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Author Topic: An Old Smelly Journal  (Read 456 times)


Re: An Old Smelly Journal
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2008, 02:47:22 am »
*A sweating Cideous lies against the wall of the Ft. Vehl arena. He sits opposite a training dummy he has been wailing on, and seems rather content with the destruction he has casued*
 Work has been slow lately. My latest source for jobs of that sort just up and vanished, I guess I could say I expected it of her. Something I'm going to have to get used to in this buissness. Things are rarely as they seem, and dont often stay the same way for long. The key it seems is to have ears everywhere. He who can anticipate change will rise above it, and those who resist change will eventually be crushed by it.
 Ive heard through some of my more seedier sources that the new bank venture known simply as The Vault is looking for some... under the table employment. Theres a steep buy in thats got me a bit suspicious its all a scam, but if its the real deal it could be my ticket to the big time...
 *Well rested, and content with his line of thought, he pushes himself back to his feet, pulls a kama from its sheeth on his belt and resumes his attempt to reduce the combat dummy to splinters. *

