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Author Topic: Angelo's Observation  (Read 72 times)


Angelo's Observation
« on: November 05, 2005, 04:14:00 pm »
*these writings are contained within a book that Angelo keeps on his person at all times. It is filled with drawings of vaiours places, as well as some numerous side notes. The bulk of the writing is at the front of the book, and the pictures are at the back*

Hlint is a a town of beggers and fools. For what little time I have been here I have already learned this. Would-be heroes crowd the streets, and the locals seem incapable of doing anything on their own. I grow weary of this town fast, but many adventures seem to begin here, so I am stuck for now.

I obsereved a group travel to the Dragon Isles. The place was dangerous, but the others seemed more than willing to throw themselves into danger for me. They all are odd folk. They are attatched to living, as well as seeing others live. They are willing to sacrifice their lives, but at the same time willing to run to save their own necks. They are certainly some heroes alright. I noticed particular spell patterns the cleric used, as well as a few sword moves the warriors used. Nothing too worthwhile, but now I have at least been to the Dragon Isles.

When I returned to Hlint (the adventurers must like it there for some reason), I encountered a troubled elf... a commander I believe for the Mistone Alliance. His soldier reported news that Bloodstone's soldiers were heading for Mistone. Of course, the fools in town rose an army to go down and fight the army as it would land. I followed along... I would not miss an epic battle like the one about to occur. History would be made, and I would be there.

The battle raged for the entire night, and many fell dead. I watched the battle from numerous locations, the two breaches as well as the center of the battlefield. It seems Bloodstone's men cannot see the invisible... not even his most powerful servants. Horrid beasts were in Blood's legions, including fierce demons, even a great Balor. There was a wizard present as well.... an incredibly powerful one at that. Him and the balor managed to easily fell the 'champion' of the battle. Hmph... I do not think the others took the time to notice that their 'champion' finished the battle as nothing more than a corpse. And yet the people of Mistone refer to the battle as a victory. Blood is not a fool, and will strike harder. The Balor was not destroyed, nor was this wizard. On top of that, the soldiers of Mistone that were slain in the fighting can be piled nearly as high as the walls of the fort. It seems that the Mistone alliance judged its 'victory' merely by the fact that Blood does not control the fort. The defenses have weakened. Bloodstone has shown his power here. And the next time, Bloodstone will likely not lose the battle.

Regardless, I held witness to Blood's initial invasion of Mistone. History has been made, and I believe no one saw as much of the fight as I did.


RE: Angelo's Observation
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2005, 04:39:00 pm »
No matter where I go, no matter how many people I  meet, it never ceases to amaze me how foolish people are. They seem to feel they have some greater goal to be out here for, and that everyone else does as well. they feel they have reason to live and help the world, but at the same time they rush off to battle so they can be killed. What makes them so different from Blood's forces? Why do they feel that the true 'just' cause is the one they serve?

I have spent time with an elvish druid, one who sees things similar to I, but also very different. I decided I will call he Irame, or 'hero' in the common tongue. She feels she serves a greater cause, and I am not one to dissuade her from her goals. If she feels that fate holds power over her, than so be it. In the end, it means nothing to me.

I also encountered a Toranite today. He seemed in utter shock at the fact that one of his fellow knights would kill an innocent woman. The hypocrite. Maybe I shall be lucky and get to watch this one die on some brave campaign. Only time will tell.


RE: Angelo's Observation
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2005, 04:04:00 pm »
*some of the pages written in this book are wet, a result of the rain*

The sun rises, and light floods the world. And so the people go about their business. Shopping, eating, working, learning, and for some, fighting. And then the sun sets, and darkness overtakes the world again. The people sleep, they hide from the possible enemies that dwell in the darkness, living in fear. Although there seem to be many who cast this fear aside, standing firm when the darkness begins to overcome the world. They fight, they struggle, and some die. But in the end, the light returns as strong as ever.

Buit what use are the efforts of these heroes? The light has returned, but just as the sun sets with each passing day, the darkness and evil which these heroes believe they have defeated returns, perhaps in a different guise, but it returns regardless. It becomes an eternal struggle, one in which the light conquers the darkness, only to be overtaken by the darkness later. Champions on both sides rise, fall, and are forgotton. It is a cycle in which there is no end, an eternal struggle between the forces of light and darkness... one which neither side can hope to be victorious in.

A great darkness descended on the world once before. Blood had begun to terrorize the people. But in the end, he was overtaken by the light. He was captured, imprisoned, and he was forgotton. Light was restored to the world. But now we live in the night, a night that approaches its midpoint. The heroes gather, they fight, but are brushed aside. Some are successful, but the darkness is as strong as it has ever been. It moves upon new lands, claims more lives, and the steps of the brave heroes falter in its presence. But how long until the sun yet rises? The heroes will claim their hollow victory. The fight will end and the light shall be restored, if only for a short time. Whether or not it is realised, they fight for a lost cause, a struggle that will continue until the end of time. And at the end of time, who is the victor? The light of the world shall be snuffed out, so it is the darkness that shall linger

So the heroes fight for the lives of those to come, they fight to make the world a better place, and they fight against the darkness. They are the heroes of this day. It is heroism that sets them apart from the others, it is heroism that makes them what people and admire. And heroism results from a lost cause.