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Author Topic: Zan the Grey  (Read 393 times)


Zan the Grey
« on: December 27, 2011, 07:14:05 pm »
Several months already in this godforsaken burning sun ridden land of lesser races and white skinned wastrals. I've taken every advantage I can so far to get started. I think the Spider Lord saw my plight and even though I am far from the Spider Caller he saw fit to send me support. I stumbled on Ard'reth quite by chance in the surfacer trading place called Center. I uttered a curse in my native tongue at one of the local merchants then turned and left. I felt my arm grabbed roughly and was dragged behind a tent forcibly. I had whipped my insufficient copper blade out to confront my attacker to find my blow blocked by another far finer blade and was disarmed in seconds.

The attacker drew back his glove to show me dark skin like my own on his arm. He then spoke to me in my tongue and led me away. I was suprised at his skill with the blade more than anything else. He reminded me of Knaan.

From there we left that infested place and he showed me some of the wilder places where we could take what we wanted without fear of reprisals. That we did. By the time we reached another foul smelling human settlement called Hlint we had amassed quite the haul of treasure.

Ard took the coin and spent it on specific equipment even selling me some of his older items. I realised I needed him as I knew very little of the surfacer tongue and every time I tried to speak it I was sure my tongue would shrivel and burn like everything does under their infernal sun.

The one thing that keeps me sane here and fuels my vengeance is the daily sword practice, the routines, the moves. Each time I do it I remember all that was and should have been mine.

Ar'dreth has joined me in daily practice, i have already come to realise he is a master with a blade, the same as what I use. He has other moves I have not seen before and I will take my time to study and learn everything from him that I can.


Re: Zan the Grey
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2011, 08:36:35 pm »
By Ca'Duz I loathe this place. In my own city I was able to walk the streets and slaves and lesser races would shy from my path. But here I am forced to pretend to be one of those I hate the most. Is this a test perhaps? Because if its a joke its a very bad one. I hate pretending to be a surfacer elf and worse still forcing myself to use their tongue to continue the disguise.

The one thing that keeps me from throwing myself at the nearest surfacer city and taking out my frustration is Ardreth. He has taken the time to cousel me and remind me about the teachings of Ca'Duz. Therefore I have dedicated my time to practising with my blade, to hone it to its greatest strength, with Ardreths help I am growing quicker, more adept. Our sparring duels grow more vigourous, I am holding my own better against the quick and sharp blade of Ardreth, but still I know I have a long way to go to match his skills. Who knows, perhaps one day I will even surpass him.


Re: Zan the Grey
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2012, 03:45:23 am »
Sanity, I feel it slipping from me each time I have to persist with this illusion. I hate these surfacers, I hate the fact that I have to pretend to be an elf. Oh for the day I can return and avenge this misery upon my family in the Deep, Baraeon give me strength and patience!

The only bright side is that Ardreth has proven a most adept teacher and day by day my skills improve, weapon handling, movement, reading opponents moves it is all coming together. Together we took down several giants the other day which was most pleasing. A change to vent some frustration.

We also took some time to find out about the recent surfacer war with the green Dragon Cult at some library near an Aragenite temple. Some of it was interesting but not much. Foolish surfacers. I have learnt some more words in the common tongue but Ardreth warned me to be careful as I still have a strong accent that a few might recognise from the Deep rather than some elven colony. Did I mention how much I hate pretending to be an elf!

