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Author Topic: Alleina's Diary  (Read 1384 times)


Alleina's Diary
« on: January 25, 2006, 07:24:36 am »
Alleina Shiante's Diary

Everything between double parentheses are OOC comments.

Please note that the whole diary is written in her native language: Elven



RE: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2006, 07:24:52 am »
((24 January 2006))

Evil mephits. And demons. In Hlint.

I was just wandering around when I ended up in the public crafting house. There I found a mephit attacking the young lady Sala ((Sala Stonehill)). Luckily, a brownie named Ruffle ((Ruffle Redhead)) dropped in a few moments later. He's a quite cute and funny little fellow, but also a little bit clumsy it seems... He mentioned that he had a friend called Flappa. I wonder who he/she is... Maybe Ruffle's familiar? Wizards usually have those...

Another lady, whose name I didn't get ((Sophia)), walked in after a while, along with her dog. Strangely, Ruffle was afraid of the dog... Or, maybe not so very strange, as it was a quite big dog, much bigger than himself... Anyway, she said the she had seen demons in the sewers (5 of them), but didn't know why they were there. Her theory was that they maybe liked the mushrooms there. I decided to take a look.

Back in Hlint, a few mephits appeared out from nowhere. Thanks to Aeridin, as he answered my prayer by summoning a living flame to my aid, I survived the encounter.

More people started to gather in Hlint. It seems that they also had met some of these mephits.

Suddenly, a shadow clouded the place. Looking up, I saw a vast, hideous creature coming down from the skies. A demon, as it turned out to be. It was no match, though, for all the skilled people there. A second one appeared few moments later (maybe to check what had happened with the first one?), which shared the same fate. A third, stronger one, also appeared. I asked it for the reason behind these attacks, but the only answer I got was "die" (which wasn't strange at all, due to the fact that the others tried to put their swords or axes through it in the meanwhile). The demon fell eventually.

* You notice that this part isn't as neatly written as before, as though her hands were shaking at the time. *

But, a brave man with the name Barion ((Barion Firesteed)), as I would find out later, was killed during the battle. It was partly my fault. I could have saved him. But, I was too slow... I was scared... By the time I reached him, he was already dead... I saw him die...

* The ink here has slightly different color from before, as if it was written sometime later. *

Calise came later and resurrected him. I must thank her someday...

I suggested to the others that we should speak with the next demon instead of trying to killing it, but they disagreed. It seems that they think everything can be solved using force.

The fourth demon appeared later. Again, they started to hit it. I tried to speak with it... But it didn't seem to understand. I don't remember very much from that battle. One moment, I was standing there. Next moment, I found myself on the ground.

Afterwards, I spoke with Barion, the dwarf Kurgaz ((Kurgaz Ulfson)) and Lindel ((Lindel)). Or, mostly with Kurgaz. It seems that I misjudged him.  At first, I thought that he was just a gruff old dwarf. But he did seem to care about my safety. That’s quite strange... He’s a follower of Vorax, and a dwarf, after all... Actually, I think I like him.

They told me I had been killed by the demon. Yes... Died... Aeridin must be very angry on me now. Wherever I go, I'm spreading death and not bringing life, as I should. First I let another person die, and then myself...

I was also told that I had been brought back by a elven lady. They didn't know her name ((Ranéwin)) and I only vaguely remember how she looks. I hope that our paths will cross again in the future, so I can give her my thanks.


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2006, 01:29:45 am »
((25 January 2006))

Today, I met Tegan ((Tegan)) in Hlint. She looked a little bit down, so I spoke with her for a while. It turns out that she had been killed by a few Kenku's. There are so much death and suffering in this world...

Later I met the elves Menidar ((Menidar)), Lilsacalala ((Lilsacalala)) and Star ((Star Nightfall)). Lilsacalala seems to be quite arrogant, and self confident. She's a little bit hard to get along with, but can still be very nice, if she wants too. Anyway, I went with them to the forest, and Menidar showed us the way to the Rangers Vale. To my great surprise, I found a temple of Aeridin in the middle of it! I'll have to visit it again later...

When we went back again to find some necklace in a cave for Lilsacalala (or more correctly, for the short bard in the inn), we were ambushed by a couple of spiders. That encounter went rather well, as the living flame came to my aid again. Thank you, Aeridin.

The next one didn't go as well... I was again responsible for one persons death. This time, it was Star. I saw that she was badly injured, and tried to pray for Aeridin's help. But... I was too afraid of those spiders. I couldn't get the words out of my mouth... Strangely, her body were no longer there, after the battle. I hope she's fine now, wherever she is.

After taking a break, we went into the cave. We found the necklace Lilsacalala was searching for, but on our way back, we were attacked Hell Hounds. Yes! Hell Hounds! It seems that the demons are appearing everywhere.

Menidar was then forced to leave. Now, we were only two persons left, me and Lilsacalala. As we approached Hlint, a gigantic demon suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Amazingly, it didn't attack us, but instead said: "THIS CITY SHALL FALL AND THOSE WITHIN BE OURS". I tried to speak with it, but it disappeared before I could do that. It gave me something to think, at least. Why didn't it kill us? Could it be so that not even demons are completely evil?

Back in Hlint, I told the people about it and, of course, they rushed out of the city to fight those creatures. I followed them. We went to Leilon, to take the ship to Port Hampshire. But along the road, I was killed again. It always seems to happen to me... Is this a punishment from Aeridin? Or just a curse I have? I don't know...

And, once again, I was brought back to life. It was very strange this time, though... I didn't feel sick (the resurrection sickness, as some calls it)! I have no clue why...

Another person fell later (a dwarf), but luckily, a cleric of Lucinda walked by at that time. I think I'll pay her temple a visit, on my way back to Hlint.

When we finally arrived at Port Hampshire, I decided to leave them. I felt more and more than I was a burden for the group... I dearly hope that they succeeded on whatever they were going to do.


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2006, 11:28:01 pm »
((25 January 2006 - Later))

Walking around in Hampshire, I met Vestlyn ((Vestlyn)) again. He didn't say what he did there, though. But, then, I didn't ask...

We talked a little bit, and somehow, ended up with discussing the demons. It turned out that he also had met them. I told him about my attempts to speak with them, to know "why"... I thought that he, of all people, would understand me... But, obviously, I was wrong. Like everyone else, he answered, "it’s because of Xandriel defeat (Xandriel was one of the Blood’s generals)".

Does all people really think these attacks only happen because the demons have (temporary) lost their leader? That they are killing randomly? Demons are, according to books I've read, selfish creatures. They wouldn't risk their lives for nothing unless someone forced them. Could it be Blood himself this time? If so, we'll probably have a hard time finding the true answer. He is, after all, one of the best strategists ever...

Anyway... I then left Vestlyn in hurry... I hope I'll meet him again, soon.


RE: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2006, 08:33:35 am »
((27 January 2006))

Found the way back to Hlint at last! Luckily, there were no monsters on the road. Puh!

Sitting by the tree as I usually do, I met another nice lady ((Annun Firith)). She seems to be a little bit... brutal... and I must admit that I was a little bit afraid of her. We didn't speak so much, as I had another errand to see to...

Later, a halfling called Acacea ((Acacea Thistletounge)) passed by, along with Alantha ((Alantha T'sarran)) and a human I didn't know. Acacea seems to be a typical halfling: Very, very talktive and joking about everyone and everything... Actually, a quite funny person.

Sitting there, they started to discuss clothes... Yes! Clothes! And fashion trends! Some people are truly strange. Eventually, their topic changed to demons (everyone seems to be talking about them, in one way or another). It turns out that Xandriel (or is it maybe spelled Xandrial?) is in Abyss now, sitting in the council of thirteen (the ruling staff there, according to Alantha) and that's why he's not coming back to our world (and doesn't want to come back). Blood also seems to have some problem with his generals, as they are not completely obeying him.

Much later, I met a halfgiant with the name Micheal Mordicai ((Micheal Mordicai)). He told me that a general devil (or whatever they are called) has been here, looking for Mr Ozy (whoever he is). Interesting as I've only seen "normal" demons (as "normal" as they can be).

An old wizard, Godim Harjumaa ((Godim Harjumaa)), needed some help to get back to his gravestone. So, the impatient elf Elhara ((Elhara)), the paladin Elladan ((Elladan Peters)), and of cource myself, decided to give him a hand. Before we left though, we met lady Ireth ((Ireth Telrunya)). It turned out that she's Elladan's sister. Elladan then left for a while (I wish now, afterwards, that he hadn't...). As we were moving through the east side of Hlint, we met him again. He asked if his sister also were comming. The old wizard told Elladan that she already had left and that we should hurry to catch up with her. I didn't see her leave, at least (and we didn't met her either)... The old man must have misunderstood the question... Or maybe be mixing Elhara's and Ireth's names? I should have corrected him then, but, I didn't...

We went into the Blood Desert and soon, snakes and scorpions started to swarm around us. Elladan was poisoned twice, but thanks to Aeridin, he survived without any complications. But, Godim didn't share his luck... Being impatient, Elhara and Godim soon got separated from me and Elladan and then, suddenly, a band of ogres appeared out of nowhere. The old wizard didn't survive the encounter (it was partly my fault too, as I didn't dare to approach them)...

* Written later. *

"Death is part of the cycle."

That's the second time I've heard someone say that. First time, from the druid I met before comming to Hlint. And now, from Ireth...


RE: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2006, 09:08:29 am »
((30 January 2006))

I met new people in Hlint today: Jin Jun Lee ((Jin Lun Lee)) and Orin ((Orin Hale)). To my surprise, both of them turned out to be clerics of Aeridin! Together with Tegan, we ventured into the crypts to help Erag with the darksoul trouble. It didn't go so bad... Quite a few people had gathered in Hlint when we came back to the surface again. One person I didn't recognise was the strange bard Vesath ((Vesath Morgandai)) with a strange sense of humour...

Ireth was also there. I'm very glad that I talked with her...

A large group set out for the Haven mines. New persons I met were Yeleka ((Yeleka Orackhold)), Pig ((Koppig Varken)), Tori ((Victoria  Liberalis)) and Drugo ((Drugo Darkstone)). It went pretty well as we had Abigail ((Abigail Ruzz)), Ranéwin and a few others with us. Ruffle was very close to die, though... But I guess, it needs more than "gazillions" of ogres to silence a brownie... I also met Flappa, Ruffle's fearie dragon friend.

Last event this day was when I followed Sabrissia ((Sabrissia Ice)), Jin and Drugo to the Broken Forest. When Jin, Drugo and I were sitting by a lovely campfire just outside the forest, talking about a little bit of everything, a few ogres started to attack us. Poor creatures...

I noticed then that Jin is actually quite hot-headed (especially for a cleric of Aeridin). He should really try to control his anger better, or he might find himself in big trouble in the future...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2006, 09:08:40 am »
((31 January 2006))

Met Lilsacalala today...

Said things to her that I shouldn't... Nasty things...

I'm glad that we parted as friends, at least...

Poor Zweck ((Zweck Sorbet Engel))... I think we confused him quite a bit...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2006, 09:09:01 am »
((1 February 2006))

Listened to Triba ((Triba Gues)) tell the story about the Broken Forest. Have now new respect for the undead roaming there. According to Triba, they are guarding Shadow's grave. Shadow was Selian's old lover (Selian is one of the Seven sisters).


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2006, 09:09:09 am »
((2 February 2006))

Today, in Hlint, I met Lilsacalala, Arandwen ((Arandwen)), Abigail and Silool ((Silool Bærath)). The later two ladies are Xeenites and speaks quite "openly" (especially Abigail!). We had a most... uncomfortable... discussion (Abigail and Silool didn't seem to be botherd, though)...

Later, Silool let me try a few of her self-designed clothes. They looked very nice but... showed a little bit too much... to put it mildly. I think she might become a very good friend in the future...

New people I met today (not counting with Silool): A dwarf called Axodeth ((Axodeth Stonecutter)), a dark elf with a wooden leg named Alynderil ((Alynderil Wilsomin)) and lady Isilme ((Isilme Kaimelar)).

Jin seems to dislike dark elves. Maybe as far as hates them... I wonder why...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2006, 09:09:20 am »
((3 February 2006))

I had a talk with Lilsacalala... She's nice and everything... And I like her... But it seems that she likes me more than I like her... I left her in hurry...

* Written later. *

I just met Ravenne ((Sy'Ravenne Firith)) and a few others... Guess what they started to talk about? Clothes, of course...

* Written even later. *

Lilsacalala walked by a few moments ago. She seemed to be angry. She said tha-...

* You notice a few spots of ink covering the page, as though she was surprised at the time writing this. *

Lady Thalis ((Thalis Elwin)) just rushed into Hlint, seriously wounded, with two Stink Beetles behind her. Thanks to Aeridin, who summoned the dear flame to our aid, she survived. A few minutes later, Lilsacalala walked by again, and left as quickly as she came. She didn't seem to like Thalis....

New people I met today: Vance ((Vance Daro)), Taun ((Taun Granitesmasher)), Jharl ((Jharl)), Jason ((Jason Smith)) and Enzo ((Enzo Reynolt)).


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2006, 09:59:25 am »
((6 February 2006))

* There are marks of tears on the page. *

There is too much sorrow in the world... Too much misery...

Arandwen and Lilsacalala. Once, they were good friends. More than friends. Now, nothing. Cold ignorance from Lilsacalala, maybe. Nothing more.

I promised Arandwen to speak with Lilsacalala, which I did. But, she didn't seem to listen. She already had decided. She said that she no longer trusts Arandwen. Not after being betrayed. Not wanting to give Arandwen a second chance. Arandwen has hurt her too deeply.

I've heard things about Lilsacalala. Some strange things... People dying around her. Is she...? No. A friend is a friend.


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2006, 09:59:33 am »
((7 February 2006))

A strange day, today.

I spoke to Lilsacalala twice. It didn't go very well the first time. I was hiding too many secrets from her, which she disliked, to put it mildly. But I couldn't tell her about them. I didn't want to betray her trust, which I did anyway, by not telling her. She left me in anger.

Later I met her again. This time, I felt that I owed her explanations. For probably the first time in my life, I shared my thoughts with another. She didn't seem to be very glad of hearing them, and I don't blame her. But, despite that, she still listened to me with patience. And spoke with me, even though she could have left instead. I'm very glad for that and hope I'll never have to betray her trust again.

I saw a very strange cat in Hlint today. It wandered around, playing with the other kittens. Mildly speaking... Acting quite strangely. I wonder what it was doing there.

I also met a strange man ((Tiden Di' Ren)) in Hlint. He just stood there, grinning at me! I asked him why, but he only gave me a vague answer...

New people I met today: Skarp-Heiden ((Skarp-Heiden Sigurdson))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2006, 07:14:35 am »
((8 February 2006))

How comes that the darksoul always find his way back to the Hlint crypts? Or, is it maybe another darksoul I met today? I can't tell for sure... Anyway, I went down there with the elf Raven ((Raven Nightbreeze)), and with a great deal of luck and help from Aeridin, we managed to get back too. Raven was very kind to give me the skeleton knuckles we found. It seems that I've finally found a use for them: Healing Potions!

Later, Sabrissia, Lilsacalala, Isilme, Pig and myself went down to the Haven mines. The conclusion I can draw from that trip is simply: Very dangerous place to go to!

Poor ogres... But I guess, what we did was necessary. For the safety of others...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2006, 10:05:34 am »
((9 February 2006))

I died today. Again. It wasn't a demon this time, though...

Together with Clalai ((Clalai Dwin'are)) and Pig, we went to the crypts in Krandor, to help a little girl get her grandfather's urn back. Clalai scouted for us, and Pig took care of most of the fighting. This "tac-tic", as Pig called it, worked quite well... But then, on the second level, we met a burning skeleton. He looked quite dangerous, but he was alone after all. Or, at least, that was what we thought... Clalai and Pig started to attack him when suddenly, a few other of his skeleton friends appeared! I was greatly surprised by that! I never imagined that the undead could make such a trap (except for liches, maybe)! Clalai was badly hurt, and I tried to help her, of course. But before I reached her, something hit my head and everything went dark...

Opening my eyes, I found myself back in Hlint again and, somehow, I knew I had died... Being too weak to do anything useful, I decided to stay there...

Walking around, I soon met a very nice dark elf named Zarquil. I promised her to give some mushrooms to Isilme next time I met her...

New people I met today: Ferrit ((Ferrit)) and Jako ((Jako Stonehill))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2006, 10:05:46 am »
((10 February 2006))

Today, I went to the Haven Mines again together with few other persons. It was a disaster, to put it mildly. We lost Jin while venturing down to the deeper levels... But, he wasn't going to be the only person dying... Angered by their leaders death, the ogres gathered in much greater numbers on our way back to surface. We didn't have a chance... I think, I was the only survival...

Back in Hlint, I met Isilme. I hope Zarquil doesn't mind that it took a little longer than expected to deliver the mushrooms...

Pig was also there. And so was the wizard called Rufus ((Rufus Coldfinger)). He clearly misunderstood Pig and thought that Pig called him pig. We tried to explain it to Rufus but it seems that he didn't want to listen... When he finally walked away, he promised Isilme that they would meet again (unpleasant meeting)... I hope it's only empty threats.

Later, together with Pig and Isilme and a couple of other persons, we travelled to the Dragon Isles. One very remarkable quickling (I think they are called that) in our party was Mille ((Mille Mooneyes)). She said she was a mapmaker! Wonderful! I always seem to get lost...

Unfortunately, she didn't have one with a safe route back to Hlint... And... Of course... I took the wrong turn and found myself in the middle of a group of undead. I can only hope that they were more interested in hunting me than Mille, so at least one of us could get away alive...

Too many people has died today... Far too many... I'm so sorry...

New people I met today: Geddrin ((Geddrin SwiftHammer)), Grogan ((Grogan Gorsch)), Habril ((Habril So Dalim))

(( Accidentaly overwrote the chatlogs, so a few names is missing. ))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2006, 11:03:25 am »
((13 February 2006))

The bard lost her necklace again.

I went to the Sielwood Mines (she always seems to lose it there) with Renji ((Renji)), Imarr ((Imarrisan Ameri)), Jin and Ax ((Axzäir)). We also met the paladin Tarradon ((Tarradon Duvall)) of Rofirein. Or, at least, I think he was a paladin... After finding the necklace, we went back to Hlint again.

There, I met Ranéwin, who was really nice and even gave me a bag! I'm truly thankful for that, as it lets me carry a little bit more than usual... I also followed her to the Storan's Crypt, but we could only visit the first level because the key to the deeper ones was nowhere to be found...

Later, I followed Sabrissia and a couple of other people to Dire Woods. Again, I got myself killed there... Most of us did, I think... It seems that some curse follows me... Whenever I leave Hlint, I die. Or someone else around me...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2006, 11:03:34 am »
((14 February 2006))

Names! I have a lot of them now!

Today, I met Bob ((Bob Copperhead)), Wen ((Wen)), Tyrian ((Tyrian Baldu'muur)), Tegan, Renji and Raven in Hlint. They were going to the Krandor's Crypts to search for the urn the little girl wanted. As I was too tired at this time, I didn't follow them. Instead, I took a long nap in the Inn.

Later, I met Zweck and we talked a little bit about our pasts... I wonder, though... Why is some people so touchy?

Sabrissia and Celgar ((Celgar Magnus)) came after a while. We had a fascinating discussion about whether golems could "die" or not. But I don't think we reached any conclusion, though...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2006, 10:09:56 am »
((15 February 2006))

My name list has grown even bigger today.

First, I met Desicardon ((Desicardon The Brute)), a barbarian as he called himself. Walking around in Hlint, searching for Isilme actually, I met the dwarf Durgen ((Durgen Stormbrow)). He said he had seen her near the windmill, so I went there. But, of course, with my usual luck, she had already left. I decided to take a look in the crafting house (she's sometimes there) and nearly crashed into Kobal ((Kobal Bluntaxe))! I think I have to add myself to the list of "busy people running around in Hlint"...

When I came back to the usual "chatting" place in Hlint, I met Barion. He was waiting for Sabrissia (as usual). They seem to be deeply in love... Which I am glad for. The world would be a much better place if there were more people like them!

I also met Kloss ((kloss)), a follower of Katia. Seems to be a quite nice person...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2006, 10:10:08 am »
((16 February 2006))

I bought two rings from Isilme today... Quite useful, as they make one remember things better. She also gave me an amulet for free! So very nice of her!

Later, I went with her, Arandwen, Ireth, Elladan and many others to the Haven Mines. Luckily, everyone managed to get back to surface again...

New people I met today: Helarik ((Helarik Arestenil)), Jamekulus ((Jamekulus Gnald))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2006, 09:25:22 am »
((17 February 2006))

Things I've done today:

- Helped Zargo ((Zargo Stonehelm)).
- Talked with people in Hlint (Ireth, Elladan and Pig to name a few of them).
- Collected skeleton knuckles.
- Persuaded Arandwen that I was using the skeleton knuckles to make healing potions, not building skeletons (horrible thought!).
- Venturing into the Hlint crypts with Arandwen and Firin ((Mornarith Firin)).
- Found out that Arandwen could speak with animals in their own language.
- Noticed that some skeletons can throw fire.
- Met a strange person ((Elribril Drake)) who didn't want to be healed.
- Walking around in Sielwood forest with Sabrissia.
- Given Jin some mushrooms.
- Exchanged some healing potions for skeleton knuckles with Brenden ((Brenden Raign)).
- Given Elladan a healing potion as thanks for the skeleton knuckles he gave me.

Interesting side note is that two persons wanted to sell things to me today. The first on was Pendar ((Pendar The Hooded One)) who offered a belt of cunning and the second one was Geir ((Geir Sigurdson)). Nobody has done that before...

