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Author Topic: Alton Tealeaf  (Read 1281 times)


Re: Alton Tealeaf
« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2012, 12:30:28 pm »
I finally replaced those old platinum clothes. They were getting a bit worn out from the constant giant axes! My new ones have adamantium woven into them! Its the highest grade of reinforced clothing they carry at Chamomiels store. And best of all, I still have well over enough coins to pay of my debt and purchase the arrows!

I have been considering doing a bit more food crafting and resource gathering. The Twin Dragon Inn is a bit underused sometimes, and I feel that if I could run a little food shop in the back, and have lots of resources for sale, it might draw more people in! I can cook almost anything, and Tyrian can get almost all of the supplies I would need. It would work out perfectly! Of course, with the famine going on, food supplies would be running a bit short.... but then more people would want to purchase food!

