The World of Layonara

Character Development => Development Journals and Discussion => Topic started by: on May 29, 2004, 01:45:00 pm

Title: Atreayu's pray to Rofirein
Post by: on May 29, 2004, 01:45:00 pm
Oh Might Rofirein Hear My Pray of Deeds,
   It has been many days since you summoned me and rescued me from the boat I was adrift in. I thought it would be wise to tell you of my deeds so that you will know I am a worth warrior of your service.
   I arrived in the town of Hlint and began to ask around to find out if there were and deeds that need to be done. I helped out several of the locals that had errands or jobs for a brave soul to undertake. I took on these with the utmost outlook of improving myself in battle and proving my worth to you.
   I have met and befriended several of the inhabitants of this town. Of these is a great cleric, Waha Hammerheartof Dorand, that wields mighty powers; Armion Arato that wields power of magic; and a new friend and comrade by the name of Marik Westbrook. He is a devoted warrior of Tolan. We have fought much side by side and have grown close friends. I have helped him out since he arrived in Hlint by showing him around and teaching how to be a warrior. He is coming along nicely as a warrior but I can only teach how to battle, the rest he must learn from his temple. With his help we have slain many creature of foulness and fulfill many tasks that were asked of us.
   Through my travels and experiences, I have seen great magic wielded and with your blessing will one day find a greatsword that will burst into flame on my command to use against those that I have sworn a blood oath to destroy.
   It seems that I will have to defeat two great evils in this world to reclan my homeland. One is of course the clan that slaughtered my clan, the other is that of “Blood”. He is gaining strength by the telling of the Great Bard Ozymandias L Llewellyn, who I have met. He is the one you summoned from another world. I have promise that I would do what I could to help and asked that he let me know what he tasks needs of me.
   I have also pledged my sword to aid Waha in his tests from Dorand and any other services I can do. I have recently helped him on one of his test and was proud to be of service though at first I didn’t think one as weak compared to the others that were helping him could do. I did learn that even one that is not so strong can help out another. He is a deserving warrior of my sword as is Marik.
   When it is time for you to test me, I hope to have Waha, Marik and Armion by my side as comrades to see my victory in the test and aide me, if it is your will. I hope that one day you do find me worthy of this.

Your loyal servant,
Atreayu Stoutheart