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Author Topic: Travels and Training: The Journal of Autumn Longbrancht  (Read 350 times)


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    Travels and Training: The Journal of Autumn Longbrancht
    « on: January 12, 2010, 03:10:02 pm »
    My first few days away from home have been interesting, to say the least. Most of my belongings were lost early in my journey away from home, but a kind man named Aarcus helped me out, and I was able to purchase the essentials I need for now. Since then, Aarcus and I have had some interesting adventures, killing an assortment of creatures that I had heard about from the elders, but never seen before myself. In my training, I excelled in archery, but shooting at targets that aren't trying to kill you is far easier than killing living (or, well, sort of living) things when you're scared for your life. Experience is an efficient teacher though, and my skills are already improving, which is exactly what I've hoped for. Aside from Aarcus, I've met a few other interesting people, I wish I could remember all of their names. I distinctly remember Aarcus' friend Alice. She's a tiny little thing, but strong! Aarcus and I also helped a small band of people in their travels, and by "helped," I mean Aarcus helped and I stayed back and tried to not get myself killed, though I was able to take a few shots at the monsters we encountered. Perhaps I'll soon be able to take down such creatures on my own, but for now, I have to remain cautious in my travels. The people I've met so far have all been friendly, but I know I can't trust everyone.


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      Re: Travels and Training: The Journal of Autumn Longbrancht
      « Reply #1 on: January 15, 2010, 05:48:39 pm »
      Lots more interesting adventures lately, and interesting people to go with them! I just wish I could remember all of their names.....I remember one of them didn't have a name; she was an orc, formerly a slave. She was a bit....unrefined....but she was able to put down enemies fast, and took great joy in doing so. She joined the band of folks I was traveling with at the time to head into the crypts at Vehl again. Myr, Leaf, Ragnar (Rangar? something like that...), Rory, and a few others were with us. I even got some compliments on my skill with a bow. I guess my skills are definitely improving then, though I more often find myself amazed at the abilities of the people I meet.

      Earlier there was a woman named Tyra with us. She's an interesting one. Not the most cordial woman I've met, but she seems to have a kind heart, and helps people, though she isn't nice to them. For example, I tagged along with her to help Myr take out some rats in a sewer. Myr was promptly renamed "Rat-Boy" by Tyra, though she helped keep us safe. She has an interesting way of appearing out of nowhere, and vanishing just as easily, and seems to know a lot about a lot of things.

      A few days before those adventures, I met a girl named Essa. She was very friendly, perhaps too friendly, but she seems to be a playful and happy soul, and she showed me around a bit and took me with her on a couple adventures, including showing me where to get aloe (which apparently entails fending off a large number of creatures that want to kill us).

      Probably the most fascinating person I've met so far though was a paladin of Aeridin who Aarcus and I accompanied into the crypts at Vehl. His mannerisms were very strange, and he seemed to speak in riddles most of the time. Something about him makes me uneasy, but a follower of Aeridin should be trustworthy.

      All in all, I'm feeling more confident in my abilities and my surroundings, especially since I've met so many people that have been kind and helpful to me. I know, however, that there is still much to learn.


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        Re: Travels and Training: The Journal of Autumn Longbrancht
        « Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 12:37:49 am »
        Met Myr's father recently. It's always interesting to meet the parents of people you know. Enzo (Myr's father) seemed happy to hear that his son has been keeping good company. He was a pleasant person to talk to, very kind and good natured. We share an affinity for bows and the color green. I also met Enzo's friend Plenarius, a fascinating person who was blessed with wings from Katia herself. Rory happened upon us and joined the conversation, as did a man named Lance, who reminded me a bit of Aarcus, both being Toranites and similar in appearance.

        Earlier I met a man named Ben Poetr. I wasn't sure what to make of him at first. Something just seemed off about him, though perhaps it was our location (just outside the sewers I mentioned awhile back) that was bothering me. He was kind to me, however, and gave me a bag with some very useful supplies in it. He mentioned being in a group called Angels, which I remembered Essa mentioning as well.


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          Re: Travels and Training: The Journal of Autumn Longbrancht
          « Reply #3 on: July 14, 2010, 04:45:52 pm »
          Autumn, when traveling through Dapplegreen, is stopped by an old friend. "Here, you left this at my house during your last stay." Autumn takes the leather-covered journal in her hands. "I forgot about this...."

          Clearly, it's been awhile since I've written in this journal! So much has happened, that I can't even remember it all to write it down! So, a summary:

          I have grown greatly in skill and training. I've traveled to many places and seen countless new things, and met many new friends.

          I was home in Dapplegreen for a long while to assist in archery lessons. Having heard of my adventures, some of the elders thought I would have some valuable insights for our young archers.

          I've acquired a new job of sorts. Tyra has somehow come upon a baby boy. I can't see Tyra having her own child, but I dare not ask how she ended up with it in her care. The "father" is Andrew Reid, a charming Ilsarian. I would not have expected the two to be a couple, seeming to be near opposites, but they are amusing to watch together. Andrew and Ty'riel (the boy in question) seem to bring out a softer side in Tyra that makes me smile.

          Ty (Ty'riel's nickname) is a toddler now, a bit over a year old. He's quite adorable, and oddly quiet for a human his age. He observes carefully though, and loves to explore things, which gets him into trouble from time to time.

          I also met Shiff, Tyra's father. He's quite the character. He's a "slice first, ask questions later" type of person. He definitely explains a lot about Tyra, or at least about her parenting style. I must give Tyra credit for trying, but she lacks the "common sense" in parenting that most people have. Tyra, however, does seem to have more sense than her father. Shiff, upon meeting Ty'riel, apparently gave the boy a great sword! Not a child sized great sword, a large adult sized great sword. Tyra and Andrew both agreed that the boy was not the have the sword until he was old enough and big enough to wield it properly.

          Oh, I forgot to mention, Tyra, Andrew, and I have relocated to Leringard. We were staying at Tyra's tower before.


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            Travels and Training: The Journal of Autumn Longbrancht
            « Reply #4 on: August 27, 2010, 02:57:49 pm »
            Andrew, Tyra, and I all finally got out of the temple for some running around. I met some new people, most interesting of which was Milo, who was on fire when I first saw him. I got in some archery practice in our travels. Enemy creatures are much more powerful here than they are back home.

            Speaking of "home," that's something that's come up in conversation a lot lately. Being so far north, I've been getting a lot of questions about my home, and if I'm homesick. I don't get homesick, probably because I've lived most of my life without really having a home. Of course, I'm always more comfortable in forests, but my home is really wherever I happen to be. I suppose on one hand, it's nice being free to come and go as I please, not being tied down to anything (aside from watching Ty'riel from time to time), but on the other hand, I wonder if I'll ever settle down and raise my own family like "normal" folks do.

