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Author Topic: The last will of a knight - Lance Stargazer  (Read 335 times)

Lance Stargazer

The last will of a knight - Lance Stargazer
« on: August 23, 2009, 10:47:40 am »
**The neat writting of this letter is seemed to be taken with great care on its doing, the detail of every single character is taken with great care over the finelly crafted paper.*

[SIZE=24]The knight last will.[/SIZE]

I Lance Stargazer, or Lance Dragonbane hereby declare my last will on this piece of paper, in the case of my uttermost death, So all the affairs are arranged and no chaos would be spread over the mortal posesions that I held over my Life.

First and foremost, I have to say Thank you. My first material posesion and what I most apreciate, the will and this wonderful Feeling I have , The friendship, I've seen a lot of people over my years, And I can't say thank you enough to all the people who was with me on over this years for Good and worse. I'd be uingrateful to not to mention all of them .. I'd wish not to be such that, yet, I have to something good to speak about some of them speacially. Something that I know I have not told them , And I don't want to depart without saying it.

Chaynce Baldu'umur : My Brother in Arms. My oposite and eternal Rival, yet my closest and greatest friend, I know we have been away too much of late, but you are always in my toughts, Because you are the most stubborn people i 've met in my whole Life.  To you I leave ... My patience, In hopes you get well use of it. And Please make Milady Daniella happy.

Daniella Abigail Stormhaven The choosen, the champion the leader, but aside that my eternal friend and companion, how many things we lived together, how many foes we vanquished, To you i leave you: My quest for redemption: Hold the great leader high in your heart, and probably someday you'll understand what I feel or how I feel the path.

Tod Fellow .- One of my tests, But after all the great friend, I can only think fo yoiu and leave you my perseverance, you are a good man, but my you have such a knack to get in the wrong way, or to say the wrong thing, I know you hold no ill will, And because of that I bless you and wish you the best

Caerwyn Ahrail'lan .- My loyal Caerwyn, Always true to your own self, Always fighting that eternal struggle wiithin you, But true to me, in the end, I don't know about what brings such tribulations to your soul my friend, you life has not been easy, and you always shruged that alone, For you I've spared the peace of soul that I wish for you. And of course my full support for keeping the work you have been doing in the guild shop, I leave you my vote for seneschal of the guild.

Drexia Faison .- Milady Drexia, the kind soul, one of the most whole spirits this lands has met, I can't think in something apropiate to leave for you, your training has made you whole , always striving to do the right thing, and even after that, the woman I consider my friend, I could not leave you anything that you don't already have, just my thankfulness , And the hope you consider me as honorable in my dealings as I consider you.

Sil'via Serissa In'Darsus  Sil, at this moment of my life, I've found that Once you love someone the way I loved you , it simply can't stop doing it, you always had a place in my heart, but I am ashamed to admit that for years was not the most good one, But a knight shall strive to shun those feelings. To you I leave ... My forgiveness. We are now at peace Sil.

Galathea Arnaduillae The most worthy rival and friend i've had on years, I praise the dealings with you, Even at this very moment of Sadness, I hope my words of honor would be enough, To you i leave my respect, Since you've earned it whole heartly. Till wher we see on the fields of our gods, Till then have a wonderful life.

Argali Trueaxe .- The Heaartwarden, Another of the noblest souls on the realm, a caring soul inside the mighty defender body, Always ready for the battle and honorable in your dealings, To you I leave you, My secret stash of Audirian chocolate, your presence always cheer up my life and put a smile on my lips, I could not repay with other thing than that. But this is only a token, Since I could not see that smile again. Honored be you Haartwarden .

To the ORCBASHER GUILD My family outside the temple, to you i can't no other to leave my thanks, I've served with pride to be a member and seneschal of your ranks, Words would never suffice to thank you for all the teachings I've achieved with you, All the good and bad ends, All the bussines we made and all the people we helped, I cannot do other than say. It was my pleasure to serve you and wish you the best in the future:

Milady Tegan, Master Beli, Master Kurgin, Caerwyn , Abigail Firesteed, and our retired members  Serissa Winword, and Marcus

Friends amoung friends.

I could not finish this letter without this.

To my two greatest blessings, The moons of my nights.

[SIZE=24]Argos Stargazer :[/SIZE]
Beloved son, Know that your father is proud of you, and with my last breath I wish you the best, Take care of your mother, as you are the only one who can now, you are no longer a boy, you are a man that I am proud to call my son, Even with our diferences, I love you. I'd wish you but the best. I know i might not be the best father for you, But know that I tried the best i could, and eventually should have not done that bad, looking at the man you are now, you are bound to great things, To you I leave .. My redemption , you 've done that already, I free you from the burden your name carries,  To you i leave you My love and my honor.

have a wonderful life, And may the light of Toran shine always in your heart and soul.

And at last but not the least.

[SIZE=24]Iellwen [strike]Stargazer[/strike] :[/SIZE]

My love, My greatest test and my greatest blessing, for all the years of happiness you made me feel, for being my mortal support, the smile at the end of the day.

What  can I say to you that I have not told you now?  I am so happy for being able to share your life, and your love, I might not have been perfect, but know that I always stood true to you, I'd ask you an apology for the duties that forbid me to fullfill the promises I made to you. I give you my last name, Because to me you are my wife, The lady of my life, the one that I will always trully loved and will do. I cannot speak too high of you.

To you.- I leave All the blue roses in the world, All the smiles in the wind, All the sunshines that would fill your heart of joy, But above all I leave you my eternal thankfullness, for being you to me, For the ways you helped me to become the man I am, To you i leave my heart, you healed it anyway, so its yours for self right.

I'd wish you have a wonderful Life, that in time my passing would not bring more tribulations to your soul, I'd wish to be able to be better for you , to make you more happy, But It would be easy to say from the grave, isn't it?

With you at my side i felt I could reach for the sky, all what I have , All that its on my name. It goes to you. I'd ask you only for some things.

First . Don't forget the man who loved you, and how strong is the love he feels for you, I'll be watching for you whenever I am.

Second.- Give respect to Toran, I know it would not be easier, But please take in acout that the gods are not to be blamed on the actions of the mortals, If you sell some of the material things I've had, Please donate 10% to the cause of the church, I've always done that way, And I hope to fiinish my life that way.

Third .- Take care of our Argos, as you did with me all this years,  he is our most precious treasure, he deserves a lovely mother as you are.

I leave to you, All the my material possesions, The house in Leringard, all the things I've gathered in my travels, My journal to remember me, And the memories that nothing can take off us.

I hope with all my soul that I am able to see you when you decide to leave the world behind, Maybe there is a spot in heavens with a peaceful lake and a bed of blue and yellow roses, The grape juice serving with no end and the songs floating around, Maybe ...

I love you my dear Iellwen.

[SIZE=24]Lance Stargazer . Knight of Balance in Toran's service[/SIZE][/FONT]

**After the signature a strange family crest can be seenm described as a shield in white and black colors faceted in two with diagonal zigzag lines in the middle, the drawing of two eyes one in each side of the shield and a sunshine on the top of it

The letter finishes with a small detailed picture of some of them both and attached is the papers of the ownership of the house he has in Leringard*

// Credit to LC for the picture.
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