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Author Topic: Sympathy for the Devil  (Read 146 times)


Sympathy for the Devil
« on: September 19, 2005, 05:54:00 pm »
Karthy. A place where everyone and everything eventually passes through. It's a pristine city, with clean streets and bright faces. The Temple of Toran and the Citadel of Rofirein loom over the city, protecting it from the evils within and outside of it's walls. Yet, below the set of ever-watchful eyes lies a dark creeping creature. No one knows it's true name, nor would they ask if confronted. It just exists, yet it is not spoken of. It may be seen, but ignored. And of all the beings to look this creature in the eyes, it was Aschenbach Snailpace, a young Halfling not quite of this world.

[big]Sympathy for the Devil[/big]

"Where's our money, peck!", a steel-toed boot feel upon his face, knocking out a tooth with a chilling crack. "What're you doing wit' it!", another kick. Another horrible crack. Blood was beginning to pour over his lips. Then all he saw was nothing. Certain he was to die soon, he fell limp, and his sight left him.

