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Author Topic: Aurora Faythe and the Sword of Spells  (Read 394 times)


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    Aurora Faythe and the Sword of Spells
    « on: October 16, 2004, 01:43:00 pm »
    Aurora Faythe and the Sword of Spells

    Entry 1.

    I found myself entering Hlint after wandering down a strange path. Was the Dragon real? Possibly ... who knows.  I wandered Hlint for several days when I met a Dwarf by the name of Elixir.  He said he needed help retrieving something from the crypts.  We enterd the crypt... I felt myself becoming anxious, maybe I found myself worried if we could do this alone.  It was harder then it seemed, but Elixir made alot of progress I discovered that he had healing powers and was able to scare the undead. We arived at the Dark Soul's layer and we devised a plan to lure the Dark Soul to us. Elixir handed me a bottle of glimmering water, he told me to throw it into the room. We remained in the door way and as the ghouls charged us Elixir chanted a prayer that caused the ghouls flee in terror and only the Dark Soul remained to face us. It was no easy foe we nearly losing our lives to him but in the end we vanquished this evil from the town.  It is said that he might still haunt the sleepy hollows of the crypts waiting for an unsuspecting grave robbers.

    Entry 2.

    Today I went out of Hlint in to the place that the locals call the Goblin Waistelands, I have been asked to retrieve the ears of the Goblin Leaders, seemed easy enough. While I hunted them down I discoverd a pixie in a cage near the fire she was shouting and kicking and calling them unspeakable names. Apperiantly they were going to eat her  I had to do something, I fought them like I had never fought anything before.. I had passion in my heart to save her. I had never felt like this before I have never wanted to save something so badly. Before I knew what happened I had ripped through the goblins and broken her cage open.  She flew wildly around me thanking me for saving her and praising me for what I had done. She followed me as I took the ears of the goblins, proclaiming that from this day forth she and I would never part ways again.  I asked her what her name was, she told me that she did not have one and asked me to give her a name. I named her Dusk, She cheered and flew around in circles shouting "I likes it, likes it lots."  She followed me back to town, she flew around town proclaming that she like this place.  We turned in the ears, and went to the inn for a nice drink and a bath.

    Entry 3.

    I went into the forest north of Hlint. I heard that there was hickory trees, along with orcs.  I have never seen such things big, stupid and they smelled really bad. Elixir came to my aid hunting the orcs, climbing a small hill I found a tower. Elixir said that it was the Tower of Magic, were magic folk gathered to do the weird magic stuff.  On entering I felt at home, all the bobbles of magic, and the smell in the air of fresh potions brewing.  There were wizards enchanting gems to make them glow, others were taking gems and infusing spells into them, it was a wonderful sight.  Dusk and Elixir convinced me that maybe we should work together in making rods of magic.  Thinking about it I wondered if I could make my sword glow with my own magic.  I'll have to do more research on my findings.

    Entry 4.

    I've done it I found a method of combining swords and magic. I'll have to experiment on myself to find out.  I need to do more research.

    Entry 5.

    I have been tested today, I met a man named Alexander. He seems nice, he asked if I could watch his back down in the mines.  I hesitated at first. Dusk took to him she senced a connection.  Elixir told her that they were friends. I trust Elixir, but a human... I am not too sure about this.  Alexander asked me if I needed a new weapon.  Of course I do, I haven't had something new in awhile.  He gave me a good price on a Iron long sword.  It was crafted with care.. I can tell, but I am still leary of him.  We went into the Iron mines, to mine ore for Alexander. We were successful, we parted ways on the surface. I found myself trusting this human.. but I do not want to consort with any others until I am sure that they are like Alexander.

    While I rested near the mines a Dwarf came stumbling out of the mines wearing rags.. it looked like what was left of hide armor... he was badly injured.  I helped him the best I could before he said he had heard is brothers voice down in the mines.  I thought how odd, this must be Elixir's brother he has told me so much about him.. the insane look in his eyes, the crooked teeth, the wild hair, and the smell was nothing like I have ever smelled before.. I introduced myself to the Dwarf.  He told me his name was Thwent Gutshaker.. he seemed out of sorts and ran off before I could tell him I knew of Elixir, oh dear I hope Hlint is safe.

    Entry 6.

    I've done it I have cast my first spell into my blade to fight Ogers in the forest.. I scared Thwent and amazed Alexander. The flame didn't last too long but it was something... anything to make my research all that more fulfilling. I shall research more on this... I have to find out more.

    //I would have done this a seperate entries but I ran out of time.


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      RE: Aurora Faythe and the Sword of Spells
      « Reply #1 on: October 20, 2004, 05:21:00 pm »
      Enty 7

      I found myself on the barbarian Islands with Alexander and Elixir... we travled deep into the cavernes of the goblins. I felt that we would not make it out alive.  A Cleric named Matilda helped us on our way. We found bright gems in the caverns I felt so close to them... however the gems were out of reach as they vanised and a hord of goblins were upon us. It was somesort of trick.. to lure us here. It was no easy fight, we made our way out of the cave in hopes to rest and recover what we had lost.

      After much time we left the Islands, going twards Fort Llast we stopped to discover I was getting stronger by the day... As I cast a magic missle at a monster while wearing full plate armor. It was quite a feat, it took some damage and fell. We pressed on giants fell in our path. Taking time to cast some spells we vanquished them and moved on. We passed a crypt which is said to have terrible monsters, I wish to see them some day.

      On ariving at Hlint I relized that I was infact stonger but how to move on?  I wish to experiment more on myself I need to see if I can cast my spells into my sword and make it last longer. I also wish to study with the Wizards in the tower and make movement twards more spell abilitys... However I wish to practice with my sword abilitys and become strong like Alexander. Maybe as time passes I will figure out my path and take the right course on my way.


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        RE: Aurora Faythe and the Sword of Spells
        « Reply #2 on: October 28, 2004, 04:21:00 pm »
        Entry 8

        I was heading to leilong when I was approched by a young woman. She seemed frantic and worried. When she spotted me she talked really fast, something about a letter... before I knew it she had slipped a note into my hand and ran off. The note simply said "Point Harbor"

        Alex and Elixir came running up from Fort Llast, I told them what had happend. We agreed to go to Point Harbor to see what was going on. On getting to the Docks we were approched by the Captain of the ship, he was upset that he had gotten pickles instead of his order. We agreed to board his ship and help him eat the pickles.

        Elixir helped himself to many pickles, Alex felt sick after he had eaten a few. I tryed to stay away from them... they smelled awful. I helped by cleaning up the pickles, the ship rocked and swayed.. and the sea was choppy the pickles kept flying over board. The Captain talked about Ghost pirate sea monsters, and how we should be ready for anything. He porptly attacked Alex, who defended. My note grew hot and when I read it said that people know of my powers and they will try anything to get it.The captain seemed like he was up to something but, I could not understand what he was up to.

        When we got to Point Harbor there was a old woman that seemed like she didn't really like us. She called Alex a begger.. and totterd off. As we moved along we heard a scream, we thought that it came from the merchants area. But when we got there Ashley said that she hadn't heard anything.

        We went back to the docks to investigate, over near were we were there was the old woman splatterd accross the wall. Over in the corner stood a young woman, she seemed shaken. she stutterd about a red flash and ran off. Ashley said that she had to attend to the bugbears and left us to try to figure out what was going on. We then went to the door she ran to and asked if we could talk to her, she slowly opened the door. She told us that she saw a red flash that it kind of looked like a sword, before she could tell us anymore there was a unsettleing wind and a red flash as she fell to the ground dead.

        It was unsettling to see someone die like that. I looked away, as I did I saw two Gnomes picking up the old womans dead body. We asked them what they were doing, they said that they were Point Harbors Gnome clean up team. They blamed me for the womans death as they scampered off with the womans remains.

        The note burned in my pocket, as I took it out it simply said duck. As I ducked a Elf appeared infront of us, his skin was black I had never seen any elf with dark skin. Alex and Elixir told me that he was what was called a Drow, I had never met a Drow before. He was cold and heartless as he told me that everwere I was going the poeple around me would die. He left us stuned, we seemed to drop into a void.

        All around us there was nothing but darkenss. A few moments later the darkness faded to snow, endless snow.. we walked aways to be met by a Giant Creature. He tryed to tempt me to discover my powers the easy way if I signed a contract with him. I refused and said that I would do this my own way the right way. The snow faded into nothingness as the creature taunted us asking if we could fly. We dropped back on to the platform in the void...

        The void became filled with snow again but this time it was diffrent, Elementals came at us and attacked it seemed that they would never end... as the last one fell the void changed into a pit of lava, we all belived that it was not real.. and the pain was not real.. it seemed so hot... Fire Elementals and other fire creatures came up from the fire and attacked we fought them off with fury.  

        We regouped near the center of the platform and teamed up to fight them, we seemed to reach the end of them as the void took shape into water all aound us.. fish swam around us and there were sharks in the distance.  Water Elementals came up from the water and came at us fast and hard, they pounded us into the ground. It seemed like forever before the last of them dropped. The void changed again this time into a very earthy feel, Earth Elementals came up from the ground. They charged us surrounding us we fought hard to survive. It seemed that they just kept coming until the last, we fought hard to live.

        The area cleared back into the void, and all the representing Elementals came forth. And a girl came out from the void, and told me that I had passed the test and I was now ready to be granted blessings from all the Elements of the weave. She told me that I had a deep bond with my sword and magic, she placed the ropes and I needed to tighten them. I took those words to heart.

        The void was replaced by a teleporter when we stepped on the platform we were teleported back to Leilong like it was all a dream, but I feel stronger and my path in life has been chosen for me. My Weapon and my Magic are my life and I will do everything in with in my power to keep the weave, and my loved ones safe from harm.



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          RE: Aurora Faythe and the Sword of Spells
          « Reply #3 on: November 07, 2004, 09:33:00 pm »
          Enty 9

          I set foot again on Dregar today.. It has been a while since I was last here. Alexander hailed me as I came out of Pranzis, he wanted to give me something.

          It was a small sliver ring, I felt overwelmed by the sudden gift. No one has ever given me anything like this before... how should I act? What does this mean? My cheeks were pink the entire time I was with him today, thoughs swam in my head.

          What is it that I am feeling? I wondered why my heart was pounding in my chest.. I have never felt like this before for a human... a human?

          E ils oilccelu el ceela ameanir ires iream laireyce E ilnyan? E amilla ane ceela illw laaa anirela, anireyuir amecc E aelam laaa eo iru ela oemsa?

          E amecc ceeiae ires illw E amecc silna anirela nyesa anmya, E laamailm ytyel sa irailman anirilam Eamecc oelw saillw amecc lean fa ilcela illaceluam.

          Iaamailm anirela ane aey E amecc le celvam failcela... E ceelaires. Amilean oem sa illwe acmecc oelw il amila ane anacc aey anirila E ilsel ceela ameanir aey...

          I wil follow what I feel is right and no one will stop me.

          Aurora Faythe


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            E ilsel ceela ameanir aey...
            « Reply #4 on: November 12, 2004, 12:13:00 pm »
            Entry 10:

            *Pages are stained with a madder flower that has been pressed into the book*

            E ilsel ceela ameanir aey...

            I spent more time with Alex today, it seems the more time I spend with him.. feels like forever. I wanted to tell him, but it seems everytime I try to say it... it comes out wrong. I do not have the confadance to tell him in common. I think after two hours of talking he might understand.

            I want to ask, I would like to know.. but it seems that he is very shy.. and I am only bold in my journal. I need to find my voice... I have to find away to say it.. why should I be afraid? After all I have not felt like this about anyone. I wonder.. what he would say.. I think my brain leads me more then my heart... I should stop thinking about it and follow my heart.

            *Ink spills onto the page* .. So if I am, I wonder if he can tell me? I want so much more, then the life I have...

            *Ink spills over some words*... There I have said it, I will tell him.. I will let him know.... E Ceela aey...

            I will tell him and no one will stop me.

            [violet]Auora Faythe[/violet]



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              The Ring of Gold
              « Reply #5 on: November 15, 2004, 03:49:00 pm »
              Enty 11:

              *A small sage leaf stains part of the page, it seems fresh and new*
              I was with Alex all day today, I tryed to tell him... but the words failed me. We arived at our home in the Rolling hills, Rurik moved in next door to us. Now our small family is in the same area, and it is a wonderful thing.

              Alex and Rurik spent time talking when I was in the house cleaning up, I don't know what they were talking about but they stopped talking after I came out to see what they were doing. Rurik left in a hurry, he did not say were but he said it was important that he could not delay. What was it?

              Elixir came out of his house, and said that there was a fallen that we needed to help. We went into the Anuroch Desert to save the fallen, it took sometime to get there. We met up with Peragrin and Rurik at North fort. Rurik gave something to Alex, they didn't say much... I was couriouse about what it was, it was shiny.. Alex put it away before I got a good look at it. Rurik stayed in the desert he said he had busness with the merchant.

              It seemed that Alex wanted to ask me something, but he said nothing. He smiled at me and said nothing, I wondered if I had done something wrong. We went into the caves of the desert to find the fallen it was a Dwarf by the name of Tragor Blackstone, Elixir cured him. He seemed alright, we talked alittle about the Great rift cave.

              We spent alittle time in the cave collecting gems, Alex seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me. I belive I had done something wrong. I have upset him some way...? I wanted him to know that even if we had gone into the rifts and died that I would love him still even after death... but again.. it came out only in Elvish... We fought some more Giants in the caves, I called a battle cry in Elvish.. I wanted it in common it seems to happen to me alot.

              We left the cave in the desert with our friends, and went back to Pranzis. Alex walked with me but it seemed that he was racking his brain about something, for he said nothing on the way back. My heart is heavy I want to tell him, but I can't get the words out from my lips. Peragrin, Tragor, Strykr left us in Pranzis. They said they needed sleep, and went off to the inn. Alex, Elixir and me went back to the rolling hills... home.

              Elixir went into his house to sleep, Alex and I sat on a hill near our home.. he wanted to say something. I could tell... so I asked what was wrong, he said it was nothing but he needed to ask me something. I sat and waited to hear what he had to say, we said nothing for a few moments in time. He spoke after this time, he tryed to make himself clear. But he seemed nervous and unsure of what to say. I waited... I thought I had done something wrong.. again.

              What came next was a surprise and a shock to my system... the words "Will you be my wife" came out of his mouth.. I felt faint.. and didnt know what to say. Words came from my mouth they were not common... he asked me to say it in common.. I thought about it for a moment and replyed "Yes, I love you and will spend forever with you" I did it I said what I wanted to say for a long time... after I said it it didn't seem to hard to tell him what I wanted to say.

              I told him, that we will be together forever and we will be remembered for all we have done. I do not want to be away from him any longer then I have too... It seems that there is so much for us to do in this world and I hope that we can fight this together... So I take your ring of gold and I will hold on to it forever and I will love for you until the end of time.

              E ceela aey... I love you..

              [violet]Aurora Faythe[/violet]


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                Memories of old
                « Reply #6 on: November 25, 2004, 12:34:00 pm »
                Entry 12:

                [violet]Follow the path down the road, twards the castle keep you go.
                The farm house is empty the corn is all gone, the cats gaurd what so many long.
                The Mushrooms gaurd nothing at all, if you stray you shall fall.
                To the way of no one looks you will find a tower that over looks,
                an endless sea and endless sky.. Take to it now you may fly.
                In the halls of the Tower watch, you may pray to lucinda that your spells to keep.
                Hollow halls or our mortal life, the ravens call forever looking for the love they once lost...[/violet]

                *A fresh madder flower is pressed into the pages of the journal*

                I wander this life.. I wonder if this might be right. So many follow my steps. So many find that they can not follow Lucindas path, that she has chosen for me...

                I will follow my heart down the path that I know is right, my heart longs for the one man that I love so dearly... He is by my side, always I am grateful. I am in love... what may come of me...?

                I thought back to the time that I spent with the elves of the woods... a young elven male.. by the name of Illisary, longed for my hand in marrage... I did not love him. I could not stay with them any longer. They did wish me the best in my life and if I should ever return, I would have to agree to what may come.. I never looked back.. Do I regret my actions? No, I do not. With every step after this one, my life has made a dramatic change for the better? I do not know.. I did find love.. and I do find hope in knowing someday... someday... I can return to Illisary, and show him.. I have found love.

                Thoughts bring me to a time when I was younger still. What brings me to this memory? A time of hurt... I recall being hit and badly beaten.. by humans that did not understand me. Why should I be treated any diffrent then them? That day, I lost part of my ear.. a scar that will remain until the day I die.. a constant reminder that.. not all are good, a constant reminder that I must not let my gaurd down.. I will be hurt again..

                I lay awake.. in Pranzis.. with my thoughts and my memories, somday I can prove my self to those.. who hurt me.. I wonder.. are they even alive? Time passes for me.. I do not recall when this was, when was it again? The ring of gold is around my neck on a chain.. a constant reminder that he loves me.. Someday.. I will wear this ring of gold... I pray that all is right and good... I question weather or not this is right... everyday of my life, I understand.. He is not like them.. He can help me understand. Even if it may cost me dearly I will understand human nature... and I will understand him.

                My memories pass to the days of old, were is this? Books and scrolls lay around the room of the past. An old man sits in a chair looking for something in a book that he is reading, what is he doing? He looks up.. and smiles.. for some reason I do not feel as if he would hurt me.. who.. who.. is he? My head turns to see a woman standing over a cooking pot her hair done up and her gown shines like a thousand stars... she smiles at me.. with love in her eyes.. who.. is she..?  

                This memory fades.. like so many others.. I want to see more of this but every time I try the memory escapes me... my mind drifts from this time.. and brings me back to were I am... no where.. darkness.. lonlyness... hate... fear... sadness... death. Fire burns, all that I can see.. I see nothing more.. what is this...?  This momory drifts to a time were I am loved.. and cared for. A woman stands before me young and beautiful.. I know her. The woman before me is my human mother.. Aralin. She fooled me like so many others.. but she did not try.. I let myself be fooled into thinking that she was my mother.. and that I was apart of this life this time this world. Until the day came.. when I was outcast by the humans of the village..

                I walked the lands.. meeting other races that took to me better then humans.. funny to think that something like this would change my look on life. For years I walked for years I looked.. for a place that I could call home.. for someone to love me.. During this time I learned... many languages.. about most of the surface races... what I didn't know, was there are other races that live under the surface.. the Underdark. From the Underdark there are races.. that live in the depts of the caverens Drow, Durger and Svirfneblin. To date I have met Drow.. and one Svirfneblin. Odd to think that the Drow have something against surface Elves.. I must reaserch that more. I have heard that here is a Durger roaming the lands of Mistone.. I should meet him.. and find out what Durger are like.. I should take up a trip to Mistone soon.

                Memorys fade a new life for me has come, I live on Dregar now with Alex. Someday I will understand him and myself better, until then...

                I swear to you I will follow you to hell and back to the nine layers of hell to find what I have lost. I will never let go of the love I found even if it should kill me. I will never let this ring of gold go... as long as we both live.

                E ceela aey...  

                [violet]Aurora Faythe[/violet]


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                  Aurora Faythe and the Sword of Spells
                  « Reply #7 on: July 25, 2005, 03:28:00 am »
                  Entry: 13  *This entry is unlike any of the other entries in this journal, its dark and it seems that the writer is holding out her heart for one person in particular. However the text is muddled and convoluted and makes little sense. From the person writing, it is normal.*  Chronologically the world that we know is comprised of several aspects,  [list=1]1.  The people of the world; in turn the people of the world solely express the feelings that they have for themselves and the manor in which they present themselves to each other.
                  [/list] [list=1]2.  The world itself; the world is composed of things like trees and grass, things and nature in the every whim of the timeline of creatures guarding the ever living soul.
                  [/list] [list=1]3.  Water; water is a big part of the world we live in. With out it we are nothing more then a empty shell.
                  [/list] [list=1]4.  Love: what more do we need the love and affection? Possible that this is the greatest thing that we need to date.
                  [/list] [list=1]5.  Life: Life itself is one of the greater things in this world with out it you and I could not and cannot be here.
                  [/list] [list=1]6.  Time; with time we have a span of things which we can do, in doing them we create more time or have time taken from us depending on how long we live or how we affect said world.
                  [/list] [list=1]7.  Death: death is all around us even if we can’t see it it’s there. The surpassing things that death entails creates things that are worth living for with out this it is nearly impossible to link the Love life water and people together in the world.
                  [/list]  What is this feeling that is our dream our hope our love our life? What is it that we do to we make of ourselves truly unique and individual?  It is possible that in the span of things we take into account the world and everything in it and it is possible that the people of this world hold the key and hold the aspect to change everything in the world. Will they?  Knowing more and having more to say that they have the same old thing in the mind set knowing that they can make a difference in the world weather it be magic or sword. Do they take up the sword and magic to defend what they know is right? Or do they let it go and despair in the ever reaching, ever growing vast depths of the soul?  It is the mind that keeps us here and it’s our mind that reaches into the magic weave and holds the key to what we know and how we know it… or is it?  My life is but things that we should never see and never know or am I in a dream holding on to the memories of the past in hopes that someone like him would come along again and show me what life or living is?   No, I don’t think that I will ever see what it is to live again...I am alone in my sword and magic delving in to the soul of the elements to watch the people of this land and idolize the idea of them.  I know now that I am to be alone for awhile, even if I wish to be in the holds of the people around me...even if I am next to them it is everything that I hold and everything that is away from me that is everything… you hold dear… Life.  *Her name is penned at the bottom not nearly as elegant as before, the pen marks seem tried and worn and the tip of the quill seems dull and needs replacing badly.*  Aurora Faythe

