finding the perfect gem might take a while.


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2007, 06:09:28 pm »
*exhale a long sigh of relief* Aiden’s last expedition placed Aiden in difficult situation choosing life and death. We encountered massive giants that threw rocks, drained life force, and big enough to eat Aiden alive, indeed, but with Her Perfection blessing, Aiden stay hidden, healed, cast deathward, and various protection spells… saving everyone from death.

Including the giants with lots of shinnies in their pockets, this new land had evil snakes that scared Aiden. Aiden was told the name of the place but Aiden forgot… Aiden just remember lots of snakes and walking fire rocks. There were also air creatures where Aiden felt their shocks. But no matter what, Aiden noticed that air creatures have no pockets. This was a new learning experience for Aiden. Aiden filled with excitement for next adventure!

- - -  a few days have gone by - - -

Today’s travel was safe, no one was hurt.. but Aiden may have upset at friend. Aiden not so smart to point out his twitching problems and he frowns upon Aiden. Aiden didn’t realize that gnome sorcerer was easily upset if you call dem 'lil twitcher'.  But with Her Perfection blessing, Aiden healed him many times and the frowns turned upside down. Aiden happy. Maybe next time Aiden can give him bear meat that Aiden and Fragnath got from Iron Hills.


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2007, 01:21:06 am »
It’s been while since Aiden wrote anything in the journal. Due to traveling and looking for Her Perfection the perfect gem, Aiden hab no time. Aiden went into cave with lots of flying air elements and knocked Aiden on butt. Not only dat, Aiden also had to fight with drows, mages, shamans, big rocks with fire coming out of them.. Aiden was told they were earth elements… Aiden still dunno.. but they sure hit hard. After the cave, Aiden mined some gems. Aiden was happy. Unfortunately when Aiden got to town and ask someone to identify the gems, they turned out to be oyster shells. Aiden no good at dis. Maybe Aiden should reconsider finding Her Perfection the perfect gems and collect shinnies instead. Yeah, Aiden good at collecting shinnies.

Aiden managed to save enough shinnies and bought a house with Aiden’s favorite girl… the big muscular maiden that Aiden had laid eyes on.. her name Annie. When standing next to her, Aiden feel like midget.. small.. and weak.. but she always know how to motivate Aiden to explore beyond Aiden’s safety area.


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2007, 05:39:59 pm »
With Beryl’s blessing, Aiden’s been able to travel safely and meet new travelers on da way.  But regardless of how hard Aiden tries, da perfect gems seems too far to reach… since da last time Aiden went mining, Aiden met with sum druids.. and they were deadly. Aiden also found a pair of bluish boots.. Aiden might auction it, but den again Aiden not so gud when id comes to trading or selling things… for some reason, Aiden ends up on da shorter end of da wooden stick.

Well, Aiden might take a rest from traveling a bit and ride Potato around town. Maybe Aiden can find someone with horses to go riding with or a ‘war pony’ to explore the free lands together.


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2007, 02:45:40 am »
Wat a close call!!!

While out in da market trying to sell meat, Aiden overheard about a meeting to be held in Fort Hope. Aiden had hope to meet mo' people dere to sell meat to. Aiden took a boat ride and went to Fort Hope. Dere, Aiden talked to a couple of travelers that seem to have da same intelligence as Aiden. Aiden talked to them fo a bit and then a mysterious lady appeared. She called herself Myrra something but Aiden dun remember all da details. She said something about meeting 'her' and 'she' will judge. Dis was when Aiden had da uneasy feeling and prayed to Her Perfection fo guidance.

Myrra led da group into da nearby mountains. Dere, a group of local militia tried to ambush and attacked da group. We quickly countered and slaughtered them all. Aiden was shocked and noticed dat they had local militia badges around da belts. Then, a suspicious being appeared out of no where. Aiden sensed something was really wrong and decided not to follow Myrra and da group. Instead, Aiden head back to town to ask about da local militias. Da locals told Aiden a bunch of Toranites hired them and wanted to catch some fugitives. Upon learning dat they were Toranites, Aiden dun care dat they were slaughtered. Gud thing Aiden personally hacked one of them down!!! Beryl will be proud of Aiden!!!

As fo da group dat disappeared wid Myrra, Aiden sensed Beryl despised them. Aiden did noticed dat one of their shield symbol was a skull wid a sword thru da top. Aiden will find out wat dis all mean and pray to Beryl fo' forgiveness fo any wrongdoings.


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2007, 06:36:26 pm »
Its been a while since Aiden last sat down to write.. Aiden was called forth to sail wid da Red Bears crews towards da Coral Seas off Voltrex to find somebody name.. umm.. Aiden forgot da entire name, but some lady known as Liselle from da TrueFlight. A group of people gathered in Hurm port; some old faces, some new ones dat Aiden hab not meet before. We were den divided into two groups to board da ship. It went smoothly for a few days. However, we unexpectedly we gut attacked. Da attacks took us by surprised, fireballs, pirates enemy’s longboats attempted to board our ship. No one of prepare. Derefore, we had several casualties, Aiden asked for Beryl’s blessing. But due to da unfriendly of da Gods, Aiden suffered internal bleeding after resurrecting. Da ship was covered in bloodstains and uneasy roses among da groups.

Once we reached da islands south of Molten, we encountered lizardmen, big ugly eyesballs called beholders, pirates, slavers, duerger,  etc. Not a gud place to visit. A lot of events happened during our search for Liselle, including da incident where we were fooled by our own members due to da beholder dominating his will power. Da ranger betrayed us, took our weapons, and lead us into a trap where more deaths took place.. da ones dat where near death were taken to prison. Aiden and a few others tried to remain invisible and followed dem to save da injured ones.. but Aiden was caught.

Inside prison, dey stripped us naked.. Aiden hab nuthin on but loin cloth.. den we were tortured and taunted wid. Aiden’s fingers and body were bonded down unable to cast any spells or go forth of Beryl’s blessing. Somehow we were rescued and Liselle was found by da other group. But still our weapons and items were taken and Aiden could not go bak to land widout dem since most of dem from blessing from Beryl, herself.. Aiden did not wunt to loose da items dat Her Perfection had granted Aiden to aid, heal, and save people. Thus, Aiden, Annie, Ireth, and Rodlin decided to stayed bak on da islands to search for our items as we watched da Trueflight sail away from da harbor.

Da next few weeks, we spent our days evading da enemy as dey scour da countryside. Aiden decided  persist in da search for our equipments; however, Aiden was caught and taken to prison by da lizardman and brought forth upon da beholder and Zithgarlock, da slavermaster. Aiden dun know wut happened to da others… but met up wid dem in prison again. In prison, da slavers totured Aiden and Zithgarlock broked all of Aiden’s fingers and wid dat, Aiden passed out.. unbearable of any more pain. Da next few weeks passed by but Aiden could only vaguely remember dem.. spending nights in da cold prison cells and repeatedly tortured to near death.


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2007, 03:39:14 am »
… continuing from previous entry…

Maybee days or weeks swiftly passed by.. Aiden can’t recalled.. da days and nights in da dudgeon cramped and tied inside da prison cells seems da same to Aiden. Every day was another day of misery. Annie began to loose consciousness of who she was and repeatedly attempted suicide… and lost hope for rescue… and gut to da point where she lost hope of her life. She cursed herself a fooled for staying on da island. But da lizardman did not go easy on her. Dey tortured and ripping her flesh apart and each time she came bak into her cell, she is drenched in blood and da smell of burnt carcass. Aiden felt completely helpless.. unbearable to witness our companions in such anguish. Aiden prayed for Beryl’s blessing every day.. Aiden slowly became unsure of Aiden’s self. Da days continue to progress and our weaken bodies gradually gave up on us.

Annie remained unconscious after one unfortunately toture session. Roldin was removed from da dudgeon and Aiden only heard from da lizardman dat dey had thrown him into da slavers corpses’ ditch. Ireth and Aiden were da only ones whom could loosely remembered da rescuers dat came to our aid. During da course of time in da dudgeon, Aiden felt at ease dat Ireth had became friendly wid da rats. Dey dun seem to like Aiden tho. However, dey were attached to Ireth as tho she was dere mother. Aiden’s conscious lapsed in and out.. and Aiden awoke slowly to da warmth of a bear skin.. so soft and mushy, it reminded Aiden of a potato.. da potato den hark bak Aiden’s memory of home.. where Potato, Aiden’s horse, was waiting for Aiden. Da thoughts of home and da skillfulness of da rescuers brought Aiden bak to reality. *sighs* but now and den, deep throbbing pain arise from Aiden’s fingers jogged Aiden’s memory  of da events dat took place on da island and allows Aiden to pay tribute to those dat helped Aiden.

Aiden will continue to train hard and hopefully repays da rescuers bak for all dat dey hab done to save Aiden and da others.  


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2007, 12:06:20 am »
Today was not a gud day for Aiden. Aiden decided to hop a boat and travel towards West to visit Beryl’s temple. On da way, Aiden and Potato fished in a river outside of Stone. Aiden caught four bass and two salmons. At da same time, Aiden received letter dat Annie wants to join Aiden for some fish filet. We meet up in Stone and to Aiden’s heartache… da travelers dat Aiden met on da ways shared wid Aiden da Stone was completely degenerated by da Blood’s troops. Da only temples dat dey know of is towards Sun castle. Upon visiting Beryl’s temple, Aiden gut Annie to donate two hundred trues. It seems Aiden didn’t hab any money at dat time… Aiden couldn’t find a bank near dere. And Aiden don’t know da area well. Now dat Aiden know where Beryl’s temple at, Aiden will began saving up trues.. Aiden aiming at one hundred thousand trues to help rebuild Her Perfection’s temple. Aiden will also send a letter forth Quil and ask foe his aid in rebuilding da temple together or Aiden might gather people and set forth a journey, anything found during our voyage will be donate towards Beryl’s temple.

As of now, Aiden happy dat Annie, a one fleet mercenary, donated some of her trues to Beryl’s temple. Aiden hab always looked up to Annie as a leader and someone Aiden could only admire afar due to her strength and power… she scares Aiden at times.. especially after battle when she cleans her blades covered in blood… Aiden could see da enjoyment on her face as she does dat. It makes Aiden wunt to run home.    


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2007, 06:12:48 pm »
Several months hab passed by swiftly dat Aiden didn


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2007, 06:23:09 pm »
Several months hab passed by swiftly dat Aiden didn't realize da time and effort dat it takes to collect da trues foe Her Perfection. It seems Aiden was able to save enuff, but when Aiden got in contact wid Quil, he asked if Aiden could help out moe.. which of course Aiden didn't mind one bit, after all, we are here to serve Her Perfection. Aiden will try to gather as much goldies as Aiden could foe Beryl.
As of now, Aiden hab joined Annie's mercenary. We called ourselves da Flightless Birds mercenary.. we will escort yu to yur journey safely foe a fee. Da fees depends on da level of danger dat we encounter, additional fees includes if we mine foe yu, whether or not Aiden will resurrect - since dat will take a lot of energy away from Aiden, it is at a much higher price. So far, our mercenary hab three members: Aiden (da healer), Annie (fighter and weapon master), and Cideous (feral monk). Aiden could not praise him enuff foe his shamans knockdown technique. *thinks a moment before he continues to write in his journal* It seems we are missing a mage. Meybee during our escort journey, Aiden will send forth and in search a mage foe our mercenary. But Aiden hab to discuss dis at da next meeting. Da last meeting we had was wid Shamur... he is interested in our services and will discuss it wid his guild. Annie made sure to let him knoe dat we only charge in trues, we will not take da raw materials if dey were to collect any, nor shall we abandon anyone.. and everyone will make it out safely under our guide.. if not, da service ish free. Shamur is pleased to hear guideline and da price is reasonable. Derefoe, when he and his members are ready, dey will send forth a letter.

Befoe our first escort, Aiden and Annie were in Prantz front gate publicity announcing our services. Annie was so silly, she paced bak and forth foe several hours, den a message was sent to Aiden and we were requested by Jin towards Tilmar - Creedo. It seems a group of explore wunted some platty and see da caves in Creedo... once we gut dere, Omer lead us to where da groups where at but it seems dat there were some magical spells surrounding us dat people keep disappearing and appearing where dey last rested. After a few discussion, we gathered da group bak to Creedo befoe da mining due to da difficulties we were facing. In Creedo, a few members decided to call it a day and rested in da Inn, da others wunt to continue.. and Cid brought a few moe people to join. Once again, we set forth.. and it was a very successful trip. Da payments weren't as much as we were hoping foe, but in exchange, Annie kept da platty and she will be making items foe da mercenary.. seems fair.

Aiden is eager to see what can come forth of dis mercenary. Although we are mercenary, Aiden hab already told Annie in advance da Aiden will not doing anything dat is against Her Perfection wishes. If da escort calls forth any wrong doings, Aiden will remove himself from dat escort and awaits new ones, if she persist, then Aiden can only wish her well and gib her healing potions, where she can continue on her own. She agreed and thanked Aiden foe letting her knoe in advance. *he looks at his journal and realizes he has written enough for the day and decides to go rest*


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Re: Aiden Baelhar's journal
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2007, 09:04:06 am »
Months of travel hab made Aiden a bit tired but Aiden still push forth in search foe moe goldies foe Her Perfection.. derefoe, when da Flightless Birds Mercenary was contacted by a wizard known as Tadhg, we packed our bags once moe and head towards Dalanthar. It seems da wizard was interested in diamonds dat are located in the Great Rift. With traveling expenses and aid, Annie charged him 5000 per Bird, which totals out 15,000 goldies foe our funds.. and he keeps all da diamonds we git. Da journey was decent, we made out wid 6 diamonds foe him and a rouge dressed in black.. if Aiden recalls correctly, her name ish Kinai.. she came along to help Tadhg wid half da fees.

On our way bak from Dalanthar, Aiden and Annie stopped by Lor to deposit our goldies in da bank when we noticed commotions near da dock. Dere seems to be a withered man pick-pocketing a traveler. He tried to lie his way out of it, but it seems dat enuff people were dere to witness it. A righteous man stepped forth and asked the troubled man why he would do something so desperate. It seems he was trying to git his family and wut's left of da town's people away from here as possible. He claims dat dere were sighting of Red Dragons and monsters in caves dat kills everything in ish way. He continues to babbler something bout Bloodstone, but Aiden couldn't hear him. With dat being said, the righteous man, whom was later introduced to Aiden by Annie.. she said dat he was a Paladin of Toran name Michaleis, asked the witness and travelers to gib forth wut dey can foe dis man and his people to git on da boat. Everyone donated and Annie went around gathering da trues.. while everyone was busy checking deir bags, Lin'da tossed 20000 goldies in front of da dock captain and told him to let dese people on. Dey board da ships and warned us of never coming near dere unless we wunt to seek out death.

While Annie was busy wid da banker and collecting funds, a group was called forth of 16 people to go investigate dis sightings of dragons. Aiden was in distress and was worry dat da dragons might come near Prantz, so Aiden volunteered to join da group. After all, Aiden seem to be da only cleric dere.. we were looking foe another one, but it seems dat he already left Lor. Den Michaleis picked a few moe, and others gave dere input. Aiden suggested dat we need some moe front liners since we are exploring unknown areas. Derefoe, Aiden recommened Annie, Wren, and Shamur.. wid dat being said and such a large group.. Aiden also asked Michalies if we could bring Ozy along.. his singings will cheer da dark atmosphere dat we were bout to encounter. Lets see if Aiden can remember everyone dat was dere.. hmm.. Drogo, Lin'da, Kinai, a really short dwarf wid lots of beard on his face and he was fat too.. Aiden dun remember his name, but he was a strong fighter, too. Dere were moe but Aiden main focus were da fighters. Aiden remained hidden to heal dem and divided da spells amongst da group.

We walked nearly half a day and jest as we finshed resting, a few people in da group notices something hovering in da sky. It seems to be moving closer and closer to us.. at last, it appeared in front of us.. YOUNG RED DRAGONS! Even though dey were young dragons, dey did some damage to da fighters and dey found it difficult to hit da dragons.. after taunting us, it flew bak in da sky... continuing to watch us from above and waited out until we became carcasses.

Befoe we even grasp da situation, we were ambushed by bandits of all different races... dere were dwarfs, humans, creatures, etc. We tried to capture one alive to talk but while we were interrogating him, another group attacked.. da fighters lined up and cutted dem down, while Ozy sung beautiful songs to encourage dem. Da group marched onward wid da rouges in front to scout, fighters were next, Aiden was behind dem, den da spell casters and druids.

We entered dis cave where a group of bandits and mages awaits us, dey were standing near da enterance but we decided to move forward.. dere were no turning bak and no resting from dis forth, but we all agreed to aid in any way as possible. So da fighters slashed and ripped dere way into da cave, bloods were spilled everywhere.. making da cave moe moist and da stench of death reeked throughout da cave. Deeper in da cave, we searched da bodies foe any evidences or documents to see wut dey hab plan.. it seems dat dey where a cult of some sort.. their idenity was still unknown and of wut we could see is believe to be a statue of dere god.. many questions remain unanswered. We plan to gather moe information on wut his happening around da other cities, towns, and da relationship between dis cult and Bloodstone. Den once again, we well meet in Lor to discuss our findings.

*he closes his journal and stagger to bed*