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Author Topic: Unthuz and what he unleashed from the Cave of Minos  (Read 218 times)


Unthuz and what he unleashed from the Cave of Minos
« on: September 21, 2005, 08:11:00 pm »
~Unthuz'z Journal Entry #1

Whilst venturing on the Dragon Isles with Myalla the Monk, we at first were met by our deaths to a hungry pack of Owl bears. Someone had lured them from their lair and left them on the way to the path to the Cave of Minotaurs. It was there that I first met my death, and Myalla met hers as well trying to help me return my soul to peace. After helping her find peace as well with her soul, we decided to push on to our original destination....the cave of minotaurs.

Deeper in on the second floor the minotaurs started to say things in a rough manner to us, if I recall one said "You Strength has brought our death" and another said somethig along the lines of "Umgugh Ulgrah!"
I was not sure what this meant, but I asked Myalla if perhaps it might have been a sign of a greater evil dealing with their own insolent mines.Perhaps an evil wizard or something had taught them to speak in our toungue.

We pressed deeper into the second floor of the cavern...and that is when I found a lantern of a flaming skull on one of them. I decided to equip the skull along with my sheild to see if It would aid me in did allow me to see a bit better....Without my sheild I was having trouble fighting the Minotaurs so I demanded that the Monk take the lantern and use it to first it didn't want to leave my grip, but finally I managed to hand it over to her.

Thats when strange things began to happen...minotaurs were exploding into piles of flesh and bone...then a form of Dark magick seemed to sheild Myalla...I would describe it as a dark cloud that began to swirl over Myallas body...

I then decided to ask for the Lantern back seeing that it seemed to be helping us in some strange dark way....although I was enjoying the fact that I had managed to rid myself of the strange object for a short time. Once back in hand with my sword, the skull began to ignite the minotaurs and continued to cause them explode to guts on occasion. Then, It occured to me that the skull may be hungry. I started to dip it in the blood of our times I would pour handfuls of blood into the very eye sockets of the hungry thing. When i would look at it, it seemed to have spiteful grin..I began talking to it, and then at times would lose control running around like a madman, with its dark magicks coursing through my veins. Blood! Blood! Blood! I must get the skull more blood! I do recall attacking Myalla at one point or two, in some sort of rage or hysteria. When I would near death though, the skull would watch over me, it seemed to care for my well being. For why, I knew not...I just knew that I must give it more blood.

We hacked and we slashed our way through that cave of Minotaurs , eventually nearing the entrance of the cave once was there before we stopped that I asked Myalla and the Skull...."I am not sure if we should take this thing from this cave, but....if it gives me a sign, I will do as it has helped us on our ventures down here...perhaps it would like to go and see whats outside the cave"
It was then, that a trail of blood appeared right before our eyes leading out of the cave....that was the sign that I knew I must follow. Myalla, didn't have much to say about that other than, "There is your sign, I guess" On the way out, a bat exploded into a pile of bloody gooo.

Reaching the fresh air of the dragon isles....the skull magically dissaperead from my hands....and then, some form of magical seal seemed to if we just unleashed some great power. A puff of smoke and flame, and out of the cave came a Lich. I beckoned with it, not to take our lives , for we had helped it had helped us. It retorted "I mean YOU no harm, for you did help me escape that maze.." I then said "It was the least we could do , considering the powers you granted us in battle down there, what are your intentions now? " The Lich said "I will seek out who sealed me there, and pay them back for what they did...after that who knows." This is roughly what I recall the conversation as having had gone.

It said you fed me back to health Unthuz....with all that blood I have gained my strength once again. you have done well....I want you to have the skull as a token from the very silent lord himself. A wide grin was upon my face, I knew I was on the right path to the silent lord, it was just a matter of helping free a Lich upon the land that got him that much closer to my already blackened drow heart. I picked the skull lantern up and felt the very pressence of my God closer then for my goddess who I worhsipped, she was a mere cry in the faint wind. I was always meant to make the silent lord proud and to serve my duty as a drow on the surface.

The Lich Grinned , then wandered off to do god only knows what....Myalla seemed to think that what we just did was a terrible thing..I on the other hand thought we had just done a duty needing to be done. It was a joyous walk back in the dark to the dragon isle docks...Skull lantern gleaming, I watched Myalla sail off abd began to pet the Skull grinning.


