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Author Topic: Alton Tealeaf  (Read 1263 times)


Alton Tealeaf
« on: October 03, 2009, 10:38:37 pm »
Character: Alton Tealeaf
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Classes: Rogue/Ranger
Race: Halfling
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Deliar


The red haired halfling Alton Tealeaf didn't stand out much in a crowd. Standing about 3’2”, he was your typical-looking Halfling. He was taught the basics of archery, The one thing that made Alton stand out is his personality. He is bold and had a big mouth at times. He was on the good, but made a lot of mayhem from the age of 14.

Alton was born in Port Hempstead and never ventured far outside the walls. Or at least his mother said no. Once, he went out by the fields but got chased back by some kolbolds. They chased him to the gates and than pinned him to the ground. One was about to stab him. Alton closed his eyes. But lucky Alton, Jacob the guard killed the kolbolds. "If it wasn't for Jacob," he later said to a friend, "I probably wouldn't be standing here now." He felt that The kolbolds had ruined his chance to explore (making them his favored enemy). Alton never told his parents about the incident.

He began to draw pictures at 18. They were all of the outside world. This drove both his parents insane.

One day he discovered some treasure at the bottom of the pond and pulled it up. It consisted of gold and jewels. He felt that Deliar had lead him to the treasure, Deliar governing wealth. Than, that same day,while looking for some for his parents, he nearly slipped in. He slipped, but somehow he grasped a branch just in time, his feet inches from the water.He felt that deliar had helped him, Deliar also governing luck.

At 30 Alton knew he had to go. He was unskilled, though. Some elves overheard him muttering about this problem. They made a deal. Alton would scout out the goblin cave and the elves would teach him archery and how to pick locks and disarm traps,etc (one of them was a rogue) so he could go.

The elves were Patient, but it took a long time to get used to a bow, so long that he barely had time to take sword training, counting the fact that he was also learning to use stealth. But he took the time he had training with them. The rogue elf taught Alton how to duel with two swords, but it was not very thorough training due to the small amount of time they had. They practiced by smacking tree stumps and such. With bows they would shoot arrows at a shield propped against a tree. With bows they would also fish.

Than, at the age of 39, as a final test, the elves sent him out to Stormcreast Crossroads for three months. During that time, Alton grew to become friends with nature. he even met a wolf he named Stan. He hunted every so often, but always took what he could. He explored and got to know the land so well, he could go almost anywhere without getting lost. He began showing lost travelers how to get through Stormcreast Crossroads(in Deliar's respect). He felt like one with the wilderness instead of one using the wilderness and wanted to protect it. At the end of the three months, he didn't want to leave. But he had to. He's always wanted to go back and see Stan again. Now, at age 40, he is ready to go!

Physical Description:
About 3 foot 2 inches, with red hair. He wears a brown cloak with brown and green leather armor. He is slim, with a bow in his hand at almost all times. He is not muscular but instead is quit weak. Alton is often found skipping along in front of his party, but lets the others go ahead in battle.

Alton is energetic and can have a big mouth. He is a very bold halfling. He will protect his friends at all costs but is suspicious of those whom he doesn't know. His goal is to get though the goblin's cave. He hopes Deliar will guide him through his life. He now thinks of elves in general and those two in specific to be extremely helpful people. He speaks more common than elven but speaks in Halfling tongue most of all. Alton still doesn't know all the elven words yet and will frequently ask a elf to say somthing in elfish so he can learn.
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Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2009, 01:14:25 pm »
*flips to an open page*

I just went on a lively nature walk with a dude named Chaynce. When I say lively, I mean that trees were coming to life! It was very exciting! Than we saw some ugly... (what were those?) Oh yea. They must have been 20 feet tall and they were white with black polka dots. They had big snouts and they were UGLY! Than there where the M-Word Horned thingies in that cave. They had larg axes and armor.


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2009, 01:21:36 pm »
*opens his journal to the next page, drops his ink, goes to the store, and comes back with more*

Sorry about the ink stain. Chaynce has been calling me the chicken tender so I guess that's my new nick-name.:) I placed an order for an oak short bow. I hope someone will see it.


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2009, 02:06:35 pm »
I received a reply from Fehriel Cailomel saying that he will make me a bow. He hasn't given me a price.


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2009, 07:04:20 pm »
*flips to a blank page*

Well, another nature walk. Again, I saw Ugly polka doties. I had a shoot-out with a mongrel man.  It was just he shot, I shot, he shot, I shot, he shot, I shot. That went on for about five minutes. Chaynce stood there like it was a sport event. That made it very hard. I won in the shoot-out in the end. Than Daniella join us and we went to some flying dudes, a Griffon, and some trolls that only wanted to kill me. On the way we got attacked by a dude that used darkness. I shot an arrow and hit a tree fifty feet thee wrong way. That was the worst. But than there were the wear-things. Those were pretty bad. They just shrugged off my arrows.

 I collected:
-some to big gloves
-some potions
-a heck of a lot of trues
-a mongrel man's arrow in my arm
-some bandages
-a canteen



Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2009, 08:11:36 pm »
I got a good show from Chaynce. I had dropped my ring. It was made by Deliarians so it means a lot to me. I was scratching around with the chickens looking for it. Than I heard a clash. I looked up to see Chaynce fly around the corner and trip over Jim. He ate the dirt. I just laughed and laughed. He got up and stormed into the house. Than I looked at my hand and saw the ring. I took out some bandages and patched up Jim. I don't think I'll ever forget that.:D


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 08:28:47 pm »
Dudes in black have been attacking from every witch way. I think it has something to do with all the notes Chaynce put up. Chaynce has been talking about Anne somebody. He also said that the dudes in black were her minions. It's scary out of Port Hempstead.


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2009, 03:17:42 pm »
*glances around nervously*

Chaynce had better not find this book! What I wrote a while back about the tripping chickens...


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2009, 09:05:29 pm »

Man... That was AWESOME!!! I couldn't find a place to put the chicken turds, because I didn't want any of the chickens to step in it. Then I saw the door.:D I decided to get a good laugh out of it. I strolled and dumped my bucket of turds under the door. Than I just had to wait. Daniella walked home looking like she had been through the ringer. She stepped right smack in the middle! She spent the next hour and a half cleaning and looking for me. But with  my spell-thing, she couldn't find me!

*snaps the book shut and runs behind a tree as Daniella walks around the corner*


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2009, 08:46:50 pm »
*flips the book open*

 You know, I hope Deliar saves Chaynce, not me. Chaynce is the one who said I should stay at ... what's the name...I'll call it thingie-ma-bob-big-home. So I'm A little more worried about him. If he wasn't around, I wouldn't be here. And Daniella might be intelligent enough to figure that out. Although I'm sure that I'm in trouble too. Just gotta hope that Daniella doesn't figure that out. And while I'm writing, I wish I had an ox. I might have enough money.  


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2009, 12:52:16 pm »
*opens his book and leans against a tree*

Well, thank you Deliar. I got lucky today. Got away from Stormhaven Manor yesterday. Chaynce took me to the spider caves! We went with Jillian and a dude who said Chaynce threatened him, even though he could turn in to a dragon! Honestly, I don't know what goes through Chaynce's mind sometimes. Anyway, this really weird thing hapened down there. I got eaten by spiders. But instead of going back to Port Hempstead, I got up back in the cave. I think Dragon Dude did some weird spell. Speaking of Port Hempstead, Mist completely destroyed it while I was napping in the temple. I went out to meet Chaynce, and I was chest deep in water! I know it was mist, because Mist hates Deliar. I'm gonna get him back as soon as I can! Anyway, I also saw some Big things with backwards bent knees, skinny legs, huge upper bodies, and huge pitchers. I had a one on one fight with one (did I use to many ones?). So that's the yesterday report.


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2009, 11:54:47 pm »
*slumps against a tree*

Ahh... Good to be out of danger. Stan came to get a slice of pie today! He's been hanging out so I hope he'll stay with me. I took him on a walk while I did errands. Storan put something new outside his house. But Chaynce just whopped it no problem. I'll list all the things I battled. One: Bodaks. Two: Devourer. Three: Goblins. Four: Mind flayer. Five: Umber Hulks. Six: Eyeballs. Seven: Red handed skeleton. Eight: kolbolds. Nine:Scorpions. And ten: mercenaries. We saw Earth elimentals.


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2009, 01:45:26 pm »
*lets out a hoot of excitement, then holds his hand over his mouth to quite himself*

I don't know who told me this, but there is some kind of pie contest in Leringaurd! I have to see this!


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2009, 09:24:46 pm »
*opens his book, hands a treat to Stan, and picks up his quill*

Well, I have a little deal now. Stan is now the second guard dog. He has to work with a big fire breathing dog! And I'm the stable hand. I feed a nice horse, feed an ox, and pick up there dung. And all of this is for a room with a pool, a mirror, and a huge bed. Stan lives with me. And that's all in the Twin Dragon Inn, were the pie contest was. I also got a zappy blade! My other Blade is enchanted with burning fire. They are so cool!

*bites into a pie*


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2009, 12:16:05 pm »
*opens his little book*

Hmm... everyone has been talking about these 'runes' out there in the Dragon Islands. I wonder if I can sneak into the runes. Although there are also rumors about these weird status out front. I will have to go ask Chaynce to help me investigate. I always thought it was a dragon at the end of those islands. The problem is the little mosquito birds that suck trespassers blood. They say the little mosquito birds guard the trees, but I think that they must be bloodthirsty. But I must heal this wound in my arm before i go. Guaranteed. Stan cannot come, he might blow the cover by biting one. He will have to stay and watch the house... err... Inn. I hope the people inside the runes (if there are any!) have good pie! And, Deliar, be with me when I go, for I will go in Deliar's name!

*finds he had been yelling the last line and shushes himself*

Hey, I might get enough money for an ox, I'll name him Sam.


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2010, 04:10:02 pm »
I saw a big ugly in those ruins! it had to heads!!


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2010, 12:04:04 pm »
*opens his little stained, dirty, grimy book*

I saw a dragon! I was in the... what were they... Oh! I was in the Broke Halls! I heard a story about a vampire and a dragon, but most people don't believe that. But I'm telling you first-handed that the dragon part of the story is confirmed by Alton Tealeaf and Chaynce Baldu'muur. And there was also a statue that came to life! And then there were some slimy things that froze Chaynce and I had to fight them! And there was rats that are so much harder to beat the the Hempstead rats! The rats breathed some sort of gross stuff! And there was these mummies that were all mean!  And we made it out alive! No dragon or slime or pudding or rat or mummy gets the best of Alton Tealeaf and Chaynce Baldu'muur! NONE of those!! And then there was the rumors about the halfling that was attacking people, but I didn't hear a lot of that. But there was these people all over Leringaurd! They were dressed in black and blue. They looked meaner than everything in the Broken Halls combined! I wonder what they were doing.

*Stands up and wipes the blood from a paper cut on the grass*


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2010, 10:21:27 pm »
*sits down and leans against a tree*

I think things pick on me because I look like an easy snack. I mean, OK, I walk into a crypt with Chaynce, he begins busting heads, and then some zombie with a mace tries to hit me! I mean, I wasn't the one hitting him(OK, I was hitting him, but not very hard...)! I feel like everything is very dangerous for a small guy like me. Oh and I am trying to get a cool necklace that let's me dodge better! After that, I should be all set!

*strolls off confidently, then remembers that he doesn't have his bow and races inside to get it*


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2010, 04:46:59 pm »
*sits down on the grass and pulls out his quill*

I took a trip to Alindor today. Once again, a large thing (it was a troll this time) Started picking on me. I mean, I was shooting at his friend, not him! (ok, so I was missing every once in a while and hitting him). AND, A troll came up to me and said I would taste good. His common wasn't very good. I mean, he said: Yus taste good. And there were these chicken people who tried to gang up on me, until Chanynce walloped them. And there were these giants that also tried to eat me. But I think the worst was the people in this one town that had a pen full of people! And they looked like they were slaves! Some people. I know I'm forgetting something... um... oh, never mind.

Things I collected:
A LOT of grapes
A small stone
Some true
An injured arm(it still hurts!)
Some almons
Some blackberries

*closes his little book*


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2010, 02:05:50 pm »
*opens his little book*

I found that things such as acid flasks and such can be awfully useful if your in a tight corner. I'll have to pick some up. Thunderstones and flasks of fire are good as well.

*closes his book and puts it in his crate*