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Author Topic: Amgine Lanif - Castles Made of Sand  (Read 85 times)


Amgine Lanif - Castles Made of Sand
« on: June 03, 2009, 08:22:25 am »
Quest:  "Castles Made of Sand"
 Start Date:  05-26-09
 DM:  Carillon
 Chapter 1
 I arrived in Audiria scouting for new places to dig sand when I encountered a group of adventurers milling about. As we were all chatting, I overheard a snatch of conversation between some of the local merchants. Specificly the words "caravans" and "bandit troubles" caught my attention. It's been so long since I've found work escorting caravans, I quickly made to speak with the merchants and find out more. They told me rumors of bandits ambushing caravans trying to cross the desert between Audiria and points north, and that many caravans were refusing to go further that way until the problem was resolved. They also mentioned one caravan master who seemed to be determined to press onward and who was hiring caravan guards.
 Not long after my conversation with the merchants a swaggering mercenary who thought way too much of himself came by our little group of adventurers on his way to join the line of prospective caravan guards for the determined merchant. We followed on his heels and easilly found the caravan making ready to hire a pool of guards for escort. Heh, you should've seen the peeved look on that mercenaries face when I under-bid all of them by offering to escort the caravan for free! I really enjoyed cheesing off that pompous jerk, and the caravan master was quite happy to have me along for that price too. When one of my fellow adventurers offered to join the escort for 100 Trues, and the caravan master hesitated, I also offered to pay the fellows wages myself. That cheesed off those too proud mercenaries even more, and made the caravan master even more happy to have me along.
 Finally, the caravan master decided he had enough escorts and we set out from Audiria with his precious cargo of silks, destined for North Point far to the north past Dalanthar. Well, the merchant decided he wanted to take a short cut he'd heard about, and the one with us who claimed to be a knowledgeable guide for the area agreed to help seek out the path of this so-called short cut.
 We found the short cut alright, and landed in a well laid ambush. As many of us found ourselves suddenly without footing for a moment before crashing to the bottom of a deep pit and into cages with heavy steel bars, we realized the rumors had it wrong. No bandits were waylaying caravans in the area. Our captors turned out to be Formians, what many call ant-people, and we were all quickly and efficiently overwhelmed and subdued.
 We awoke later in some sort of holding cell, all our posessions had been taken from us, and we'd been re-dressed in what amounted to mere rags. When I took a head count I realized too, that our merchant friend and his regular employees seemed to be missing from the cell we were in, so I surmised either they hadn't survived the fall into the pits, or they were being held in another cell somewhere. Some of the fellows were eyeing the ladies in their new attire a bit too amorously given our situation, I felt, but I guess some men are just pigs like that. In any case, I forebore chastising them because I reckoned it'd be better if we didn't plant seeds of internal strife if we were to have much hope of escape. We were all in this together, and hopefully we'd all make it out of this together too.
 Eventually our Formian captors sent an emisary to tell us we'd be helping them work whether we wanted to or not. It demonstrated it's authority by using some sort of device to trigger collars we all wore to deliver shocking pain to some of the mouthier persons among us. Fortunately, I never received such punishment. We were left to rest for a time, with no food or water to replenish us.


Re: Amgine Lanif - Castles Made of Sand
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 09:12:25 am »
Chapter 2

When the Formian emisary returned at last we were let out of the cell under guard, and instructed to take up shovels.  Then we were lead through a myriad of twisting passages until we finally came onto scenes of utter disaster.  We noted as we progressed that many of the passages in the area we were now in had collapsed.  The stench of days-old dead was over-powering, and I couldn't keep myself from vomitting.  Catastrophy had indeed struck our Formian captors in the worst of ways, and it was quickly becomming very clear why they'd abducted us to aid in the clean-up and repair of their tunnels.

After I was able to get my stomach back under control, I set about helping dig out the debris and the dead, and clear the passage.  This went on for quite some time, maybe days?  I lost track.  My feelings, though rife with bitter ressentment for being forcibly captured and made to do this work, were also mixed with compassion and understanding for the Formians.  I still didn't quite trust them to live up to their word and release us when the clean-up was done though.  They hadn't fed us, and my stomach was aching from being empty for so long.  At least after we made a good amount of progress they did take us to get water though.

After one such water-break, we returned to our tasks, but were quickly set upon by a horde of spiderlings.  After we'd smushed all the wretched arachnids our captors explained to us that the desert spiders had always been a problem, but now because they could feed off the dead in such quantity their populations had exploded, and they had become a real threat to the colony.  Surprisingly, we were trusted with rudimentary weapons, and given the chance to show we could do more than dig when we were instructed to clear out the remaining spiders in the nest we'd uncovered.  It was a task I was actually looking forward to, what with all my pent up frustration at being made a slave, and my deep hatred for spiders.  I wished I had my own armor, shield and bastard sword to work with, but the copper spear I'd been permitted would have to serve.

We entered the spider nest and fought like there was no tomorrow with the hairy, spindly, too-many-legged vermin.  We killed scores of them, until at last the biggest of them had descended from their webs to meet their end at our hands.  With the spiders all dead we finished the task by setting ablaze the remaining and now un-guarded egg-sacs.  It was satisfying.  Evidently, our captors were a bit satisfied too, because not long after we were told we'd be seeing the head that directed all the feet.

Once again we were lead through the tunnels, this time to end in a large chamber in which rested the largest Formian I've ever seen, or will be likely to see again.  She was simply awe-inspiringly huge, and her mind pressed upon ours with a weight that admittedly I couldn't push off.  I don't know everything that transpired in the chamber after that point because I found it impossible to seperate my own thoughts from those of the colony.  I asked myself, "how did they manage to live like that, all linked together in one mind?"  My own answer to the question resolved to, "Pretty darn well for the most part.  Their organization with such a communal link could hardly be matched."  I was impressed, somehwere there in the back of my own mind while their communcations seemed to take the forefront.  It was dissorienting to say the least.  After a time I recovered enough control of my own thoughts that I found I could resist the pressure of the queen's mind on my own, if I chose.  Oddly, I didn't feel like resisting much by that point.  Such tragedy had befallen the Formians through the earth-tremors, my heart went out to them.  I found myself helping to move newly lain eggs to the nursery, though the experience was surreal.  I'm not entriely sure if the feelings of tender protectiveness over the egss were more from the queen and colony, or from my own regard for the lives of the yet unborn.  I guess one way to decribe the whole instance is to think of being carried by moderate currents down a flowing river, I could have swam to shore at any time, but instead I chose to simply go with the flow.

Though I do find the dreams I've had since to be sometimes a bit disconcerting...  In one such dream, I dreamt Amireana and I had finally wed and somehow she bore a child even at her age.  Only when it came time for the child to enter the world I found myself taking delivery of a large, slick, soft, and slightly slimey egg like those the Formian queen had laid.  But not with any feeling of horror as you might expect, but rather that same gentle, nurturing, loving pride I felt in the confines of the hive-mind, and the phrase, "the new generation will preserve us," turning with significance at the forefront of my thoughts.  I suppose the dreams will go away in time.  I hope.

In any case, our story didn't end just yet.  When I fully returned to my own thoughts, I discovered a deal had been struck by Aylana and Lance with the Formian Queen.  We would continue to help serve the colony for a time, and if we did so of our free will, we would be allowed to leave when the colony was restored to self-sufficiency.  Our own possesions were returned to us then, and I was greatly thankful.  My stomach was thankful too when Daniel Benjamin was able to produce some food for me from his own pack, mine having been rather bare of food even before we'd set out from Audiria days back.

We weren't given much time to reflect on the return of our belongings, however, as a Formian warrior came to us with urgency regarding another, bigger spider nest that had been uncovered.  I was only too glad by that point to have another chance to destroy those eight-legged vermin, and this time with all my own battle gear.  I followed behind the Formian as he hastilly lead us through the maze of tunnels to the place of confrontation with the spiders.  As soon as I caught sight of the spider-nest I charged ahead and began hacking left, right, and every other which way until there were no spiders left to hack up.  The Sandman's Adamantium Helper felt good in my work-weary hands.

After that battle with the spiders, we continued to help with the clean-up and repairs of the Formian tunnel system for a few more days until, at last, we were summoned once more before the Queen.  She announced her intent to keep her end of the bargain, and then put us all to sleep with the command of her thoughts.  I assume it was a precaution to protect the hive from future incursion from outside, and keep it's location secret.  We awoke outside Audiria.

Trust may not yet be complete between the Formians and our own kinds, but at least we offered the possibility of a new start with a race that seems convinced of it's own superiority, but which may have had a lesson in humility in those days we were with them.  Maybe the Formians will even help that Dwarf, Fenrir, to stop the earth-tremors, since it came out in our talks with them while we were there that he might be part of the cause and solution of the quakes.

