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Author Topic: Balthazar Woll  (Read 1771 times)


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #40 on: March 11, 2008, 09:34:40 pm »
Although the headcheese is worth it, I forget how gassy Troll makes me...I nearly suffocated myself durnig the night and I've had to keep upwind of myself for two days now... I'm finding that surprisingly difficult ...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2008, 08:49:07 pm »
Lately I realized I have been waging what seems to be a war with Giants, be they forest or desert it matters little. As I leave these great mounds of meat to rot in the woods or cook in the brutal sun of the desert It came to me...I should find something useful to do with the remains. Maybe I could make a Giant skin rug, possibly a tent for six, even overcoats that repel water or oversized bags that one could wear on their back?
 ....the rug would look nice in front of my fire place...
 Up to now all my efforts to successfully skin one have met with complete failure, I do not know if the flaw lay in my skinning method or possibly the tools I have been trying to use? I have been able to partially remove the hide but find the added difficulty of peeling it from the immense amount meat beneath to really be a two person job. Unlike animal hides the sheer bulk of the carcass creates the problem of fully de-gloving it. (Ever tried to roll a dead Giant over?)
 If I find a market for Giant 'products' I may revisit my earlier ideas...until then I will cease any attempts of possible recovery...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #42 on: March 12, 2008, 09:41:01 pm »
I swear if Sein lights me up just one more time with that lightning spell, I will strip naked, run through that cavern yelling like a madman and bring every Giant in the place right back round to him...(no maybe not, but it is getting very old very quickly)
 His spells are remarkably effective in allowing me to not only survive the vicious blows dispensed by them beasties but to retaliate in kind. Things will go well for a while and perhaps he gets bored back there (I wish he would get a hobby) but inevitably he will let fly with that 'Zapbang'...
 My hair stands up, my eye feels like its going to pop out, my jaw clamps shut with such force I think my teeth will shatter, my armor heats up painfully and every muscle in my body goes ridged (Very unfortunate while one is surrounded by Giants) and then only to find I have come out worse then they have...very distressing...a bit disconcerting...and... so NOT HELPFUL.
 Thankfully the electrical resistance carried on my gloves does help; I would hate to feel the effects un-dissipated. Still not a great experience...Perhaps I can fabricate some way to dissipate the charge? Maybe some platinum wire strung off the back to trail along the ground would work...(might get tangled or trip on it, not much good all sprawled out looking like some junk dealers wares). Maybe bounce this idea off a Gnome or two they are pretty inventive...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #43 on: March 13, 2008, 06:19:43 pm »
I believe in the powers of the gods; as I have seen the 'gifts' granted to devout followers.
 I follow parts of the teachings from many; in one form or another.
 I claim none as my own, nor do I have any wish to do so.
 So which one had a moment to spare and decided to align the stars against me?
 What a day...
 It started out as any day would...lately....the sun came up. I had been moving chests around in the house and needed to get rid of some junk so off I went to the 'junk dealer'. Paying robbery prices for everything I carried... (I'm sure he closed up shop for the day after I left)... With a little coin and much more room I headed home again. With the work done at the house I figured a little 'zap-poof' to Wayfair was in order, so I locked up and used the house portal.
 So up to this point everything is going just fine... (If you consider legal robbery fine) ...
 My arrival in Wayfair; normal.
 Hemp. Fields; just fine and dandy.
 Pond and gate; still right where I left em both.
 So I stride in to Hemp happy go lucky and feeling swell. I throw a hand and a greeting to Lati...(think she is starting to come around...maybe I can get dinner arranged soon.)...Things going real fine still, no worries. I see a group by the fountain, not unusual. As I get closer I see it is Sall, Tegan, a Dwarf I don't recognize and one more, but for the life of me I cannot remember who... I see they are having a discussion so I wave and sit a ways away not to interrupt or eavesdrop. I no sooner apply pressure to my behind then Tegan asks if I'm being, not really just polite. So I get up and move towards em all and that's when things got weird...
 Now Tegan and I go waaay back, I figure close to twenty years now... (If not more)...
 We been friends for so long that I remember when she would use me as cover; standing behind me spitting out spells, just given em hell. She had power in those days but NOTHING like what she wields these days, now I use HER as cover! ... (When I get the chance)...
 So, back to the weird part...
 I stroll up just as pretty as you please and Sall starts throwing funny stares at me, Hells he staring DAGGERS at me. Which is kind of odd as I never had no problems with him, ever...
 So he's given me them funny looks and turns to head off. Tegan calls him a chicken, which I think is kinda funny as Sall and chicken is two words I would not put together in the same sentence. But it REALLY irritated Sall and he come back and starts talking about "keep your hands outta my flower patch" and so I'm thinking 'when the hell did Sall take up gardening'...and from there it got really, really weird...
 It seems a friend of Sall's named (Ark... something) gave Tegan a flower and said it was from me... After Teagn had said I was cute or something to that effect, how I even came up is still a bit hazy to me...and well you can guess how that went over with Sall... So I have blindly walked into a situation where one man... (Sall aint no midget neither)...thinks I gave his WIFE a flower... (Now the flower patch bit makes sense)
 ....WHY ME....
 So here is Sall thinking I gave Tegan a flower, Tegan thinks it came from me as well, seeing how this Ark fella said so... (I can see her believing it...we been friends a long time)... Not only do these two think I've done this but the surly little dwarf is getting all hot and bothered, yelling at me...poking me with her axe...calling me Cyclops...and threaten me with bodily harm... (Sall is looking pretty happy about it too)...The whole time I'm trying to figure out just what planet I've arrived on and can I still get pies here? Trying to explain I have nothing to do with it AND fend off this damned Dwarf broad, who looks like she wants to pull off my head and pack the hole with dung. This whole time I don't think anybody but Tegan has even noticed I'm a bit lost and woefully unprepared...She says she believes me as I have NEVER lied to her in the past. Sall on the other hand takes this to mean I'm calling his friend is a liar and I'm just trying to deflect the blame to someone else...and back in comes Doorstop the Dwarf, saying I'm working for this Ark fella and he's a disgrace... and she otta this... and thinking she'll do that...and it goes on and, and on, and on... About this time I'm thinking of stuffing her under a bench and putting that axe she's again poking me with someplace dark and dank! Doorstop is still going on about leaving Tegan alone and I'm some sort of trouble maker...Sall's still looking at me real unfriendly like...Tegan I think does believe me but I feel like maybe something has changed or been damaged by this meat pie Ark's joke or what ever it was MEANT to be...
 So to Tegan the flower is no big deal...well to a WOMAN the flower aint! As men we know different, we know EXACTLY what it means...Tegan's thinking friendly gesture...Sall on the other hand thinking...INVASION...STAND BY TO REPEL BOARDERS!!... And all I can come up with is HUH?
 I'm thinking Sall you dolt, how could I steal her by giving her a flower? YOU gave her a CHILD...child trumps flower in my book. I've never even looked at Tegan cross-eyed, where does this all come from...hell twenty years ago I might have (probably should have) given her a flower but them days is long gone... (Sall is a lucky guy without a doubt)...Sure... I have feelings for Tegan but only as my oldest and most trusted friend... I would NEVER try anything...the thought has never even crossed my mind.
 So with Tegan backing me up Sall's getting a bit calmer but he's still not sure he believes what I'm saying, and eventually wanders off...followed shortly by the rest. Leaving me not sure whether I been, clubbed, stabbed snake-bit or I just sat down on the bench....for a few hours.
 Tegan eventually wandered by again and tried to fill in the blanks a bit...It helped but I still wonder if I need to keep an eye out for Sall...I think he still wants to tear off a few pieces...
 What repercussions this incident will have I can only guess.....
 So I left for the Crafting Hall to take in my pants a bit...getting skinny now days! While I was there I bumped into Lance and Ell...and Dragon Isles came up so we eventually left for them....
 Well after earlier, things have to get, not really.
 We head to the pier to catch a ship to Vehl. With all these things going around in my head I got a little snippy with the Captain...words were exchanged, his crew appeared topside and I was escorted off the ship...Lance tried to smooth things over but failed...I will admit I was a bit terse with the skipper calling his ship a 'rat barge' and maligning his crew as unable "to find the end of the world if they sailed off it." I can see where he would be a bit reluctant to grant me passage and I'm damned lucky not to have ended up in the harbor...Usually I would not have acted this way but I was still a bit...what...preoccupied....hell I don't know. But my mouth ran without the brain and I was off the ship and headed for the bank to get some True's to sweeten my 'apology'...
 I returned and asked to see the Cap'n, who I apologized to for my words and made the offer of some gold to supplement the crews Grog ration at the Scamps Mug. He accepted both the coin and the words and I was allowed aboard... the trip was very short and we returned to Vehl within hours.
 Lance is deeply troubled by his 'relationship', lack there of or his feelings for Ell... I'm still a bit confused on exactly what the issue is but we talk about it for hours and I am getting closer to the root of the problem, I hope to soon be able to help him remove that weed from his garden... (Sorry Sall for the garden reference)...
 As I laid down to rest I wondered about tomorrow....and just how them stars are gonna be lined up...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #44 on: March 14, 2008, 06:22:05 pm »
Twenty god.
 I can hardly believe I have been so long from the life I once lived; I scarcely remember who I was then. A broken boy at the edge of manhood who stepped from one another. Running away from demons he would never escape, that damaged boy with the dead eye and a scared soul...
 How can you banish demons that make you what you are... who you are? You cannot run from yourself no matter how far you go...wherever you go, there you are.
 Perhaps there is no solution and you just settle in to an uneasy truce...a mutually beneficial 'cease fire' no ground gained nor any lost.
 In twenty years I would have thought I would find answers...perhaps there are none and in time we find only something that works for each of us......
 Recently I find myself to be a much more social creature and I have begun to ask myself one thing...have I squandered my time...
 For nearly twenty years I held myself from others, led a solitary life of roaming and gathering and spent little time making friends. Have these decisions been a mistake made over and over again...we all have that one thing we do wrong consistently, is this mine?
 I have seen and done much, some of it more than most would call rational, just what consequences do my actions have... I have collected so much, yet I have collected so little as well...what would 200 boxes of corn fetch if I traded it in for time? Perhaps had I been...say... in Hemp... I might have met that nice girl and had a conversation with her, traveled with her and possibly grown to lover her. Have I traded a family for commodities and just how much would a family be worth at the Market? That one moment in time I missed and lost forever...What would that moment be worth, twenty, one hundred or perhaps ten-thousand boxes....I might have traveled with a surly Dwarf to places unknown and seen the greatest sight in my many boxes of aloe did that cost?
 My customers paid in coin, what have I paid in...
 What is the measure of a man; do you weight him against how much gold he possesses, how many call him a friend, by his deeds and actions, how many mourn his death or that one person who loved him a lifetime? When it is all said and done what gets put on the other side?
 What counter weight will be placed on the scales for me...I have but a handful I can call friends and less to call anymore than that. Is the measure of my life the combined weight of my collections or the events that passed while I wandered alone...?
 Twenty years since I walked out that gate, a boy with a dead eye and a broken soul...have I changed so much since then, have I changed any? Or am I merely now a man with a dead eye and broken soul...
 They say "home is where the heart is" but they also say "You can never go home again"
 How true...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #45 on: March 14, 2008, 09:51:13 pm »
I was up by Leringard and decided to have a wash up as it was getting close enough to the 14 day mark. I know this little spring-fed pool. Cool, clear and just outta the way enough not to be used too often... So I take a look around just to make sure it's clear and I'm not gonna get bushwhacked by nobody while I'm getting cleaned up. So I take off my pack and set it down, take out my Half-plate as it could use a bit of a cleaning as well. I get outta my clothes and lay em out nearby so I can give em a bit of the ol' scrub-a-dub as well. So I stick my toe in and it's quite a bit cooler than I recall it being and it takes a while to ease in...
 Well after a while it gets pretty comfortable and I get on with washing up...things is going just dandy... (I should 'a know at that point)
 I start to hear this sort 'a huffing noise...I look around...don't see nothing...but I can hear this noise...Huff....Huff...KERsnort...still I don't see anything.
 So I lean back against the edge of the pool and I just happen to look up....
 Not twenty feet above me in a crotch of two branches is the biggest black bear I ever did see...and he's looking right back at me like I'm the only neked person HE's ever seen...
 So here we are just looking at each other...but each one of us is working this problem in his I just know if I make a move to get outta that pool he's commin' outta that tree like a lightning struck Ogre. And he's prolly thinking the same thing 'If I start down there he's gonna get that pack and I'm in trouble...'
 We continued to sit there just looking at the other, each afraid to move and stir the other in to action. Now at this point I have been in that water for quite sometime and I'm starting to get kind of cold and mighty wrinkly...
 About then he decides he's done waiting around and he starts coming down that tree...well he didn't more that a few feet when that branch gave way...that bear dropped into that pool so hard he about slopped all the water outta it!
 I was up and outta the pool sooo fast I dunno if the water from his plash had even landed... (I sure as hell was not gonna look back to find out)...I grabbed my things on the run and kept going till I hit the gates...and that's when I realized I was still naked standing at the gates to Leringard, huffing and puffing wearing nothing more than a smile...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #46 on: March 28, 2008, 03:30:20 pm »
Interesting things continue to happen...
 I have lately taken up gem mining just to pass the time, I have so much now that I have ceased to gathering for profit. Fire Agates and greenstone have been my primary effort, as the more precious stones I can not mine on my own nor have much success at working them. Hopefully in time I will get better and stop succeeding so magnificently in my failures, If only I was so successful in everything else!
 So my newest endeavor has led me to the deserts of Mistone and I have been exploring this area that I have as of yet to wander with any truly critical eye. It truly is a place of great beauty, the sheer magnitude of is emptiness and the starkness of the landscape makes me feel so small...
 There is distinct lack of civilization; with the exception of some ruins of what I can only guess was some sort of settlement but how long ago I can only surmise. In such an 'empty' place I was surprised to come across a fellow whom seemed to know me but offered no name in return... (I was a bit cautious about this fact)... as we talked he kept calling me 'Traveler', not so mush in the way you might greet a person on the road but what seemed more like a title. I was very confused by the interaction but he really seemed to know me, he talked of my nomadic lifestyle, the miles I have put behind me and even made references to the ' migration of animals to the best foraging grounds' which I believe was about my collecting patterns, or habits perhaps. We talked for a very long time but I was unable to get much out of him...he just kept talking about me...and calling me Traveler. After much one-sided conversation he made to depart and gave me some parting words..." May the road fly beneath your feet, may the wind always be at your back and may you find what you have lost Traveler...but do not seek" and he was off into the night. I slept well but a bit troubled by his words....lost but do not seek? How did he know so much about me...and why Traveler?


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2008, 04:40:29 pm »
I was contacted by bird about an expedition to mine some Fire Opals and figured 'hey why not' so I replied that I would meet them at Corax lake. I've continued to wage the war on the Giants as I feel I "owe" them for stepping on my face so many times...
 This particular individual I have had the pleasure of working with but a few times and they have been great fun each time so I was not hesitant to accept the offer and saw little danger in the plan. He is rather good at spell slinging and I receive much help from his abilities as well. The Forest Giants are not usually too hard to dispatch or frighten off leaving the path to the opals open for our little jaunt...
 I should have known the way things have gone lately that it was not such a good idea.
 Everything was fine until we assaulted the second camp of Giants and things went from bad to worse very quickly. First off many of the Giants resisted the magic thrown at them, not a problem as I was backing up the caster and any that resisted or came at him I would take care of; Simple, easy... not quite.
 One Giant was completely unfazed by anything sent his way and closed on us rapidly. I stepped up to knock him on his arse and finish him off, that was the plan anyhow. I was able to knock him down...once....while he was down he was set ablaze by some magic and burned quite nicely...until he stood back up. All my subsequent attempts to knock him back down failed and I was only effective in making him angrier. Still burning like a torch he continued his assault on me with vicious blows, the likes of which I have never felt before. More magic was hurled at him but he seemed to shrug off all attempts and continued with much vigor the pursuit of his goal to make me a small wet patch on the forest floor...
 Any 'normal' Giant would have fallen long before now and I was starting to have SERIOUS doubts as to the successful outcome of our original plan. Between the hammering blows to my shield, the heat from flames that raged along its body and trying to get a few blows in myself, I was fading fast...very fast, and I knew I was looking at my death. How could I miss was the size of an Inn, blazing brightly and beating the snot out of me...quite literally.
 When the killing blow came I am not sure...may have been two of three for all I know. I do recall the axe coming down and I thought I had gotten my shield up in time but I must be wrong about that... (I'll add it to the list)...because the next thing I was aware of was standing in Hemp, not looking forward to the long slow trudge back to my grave...where that Giant was still standing around, probably still ablaze and looking for more.
 (I bet he even urinated on my grave...)
 No more travels with HIM...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2008, 05:11:46 pm »
An outing to the Misted Village can be quite the experience...
 Not so much the village it's self but the folks you meet along the way. Many years ago I was contacted by a one Mr. Bumblebee for an article in the 'Whisper', this was the first and last time I set my eye on him...until a few days past.
 Sil had gathered a group to make a foray into the village and Bumblebee arrived as well. I had forgotten we had met until he brought up the story...getting old it seems.
 Our 'mission' what ever it was successful and everyone survived the outing to return to the crossroads and get some rest and refit.
 After the spoils were divided many set off on their own and I remained to rest for a bit more beside the fire. As I dozed Sil and Abi had struck up a conversation with a lass named Emie... (Spelling?)... The conversation got quite heated as Emie seemed a bit insulting to Sil's father with her man hating rhetoric and Sil took enough offence to strike her. I was a bit surprised that it went no further and just settled in to Emie hating men and Sil saying they are not all the same...I dozed along happily, catching only snippets form there on out. I did have odd dreams about a confusing series of events... animals...pies...empty forests; all manner of strange things invaded my sleep.
 I have no idea how long I slept but I was awakened by a burning sensation...not to mention the smoke. They had set my clothes on fire as I slept! I stepped right in to a blueberry pie Emie had set there for me as I jumped up, confused and ON FIRE! The flames were extinguished quickly...the poor pie was not so lucky...such a tragic end to such a young pie, breaks my heart to see it go in such a way...I tried to salvage as much of it as I could but it was nearly a total loss...and I went into mourning its demise as everyone left.
 I buried the remains in a quiet section of the wood and left a small marker to honor the valiant pastry I had so sadly dispatched in my confusion...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2008, 07:28:23 pm »
Since my episode with the bear I have been very mindful of my surroundings but it seems to help little...
 I was hunting a few deer to restock my food supply, I snuck up as best I could and was well within bow range. To increase the chance of closing on the skittish creatures I removed my armor and helmet. Clothed only in my cloak and skivvies I made a surprisingly stealthy approach. I used a large thicket to shield me from view as I approached; having quietly made my way in the shrubs I was ready to take my shot. With arrow notched I drew and aimed. Everything was looking good and that should have been warning enough....
 Before I could let fly the arrow I was staggered by an excruciating impact to my left buttock. The shock and pain were so great I let out a blood curdling yell and wildly let fly with the arrow, which soared off to Gods know where.
 As I wrenched my head around to see what I was struck by, I could see the very end and the fletching of an arrow...The pain was unbelievable and every time I moved I would bump or brush the arrow against something sending white hot pain through my bottom.
 Unable to turn around without causing my self blinding pain I made my way gingerly out of the thicket. It took a long time to extricate myself from the thicket backwards while minding not to jostle the projectile protruding from my rear. Once clear of the brush I was faced with another problem, just how was I going to remove the offending, not to mention insanely painful addition to my posterior? No matter how I tried I could not reach it to pull it straight-out, it was always being pulled to one side or the other depending on what hand I was gripping it with... (once again I find my lack of companions has bitten me in the arse)... with no hope of removing it myself and unable to see another way to rid myself of the arrow I was resigned to make for town. Here again I was presented with a problem, how to put on some pants...? At the time of impact I was wearing only my cloak and skivvies, the former now stapled to me and the later soaking up blood at an impressive rate. I know it sounds like a simple action but at the time trying to get my pants back on was anything but... (no pun intended)... I might as well have been trying to kill a Giant with a dead salmon...
 Even the little motion created by simply walking was nearly unbearable, with every step the cloak moved just enough to send pain shooting through me and I was forced to simply drag my leg behind me to limit the motion and subsequent pain.
 Eventually I found myself at the gates of Hlint, another town I have arrived at without any pants...must be some kind of record... I drew quite a few looks from those on the street, luckily it was late and there were thankfully few to see my entrance and embarrassingly slow progress towards the healers for any help they could give me. Arriving at the ladies was a bit uncomfortable...for them, I am getting used to this sort of thing.
 It was not long or hard to remove my antagonist with help...all I had to do was grit my teeth for a bit as they carefully worked it out of my favorite seat. A few words, a quick casting and boom my bottom was projectile free!
 I am holding on to this arrow...
 I WILL find the archer and when I do, they will have to look DEEP to get it back......


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2008, 08:13:06 pm »
The stars must have returned to their normal alignment, as things seem to be going better. The randomly odd occurrences and minor disasters that seem to have befallen me of late appear to have moved on to someone else... (Thank the Gods). I do feel pity for that poor sole whoever it may be as I know well what lays in store for them as they become the plaything of some restless and bored God.
 My backside has healed nicely but I do have a scar to add to my collection...
 I continue to work with semi-precious stones, mostly Green Stones and Fire Agate which I then grind into powder. More practice and to relieve boredom than any higher aspirations of becoming a true gem-smith. I have little desire to become one of the many (too many?) craftsmen who post notices of work and get few responses or customers. I spent twenty years having customers and but for the dusts I currently carry I have little want of any.
 Scarce have become my companions of earlier adventures; Muhk, Rerok and Grim have been who knows where for the last few months. I have not seen or heard from any of them, while I do not fear for their safety I do miss their company while adventuring...
 Made a foray into the Giant caves for some Fire Opals not too long ago, things went well for a while but eventually feathers got ruffled and the party dissolved. I did manage to get a few stones from the trip...always looking on the Brightside!
 Speaking of the Brightside, my bank vault no longer echo's so badly. I have begun to refill my depleted funds at a fairly rapid pace despite having sold none of the things I seek to unload...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2008, 08:39:36 pm » bored. Since retiring from gathering I have had trouble filling the hours. Boredom it would seem is a rather dangerous thing; it leads to stupid ideas and poor execution of said stupid ideas.
 I must find something useful to do...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #52 on: April 15, 2008, 07:18:12 pm »
Again I find myself stepping off a ship in the wrong place; I really need to pay closer attention to the destinations...
 This time I found myself in a depressing little burg called North Point, the weather was atrocious, the locals not so helpful and the town its self little more that a collection of buildings. As usual there was no way to travel back to my original destination by boat so I was going to have to hoof it overland, again as usual. Having never been this far North I tried to inquire about flora and fauna of the area from some of the locals but I received little helpful information. I did however receive a request for help to dispatch a troublesome group of Minotaur's form their current location. Having faced Minotaur's before on the Dragon Isles I was confident in my abilities to handle this task with minimum risk to myself.
 I'm not saying that I was over confident, or that I even underestimated my adversary only that I was denied crucial mission information as to the power of my intended targets.
 Once I found their lair I cautiously made my way down just to do a bit of pre-assault snooping to get the layout and possible choke points I could us to my advantage. Things unraveled fairly quickly at that point. Instead of just snooping around I was immediately engaged by two very aggressive (not to mention considerably more powerful than I had been expecting) individuals. I was able with great difficulty, more than a few potions and countless knockdown attempts to defeat both of them but I was now rethinking my decision to make a run at this.
 My chances of success let alone survival were dwindling by the step and I had not even turned the first corner nor seen the first room. If the two I had been fighting were underlings I shuddered to think what I might find in charge down here.
 I progressed slowly...very slowly, trying to listen to what might be ahead or pick up any warnings of ambush. I have been in tough situations before; more times than I care to count but this time I can say I was very uncomfortable with my current predicament. I could have simply just walked back out as the way was still clear and I could see the entrance I had entered through but I was here, curiosity was getting the better of me and I like to explore new places so I pushed on ...for a bit...
 My concern for what I might find lurking further along was in hindsight well justified. As I crept along I came to a bend in the passage from which I could hear quite a bit of commotion going further along or in a room I could not yet see. From the sounds alone I would have guessed at perhaps half a dozen or so Minotaur's were not far ahead. I slunk up to that corner sweating and moving like I had a bag full of leaky firebombs around my neck. I ate a fist sized lump of rancid Troll fat on a bet once but that had nothing on how my stomach felt when I peeked around that corner. I was close with my initial estimate of 'half a dozen'...fairly close... I stopped counting at nine; it was not helping me feel any better...
 Well here was a real dilemma, this was one of those times my father would have said " Pee or get off the pot." go or no go, that was the question. The earlier two had really taxed my abilities and if I got more than two on me at once I would be in dire trouble, one possibly two I could take but more than that and I was done for. Until now I had not even thought of Mages or Shamans, I had encountered the brawn of this group not the brains but now as I was looking around this corner I could see that I had been lacking in my thought process...severely lacking... I could make out at least two who seemed to be 'the magical sort' and as with any other fight you always hit the mage first so how was I going to split this group up and not draw all of them at once?
 Some questions have no easy answers and this sure as hell was on of them questions. While I pondered my next move I was sure to keep checking my back as I needed to keep my escape route clear..."Always be able to get outta trouble, faster than you got into it" words to live by...
 So I had some choices; I could try to lure one at a time and whittle down the numbers of fighters first, I could just take what ever comes around the corner first be it Fighter or Mage, I could try to single out the Mages from the herd or I could just buff as best I could, give 'em hell and hope for the best albeit not too likely to end well on my part. Just what was the best way to split this herd was really troubling me; let one of them spot me and then dispatch them as quickly possible works well normally but this was anything but normal and what kind of onslaught was I going to take from the Mages? Cold, fire, Death Magic like those damned Bodaks or something I've not yet encountered and that was what had me more than a bit concerned. Fear of the unknown is not fear of the unknown; it is the fear of finding out. Deciding this was NOT the place to try new tactics I went with the combat tested and veteran approved, single lead and dispatch. Granted this simple tactic has worked for me hundreds if not thousands of times in the past and is the first in anyone's book of tricks I had serious doubts about the outcome. The corner did provide a bit of cover and created somewhat of a choke point so I thought it might be a defendable enough position. The plan was laid, the tactics sound, time had come to throw the dice and see what came up. I inched around the corner quiet as a fart in a hurricane until I could see the room fully, buffed up with my meager options and proceeded to get the attention of the closest available target. After making a few choice gestures in its direction I was able to anger it into action and it lumbered towards me. While watching the half ton of ax wielding meat head my way I began to rethink my position on things a bit and as it closed the distance much faster than I had expected I was again plagued by the nagging doubts of a pleasant ending. I spread my feet a bit, set my shield bottom on the stone floor and braced for impact...
 The impact was tremendous and I nearly staggered as it hit my shield at a full run. I was being pushed backwards, my feet sliding along the stones even as I threw my full weight back against the shield. I was unable to even attempt a sword strike form this position and staying on my feet was the only way I was going to make it. Luckily the Minotaur was in no position to strike at me as well and thankfully his ax was not employed to remove my head at this time. I was running out of options not to mention room, if it pinned me to the wall I was finished. Pinned to the wall it could simply crush me to death or bring the ax in to play and I would not be able to counter the blow. To die at the hands of this beast without even a single sword strike on my part was not only looking possible but probable, I had to come up with something and fast too.
 Then it hit me! I was being pushed backwards and my sword was useless for any strikes, but it could be used as a fulcrum to spin my shield to the side and dislodge the offending beast long enough for me to get my footing and be in position to strike a few blows as it passes. I jammed my blade into the crease of one of the floor stones, braced the pommel against the inside of my shield just outside of the arm hold to spin the shield to my right and force the Minotaur to slide past with it momentum, freeing me from the threat of being crushed to death between the wall and my shield. Once the pommel and blade caught fast the forcing the shield to swivel and the Minotaur to slide past and into the wall. In the time it took for it to pass me I was firm-footed and ready to land a few blows of my own as it crashed head first into the wall. Now that I was able to respond and not just along for the ride I was feeling a bit better, funny how taking the offensive can do that. I was able to land three quick blows before it regained it footing and towered over me grinning savagely as it brought the ax around to strike back. I was able to deflect most of his attacks but I was tiring rapidly under its blows and that shield was getting heavier and heavier by the minute. The two from earlier had nothing on this one and I was thanking any Gods that might be listening that I had only one to contend with and not two. Exhausted and bloody the two of us continued to rage at each other with, blows, blocks, knock down attempts and counterblows for what seemed like hours. Beyond exhausted I was giving a lucky break, as it took a huge overhead swing I was able to lunge in with the strength I had left and drive my blade deep into its exposed neck, finally felling the thing...
 I checked the corpse for any valuables, tended my wounds and moved to the entrance to rest up. When out of nowhere I was hit by some sort of spell I have not been the recipient of before. All at once I felt like I was being compressed into my stomach, crumpled up on myself like you would crumple a piece of parchment. The pain was fantastic and in the terrible state I was already I just wanted to die and be done with it. Just as fast it was gone...and so was I... I'm not going back in there without a lot of help!
 I rested for a while outside in the woods and when I felt well enough to travel I headed south to make for Hurm as it was I thought the closest port I could catch a ship back to Hemp. It took a while to get to Hurm but I did make it without any further difficulty and I was soon on my way back to Hemp by ship...I do hate sea travel. Up and down, up and down, up and down and sometimes side to side...
 I did make a few inquires as to the nature of the spell I was exposed to and after several different attempts I did discover what it was, Implosion...How I survived that attack I have no idea, Implosion it seems is particularly nasty and there is little to counter it.
 Just lucky I guess?


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2008, 04:51:45 pm »
Again I find myself woefully behind in keeping this book up to date....
 Giants, Giants and more Giants; It would seem from my calculations (limited as they are) that the Giants seem to be reproducing at a startling, if not alarming rate. How they manage to do this in the face of the massive and constant predation by adventurers whether solo or in groups is simply amazing. I'm no expert (And have NO desire to become one!) in the mating rituals (if any) of the Giant or in the actual act...Gods could you imagine stumbling across THAT on a dark night, I think I'd put out my other eye! There are just some things you can't un-see...
 I know I cannot be the only one to notice that it seems there are Giants in fairly large numbers almost everywhere you turn. Forests, deserts, mountains and caves all seem to be over run with the hulking brutes just waiting to flatten any who wander within reach. Perhaps I have just been visiting these sites more than usual to obtain the raw stones I require in ever-increasing quantities. As I try and I stress TRY to work raw minerals into quality stones while keeping my thumbs attached and the swelling to a minimum. (Ever tried to do delicate work with fingers the size of sausages...don't bother.) I'm not looking to become a world class Gem-smith or any lofty ambitions like that; I just want to be able cut the stones I find myself. There are plenty of quality smiths of all kinds already and why one would want to enter an already saturated market is beyond me. Getting anything sold is considerably harder than it was, the Trade Hall is full of notices and few seem to move much merchandise regularly. There is a flourishing underground market however...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #54 on: April 28, 2008, 05:24:56 pm »
I have been thinking lately (I know it's a bad idea already) about taking up baking....
 * In a slightly different handwriting*
 I could make PIES glorious pies! All the flavors you could imagine and some you can't, sweet pies, savory pies, fruit pies... Covered in flour all outta breath and trembling with anticipation for the curst to brown then the long agonizing wait for it to cool...the blinding pain of molten filling when you can't hold on any longer. Oh the horror! They call to me in my sleep, invade my dreams and poison my thoughts with their fruity goodness. I can hear them moving about at night and smell them on my clothing in the light, I know they plot...what they plot remains a mystery. If I could bake them myself I could make my favorite...would rhubarb smell raspberry on my breath, or apple accuse me of cheating with blueberry...Gods forbid Troll get upset with fish and set about wrecking the kitchen in retaliation. I could become a master baker and bake one pie to rule them all!
 * The writing returns to the original line*
 Oh Gods not AGAIN.....


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #55 on: April 28, 2008, 07:45:32 pm »
I was just minding my own business...honest I was!
 Why is it the mundane things that get me into trouble? When I go rushing in to a fight and expect to end up dead, which is the time for the obvious to happen. Why do the simplest things go so horribly wrong and produce the oddest outcomes that leave me wondering 'What the Hells?'
 I was fishing in the lake of Glass (nothing odd there done it a thousand times) on a particularly nice afternoon. Nice wind, good sunshine and the fishing was amazing I had quite a haul when things got funny... (Not so much funny... Ha, ha...but funny weird) First the white stag that frequents that area (and which I could clearly see across the lake) Got all crazy and ran ALL the way around the lake to charge at me! Not looking to fight I jumped in the water and waded a ways out to get clear and give it time to cool off, thinking it would just wander Instead it viciously assaulted my poor helpless pack, spreading all my stuff in a large area and then to add insult to injury it peed on my stuff! Apparently satisfied with itself and my humiliation it wandered back to the other side leaving me a bit befuddled and more than a bit angry...I don't think it was mating season...but I'm no Druid or Ranger. I waded back to shore and gathered up all my stuff, soaking in the lake what HE soaked first...
 I went back to fishing, oh well no harm on foul. I'd plugged two, maybe three good size fish already. Lining up for the next shot I let fly and I'll be damned if that arrow didn't skip off the water and plug that stag...clean across the lake. That sucker keeled over deader than dead right on the spot, not as much as a peep. So I had venison for lunch...odd but not world altering.
 After lunch I went back to fishing, I needed to smoke a lot of fish to replenish my traveling provisions and the venison just does not smoke as well, at least I think so. Like I said the fishing was amazing, just hauling in monster Gar and Catfish. I was smoking fish by the ton, when I heard the ruckus...
 Coming out of the trees was a small band; an Elf, two Dwarves and what I can only guess to be a Half Giant judging by its size, too big for a Half Orc. They were really moving and making a ton of noise as they passed me in the shallows to my knees. Not so much as a word of warning...Because the next thing that blundered out of the trees was no less than four FULL SIZED GIANTS. Ya ever have that sinking feeling? Kind like you say to yourself..."Well this is it, been swell knowing you...see you on the other side" Yup this was one of them times, if not THE time. I thought I was in trouble with the Bear, or having problems with that arrow in my butt. Ahhh nope... The Minotaur's were a pretty hairy deal. Yeah? This was indeed going to end badly on my part.
 I was totally screwed, no...make that royally screwed. Standing knee deep in the lake with my pants rolled up and barely a shirt on, the only weapon handy is my bow (which I'm not the best with anyhow) and only three dozen fishing arrows in the quiver...what to do?
 'Run you idiot' was my first thought...I might even have said it out loud, Hell I don't know. I was not that far from shore but them Giants was really irritated and covering a lot of ground and I was pretty sure we would all meet at my gear about the same time. Not such a good plan...I could swim further out but I'm not much of a swimmer and I figured my flailing and splashing would not only attract the attentions of the Giants, but with my luck awaken some long sleeping and terribly horrible monster from the depths of the lake. Four enraged Giants might not be enough...lets throw in a lake monster, just for laughs...
 Ideas come at the strangest times...Time itself is kind of odd, put your hand on a hot stove for a second and it feels like its there for hours. Talk with a pretty girl for hours and it fells like a second...I had this flash of being on the Dragon Isles....Gorgons...
 While fighting Gorgons Muhk was petrified and I ran right past him thinking he was a rock. If it fooled me it might work here too. Seeing as I had no way to petrify myself I had to think quickly. I dropped my bow and grabbed handfuls of mud from the lake bottom and began to smear it on my face and upper body. Anything that would stick above the surface when I sat down I covered in mud and some water plants I pulled up with it. Praying to any Gods who would listen and were NOT involved with my current predicament that I was well enough concealed, I sat down to wait...
 Even as riled up as those giants were I guess the big smoky fire and three dozen fish were more than they could pass up. That mob skidded to a halt smack-dab in the middle of my camp and a riot just about erupted over the fish that were smoking. The chase was forgotten as soon as they spied my fish all lined up neat as you please over that low smoky fire. It didn't take long for the fish to disappear and even the pile of fish guts and remains got squabbled over. Once the food was gone there was nothing left to do except destroy the camp and scatter all my stuff to the hells and back... My pack for the second time that day was brutally assaulted and left for dead...Unlike the Stag the Giants not only scattered it but threw a lot of it in the lake. My armor and shield went into the drink. Helmet went one-way and my sword the other. The box of apples I had stashed away was devoured, they even ate the  box it was in...and they even spent sometime skipping the cut gems I had across the surface of the lake, who would have thought Giants liked that kind of stuff? I did recover a few...only because they hit me instead of skipping into the deep water. One of the big oafs even dazed two of his cohorts with my gnomish lens...before it too went in the lake.
 The best part was when one of them actually ate the Adepts Stone I had. The blast rocked the camp and even blew some of the weeds from my disguise, I almost laughed...then the pieces started to rain down all around, big hunks of Giant. The head splashed down nearby and floated face up with a rather shocked look still on its face and I almost laughed again. The others recovered pretty fast for having one of their number unexpectedly detonate and leave quite a large mess behind. It was not long after the explosion they apparently became bored... (I mean really, how could you top THAT?)...and wandered back the way they came. I waited a few more minutes just to be sure, and when I was I washed off the muck and weeds.
 I spent the next hour or so trying to collect my stuff and see what I could find in the water. I got all the big items...armor, shield... I was not so lucky with most of the gems I'd just cut they were gone into the depths of the lake, payment for the fish I'd taken but would never eat.
 Surprisingly my pack had survived the second unprovoked attack of the day and with a little mending was good to go. I thought about trying to recoup my losses on the fish and do a bit more but I decided someone or something was telling me to 'move along, nothing to see here'...kind of reminds me of the time the healers removed that arrow and the watch was trying to get the onlookers to 'move along'.....


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2008, 06:52:41 pm »
My thumbs are returning to their original size and the nails have begun to grow back... (It's about time) For a while there I thought I was going to have to chew the minerals free, as my swollen thumbs made working the chisel easier said than done. After collecting, grinding and cutting what seem like tons of lesser minerals I was able to (and quite surprisingly) cut the few Fire Opals I had on hand. I am chalking that up to luck and not any skill of my own...but why look gift horses in the mouth?
 Cutting minerals free in the heat of the desert is not the greatest of pleasures, or to constantly look over ones shoulder for those pesky and surprisingly quite scorpions. The sand is another matter entirely. I feel as if I'm carting half the desert around with me. Every bend and fold hold sand, creases funnel sand from outside to inside and it tends to end up in rather irritating times I feel as if I have sand paper underclothes. I have taken to bathing in the sea by Spellgard for relief from the murderous heat and the maddeningly relentless rubbing and chafing of the sand. The seawater is cool but quite painful at first contact with the spots rubbed raw by the sand. If a few minutes of gritted teeth are all the cost required to have a bear free dip then I can not complain...too much, besides it gives me a chance to collect a few pearls as well.
 Even with all the work involved it gets rather boring collecting the stones for later cutting. There is little in the way of action in the area, I find myself going out of my way to look for a fight. The snakes and scorpions offer little challenge to the monotonous mining but Gnolls can be found not too far away. Not that they are more challenging but their numbers make it a more interesting fight...somewhat. Throw in a few Shamans and you have a bit of action to cut the boredom. Until I get better at cutting I guess I will have to just keep the Gnoll population in check.....Never thought I'd say I miss giants...


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2008, 05:19:24 pm »
Full circle, I guess so....
 Old ghost it seems don't just evaporate, they only seep deeper until the spring once again flows. It has been many years since I had these feelings, well before even my 'dealings' with Vymetal. Why have they come back...why now, and what do I do about them?
 I wish I knew what it was that ended them...well...suppressed them last time. Was it my time away, the minimal contact I had or something else? What ever it was I need it, not
 I have been a useful member of society for many years now, if this continues unabated I fear then it will change everything I have worked so hard to accomplish. There is a well-hidden rumbling deep within and I know what it wants... wants to claw its way out, tired of the darkness it wants to be free. Free of any restraint, any form of humanity, to be only what it is...what it must be. Once again my 'Balthazar suit' is beginning to come apart at the seams and I have no thread to lash them back together. It will get out, it must this has no choice.
 I was lucky in the past, my luck it would seem...has run out....


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #58 on: May 02, 2008, 02:25:28 pm »
Who would have thought just minding your own business would be so much damned trouble....
 I took a break from gem collecting and headed to Hemp to lighten my load. My first stop was of course Lati; I wanted to sell off any junk she would take...and maybe get a bit of conversation. (she looks like she might be softening to my dinner proposal) She took nearly everything I had, that was very helpful to lighten my pack and she did not rake me over the coals on price as usual. She is a very shrewd business lady... (and kinda cute too). With less junk and more clink on me I bee lined for the bank to deposit my hard won Trues. After being in the desert for nearly three weeks most of my canteens had begun to leak or split, I guess it had to do with the heat and brutal sun. I guess they shrank when dry and swelled a bit when I could refill them, the constant in and out must have weakened them to eventual failure. All the old ones went in the trash and I bought eight new long these will last is anyone's guess, seems quality gear is important...except to hold ones water...(Perhaps Dragon scale and Yew canteens might have a market?) Further investigation might be prudent, who to talk to is the question...tailors or woodworkers? (the pursuit of quality products is never a waste of time).
 I dumped out my new canteens; you never know just how long that water has been in there...I learned that lesson the hard way; I took a swig from a new canteen only to find that a skunk must have been bathing in the water before hand, it was truly awful stuff. Headed to the fountain for a refill I spied a few familiar faces loitering about, Ell, Fianon, Tim and Skully just to name a few. The last time I had seen Ell we had been discussing the complicated matter of flowers and the messages that they convey, be it intentionally or unintentionally. It seems she had really, really been thinking on what I had said and wanted more clarification on that particular subject. While doing my best the 'peanut gallery' opened up and soon the actual topic had been buried under tons of innuendo and good natured mockery... (all at my expense but I have plenty to spend!) At some point while this discussion was going on a powerful being arrived just out of my sight and apparently ignited some sort of conflict. Before I knew it everyone was running to the commotion... One was dead already, apparently cut down while trying to protect another from this 'woman' now standing before us. Skully, being Skully wanted to whoop her something fierce and once Skully gets going, good luck reigning him back in...
 Things came apart pretty fast at that point. I'm not even sure what words (if any) were exchanged beforehand, Skully did get a few hits in...before it all fell apart. Some heavy-duty spells were cast and boom I was dead...along with everyone else, right smack-dab in the middle of Hemp...
 There were many questions as to what had happened but my only was "Who the Hells was THAT!?"... I wanted to know so I could AVOID her in the future...
 // I crashed badly and had to log back in several minutes later, so I missed almost all of the later stuff...except getting killed! //
 The snippets of later conversation I could follow, (translated by Ell)....most of it was in the Elf language. It made me a bit angry that I could be killed for the 'cause' but not know what that 'cause' was... (I'll add it to the list of unknown 'causes' I've died for...) Feeling more like an outsider than anything else I soon departed, leaving them to talk and discuss whatever it was they felt need to be said...
 // I had crashed again...and decided to call it a night. //


Re: Balthazar Woll
« Reply #59 on: May 02, 2008, 04:02:17 pm »
* In hurried, almost scribbled writing*
 I woke this morning with Blueberry on my breath....I found dribs of what seem to be pie filling on my shirt....Apple Pie filling at that....What did I do last night? I have no recollection of anything to do with pies...where did the Blueberry breath come from....and what about the stains on my shirt... and now I find my skinning knife seems to have what looks suspiciously like raspberry filling on the blade....more evidence! I should get rid of the knife...but where? many did I ravage in the night? How many households will rise with the day to find they have lost a loved one...taken in the night by nothing more than a flitting shadow...stinking of Blueberries? Was I seen....will the guards arrive at my door any minute to haul me away in chains....
 They deserve it! Every single what was coming to long did they think I would remain unaware of their plans...their scheming...their treachery? Did they expect me to remain inactive while they progressed their plans further? NO! I say...I will fight them at every turn...every step along this path they have chosen will be littered with their remains...dripping and sticky with their fillings I will rage on...rage against them at every opportunity till none are left to carry on... They move through the shadows, I hear them scraping their pans along the stone...In the dark they watch, they plot....they gather.
 I WILL win...I MUST win...they cannot prevail....they must not be allowed to succeed....................

