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Author Topic: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter  (Read 608 times)


Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« on: November 04, 2006, 12:30:04 pm »
Real Name: Amireana Mandrine
Age: 28
Class: Fighter 7* / (*with hopes of Duelist. I understand I will have to resubmit the character again later to request levels in Duelist along with evidence from my character development thread to show I have RPed the character to that end.)
Race: Human
Eye Color: Purple, similar to an amethyst
Hair color: White
Origin: Unknown
Alignment: Neutral Good
Diety: Rofirien
Language: Common

This woman stands about 5’9 with long naturally white hair. A very light complexion, almost white. With her hood collected about her face, his features remain hidden except for those piercing purple eyes that seem cold and distant as if you were staring at a pair of cold amethyst and they were gazing back. She says little and observes everything. Her eyes collect the sights around her as if he were preserving them in a book. When she speaks her voice is neither harsh nor abrasive but the voice of someone who is sure and confident. Her unusual hair and eye color suggest that she may have some Drow heritage.

If you are reading this, it is because perhaps you wish to know more about my memories or perhaps the events that have led up to my calling. If this is not the case, and you don’t wish to know, then do not bother concerning yourself with the contents held within this apparently simple book. This was not meant for you. It was meant for them. Who you ask? It was meant for those who dare to remember.

Remember what you might ask? Remember the past. To remember where we have been and where we are headed. To know who we are, we must know what we were to begin with. What led us down the road to decide to fight, live, or decide to die? Was death a decision or was it the hand of fate deciding it was just our time?

If you are truly interested in knowing who I am, then surely you are curious about the past as well. Perhaps you believe as I do and you find the need to learn about the memories of what has brought us here. That brought me here.

My name is Amireana, at least that is what Johan called me. Who is Johan you ask? Johan Mandrine, he was the man on whose doorstep I was left as an infant, and who subsequently raised me. I asked him once why he chose Amireana and he simply said “white” and continued the task of chopping more wood. He was a man of few words, but always when he spoke it was fraught with meaning, and thought.

I asked him once how I came to be on his doorstep. He replied as if he believed it, “Pixies, those meddlesome creatures, always butting into affairs they ought not to.” He shook his head at me as he seemed amused at my question. Never would he elaborate. So I never questioned it again and adopted the family name of he who raised me. From then on it did not matter much where I came from, he was all I knew. I had by this time grown up with him as if he was my father. He has been the only family I have known. My true family name is yet unknown to even me. What happened…did happen, and there is no changing the past.

Johan did tell me though that when I first came to be on his doorstep, he had made the same assumption that most would make upon first glance, that I could be of Drow heritage. To be certain, he had taken me to a friend of his. A master of divination, who was able to confirm for a certainty that I was not. I admit it was tough growing up with the assumption that I was, and not everyone was entirely convinced that I was not. The evil that the Drow are known for made most shun me and look upon me with fear. I look upon people without making assumptions of their heritage. I judge them based upon what I would learn from them and about them. I watch their actions and the way they speak more carefully. I listen to their body speak what their lips are afraid to. I see the fear and hatred in their eyes, but I know the truth.

Johan Mandrine was a master in the ways of the blade. He taught as much as he could to me about the intricacies of the blade, the codes of the warrior and chivalry. He was a man of honor and he fought with a grace unlike any I have yet seen to date. He fought as if his life depended on it and died as if he had no fear. From him I learned much. For him I will fight with honor and die with grace. I will fight to rid the lands of the evil that breeds in its darkest corners.

Who am I? I am Amireana Mandrine, a warrior, a protector. I serve to the will of the Great Dragon Rofirein and protect those who can not protect themselves. I will likely die as I lived. I will die fighting the cause to rid the world of evil. I am Dragon called to fight the war against the evil that plagues the world of Layonara.


There are many weapons I have been taught to use over my time with Johan. My preferred is the rapier. Its long thin blade suited to striking fast at the enemy and ending their life swiftly and most effectively. Its handle suited to protecting, much as the one who wields it in battle. It has a distinct style and elegance suited to the grace that Johan personified, and personally, I find soothing. It is not a heavy weapon at all and in the right hands can slice its opposition before they even realize they have been cut.
I have seen many men battle with such anger inside their hearts. Without any purpose, making their form sloppy and ugly. Their control over the weapon they wield without the respect that such an instrument of life and death deserves. To hold in your hand the means to end a man’s life deserves nothing but the utmost respect. The enemy deserves to die with dignity and respect, as much as we do.

I will not boast of victories, I will not hang my head in shame upon those that I have killed in my attempt to rid the world of evil. I will simply look upon those who have fallen in battle and admire them. They fought bravely for the cause they felt just in their own hearts, even if it may not agree with my own. I will take what I can from them and share what I have learned with the one who would genuinely wish to know what it is I know. I will fight for the Great Dragon with my head held high and know that the reason I fight is not with malice or fear, but with pride, and a cause that is just.

Unknown History to the Character: Her parents frightened of the way their daughter looked when she was born, and the way they would be treated, abandoned her. Afraid they would be associated with the much feared Drow. The fact is her unique appearance is akin to partial albinism.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2006, 07:42:39 pm »
“I had not expected to meet any one in my adventures down into the sewers. I admit it is the last place I ever expected to meet anyone. I was there to find the tax records for Flora, and then I came upon… Grok. Him and I, seemed to immediately take to each other as friends and I can’t explain why. Other than there is a gentleness about him that if you stop to look past the bit of goblin between his teeth. You will see there is a softer side to him that is worthy of being called friend. He helped me, guided me. Even protected me as we ventured further into the bowels of the sewers. He offered to teach me how to fight, more like him. And I offered to teach him better common. We make an odd couple, but I know that we would fight side by side, for what we believe in, without a second thought. When I fell in the sewers, to the onslaught of the rats attacks, he stayed by my side. He never left.

In others eyes, I can see they are repulsed by the bit of Goblin, or rat or other creature that may be the latest fallen prey to Grok. The eyes of those around us that they find him repulsive, but to me I find a true friend. Johan, was my only friend, but also stern as my father The only person I could ever truly talk to. And I wonder if I might find that same friendship with Grok? It is curious in any case and I hope to see him again soon.

And then… there is Remiel Delmir,” she smiles as she recalls his name. “Who would have known that two people could find so much about fish to converse about. They are interestingly unique creatures, with such uninteresting lives, at least to the uninterested. They eat, sleep, breed and swim, sometimes none the wiser that residing in a pond there is a completely larger world that surrounds them.

Would I be a fish, would I want to know there is a larger world that I am missing, or perhaps remain blissfully unaware and simply lead my life as if nothing else mattered. Do the fish feel the loss of their aquatic friends when they are caught and consumed by us? I admit, even I have caught a fish, and until I had stopped to speak with Remiel, I had never thought about more than survival by catching them. Should I feel bad for simply trying to survive in the harsh world as best I can. Or should I simply stick to eating berries. I am sorry to say that I would sacrifice the fish to survive.

I would also teach those who I can to fish for survival. In the world there is an order within it, a balance that must be maintained. If I help another to survive in this harsh world, when another falls, the balance is kept. I suppose that is my motivation behind helping Assa’cam. He is a curious Elf, new to the area. Or I have just not been around long enough myself to notice him before. He has a gentle nature about him. But he can also be quite the fighter when the occasion calls for it. He has a gentle smile, strange for an Elf. The most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I suppose that is why I find myself stealing glances at him as often as I can and can’t help but smile. Those dark blue eyes with flecks of lighter blue that barely stands out are striking and indeed enchanting.

I admit I am was impressed to see his fighting skills so well developed but then again having lived much longer than myself, I suppose I should not be so surprised. He has the skills, senses, and wisdom about him that I could only wish to have, and I know I will never reach to be the age he is.

My skills though as a fighter are slowly improving. I admit I have along way to go before I could ever consider myself a master. I do hope to someday become a great duelist and perhaps teach others what I have learned, to be the best and to make Johan proud of me, to serve Rofirien justly and honorably. These are my goals in life. I wish to live and die knowing that I have fought nobly and honorable for the cause of good and helped to eliminate the evils that plague our world. I know that there will always be evil, and so long as there is, it will give me a cause worthy to fight for. I will fight, and I will share the knowledge I gain with others as I can. I will strive to build my skills more and more each day.

To Die Honorably in the fight against Evil,
Amireanna Mandrine
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2006, 07:19:27 pm »
I am not sure exactly what the day had planned or the week or the months to follow. I am not precognitive. I can not tell you about the future and what lies ahead. I can however tell you about the past and what has happened as the day began to unfold.

I had fallen asleep in the inn as the blanket of night descended upon the city of Hlint, with a faint chill upon the air. The chill, not of the evil that lurked about that felt much different but this was more the change brought about by the seasons. What I fell asleep to, was not the world I awoke to, but then I suppose no day is exactly like the one before it.

As I reached for the handle of the door to the inn the cold air could be felt seeping through the cracks, not even completely muted by the warmth of the fires that burned within, though the inn was quite warm in comparison.

The cool crept its way into my bones as I finally stepped from within. My concern this day was not for myself, but for again setting my eyes upon my friends face. Assa, a rather small Elf, in a harsh world of the cold. My thoughts were of him keeping warm. Of how he was fairing with the change of seasons so quickly upon his arrival to Hlint.

I set out to gather cotton to try my hand at a warmer piece of clothing for him. Unfortunately before I even began I should have given up. My hands are meant for the rapier not the raping of the cotton, as I seemed to shred more than anything. I will not give up though. I will continue to work on a fine garment for my friend.  

I had met up with Assa’cam, later that day, even though the robe wasn’t finished, and did not even tell him what I was doing. I thought I would make it surprise for him. I had hoped to go further adventuring with him and get to know him better. When I remembered that I had to be elsewhere… where I can’t remember. I guess it was not as important as I thought and sadly took me away from my friend. I am sure he thinks I am a complete lost cause.

Well the days again seeped into nights and back into the cold days, and I found him again near the pond. I think he may be found of talking to the fish. Even though the fish do not appear to talk back, they do give the appearance of tolerating companions who will not leave. Although they don’t have far they could go.

As we talked a Halfling by the name of Lyle, and a kind woman name Caniel, came to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake. As is the custom in a civilized society and most people who are worth their weight in salt, I greeted them and begin to strike up a conversation. I had asked Mr. Lyle… I never did ask his last name. Anyway I asked him if he knew the way to Fort Himlad, and he and another fellow who came by, his name was Canius. Offered to escort us the way to Fort Himlad. It was great that they were along to help us. We also managed to grab a cougar skin, which I am sure Johan will be pleased to have.

I am certain I owe Caniel for her kindness of protecting me while I confronted the Cougars.  We were also to provide a service to Farmer Part to which he seemed more than willing to give a reward. I would have done it regardless simply to do something to help someone in need but my pockets have been kind of bare after the trip. I had also been lucky to buy a ticket from Lyle for the trip from Port Hampshire to Point Harbor.

While at Farmer Parts though it seemed we all ran into a bit of trouble and I had the misfortune of finding myself spirited back to Hlint. Fortunately for me though I was able to meet Lif’lo. He made sure I made it safely back from Hlint to Point Harbor and then joined us for a bit of an excursion. Unfortunately it wasn’t long after his joining us that Assa and I had to return back to Hlint.

You see we had other requests that had been made of us to complete and so before we had forgotten of those we needed to return someplace safe. The journey together was luckily uneventful, as I led him back from Point Harbor, to Point Hampshire and then to Leilion, stopping along the way to show him the Leilon Arms, Inn and Tavern. Sadly it appeared to be closed. Ah well maybe it was just to early in the day for there to be any real activity within.

We continued our trip trying to stay warm and made our way by Blackford castle, then through Fort Llast again. I have a feeling I will be back at Fort Llast again sometime soon. At least I will be a bit familiar now at least so that when I have to return, I will not get lost.

Not long after we entered the Goblin wastelands and into the cold that seemed to blanket Hlint. We entered also through the gates. We both then seemed to part ways but did wish each other well. I hope that Rofirien keeps him safe and warm and that soon we see each other again.

Til next we meet,
Amireana Mandrine
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2006, 07:50:44 pm »
It has been along time that has passed since I have seen Assa and I can only imagine that he has moved on in his travels or has been taken from us. I hope that wherever he is though that he is at peace.

I had not thought that since I had lost my father, I would again ever meet a fighter with the same grace and skill. A true master in her art, until I met Melanna, and after a trip with her she surprised me with an iron Rapier. It is truly a well made blade and the first I have felt confident in holding in my hands since I laid my father to rest and buried his with him.  

I was also able to purchase from her an iron shield of the same caliber. I truly wish to improve my skills and feel now confidant that I am able to try to take on more of the world. There are a few other people I have met but unfortunately have not had the pleasure of truly getting to know yet. Perhaps in time, I will.

Eghaas seemed to try to catch me at each passing chance he got. Unfortunately we haven’t had much chance to speak, although I am curious what is on his mind that he would be so persistent. He is a nice fellow though and perhaps in time we will get to speak more. He was also kind enough to introduce me to a drawven fellow by the name of Dalan, but as I was in the middle of cooking we really didn’t have much time to get to know one another.

Then there is Lex’or who although his intentions are good, and he is only concerned. I hope he understands that I don’t mean any ill will against him but I am not ready to open up to anyone and especially someone I barely know. Perhaps some day but not just yet.

May the Lord Protector grant me strength to protect justly and swiftly
Amireana Mandrine
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2007, 07:13:25 pm »
It seems the town of Hlint is much more different than I had expected it to be. The people all seem to be friendly. I have even found that I am able to open up to Lex’or a bit more than I thought I could. It would seem that he has been as I have and shunned from our villages due to those who fear that which they don’t understand.

I have met a friendly bard, by the name of Freldo. At first our meeting seemed to get off rather on a shaky and precarious start as he insulted my choice of weapons. I had expected as much in the way of criticism about my choice of weapons but as it turns out. Freldo is not such a bad person after all. I suppose not many would appreciate why a fighter chooses the weapon they do but it is out of devotion to my father. After explaining this to Freldo he took off to the bank. It seems he wanted to show me something and I was very much curious about what it was.

He completely had me stunned with the package as he unwrapped it and handed it to me. The Rapier. Not just any Rapier, oh no…. to say this was just any Rapier would be an insult. This Rapier was one only a true and dedicated fighter should hold in his hands and I had to…although reluctantly admit… I had to give it back.  While I hope that I am able to improve my fighting skills well enough that one day I am worthy of such a weapon. This one singular event has given me a reason to strive to become the best fighter I can. To become worthy of the weapon that would serve Roferien.

Although it has been awhile since I have met with Freldo. I have also come to meet a few new people recently. Erik an elf and Lyle, along with a mischievous seeming fellow by the name of Hawklen. I have also met a very fine woman by the name of Dora and also Celith. All a fine group of people although Hawklen I think could stand to be more closely watched. I think has a wish to die, and I don’t know but I am skeptical.

As we were traveling though to help Nikki to recover her Grandfather’s ashes we also came upon Rain again. It was nice to see him again and he took to helping me as well. The crypts of Krandor are not someplace I would go alone though. Truthfully though I haven’t been away from Mistone but I hope that with more training that I will soon be able to begin to find the confidence to challenge others. Who knows maybe I can find someone willing to join me in the Arena for a duel or two. Although I am not sure there are very many duelist to be found. Perhaps Melanna would be willing to humor me for a duel against her and her great sword. Perhaps there are a few things she can teach me. Perhaps. I haven’t seen her in some time though. I hope she is alright.

May the Lord Protector watch you over you all
Amireana Mandrine
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2007, 07:53:11 pm »
I was for the first time, able to find a dueling partner. And I learned… That I have a lot to learn about wielding my Rapier effectively. When to parry and when to strike and most importantly that I leave myself open far to often.  I was very much brought back to my humble beginnings when I stepped into the Arena with Treana. I think though she was surprised as much as Lex’or that I could hit so hard and I was surprised that there were other women duelist around, who had so much experience. She also made for me a deal that if I could bring her the materials she would make for me a set of reinforced platinum clothing. All I have to do is get the platinum, the spider silk and the cotton. The cotton surely the easiest to acquire.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2007, 10:11:12 am »
Today I went by the arena to watch the fighters. There are indeed many more skilled than I. I even watched a pair of women dueling.

Looking into their eyes as they fight though I often wonder what thoughts fill their minds. What brought them here. I wonder if they had fathers who cared for them as deeply as my own.

I wish to be a great duelist and a proud fighter. I wish to serve Rofirien and to make him proud that I can be a protector as well as any sword wielder, but I know that I will always have more to learn. For now I can practice my techniques and learn from watching those with better practiced hands than my own sloppiness.

Rofirien grant me your grace and lay on my heart the strength to do your will.

Amireana - your humble servant in life and death.

Skins for Treana
12 deer skins, 12 black bear, 12 worg skins, and 12 wolf skins. 100 per skin, 250 for panther skins

Silks, Fruits.- 1000 per box

16000 still owed to Treana hopefully I can collect what skins I can along with fruits and be able to keep them tucked away in her basement. Back to work. I have lots of collecting to do still to repay the debt and show her my appreciate for also entrusting to me a key to her home. May the Lord Protector keep her safe in her journies.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2007, 11:23:13 pm »
It was strange at first but as he stood outside the crypts, it just felt the right thing to do. To combine our efforts, to build experience and to also bring rest to the souls that walked the crypts. He seemed nervous at my presence though, when I pulled back my hood and seemed more puzzled by my asking to join him.

"The current flows in all, but not all flows with the current." He said. He was curious in his speech. He requires patience and time to understand. After awhile though he doesn't seem as cryptic. It wasn't until after we set down into the crypts that we finally introduced ourselves.

This is how we met. Just an ordinary day in the lives of two strangers whose paths crossed for the first time by random chance. It was curious how this strange hafling seemed to wiggle his way into my life, with no more than just his unique presence and we began to travel together. He even introduced me to a few of his friends as time passed.

Not all of our time together was completely what I expected. We had for awhile gone our own seperate ways only to join up again later. The most curious thing happened though, something that had me completely startled and unsure how to even feel. He proposed to me and yet...I do not understand...

What startles me most is that until he asked, I have never once thought that anyone could be interested in me. I never thought of becoming close to anyone. My father and I, that is how it had been for so long. My rapier and I against an uncertain future. Our path together to help the weak and rid the world of evil swiftly...but alone.

I feel as though I am missing something now, that I have been oblivious to how to handle my rapier but have been failing to see that I must also master my own emotions. That I can not so hastily push them away as I have been but I must embrace all life has to offer.

What I see as such sloppy fighting, is elegant in its own right. I have been so caught up in being pushed away by those I grew up around that I never once stood back and took in the possibility that anyone may actually want me near them. My fighting has reflected this too. I keep an uneasy distance from my opponent allowing them to get the advantage over me. It has been without thought or a care in the world, much the same as my life has been.

Now I must take the chances, and not be so afraid to be near someone. I can't keep this distance all my life. The ability to take charge of emotions and to harness into a dance with the wind that could make an hurricane envious, to join the flows of the current as Emwonk puts it and begin a new path.

The day that Emwonk walked into my life, not only did I gain a new friend but also I gained a big brother in Shiff Dragonheart, who has been so dear to me. The more time that seems to go by the stronger we grow, the more we seem able to reveal more of ourselves to each other.

There were many things that Shiff and I have spoken about since the first day we met, but the one thing that sticks with me the most is that he may be right, and that I don't have a choice anymore and I also do not have to be alone. I can not be alone and be a duelist too. It is not possible. Sure I can fight the battles but can I fight those that still reside within, which I have been avoiding so long? Who am I? Where am I from? Who are my parents? What did my father mean about the pixies? What do they have to do with anything?

There are so many questions to ask. I truly within me long for answers but yet the one with even a vague clue about my past is gone. I am grateful for what I have and I should not wish for more. But I feel compelled that soon I should seek out the village in which I grew up and investigate further.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2007, 11:21:50 pm »
For the first time in my life its not death,, it is not killing the foes that makes my heart skip a beat. It is him. It is looking into his precious eyes, and knowing that there is more growing between us than simple friendship. More than just the affectionate way he calls me Ivory. There is more than just the way he gazes into my eyes.

I listened to Shiff speak about his family, about home. I know I have family with him and Emwonk and they would be there for me no matter what. I feel that bond of friendship between us and I hope that it never changes. But Emwonk, those eyes, his heart. The way he captures the world with such a unique and unparalleled perspective that captures my heart and makes the butterflies flutter within.

I don
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2007, 09:08:46 am »
For the first time in my life it is not death, it is not the enemies that terrify me. It is not the uncertainty of if I will live or die that causes my heart to skip a beat. It is looking into those eyes, with there electric blue iris' that pierce into the depth of my soul, with that seemingly innocent gaze. It is knowing that there could be more that grows between us, more than just friendship. More than just the affectionate way he calls me 'Ivory'.

As I listened to Shiff talk of his family, of his own beloved. I...know my own family stands before me. Shiff and Em have become my best friends, and my family now. Em though... he is so sweet and endearing, precious to me. There is so much about him that I wish to understand. He captures the world with such a unique and unparralled perspective that captures my own heart.

I do not know whether to hide from the way my heart is feeling, or embrace it. Some days I would rather find myself facing a dragon in some far distant land, than to consider the possibility of falling in love. But... I can not deny that when I felt his breath against my cheek and the tender way he kissed my cheek. There were butterflies within that seem to command my attention.

I could not bare to hurt him and I know I am falling. I am... scared. Of him, of the uncertainty of a future that may be. I am scared of a heritage I know nothing of.

Is there an even flow between us as Emwonk asked...would I lie to him and say that there is not. I know there is something more than friendship I feel for him. Would it be easier to tell him there is not and hope that he would be content as friends.

I would give my life and soul in protection of those I care about. Why is it that I can not give my heart as well?
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2007, 10:24:23 am »
My Lord Protector,

Please do not take him away from us. Please Grant him rest. Grant him peace. I have never had a brother before and Shiff, he is so dear to me. I would do anything to help him. He can not take much more. Please... those eyes, filled with blood, has he not suffered enough?

He is so afraid that he will hurt those he loves. Is this how it is to begin? First Em, Lord Protector, please do not let those who say he is cursed be right? Please I beg that his dreams not become reality. Guide my heart to help him. My prayer if I have ever prayed more desperately for anything is not for me. It is Shiff's heart to be granted peace.

Please the last time him and I spoke, I fear I let my own frustrations get the better of me. I was impatient, I did not wish for anyone to see me that way. Least of all him and Emwonk. I was so blind I could barely speak.

Watching Tristan Fall. I should have acted quicker. It was my own fault and my own fate that I should fall as well. Em... Oh God, Em's quick thinking I am sure what saved his own life and my own. This longing for what I may never know...It resides so deep withing I can barely think straight. Why is it so important now, when it wasn't before?

Why can I not just be content with my life as it is. To serve and protect those who are weaker. Should it not be enough? It must be... I am here to serve and protect others, not to let my own desires to get in the way of helping them. I must maintain true to the path of my calling. I have to.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2007, 07:09:10 pm »
the pages of the journal smeared with what appears to have been drops of some liquid, the script almost illegible, as if written by a trembling hand of someone in pain as the thoughts are written by its author.

My Dearest Em, I truly never meant to hurt you, Never in my wildest dreams had I set out on this quest with the intentions to betray you. Never in my wildest imaginings or dizziest daydreams have the thoughts ever occured to me to one day wake up and betray you. I would rather die than cause you pain.

One day I woke up alone, utterly and completely alone in my life, just the memories of Johan in my mind, his warm embrace gone. The love I knew as infinite and unending torn from my life. Answers to my questions I seek gnawing at me.

I set out to find answers, to find my own path. And then something unexpected happened. I met you, and Shiff and Val. you walked into my life completely and without question, without reservation embraced me as your own. The fondness for me evident in your voice as you call me "Ivory."

I was stronger than I had ever been. I truly felt I belonged somewhere for the first time. I didn't feel the cold stares of eyes upon me, judging me for believing me to be something I am not or that I could be, though within I know the truth.

I found and find myself growing attached to you in soul, and find myself falling in love with you. I am afraid that in the moment that something truly wonderful would happen between us that an unknown past may come back to haunt me. I fear the shadows and darkness and what they may bring to those I love dearest. I am afraid but I must face them. Not only must I but I have to.

My friend I have told you of, has offered to walk that path with me. He has offered something to me that means finally closing the chapter of unknown in my life and being able to move forward. I have to do this. I trust Ael to help me. I ask nothing of your, Shiff or Val. I ask this of me. The Darkness may be the only place to find the answers.

Please Em, you know know in your heart, I would never betray you. If in order to keep you safe though we are not meant to be. I would rather be alone than to know harm has come to you.

May the wings of the Great One protect you Always Em, and please do not let my choices tear you away from Shiff and Val.

Always 'Ivory' to you
Amireana Mandrine
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2007, 07:10:08 pm »
a page stained with tears is left under the door of his room in Leringard

Dearest Brother,

I am sorry that I have hurt Em. I never in my life would have betrayed him or you. Surely you know this. All the world spins right now and all I love and cherish becomes dizzingly chaotic. The family I embrace slipping away because of who I chose to call friend.

I feel as if inside I am being torn apart, and no one is stopping to hear my shouts. Since I was born something has always seen me alone. I dared this once to dream that something might have changed when I came to call you brother. I still believe us as family.

I want to completely embrace Em, you, Val and Talia, but I can not bare either, for my dear friend Ael to be drawn into conflict because of me. He has done nothing wrong but open his home and his heart to me, and offered to guide in a path that could answer many questions for me. He is right though. It is a lonely path, it is a path I shall have to walk alone in the darkness, to face the pain of truths I may not like.

Forever we are family Shiff, but this path I must walk on my own. Please understand, You and Val have a chance at true happiness and I dare not take that away.

Your Sister,
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2007, 07:20:04 pm »
a small hawk flies by Amireana, where she is, and drops a letter by her side

To my Dearest Sister,

I know I can't dissuade you from trustin Ael, but please let me see you one last time before you go off alone into the darkness.  You have come to be a source of strength in a time when I could not face the safety of my own bed for fear of seeing horrors beyond imagining.  I love you with my very soul, and I could not bear to lose you without seeing you one last time.

Dearest of Sisters, please, visit me in Leringard one last time, so I can see my dear sister smile one last time.  I love you very much, and I want to hold you one last time.  You are loved dearly, my sweet Lil Sis, by not just me but Valmara as well.  Please, don't rob me blindly of your love, let me have the chance to let you go...

My Heart Will Always be with you, and you will always know where to find me, dear Sister.  Never forget how much I love you, and how much you mean to me.

Your Dear Brother
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2007, 03:54:37 pm »
Its been entirely to long since I have felt him, since I have held him and I have only come to realize that in the distance, one thing has remained a constant. I miss him. It was not so long ago that I embraced him, unknowingly for what my heart hopes was not the last time.

After speaking with Ael, I have come to realize that I was wrong, that in wishing so much for Em to understand the pain I have felt, I failed to see his own. I must try to restore his faith in our friendship and to show him that I would not and will not ever betray him.

The feelings of love for him are foreign, are new and my mind in constant chaos trying to cope and adapt with that which I have never had before. I need for him to understand me, but I believe now. I lost sight that he to needs for me to understand him.

I was selfish in my desires. I was looking for answers to my own questions, instead of putting my family first. Perhaps Em was right in that respect. I was a betrayer. I only hope that I am not to late to mend our friendship.

May his wings protect Em,

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2007, 10:03:18 pm »
Never have I found myself in a position where I have had to account for my actions, and the moment I did. An innocent life needed my protection. My strength and my courage. Never have I truly felt that someone's life may be held in my own hands as much as I did facing that bugbear and standing face to face with him.

Never have I felt as though something felt more wrong, than it did right. I let my guard down, and in that moment it could have ended tragically for my new friends, Cirol and Lance. I have barely just gotten to know Cirol and what he must think of me, I can only imagine. I am grateful though for his true friendship that seems to accept me and all my uncertainty with such an open heart.

I tried to give the bugbear a chance, an opprotunity to leave peacefully quietly and his friend attacked an innocent. I had tried to see that from his point of view, he would happily take away that which meant the most to me, after the same had been done to him.

But I can not let an innocent die if I can prevent it. The decisions are to be made and the lines drawn. The path will be walked and it will not be with the indecision and uncertainty with which I stood before the bugbear. It will be with the power and strength needed to protect those who are weak. It will be with the mercy to grant those to far gone to save, a peaceful end.

Swift, Justly, Mercifully and Honorably I will stand for the Lord Protector, and I will fight for those to weak to fight for themselves. I will protect and serve for the Great Dragon and I will not bow down again in the face of the enemy. If they threaten those to who I have sworn to protect, I would rather die fighting for them, than to watch them suffer needlessly.

For the Lord Protector
Amireana Mandrine
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2007, 11:41:05 pm »
Passing by the healer of Rofirein she bowed her head in respect. Her cloaks hood pulled back to reveal her long flowing white hair as if flowed along the curves of her body. Her amethyst eyes revealed behind them a sense of understanding. She was older now however her age did not really show in her features. The amethyst orbs found their focus on the Great Lord Protector as she stood before the great statue and the soul stone she had bound to times past.

Many had stood before this stone and the judgement of the Great Dragon. Many kneeled here in prayer seeking guidance and wisdom, and just as many bowed their heads asking for the Lord Protector to keep safe those they had lost. The only difference was they knew their purpose was their own. Not of a memory clung to since childhood. Her only ties to the Lord Protector were through her father and all he had taught her.

Today she took her steps purposefully, guided, renewed and ready to make the commitment she had lived by in her fathers memory a commitment of her own.

Her voice soft but no less full of honesty and truth than the deepest strongest of voices. Her heart was pure as she spoke before the Great Dragon an oath to him.

"My Lord Protector you know that since I was born that I have been led in your ways by my father. To defend and protect those who are not able to themselves. To uphold the laws of the land. For a long time that vow has felt somehow less than my own. It has felt as though it was a promise made to a memory. It has felt as though it was an obligation. Though my father is always a part of me the choice was not mine truly.

This world has taught me about sacrifice. It has taught me of pain and suffering. It has taught me about injustice and cruelty. It has taught me that the most important things to hold onto are compassion and mercy. It has taught me of courage and strength to stand for those unable to stand for themselves. It has taught me what is right and just and to uphold the laws of the land.

Today I come before you but not as my fathers daughter as I have so many times before. I come as a shield to protect and defend, and a claw to strike out against the injustice and suffering across this land. I come to pledge my life to serve the people of this fair land in whatever way you may see fit for me.

As I bind my soul to the stone before me. I bind also my life to you forever to serve you. Please accept this promise as my solemn oath to you. I would rather die than to break the oath to you my Lord Protector. My rapier and shield forever belong to you."

With a new sense of purpose she bowed her head in a silent prayer to seek guidance in her path. A feeling within her that the Lord Protector would lead her heart in the directions her steps should take her next.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2008, 09:48:42 pm »
I have lived out among the vast lands of Mistone, adventuring where I could, helping where I was able, in some small ways collecting and just moving from place to place. I had a place to call home thanks to the kindness of my friends in Fort Llast, I just couldn't imagine myself in one place for to long though. I think though this has upset Shiff as the last we met he barely spoke at all to me.

Ael and Sahara, have been gone as much as I have as I have barely seen them. Though it seems they must be lingering around when I am not because there are often times newcomers venturing within the home. I have not had the chance to meet them as they come in when I am sleeping and I tend to keep my door locked at night.

The land has changed much and I have met many new faces since my return, amongh them Khuren, Berak and Trith. It seems that Khuren has spent some time in prison from the rumors I have heard from others and perhaps that is why he was so quiet when first we met.

Berak speaks of vampires, and I am unsure of Trith though all those I have met since coming back, have been most kind to help me. Even the Angel's have lent a hand to enchant one of my iron sabers though I am unable to use it yet, it is my hope that soon I will be able to.

I have also had the distinct honor to meet with Pyyran, a very talented swordsman and honorable duelist. His skills far exceed my own and I am very excited to be accepted as a student under him. It is my hope to make him proud and show him that I am as capable a fighter as he believes me to be.

I look at this as a renewal of myself to strive towards excellence and to better server my Lord Protector and the people of this great land as best I can.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2008, 11:06:15 pm »
I have returned home again after journeys to travel the lands of Mistone, roaming from town to town, maybe what I am truly seeking is the tinest rumor that may tell me more of who I am but without more to go on. I am at a loss.
 And now Calvin, I am certain he must feel betrayed by me as I told him I would not leave again without letting him go. I had not intended to be away so long as I have been. He deserves much better than I, and it is that I have lost my own direction, though perhaps it is that with returning home I will find it again.
 I have met a new friend, perhaps someone who will understand me and will also allow me to share a bit of who I am and to share with them who my father was. His name is Razeriem. Definitely a charmer, but who I can find a true friend in.
 Perhaps I can also teach him how important it is for him not to be afraid of facing a woman in a fight, because if they are anything like me, they will not hesistate to strike a man if it is defense of their own life. Pretty faces are a lot of times the worst of all, knowing that men have a soft spot. We sadly will use what ever advantages we have even at the cost of a broken heart.
 Amireana Mandrine
 Tucked in the pages of the journal, a letter addressed to Calvin with the entent to be sent
 My Dear Calvin,
 Have you forgotten me? I know I have not forgotten you. I know that I have been gone awhile and I promised that I would tell you before I left. I am sorry to have broken my promise to you. But I have not forgotten.
 You should not let any women hurt you as surely as my absense has done to you. Please know though that it was not my intent. I know there is a great deal of pain you already suffer and I have done nothing to distill the pain within, still if your heart can still find room.
 Beneath the crabapple trees we will meet again,
 Amireana Mandrine
 tucked in the pages a letter that has gone unsent to its intended
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Amireana Mandrine - Journey's of a Fighter
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2008, 01:31:14 pm »
It had taken me some time to write again trying to find the will again to be close to those I had strayed from who mean the most to me. Calvin is patient and kind, understanding and willing to forgive my faults and to begin anew. I find myself falling further for him than I have felt before and I cherish every moment we spend together. I hope for more moments together to hold him in my arms, to spend great adventures together and teach each other to open up more than we have before.
 We can not be afraid to share our dreams together, nor our past. They are very much part of who we have grown fond of. Waking to him holding me has made me begin to see just how truly dedicated his heart is to me, and has began to settle over my own heart. I do not think my father wanted for me to be alone when he left me. I just think now its really beginning to impress upon me that neither would Rofirien, and in sheltering me in his wings, he is also sheltering me with the presense of true love, and great friends.
 I had not expected either Calvin, and neither had I expected the chance to begin to become a teacher of the art of the rapier as much as I have and especially that Razeriem thinks, much the same way I do about the rapier. I hope though for Razeriem's sake that he does find his true love, because I am sure Calvin would not take to kindly to his flirting. Though I know my heart lies with Calvin, I will not deny myself the true friend I see in Razeriem either. I suppose that is why I felt the need to take him on a journey up into the mountains. Because its so hard to find a true friend and he could not have come along at a more perfect time in my life.
 Great Protector watch over them and shelter them both.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae