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Author Topic: Alleina's Diary  (Read 1382 times)


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2006, 08:07:10 am »
((18 February 2006))

Ranéwin showed me a tablet she recently found on the corpse of a demon. She said that the demon seemed focused on killing several members of the Leilon administration. Something bad is going on here...

Zen ((Zen)) passed by a while later. And, somehow, our topic changed to "names". Ranéwin told me that her last name is Del'Armgo which was related to a drow family... Strange...

Some new names I picked up today (most of them by listening to other conversations): Kyle ((Kyle Pandorn)), Raze ((Raze Intomety Dragonas)), Ash ((Ash Willo))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2006, 10:30:10 am »
((20 February 2006))

The day started with sitting (actually, standing) in Hlint and listening to Ozy ((Ozymandias Llewellyn)) tell stories. Horrible stories. There are so much evil in this world...

Later, I met three strange persons: Sywyn ((Sywyn Rydralla)), Hand ((Handil Danoscia)) and Valan ((Valandil Sherwood)). Sywyn seems to be Valan's best friend. Hand is... I don't know how to describe him. But he did eat rat eyes and tried to do the same with the cat!

The most interesting person was Valan. He seems to be a little bit odd, but still, I like him. Very much. He gave me a flower before I left. I still have it here...

I met him again in the crafting house much later. He was practicing tailoring before I came and disturbed him. Pendar passed by a while later and we decided to come along with him when he was going to get some clay. On the way, we met a dark elf ((Ilmryn Colara)) who was fighting a halfling. He didn't seem to be very nice and had hard fealings against elves (or, actually, all surfacers). We also met Alrath ((Xenadrin Zin'Jarlan)). As I usually do from time to time, I asked for Aeridin's relation to his deity. To my surprise, I found out that we has following an evil one. I made a mistake by not telling the others. A lot of kobolds died unnecessary when he charged into them. They weren't threatening anyone... Please forgive me, Aeridin...

Much later, I met Pig, Isilme and a few other persons. We went to Krandor's Crypts to help a few persons getting back to their graves. There are so much death in the world...

Some of the new names today: Venus ((Dal'Venus  Suranen)), Laurana ((Laurana Silverleaf)), Geddrin ((Geddrin SwiftHammer)), Vilanos ((Vilanos Listorian))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2006, 10:30:24 am »
((21 February 2006))

Giving things away... That's what I've been doing today.

First, I gave Kyle a copper ingot and miners pick which I found in the Hlint Crypts. Very heavy to carry around...

Later, I met Abigail. I came along with her when she went to gather cotton. Poor orcs, though. They seem to prefer fighting before talking. After that, we went to the goblins caves to get some salt. Unluckily, some other persons where already there. So, we went back to Hlint again. Sitting on our usual places (Abigail on the bench and I on the grass), she started to ask some most uncomfortable questions. She can sometimes be very, very forward...

After helping Armolas ((Armolas Folian)) with the crypts, I met Curtis ((Curtis Simon Orcutt)), Eric ((Eric Ravenhair)) and the goblin Prothro ((prothro)) in Hlint. We talked a little bit about the rumors of spider demons in the sewers. Just "random chatting"... When Curtis and Prothro left to do something else, I went to the crypts again (to collect skeleton knuckles for my potions). Eric came along, and I must say that he's a quite good soldier. Very sure of himself...

While walking back to Hlint again, I met Ranéwin. And guess what, she was looking for the bones too. Stealing her words: "Crypts crowded tonight." We talked for a while and eventually the topic changed to dragons (strange isn't it?). It seems that she has seen two of them (one called Fisteron and the other called Long Storm)! Amazing! They are quite rare, after all. She also gave me a warning. Being a powerful cleric, she can resurrect dead people. The warning was that sometimes, one has to pay a high price...

Later, I met Arandwen, Ireth, Angela ((Angela Swann)) and a few others. Finally, I've found someone to give all the strange things I find to (for example: tinker's tools, traps, woodcutter's axe...).

The day ended with a trip to the crypts with Sabrissia (after a nice chat with her, Ranéwin and Acacea). She seems to have become a very good wizard...

Other new names for today: Laurana ((Laurana Silverleaf)), Farros ((Farros Galdor))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2006, 03:33:24 am »
((22 February 2006))

Today, I met Valan again. He helped me with collecting bones to healing potions. So very nice of him!

I also met two very interesting sisters: Allie ((Alassë Hilliaraname)) and Silly ((Silmarwen Hilliaraname)). Those are of course only their short names. They gave me one too. Or more correctly, two short names. Allie now calls me Allei (note the close spelling!) while Silly calls me Lilu (I have no idea how she made that one).

We talked about a little bit of everything. Like, about a guy with a tail, hunting for a girlfriend (Zweck maybe?). Short names and real names. Whether I was a druid, a cleric or a mage with a divine issue (Allie's words). Capes and fashion. Stupid graveyard gates slamming into one. We also talked with Pig when he passed by, but unluckily; Silly said something rather offensive which made him walk away. To her defense, I must add that she meant no harm. Just too free with her words...

Both of them are followers of Lucinda (Allie is a wizard while Silly is a cleric). Most of their family members seems to be that. I felt that I could trust them enough to tell them about my own past. I'm glad that I did that. They were good listeners (one can easily, incorrectly, believe that they are too impatient to do that) and also offered me help to find my own family (if they are still alive...). And they even took me into their own. Started to call me sister... They might not know it, but that meant a great deal for me... I've finally found someone to talk with. To laugh with. And to share my thoughts with...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2006, 07:07:22 am »
((23 February 2006))

I met my two sisters again (I'm going to use that word from now). They had collected some skeleton knuckles for me. So very nice of them! I've become quite good at making healing potions now, I think.

Acacea, or "Acacea Griffon Rider" which is her new title according to herself, passed by after a while with her pony. Quite intelligent pony actually, as it can untie knots. Very suitable for a halfling like her! They greeted each other (which sounded more like friendly insults for me). Allie should really try to improve her manners. Or she'll start to spit frogs, as Silly says... (Just got an interesting thought: What if I put one in the next healing potion I give her? I bet she would be surprised...)

Anyway, we (or more like, they) talked about my sisters' family members. Acacea seems to know most of them. Their mother, aunt, uncle... I hope I'll meet them myself some day. They also drew the conclusion that the water in the well in Hlint isn't all that great. Like dead fishes in it... Dwarf toe cheese... Talking shoes... I guess, I'll only drink juice from now.

We talked for a long time, but in the end, my two sisters had to leave to prepare some festival and Acacea went to Hampshire. Myself? Well, I met Mille and talked a little bit about maps and mushrooms, before getting some sleep...

Much later, I met Arandwen and Zweck. We went to the Storand's Crypt, at my suggestion. It was definitively not one of the wisest things I've done so far... We were quite alright, in the beginning. But soon, too many of the undead started to gather around us... I think I fell unconscious twice (the skeletons hits very hard!) but, luckily, all of us survived. And many thanks to Isilme who came to our aid (and to Arandwen and Zweck, for not leaving me, as they easily could have done!). I did get 3 Bodak's Teeth... Which (might) mean 3 healing potions... Great! And even more thanks to Isilme.

I left them in hurry, though. They started to ask some most uncomfortable questions. I wonder... Has Abigail learned how to duplicate and polymorph herself?

New people I met today: Mael ((Maelverik Reznar))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2006, 07:07:35 am »
((24 February 2006))

* It looks like though she was very excited while writing this. *

I met Eldárwen ((Eldárwen Hilliaraname)) today! Allie's and Silly's mother! I'm also going to refer her as "mother" from now, as Allie and Silly have accepted me as their sister! It's a little bit strange, though. She looks only a few years older than my sisters, but is still their real mother! I guess, some people ages slower than others.

Anyway, I told mother about my past, with a little bit more details than I did the time when I first met my two sisters. Usually, I have some difficulties doing that, but not today. It was like though the mere presence of mother calmed me. She asked me a few questions, and I answered them as good as I could. She told me that she would speak with some people to try to get more information. I really appreciate that! Mother seems to know a lot of important people. Like a cleric of Aeridin named Athus. He seems to be the best healer in the whole Layonara! And he's the man behind the soul mother’s disappearance for now! Mother even told me that she would try to let me meet him one day!

And that wasn't everything. They (or I should probably write "we") have a house in Dregar and I'm going to start to live there soon. Yes! Getting my own room and everything! They are sooooo kind!

Much later, I met a dwarf named Sturdy ((Kilian Frostpond)) and Skarp. We went to Berhagen (the mountains near Fort Valensk) as Sturdy had to meet someone there. Along the way, we ran into an Emerald Golem and quite a few Hill Giants. Very dangerous creatures, as I found out. Up there was a dwarven city. What's so very fascinating with that one was that it's located in a cave! Amazing! Must have been a very hard work to build it...

On our way back to Hlint, we stopped by in a small town (Skarp had to do something). I visited the crypt there which was much nicer than the one in Hlint (no walking skeletons!). I also found a waterfall nearby, and took the opportunity to play around a little bit in the cold water. And to refill my canteens with "clean" water...

Skarp and I also had a nice discussion about the bad sides with being married (he's married). Like, one's wife/husband taking away some part of one's freedom by setting up rules. He thought that it's easier for a woman to marry a man than the other way around (due to the fact that the man usually makes fewer rules than the woman). But I believe in the opposite... The woman HAS to make more rules, because the man is up to more mischief...

New people I met today that I didn't mention before: Serahlin ((Serahlin)), Allyn ((Allyn Lycaon))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2006, 07:20:43 am »
((27 February 2006))

(( Quest - The portrait of a man whose face cannot be seen ))

I went to Krandor with Allie and Silly today where we met Ireth, Elladan, Ranéwin and many others. Later in the evening, a black carriage dragged by two black horses came by. A man approached us and presented himself as Idraven, the Chamberlain of the Baron's Household. He was wearing black robes, a black scabbard and carried a shield with the symbol of a black raven. If I remember correctly, the man even had black eyes! Creepy...

He invited us to dine with Baron Zsartival Orios III and, of course, we said yes. So, we stepped into the carriage (after Allie had ran and bought some new "not-muddy" clothes) and found out that it wasn't more colourful inside either (and black curtains covered the windows). I made a comment about "black" and "necromancy" but according to Silly, "white" is actually the correct colour for it, to symbolise the coldness of the art. Interesting...

After some time, the carriage finally stopped (thank the gods that Allie didn't play with the wheels!). We found us in front of a big, big manor house. A high wall surrounded the place and the only way in (and out) was through a iron door which shut behind us. Very creepy!

When we entered the house I felt something strange. As though it was some sort of magic nullifying zone (but still not a completely magic free zone). I think a few others also felt that, judging by their surprised faces and the whispers. Anyway, we met the baron (guess what colour his robes were?) and went with him to the dining room after putting away our weapons and armours. As someone said: "I am starting to think we ARE dinner."

It was a big hall with a lot of helpful people walking around ("servants" as some persons call them). The first dish was soup. Leek and cucumber soup, to be exact. Lovely, but quite a few persons looked at it suspiciously before tasting it. During the meal (the soup was followed by roasted hogs, ducks and chickens), the baron asked us to tell him about our "stories". I noticed that he took great interest when certain things were mentioned, like when Elladan confronted an avatar or when the dwarf (didn't get his name) confronted the demon. Something felt wrong...

The baron was actually very nice and had quite good manners (if you are peeking into my diary now, Allie, I must add that you should try to improve yours!). But, he did have sudden outbursts of anger, which was scary, to put it mildly...

And then it happened. He changed. Claw burst from his skin. Fangs protruded from his mouth. He changed into a vampire. Luckily, we didn't have to fight him. No, instead he told us his story (which he didn't want to give us before) and asked us to end his curse. And, of course, we promised him to do that (we didn't have so much choice anyway).

So, after getting our weapons and armours back, we went down to the lower levels. But just as we went down there, darkness surrounded us. Very, very thick darkness. Undispellable darkness (I tried). Moans and cries could be heard from the darkness. I couldn't do anything... When the light finally came back, many persons had fallen. Among them was Allie. Many thanks to Ayla who brought her back to life!

But, the trouble didn't stop there. Even if the evil vampire was defeated, his soul (the mist) wasn't. It kept possessing people and turning them against us. We had to kill our own... I don't know what happened next but, somehow, he was completely defeated. Silly mentioned some jar or something... Didn't understand it really...

When we came back to the surface, we found the house empty. The curse had finally lifted! But, it seems that the magic holding that place together was beginning to fall too. Things started to age...

Hurrying, we left as the trees and vines quickly consumed the manor, hiding it forever...

New people I've met today: Freida ((Freida)), Sin'Dolin ((Sin'Dolin Val'entalith))

Just noticed that I have over 100 names in my collection now!


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2006, 02:03:49 am »
((28 February 2006))

Didn't happen very much today. Met some new people: Morgana ((Morgana Fray)), Jareg ((Jareg De'Brak))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2006, 02:04:05 am »
((1 Mars 2006))

Today I went to the dire (piggy) woods with Allie and Silly. We found ourselves in tight situations a couple of times (like, when a pig and some robbers ambushed us), but overall it didn't go very bad. Or, more correctly, it was alright until I dazed off ((crashed)) in the middle of some spiders. My sisters survived though, and that's the only thing that matters.

New people I've met today: Hickle ((Hickle the Nimble))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2006, 07:28:29 am »
((2 Mars 2006))

I met a very impolite dwarf today, named Turor ((Turor Sunderstone)). He didn't seem to like elves very much... He would probably have hurt me, if not for Matilda ((Matilda Jenice Landsend)) stopping him. But, later when I met him, he seemed to have calmed down a little bit (his insults were less "aggressive"). One could maybe befriend him one day...

Walking around I stumbled upon Isilme, Arandwen and Jin. They had an argument about her name. She's called Moonlight now, which Jin didn't like. He said something about her following a path that eventually might lead to darkness. I doubt that...

Later, I met my two sisters again. Allie had a big surprise for me and Silly! And, I don't mean the "clothes" she was wearing, or that she turned herself to a bug. That was of course also surprising, but the biggest one was the keys she gave us. Yes! The keys to our house! We'll probably go there next week or so!

One thought, though. Why is everyone so interested if I have a boyfriend or not? I mean, there a few persons I do like, but not all THAT much...

New people I've met today: Allean ((Allean D'oremm)), Addison ((Addison Scarlace)), Dwar ((Dwar Whurmeck))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2006, 07:34:54 am »
((3 Mars 2006))

Talking with a few friends in Hlint. That's what I've done today. A completely "normal" today!


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2006, 07:46:09 am »
((4 Mars 2006))

Allie and Silly have been walking around and asking questions about my "boyfriend"! Yes they did that! But, I don't have any and they don't seem to believe me! Allie even wanted to cast a charm spell on me! Aww...

Luckily, their attention shifted to Ozy who passed by. He's very good at telling stories!


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2006, 09:06:28 am »
((5 Mars 2006))

Went to the swamp today with Freldo ((Freldo Jabutica)), Berry ((Berriford Wyndcliff)) and Freida.


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2006, 09:06:40 am »
((6 Mars 2006))

Today, I met Anderoth again. We talked for some time and he said some kind words to me. He also said that he had some... feelings... for me. Nobody has done that before. I'm not sure how I'm going to respond to that...

Later, I met Saren ((Saren Tirastrae)) and Bostuk ((Bostuk Mikal)) in the Hlint crypts and helped them collecting darksoul essence for Erag. Didn't go all that bad...

After getting some sleep, I met Allie, Silly and Renji. I love my two sisters very much, but some things are just too improper to do! Allie told me that she and her little pixie Serâph have been telling people things about me! Not bad things really, but still things one shouldn't talk about! And I don't even know if all of it are true. For example, she told a person that I "liked" him (she refused to tell me and Silly who he was, but I suspect it's Anderoth). My dear sister is going to get me in big trouble! Anyway, we made a nice long trip, visiting mines, mountains, woods... Pretty much a little bit everywhere.

Much, much later, I met Isilme and Arandwen. They were arguing with a lady of the woods (I forgot to ask her name). It seems that lady Eàmanë ((Eàmanë Sùrion)) had been killing helpless badgers with fireballs. Very sadly... Pointless death should be avoided at all cost. But she did promise not to do that again which is good. While speaking with them, I noticed that my two friends have changed. Isilme seems to be more... cold. That's the only way I can describe it. And Arandwen seems to obey everything Isilme says. She even called her "mistress" which upset Ozymandias...

So, I went over to speak with him. Ozymandias seems to be very wise and knows pretty much everything that's going on in the world. But I did have some difficulties understanding some of the things he said. Anyway, he found it disturbing that a follower of runner (Kitherain) would call a follower of death (Corath) "mistress". If I understood him right, he meant that Isilme was a follower of Corath... I dearly hope she's not, but if she is, it's nothing I can do about it. Everyone has to make their own choices in life. Forcing others to take the same path as oneself is an evil act...

Ozymandias told me about the gods. Of how the two greatest dragon gods, Pyrtechon and Rofiren, struggled for control. Of how Blood actually fights for everyone's independence (doing it in an unacceptable way by killing everyone that comes into his path and trying to get the power for himself). He also told me the story behind how Katia was raised to godhood. And that Erag is actually a Corathite! The lesser darksoul is something he accidentally summoned...

I don't really know what to think about Ozymandias. He seems to be kind and everything, but there is also a darker side of him. And no, he's not evil. That's not what I mean. But... Well... He's not a saint. He has a different way to see things than others. Maybe a "more true" point-of-view...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2006, 09:06:52 am »
((8 Mars 2006))

It has been a strange day. Very strange day.

First, I met Silly and mother. They were talking about "proper wearing of clothes" if I understood correctly. Somehow, the topic switched to my "boyfriend" (which Silly stubbornly insisted that I had). And then, Anderoth appeared and asked a question. A "do you want to start seeing each other" question! It must have been one of the most embarassing moments in my life! Especially since my mother and sister was laughing. Well, I would probably have done the same thing, if I were them. To put it midly, I was completely unprepared for that question. I mean, he's a quite nice person and I do like him to some degree. But still... I'm not ready for these things...

The next strange event was with Sabrissia. We found her laying in the soil, covered with blood. She seemed to be insane. She told us that some vampires had been attacking her. And that a lich was after her. I hope for her own sake that's not true... Or, she's in really big trouble...

The third strange event was when we met Llu, one of mother's friends. According to mother, she's one of the world's best enchantress! Not someone one meets everyday! The only way to describe her is that she's strange... As though not used to talking with people.

We also saw a big cat, attacking a smaller cat...

Very, very strange day indeed...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #35 on: March 10, 2006, 09:10:25 am »
((9 Mars 2006))

The big cat I mentioned yesterday is actually a Wemic called Azekunda ((Azekunda "Swiftbow")). He's very nice but a little bit difficult to understand, as I can't speak his language and his common isn’t very good... Luckily, we met Allean later, who could speak Azekunda's language. I hope I'll see him again! Always nice to speak with people of different kind.

After getting some sleep (I do that a lot), I met Anderoth and two dwarves in the forge. Twice, Anderoth kissed my cheek. A very nice gesture and I think I like it... But, I'm not sure if he's the right person for me... I'm really not sure...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #36 on: March 13, 2006, 09:15:44 am »
((11 Mars 2006))

I met Abigail today. She hasn't changed much... Still as forward as ever...

I also spoke with Isilme today. She still seems to be as nice as she has ever been...

Some things never changes, I guess...

New names I collected today: Elribril ((Elribril Drake)), Urgas ((Urgas Bouldershoulder)), Cassandra ((Cassandra Demonbane))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #37 on: March 13, 2006, 09:15:54 am »
((12 Mars 2006))

Today, I spent most of my time talking with mother and Matilda. We discussed paladins, Renji, Hlint water... A little bit of everything, really... After a while, mother's shadow did something funny. It waved by itself, and stepped away from her! She told us that his name was Blink and she had met him in the Plane of Shadows. Blink seems to like peeking up others' skirts... Very rude!

Anyway, she told us about that plane. Mother went there a little more than one hundred years ago to help her friend Laanela, the weird of earth, find a soul. (She told me that I would meet the weirds one day... Right now, I've no clue of what they are, actually...) The dangers there were both physical and mental. Constant attacks from evil creatures and the fact that the plane itself sucked life and will from one. In the end, mother decided to rest, even though she knew that it would be fatal. She said that she probably would have become a shadow herself if not for Blink appearing. He protected her from harm while she slept. And followed her when she wasn't. Chatting. Like a really good friend...

But still she didn't find what she was looking for... She was going to give up the search when she told Blink about it. And then, mother realised how the Plan of Shadows actually worked. Walking was no use there. No, one's will was the key. Laanela was given a soul but Blink... dissolved... Had mother lost her new friend? No... The story ended luckily. On her way back to our plane, she noticed that Blink had actually become her own shadow!

Mother also told us another story. But, I'm not going to write it down, just in case someone steals this book. She told me that it was a secret and I'm going to keep it. Forever.

Much later, I went with Anderoth, Renji and many others to the Haven Mines. Very dangerous place... It seems that minotaurs are appearing there too! Unexpected... Before I left, Anderoth kissed me on my lips. I tried to jump away, but I was a too slow... He seems to like me very much... But, I don't think I can return his love. I don't know how to tell him... I don't want to make him sad... But, I have to tell him sooner or later... I think... Sooner is better... Yes... I'll get the courage to do it next time I meet him... I hope I will...

Please, Aeridin... Give me the strength to do it... Before it becomes a disaster... Please...


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2006, 03:04:22 am »
((13 Mars 2006))

Today, I met Serahlin again. She's quite nice actually, but strange. Very strange. Even more than my sisters... It's hard to explain... But she is really, really strange...

I've spent most of my time today with Matilda. We were searching for my sisters. In the beginning, just because I wanted to find them, and later, because I couldn't find them... If that makes sense. Anyway, we talked a lot while walking around Mistone, visiting Fort Valensk, Port Hampshire, Spellgard and a few other places... It seems that Sabrissia has been bonded to an undead creature when she was bitten by it, and mother is going to break that bond. Very nice of her! They had to gather a few things for the ritual, though, which Matilda couldn't do without Sabrissia's presence...

In Fort Valensk, we met Angus ((Angus de'Averam)), Serahlin and Isilme. We had a discussion about necromancy with Isilme. According to Matilda, that art isn't evil by itself and I guess she's right... She's actually a necromancer herself and as far as I've seen, she has never done anything evil. I made the comment about that "not all necromancers are evil" and... Well... Isilme got angry... She thought that I implied that Eàmanë was evil, which I of course didn't. I didn't even know Eàmanë was a necromancer before Isilme told me! Isilme also confirmed what Ozymandias told me. She's a follower of Corath now...

After walking around the whole Mistone (it felt so, at least), we found us back in Hlint again. It seems that Sabrissia is preparing for joining the Lucindite order and Matilda is going to be her teacher. They talked about the Five Holy Tenants and some other Lucindite things...

In the meanwhile, I spoke with Mille. She said that she had just come back from another world! A nature world with fays living there. Probably the world of T'oleflor, judging by her description of it. Mille spoke with the queen there and also met a nice boy... It seems to be a truly wonderful place... Much like a dream... I wish I had been there myself...

Much later, I met Arandwen. She's living with Isilme and Eàmanë now. I told her about my thought of the path Isilme is following right now. Arandwen said that she hasn’t seen Isilme do anything evil so far and neither have I actually... I think that I still can count Isilme as a friend... Yes...

New people I met today: Barnaby ((Barnaby Kross)), Xandrian ((Xandrian Mor))


Re: Alleina's Diary
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2006, 09:16:25 am »
((14 Mars 2006))

I (finally!) met my sisters again. Allie mentioned some demonic boot and jumping cows (Minotaurs, I believe). Much more interesting than what I and Matilda did... Silly gave me a oak longbow which mother had made for me. Yay!

Matilda was also there, and we had a very, very long discussion about Corath. The fact that Isilme is a Corathite had also reached my sisters. They are taking the news... differently...

* Obviously, she hasn't written down her thoughts about that topic this time. *

I thought that Allie had been bored of talking about "who's my boyfriend" but obviously I was wrong. She's bringing up that topic at the most unexpected opportunities. And, well... My answer was still that I haven't got any boyfriend. I doubt I ever will...

Lady Llu passed by a while later. She gave Allie the task to explain what memories are (before Llu takes Allie as her
apprentice).... Tricky!

As usual, we had a very, very long discussion about a little bit of everything (nasty creatures, magic, Lucinda, etc). Too much to write down here, though...

New people I met today: Star ((Star Nightfall)), Berilu ((Berilu  Fiercerock)), Lam ((Lam'lothane Xu'Linarch))

